The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 16, 1892, Image 9

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i- SrJTaJ
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Ml ai ljlflUMiWw
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Origin of the StIihc
The awing, so dear to children, can
lw traced back to the festivals which
took pltieo hi Pagan days In honor of
ltacchus, when little figures were hung
on trees, nnd were supposed to bring
blessings on tlio ground us they swayed
to nnd fro rocked by tho wind. Tho
reason of this custom Is explained by
the fable of Icarius receiving lUieehus
in Attica, and tho. god was so grateful
to him that ho taught him tho nrt of
making wine. Icarius then gave BOtno
of tho wino to his peasants, nnd, ns they
became Intoxicated, their friends, think
ing that Icarius had poisoned them,
killed him In their fury. Icarius' daugh
ter, trigone, went in search of Icarius,
and his body was found bj; means of his
faithful dog Moern, who kept watch
over tlte spot where the body was
buried. Krigone in her despair hanged
hcrsuff on a tree, and was changed Into
the constellation Virgo. Icarius wan
changed into the star Uooles, and thu
dog into the star Cnnls. Yankee Itlnde.
An (lli.lrctliili.
Charley Seeaman There Is one fatal
objection to a one-act play.
"What is if.'"
Charley Sccntunn You can't go out
between it Puck.
"Hon- I AVrotc Den Ilur,"
tolil by dun Lew Walliico, Is onu scrap from
tliu voluminous and superb proraiuiun of
emlnuiit writers tuul intorestlug nrtlclcs
wtili-h Ihc VimOi' Coinpan on announces.
It retains Its place in MO.UOO families by tho
versatility mid tho liiBtructlvenesu of Its
fotioral articles, tho liltflt diameter of ull
it stories, tlio bi'lclitne.B of Us llluBtra
tlnii3. Then it comes every week, und one
pets u great ileal for 81.7.1 u year. Tlio price
rcntatouue will entitle ynu to tho paper to
Jan. IfcOI. Address Tin: Youtii'h Comi'AN
ion, Huston, .Mass.
It's hard to say wlint tho politics of tho
man in the tnoiii are. Boinethnes tlio moon
Is wet anil sometimes It's dry. Thou, iiiiulu,
it Is periodically full -N. Y. World.
" that In OnrflcldTea you liavo
n'n unfailing rnnicdy for Indigestion, Hick
llentlnclie, uud nvcry nttcudtug 111 that an
abused stoimich can make you suiter. Kvcry
urngglit sellH it SKc, M)c, and f 1.00."
At a natural history examination "What
Is thonulnml capablo of tlio closest attach
ment to maul" "Tho leech." London
Fon Coughs and Throat troubles uso
UitowN's liitoNcm.w. Tiiociir.s. "Thev stop
nu iittnclc of inyiisthmaconpli very prompt
ly." C. i'.ilfi, Miamivitlc, Ohio.
''1 am very popular," said tho chrysan
themum. "Nearly every man that sees mo
wants to buitontiolo mo." Washington
Tim Orlj) of Pneumonia may lo warded oft
with Hiilo's Hoinw of Horchoumt anil Tar.
Pilio'sToothaehoDrups Cure in one minute.
Most mon llho to sco themselves la print,
but women don't; they prefer silk or satin,
Texas Sittings.
K. K. Conuitv, Mcr., Clarlo RcnU. writes:
"I llnii Hall's Cuturrh Cure a valuablo romc
dy." Druggists sell It, 75c '
A tiiii'.p Is generally distant in his man
ner If ho suspects an ofllccr Is ufter him.
Hlnclintnton Republican.
A nnsTAfiiAXT mutton-chop never looks
half so sheepish as tlio waiter who serves
the micrusuoplo objoot.
