MMf . nmfmw saiftwU,"k!i "JJS? itv; Vw' T ll'"Mi Duckers Cash Dry Goods House saw rW3 SPECIAL SALE HOLIDAY GOODS Hi I ,v ,-:; & i 1 J lltj.'J ki fl.fi1 $amfv .'. '1 "v wa .Mil" I :-i mam ,1,1 5 ,!. ir-ii f's .Mi1 Hi ft,a u .r-,!,i x EWffl i . :-7 i iiL.1', V i it : t ' .!.- nrr w i.-u,!lrt.ii:ur.rn; ItffrWHWfcTrM " j i i ) ,T1 sr,i,r "' .'V Holiday Goods! we have lots of them . CELLULOID ljhoto frames only 25c Handkerchiefs HankerchiefS Lots of them from 5c , and upward Chenille TABLE COVERS That arc very nico at $1.50 $2.25 $2 50 Mufflers Mufflers i at 25c and upwards Fascinators and Hoods we have lots ot them at specially Low Prices CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Come and see us and we will help you to select pood RIB rfn" 'I,', ' "' ' "lESfl!: Linen Splashers Linen Dresser Scarfs Linen Comocle. Scarfs All prices, CHINA SILKS Throws only 60c we are closing out Silk warp Henriettas Regardless ot cost $1 Grade for 75c $1.25 grade for 1.00 $1,50 grade for 115 They will make Awful Nice Presents. Special Prices on Table Linen , BLANKETS special values in blankets at $1, $1 25, $1 50 $1 75, $2 and $2 50 per pair BARGAINS In Ladies and Children's Underwear MUM -JIjR ' tji I 1 )(. 'I gibbons gibbons special sale of Ribbons only 5c per yard Men's Neckties very nice only 25c each A Handsome Present given to each of our Lady Customers Come and get one Cloaks AND; Jackets we have some very nice garments left that we are selling at very Low Prices Shawls - Shawls special bargains in Reversible Bpaver Shawls See them UOTESS (CASH mm I! HO TOE lk lost Aliii Ciis a watch bow (ring) jn the History of THAT WON'T POUL OFF I , our country, Naver BarjUr Always ThlAjllliLlUC8M g T,ihtl HTwATCttiA8EMB Canes Off I in the lutcit oillclal report from Washington. Aa the volume or business la direct Ijr proportioned to the ubund niice or crops It follows that wo are on the Threshold of Exception al business activity We huve therefor proceeded with out liilsglvInK to Iny up the Ittr gent und most complete- PENCIL TIPS. stock of good acasonublc goods ever in the city before. head of the list of good seasonable goods is the At the $a8. $088 atch J5ase, Of which we carry a full line, and following are KELLAM & MOORE'S Perfected Crystal Eye Glasses ! will be fitted by one who understands htting glasses as they should be. We ht glasses tor any kind oi an eye inai can uc with glasses. Glasses fitted for Astigmatic eyes, Myopic or Hypermetropic , Ainscmetropia, or Strabismus, Color-blindness or any oilier opiucai uuhjui. k CRYSTAL LENSES L.M.VaDce Jeweler Red Cloud, Nebr. wBAft aiAaiat. C-iiltyrtrrtu4Alt. H laa '-.s-s jffSEri I iaHliiAJKi That dollar and a half vaso lamp at Gottings is a beauty..,. First class work is done at the Golden Eaglo tailorSuop. Otto Stooko boforo leayi ng for Iowa catno in and rencwod until '94. Alva Sellers is going to Grand Is land to nttcn'd business college, A girl by tlio name of Burr living in Elm Creek township, died with typhoid fever and was buried Friday last. She was 14 years of age. A family by the name of Gunn who recently moved hero from Blue Hill, and who livo in Mr. Calmes' houso in the north part of the cjty, have thrco children very sick with bronchial trouble. x Go and see Wright's stock of hard- traro, stoves and so forth, if jou want to sco the handsomest best and cheapest stock in the market. He sells tho best goods as cheap ae others soil inferior goods. P. W. Shea the greatest admirer of the "Stuffed Prophet" in Kod Cloud camo in and renewed for the Great Dispenser of Republicanism for an other year, Even the democrats can't do without it. 0. Wiener has taken tho agenoy for Dr. Jaros Hygiene underwear. It is recommondod by leading physicians in tho United States. Used by tho army and navy and tho. principal oitics uso it in thojjr firo and police departments as an almost euro pre ventive against rheumatism. Tho'AVoinan's Auxiliary board to tho Nebraska Columbia Commission at lied Claud wish to announce to tho publio that they are getting up a canta ta to bo rendered by our young ama