The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 16, 1892, Image 2

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SJuSU CI". ttjWitSwMfM.llW".''.' ' '' ' " ' WMa
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A. O. HOSMER, Publlahor.
"Sknatk democrats will endeavor tin
treat the Immigration restricting IiIUh
tin a non-partisan spirit.
A manimmur has been asked for In
St. Louis to compel tho public schools
to nilmlt three children who arc of
mixed French and Indian blood.
Gov.-ei.kct McGhat, of tho state of
Washington, was born In Maine, and Is
only 4'i years of age. Sixteen years
oro ho vaf driving 11 bob-tall car in'ttan
Okn. DvitKNJ'oitTii professes to hnvo
implicit faith In his rain producing ef
forts, but It Is notlccablo that ho never
carries an umbrella along when he Is
malting a deluge.
LtrrilKliAN church people nt Slighta
'station, near Kashasha, Mich, on re
cent Sunday after services went to the
homo of a crippled brother and cut and
pUt MM enough wood to last him tall,
S.Jay Ootttn's original IntontlotrwaH
MMw .a .rfoantry editor; but .ho finally.
teWgiedaanothcr ro'nd. by. 'which to
't.ii.r i.s: .';.:: .i:i.ii. i...
rcncii mu iiuiui-iinu milium miicu uu
hud In view frotn the beginning of his
Tiik sccretnry of tho treasury howln
formed tho spealvr of tho house that
the deficiencies of tho government for
the current fiscal year are estimated at
I4,(13o,fWll, of which f lO.KUO.OUO Is oa ac
count of pensions.
It Is said that Henry Irving, 'the
actor, practices-himself In u newipart
by requiring an understudy to Imitate
his action in the character. Uu will
htand in the wings of tho fitagc and
have the imitnllon of himself produced
again nnd again in order that lie may
ace himself as others sen him. There Ih
n suggestion in the practice which
might bo acted upon with a deal of
prollt to their daily lives by many who
uro not on the stage.
CoMMKiicr. is always on tho ontlook
for whatever may contribute .to its
safety. Tho Azores aro to bo connected
with Europe by cable and European
weather prophets are Indulging In the
hopo that tho islands so eligibly situat
ed in tnid-Atlantio ocean may bo util
ized as meteorological stations. As
roost of tho European storms coino -from
that quarter u station in tho Azores
would bo of tho utmost value to science
ns tvoll as to'ihu world's commercial
JJmvAimlK. IIai.k supports tho Idou
of "Miss Willnrd's nomination of .Jcau,
lngclow for poet laureate. Ho says, in
the ltoston Commonwealth: "A queen
ehould have a woman for laureate.
Victoria Is to look among the women of
England to know who has written or
-who can write such poems as shall
honor a reign now more than half a
century long, which has a literature of
its own, as in all other regards It has
its own distinctive history. This wom
en is Jean Iolow."
Till', friends of 'woman's progress aro
congratulating themselves that though
it was intimated nt the Emergency hos
pital oa the world's fair grounds that
no wotian' medicos wero needed, tho
first toibo taken there was attended by
iv woman physician, Dr. Gertrude Well
ington. A 'lady was injured by tho
wheel: pf car passing over her foot,
nnd l)r,VclUu'gton, with no better In
strument' than n policeman's club and
lior own H handkerchief, stopped tho
flow of blood until tho ambulance ar
rived. "Jok" Jkf&iiso.v has iv farm In Louisi
ana, some twenty miles from a railway,
'where, it is Wtulorstood, Mr. Cleveland
-will pass a couple of weeks of his time
leforo tho inauguration in Murch. It
is a retreat such 'as tho veteran actor
might bo supposed to love, with Im
mense valcs which never lose their
-verdure, and foresta full of game, waters
covered with wild duck and abounding
in usu. letrersons theatrical season
will bovvory short, 'for he has at lust be
iruirU) husband his vitality, and ho will
bo therewith tho president-elect to act
ns host lie Is a lover of sports and
tpeuds many weeks there every year,
svhero ho gives full rein to his fondncbs
lor tho rod ami gun.
Skvriial accomplished young women
ro earning good salaries In New
York by coaching society Women on the
topics of tho day, the now books that
uro beiug talked of, new works of art
that axe attracting attention, and In
teresting novelties even in more berious
lines. While my lady Is in the hands
of her tnuld being dressed for the din
ner or reception tho unique educator
prepares her mind as well on such sul
jeets an may bo discussed at the func
tion fJio is to uttend; and so, thor
oughly equipped, my lady goes forth to
nstojusti uer uenrers wltlt iter clever
ness and to Increase tho fnmo of
tho American woman forbrightness, in
telligence and versatility.