Till ilnn-wlm iiifiA lit frill la 1IV tnnrtv
ebutoi's ho never readies his conclusion.
all tho peculiar troubles that beset a wo
man, Tho only nuarantced remedy for them
Is Dr. Plerco's Favorite Prescription. For
women' suffering from any chronic "femalo
complaint" or weakness; for women who aro
run-down nnd overworked; for women ex
pecting to become mothers, and for mothers
who aro nursing apd exhausted; nt tho
chango from girlhood to womanHood; and
later, at tho critical "chango of lifo" it
Is a modiclno that wifely and certainly builds
up, strengthens, regulates, and cures.
If It doesn't, if it orcn falb to benefit ex
cure, you havo your money back.
"Vliat you nro Buro of, If yon uso Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy, is either n per
fect and permanent euro for your Ca
tarrh, no matter how bnd your caso may
be, or S.00 in cash. Tlio proprietors of
tho medicine promlso to pay you tho
money, if they can't euro you.
Driving the Brain
at tuc expense
of the Body.
While we drive
the brain we
must build up
the body. Ex
ercise, pure air
foods that
make healthy flesh refreshing
sleep such arc' methods. When
loss of flesh, strength and nerve
become apparent your physician
will doubtless tell you that the
quickest builder of all three is
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil, which not only
creates flesh of and in itself, but
stimulates the appetite for other
I'mparad by Scott & Dawn. N T. All dratuM.
pw Bwocl?-
I had a malignant breaking cut on my leg
below tho knee, and wascutedsound and well
with two and a half Julra of &3LSEI
n.i.rrMnn-1 ncdlclncahad failed WUBBM
to do ma anv Eood. WA C. Ueaty,
I wan troubled from cMldJio;)ilwlth nnns;
rnvnteii onsooi 'Aotter.nno. iiireu u"1" "
&SPS"M tlunvUle.I.T.
Our hoo! on Jllooil and Bkin DlP0r9 malic
uo. evin:ri:cu'wC0. Atlanta, fca.
The Ontclnl Count From ThlrtytifD Ntatof
How ttie Klcctornl C'olloo Will Mmid
Thcofllcial returns from 'thirty two
of the forty-four states give tho follow
ing figures:
Q S 2
S p
STATUS. g. & g
& P ?.
: ii
ArkiUl.8 ....... 8.MiT IC..W UlTPM)
Cnllfornlu. ...... illl7.7ll 117.0.1 Will
Colorado CW.WI SifiU ll.WP
Connecticut t .".A
Delaware HUM IHihJ? l.lnOll
I-'lorlttt ."W.I34 1I 84:. S.V.'JI1
OrorsU'iO ii,3fi 8I.W1U
IlllnoU Ktf rw,4()l '.1M0.U
Indiana stviT.t) t!n, iwil)
IolMl IW.IOj 2IK.W.1 IXMilt
Knnas... CHU.S.M I.S7.0.I7 MV-1
Kentucky I7A.4H UV4J0 4U,lWll)
I.ouInna .. b'.i),Ml 0I,8.V1I)
Mnlmi 4H.OI4 ll.',0fll I4,l7lt
Maryland ll:VM W.7J8 l.l."WU
MassACllUfCttS 170,613 SlK.814 V0.0JIU
Minnesota .. . 1W.57B lK.tad S.',lfU
Mtslnslnpt .
Missouri SMfiZS ir.'ll,7lli 4l,hl51D
Montami....4... 47. W") le.PU I.3UU
NebrAlta i'1,013 Hf.2.7 bflV-'HIll
N'evmU, !::.
New HainnHhlro 4'.',07S 4 OAS .1,501:
New.ti'rsov ... I7I.0U IM,l'T8 M.fc'JII)
New York W3.9JU COS'JJO 45,li;ol)
North Carolina.