part of January. At the Opera House. At the O.ld Stand. F. Newhouso just received a new lot of dross flan nels, dress goods of all kinds, the best and cheapest hoods, of nil, kinds of yarnB, will also liuvu a lurgo assort ment of goods for Christinas,, mufflers, dolls, oto., cto. Plcato come and look at my goods and bo convinced that you can save money by dealing with me. A. SWEKZV, Attorney ut Law, BLUK HILL, - NEBRASKA. Attemls stills In ntir pait oi tlio county. I'liirtlrvH In all ninrl.s. t'orrcaiiiiiulrnce la recant to seltlcmfliit of any eiial Id nhlch vnu may be Interested will receive prompt attention. Notice: ( The ladies of tho Congregational church of Cowlus will hold a Christ-" mas Festival and Market at the houso of worship, on Ihursday J2d, at which they will servo meals from 12 o'clock to 1) p. m. Thuy will also of fer for sale a great variety of usoful and fancy articles suitable for holiday presents. Tho proceeds to bo applied toward tho payment of parsonage acbt. Tlio members of tho Congrega tional church have liberally patron ized the festivals here by other churches and by the societies here, and they reasonably expect a general attendance, from tho village and viciuity. Willow Creek. Will Jackson arrived homo ThRiikHjdvltiK evening, lit was ucooinpwilea by hi lator. Mrs. Allle Zucliery, who mads h short visit with parent and friends and has returned to her homo III Iowa. Nearly hII the. furmers nrethroush Rathcrlnc rorn and such n crop ot corn. Kvery fanner lias I rum wu io wi uusneis w h cnu nun men it pile on tho ij round so hluh that a tall man lm iojiiiiil) twleo to see over It. Shelled corn'? cents at cowles. MissHtearn hei;nn her second term of school at Willow creek, Dec. 4th. Hlio wilt board at Mr. Wilder' when loo cold to drive, homo. Mlsn a. Downs is icacmiiK hi rieas.uu inn. UiaKlliiKHto. (l.cox'n. Will llrnbakerls teaching sIiikIiik at I'leasuut Kline. ll'iardlnuathoniM. Miss Kdna Kdson Is teaching ut alt. Hope. lloardliiK at Mr. I.. Hasan's. Miss Flora .lacKson Is started with Mrs. Mc Ktliihanotlted cloud. MI'S aiay uou is siuyim; whii nrs. i;iiaiue The Chicago Clothing Store ....WANTS TO 8110ft YOU.... Their Holiday Go ds Consisting of FINE NECKWEAR of every discription, Thompson ot Heaver creek. Mr. (touchy. Mr. (Jodwln haro shelled and hauled corn the last week achy, Mr. (Jodwln and Mr. Ilrnbakcr ArranL'cmeiiti Imvo boen mado torn chrlit- mss Iroe at Walnut creek Christmas eve. Mr. j. Ucey Is at th lead. Wo predict a uraud sticrcss. QM Ifs llesslo Wilder Is hnvinu a scvero and prn- foiiKed attack ot whoopiuu coimh. Hhe mn coukIiIhu lliJ first ot Hepteinber and Is yet very Imu. Maniioiia. tours of this city, called tho Enchant ed Wood. Lookout for dato early llcfore Hnmiiul West, Just Icoot (ho iveiiee, with- III 41IMI IUI limfniui tuuilIJi ihviihuhi Amos (lust Tit Jami's l'llchcr. J Silk Handkerchiefs from 25c to$ 2 Fine Dress Caps of every style and quality. All the new styles SEAL PLUSH GOODS temrs 1'llcher will take notice that on tho eth liWol December, IHV1, .Samuel West, a justice of tho peace of Kodtoud, Webster county, Ne braska, Issued an order of attachment (or the sum of fifty-six dollars and coats. In an action pending before. Iilin, wherein tbo said Amos liust Is plain tilt, una thu said James l'llchcr Is defendant, that property eonslstliiR ot throe hundred bushels ot corn, being the rental oi the farm by said l'llchcr, rented to W. K. An derson, has been nttached under said order. Said cimsn was eoiuhiucd until tho'.'lstday oi .lauuary, twu, at io o cIm-K a. in. ... AmimCiUBT, rialntlir, Dress Goods, Lined arid Unlined, in Kid, Dog and Mocha, elegant goods. Dress Suits of every description. laTt BaBHiBa OVERCOATS of all styles and prices. Ele gant line to select from. Tho bent shoo for $2.50 cverolfoied, For aalo only at Wiener's. MEN'S UNDERWEAR every description Don't pay OOcts wd 1 for Sam'lOrr Overalls for there is no use wasting your money. I'Vj J: iWfe ,'' ,MMh,L-i ....j&. ,.,.. .a a . i 'UmjMLMjJ. ,'sLW2&WtimJkMxM4 ancMrmiMXHiftl - ': 'utwa&mmmtim k&fcfc. "aA. kj-Wi.aj