Tun big petition for tho modification
of the Chinese exclusion net which was
presented by Itopreseututlve Andrew in
tho open house of representatives was
printed In tho Congressional llecord by
unanimous consent- It is not usual to
print petitions in tho Ilccord, but Mr.
Andrew, after consulting with Speaker
Crisp, asked and obtained tho pcrtnls
siouof ..thcj,, house. Tho petition Is
higiicd by mora than 'J.500 prominent
people of MnsaKchusott and nsks for
tho repeal of tho act to prohibit tho
coming of Chinese persons into tho
United States, approved May ft, ISO.!,
nnd known as thotleury bill, excepting,
however, tho first section thereof,
whereby all laws now in force prohibit
ing nnd reffuinllng tno coining of Chi-
ncse persons into tho United States aro
continued In foreo for a period "of .ten
curs from Muy 5, lbt)2.
- jff j
Weaned By 'Holograph ondVj
7HE defend prxftlon of Uio Klfty-Bccond con
RrentiaHscmblrdnt noon on tho Mil. Thencn
nto wiiucnllcit to order by Vlio. President Mor
,lon, , ioventy fenatora lolr.K prcicnf Mr.
Proctor filixutd ns tho successor of Sena
tor JF.dmundg, of Vermont. Bttd was sworn
la 'A committee to" call on the president, wni
Dppotnttd und aflhorl recess taken. Upon
rcasHCinbllnK ttia president notified tbn notmto
that ho weald sotid fn hU mi'swigo Tuesday,
....Tbo liotticwns cnllcd to order nt noon nnd
the chaplain offered prayer A', committee.
wus Appointed to join a lllio commit teo of the neti
ate und Inform tlio president tbut tormrcsn wns
ready for business. Several now memners that
had been elected to tilt vtrAncles vruro sworn In.
Mr. Hooltcr. of Mltslppt. Introduced n bill
loclnnffo tlie tlmo of tho meeting of coiiKroHi
to tho first Monday In March nf tcr election and
Mr. Uurburravr, of thu worlds fair cotmntttec,
Introduced s bill to open tho f.ilr on Sunday.
Mr.-I'ayno (N. V.) prrianled thn petition ol
John I Davenport, chief snpcrvlior of elections
for tho southern district of Now York, for it
hearing before the bar of tho homo of repre
sentatives, "ho having boen tlcnlrd a neuritis
by a committee of tho house;" It was referred
to tho select committee to Investigate tho ad
ministration of tho Untied Stiles election laws
In New Yorlc After tho committee that cnlled
on the president reported tho homo tvljourntd.
WlIRN thu Hcnatu mot nt noon on thu Oth tho
president's messngo was received and road. At
tho conclusion of the rcadtngitho votes of sev
urolitUates wero rocetred 'and placed on tile.
SenatofTToffer preenteeVn petition frcta ctti
tens nflKftnsiiH In' regard to tho Mltgi'il combine
of milters nntfctoTator to reduce tho prlco of
wheat.',. .Boon nfler tho homo met llio prcsl
dtnt's metsago ,was received nnd road Tho
death ot HoprecnlatlvoJ'Varwlclt,'of Qhlo, was
then announced and thn liouic'ndjotirned. "
In tho sotm to on the 7th tho treasury report
was received, also n tnessago from thu presi
dent transmitting Information as to thu agree
ment with Orcnt llrltaln Inregard to maintain
ing naval vcosels on tho Ultes Mr. Hill Intro-
iliicfd a hill to repeal tho net of .Inly 4, 1!.U, di
recting tho purchase ot sliver bullion, nnd thu
If situ nf treasury notes thereon. Soveral reso
lutions wero referred. Tho announcement of
tho death of Hepresrntatlvo McDonald, of New
Jersey, was rccolvcd und the senato ndjourncd.
....In the house, u bill. In effect repealing tho
law whlih provides for it reduction In tho force
of the engineer oMccni of tho navy to 170, was
brought to tho attention nf tho housa Should
tho bill hecorno n law tho number of otllcers
would bo Uxcd at 101. Although thu measuro
received n majority vote, u uiutlun to reconsider
was Interposed and no final action was ttiWen.
Tho remainder ot tho day was consumed In tho
consideration ot n tout senatd bill relative to
publlo printing nnd binding.
