The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 16, 1892, Image 10

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Friday, Dec. 1,
For the Good of Others
rw- eVs MrMfsHU.
Wt an plss-ed to pmni'fhb from
RtY.A. AVWIUUmi, of the SliUbw
stmt ChrUtUa Church,1 Lynn, Mau. t ,
I MO M miOB WllT 1nWt Of thtt
tortM wh. know wMrtof a .pMkf,
kmM hwlteto to Ntrori m
Artlol of Mrlt
worth, frets. wMh h. or kU runn?T
MMByfeMMttLu4 whose eoranijnd.
mm iMriMta sulerer from nver.
Nrvou tUadaoh
She Has me
BatHMCa Samee-rllla. II 9rMls
kV n, :uk. ? teMMtej 9gff9I
tot which she M4 ttttl. help.
SSLawS? luilSlthliiJ uthtTIM
tar aaa w
Hood's artaparilla
HOOD'S Pr-LB nth test fes-thr -tthsrlte,
MMMM4CMtlT Trstes, rrUielee
Furnlihcd by Our Comity
Corrcup ondentt.
Mra. Xalleck, Mrs. Piatt, nnd Grandma
Fullor are all on the sick Hit.
Mr. Morgan's father linn removed to
CowlM and occupies the square house in
the sooth-east part or town.
The M. E. protracted meeting closed
last week, on Wednesday eventnR.without
acoomplishintr all that was hoped for.
Mrs. Fawoett visits her parents at Au
rora, daring the holidays.
Aili Creek.
Christmas tree, and entertainment nt
the Ash Creek church, Christmas eve.
Thenartiea that bought Uncle Jim
Chapman's farm, havo erected n large
Charlev Smith has finished un his
house. It is a splendid building, nnd
adds greatly to tlio looks of his farm.
Cap Houchen is running for Postmas
ternot here ''in Washington."
Mrs. IlulTiis Largent of Denkleman
Neb., is visiting friends nnd relatives on
the oreek.
Speaking of our next Postmaster
there is no one thnt would till the place
better than Miss McMillen.
Mrs. Charley Smith was the recipient
ot a nico set of ohinn dishes, direct front
China, the gift of her daughter?, Mrs.
Johnes nnd MisB Itosa Bmith of Cleve
land, Ohio.
Chorlcs Amnck will mooon the Jen
nings farm in the spring. While Judd
White will tnke possession of bin fnrm.
Mr. Lookridge's children nro on the
sick list. ItlfiOMIMOUM.
There nover could bo more pleasant
news to write about Catherton than
at present.
The people are busy gathering the fin
est crop that could ever hoped for. And
are not near through husking corn yet.
Help has been very scarce. Some are
paying three cents per bushel to hnsk.
Stocks ot all kind are in good condi
tion, and farmers here generally have all
they can take care of.
To take It all through Catherton pros
pers ae never before.
Most eery farmer has from 10 to 100
acres in fall wheat nnd the plants are
hearty and strong.
There will not bo ns much land for
corn next spring.
C. W.Llngren is building n fine Iwn
has also built a granary. Mr Lindgren
owns one or me oesi farms in Untherton
and takes pleasure in making it a good
and cheerful home.
H. Benson has sold bis farm. Consid
eration 83,100
Frances Pnyne is building nntl improv
ing his farm. Ed was busy before
eleotion working for the Independent
party, nnd ho !h equally busy now taking
core ot hia farm, mid it enn truthfully
be said that Ed Ib just ns good a farmer
as an Orator. Vkh.
1 .
Kvory body in the vicinity has bad
Mr. Judd and Mr. C. L. Lewis sheled
corn last week.
The hour lor church has been changed
to three o clock.
The young peoplo of Amboy nnd
Pleasant Hill have orgnuized n I) cum fo-
ciety at Pleasant Hill. They mtet nt
7:15 every Friday evening. Everyone, is
cordially invited to attend and help the
young people out
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Baker save their
daughter, Susie, quite a surprise, Satur
day evening, in honor of her 14th
blrtbdar. by invitintr many of her inti
mate friends in, und all hod a splendid
time, ana enjoyed tue oysters very much.
One among the presents the young la
dy received was a handsome gold ring.
We wish Miss Susie many long and hap
py years and many ploasant birthdays.
Among those present were: Miss ties.
leCookrall, Miss Gertie Brown, Mr.
Dat Baladan Mr Harty and Clarence Cox
Mr. Ilarwood, Mr. Sylvester Frisbie, nnd
Robert Mitchell.
Mr. M. C. Judd thinks he has got old
enough to wear glasses since be has got
to be grandpa.