North Dakolo... I7..V.7 17.401 nfll
v.hlo 4JI.U5 4115.1B7 1,07211
I'ennsylvan'laV." "Vvj'sii'l ""'Mc'.oil ".'.717K
Uhoilelsliind... ifl.ODD SI, 113 '-7Jlll
South Carolina 64,0ys l.l,v8l 4I.3IID
South U.iltota i,-,A;ti
Tennessee 130,477 W.073 37.10ID
Toxntitt . n. tt. -
Vennonl I0..TO 37.WJ SI,4M7It
Virginia 163,1)77 113,-i 6J.7i.'I)
Wushlncton .... Sd.ttt! 30,401 0,53911
West VlrRlnta
a Avernfic, two fuslonlstn clrctoit. b l u
Blon ticket In Held. c-Kuslonlsts won, no
ClevelRUd electors, d on6 ijleetor a
republican, o Aera(?c, ono elector a demo
crat. Tho I'.lertiiriil Viito.
The electoral tablu us revised nnd
corrected up to date from nlllciiil re
turns' by tho heeretnrles of states Is us
BTATl'.S. 2 E Zn
'. I s i 1
i n o :
Alabama H "
Arliunsis 8 8
Calllnralu 0 1 ;
Colorado , 4
Connecticut 6 0
Delaware., 3 , 3
Florida 4 4
UeorKta 13 13
Idaho ... 3
Illinois Si !J
Indiana 1A 1&
Iowa 1.1 .... 13
Kuimas i 1 0 1u
Kentucky 13 13
l.oulMnna 8 8
Milnp C 0
Mnryland t 8
MiiMichUHCUS 15.... 15
Mlchlsan...., 6 0.... 14
MlnnfKota. ,. ... 0
Mississippi U 0
MIsHOUrl i 17 '17
Montana " -..- s
Nebraska.. 8....' 8
Nevada i 3 3
Now Hampshire ..
NowJerey 1 10
New York 30 30
North Carolina 11 11
NorlhDukoU 1 , 2 3
Ohio 1 SS .... 23
Oregon 4.... 4
Pennsylvania 3J .... 33
Ithodclslaml 4.... 4
South Carolina V 8
South Dakota 4..,. 4
Tennessee 1" , 13
Tcxns 15 15
Vermoat 4 ... 4
VlrKlnl K 13
Washington 4 .... 4
West Virginia fl 0
Wisconsin. IS 12
Wyoming M
Totnl V7ll 117 18 414
'Official rcturaN not mndc.
lttsult not post-
tlvely decided.
An Amicrllo'i That It Was Not lliiimlmous
on tin- Knelt Isluuil Kyatnin.
Kansas Citv, Mo., Dec. 0. Tlio
Strike of telegraphers on the Chicago,
Rock Island & Pacific railway was not
Inaugurated yesterday with tko unan
imity and force which Chief Itatnsey ex
pected when he Bent tho telegram or
dering tho men out Wednesday night.
Tho strike order was effective at 10
o'clock yesterday morning, but reports
indicate that it fell far short of general
observance, even nmoug tho members
of the Order of Railway Telegraphers
which Is strong on tho entire system.
On tho lines from tho Missouri river to
Denver a small percent, of men left their
eys und in many Instances their places
wero promptly filled, the company hav
ing taken precaution to liuvo operators
within reach. On tho Iowa divisions
tho order was more generally observed.
Tho company declares that It has suf
fered no Interruption of trulllc boyond
whut the recent blizzard caused.
(ioddurd Won,
Co.nuv Island, K. V Dec. 0. Tho
battle between Joo Goddard, of Austra
lia, and Peter Maher, of Ireland, win
fought in tho Coney Island Athletic
club last night in tho preseueo of 8,000
men. It was won by Goddard in tho
third round, when he knocked his un
tugonist completely out
The scene fci tho big hall before tho
preliminary bouts wero begun wns
most enlivening. Desplto thu unpleas
ant weather the building was crowded
and every circle of sporting life wns
represented. Llutranco of every tighter
or sporting ninn was greoted with en
thusiasm. Jim Hall and l-'ltzsimmons
caino in for thu most applause when
they came.
To I.Imlt Tensions.
