-;w ,i.y.tiatilfe.a 65 - -- iMMiWwrt .frwt ww -ft'-' Vrg Jwfe EBwwaiiiiiteaa wikjrl,l""BlWP'L" ' , ;.i,.l.asfe?iffij u 3n - .4' iuwuww''ir - I W - M THE RED" CLOtfi) CHIEF. A.'O. HOSMIff, Publisher. RED CLOUD, - NEllItASKA. CURRENT COMMENT. Mjis. Ci.KVr.i.ASH 1ms ncecptcil mem bership In tint Nntlonnl 1'ross lvnguc. Tiik ciunpnlgn expenses of Congress man O'Neill, of Massachusetts, were only $37. The onyx mines nt Ctivu Creek, Ariz., hnvo closed pending tarlft action by congress. Tliounironly 47 years old, Elizabeth Stuart lholr has been writing" for pub lication over thirty years. HcitKAFTKn no non-residents, oven though they nro soldiers, will bo al lowed to acquire lands as settlers in Oklahoma. Tiik Grand Trunk's now ocean steam rr line, and Canadian and English in terests in, American railroads, ore at tracting u good deal of attention. A CONFUTATION of the reported nt tempt to assassinate President Hip polyte, of Haytl, has been received Tlio would-bo assassins were shot. Miss Susan 1. Antiionv, of Koclicster, N. Y., the well-known woman's suffrage, advocate, hns been appointed manager of, the stato industrial school by Gov. Flower. A ciiAin in Egyptology at University college, Oxford, was founded by Miss Amelia Edwards by a provision in her will, and if will bo tilled by Prof. W. M. Flinders Petrio, who will enter upon his duties after the holidays. Tiik Alabama legislature Is consider ing u bill appropriating f 15,000 in addi tion to the SIO.'OOO already appropriated for the purpose of arranging an exhibit at the world's fair. None of it is to bo eoino payable until a like sum is raised by private subscription. Daniel II. CitANUU'.it, of Portland, We., who in 1803 "had ono of the best military bands in thoborvlec of the gov ernment, and is one of the oldest band masters In the country, lies neriously ill. In his selections and methods hu was considered a good deal of a musical reformer In his day. HlRiioi Paukt, of the Protestant Episcopal dloceso of Marylund iind tho District of Columbia, will soon have built a steamer which will bo fitted as a church. Tho boat will carry tho bishop and his assistants to tho oyster dredging grounds on Sunday, where services will be held. Ladv I'l.oitKNci: Dixbv, who Is an ex pert in the use of rod aud rifle, and who has done her share in shooting big game, has provoked the wrath of her sporting compatriots by denouncing fox hunting and rabbit coursing as wanton cruelty. She advocates tho substitution of Ue anisu bug. Pitop. Ciiaiu.es Skquahu has been lecturing in Philadelphia on the wick edness of that city und Iioston, and he pronounced the two cities worse than Purls. In tho modern Athens much 'in dlgnutlon Is felt, especially over tho In sinuation that Dr. Oliver Weinlcll Holmes Is u plnglartst. To get oven with Prof. Scquard the Iioston News wills him a "Kudynrd Kipling." Oxi: of tho charitable acts of Father Tlmo is tho tempering of tho mortal mind to tho culmiuution of life's errors. Poor Ferdinand do Lesseps, who de served to bear his honors to tho grave,' outlived the day when thexso who played ypon his name wore askctl to meet their accusers. Hut his impaired mind keeps him In Ignoranca of tho fact that the outraged public holds him jointly re sponsible for tho millions that were mulled from them in his name. ' Asnik Wilson Pattkhson, a native of Ireland, Is one of the few women who havo been given tho title of musical doctor. With the exception of tho princess of Wales, whoso title may bo supposed to bo partly, at least, compli mentary, Miss Patterson is the only woman bearing that title in tho British empire. She was graduated us bache lor of music from the Koyol Irish uni versity in 1887 also bachelor of urts, and Inl8b9 from tho Itoyal Irish acad emy us doctor of music. D. L. Kkkkiinol, a veteran of three wars and for over sixty years u cltl-' zcu of i Texas, died ut his homo in Uonuilca. He was 88 years old and a native of Holland,, but of Jewish parentage. In lb50 