The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 16, 1892, Image 4

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TVWNrt18? t)JW!'yBW-W VnmMtlHmMliMum
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PaMUhed Weekly.
Subscription, fl Per Anmiin,
lavatrlaMr la Ja4vaae
t( aotHK la a4Taa, aftor thlt dafe Mtrck
' IS.Ut.thprlewirltat.9S.
Batsre at rM Ofk la Brt Mori, Neb.,
amall Miyaiif
rr im
!JjpiMMWtMf MWia
Dr. Damerell it hoate from Illinois,
W. 8. Garber wn in Lincoln thi
Bed room tela from 120 up at
Sidney Aides, hat a severe caso of
Delist every kind, every price at
Keekers fram tl.&O up at Taylor's
furniture store.
W. B. iloby has purchased tho Kd
Pries residence.
J. W. Caapbcll is tho hippy papa
of a big baby boy.
Resaeaber Wiener is doling out
his aaei's aid boys' boots
The Methodist church will give a
Christmas delight oh next Saturday
night, -
J. E. Krskine, formerly of this city,
will .again f take1 up his residence in
this eity about Jan 1st.
Mr. S. L'.' Parker and wifo of Jewel
county, Kansas, are visiting friends
in this eity this week,
Bernard McNeny. the handsome
young lawyer has been commissioned
as a notary publio by Gov. Boyd.
Bishop Graves of Kearney, Nob..
will hold service in Grace Episcopal
ohureh on Wednesday evening, Doc.
21st at 7.30
Married: At the parsonage of tho
M E Church Deo 13th. 1802 by Itcv.
J A Ghapln, Mr 8 E Pientiss and
Mrs. W Jennie Campbell both of Neb.
A. G. Greenlee, a Lincoln attorney
and a cousin of J. L. Grcenleo of the
Democrat dropped in hero on the 14th
It has been 20 years since they have
Prof. Alonzo Hatch, entertained
the members of tho congregational
churoh Iast8abbath by singiog in tho
choir. Mr. James Bawosley sang
Mr. A. N. Patmor leaves next Mon
day for California where ho goes for
his health. The Ciiibs hopes that he
will fully recover under tho beneficial
eliaate of California.
The Harvey World's Fair and En
tertainment company will furnish
entertainment during tho world's lair
at 50 cents per day. Providing you
engagi entertainment now. For par
ticulars call on Sadie J. Bailey at tho
musio store.
Jas. Yobs, who has been living in
Elm Creek, got full tho other day and
went after the denizens of that prin
cipality in true and ancient stylo. He
was arrested and Judge Duffy bound
him over .In $300 bonds, to keep
peace. Vohs took the night passen
er and skipped to Kansas.
Miss Clara McMillan who has so
faithfully done the olorioal work of
the post offioe in this city, we under
stand is a eandidata unrfnr tli'n nnw
administration for the position. Miss
MoMillan would mako a splendid post
mistress and if it wero loft to a vot
of the pat ions she would receive'
tho unanimous choice of our people.
The Onto' would have no objection
to her appointment.
It M. Martin and J. S. Cox namn
rushing into the' Great Family Woekly
headquarters on Mondav with tho
startling news that F. Bradbrook's
photograph gallery had bcon the scene
of a serious catastrophe They al
leged, and truly, that Mr. B. had
been over-run with tuioo and tho
night before thoy becamo so ravenous
that they had knawod a hole in the
oat, and thereupon Mr. Bradbrook
had purchased thirty' mico traps. The
story is vouched for by thoso two
' S) !
Mr. Robert Wilson Jr., of Hastings
state traveling agent for The Brad
street Mercantile Ageney, was in town
last week on matters connected with
his farming interests hore.
Mr. Wilson owns a farm in Walnut
oreek township south of Inavale, on
which there was something less than
sixty acres of spring and winter wheat
that produced 1468 bushels, or an
averago of 24 bushels per aore.
One piece of winter wheat measur
ing 11 acres, 130 rods, produced the
nominal yield of C54 bushels that
weighed out G4 pounds to the bushel,
an average of ovor 55 bushols to tho
ere, verified measures and weights.
Mr. Wilson was bo well pleased with
tho resnlts of this year's farming that
e putchased anothor 100 acres ad
iaiiinc aid in necrntiitin fnrnthnr
land there. . '
He has, given the winter wheat
question a study for several years aud
jMlieves that the land of Webster
eouaty is peculiarly adapted to the
"profitable growth of that cereal.
Mr. Wilson's lands aro farmed by
Mr, Joaephus'llosencrans, who is well
known as a successful farmer.
Curd or Thanks.