Sinlo Creek.
Nows Ib scarce up here the Peo
ples party licked the rlf.'ter.
The qunrterly mooting nt Pleasant
Grovo was well attended last Sunday.
Miss Laura Scrlvner and her sister,
Mrs. Mattle Sapp, arrived at their fath
er's, V. H. Scrlvner, a few days ago nnd
Mr. Snpp is coming through with teams
from Davis county, Missouri.
Wo notice thnt n numlier cf the Peo
ples pnrty lies are rejoicing over tho
election of Orover. Question: Why
should they nny inoro Minn republicans.
Many ot us wonder It hogs will bo
worth 5XjO in two or three years from
now, and other things in arcordnnce.
Laboring mon jus think of the future,
litfi men out of employment by the clos
ing of ono manufactory in Chicago.
A school "inarm" in Mlflxotiri, set
some smart Aleck boys out nt the door on
the toe of her shoe. It Mr. Shnnon
will apply same, some will gUo him
credit for it nt Mt. Hopo.
Kiss Edith Scribner was home last
week. She is teaching ten miles east.
Miss Mark, of Inavnle, has been reem
ployed to teach another term nt Pleasant
A Missourinn saw a man riding in his
cyclono hog frame, and said he saw a
man hawiing tits nog pen on his wagon.
The why.
Bolieving thnt tho people of lied
Cloud have ns much intelligence nnd
business ns the nvorngo city of its tire, I
would thank you for a littlo space for an
opon letter to tho thoughtful.
One of the necessary things of this life
is to know the why.
Why does the clergyman so frequently
differ with editors, politicians, legal men,
merchant men, and the Medical men
in regard to mattered great importance?
I think tho answer is at hand.
The editor, lawyer and all other busi
ness men have a little realm of their
own, and they think and live subject to
those laws. And the clergyman is no ex
ception to that rule. He lives nnd is
governed by the laws of the mortal world
It is frequently said by the busi
ness man-though he be a Christian, that
the clergyman in too exacting. Ho is an
extremist nndn crank. Why is this? Is
it not because that at some point the in
terests of our various little realms clash.
I believe this to be the cose.
Now let us look this matter square in
the face, and be honest with ourselves.
When we consult the legal fraternity
do we not consult the man that in ac
quainted with tho laws of his onn littlo
realm? And nt the same timo in honest
enough to givo us a fair deal. When we
go to tho medical man do we go to tho
man that will nsk us what kind
of medicine we want, or do wo go to the
man that knows our cose,and will givo ns
tho needed treatment? I think tho lat
ter. Is not that tho case with us all and in
all tho walks of lire? I think all will
concede this.
Now gentlemen, afUr spending tho en
tire week shut up with your business
with all ita cares nnd annoyances provid
ing for the demands made upon you nnd
your family, your friends nnd the church.
What do yon want ns you go to the
house of Ood on the Snbbath? What
do you want as you stnnd by the bedside
ot the dying wife or child, or when tho
doctor tells you Hint you ennnot live r
Do you not want a man thnt is acquaint
ed with the governing laws of his own
and peculiar realm? Do you not want a
a roan that will donl honestly w ith you in
eternal things?
But do you not say, "bo more liberal . "
Gentlomen there is not liberality. Truth
the pure is purest, nothing more nor
less, so with the right is right, nothing
raoro nor less.
But you say your preachers differ In
important tilings. ouo another pro
fessions thnt he has not the courage of
his conviction. O no, wo do not know
that ho hnB any conviotiion on thnt point
but wo do sny that his conviction bo on
tho level on which he thinks.
Therefore let un all havo the credit of
knowing best tho lawn of our own littlo
kingdom nnd the privilege ot being
strictly honest in, ndministoring those
laws. J. A. Ohaimn.
Farmers Observe !
Corn 30 cents !
We will pay during December, in trade, 30e for Corn.
Wc have just received a large invoice of
And our store is full from top to bottom.
A Beautiful Ret
with 10 and $20
lire Given Away
worth of goods.
Our stock of Ladies and and Children's Un
derwear in gray, white and red is complete,
DRESS GOODS in all the latest styles
and colors.
Bed Comforts and Blankets all kinds and
Cloaks and Jackets in
Ladies and Children's Sizes
we have over 200.
Prices way down, we will in fact undersell
our competitors
Remember wc mean business and will close out all of them. Xmas bargains before the 1st
of January. Give us a call and be convinced.
R. M. Martin
Queensware. chinaware,
Glassware, Etc.
Toys of All Kinds in Great Variety.
I will make a LIBERAL DISCOUNT on
all classes of toys and candies to Sabbath
schools and churches.