ho joined tho Mothodlst church. Ho was nt tho battle of Kan Jacinto, whoro Texas overthrew tho Mexicans under Snnta Ana, served in tho Mexican war and was four years in tho unny of tho confederacy. He loaves n vast fortune und UM) d(rect descendants. IIlLDRaAlUlK IlAWTIIOItNK, the eldest daughter ,of tho novelist and eldest grandchild of tho great Hawthorne, is a remarkably pretty, fresh faced girl who docs.not appour like tho intellect ual heir of .Tho Scarlet Letter," nor of "Garth;" Yet Uio probably deserves the distinction of being tho youngest contributor to our flrst-elas moulhlles. A wonderfully clever and Haw thornesquo sketch by her was pub lished in Harper's when its author liad bcurccly reached her eighteenth birth day. Political biography notes tliatwheu hu Is inuugurutcd next March Mr. Cleveland will hick but n few duys of being 30 years old, which is tho average nge of president on their accession. Tho oldest president wus Willlum Henry Harrison, who was 08; liuchnnuii wus e-1", Taylor, 05; Jackson und Adams, O'.'j Monroe, OUj Jefferson, Mndlson and J. . Aduins, 58; Honjamin Harrison, .10; Hayes, 4; Lincoln, fiS; Tyler and Ar thur, Al; Polk nnd Fillmore, 60; Garfield nd Pierce, 40; Cleveland, 48, and Grant, the youngest president, 47. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gleanod By Tolograpb and Mail. IT.llSONAIi AND FOMTIGAI.. An amended draft of Gladstone's homo rule bill has been submitted to the liberal ministry. Tiik Portuguese minister of war has resigned owing to the failure of the cab inet to agrco upon his promsed army reforms. Tho stability of tho cabinet was threatened. Tim crazy King Otlo, of llavarla, is rapidly growing worse. Aimr. JIknkiiil'tink Smith, who was well known In America, has died of pneumonia nt Home. Tiik populist members of tho Califor nia legislature hold the balance and they vow that they will never vole for cither n republican or a democrat. Gov. McKl.M.KV, of Ohio, called at tho White house recently nnd hnd a short Interview with tho president. Gov. Huchanan, of Tennessee, Is in dignant becnuso Supreme Judge Turnsy appointed a substitute for himself. Mn. Gladhtonk Is spoken of ns likely to be chosen for the orator nt tho open ing of tho world's fair. Excitkmknt was caused in the Span ish Cortes by Deputy Snlcrmou shout ing for tho republic when members were cheering for tho queen regent, Gkn. Hkniiv Ghav, one of tho fow sur viving prominent ex-confedcrates, died recently ut New Orleans, lie was close to Jefferson Davis and nearly defeated Judah P. llcnjumiu in running for tho United States senate in 18.V.I. It is assorted tit Washington that Hon. James G. Maine, hns been baptised into tho Catholic church by Cardinal Olbbons. Tiik llrltlsh garrison In Egypt Is to bo reduced. Siu John limiNAitn Itunui:, author of "Durke's Peerage," etc., died recently in Dublin. Tin: report that Mr. Illnlno has cm braced the Catholic fuith Is denied by his family. It Is said that Father Corrijrnn has spurned propositions made to him look ing to the dropping of the case against him. Tauiiknkck, tho populist chairman, ndvises populists whero they havo tho balance of power in legislatures to In sist on tho election of their own candi dates. Gkoimh: Goui.nhiis been elected presi dent of tho Manhattan Elevated road. J. Plerpont Morgnn will take an nctlvo part in tho managemcutof the company. Hon. Jamks J. Faiian, ono of tho for mer proprietors of tho Cincinnati En quirer, died, aged U!t years. Ministkiiial affairs in Franco ns sutnetl tin ncuto phaso again over tho Panama scandals. Tho new govern ment wus sustained by a bare majority. Aftkr a long illness Senator Gibson, of Louisiana, died ut Hot Springs, Ark Sin Phvck-Jonks, conservative mem ber of parliament, has been unseated for corrupt practices. Likut. Count Kknk k Skoonac, of tho French army, has been placed on tho retired list in consequence of his falluro to give u satisfactory account of tno Ueutu of Lieut, Paul Qulquerez, his