y4 i j 'V rt t t -iifP. ' ' m 3 J tt! ;f Ut' JUST KECEIVED ,..A LARGK INVOICE... Queensware. Chinaware, Glassware, Etc. Toys of All Kinds in Great Variety. I will make a LIBERAL DISCOUNT on all classes of toys and .' schools and Murray's Fair Store, Bed Cloud. KSSS3SC! H. A. SHINKLE, D,EALERIN New and Second Hand Goods. New and Second Hand Goods a Specialty, 2d door north of Moon block ' DIEDERICH & COOK, DEALERS IN BOOTS and SHOES. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. They keep constantly on hand one of the largest and finest lines of Boots and Shoes to be had in the city. They make a specialty of the Waverly School Shoes for Children. See them before making your WM1MJW.....M. rP 25 ZS. FOR 25? Absolutely Pure JiwTTkYlT. CT.JAQUt HWWfKmm PROPRIETOR mMM aff m1m webter dtreet Livery Feed and Sale Stable. North opposite Moon Block, Red Cloud. Your patronage solicited. What is USA til ;l M Caatoria la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and ChlMren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Parosroric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL III is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays farerishaes. Gastorla prevents vomiting: Sour Curd, 4 oures Diarrhooa and Wind Colic. Castoria relieve teetbtef troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stosaaok and bowels, giving healthy and natural sloe. Cas toria is the Children's Panacca-tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. w A m Oesterla ta aa exeeUeat medicine for chll L , Sjim. Mother have repeatedly told wo of lu V "gees' set upon their ohlldrea." lu Pa. O. O. Oaoooo, Lowell, Man. V , ' Ossterta lathe beet remedy for children of u-WMen I asn acquainted. I nope the day U not T aWMttMlMc4kefawttlceaaidr the real ! ,",SHia st Mwlr eatidraa. aad uaa Caatoria lo .xajdetMTaioaoiaAaoetitMMwMohara hi, tSaafaatetradaa, by foratag opium. raeyMa.aootkic aynip aad otber hurtful ; ffS asaala soem Mteir taroata, Ueeeby aaBdlac t Jtssi to preiatwi ajeaTea." iC'iN i ., v, tunvwtvu, Vt r . .-.. ..J. twVi ' r Csff y,' TI t'fmmmm "tiHLV' ' . . 4 ?. 1 . 'i-ii aur :s ' . T .. A candies to Sabbath churches. a purchases. BAKING .POWDER & C O. KANSAS CI TY.MCL mtmwwggMa WHM OF THE mamm Castoria. "CMtorUlnoweUadaptedtocWMrealhat I Mcommeod It aa superior to any nieauilpttnai known to ine." II. A. Aaoaaa.M. D 111 Bo. Oxford Bi., Brooklyn, N. T. "Our phydcUaa la the calMm depart. ment Iiato spoken highly of their expert ence In tuelr outside practloe with Oaetorla, and although we only hare atoo&f our medical suppUea what la knows aa regtilar producu, jot we are frea to coafeai that tfae ntcrka of Caatoria haa won ua to look wlaS faYorupoalt." Umitko UosnTai. amb DiarawiBT, Ailxm C. Sura, free , W,TO". Mttrray gtr t, Haw Tek City, THE CHIEF Frl4ay, Dec. a I Mil . M. R. M. Time Tisltlc. . Taklnjt effect Nov 14. Trnliicrr)lin( passe ngcrs leave Unit loud nn tollowtt KASlVIAIUSTINOH. No. 142 Pasienipr to Hatting - dAiii in. bo. 149 Freight fur Huitliw - 1 au i. in. AKR1VB. No. HI rawfingcrfrsm HmtlniM lotio a. m. ' KAHTVIA WYMOJtlt No. Iff. Passenger to fit. Joseph Hi. lo his and Chicago dally 10:3.1 n. in, No. 14 Passenger to Kansas Cllr mill Atchison dally 8,oo p. tn. CIOISO WEST. No. 13 Passenger for Denver nnd In termedlate point dally 7MA.ni. No. la Passengers for Uenver, dnlly, o;ts p. nj, OXFOSO AMD HRB CLOUD ACCOMMODATION. No. 143 local freight to Oxford .dally oxcent Sunday 0i00a.ni. No, lW local freight from Oxford dally exeept Hunday. 