Tiik scnatn,hcld n brief session on the Elh. A
petition from tho Chicago Woman's club for n
repeal of thu Sunday closing provision In tho
wurld's fair net was received. Tho senate bill
for n brldgu noross tho Mississippi river abovo
Now Orleans for tho Southern iaclllc railroad
was passed, atuVln uxeeuttvn session tho treaty
with Chill was rntlllrdnud thu senato adjourned
until Mondy..,,ln the hnuso tho annual report
of tho secretary of tho treasury was received
ntid roforred to tho commltteo on ways nnd
means. No objection nus raised to tho further
consideration of tho bill relative to printing
und binding, und this consumed tho remainder
of tho afternoon. Without disposing ot tho bill
tho hottso adjourned.
Taia senate was not In session on the 0th,...
Tho bouso passed tho printing bill. Mr. Catch
Ing3, front tho commltteo on rules reported a
resolution amending tho rules eo as to provldo
thatltustnas coming over us unfinished from
one session of congress tuny be considered im
mediately at tho meeting of a subsequent ses
sion of the same congress. Adopted, Thu fol
lowing committee Appointments were an
nounced by tho speaker to till vacancies: Ju
diciary, Fellows (N. Y,)i publlo buildings und
grouuds, IlrcU (Ind.): enrolled bills, Scott
(11L), chairman: naval affairs, llronn (Ml):
military nffalrs, Gorman (Mich.)! education,
McLnurln (S. C): enrolled bills. Obligor (O).
irrvulld pensions, Cadmus (K. J.)-, mlltllH, Sine
(l,)i war claims, lillltoorn (Cal.): expendi
tures In tho post ofneo department. Slpo (Da.):
mlllttA, Mul.aurln (S. a). Adjourned until
Ciiaiiiman 11 AiutiTV has been in Wash
ington for tho purpose of smoothing
over tho dlfllcultlcs concerning thu In
auguration of President-elect Cleveland.
Gk.V. Duiiost, of France, Is dead.
Ui'.v. John S. Hani.kv, bishop of the
Itcuuan Cathollu diocese of North Da-
Icotn, emphatically denounces prohibi
tion, which, lie says, is worse than open
saloons. v. . - .,
Tiik remains of Ju5f"pbuld wore laid
to rest in his niausoleufc at Vodlawn,
New York, on tho Otlu The' fierviccs
wero simple. ' '?
Caiiinkt speculation engrosses the at
tention of dcmocratR who are now In
New York to tho exclusion of almost
everything else.
Dn. C W. Sikmunr, tho svell known
engineer nnd electrician, died recently
nt llerlln.
Tiik llerlln correspondent of tho Lon
don News snys that It Is reported that
lMneo Albrecht hns resigned tho regen
cy of lirimswick, owing to 111 health.
It 1b reported that Senator Hill has
been offered a remunerative position
with a life insurance company and that
ho'ls giving It favorable consideration.
Tin: prcsidont, in nnswer to a resolu
tion, transmitted to tho senate a report
holding that tho agreement between
tho United States and (J real llrltaln
concerning (imminent on the great lakes
was still in force.
Tiik minister of marine has given no
tice of tho adhesion of the Spanish gov
ernment to tho conclusions of tho
Washington maritime conference with
regard to the prevention ot collisions at
It Is nillclally announced that there
will be no social events ot any kind nt
tho executlvo mansion, Washington,
during tho present winter.
Among recent senate confirmations
was that of Ed C. Little for consul-general
at Cairo, Egypt.
(1. M. Lamiikutson, ot Lincoln, Neb.,
hns been appointed as assistant secre
tary to succeeu Mr. Nettloton.
JlMTicK lLutl.AN, of the Uulted States
supremo court, will sull for Europe
about thu 20th of UiIb month, as ouu of
tho arbitrators lu tho llohrlng seul fish
eries dispute.
Hr.itiiKiiT Si', tho English phil
osopher, was reported very ill in Lon
don on thu BtU. Ho was in hh 7Ud
Pkof. .1. S. Kkwiikimv, the geologist,
died at New Haven, Conn., on thu 7th.
Ho was born in XS'i'i.
Till', nrmy bill is ready for thu hout-o.
It makes uu appropriation of t'Jt.'JlW,
739. Tiik I'arls correspondent of tho Lon
don Times says thu French republic
was barely saved from destruction dur
ing tho recent exciting events over tho
l'nniuuu bcnndal.