companion in an exploring expedition on tho Ivory coast. Tuk emperor of China is preparing to secure a modification of tho Geary act PlIKfllDKNT-KLKCT CLF.VKLAKD denies that ho has offered tho secretary of stato portfolio to Senator Hill. Anciiuisiioi' Iiikland says that Mgr. Satolll has plenary powers nnd that opposition to him will bo opposition to tho pope and will uot be permitted. Col. A. C. Dawkh, for many years general passenger und ticket agent for tho Ilurllngton In Missouri, hns re signed and gono south for his health. August Ijiiio.N Luck, French his torian, is dead. Tiik bishops decided to select u coad jutor to Archbishop Kenrlck, at St. Louis, and forwarded three names to Home, lllshop Spuulding, of Peoria, Is believed to bo the first choice, lllshop Iturko was transferred to St. Joseph. Dubuque will be made an archicplsco pal bee. MI8CKIAAMEOU8. Tiik Alton has returned to the West ern Passenger association. Tiik body of Patrick Macadury, of Brooklyn, was found dend In tho grain on the arrival of n steamship at Glas gow. Ho was missed' during tho voy ugo and wus no doubt accidentally smothered. Tuk missing nntl-Catholle lecturer, Thomas F. Lynns, has turned up with out injury In Nebraska. Tiik Hell Telephone Co, has declared a regular dividend of 1 per share aud an extra dividend of f 3 per share, Tiik strike which was inaugurated among tho inolders ut the Fowler foundry of Pittsburgh, Pa., has been unsuccessful. Tiik Vanderbllt engineers succeeded in having their "grievances" redressed. Tiik Hrst section of tho Imperial rail way of China, twonty-llvo miles long, has been opened for trulllc. Haolky, tho express package thief, got two and u hulf years in tho Iowa penitentiary. Lii'man & Co., juto merchants of Dundee, bcotluud, have failed. Their liabilities amounted to tt!50t,000. Thu juto trude wus temporarily paralyzed. Tiik Southwestern Uullwuy and Steamship association has appointed a committee to act with other association committees in the. Interest of amending the law bo us to permit railroads to pool. Thk Union Pacifks passenger train was ditched nt lbtllvillu station neur Cheyenne, Wya, by a broken ralL Two persons had arms broken und ono u leg Kronen. Uoiikut Lono wns assessed 3,500 (liimugch inn court utllirminghaiiL Ala., for bteallng tho affections, of Mrs. J. DoWltt Hooe, a married wotnau. Huocjinh' crueller factory, Kausus City, Mo., burned recently. Many of tho women employes had narrow es capes, excitement being very great. Tho loss was 1M),000. It seems probable now that tho Kick apoo lands will bo thrown open to set tlement early next spring. C, A. Hknfon, tho murderer of Mrs. Mottman on tho reservation nt Fort Leavenworth, cheated the gallows after all. On tho morning of the 15th he murdorously assaulted his keeper with u butcher knife which ho had concealed in his shoe, stabbing himself uftcrwnrd, from the effect of which ho died in the evening. Hkhikhkntativk ANTituNt, of Texas, Introduced In the house ti bill repealing tho net of June 17, 1M0, granting pen slons to soldiers and to sailors and to widows, minor children nnd dependent parents of soldiers und sailors. Tho bill also provides that nil pensions granted under tho act be discontinued. Kosi: Com: hns renounced Judaism at Ikiltimorc, Mil., and become a Komuu Catholic to marry Nat Stnplctou. D. W. Ciunsrv, an American, has been assassinated by unknown parties ut Yorburls, near Durango, Mexico. Cot. Davidoff was murdered by un known nssasslus at Klcff, Uussla. Oalekiiuiio, 111., has electric cars. An aerolite weighing 40,000 pounds fell recently near Jltnlnez, Clilhuahun, Mexico. It ripped open a rock ns It fell and disclosed a rich vein of silver. Tin: supremo court of Ohio has ren dered a decision which makes thepuccn & Crescent system liable for half a mil lion of fraudulent stock issued by its secretary ten years ago. Tiik prevalence of croup has compelled the Sacred Heart academy ut Helena, Ark,, to temporarily chne. Tiik junior