We the familv of G W Lindsev Jr..
earnestly desire to express our sin
fr thanks and appreciation to tho
many friends who so kindly aided it,
the tino of amotion, and death of
father and especially are we grate
(o (ha Members f the I. O. O. Fi
On Wednesday, December 7, 1802,
ooourred tho death of Mr. G. W.
Llndscy, Sr., of dropsy of tho heart.
Tho deceased was born in New York
bisic. aunBBi iu, iou, in io&t was
marriod and moved to Wisconsin. Af
ter living thoro for some time, aocom
vaniaaV by his familv. he moved to
LPasr Paw, Illinois, where he resided
janil about two years ago, when he
fame to Bed Oloud, since which time
he has made his hntna with M nn.
Geo. W. Llndscy, Jr., our esteemed
townsman, no ana ins Drother, ten
nis, are tho only ones surviving him.
sorrowing the denarturo of a true and
dovottid father. Nono but those who
sineerely cherish end revcro the name
of father realize tho meaning of the
"vacant chair" which tho angol of
death has caused by claiming tho
loved one of whom it ean truly bo said
no entertained lova and charitable
feelings toward his fellow-men, and in
aeatn mere was that look upon his
face which clearly portrayed the
"peace which passoth all understand
ing," and that he was at rest with his
Savior. He had for many years bocn
a consistent nnd respected member
of tho Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, whom ho requested, a short
timo ere his death, to officiate at his
funoral, which they did with touching
corcmony, aided by Bev. Chapin of
tho M. h. ohureh. A large concourse
of friends followed bis romains to
their last resting place, on Thursday,
Dee. 8, '02. Words of sympathy and
oondolanco wcro freely extonded to
tho bereaved family, who so tenderly
cared for their father.
Tho ladies and comrades of tho G.
A. B. gave a charming surprise party
at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Huffman Deo. 13th, it boing tho 50th
anniversary (if Mr. Huffman's birth.
Soon after tho arrival of tho guests, a
bountiful supper was placed on tho
tablo by tho ladies, nnd all partook of
tho viands till thoy were satisfied.
After supper, tho company presented
Mr. Huffman with tho gold rooogoi
tion pin of the order. Comrade Hull
man accepted tho pin remarking: "It
chows tho esteem in which I am held
by you, yet 1 cannot suo what I have
dono that you should thus romombcr
me, Many thanks to you for your
kindness." Shortly after tho remarks
mado by Mr. Huffman wero endod, the
ladies band appeared on tho Bccno and
rendered two very boautiful pieces of
musio. Mr. Huffman desires to state
that the young ladies undoubtedly
have had a fino instructor, for thn tnn.
sio was rendered without a fault, and
extends an invitation to tho guests
and band to call again.
Young Mao George, who is well
known in tho city as clork in Georgo
Hollands hotel, and who was recently
arrested for opening a letter at tho do
iot, has again got himself in trouble,
t is alloeod that ho tunned .Tntmnv
I Crane's till for $00 and fled to Den-
Mr Cranz, on tho other occasion
played tho part of tho good Suuritan,
and scoured his roloaso from thn
clutohos of Uncle Sam only to have
him amiUPthe hand that befriended
him bvXaDDintr his till. It a lonrn.
cd that tho boy war in Denver and
is m
icr tho forenart of the winL. Pal
nfrcv. acoomcanicd with thn nnrna.
ary dooumonts went after him and lie
s now languishing in tho fail nniW
tho oaro of Deputy Sheriff Tomlinson.
If the young man is found guilty as
oharcrod. ho will no nvnr thn rnnrl T
should bo a warning to young men.
On last Thursday cvoning. I. E
Pierce instituted Valley Lodva. of
Fratornal Pretcotors, in this city, with
78 charter members. Tho officers
wero as follows:
W. 0 A. H. Gray.
V. W. C Mrs. M. A. Miller.
Tress. J. W. Wnrron.
Bccordor Mrs. Lida Smith.
W. C Geo. B. MoCall.
W. P. Frank Nelson.
W. G John Saladin.
W. S. M. A. Fisher.
Trustees B. L. Alyea, J. C, War
ncr, Mrs. Marsh.
Officers elected by James A, Gar
field Relief Corps for tho ensuing
President Emma B. Knight.
S. V. Pros. Ellon Ludlow.
J. V. Pros. Nancy Turner.
Treasurer Kato Pond.
Chaplain Knto Judson.
Conductor Lona Turner.
Guard Maud Knlcrht.
Delegate to Department Convention
Kate Judson.
Alternate Gcrtrudo Pond.