Dn. I'. II. ilov, a noted physician and
naturalist of Wisconsin, is dead.
Tin: election of a senator lu .Montana
depends upon thu outcome of a contest
.Kwhieh Is tiov being vvaged boioto' tlio
n i Mjurcmo courr
L. and 2. Wn.cxiNsKi, Greenville,
Miss., hnr failed for nearly half a rallf.
J Ion. . . .
Cavt. Mot.bjt explains tho typhoid"
fever epidemic nt St. Iataby saying
that tho winds blow thc5 'gcrins up tho
sewers and into thehouses. y '
Tin: ntinunl report of thc Atdjisan
T,opel(iv it Santa Fo system for tho
year untied .Tunc 80, 1802, shows Hi.
grost curnlngs to bo 547,1147,223; net
wirnlngs, $IC,ll7,45ri.
TnuaittAi'ii operators -on tho itoclt
Island struck moro or less ujianlmnnsly
on the 8th. The company claimed ttint
it was getting nlong all right, which
the operators denleil
Tiik cattlo barons "who arc making a
desperate llght'agnlnsttho oponlr of
tlto Cherokee Rtrip arc hoping to I: lit
the measuro by Insisting that the in
truders should be puld for their im
provements. '
Tiik prlzo Coney Islnnd was
won byJoo Ooildard, of Austrnlln, who
knocked ottt Peter Maher, of Ireland,
in three rounds. Tho fight, though
short, wns savngo and bloody.
NK.vit iKlrkwood, 11L, .Mlbs Florence
Curran was killed by a train. She was
walking on the track vlth a girl friend
nud plenty of time to get out of danger,
bnt fear paralyzed her.
Lakk Snout: engineers nnd firemen
have had their wages advanced They
have promised to have nothing to do
with the projected switchmen's, brake
men's and conductors' strike during the
World's fair.
Tiikiii: wns n severe wind storm nt
Pnrngould, Ark. Several residences
were destroyed, twenty-six in all being
Jtrnnr. (iIikhiiam hns rendered a decis
ion lu the Illinois rltccl Co. 'season which
practically makes tho intcr-sttito com
merce law of no elTcct.
Matitin IIuhue diod in the prison at
Toilet, 111. Ho was in for Ufa for the
murder of Dr. Cronln nt Chicago, lie
nude public nothing whatever concern
ing tho crime.
Ci.r.AHiNO house returns for tho week
cnde.l December 0 showed an nvcrago
Ini.Teaso of 18. S compared with tho cor-J
responding week of hist year. In Now
York tho inaronso was 18.2.
Foon men two white and two col
ored wero hanged together nt Louis
ville, Ky., for separate wilful murders.
Towns In Nevada nru said to have
been depopulated, tho low prleo of sli
ver making mining unprofitable.
it is said mat, a vote lias uceu tniten
on the first charge against Prof. Smith
und that he wns acquitted on it.
At Weimtehee, Wnsh., railroad grad
ers nnd Italians fonghtovcr a woman,
nnd' blood flowed freely in tho pitched
Tut, railroad men wlio have been
working In Chlcngo hnve' made n now
agreement, to take the place of tho
Transmissnuri, and tho headquarters
will be retained at Kansas City.
Eastkkn silversmiths have Incor
porated to tho amount of f 12,000,000.
w. A. 11. VBTKitANs object to Mexicaji
war dates Inilng put on tho soldiers'
monument nt lndlauapolls,and threaten
to sue for tho 21,000 they gave.
iNPt.UKNZA has ugain broken out in
Tiik faculty of Harvard has forblddon
public concerts nnd theatricals by stu
dents. Old "Daddv' Gray, an nged resident
of Henderson county, 111., wandered
away In tho storm and was frozen to
Tub Now York Stock exchuugo will
be closed Dccemlxr 24.
Empi-oyks at Ellis Island, New York,
will be discharged by tho Immigration
commissioners. Ik-cause of the quaran
tine no head money is coming lu to pay
'Tnr. theater rinVl clglit : business
houses at Sumpter, ,8.' cV'ver'o de
stroyed by fire. j,v , ' ji
Hxlutit llr.UNHAnnT meti' wltk cool
reception at M osco w,' presumably'5 fco
causo sho t.ns a .lowess.
Union printers of Chicago nro pre
paring to wage a vigorous war against
tho awarding of world's fair catalogue
printing to a non-union concern.
Sf.chi.tahy Tiiacy has submitted his
annual report showing tho condition of
the navv.