Wabiiinoton, Dec. 0. Representative
Caruth, of Kentucky, introduced tlio
following bill: "That no pensioner,
now or hereafter In tho servico of tho
United States, shall bo entitled to draw
a pension for any period of time during
which he is or shall bo entitled to tho
full pay or salary which au able bodied
person, discharging like duties to tho
government, is nllowed by law."
1'rnllU uf Smuggling.
PonT Tow.nskkd, Wush., Doc .
Charles Johnson, Into master of tho
llritisli smuggling schooner Uulcyon,
which, wns seized and sold a few days
ago, says that the vessel is being elab
orately reiltted for smuggling ventures
next season. lie said tho owners of tho
vessel realised M0,000 profit out of onu
voyugo last August. Tlio llrltish
schooner Cornelius sailed from Victoria,
R. C, Friday last with sixty Chinese
for southern Oregon or northern Call-
jtststri rMiif MMwi 4iii'iOMHtr in i-i it i tt .
has oritemf rovenuo cutter 'to imtrol
uiu count unuuvcry ciiort iuauo tu kuV'
turo the vosscl.
Itctl C'etlnr rrnrcn n (looil Kxtariutnntor
uf tlio Inct
"A fow years ago, whllo'UTTnff iita,
Long' Island .cotinge," writes a Corre
spondent, "I dlscovorod my writing
desk wns inhabited by u colouy of largo
black ants. This discovery gavo mo
great pleasure at ttho time, for 1 was
dull and headachy from overwork, nnd
was thankful for any amusing or 'Inter
esting diversion.
"I had been steadily writing for some
jtime, nnd had flna ly pnused for n jrost
from continuous thought, and was idly
tracing on a scrap of paper, when, to
my surprise, 1 saw it large black ant
make his appearance from behind n pile
of papers and follow my pen.
"I was atlll more surprised to sco
that he was drinking tho Ink. Ho fol
lowed every movement of tho pen, and
was soon joined by a half dozen more,
when I learned that for ants, at least,
Ink was a sort of champagne dissipa
tion, for after getting a certain quan
tity they began a series Of. tho most
amusing antics, showing plainly that
the ink had for them an intoxicant
qunlity. After their' ludicrous liveli
ness came a stupor, when they lay
curled up in little round balls wherever;
they happened to fall. '
"Heing suddenly called ftwny, I
brushed them In a littlo heap and
pushed them in n corner of tlio desk,
closing tho lid.' It was several days be
fore I opened tho desk again, and not
nu ant was to V seen, though 1 moved
papers and boxes looking for them, but
ns soon ns tho scratching of tho pen le
gan they caino hurrying nut nnd fol
lowed in1 a most amazing procession
over the paper, ngain going through all.
tho different stages of intoxication.
Heing unusually busy with my pen, I
now and then pushed them aside, until
In their last stago of stupor thoy censed
to bo troublesome. This sort of neigh
borllness between myself nnd tho nuts
continued for several months, whon,
moving to n different house in tlio same
neighborhood, I made up my mind that
the ants would desert tho desk, if not
able for some titno to hnvo their ink
diet. Hut when tho houso was in order
nnd the desk ngain opened they came
out as lively as over, evidently rejoicing
at the opening of tho season. Hut tho
numbers having increased to such an
extent that they wero often wen on tho
lioors of other rooms, extermination
wns declared a necessity.
"Among tho various remedies sug
gested as 'infallible' was 'red cedar,'
and pnssing by n boatyard where tho
men wero planing planks of this fra
grant wood, I gathered a f'w of tho
. shavings nnd put them among my
papors and tho drawers in my desk, in
' fact every nook which might servo ns a
hiding plnco for my urmy of midgets.
"It so happened after this that my
desk was closed for many days, and In
the stress of moro important matter I
quite forgot the ants, nnd when I next
sat at my writing was so absorbed in
my work that I did not for n while
notice their absence until n little pleco
of shaving recalled my merry little
topers and I began a search in their
hiding places.
