The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 09, 1892, Image 8

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A. O. HOSNlER, Pilbllshor.
Ex-Sk.vatoh Jnoam.s Is booked for
lecturing in thu cast.
'rvnxTV8i:vi:.v divorces u ore granted
ut St. Louis on Ui(! :stli.
Tin: electoral collect) of every htnlc
in the union inccts litmiury V.
Tin: Cowlwy baud, of Dodtfu City,
Kiwi., which wiii innkin u tour of the
country, 1ms eollnpscd.
A company 1ms boen formed to irrl
puto r.00,000 uerOH of hind In Wyoming,
to Ihj colonized with Scsindlniivliins.
IjVKX beforu llio -lOOtli nnnlver.sriry
Hood set in there hud been fully 700
lives of Columbus written In various
Inngunges. ,
llisiior Wiuodt, of tho dioccno of
Kuwnrk, N. J., bus cited Father Corri
fjnn to appear beforo an eecle.siastlcul
court The controversy grows out of
charges of Cuhcnslcyltim.
Kai.kahka county, Mich., nt three
elections during the hist six ycurH has
elected u democratic prosecuting attor
ney by tho following plurality vote:
18S0, by one vote; lbSS, by two votes;
lbOi, by four votes.
A St. Loui.s landlord recently ranted
n room for sleeping purposes. Tin?
tenant turned it into a blacksmith shop
nnd tho landlord lurdly knew it when
lio saw it later. Me wanted tho tenant
arrested for malicious damage.
Tin: Society of tho Wnrof 1812, which
was chartered in Philadelphia last
week, numbers llfty-llvo members, of
whom David McCoy, of San Hernardlno,
Oil., 102 years of age, is probably tho
oldest. Another very old member l.-t
A brain Dally, of Jtrooklyn, who sees
without glasses at 0".
A nocKiMi chiii'o against the salary
ot legislators might stop absenteeism,
which has become so cininon In this
country. It is thought likely that the
French chamber of deputies' will adopt
u rule under which absentees shall bo
lined 'JO francs ('J) a day, the amount
to bo deducted from their olllcial sal
urlcs. A Itnui.ix correspondent says that the
first paragraph of the (icrman conser
vative platform ends: "We combat
Jewish Intluencu in our national life
on which it nets with disintegrating ef
fects; we demand Christian govern
ment for Christian people and Christian
teachers for Christian pupils. Wo con
demn excess of anti-Semitism."
I'iiuso.ns generally have a tenderness
for those whoso lots have boen cast in
the same hard lines. Christine, Nllssou
has just fullillcd ti vow madu when sho
was n young girl poor and unknown
to fame, suffering from nu uttuok of
croup by giving tfi.ouo towurd the
founding of ti hospital in Fiance for
tho treatment of sufferers from throat
Tin: steamer Fonar, from Rotterdam,
fell in with tho whaling bark A. K.
Tucker, dipt linker, which had been
nearly two years out from Ju!v lied
ford, and nearly r.ll of this tlmo had
been inclosed in ieo in Hudson bay,
Bhut in from tho outside world. The
Bailors were all healthv, but were very
hungry for news, and Capt. Willis sent
them newspapers.
A Scotch engineer is said to hsvo
solved tho problem of making the mill
run with the water that has passed. It
is reported by a (llusgow paper that a
resident engineer has devised an ar
rangement by which all tho steam used
by an engine is returned to the boiler.
As a result it is said that as much ener
gy can bo gotten out of one ton of coal
us is now secured by thu consumption
of seven tons.
San' Fiia.ncinco gets her water from
Lnko Tuhoe, 150 miles distant, anil her
whisky to mix with it from Kentu-kv,
via Now York. Tho liner grades are
shipped by steamer. Tho rolling and
tossing of the vessel improves the jnal-
jiy, Miuiuug mo spirits up ami evapor
ating tho fusil oil The sea air also '
improves me wnisuy, and when It guts
to San Francisco It is worth 23 c.iits
more per gallon than when it started
on its Journey.