On Wcdnosdav innrnlnp nhnnt olnv.
en u'olooka spcoial train of throe
oars bearing 50 of Kansas City busi
ness men, nulled in at tho B & M de
pot. Our business men learning of
the faot secured our cornet band, and
aoout lorty buggies and met them.
After n few pcliminaries they were
taken in chargo of by Mayor Spuuogle
0 W Knley president of tho board of
trudn, uud our business men escorted
to every placo of interest around our
beautiful city. Tho gentleman were
WOll pleased with thvir trnntnmnt.
Many of tho gentlemen wcro million.
airs, and were enrouto to Denver on a
ploasuro trip. Thoy were a jolly sot of
gciitlcmoti and their visit will long bu
.Boqka! books! all kinds of look? at
Deyo & Grieo's.
Miss Pearl Skoen is irt the city.
See Calmcs for Christmas candios.
Tin Donnison was in tho citv Sat
Cotting has the finest lamps you
ver saw.
Go to Calmcs' for your Christmas
Bibles of every description at Dejo
A Grice's. '
Mrs. J. Murray is confined to lierj
bed by serious sickness.
Let every man, woman and
stand up for Bed Cloud.
Ed Mohlor oame in this week
renewed to '03. Thanks.
Call on W. W. Wright for
kinds of stocs and hardware.
Calmcs' has tho finest line of
dies in tho oity for Christmas.
Miss Lavilla, Alico and Bessie
Marsh have gono to California.
Mrs. D, B. Spanoujc, had tho mis
fortuno to break her arm this week.
Sco Osoar Patmor boforo buying
flour. He has mado a big reduction.
Don't forget that Calmcs' havomoro
oandics than any other storo in tho
Walt C. Jones has gone to Aurora.
III., whero ho has a job of keeping
Miss Mabel Cranz has returned
from lioston. Her father met her
John Myers' and Charley Schaffn
have moved their offices over
post office.
Don't bo misled, but go and sco A.
Morbart if you want a oook stovo or
steel range.
Do you buy grooerie s? If you do,
you should call on Shcrwood&Albright.
Thoy keep tho best.
Wright has the finest stock of
heaters in the valley and sells them
at way down prices.
Lida Smith has moved her office
over Doyo's drug storo, also Judge
Baylcs has dono likewise.
We hope our subscribers will come
in and help ub out, wo might want
buy a few Christmas presents.
Dr. Damcrell. was suddenly calle
to Illinois this week by tho sovc
illness of Mrs. Damcroll'a sister.
In about 20 days more the clectri
light plant will bo again in full oner
tion, a consummation devoutly to bo
Don't forget that for heating or
cooking stoves you should not fail to
seo W. W. Wright. Ho will save you
Our correspondents nro doing
splondidly, wo hope thoy will contin
no sending in tho news each wook
S. A. Pierce, tho affablo secretary and
treasurer of tho Great Western Typo
Foundary at Kansas City was a pleas
ant caller this week.
Tho publio schools under tho guid
anco of Prof. Caster and bis ablo
corps of assistants aro progressing
and aro running along smoothly.
Now subscribers since our last issuo
are: B. G. Lowis, W. H, Giwits, W.
J. Cozad, A. N. Patmor, A. n. Gray,
T. E. Penman, and J. M. Bichardson.
Don't forget it, that you. will not be
in it unless you got jour"' Christmas
candies at Sherwood & Albrights
grocery. Thoy kcop tho best oandics
that aro manufactured.
Thos. Auld tho handsomo oashior,
Mr. Finch tho assistant cashier of
tho btato Hank wero in Superior, at
tending Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bripgi
silver anniversary on tho 10th.
Stephen Gangbin is back from Hal.
ifornia, whoro ho como to caro for his
son who was stricken down with Bymp
toms of typhoid fever. At this writ
ing tho young man is getting along
Tho ladios band will givo their sup
per and ball on tho 21st instead of
the 23rd as was erroneously stated.
Thoso Alio rather cat than dance ean
do so and vice vorsa. You pays your
money and takes vour choice. You
can cat and danoo both if you so de
J. 0. Lindloy. tho veteran rostau.
ranter and confectioneor. will liavn
tho finest lino of candies in the city,
also will havo all kinds of oysters,
fisb, &c, just what you will want for
a fino Christmas dinner. Old St Nick
will mako his headquarters at his
Tho Alonzo Hatch entertainment,
holdforth in the Opera Houso on last
Saturday ovoning. This company is
one of tho host musical eainnnnin
traveling. Mr. Hatch is a very fino
lenor singor, and tho Sanford sisters
as all around musicians cannot Ln
duplicatod. It was very fino,
The holidavs are near at hand manr
are contemplating having Photographs
ot themselves or families, Itcmotn
ber Marcollus tho now photographer
is doing first-class work and guarantees
to pleasi you. The lightening prooess
used. Cloudy wfalher no disadvantage.