"I had nearly overturned everything
unsuccessfully until I lifted a pile of
old letters and found a box which had
once held pens filled to the top with
dead ants. Not ono was to bo found
olsewhere, and I began to wonder over
the puzzle. Did they go in a body to
escape tho deadly effect of tho cedar or
did they select this as a mausoleum
and the survivors carry the dead there
until tho last ono wns left alono to seek
shelter with his silent companions?
"Not nn nnt was discovered anywhere
else, and though all this happened six
years ago, no moro have come. So if
nny render hears a housekeeper bewail
ing the arrival of theso tiny pests just
recommend red cedar. It is surely ef
fective. "Carpenters say that tho presence of
black ants in a houso deuotes decayed
wood, and if rcpnira aro mado that will
cause them to leave. In tearing tlown
an old house one of tho workmen struck
n portion of wood a heavy blow, and in
demolishing by its forco n number of
ants a most irritating and poisonous
liquid wns expelled into his eyes, and
tho man was almost maddened with
pain, and for several days it was feared
he would loso his sight
"There Is no crcaturo so small or in
significant as to bo without interest,
and even' the pesUf have elements whloh
acarcful study -can make attractive.
N. Y. Times! , ,
CATTLK-IIcstbeoves.,,, ,:! W di 4 W
I - Slookert. .............. 200 4i 3 55
Native tows I ftt 3 10
IIOC1S Oood to choice heavy
4 50 & 0 30
W1IKAT No. -' red
No. 3 hard
CORN-No 3mlxod
OATS-No. S mixed
1'I.OUJl-Patent, it-r sack
ay,it 0.1
5fia 6a
13 41 31
47 T 47i
&a 10
I& a 03
a 8 50
it 7 50
8ft CO
m so
(it 2J
I 75
ffl 4 0)
3 15
CI 0 50
CJfi 00
a 3 30
1 W
HAY Choice timothy 7 50
Fancy prairie ON)
nitAN,v , 50
HUlTKR-Choico creamery.... 21
CIIKUriU-I'iiU Cream II
KGOS-Cholco -M
l'OTATOISa ....... 05
CATTI.K- Fair natives 3 50
Toxun-j , 3 31
HOtJS-IIeavy'. "4 SO
8HKEP Fair to choice 4 00
FLOUK-Cholco 3 J
WHKAT-No.2 red. ... 08
COUN-No. 8 mixed
OATS -No. 3 mixed 33
IIYK-No.3 . 47
BUTJ'KK-Croamery 17
I,AirK Western steam 0 35
Ct 0.1)
14 50
GH 75
OATTLE-lrlmo to extra 4 7
Jioas-Uncklngandahlpptrur.. 4 W
SUEKP Pulr to choice 4 W
FLOUlt-Wlntor whoat 3 50
WIIKAT-No Urn! 7i
Ci 5 53
0 23
5 50
4 0)
COHN-No. 8 ,,..,
OATS-No. 2 .,....,.
ma 4isi
3J :w4
4 401',
iu im .aj-'i
J.AU!) DM 6A0M
POHK II 3V C$11 N)
CATTr.K Nattvo stem., 3 0.) iJTi 6 51
noas-Good to choice 5 :o c&vm
I-T'OUU-Oood hi ihulco,, 4 15 4(4 as
Wlli:.T-No. 2 red 76U-A THi;
COKN No. '.'... I.,, , i W & 5lu
K)UIC-Mcss U 74 (310 CO
Do You Wish
the Finest Bread
and Cake?
It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is
the purest and strongest of all the baking powders.
The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweet
est, most delicious food. The strongest baking pow
der makes the lightest food.
That baking powder which is both purest and
strongest makes the most digestible and whplcsomc
Why should not every housekeeper avail herself
of the baking powder which will give her the best
food with the least trouble ?
Avoid nil baking powders sold with a gift
or prize, or at a lowor prico than tho Royal,
as thoy invariably contain alum, limo or sul
phuric acid, and render tho food unwholesome.
Certain protection from alum baking powders can
be had by declining to accept any substitute for the
Royal, which is absolutely pure.