Tin: good people of Pittsburgh, Ii.,
Jiuvo forced tho authorities to turn dis
orderly characters out of town. The
lawfulness of turning anybody out of a
community is open to question, but its
hellish wickedness is plainly apparent.
So onu would bo allowed to scatter tho
llrebrands of his own premises on those
of his neighbors, nor should eitle lw
tillowcd to rid themselvesof their moral
llrebrands in the samu fashion. Let
them keep their tilth anil deodorlaw it
when It becomes unpleasant.
Miss Km.a V., over whom
tho papers made so much of a to-do
when it was reported that sho hud befti
elected nttorney-gencral of Montana, Is
said to bo in every way worthy of tho
honors tendered her. Shu was born la
Jiocltiiluhtuu county, X. H., but just
how lortff ago her biographer falls to
mention! Sho graduated from North
wood beminary at tho ago of 15, and
from tho statu normal school ono year
later. Shu graduated from Itates col
lege, of Luwiston, Me., in ISSl.and now
holds tho degree of M. A. from that in
btltutlon. In pursuit of health she
made her way west, and in tho fall of
18t7 settled in Heluna, where she found
hho could not pursuo her plan of thu
practice of law because tho statu laws
barred women from tho bar. Not dis
heartened by this trille, however, sho
'Bet to work and secured an amendment
to tho law, anil ut oueo begun work In
hcrchoscn profession with ti degree of
success that won tho admiration of tho
entire bench and bur of tho stutc.
Gloanod By Tologrnph and Mali
Spain has signed treaties of com
merce with Sweden nnd Norway, Mid
land, Denmark, Switzerland and Port
ugal. KMANur.t, Cl'btkii, father of tho Into
den. (leorgo Ii. Custer, tho famous cav
alry loader, died ut tho homo of his son,
Nevcn .1. Custer, in l'arsonvlllo, Mich.
Tho deceased was about 85 years of ago.
At a meeting of unti-I'arnelHtes in
County Koscmninon, Ireland, John Dil
lon challenged tho Purnellltes to show
Unit they had received ono dollar from
cither America or tho llritlsh colonies.
(Jrc.V. Cnr.spo, of Venezuela, proposes
to maintain fully tho Jurisdiction of
Venezuela and especially its right to
arrest criminals on inerchnnt ships In
her waters. This right will bo mora
particularly Insisted on when tho fugi
tives uro citizens of Unit renubllc
Tin: protocol between Chili and Peru
has met with u temporary hut-back.
Upo.v thu right of Indians to vote de
pends the question of who will get tho
vote of North Dakota.
Tin: Latitat ministry was defeated
on ah Interpellation concerning the
Panama hoandals in tho French cliain
her and immediately resigned
Fitch died at Logansport, Ind, aged
0'J. Two daughters, Mrs. Denby, wlfu
of Col. Denby, United States minister
to China, and Mrs. Dr. Asa Coleman,
survive hi in.
Ai.i:xAM)i:tt II. Wvant, tho famous
American landscape painter, died of
softening of tho brain at New York on
the ".9th.
It is not thought that Ccrmany will
toko tiny notice of Minister Phelps' in
judicious speech at lierlln on Thanks
giving day.
Thk death of Dr. Scott has delayed
tho preparation of thu president's mes
sage. Tin: Mexican ministers liavo tendered
their resignations.
Kvkiiytiiiko is quiet in Samoa.
Soi.icnoii-(li:Ni:iiAr. Ai.nuicii will re
sign his position to resume tho practice
of law in Chicago.
It is authoritatively stated that ex
Secretary of tho Treasury Fiiirehlld
win again no tomluied that portfolio.
Tin: prince and prlneo-Hof Wales will
visit Naples, Palermo, Corfu and Athens
this winter.
A caui.vct crisis is reported in Spain.
caused by tho resignation of the min
ister of tho interior.
Tin: popo has refused assent to the
marriagu of Prince Ferdinand of llul
garin to tho daughter of the ex-duko of
Ex-tlov. Hoyt, of Pennsylvania, died
on tho 1st. Ho was Oil years old.