Pni:Hif)i:sT-r.i.KX'T Ci.kvixand was nt
tho Ivcform club's banquent at New
York on tho night of tho 10th. Tho ad
dress of Mr. Cleveland wns received
with hearty upplause.
Ei.i.hwoitTit Wyatt, tho desperado,
hns been lodged In jail ot Guthrie,
Ok., und tho courts havo been called
upon to decide whether ho shall first bo
trictl there or in Kansas.
Piunck FiiniiiNANi), of lloumnnin, haR
arrived at London to wed Princess
Marie, daughter of tho duko of Edin
burgh. Gi:x. PiOsncitANS Is reported much
better in health at Washington.
Ciiai:: Chantku, a botanist, fell fif
teen stories nt tho Masonic temple
building,- Chicago. His body was
mangled buyoud recognition.
lltoum,i:s aro rumored with the In
dians 125 miles east of Great Falls.
Tiikiii: nro rumors that George M.
Gould has a fancy for fast horses and ti
career on tho turf. 4
A iMttVATR subscription has been
opened for tho son of the composer
llalfe, who Is a pauper and has been
obliged to enter a London refuge.
At thu coming session of parliament
Mr. l.owther will Introduce a bill pro
viding for tho slaughter of all foreign
cattlo imported into Great llrltaln at
the port at which they aro landed.
Coai. oil hatt'bucu struck at Hollo
vlUe, III.
Tiik dowager duchess of Sutherland
has been ordered by tho chant, cry court
at Loudon to produce tho diamonds and
other jewelry belonging to thu luto
A i.Al'.oi: bomb was exploded near tho
dwellings of the workmen In thu great
iron works of krupp's nephew, at
llernsdorfY, and much damago wns
caused to property.
Tin: light horso squadron armory at
Milwaukee han been destroyed by lira
,i,.'ir.'.Mi:.j,iiuu ingest jioss wero
burled alive byy oavitig sower u"t Cleve
land, O. Thu bodies Wre dyud when
recovered. V ' ,V
,f f ' -
i '
r ,. w-7 V IT
in .
TrrtfcVtot recently broke ,lnto I
crett's hardwnrc stortfal Ashlnnd."
were frlgntcncd away while- trying to
open the) safe. i r '
Til k w6st snow storm since the big
blizzard of January, 1883, swooped
down upon Nebraska City on thought
of tho ftyh'. Tho fall ot snow nraouittcd
to fully fifteen inches on a level and
drifted bndly.
Cait. S. A. Hutton, Eighth' Infantry,
stationed (nt Fdrt Ilobltisonohns been
Fontcnccd to four months' suspension
for striking Ken Paddock, V-ho Is pbst
trader, nnd refusing .to obey tho ortielra'
of oillcers who uttemptcd to quell tho
qunrrcl. ' H
Dick Hkiimn nnd ChnrlM Hays, who
wcroarrestcd tinon tti6 charge of kill-'
Ing Mayor Miller,, of South 'Omaha, (
wercrcieaseti atineir prcitininnry near-,
ing, thu evidence rlgalnst them being of
a very flimsy nature. Clara Allen, tho
woman of tho town who swore she saw
Hays shoot Mayor Miller on Tuesday,
October 4, was arrested nnd sent to jail
on the chnrgo of perjury.
Tiik jury in tho Ilobcrts poisoning
case at David City, after twelve hours'
deliberation, returned u verdict of not
guilty. This ended one of the greatest
sensational murder trials of tho coun-j
try. Mrs Holwrts, tlto handsome, wifo.
of ouu of tho most prominent farmers
of Nobraskn, was accused of poisoning
her husband, the alleged motivcTbciug
her love for another man. 1 ". '
Tiik other night two men entered tho
house of Mr. Miller, four miles north of
Lincoln, und took all the money there
wits in tho house. Mrs. Miller en
deavored to flee from tho house, but
was shot and fatally wounded. From
Miller's house they went to tho post
olllce, where they bccurcd ?.10J in
jewelry nn4st:ttnpsaplshot Postmaster in mo leg. , a posso was uuer ino
robbers with the determination to
lynch them. ' '
W. E. Smith, about 25 years old, who
has borne n very questionable reputa
tion in tho vicinity ot Arcadia, the
other night stolo his father's team,
buggy, harness and watch. Tho old
gentleman, who Is one ot the best citi
zens in that locality, summoned some
of his neighbors and pursued his thiev
ing son about twenty miles and over
hauled him. They returned with the
property anil left the youug scapegrace
to go his way.