"I am IncIltiPil to think." salt) this pic;
which li.ul been taken In n!T thu ianttiri,
"that thu pun In fur hotter than tlio sward."
Indianapolis Journal.
"What havo. von In that littlo box, Jtr.
Mulli'i-C "A h.uulful of hair; a uieiiiunto
of tny Intn wlta" "Jltit otir wlfo hail not
blondo lialrl" "No, hut 1 hail."
Ati,nt, On , KovcmhorSI, lh'J2.
Mosrs. I'M I tors: My hoii, William, was,
In isvi, vutlii'ly curoil of catieer uf tlio
mouth, which haiU-auseil him much pain ami
MiftVrini;, hy H. H, H. lly luhicouf plijHi
clans, who woro utiatilo to i-clluva liiiti, au
ouutatloii wax perlnrnioil, extenillnir to tho
jawbone (wlilcli they serupeil). but I ho can
cer loturuoil shortly after, and commenced
fjrnw Inir rapidly. Kliuilly, aTter trylnc many
other remi'dlei. 1 cotumetii-eil to kivu blm
K. S. S ,iuiil w. Ill tlio scooml liotUolioliogiiti
to improve', after suveu bottles hnil been
talion. the cancer disappeared entirely, and
though six years bavu elapsed, there has
been no icturn.
Mv boy is now thirteen years old, In pood
health, and I have every reason to bolinvo
Is permanently cured of tho cancer and his
euro In duo entirely to B. 8. H.
J. It. Mcniiocic,
P3 Factory Ht, Atlanta, Ga.
"Qi-iciCMi.vKit in nrm," Is a recent an
nouncement. Tho mercurial metal must
have strangely changed charuotcr In theso
piping times.
Foil Indigestion, constlpntlnn, sick head
ni'ho, weak stomuch, disordered liver tako
lkcchuiu'B Tills. For sulo by nil drtigglsU.
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasaut
and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts
gently yet promptly ou tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches aud fevers nud cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
onlv remedy ot its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
ccptahlo to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agrccabro substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all And havo made it the most
popular remedy known.
By r up of Figs is for enlo in 50o
and tl bottles by all leading drug
gists.. Any rcliablo druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Judgr J. B. Hiix, ofthe Suppnor
Court, Walker county, Georgia,
thinks enough of German Syrup to
seud us voluntarily a strong letter
endorsing it, When men of rank
and education thus use and recom
mend an article, what they say is
worth the attention of the public.
It is above suspicion. ' ' I have used
your German Syrup," hesays, "for
my Coughs and Colds on the Throat
and Iungs. I can recommend it for
thera as a first-class medicine."
Take no substitute. &
Care CoMunaptlon, CoaftSu, Croup, Bora
lliront. Sold by alt DrucjUti oa a Guarantee.
Arrint tho second bnttloof Hull Htm, Lin
coln Is satd to havo exclaimed: "Well, l'vo
hoard ofbnlut; knocked Into thu mlddlo of
next week, hut I never beard of being
pitched Into tho middle of last j oar "
I'roplo Who Makn n Nolio
Am tho nhhorreneo of tho nervous. Hut
why bo norvoun when Hottctter's Htotnaoh
Hitters will rescue f roni that wretched con
dition It Invigorates tho norvoun eystom
thronnU tho medium nt icncwud illgaBtlon
uud assimilation. Moreover, It la a sterling
remedy for liver complaint, constipation,
rheumatism uud au lmrovcrtshud condition
of thu blond.
Mit. Honiis "You wcron't so gray nn von
nro now when I married von, Maria." Mm,
IlobliH (with acidity) 'Von ought to have
foi-CHPcn that. I would, If 1 had known you
you are
Itcwarc of imitations.
r has a New Series of the Famous Brownies
J v5iT.i6.jCi-'-r
"The Brownies 'Round the World
A N entirely new series of Adventures of the funniest little men in the world
" will be given in their first trip around the world. The amusing little band.
will visit all the leading countries, exploring the
London Tower, climbing the Alps, gamboling
across Scotland's heather and Ireland's green,
repairing the sea-washed dykes of Hol
land, sailing up the Danube and the
Rhine, and finally penetrating the land-of
the Esquimaux and the North Pole.