Tin: funeral of Kev. Dr. Scott oc
curred at Washington on tho -1st, The
president and family accompanied tho
remains to Washington, Pa., where
they were Interred iu the family vault
Tin: olllcial count of the vote of Wis
cousin is ax follows: Peek (dem.), for
governor, 170, HS; Spooner (rep.), 170,
:)54; Peck's plurality, 8. 844.
OpriciAi. returns iu Minnesota show:
Harrison, 1'J'J,7:U1; Cleveland, 100,570;
Weaver, JSO.ililB; fuslonlsts 107,077; Did
well, 11,070. For governor Nelson
(rep.), received 10'.,'J'J0; Lawler (dem.),
04,000; Donnelly (pop.), !I8,72:1.
OrriciAi. returns of all but ono coun
ty ol the state of Washington give Har
rison !i0,4l)l; Cleveland, 'JO, U'JJ; Weaver,
11VJ04; llidwell, 'J.4S7. For governor
MeCiruw (rep.), !t:i,10:i; Snlvely (dem.),
'J8.770; Young (poo.), 'JM.'JOO; Ureen
(pro.), :i,8s:i.
Thk ofllelal vote of Illinois shows:
For president Cluvelnnd received 4'Jtl,'Jbl
votes; Harrison, :si0,'J88; llidwell, 'J5.870;
Weaver, 'J-J,'J07. Cluvuland's plurality
is JO,oy:t. '
Gi:n Dodds has withdrawn his troops
from Aboinuy with tho exception of
seven companies. Tho remainder havo
been stationed in the port towns of Da
homey. Jay (, tho famous millionaire
and railway king, died at New York on
tho 'Jd of pulmonary consumption.
(Jo v.-i:i.i:ct OsuouNK.of Wyoming, get
ting tired of waiting on a slow canvas
sing board, forcibly entered thu execu
tive mansion.
Tin: monetary conference at Hrussels
rejected Alfred do Hothchild's proposal.
Cor. N. P. Min-oii, a well known dem
ocratic politician of uortheast Missouri,
is detul.
Mn. EnwAim C. Litti.i:, of Kansas,
who was recently appointed consul
general of Kgypt, hns notified tho pres
ident of his acceptance of thu oftlcc.
Tin: legislature of Oklahoma is a tic.
Tvnioiti fever in St. Louis, while not
increasing in number of cases, is in
creasing in fatality.
Tim: number of blacklisted men at
Carnegie's Homestead mills is 1,'JOO.
Six'iir.TAiiY Noiu.i: has approved tho
roll of tho Choyonno river and tho
Standing Hock bands of Indians in tho
Dakotas, to whom tho $JOO,000 appro
priated by thu act of January 10, 1801,
is to be paid.
Ono (iitArr, a Swedish immigrant,
died at Ilrookfleld, Conn., of sheep rot,
contracted iu Scotland.
Ouv:u Yantih, one of tho Spearvillo
bank robbers, was fatally shot in Okla
homa white resisting arrest
Thk groat convention in tho Interest
of thu Nlcaragimu canal began Its ses
sion iu Now Orleans on the itotlu
A i.auiik slate-colored motcorlto fell
a milo northeast of Newcastle, Col., and
was found burled in thu ground.
Tin: passenger rate from Louisvlllo
to Chicago has fallen to fl.BO. This
means that thu tight has reached n
point wlioro it must bu settled at ouce.
Thk report of tho commission ap
pointed by tho Ontario government to
Investigate tho subject of dehorning
rattle with a view to determining
whether tho practlco Is humane, rec
ommends that thu practlco bo permitted.
Thk reason given for tho delay in tho
Llwslo Harden casu Is that thu court be
lieves her to bu Insane.
Tin: Stono City bank, of .Toilet, III., a
pow erf id private Institution, suspended,
causing much embarrassment to busi
ness ilnub.