Ni:ai: Grand Island the other night
Mrs. It. I'i Hudson, of Snohomish,
Wnsh., took an ounce of urcuiu with
suicidal intent, but physicians inter
fered and saved her. A family row was
tho 'cause. Jter brother, with whom
sho hail been visiting, ordered Her out of
tho house on account of her alleged In
httlt to a guest, and she drank tho
arsenic which she had for tho purposu
of using for her complexion. After
taking the poison sho walked half n
mile to a hotel.
Tun sudden snow storm of the 6th
cnused several casualties at Omaha.
Michael Donahue, one of n gang shov
eling snow in the Union Pacific yards,
was run down and kllledjay a passenger
engine. Tho llurllngton eiist-bouud
flyer collided with an engine four miles
west of South Omaha nnd both engines
were bndly wrecked. Tho engine
men escaped uninjured, but William
li Iiooth, of Troy, N. Y., who
was stealing n ride on the mail car, had
both legs so badly managled us to neces
sitate amputation.
,Tami:h Coovkii was shot and Instantly
killed ut Hassett the other evening
while resisting arrest. .Cooper and Cor
many, both of Ilassett, got' Into a dis
pute over tho riding of a horse. Cooper
wus going to slash Cormany wltlt u ra
zor, whcu.Joe May caught Cooper nnd
took tho razor atvav.irotnJilm;,C'oono'r
then pull'od aVcvolvaVdn'Mavfabdiiircd,'
the ball, striking Ma'ylef shattering
mo uonu Ter uuiuy, e ssonu np-,
tenapted'to atrest Copper wno turned
His revolver' on tho sheriff, when the
latter shot hhn dead. Cooper was a
tough of the worse kind.
Iacoii Gkiiiikii in once moro in Omit
hn, having escaped from tho Siberian
exile to which lie was doomed a year
and a half ago. Ho arrived Jn Omalin,
ufter an absence of twonty-ono months.
After being u resident of Oinalm six
years, Mr. Gerbcr returned to Ilussia to
dispose of what property hu had there
und bring his family to this country.
He had taken out his first papers and
suppo-icd that ho was to all inteuts und
purposed a citizen of the United States,
but subsequent events proved that he
had relied too much on tho privileges
of a half completed citizenship, for ho
was seized us soon as his identity was
dbcovcred and sent to Siberia for fif
teen years, from which plnco he es
caped. He gives a harrowiug account
of his treatment.
Tiik call for the annual meeting of
tho State Farmers' ullinuco has been is
sued from alliance headquarters nt Lin
coln. Thu meeting- will bo held at
Grand Island on. Tuesday, December 23.
Tho call ' reads that ''each subordinate
alliance in tho state whosu dues are
paid in full for tho quarter ended Sep
tember UU, lb!'2, will bo entitled to u
representative who shall cast thu vote
of,hls alliaucQ on tho basis of one voto
for every, tw'enty members or 'tnajor
faetlon thereof, a per their report to
tho secretary of tho state alliance, and
also of their county alliance, October
1." lleduced rates will probably bo se
cured on tho ccrtltlcato plan. All dele
gates attending will purchase tickets to
Grand Island und take receipts show
ing one fair paid. This .'certificate,
signed by tho secretary, VflllcntiUip the
holder to a reduced return rato.""" 2
Rkokhtlv ua Mrs, Robert Shields and
her two daughters, living three miles
east of Coad, were driving homo In a
road cart, their horr.o becatnu fright
ened throwing them till out Mrs.
Shields hud her jaw broken, and ono of
her daughters her face badly cut and
ono car almost torn off.
Till, ciiso of tho county ngalnst Hoyd,
ex-county clerk and e.vofllcio clerk of
tho district court, and his bondsmen, in
which tho defendant was sued for
$:t,20U for tho alleged failure to turn
over surplus fees over and abovo his
legal salary, was recently tried at
Alnsworth and tho jury rendered a ver
dict in favor of tho plaintiff.
' 4 l
, A.Tniaf Hoolutlnn to Chanjrn;!! fresl-
dcrttlnt Klertlon to 1'optilar.yntara
' vorod-Army llllMlrnpet-'yi
DellcleiirlcK, tc.
' ' i
- '4
Wabhinoton, Dec. 12, It is rarely
that any legislation of practical Impor
tance is acuioveii in congress ooiorc inu
now year, With tltu possible exception
'of onb bf tho .annual appropriation
bills, and thlsvsesslon Is not likely to
prove exceptional In this respect.