class at Lombard univers ity, Gulesburg, 111., is in revolt against Prof. O. Lee, one of the faculty. Shkiiiff Gkoiiok Hotz t In trouble at Alton, I1L, for "advlslnjf" juries un der his charge. An earthquake was reported at Athens, Greece. Tun Plucnlxvllle (Pa.) iron company lias reduced wages ten per cent Tiik evil of civilian interference in behalf of promotion of olllcers of the army lias lccomo so great as to call for legislative enactment Caft. II. D. Hoitul', who was recalled from Franco for spying on tho military establishment of that government, will be detailed for duty ut tho world's fair. ItKsiUKS the $.'15,000 stolen In two packages from Wells, Fargo & Co. In transit from New York to Texas, other amounts were also stolen, making tin aggregnte of (ir.3,000. There Is as yet no clew. Euoknk Cramfo.v, who murdered two men, was guillotined recently ut Paris. He begged plteously for life. Ciiahlkh K Lkssf.I'h and others con cerned In tho Panama scandals havo been arrested In France. Excitement was reported intense. Skciiktauy Noiii.k announces that there is plenty of money available to pay till pension demands. Tiik Mexican government will soon make pressing demands that the gov ernment of the United States take de cisive steps to crush out tho bands of revolutionists which Infest tho border. Ci.kaiiino house returns for tho week ended December 15 showed an uvcrago increase of 8.7 comparod with tho cor responding week of last year. In New York tho Incrcnso was 8.& The large shipments ot golil caused boiuo appre hension in trade. Tin: missing banker Post, of Taeoma, Wash., bus been traced to a steamship en routoto Europe. Wii.lik CiiKsiKitFir.t.n, nsred 13. wan dered away from homo tit Pratt City, Atu. a weeic utter ills body wus found In tho woods several miles away. Hu hud apparently died from exhaustion. Ai.riiKi) ltAKCKF.it, of Iletnschcld, in Rhenish Prussia, an imperial bank di rector, has been sentenced to three years' hard labor for forgery and em bezzlement ADDITIONAL DlSl'ATCUES. AT II bltr tiro In llrnnlclvn n mimluir of llremen were badly hurt by falling walls. TtlK Sentiment 111 Oltlllluiinn In vnrrr strong In favor of a local man for gov ernor. In the nubile schools nf rii.vi.lnnil O., tho examination system litis bceu none away witn. TiiKAHtiitKit NnnKKKit condemns the present methods of keeping account of the Issue of paper currency as unsatis factory. Coiii'I.ktk official returns from every stato on the presidential election show that Cleveland's plurality over Harrison was Sb0,lfi7. Roukkt Ukatty, charged with tho Homestead poisonings, was held for trial in the sum ot f.,000. Tiik supremo court of Indinnn has de cided that tho democratic gerrymander of 1800 is unconstitutional and that a new apportionment must bo mane. Twknty-fivi: Immigration Inspectors havo been dismissed! ulso u reduction bus been made in tho force tit Ellis Isl und. Tiik pension payments for tho first half of December lias been very large, amounting to ?8,Oj'J,000. Tho internal raven uo receipts for tho same fifteen days wore $7,072,000. A movkmknt to cheek heresy-hunting is developing In tho Presbyterian church. It is considered that grout in jury is done In cuscs like tho Hrlggs and Smith trials. Gov. Eaqlk, of Arkansas, has had a relapse. Nink sidewalk inspectors nt Chicago havo bcn "llred" for boodllng. A UUAVY flow of gas has boon discov ered in a well near St Mary's, O. A Kkadi.no coal mine at Pottsvllle, Pa., hus been aflro thirty-four years und Is now threatening adjoining mines. McKliniKN itPoi'i:, merchants, of Van Huron, Ark., have failed for ?00,000. Tii.ks&Co., pioneer dry goods nior chunts of FortiSmlth, Ark., havo fulled. Liabilities, $70,000; assets, M0.000. A mail pouch containing f'0,000 was stolen on the wuy from Fnirburjv 111., to Chicago. Mkxico'h congress upproved tho law granting concessions to Intending in vestors nnd munufaulurcrs. Anotiikii Homestead man Is dead, and his friends say ho wus u victim ut the poisoning plot Tin: mints of Mexico tire managed by private parties, who pay 1 per ceut to the government It is now proposed t cojn the money directly by the government. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. , Tho Heller Fund. Tho report of the state relief com mission has been sent to Gov. Hoyd. The state's relief has been extended to the people of thirty-six counties, and the number of people benefited together with the amount of money expended in each county Is shown below. It will be borne In mind that the figures which show that 101,000 persons were aided do not refer to separate Individuals. In other words, if ten persons were aided thrco separata tlhies the figures would show thirty persons in the aggregate. Tho tabulated statement below shows only tho amounts expended for fuel, clothing and provisions, but docs not show the money used for the purchase of grain for seed: I'ert'un Amount CoiiiiIi. ltdkidl. liiptmUd. Hamirr -lit l.lwiM Illnlno , fi.UJJ I,(V)3.tK Ilox lluttu I.VV mil llrcmn ,. t.i Chuo 5,01.1 S,3.V).(K Cherry 1,85.) 1,108.60 Cucyctuic 4,vM) s:ir,i Custer 10,541 O.A00.2J D.iwrs , us .llOl.'i ltawson -:,ow 2,a:nn Deuel.., 7,0-y :1,12a. 1 1 Uumly i 11,41. :t,J7I.IH Franklin 2AV I.VTJOO Frontier 10,73! 208101 Furnis 7.0.M) 0.1I.VIJ Clurlldd 4.32 i.uro'j; Oosper 3,0.7 1,'JII.SJ Harlnn 3,40.! '.I77.4) llnyes S.S17 J,H2.I7 Hltclicod: N,U7J a,;il7fl Hooker 1,(14 I, til 47 KrttlL 0.W.I 3,'J.'03tf Klmb.il! on Ml 50 Lincoln tO.C'Jt 7,0'f09 Logan 7,001 '.,7MII Loup 4 1Sil 1,713 M Mul'hcrson 5,370 1,51178 l'erltlns 0,4M 4,37353 Iteil Willow I.W 4.U9V52 scotts niurr i.'jn oilmi Shcrlilati :!8H l,49'.t.M) Slitrmnn 0.0.M 'J. 3.1V 3 1 Sioux ,4II COI.b'.' '1 lioimis 3,20.1 2,107.0) Vulloy 2,321 or.s; Wcbttcr 152 41310 Total 101,000 $SI,7i:0 4'i III uddltton to the above n large amount of money was. expended for seed grain. Taking the reports of tho county clerks as to tho acreage and yield of the several counties to which relief was extended, the commission estimates the following us tho cash value of tho grain raised from the seed furnished by the state: Wheat. 81,071, 'J18; com, $.i,r5l,415; barley, $!S7,:SSS; oats, $S0,05y; potatoes, $30,030. Total, 87,040,181. Mlxri'llti ii'iim, W1.V6IDK is to have u now bank, with ti capital stock of $20,000. Hkhman Polmi'.iiiik.v, a bachelor who resides on u farm near Hubbard, was awakened by n noise in his room tho other night, und opening ids eyes found himself confronted by two masked men with revolvers drawn. They tied his hands behind his buck with n leather strap and requested him to bring forth his money. Polmcrhen wont to his bureau drawer und gave them ubout $800 in silver and a bank check for sev eral hundred dollars. They refused to take tho check. They then left. It Is evident the thieves Intended to secure much booty, as Polmcrhen had told fifty head of hogs that day, but for tunately did not receive his pay. In his annual report to tho governor Dr. Howmnn, superintendent for tho stato hospital for the insane tit Lincoln, nsks for tho following appropriations: For now wing to building, $30,000; for rebuilding kitchen block und additions to general dining room, sleeping rooms and umttsemcut hull, etc, $JO,000; for new lee house und cold stortigo room, $3,500; for now system of locks, $500; for now roof to entire building, with iron cornice, $C,!J0O; for new boiler und pump house, $1,500; for fencing furm hinds, $1,000; for permanent fence, $l,000; for finishing basement, $2,000. Total, $HO,800. In addition to tho nlovo Superintendent llowmun asks for lnalnteuunco tho sum of $ltil,!!00. At a lute meeting of tho state board of educational lands and funds held in Lincoln for tho purpose of considering the alleged frauds perpetrated in the leasing of school hinds in Perkins coun ty, it satisfactorily appearing to the board that the several leases of school luiids In Perkins county, mudo by the county treasurer bf said county on the 25th of November. 