Jamks Knott, of Icwcastle-on.Tyne,
Kuglnnd, has determined to put on a
rcgulnr lino of steamships between
Charleston, S. C, and Mediterranean
Ax Hriu express struck a wagon at a
crossing at Klinlra, N. Y. Two women
nnd two men wcru killed at id a woman
fatally injured.
A Jap.vnehk war vessel was sunk by
collision with a Hrltish steamer. Tho
crow of 275 men wero drowned. Tho
passengers of tho llritlsh steamer wero
transferred to the of Japan.
Tin: Russian government hns declined
the offer of n French syndicate to llnisli
tho construction of thu Siberian rail
way, as no foreign capital or engineers
will be employed on the enterprise.
Tnr. orange crop of Florida aggre
gates live million boxes this year, 70,000
loss than last Higher prices are ex
pected. WitKCKAOi: limiting on the west coast
of Scotland indicated thu wreck of a
largo Gorman steamer bound to New
Typhoid fever ut St Louis continues
to increase in fatality. Tho sanitary
authorities arc unable to locate the dis
ease breeding cause.
Ki.i.swourn Wyatt, one of the no
torious Daltou gang of robbers, was
captured at thu homo of his uiielu at
Cory, Ind., whero ho was hiding. Ho
wns not iu tho ColToyvlllo raid, but was
wanted for many crimes.
A him, lias been introduced in tho
Alabama legislature providing for an
annuity of 5()0 for Mrs. Davis, widow
of JetVerson Davis, during her life. It
met witli much favor and will undoubt
edly be passed.
Tin: Kansas statu tniard of canvassers
ended Its count on the 1st The tie in
Coffey county went in favor of tho re
publican by drawing, thu attorney-general
A.NTHitAciTic coal has been discovered
In Hamilton county, Ind., but a few
feet below tho surface. It Is thought
to do in paying quantities ana an or
ganization will bo effected to develop it
Tin: Nicaragua canal convention at
New Orleans adjourned after resolving
that the work should receive tho ilnnn
clal and other aid of congress.
A Ni:w Yoiiic syndicate has purchased
tho street railway systems of New Or
leans for 10,000,0()0. The motive pow
er will bu changed from mules to elec
tricity. Thk North (ionium Lloyd steamship
Spree was reported overdue at New
Ci.kaiiino house returns for tho week
ended December 'J showed an uverugo
increase of JJ.3 compared with tho corre
sponding week of lust year. In New
York the increase was a. 'J.
Thk panther which created such
havoc in Oklahoma wns hunted down
and killed by a colored preacher.
Foim of the desperadocH who hold up
tho Great Northern train near Malta,
Mont., were captured after a most des
perate struggle. They are Alex llluck,
Henry llass, W. a Hunt nnd T. Iluugh.
Finn destroyed a Williamsburg, N.
Y., tenement nnd several of the liimntcz
were killed by jumping from thu win
dows. An engine and fourteen cars were
wrecked and a brakeman killed on the
C, It. ,fc i. near Winchester, 111.
Cotton Is almost a fulluru in Tennes
see and tenants are iu bad shape for the
Thkiu: was a walk out at tho Cerril
los coal pit, Santa Fa, N. M., by dissat
isfied miners.
Choi.kiia has reappeared at several
Paris suburbs.
Thk Church of St Michael, ono of the
finest in Vienna, was destroyed by lire.
It wus originally erected iti the
Romanesque style iu l'JIO-'JI.
M.vnY Ai.i.p.n Wi:ht died recently In
Japan. Sho was senior editor of tho
Union Signal, the organ of the W. C.
T. U.
Aiivicks from the interior of Cuba
show that laigc fires arc burning iu thu
tields of sugar ewie on several rr-tatcs.
It is reported that George Gould will
bo elected to succeed Ids father as pres
ident of tho Manhattan.
Daiiohikus of Chief Justlco Fuller
and Justice Hrcwer will be among tho
Washington debutantes this season.