8ilS p. tn M..W..M..W....M.M.....M.M At Meat. Died, tt her hone is Red Cloid, Nebr., Sunday stornisg, st oho o'clock Not., 27th, 1802, of quick consinp. tion, Minnie Etts Hendriok, well be loved wife of Prof. George Hendriok. Minsie Eits Comer was born in Eagle Mills, Ohio, Fob. 25th, 1868. Where ahe lived until sho was eight years old. Is March '76 ahe moved with her parents to Weat Jeray, Stark county, III. Five years was spent thcro, and 3 years is Pr inoville, Peoria county III. Again she came with her pa rents to Cora, Smith county. Kansas. There aha was married to Prof. Geo. Hendriok, Nov. 7th, 188G. Throe sweot baby boys blessed this happy union, two of whioh have proceeded their tainted mother lo the city of God. Mrs. nendriok came to Red Cloud, Neb., the 10th day of last Sopt. She was in frail hoalth then, and her heart was heavy with grief at the loss of her seoond little son, Glen, who two months previous, whioh loss no doubt hastened her demise. From that time until tho day of her death sho had the beat of care, and every com fort that money could proouro, and the best of medical skill, but all was of no avail, sod on last Sunday night ahe sweetly sank lo rest, with her loved ones all around lor. A few hours before sho died she talked with her husband and sisters and mother who were present and bade mem "gooa bye" and asked them to set her os the heavenly shore. A few daya before her death her sister asked her if ahe was afraid, to die, and ahe anaweied in s elear triumph ant voioe "oh uo, I shall meet Jesus on the other aide." And so the record is made up for Minnie of loving ministration to all with whom she came in contact, loyal fidelity to her husband and little ones and s perfect resignation to the will of her heavenly fath or. lo tnoso or us wno were premittod to bo with her in the tan tew weess or nor illness it waa learned that in that frail tenement of clay thero dwelt a spirit as pure and as innooent as a little child's. She was beloved by all who knew her, and while our hearts are broken wltbrgrief at her loss, we know ahe haa entered into rest, haa gone to dwell with her Savior for ever more. To Prof. Hen driok and bis little sob, and to the father and mother and brothers and sisters, and to Mrs. Laurs Hendriok, her sister-in-law, we extend our deep est sympathy, and pray for them all that there may eater into their hearts the peaee that potsessed hers. ' Last Monday morning the remains were taken to Cora, Kansas, the former homo of Mra. Hendriok, and tenderly laid her to rest to await the resurreo tion morn, in Cedar Hill oometery by the aide of her little boys. The fun eral services wero hold in tho Con gregational ohuroh at Cora, and were conducted by Rev. Ely of Rod Cloud. Nation. Drankoneaa, er tho Liquor Habit Cured at Heme In Ten Daya by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can ba given In a glass ot beer, a cop of eoSea or tea or In food without the knowledge of tho patleut. ItU absolutely harmlosa and will affect a permanent and sixdr euro, whether Uie patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcboile wreck. It has been given lu thous ands af cases, and lu every lustanco a per fect crura has followed, it nevenfalls. The system once Impregnated wleh tu,e specific It becomes au utter impossibility fur the lliiuor appatite to (exist. Cures guaranteed. 