Murray's Fair Store, Bed Cloud.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
Count Supplies
Notice li hereby clvcn thnt until Jnmiarv 1st,
IM, "K'.ilol bids will be received by the county
toard of supervisors ot Webster county, Ne
braska, (or NiinDllcstobefurnlHliPilxHlileoiiiitv
lor the j car lsxi and to be ordered froui tlma to
time as needed, bids te be accompanied by a
Rood and sufficient bond to Webster county In
case contract Is let guaranteeing faithful tr-
luriiutiice 01 cuniracu
Iho following U itlltt of mmtillru reniilrcil
and the manner of bidding, all bids to be lllcd
nun wio cuuiuy ciera.
12,000 note heads, printed and ruled, 7 lbs per
20,000 envelopes, No. 10 XXX printed, white,
per thousand.
." envelopes, No. C!S XXX printed, white,
per thousand. ,
LitlioRrapli warrants per thousand.
8 quires records plain page per book.
8 quires records printed head tier book.
4 quires records printed bead per book.
0 quires records printed hcvd per book.
8 quires record printed paito per boon.
0 quires records plain phkc per book.
u oulrcs records printed pstni per boo .
AllHordsto lie full bound uxirii Itiml.m
ends, bands and front ctnvuss cover, 4i ihmiikI
iijiuh iieiiun ursi-emss mum ietiK I p,ipii
Ieon Ichhc's pel s An. it r uro-i.
lou Isaac's JH'iis No, J per (truss.
Ia'oii liwiHf's pens No lo ht urois.
I.POII Isam-'a Helm Nil n n.r inn..
What is
Probnte Notice.
Webster County. )
To all lid sons Interested In tho estate of Alex
unler Quisle, deceased.
Whereas, Alcetus lilley, on the 30th day of
November, 1893, nled his irlllod petition in the
county court oi our county oi ueosier,
altoulni? Unit Alexander Oulculo. lute of aiilil
comity, died In said county on or about the 1st
day of Stay, lstsc), Intestate, and that said Alex
ander Ouluulo, deceased, left estate In this stiita
to ho administered, and praylnv thnt letters of
administration may Isiuo lo himself, Akctus
Itlloy, In the premises.
Whereupon I liavo appointed Tuesday, the 3d
d.iy of, 1KU. at in o'clock In the fore
noon nt my olllcu In lied Cloud, said county, ns
Iho time and placo for a licit rim; on said ell
lion, and nil ersnns Interested iimv appear and
show cause, If any exlit, why the praer of said
petition lie not uranted. .
Witness my official slKiinture nnd tlio seal m
the count court ot our said county of Webster
this .Will dayot Nou inner, IWi
it) JammDkfhv.
County Judco
NlicrUrs Male.
Notice Is herein bUoii, that under and b lr
tlio of an order ot sale Issued from the olllco ot
V, II. Crone Clerk ot tho District Court ot the
Tenth Judicial Dlsttlct, within and for Webster
couuiy, rteuinsKa, tipou nuucreeiii an anion
rem. wnereiu Allien l uuru
lulle)s and .lames N.Tlrown,
Castorla la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
feverlshncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend.
puuduu;, therein, wherelu Albert (L Uuruhum
j. siimier w
us liuulisiu, Tulleys and company
lansen. Mary u:in.
for t'Urauce K
Ulntllf's and aualust Ole Hansen
ten mm I,. v. l uiiuvs Trustee, ror
.k. ... - . A 1.1 J .
iiujm! nun iitquin num. auiu.ti, uoii'iiumus, i
shall oDer for s.ile nt puhllo vcuaue, to the liluh
est lilddei tor cash In hand, at the east d'or of
tlio(Ymrt-lioiioHt lied Cloud, In said Webster
county. Nebiasha, that belim the IjjIMIiik
whenlii the List t trm of said court was holdeu,
on the
90li Dny of Dee. A. D. ISO!)
follow Inn
nt one o'clock p. in., ot said day, tho
described property, to wtu
1 he north. west mmrter of seetlon
IS, III township three, J, north of mime nwhe.
i.-, Nosi ur sixui p. in. in weusier county and
sian oi NeDiasKHConiaiiiinu accordlmc
eminent suivey ono hundred aim
seven acres.
to uov.
" Castorla Is an excellent medlcln. tor chil
dren. Mothers bsrs rcpeaudly told mo ot Its
good effect upon their children."
Da. O. C. Omood,
Lowell, Mass.
" Castorla is the bekt remedy for children of
whliii I am acquainted. I hope tho iaj is not
far distant wbu mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children, and us. Castorla In.