Mtss Maiiy Knmi,of New
York, met a melancholy death by suffo
cation with gas In a storeroom, in which
she was nvcideutally locked In.
A suit has been 'nought to the
validity of certain marriage practices
in the casu of eloping couples at Cov
ngton, Ky.
Thomas II. Horn, editor of tho Olym
pian. Scuttle. Wash , was shot dead by
a woman named Hums, with whom he
had ltccn living.
I.vniA.s tribes In Ilritish Columbia nru
reported Iu u state of war.
M. Houiwoim: 1ms boon ashed by
President Carnot. of France, to form u
Tiikiik was a riot of students at the
Ann Arbor (Mich. ) university because
of n charge of $1 extra for tickets to a
lecture courso. A renewal of the riot
is threatened
Hiho.-Gkn. IIcnjamin W. Hiurr:, re
tired, died at Washington on the 4th.
lie was born In Virginia in 11-00.
Ki.kvkn persons were severely In
jured at Philadelphia by an engine,
running into a street car at America
street tiiul Columbia avenue.
Thk trial by court martial of the per
sons concerned iu thu cholera riots In
SarntotV, Russia, has ended. Twenty
three were sentenced to bo hnnged and
llfty-slx to be Imprisoned iu Siberia.
Rkv Thomas Dinon, J a, who shot
Stnten lftluud robins, has been present
ed with a bill by llird Protector Pond
for t060 nnd costs. Dixon says he will
tight the suit to the supremn court be
fore hu will pay f.'ft for rnch bird.
Tub crusade against tho social evil tit
Pittsburgh, Pn., has collapsed.
Tnr. eight-hour day bill vas defeated
iu thu Kentucky legislature.
Piemik Gai.i.anp, the well known
Ftench decorative artist, Is dead.
Tnr.lih wasu rumur that Itlshop llreu
nan, of Dallas, Tex., had resigned. Ho
sailed for lioiuu two mouths ago afu-r
having had trouble with hts miosis.
Al.KXANtmiA, Ind., is to huvu a $.",
000,000 glass pluut, the largest In tho
United States.
A ltKoutAH blizzard prevailed at
O'Neill on the night of tho 'J5th.
Tin: dry goods house of F. M. Dorsey,
at Ponca, hns gono into thu hands of
the sheriff.
John Fitzobiiam), n young farmer,
was recently killed near Crookston by
his teiim running nway.
Gr.onoi:, n clerk in thu
First National bank at Omaha, was
horsewhipped tho other duy by .Miss
Lottie Shields, who charged him with
Jilting her for another girl, after keep
ing her waiting for him six years under
a promisuof marriage.
Tin: mortgage Indebtedness record
for tho month of October hns ltccn com
pleted ut the ollloe of thu commissioner
of lubor. The record shows that farm
mortgages to the amount of CJ.iVJI.llS
were tiled during tho month und l,
0711, 'J7'J released for tho same period.
Rkckntly while Mrs. J. Stanton, wife
of a pronftnent business man of Val
paraiso, was ut work nbout a gasoline
stove, her dress caught lire and beforo
help nrrlvod every thread of her cloth
ing had burned off, leaving hor horribly
burned from head to foot. She died in
a few hours.
Tin: other night Conductor A. G.
Ueiitley, of freight train No. 'JO, fell
under his train at Shelton and wits in
stantly killed. The body was crushed
nnd mangled in n horrible manner.
Tho supposition is that ho climbed be
tween the ears to set the ulr brakes and
as It was sleeting and everything cov
ered with Ico he slipped and fell under
the wheels
Tin: census bureau has issued u bul
letin giving statistics for 1800 of tho
manufacturing Industries of Lincoln.
Following are thu essential features of
thu bulletin: Number of establish
ments reported, 117; number of indus
tries reported, ilrf; capital invested, ?!,
Ull.hbt'; hands employed, 1.51b; wages
paid, $0.';i,(i75; cost of material used, $t,
J78,bi;:i; value of products. c!l,018,s:;7.