48 pugo book of particulars free. Address tho Uolden Sfteciflo Co., lie Race Street, L'luclnaatl.o. FOR f AI.E OR TRADE. A Fine T liereMalihreel Perckcr n Neratan Slalllen, We have for sale or trade a thorough-bred Perokeroa Norman Stallion, registered in the French and Aoaori oan stud books. French No. 297, Aneriean No. 43C6, He is a coal black and was imported by . Singmas Ur'A 8ons of Keokuk, Iowa. A good trade will be gireia to the right parties, by eilliaatTiiOiiirtatci. F BKv nwsisnVflBk J mWWmmWmWlmmmKi'& ', s "mri WRSEm MBfcfKWSjBvtLxt .nnnnnnnnnnnVlBl OHc"VaVV tanen bsbbbbbw flf am Humm mmrt jastTVW JaWa, Lacantlle, O. Catarrh, Heart Failure), Pa ralysis of tho Throat "X Thmnk jd and JTeifs asrsa yartUa far fmftet JfealfA." "QmatBMBi rMOMbmeatofiaftflesa. aajAltyl wis to state raw facta i for sareral vear I Sara imfstad frets catarrh aad hear) failure, ruing aa ba I coald sot work aai CouM Scaroety Warfc isadaverybad spell of paralysis of tea throat eosae tlma ago. Mr throat Jeeated closed and a wm mmm swwuaw. The doctors said It w; sou oy neari lanure. ana nve meaicine. took according to directions, but It dial not to do no any good. My wife argeS Hood's BarsapaTllla, telling me of Sir. Batith, who bad been BMtO JOMj At Death's Door set was entirely cured by nood'i SarsapariUa. Alter uikins win ter talking with Mr. Smith, I concluded to try Hood's sarsaj two Domes I nit Tar wo bottlai I fall ipanua. wnen i naa taicon i Tory mucn better, i continued UKin .. . . no It. an A It, and am bow feeling excel- lent. I thank Clod, and Hood's SarsapariUa Rnd ny wife for my restoration to perfect icalih." HABTJtr Hkkd, Laceyvllle, O. ROOD'S F-IIXB do not parse, pain or gripe. feat act prompUy, easily and fflclsntly. ate. .......................M.MMWM.. DO I RAISE I LIVE FIID BUY SHIP YOU I ship STOCK? If ao It will be to your Interest to ship to the SIEIEL, WELCH ft CLAWS0I LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO., Ksnsse Qlty Stock Yards. THEY give your shipments their personal atten tion, keep you posted by wire or paper; furnish you money WILL st reduced rates. Usually indicate a dltorderoftne Kidneys, ana prompt mcA-mrrn should be tasks to prerent serions trouble. IJlseaes can be cured In thfltr liulnlnn neglected, may become dangerous. DR. J. H. MCLEAN'S LIVER 2 KIDNEY BALM ?7,.S,rt"?r Wfttkneee. Urlght'a DMease and JMabetes. Price ej Mr "bottle. Send 8-cjntmomp tor book of hints, how to live and cure tlieso distressing complaints. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MED. OO T. LOUIS. MO. Sheriffs Sale. Notice Is hereby given, that under and by vir tue of an oidor of salo ttiued from the olUoe of 0. II. Crone Clerk ot the District Court of the Tenth Judicial District, within unit fnr Wh.r county, Nebraska, upon a decree in an aetlou pwuiuii, uiernin. wnereia Aioert u. uuruuam Lysander W.Tulleys and .lames N.Brown. Co- Putnera as Ilunliam. Tullojs and Company lulntlR's and aara list Ola llanmn. Mnrv lln. Jeii and W W. lulleys Trusteo, for CUrance K, lease and Paqulu and Catudal, Uo.endants, I shall offer lor uie at nnblln vnnnim tn h hioh. est bidder for cosh In hand, nt the east door of mo y.iuriMiou-o hi neu uiouu, in saia wenster county, NHrnilia, that being the building wheieln the last term ot nnlil mnrtuM hnlctn on the ' astli Day of Dec. A. D. 19 at one o'clock p. ra., ot said day, the described property, towlu following eighteen, The north-west qtuuter