Mm4 ot the various quack nottnuaa which tr.
destroying their loved on, by foretag opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and otter hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby seeding
them to premature graves."
Da. J,F. Kncwkvoi,
Conway, Ark.
castorla is so well adapted to cbitdrta that
I recommend it as superior to any preseriptloa
known to me."
H. A. AacwsmM. P..
Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklya, N. T.
"Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken kigtl of their experi
ence in their oulaU. practice with Castorla,
and aJtkottgn wa only has asossi our
medical wppliea what l known m regular
products, yet we are free to confess that tie
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
VttiTBO Hosvrrai. amd Disrsasiav,
Boston, staaa.
Atxn a Siotb, Prt$.,
lm peii"lls, Fuller's Jjo. 4, hexaon rubber
tins DeruniaN
.. . . ...
jau pencils, racer's red anil niuo per dozen.
Itubber bands No. 11 varlRitted twr 1,010.
Rubber erasers (Ink and ncnciii Kaber's iwr
riRunng tabs oxs too cacn per thousand.
FlKurlng tabs Oxio too each per thousand,
Carter's carmine Ink per pint.
Stoddard's copy Ink per quart.
Abstract leuai can is lb Crane extra Dcr
Abstract legal cap 18 Ib One ruled.
Abstract leital 10 lbs Crane extra tier
ileum's paper fasteners round beads No. 1
per box.
Melllll'a tinner fasteners rnind liemls Kn. a
per box.
iccncisarni rests so, lunmi lcacn.
Perfection letter Hies per llle.
Ulobe document boxes loxlVixiiJ perdoron.
Ulobe document boxes I0x4'ixJV', ier(tocn
(iloblo docunieiit boxes 10x4Qx2Si per dozen.
Chattel niortgaKe tiles, with sttlugs, per
Itoad nvertrera rrlnt linnk. inn In hnnlr.
a. " ..---. -----,-- ... -- ... www..,
Tha Oeataw Capaay, TI Marray ljrct, Mow Tok City.
(liven uuder BVbniid this isth day ot No vein- f
ber, a. 1 , mi, . . K. i'ook, sherlfl.
JOUM 1'. llHXilf, rislniin's Attorney.
Itoad lists, extra material nor dozen.
M poll books, coo soles each for 1KU pet hook.
Tux receipts, orlKliial,diilluitciui(llin-ato
cate per thousaiid.
KccclpU for pament under protest per loo.
Itedemptlon certificates per I no.
Certirtcttes ot ackiiowledKemeut cr 100.
Certificates of character per loo.
Klectlon notices for Ikuj ier dozen,
oniclal bonds iieriou.
Uath of onice per loo.
Koad overseers minimi settlement per 100.
Attachments district court jer loo.
Attachment orders district court per 100.
Allldavits against garulshee district court per
Aflldavlts ot replevin district court er lin.
Appearance bonds district court 'r loo.
llouds for cost district court tier too.
htay bonds district court per too.
Injunction bonds district court er loo.
Keplevln bonds district court per lou.
Attachment bonds district court or 100.
Court wrappers, civil, district court ier 100.
Court wrappers, criminal, district court per
captions to transcript district court per too.
Ccrtlilcates to transcript district court per
Cautions and certificates to take disposition
district court per 100.
Commission to take desposltlon district com t
Notice to take dcsposltlon district comt por
hundred. .,
Declaration of Intention district court per too,
iteturus of executions district court icriuo.
Itxecutlons on transcript district couit per
Muni paper district couit per 100.
Jury and witness list district court per 100.
order nf delivery to renleviu district lourt
er one hundred.
l'reciies district court cr ono hundred.
ltecoKul.ancc ot crlmlNul wlluess district
court wr Hundred.
rlummousurlgiiial district court orvuu hun
dred. Huinmons copy district court per hundred,
.Summons In error district court per uue lain-
Hubpuiiias original district court per ono hun
dred. Hubptcna topy district court per one him-
Hubpa-nas In trimliutl rates dlstrlit court per
one hundred. ....
btiileiuenls of costs dUtrut court per one
I'robutv I'otli'c.
Johnson, W. b.Crawiotd A.
limn A. Co.. l'liilt. & 1'iees Coniikinv.