In both Iiouses the work Is progress
ing in a manner that indicates Mack of
real earnestness. Tho prominent feat
ures of this week's proceedings are
llltclyto bu the nntl-optlou bill In the
senate and an appropriation bill In the
house. Tho anti-option bill is the un
finished business on thu senate calen
dar, nnd Is expected to be laid before
that body to-day. unless an early ad
journment prevents it.
. In tho morning hour Senator Mitchell
will discuss his joint resolution propos
ing an amendment to tho constitution
providing for tho election of .senators
py,:the votes of .the qualilk'd.cluctors ol
tho States. This joint rcsnluuon Is in
dorsed by tho commltteo on privileges
and elections and Is undoubtedly strong
in. the senate, but because of its grout is nanny to oonsstunea
that It can lie passed during tho scanty
opportunity offered by tho morning
Once the anti-option bill is laid beforo
the sennto it will bu open to discussion
again, und positive action on tho mat
ter is expected this week. Frotn pres
ent Indications the dally sessions will
bu short and an adjournment will bu
taken from Thursday to tho following
.Monday. It Is qui to probable that in
the house next week a great deal of In
formation nud opinions based on In
formation will be submitted relative to
the condition of the treasury.
It Is the expectation of tho leaders
that with the exception of Monday,
when bills concerning tho District of
Columbia will have right of way, prac
tically tho whole tltno of the hoit'.u dur
ing tho week will be devoted to consid
eration of tlte regular appropriation
bills. Tho debate will begin on thu
nrmy appropriation bill, which thu mil
itary committee will report to-day ami
which ChalrtnaniOnthwalte at present
intends to call up to-morrow.
It is llltely that, tho debate will take
a much wider range than this bill and
will embrace tfio statu of tho revenues
of existing appropriations qnd, it is
possible, of tho policy of the democratic
party. The nrmy' bill in its aggregate
shows a reduction frotn tho totul
amount carried by tho bill for the cur
rent fiscal year, but there have been
several Increases made in the appropria
tions under the licotlof "department ot
ordnance." .
The military committee would not bo
surprised if an attack was 'made on
some of these items by Mr. llolman and
other rigid economists. It is prepared
for uny criticisms which may bo made
by adopting in its report the statements
made by Gen. Flagler showing the real
and urgent necessity for additional np
proprlations, and is lu for a lively fight
if need-ic.
The appropriations committee has
been at work on tho District of Coluin
biatdnd fortification appropriation bills
for some time, und expects to report
the latter bill in time to be taken up as
soon us the army bill is passed
The district of Columbia bill has
caused considerable trouble to tho sul
committee in charge of It, A host of
locaf f'vefriment qlllcials Have' been
examined and to-da'tho'sttncomnilt-tecTwllI
begin the tfnnualiprepnratlon
of the bl. It is belle vod, that the bill
will be reported id' tho house tho latter
part of this week. ' .vi
Estimates for deficiencies 'have been
received nnd they will bo embodied in
uu urgency deficiency bill, to be report
ed to tho house und taken up almost
immediately or action, any other bills
under discussion to temporarily give
It Is the purposo of tho managers of
tho lmuse to get all thee bills over to
the. senate beforo thu holiday recess.
The accomplishment of this purpose
largely depends on tho temper of the
house, whiulif if in the mood, can pro
tract consideration of tho bills over
beveral weeks.
The Midi of i Noted Ititld Kmililter Mortally
Wnnnili'il While llilerinc.
Oz.viii:, Mo., Dec. 11. Young Mat
Day, of Taney county, was shot nnd
mortally wounded a few nights ago.
Tho shooting occurred some forty mlle.i
south of 0.urk, on Dear creel:, and tho
news from that part of Taney county
comes In slowly. There had been sotno
horses stolen on Dear creek, and a man
named Dyers was watching bin barn on
thu night of tho 7th Inst., whon ho saw
a inuu stepping toward the barn door.
Dyers flred.and the supposed thief fell.
It was young Mat Day, who lived not
far from' Dyers.
D.ty said to Dyers: "You'havo killed
mo and I was only trying to steal some
chickens." i
Young Mat Day was a son of tho
tho n'otcd Cnpt. Mat Day, of Taney
county, who was chief of tho Huld
Kuohbcrs, und also was one of tho ac
cused lynchers of Urlght nnd Williams.
Day's son was about 21 years old It is
thought that more trouble in Tuney
county will follqw this lost killing.