1802, wcro not mudo in uccorduncc witli law, nor was tho interest of tho statu subserved thereby, and of right should be sot aside, it was resolved that each and all application for lease of the said school lands of Perkins county bo rejected nnd set tislde, nnd Hon, A. IL Humphrey, eom uiissioncr of public lauds und buildings, be Instructed to forthwith rendvertiso and lease said lauds in manner provided by law. Tin: report of thu superintendent of tho boys' industrial school states that during thu oxlstenco of the school H50 inmates have been received und 575 dis missed. Of thu nu in Iter dismissed the superintendent suvs that fully 8(1 per cent fcru conducting themselves in a uiuunur to reflect credit upon tho school. Tho uvorngo population of tho school approximates 225. Tho superintendent recommends the erection of u chapel, the purchase of a now dynamo und ti lurger engine for running the machin ery in tho laundry, printing office and iron und wood working departments. Superintendent Mullellctt also recom mends that the law should be umonded nuking 10 years the maximum ugo for commitment to tho school. His esti mate for tho expenses of maintaining the school for tho next two years Is $llil,710. Tho appropriation two years ago wus $1:17,743. Fi UK at Tobias tho other day destroyed the Musll building and its entire con tents. The ground floor was occupied by II. II. Cowgill as a general merchan dise storo and tho second story by Dr. J. II. Horland us a dentist's ofllcu und Hlrtun Townsund us a dwelling. The Townsend family barely escaped with their lives. f Wiut.u playing with an older brother at Nebraska City tho other duy the six-teemmonths'-old child of John Omaht mot with ft distressing uccidunt The children wjre playing with a pair of scissors, when they wcro dropped, tho sharp point ponetratlng tho llttlo glrl'a eye. destroying the sight CONGRESS. Conflmmcd Itrpnrt or the 1'roceedlnga of Until IfiiiiMt. Tuk xenate was In Rrsiton three hours on tho 12th nnd did but llttlo business. Tho nutl-op. Hon bill enmo up but wan laid over a day In or der to havo It correctly printed. Tho subject which occupied tr.oit of tho swilon wns Mr. Vest's Joint resolution for tho appointment of b comtnlMlcn to have nn nRreemcnt mndo with the lUoclt Hired tribes of Inl'ins for the taking oflindtlti ("cnerulty. nnd fiw opening tho re. tnnlndcr of the lands to white Rcttlctncnt Tho i11cumIo:i ns chiefly lxjtwccti Senators Vest nnd llcrry, who wcro both n?reeJ its to tho main object propoed. but who differed ut to omo statements of facts. Tho matter went ocr without nctlon ,, Tho session of tho houso was short, llttlo of Interest occurring except tho dramatic eplsodo which opened tho pro ceeding In tho cpontincous ouitloti tendered to Speaker Crisp mid Mr. Amos dimming' resolution to Investigate tho ullogcd mlsusoof the tmllx. In thoxenatoon tho inihtho Joint resolution for tho appointment of n lommlslon to malto nn ngrcL-tncut with tliolhn civilized tribes of Indlani for allotment of their liimls In hoi entity, und for opening tho Indian territory to settle ment, was discussed during tho morning hour, nnd then went oicr without nctlon. The unit option bill wns taken up and tho rest of tho dj s session wus occupied by Mr. George, of Mississippi. In ndv.ic.uly of that bill.... In tho homo u contest took place between the ways und means nnd tho unproprl.itlons committees ns to which should luwtlgnto tho treasury, which was won by tho former. Mostof tho day wai consumed in considering tho scnatu bill en larging tho provisions of tho net for ho dis tribution of the uwardt made under the con vention notween tho United .States nnd Mexico of the La Abru claims Other proceedings were utilmiHirtnnt. Tuk famous McOsrr.ihan claim occupied tho nttetitlou ol tho senate ou tho Nth up to 2 o'clock, when It went over, the question being upon the piinsigo of thn bill ocr tho presi dent's veto sent In nt thu late session. Mr. (Icoigethen continued his speech