of section 18, In township three, 3, north of rane twelve! nve, and iz, mm uj auw i, hi. hi weDsier county state or Nebraska cuntalntnu according to nor dr to cov eminent survey ono hundred uiujr uuu iiuuuruu miu and forty- seven ncrei (liven under mvband this iRlli rinv ni Knvm. bcr, a. 1. , isi2. . u no. K. Cook. Sheriff. joiin r. uiikkk, rininiiR's Attornor. Adnlnlstrator'a jSalc. Notice is hereby trlven that under and by virtue of nn order of salo issued by the Hon. F. B. Beall, Judge of the Dis trict oourt nnd a license to sell thereto fore issued to me by said jndge, I will offer for salo to he hiffhent bidder the South-east quarter ot section 22, town ship 2, north range nine west of fithp. m. in Webster county, Nebraska, belonging to the estate of John Bhelton deceased. Said sale to take place upon the prom isee above described at the hour of one o'olook p. ni. on the 16th day of De cember, 1802, and to be held open for one hour thereafter. Jo I. BntXTON, Administrator. KAiJtY A Bakkeb. Attorneys. D, B, Spanog, Real Estate ; and Loan, Agekt HRed Cloud fAINS DAvH aieats. TSeTB VLr ? 7 SaSI mT. nLSS" leg t ; per Kinth la X.SSSa..kv'r amfStpenwa, pootB SJffJ VaWr Tlooriilys In thla or oiks RED TRANSFER LINE IS. I, COX AJ, Proprietor. All hauling intrusted to me will be promptly attended to. THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. DEALERS IK Lumber, Coal, Lime, lath, Etc. Red Cloud, Nebraska. t Prices Lower than any ?rd Fort Abstraeto.7E;ed Cloud, L. H. FORT, Manager. Abstract jf Title Farnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and 0N SHORT NOJHOE. n,&W -mpMe set of Al All orde-s filled promptly, lo.ow dollar bond tiled I nd approved. Address or call on mmmmmmm L- H. FORT Manaqkr, Red Cloud, Neb. HARRIS DEALERS IN North or Your Patronage is Nothing but NOW IS THE TIME TO bUY ! W. Wh Wright Has a fine line of Heating and cooking Stoves! nd is selling so low that all oan afford to buy. YOU WILL MISS IT If you do not consult him before buying. FLOUR and OSCAR PATMOR Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. Choice Flour & Feed, .. And sells it cheap. Get his prices before buying )oui flour. THE DEAR PEOPLE ! or tills county will ploaso bear In mind that m lias Just received a carload er Cook and Heating stoves, And will Discount Any-Price in the Vallev iryH arc tisliain; don't rail to wmm xwu are Call in and get C. M. SMITH & SON, Pkoprietors or mWY DBAY iiia. All draying promptly attended. Your orders solicited. Warner & " THE TWO JO'S " Have opened a Reaf Estate Office, AND AB1 B1A07 TO SELL 70V Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stook or House hold Goods. Havo some Bargains to offer to any who call a this office, 2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, Up Stairs f !, TO JLOAN TO MVMV No rnonev reoulred tn rriIvann ninMiinn of. are a good oral diawtar awl an uSSSSS to 5?JPrvt. ' !,". u awoHion lo KMWrre n life without an-educatlou when vou have aL sV Bs SS A tksBl ' ract i4fC CCZyCP CLOUD & GUST, llcnrjr Cook's. solicited. We the Best Meats. Keep call n hint, FOR MONEY fa trying to save. a Golden Gem. ..JMM.W.MM.m. Warren, WORTHY MTUDENT8. i.ia .iin n-,. ..,.. ..... . ... .SSraUS111i a'hSrSASS ft ""ffJSS? secure aneiiucauon. Tills colleva h&a ur b.i.i owortunlty 1 kotEls T Yen Estates rMiSLutiFK Sbm - f mm an awjwvia, arrwii) WIHHI INavM, Heft, ' l VtB 1 f 'I HI XL. w -a :ti,.-i'' h v T" Jfc." ' r .t T'J i . K