Cloud National Hank audbauk of Cowlcs,
Mary and eipuiaTac-id ww:kivfrr.m-t-?3
W-i-ent position, dood eh-nSlorT,l
JwUwetirro wen otti unenr .tack. Le-r-nV. '
uwu tffr nock, truo to
H name. IWlr ttritm-U,
laaieea. UKiiinin
miMieB so luCwi
span lime
ran in.n
tcrut any II
Ann tint AArnll
Inv i?& niT 0101111111
anrf iiviimv. IVin tV
h.ltAtai iMaiiu, nf nra fl
vtyii. falltirwlntSla nrnfli., I
unfa, uutntrrtw Addnas,
nnmVN nnrw m
lj-aaf lisintt Miiaaneiaa lt4o HI I
TOe -ouro 1 1 rclia-lo. haniulhl. panrr. 11 ))
Verdicts of Jury district court per ono hun
dred Allldavits mid innlcrtnklnirs for order of at
tachment lu justice court per out) hundred.
Aftldawts lorKarnlsheu Justlct court per ono
Apical Justice court per one hunured.
Complaints Justice court per ono liundrv
Complaints for contempt Justko court per
onn hundred,
Executions Justice court per one hundred.
Mittimus In bailable cases Justice, couit iter
one hundred.
Notice of constable sate Justice court per ono
. Notice of garnishee Justlco court icr ono
Order ot attachments Justice court per ono
Order of sale of attached property Justice
court per ono hundred.
Order of arrest Justlco court per ono hundred.
Hecognlz.inco to keep tho peace Justice court
per one hundred.
ltcplovin summons Justice, court per ono hun
dred. Huinmons original Justice court per one hun
dred. -uinmons copy Justlco court per nne hundred,
Niiniiii.ii s Hcxliist gai nlsliee Justu o com t per
one hiindii'd.
Hulipu'iias copy Justice court p.r onolmii
dnil. Milipiruns ordinal Justice court cr one liuu-
tttute warrants Justlco court pet onohundr.J.
hturcli uurianis Justice couit iter ono Hun
dred. Undertaking for costs Justlco cottrt.
UudcrtnkliiK In order ot arrest Justice court
per one hundred.
Verdict of Jury Justlco court per ono hun
dred. Veulro ot Jury Justice court per one hundred.
Mucilage per tpiart.
The county board rcscrcs the right lo rcjoct
anv and all bids.
Ked Cloud, December 2, 1802.
10-tt II. U. IUnnkv.
County Clork.
HtAto ot Nebraska I
Webster County, f
To nil persons Interested In tho estate of
Pavld O. Hmelccr deceased. Whereas, (icoriru
W, Hmelsor.onihOwtlidny of lluccmticr Ihj.
Hied bis terlllcd petition In the county court ot
our said county ut Wctister, ulleKliiK that David
u. Bininser miu oi saiu rnuuiy tiicu in sain coun
ty ou or about the llrst day oi February 18?. lie
testate, and that said David 0. bmclscr left cs
Ute In this statu toboitdmluisU'ied, und piay-
in itiu. tuners oi luiiiiiiiisiriuion may ts'itu
to Annie Kllz.i Sinelser lu tho prcmlios, where
upon 1 have unnoint-il Tuesday the rd unv ot
January 1800 ut '-' o'clock in tlio afternoon at
my onico in lied Cloud, s.ild county at tho timo
and place tor a hearing ou said petition and ull
persons Interested may appear and show cause
It any exist why tho prtijcr of said petition be
not allowed.
Witness niyofllclal signature nnd the seal ot
the county com t ot our said county ot ottster
this .th day ot December lHiw.
JA MEH 11 uv FY. rout'tv .unliie.
blicrllPH Sale
Notice Is hereby given, that under nnd by
virtue of un order ot salo Issued from the Crone, Clerk or tho District
Court ot tho rent It Judicial district, within and
for Webster couuty,Nebiaska, upon a decree
In un notion ponding, therein wherein, l.yiimu
li. 'lower, plalntltf, and tiKulust Thai! Arnold,
Maltnda Arnold. Boutli llranch l.uinunr Cum.
puny, It. C. (Ircirury, Joseph Oraves, Aintnila
Auutusuii, joiiii r. ou
feudunts. I shall oiler for sale atpublio vendue,
to tho highest bidder for cash In hand, ut the
cast door of the court-house, at Ked Cloud, in
the said Webster county, Nebraska, tthut being
tue bulldlug wherein the last term of said conn
was holdeu) on the
Olli day or January A. !., 18JHI.
atone o'clock i. in .of said diiv, tho -following
properly to-wlt; iho suuth east qtmiter or
secllou two,., In township itaiee, J, noitli and
range leu lo, west H p. in,
tiivcu under my hand this 8tli day ot Dcct'iit
bei A, 1)., 189., 1ko. i:..CooN. Hlieiiir.
. A. .i. Tumi.imsiin, Deputy.
John M. Kaoan. I'lalniltt's Attoiney.
?&' siiU;
. - -i IH.-