In favor ot tho nutl-optlon bill, lleforo his speech was concluded the bill was laid nslde, nnd Mr. Dan iel's resolution calling for Information on tho subject of tho ilvll service was taken up and agreed to. After n short exccutlvo session tho senate adjourned. ...In thu house, nfter ti brief debate, tho army appropriation bill irasscd Among tho other measures pjssed wus thu bill extending the provisions of tho nut for the Im mediate transportation of goods to Duluth, Minn Also u bill extending for ono year tho provisions ot tho nut authorizing tho construc tion of n bridge ucrosi tho fled river. Ad journed. IS tho senate on the ISth n strong prcentt. Hon In favor of tho claimant In thcMcUnrrahuu rase wus inulu by Mr. Ilunton, of Vlralnta. The chief point made by him wns that, nfter n hearing before President Lincoln. In w litrh both sides were represented by counsel, Mr. Lincoln Ind decided In support or tho claim nnd had directed tho Issuance of n patent, that tho patent was actually tilled out und lgned nnd that It was afterward, before Mcdnrr.ihan l.now of Its existence, mutilated In the land ofllcoof the Interior department. Mr Ucorjo brought to a close his three-day spec ill In favor if tho anit-nptlon bill, an 1 Mr. Wushburn madn n determlutd but fruitless effort to have a day next work llxed for n vote upon ft. 'lhe houso amendment to thu senate bill of last session extending to Duluth. Minn , tho privilege of tho llrst section of tho "Immediate transportation of dutiable poo Jn" net was presented nnd con curred In. 'lho Bcnato then went Into executive scshIoii nnd soon adjourned till Mond-iy.... Tho house agreed to u resolution for u holiday re cess from the Thursday before Christmas to tho Wednesday after Now Year. Tho bill au thorizing tho secretary ol tho treasury to cover Into tho treasury MS.seO of the appropriation for tho Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians passed. A bill wus passed to ratify and conllrm nn agreement with the Klckupoo Indians in Okla homa territory. Adjourned until Saturday. BANDITS OF THE SAHARA. Tim rntmrcc Mild to He the Worst or All Oririiiilx'il ItoliberM. Tho Tounregs ate the most formida ble bund of professional brigands In the worjtl. They occupy the entlro cen tral part of the Sahara, from (Ihudnmes ou the north to Tlinbttctoo on the south. It is impossible to give tin ap proximate idea of their numbzr.s. Dr. Hupun estimates the population of the entlro Sahara tit !!,n0D,u00, and it h probable that tho twenty-six sub families of thu great tribe of the Tounr egs number nt least -100,01)1) souls. All tho trade routes from Algeria and Tunis, nnd some of those from Morocco nnd Tripoli, pass through their terri tory. It was theso fanatical nomads who murdered Miss Tlnne, tho hand t.oinc young heiress of Holland, whose devotion to the cuuse of discovery led to her tragical fate In the desert. Tho Tounregs murdered the entire Flatters expedition. They killed u half dozen Cut holla priests who were toiling across tho desert to found missions in tlto Soudan. Lieut l'nlttt, ami, a llttlo later, Camille Dotils, both of whom were undertaking tho hazardous jour ney to Tlinbttctoo, met death by vlo leneo in tho Touareg country. Ilut their hand Is turned no more against the whites than tigalnst every traveler in their land who hns plunder worth bulzing. ' The Central Sahara is a land where violence is supreme, wliero treachery is the only law. Not ono of the murder ers of white travelers has been pun ished, llrncst Mcrciur und M. I.o Chut ellcr havo graphically described the reign of terror In this irreat region. Many thousands of Arabs or Arnb-Hcr-bers, who live by catnol raising, spend their lives In the Touareg country or urotiud Its borders. They guard their herds with arms In their hands, but very often the gunrds are killed by u Midden descunt of Tounregs, and tho herds nro driven away to enrich tho bandit camps. Only those Arab tribes ure safe that pay heavy blackmail