I.lKhl Seiitmn'u J'oVii "Wretch.
HunuNfiTON, la., Dec. 12. Tho case
of Frank Swords, the tramp w ho crip
pled llttlo Jesse Mohlor, a young lad of
Canton, III., for tho purposo of using
him for a street beggar, came up in
court yesterday. Swords plodded guilty
and then threw himself on thu mercy
of the court. Ho might ns well havo
tied a nilll-stono about his neck and
thrown himself in tho Mississippi river,
for thu judge sentenced Milm to four
years ut hard labor In thu penitentiary,
and seemed sorry that that wns tho
limit of tho law. The lad is tv cripple
for life from tho iuhumuu work of
Topics That May Oauso Endloss
Vf "' DlBcu,BBlon.
n&i i&Yift
-! Ictfft-
Mr, David .If. Jordan
Of Kdmcston, N. Y
"Fourteen years uro I liad an nttaclt of the
pravel, and have slnco hecn seriously troubled
trlth my UYcr und kidneys. Three yerf tieo I
rot down no low that leoolrt miiirelj' tvulk.
1 looked moro HUo a corpse than n lluirc biltic
I had no iipt)ctlto ami for five v.ul.s I nto
nollilns hot cruel. Had no tnoto inlor than
a liuirliln xtHtne. After I hnd tnhen 3 bottles
mylhlnc v.'lthout dlsin-Hs. Why. I pot so
huncrv that I had to rat ft times n day. i lnvo
now fully recovered. I feel svell nntl uiu
vrll. All Mho ltnow mo marvel." I). St.
JottUAN, retired fanner, Kdmrston, S, X.
HOOO'8 PILL8 arc tho best nfter-lluncr l'llls.
'I lint Uoiiuli Hvrun.
Tiuucn Uood. I'M) In Uura.
Bom br oruratxtr..
years ago I had Bronchitis,
which ilnaUy drifted into
Consumption, so the doc
tors said, and they had
about given mo up. I was
conllucd to my bed. One
day my husband went for
the doctor, but he was not
in liis oilicc. Tho druggist
sent me a bottle of Piso's
Cure lor Consumption. I
took two doses of it, and
was greatly relieved be
fore the doctor came. He
told me to continue its use
as long as it helped me. I
did so, and the result is, I
am now sound and well
entirely cured of Con
sumption. Mrs. P. E.
BAKEU, Ifarrisburg, Illi
nois, February 20, iSDl.
Ever since the time when two she-bears
ate forty-two little Israelitles for making
fun of the prophet Elisha, public sympa
thy has been on the side of the little street
Arabs who roam about and are forced to
look out for themselves. How many of
them die like poor Jo in "Bleak House",
before they have had half a chance. Most
of them are swept away by pulmonary diseases.-
Consumption drags them down to
death by thousands. All of them could be
saved by the use of Reid's German Cough
& Kidney Cute. It is only by taking care
of the health of thesmallcstof the children,
that the race Is elevated. See that you do
your duty and provide for the comfort of
your own child. Get this great remedy.
Itcontalns no poison. It will cure croup.
The small bottles are twenty five cents, the
large sire are fifty cents.
v" w
Clrariros tlin
'annl Puksagcn,
.lllnys Pain nnd
Heals tho Sores.
HtMorcs tho
Sonne ofTato
nud Smell.
i union ftml 11
A nnrt'rli, In nnutlrtt Intn pnrli
OKiDouiiic. I'rtie m i I'm. in nriii:KlL ;ir uv mall.
irliB mi i cm in unii'iiim. in- uv man.
m.i iiiiui iir.iin, iiurrun pi,,.iit tunc.
Unlike tlte Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
aro used in tho
preparation of
tvhUh U abtolutrly
puro and toluble.
4 It tin a mtt nvrnt h n t 4W w t !
the itrtnuth of Cocoa mixed
with Hturcli, Arrowroot or
nomlcal, cojtlny less than one cent n cup.
It li delicious, iioarlanltig, aud nstilr
Kold lydrofffii yveriTTlierc.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorcheater, Maai,
Garfield Tea iss;
URi. liiipio fiv. iiuuU3.u'mCo.,.UtnY l-iUht-.N.Y,
Cures Sick Headache
f3MBVsAiVt V v uvA JflVIHsffr lT
mmmmr im.
msamssam m&
! A-LY'to'Si
I -4U
itl iMSft
kj' irw n.1
A!fl t IH'-bl
liW ;VIH
j '.