Tin: new additions to thu asylum for
the Incurable insane at Hustings wHl
cost tho state about &.". 000, Including
furniture. Already tho building with
its wings Is well tilled, anil it is only a
question of time until further additions
will Ihj necessary. An Idea us to the
size of thu institution may bu gained
when it is stated that tho electric light
plant has a capacity of bOO incandes
cent lamps.
1 m: other morning James P. Harring
ton, a drayinan, committed suicide at
Grand Island by drinking four ounces
of laudanum and one ounce of carbolla
acid mixed iu whisky. After drinking
the def-o he walked two blocks home
und told his wife what he had done.
Physicians were Instantly called, but
no relief could bo had. He leaves a
wife and live children in destitute cir
cumstances. A CAit of cattle on tho way to South
Omaha wiwi burned In the train be
tween Newport and Uassott about
seven miles west of Newport the other
day. Conductor Hutchinson cut the
car litoso from the rest of the train and
run to Newport with tho burning ear,
but was too late to save the stock. All
that wiw left was the body of tho ear
and the burnt carcasses of twenty-four
head of cuttle.
Dick and Charles Hays, two
South Omaha gamblers, were recently
arrested upon tho charge of having
murdered Mayor Miller, of that city.
It will bo remembered that the mayor
was found dead some weeks since in
the outskirts of the town mil It was
thought to be a case of suicide. De
tectives wero put to work upon tho
case and the result has boen the ar
rests. The motive is thought to be the
mayor's tight on tho gambling houses.
Tin: missing Indian boy, who was
thought to have boon murdered ncir
Columbus a few weeks since and wliose
name was supposed to bo Tommy
Worldinovor, has boen heard from.
Superintendent Hnckus, of thu Gcuu
Indian school, received a telegram from
J. M. &to, mayor of Sloan, Iu., stating
that Tonqny had Itoen there und left on
tho 17th of November. Thu boy's name,
It Rooms, Is Thomas lllue, Instead of
Worldinovor, as fonnerly icportcd, and
Superintendent Had; m thinks thera Is
no doubt ns to his being thu missing hid.
A.V uged eonpio Hii'lied Hurgon, both
over 80 years (ti ago and who nnd boon
married for sixty-one years, without
children or other relations, whoso homo
was between Wllber und Crete, recent
ly went to the graveyard to look at
the place they had selected for n lust
resting place. Within nu hour of thoir
return from tho cemetery the old lady
died, and was afterward burled in the
place they had been looking at The
shock proved so groat to tho old gentle
man that he soon died mid was buried
by the side of ids life companion on
Thanksgiving day.
'1 in: incubating and brooding rooms
of tho llontrlce Poultry it Kennel Co.,
halfamilu oast of lleutrioe, wero de
stroyed by fire tho other day. The en
tire pet and show stock of the company
was burned, including .'100 of thu fluent
bn.-il and show poultry in tho state,
which hud Itoen housed In an upper
story of the building for the winter.
These had received iirst premiums at
the Kansas and Nebraska fairs for two
or throe years past The loss also in
cluded a large number of pet rabbits,
guinea pigs nnd sixteen valuable dogs
of tho terrier and hunting breeds that
wore penned in tho bulldiug. A largo
barn adjoining the poultry pens was
also destroyed, with it Its contents, hay,
grain, vegetables, etc, Alxmt 1,000
head of chickens, nil vulunble stock,
wcr burned. .
Tm: Greek stngo had throe doors, ono
In thu center, tho royal j,door, being for
the principal characters
Thk play wrlghts of the Inst two cen
turies usually received a dedication fee
from tho nobleman to whom tho piny
was dedicated.
Sm Hmvi.v has written a play
illustrating tho homo life und character
istic traits of a Japanese woman, enti
tled "The Story of Adzninn." He de
clares that Japan has dovelopcd tho
highest, purest and moat remarkable
type of womanhood.
Tho Subjocts Loft Ovor That Con
gross Must Consider.