Everybody invited and mado welcome
Our BUbnor ntion list lins bnen mni.l
ly iiiuii'usiiik iu iuu iubi luty uays ana
at thoxato that it has beni growing
wo expect good results, Tiik Chief
wants many moro subscribers and wo
hopo our friends will aid us in secur
ing them, and in rdturn wo prnposo to
publish, as usual, tlio best paper in
this county.
i i. ...: j a. i-. j i
Pocket protectors Cottings Priocs.
Deyo & Grioe always tho loaders.
Charlov Piatt w in nin Mill it.t.
week. '
TOVS and cam of nvnra Irinit "n.
Col. J. S. HortTr nf"ni tllll ...
in the oity to-day, '
Santa Ciaus has his dieadquartcrs
at Calmes' bakery.
Go and see tho ColiimhU imnii.
spoon's at Vanco's.
Miss Gertie Lindsey has gond to
fin Inarm m !
v...wwqw vu m f lOlvt
. t i ,. . . ... .
Dr. J. S. Emiirh haa mAAaA ... -AA.
- o" - Muuvi4 nil UUUI
tion to his rcsidoneo.
JV K Pond ,nd 'fo wcro in Oudo
Book sinoo our last issue.
II. E. Pond has money to loan on
real cstato or city property.
Tho cheapest and best steel ranges
and cook stoves at Morh art's.
We never saw albums so cheap as
they aro at Cottlng's this year.
Bcmomber, Baker wire at 13 25 per
hundred pounds at A. Morhart's.
Wo will pay you 27 cents for corn.
Ciiicauo Clothing Stork.
Tho Ladies Cornet band will give
their supper in K. P, hall on tho 23d.
Humes Historv of KmrUmi ni
$1.20 in C volumes at Deya & Grice's
.cmombcr the children like tov
books. Cotting has lots of them.
For fine cream nandipn rm inn.t...
ho will havo 4000 pounds on hand for
ItU O a..
uiu oama uiause isn't in it com
pared to Ueyo & Grieo's stock of holi
day goods.
Mrs. Dr. Robin inn nf ftitirln TtnnL-
was visiting at the MoBridn residonco
in is wecic.
A. C. Campbell, division
tendent of tho B. & M. was
Cloud this week.
in Bed
Cotting docs not offer voii cood in
charity. He merolv htivn nlnun aiu
closo, and n
Jfont bo
",' poods
'and Grieo's
A.. Mnrlu
close, and wins your trade.
folish and buy any Christ
until vou havo seen Dvo
'fl stock and their priocs.
Morhart has lust rccelvnd n o
i ifsci!
of gonuine baker barb wire, anil
idling it for $3.25 per 100 pounds
H. D. Bannoy, our worthy county
clerk was in Lincoln this week, at
tending tho state convention of tho
county clerks.
The A. O. U. W members will take
notico that tho clcotion of officers will
tako placo next Tuesday evening. All
should bo out.
Tho Garbcr, who prosecuted tho
great will caso in California, and re
ceived a cool half million, is a broth
er of tho Bed Cloud Garbors.
Mr. Gaylord Wright and wifo of
Wilcox, and Mr. J. II. Kistnor and
wife of Donvor, are expected to spend
Christmas with Mrs, A. Wright and
H. C. Wolf, formerly of Webster
cuun.y, nna moro recently or iilair
iias rcmovea to tnis county, findin
that thnrn ia nn nlann In Vahrnalrn It.
tor for farming than Wehfltar nntmfv
THE Chief weloonioa iniV Wnlf nJ
family back to this oounty.
Watch that window of L. M.
vunoo's. Ho has a now sefcemo. See
that elegant toilet set, worth $14.
Every day tho prico will bo ono dollar
loss. If not Bold boforo Deo. 24, it
win uo gtvon away tn tho first pur
chaser of $5 worth of goods.
Tho Ladies of tho Congregational
church will givo a Chicken nnd Waf
flo Buppor at tho Masonic Hall next
Monday ovoning Deo. 10th. A num
ber of usoful and fanoy articles suit
able for Christmas presents ' will bo
offered for sale. Every body invited.
Girls, it is your last chanco, and we
would suggest that beforo leap year
expires, you would sco that some of
the old forlorn bachelors bo "taken
in" for hotter or worse. It ia tnn hA
to soe them wendincr their wearv wa
alono along lifo's burdensome journoy.