to be lot alone. Trading caravans are al ways ou tho lookout for black specks on thu horizon that may indicate tho approach of the desert pirates. As soon us a suspected group appears In tho distance the camels nro collected nnd made to lie down, tho goods ure piled up behind thorn, und inside this double rampart tho traders open fire when tho enemy comes within range. More titan half the tbjiG tho Tounregs win tho day, and ther booty that falls to them they regard as tin ample recom pense for tho losses they sustain. St Louis Globe-Democrat Letter or tho l.uvv. Hoy (on a bridge) Say, inlstor, If yon don't look out you'll bo fined. Tennibter-Why will IV Hoy-That blgu bays "Walk your horses," don't It? Teamster Jcsso, Hoy Well, yours are standing still. Good News- .Iiierniillslle Item. Smith I see tho dispatches htate that the king of llavarla is a bankrupt Mrs. Smith Tltut's too bad. How ldid,lt happen? . Smith I "don't know. I hiipposo ho started u newspaper. Toxas Sifting llf dp .Urn. Anna Snthcrtautt Kalamazoo, Mich., had swellings In thoncck.or- Goitre S.h0craS 40 Years. grout suffering. When she caught cold could not walk two blocks without fainting. She took Hood's Sarsaparilla And ts now f reo from It nil. Sho has urged, many others to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla and , they havo nlso been cured. It w 111 do you good. HOOO'S PILLS' Caro nil Liver Ills, Jaundice, . Mck hendncbe. biliousness, (our ttonisch, ntutca. , 'August Flower" "One of my neighbors, M John . Gilbert, hns been sick for a long time. All thought himpastrccovery. He was horribly emaciated from the inaction of his liver nnd kidneys. It is difficult to describe his appear ance and the miserable state of his health at that time. Help from any source seemed impossible. He tried your August Flower and the effect upon him was magical. It restored him to perfect health to the great astonishment of his family and frieuds." JohuQuibell, Holt, Out. . JAY GOULD. After all Jay Gould died of con sumption. The doctors said he had neuralgia and Jay offered a million of dollars to any one who would . . cure him of his trouble. It turned out that he did not have neuralgia at all, but simply consumption. Don't you make this same mistake. If you feel that your lungs are weak or that you are subject td colds and coughs, or if your throat be sore and tender, get a bottle of Rcid's German Cough and Kidney Cure i fc, and take it freely. It contains no-- poison and it is the only cough remedy on the markdt that minis ters to all of the excretory organs. The small bottles cost twenty-five cents, large size fifty cents. Every druggist has it. SYLVAN REMEDY CO., Peoria.lll. TWlliaffeHjafgayil-.THIM llr. Riill's Rniiorh Swrun "A11 "' is' ti MMit v wuHgii vjiu rosfo lor sac. BileBe&ns Small Guaranteed to cum Plllous Attacks, flick, rtendacho aud CoiiMlltuiln. 40 in each, bottle, l'rlco 23c. For tulu by druggists 1'lutura "7, IT, 70" aud (ample doso ln. J. F. SMITH A CO., Prplttors. NEW YORK. yis. Catarrh CREAM BALM It h wonderful how qutchlu Kj'ii Clim Halmiaihtljyd and cured mt. Fornwttb at a time I could uot $te. Imffeml fwm acute iiylamintitl.n inmu note ami fiuul. Mm. Gtnrale S. Jiul. $on, llartfonl, Conn. NAV" FEVER ..''V, tl0.,'.' "J,,.,lu'd Into each nostril and ! "V? v"; 'iV,v fft'ift1 W'5Bt f "KBl'ti or hjr mull. KLV llltDTlUUlS, Ml Wnrreu Street, Now York. ?? ?0S?,?11; ? cBh. Croup, Bora Throat.' Scldby oil DruggUu on a Gumntet. ITHEttfRiciiSy A rftniAfltr witrU If used by Wive nbouttooxperlenco tho painful ordeal attendant upon Child-birth, proven nn Infalliblo upccl- iiuior,aimobTites tho torturei of con finement, liwonlni; tno dangers thereof to both mothor anil child, told by nil dnigglsto. Bentby CMiru on receipt of price, eiM jmr iottle,cnarGC3pro- .SB" "ZJ HADriELD REGULATOR CO.,' ATUNTA. (U. l'M4U. MS tasiiYSB BSSSBIkJ. CURE; H BylPaMtjil 9iifdkNifitJr,-&fl 1 Ml tf-&i i.iPj1ii': . :K1&V.. HMfasiflSfcS.il Jtft.; . mmm&i " u ww-wHteiwi