Tlio Prohibition of Jniiuli;riitl)ii unit tin
Anti-Option lllll Will Cmuo Much
Talk J'limncliil Nrccn-
Washington, Dec 5. The second
session of the Fifty-second eongrcs."
which begins to-day Is likely to be
more remarkable for discussion than
for action Not Unit there are not
ninny things to be done, If the bulky
calendars of the senate nnd the House
nro put In nvldence, but principally bo
cause of lack of opportunity, or of in
clination. The thing that must bo
done and will bo done, Is to provide
means for the maintenance of the gov
ernment, and it is generally believed
that thu regular annual appropriation
bills will rupreseut nearly all the posi
tive nehlevinriunts that can be credited
to this session.
There may, however, be several im
portant exceptions. One of them re
lates to the subioct of ItimilL-nitlnn.
Tho public interest In this subject,
which whs awakened last summer by
fear of the cholera epidemic, has been
stimulated by the radical suggestion of
the semitu immigration committee that
nil Immigration Iw suspended for ono
year. Undoubtedly powerful Influence;
will be broiignt to bear to compass the
defeat of tiny bill embodying such a
proposition, but it may "bo Unit the
groat public sentiment' behind it will
oblige congress to pass the incisure.
Looking toward the prospective sub
jects flf discussion, however, unci taking
into account the measures which have
tilrendy passed one or the othei of the
two houses the field is large. No one
expects any tariff legislation in either
house, but the subject is so much in
volved iu tho revenue question and iu
the appropriations to bo iiiudc that more
or less division on Unit topic maybe
Th'j senutu finance coiiiniiltee has not
yet completed the formidable t.isli it
undertook last session, which was the
compilation of n series of elaborate ro
ports upon tlie diffeiout tariff systems
tried in thu United M.itos 1'lieso re
ports probably will bu most Interfil
ing to the student of political
economy, and may come under
discussion at some period of the
session. Then there are hills to admit
Arizona und Mexico to statehood The
house has passed both ol thes bill.
umUhe one providing for lueiiitinisuioii
of New Movieo is on tuo senate calen
dar favorably reported from the loni
torics committee Tho chairman of the
committee is opposed to the bill, but it
may be that New Mexico will yet join
the uniou by tho act of the icpublicaii
Tho anti-options bill has advanced so
far as to become thu unfinished business
In tho senate. It was known to lmv- a
largo majority of that body iu its favor
last sossiou upon a direct vote, if one
could have boon reached, but It is
threatened with u renewal of the deter
mined nnd skillful obstructive tactics
which then proved successful, and tho
result is still doubtful.
There will probably be many propo
sitions and much talk this session
looking to reforms iu tho nutloiuil
banking laws, tho necessity for which
Is said to bo indicated by the Keystone
and Maverick bank failures. The state
bank tax may also bo a fruitful thome
of discussion, mill the alliance senators
and representatives will Iks hoard upon
some of their radical propositions.
Those matters, however, are likely to
be simply themes for discussion with
out action. Strong efforts will Iks made
by the house appropriations committee
to retrench expenditures at every point.
mil as tuts must be done with great
care iu order to avoid oiubarra-.smoiit
to the coining democratic administra
tion, there may bj stormy de
bates mid much feeling aroused
before thu desired result is
obtained. Iu connection with tho
appropriation Is the pension list,
und there will bo nolack of suggestions
looking to changes In the laws ducLfneu
to regulate more closely the cnorutou.9
expenditures under that. head.
The friends of the new navy nro not
cxpoetod to sit quietly by and witness
any unfriendly pruning of estimates
and as congress is already under the
obligation to make a heavy appropria
tion for tlio groat ironclad, authorized
by the present law, it will Iks hard to
reconcile the views of the economists
and the naval defense clement The
work of the session will probably begin
In the senate tho vice president will
appoint, a committee to wait on the
president nnd notify him that the body
is ready to receive any oomiuiiicatton ho
may desire to make. ToUiiscommtttou
will bo imparted the information thai
the president will communicate with
the senate next day, whereupon an
adjournment will follow, perhaps
based upon resolutions of respect to tho
memory of some of the members of the
house of representatives who have died
during the recess, or, it is feared, by
reason of the news of the death of Sen
ator Gibson, who is now reported to be
so dangerously ill. Tuesday the presi
dent's uicssngu will be read and is likely
to llll out the legislative day.