Their sports and adventures in strange
countries will be the most amusing in
their history, and Mr. Cox has made for
the seric3 the funniest drawings ever
Subscription Agents wanted
, Send for
One Dollar a year xoc. a
The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa.
Too CAn't find wtut you wont la roar horn itor,
f fin thn train and cnmft tn our mammoth llrv
r.ooda KiUblltlimeiu. If yun can't cum, tbio Mud
for aampira (no cliarge tor lamplei). unci order wUt
you woi vj mm. iv guariuieo miiraction.
W.V1KB TUU rH tI tixt fw anu.
For nil PmvlnnMarhlno",
HTAMAlll)(l(l()llrt Onlv!
'riio'l'i-inlti NiiiiUrl,
heml (or vliolnul,i irlcu
DCDAIDQ ' ii'tlii.Ki.ocKM'rdC.,
VNAMCTUU ririlt ,rr tut. SMarUl.
VnilMfa MFII ,-enrM TolcffmpTir nml Itallroad
lliunu ITlkrl Aiiciii'aiulitQHinro,niiiliutciim
COttltiiallrn. Wrlln.l. 1), IIIU)W.N,budulla,Mu,
eVAtu iau t'irt.H iiitj uui ivuiu
with I'lHtcn, Knnmoln, and Flint which it
uin nnniiK, iruuro mn iron.nna rani ; m.
Tlio lUilnxMin htoTU Polluli Is Itrllllnnt. Oilor-I
iff, imrouio, nmi tlio eonniiiiinrpiiFn
or ulftM pscknuo Willi OTrryrMircboto.
Your work and your cares, do nwny
with nil disappointments, BRIDGE
OVER tho sen of troubles which is
constantly encroaching upott the
sands of Ufa and aging so many bright
women beforo their years by secur
ing at onco a "Ciiautkh Oak" Stovb
ok Hanoi:.
Veit itor dulori kMp thm. If jour
dow not, writ dirtot tomtnuhetutrs.
Salvation Oil Try ItVoaly Sa.
Murulilnn II libit Utiroil In lO
to'40diivn. Noiisy till cured.
I llll. J. MKI'IIOS, Lrbsiou. Ohio.
rMMK TUU Alia it trf tux jga tIM.
Ullr:i. Trlnl llnUIr frrs br mill.
(uros nrirrsllcitlifrsrsll. sudrrs
HALL I IIKJI.lO.,Wr.t l'hUi.,l'a
You Wonder
why Mrs. is so enthusiastic about
Washing Compounds ? You wouldn't, if
you knew the facts. You'll find that she
is using Pearline, instead of the poor and
dangerous imitation ot it that
trying to wash with. You
mustn t think that all Washing Com
pounds are alike. Pearline is the orig
inal one, and the best. Millions of women
know it. So does every peddler and
prize-giver, though to sell you his stuff he
has to tell you that it's the "same as"
Pearline, or "just as good." It is not
be honest, back.
rearllno-ls manufactured only by 015 JAMES PYJLE, N. Y.
For 1803
Home Journal
created by him.
copy at the News-stands
ha. nrmiMitn braiaTDlaaaliBrnal
imadlex. So iooonnnianoa
'and no bad oflecta,
Btnuair connaanuut
.0080, Ua.
rnAja nu rarukararf uau ytuwi
II'Uo's Komcily (or Catarrh Is tho
Heat, Kaslcst to Una, unrt Cheapest. H
ISold liy (lruu'lts or sent by mall, H
Mc I'.. T. Uuzoltlno, W'urrco, l'u.
A. N. K.-D.
Utotbut r" u tk Adrcrtlaeticnt la lhl
- jfqte
Profitable Work U
Z vtv