Deyo & Griee aro displayiug as
usual the finest lino of holiday goods
in town. Their linos consists of toilet
eases, cuff and col or boxes, work box
es, manicuro and hundreds of other
articles and we know for a positive
faot their prices are the verv lnw
Dont buy until you have seen their
A earpct sweopor,
A nico pioture.
A fino rocker.
A pretty centor table.
A good extension table.
A White sowing maohine.
A handsomo side-board.
A nobby book case.
A uniquo bed room set.
Any of abovo will make suitablo
Christmas presents and oan bo found
at Taylor's iurnituro storo.
Our old and substantial friond, Otto
Stoako. and his estiuiablo wife, wlm
havo resided in Webster oounty for tho
last seven or eignt years has removed
to Wapello, Iowa, whero he goes to
farm tho old homestoad. 'Mr, Stoeke
is a valuablo citizen and whilo living
in this section although a renter, has
mado a good Bized bank account, and
fully demonstrated that any ono that
W bo industrious can aiquiro woalth
evon without owning a farm, The
Chief wishes him success.
Two Sides to
All kinds of footwear cheaper
during the month of Decem
ber than you have been able to
purchase it heretofore, Oar
ofVlf Id full anA vnn itf.ll Ka
IMtm's and bovs SDlit and Oil
ITrain boots at cost. A larere
stock of Arctic. Felt Boots.
Alaskas. Storm SliDDers. Over
gaiters, lamb wool soles, &o.
We will save yu Money on your footwenr
Well The
in spite of electiou, Thanksgiving dinners, and the cold
snap that is sure to come
with an immense stock of Holiday Goods, such as Plush and
OHvh Wood, Toilet sets, Manicures, Oiove boxes,.
Necktie boxes, Fine books in rich binding.
An immense line of children's books,
Uf dolls, games and toys of nil kind?.
To select from. Our customers will find that tho eood old
days are once more here in effect if not indeed.
By dealing at tho old reliable Christmas Counters of
C otting's Drug Store.
Not having room for quantity I have 'substitu
ted qualitv instead.
Thoso who desire to make valuable and dainty
do well by calling and looking ovor my atpek which consists
Gold and Silver Souvenir Spoons,
Pearl handled Knives and Fvorks in
Plush cases, 'Carving Sets in Plush cases,
All kinds or Ladle nnd Gent's Gold and Silver Watches and Jew
clry. Diamond Finger lllngs from a diamond chip tb a
diamond 1 1-9 karats Iu weight. Vou will And unikiii.
pertaining to a flrst-cluss stock or Jewelry. Come
early and select, as my stock Is Running Over. The '. '
prices I Intend to dispose or my goods at from
now until Christmas will allow you all to N
bo "In the swim."
Rememher I am ioCotting's Drugstore, can do all of your fino watch repair
ing and cut your noinos on anything you purchase'
For Firo Lightning and Tornado
Insurance in tho German of Freeport
iiu ouier reuauio companies, call on
or writo to Ghas. Scliaffnit, office over
Oeyo's drug store, Hod Cloud, Nebr.
(special Offer.
One, ono-scated buggy, and One two
seated buggy, new and only used a
little while, ono good family horse,
spleudid driver, a first-clafs niann.
nice set of parlor furniture, &o. Any
of thoso goods would mako uireClirUt
mas nrcsents. Will hn anA r n
i -- -WWf
great bargain for cash if applied fur
soon. It, llAfM. lied CloudNubr.
Do not buy a Btove until you see
hose fine heaters at Wright's storo. '
tle Qtiestiotf
Many linos (that wo wish to close
out) at Cast. Tho best goods obtain
ablo at the Lowest Cost Valuo. The
Latest Styles in Men's and Women's
Fine Shoes. Slippers for the Holi
days. The lines of Geo E, Keith
(men's shoes) John Strootman (ladle
shoes) Hill & Green's (Little Giaa
Sohool shoes) a d J. B. Lewis' Wear
Besisters, all unsurpassed in fit, wear
ing qualities, and styles. Wo wait
to fit you with a pair;
is Sale
t. ,J
Or Wedding Presents
For Bale.
A good farm of 100 pores, within
five miles of Red Cloud, in a god
Btato of oultivatmg, woll watered, aud
icnceu. ior tcruiR, address
F. L. Gauvkntku,
10-3m South Lyon, Mich.
Our books and accounts havo beon
left with (I. R Pond for settlement
and all indebted to us will call and
sottlo with him.
Hauris & Oust.
Take Notice.
After January t, 181).), I shnll ol!
meat Btriolly for cash.
J. A MoAntHUR.
'10 ''
i Am
', V