There was tx rumor that Itlshop Uran
ium, of Dallns, Tex., had lesignod. lie
sailed for Rome two mouths ago. after
having had trouble with his priests.
Mary Allen West died recently In
Japan. She was senior editor of the
Union Signal, tho organ of thu W. C.
T. II.
Advices from tho Interior of Cuba
show Unit large tires uro burning In
I liu fields of sugur cane on several
Mrs. Margaret Rogers, of Now Hart
foul, lit., was acquitted of poisoning
her husband.
Cardinal Gibbous has written a letter
favoring thu Sunday opening of tho
world's fair.
k MW"
Mva. Sarah Mulv
Of Minneapolis.
" I was for n Ions? tlmo n sufferer from
Fomalo Woaknoss
unit tried many rcincilli-s nnd physicians, to WJ
pood nirpoc. Or.o bottlo of Hood's Sarsapa
rllla made a fjreat a difference fn my condition
llmt I took thro bottles tuoro and found myself
perfectly irll. 1 liavonlo Riven ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
to tlio clilldrfn, nnd Ilnd tint It keeps thrmln
cood lieiiltli " Mas. Kauaii Mum, 30d lOta
uv , So. Minneapolis!, MIipi.
Hood's Pills euro nil Liver lllj.
fc aL.AIcty'alJ
I Iip 1W Com:)! Sj-ruti.
'OinnI. 1'n.. In tlm..
Ill ll.V JlniKltlKlH,
so von
years acjo I hurt Hroncliitis,
which Jhially drifted into
Consumption, so the doc
tors said, and they luul
about given nie up. I was
confined to my bed. One
day my husband went ibr
the doctor, but lie was not
in his oilice. The druggist
sent mo a bottle oi' Piso's
Cure ibr Consumption. I
took two doses of it, and
was greatly relieved be
fore the doctor came, lie
told me to continue its use
as long as it helped inc. I
did so, and the result is, I
am now sound and well
entirely cured of Con
sumption. Mrs. P. E.
BAKER, Harrisburg, Illi
nois, February 20, 1891.
In this wet weather take care
of yourself. When you get
wet, get a bottle of Reict's
German Cough and Kidney
Cure. You will feel the good
results with the first dose.
Every time you take it, it will
do you good. The more you
take of it, the better you will
feel. There is nothing equal
to it. The small bottles are
twenty-five cents, the large
ones are fifty cents. Your
druggist will get it for you if
you insist upon it
Peoria, 111.
Oinrnntocil to cur flllloiii Attnclcs, Hick.
fli'.iil.U'lio niul G'oiiMltniloit. I') In ii:u
bottle, l'rlco ii'c. For silo by ilruisla
I 'let 11 ro "7, I", 70" niul minjilo ilnu Irco.
. f. SMITH A CO.. Prtfiileton, IICW YORK.
nr. Hull's finiiorh Simin rA" .. ''
.. wnii w )ii wjimji rougn ior xm.
We Offiir Ton a Itcmnty
Hhlch iinhi-cm Safftll to
MJfc o f Mother ntut Vh lit!,
JtoflH OIIlHO))ICIlt of itH
J'mIii, Horror nrf Mink.
Mtcr uHnii ono tiolll. of ' Mnlhi-r'. rrtrnil" t
ultri-d but llttlopulu, nni! ii iiolP.i"ori"i.Shnt
onkriPM ufti.rwnnl imiinl In fiicli ,u. Mr.
NMliiUoi;, Uiumr. Mu., Jan, liiii. Wl. "'
t!rn,.v7,n'"I',(4'', cl'Hrrn proini,), on rncplnt of
rice, Ilia iHirbulllu. toMLtluVrii.ulJlfrM,
" ,. I" '