The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 02, 1892, Image 6

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A. O. HOSMIR, Publtahtr.
"' i
. !
1 ,
Cnmmary of tho Dnlly Nowb.
Washington notjh.
LinuT. Piunv lins obtained Jcayo'of
aWnco and will rotuni to Gwnlaml.v
,Tiik prcsiilont Una nppolntojl Willard
0. Stanley, of Oklahoma, na register of
o land ollico at Jlimvor, Ok;( .& y
dtitllpd n writ nf ImfUaa mniiii In
held on u clmrg of receiving a deport
aiur no Know tlio bank was Insolvent.
Tub preHldunt lias recognized Carlos
F. Panalngua, tho Mexican Consul at
VogralcB, Arlr.j Alberto Loin, Mexican
connnl at Illo Orando Cly, Tcx.J Alex
ander Lawreneo DoLoland, French con
mil at San Francisco, and Herman Wei
lRon, coDHttl of San Salvador at San
Dlcffo, Cnl.
llKfilKSKVTATivn Oatks, of Alabama,
tvatits an extra bcssIoii.
Oe.v. Nktti.kto.v lias taltcn olllclal
'lefcrV of lilA 'associates In the treasury
s dafcartincnt. lt
xOe.voi.KrtHMAN SpntsoKn thlnlca an ex
tra ftcvdnn Is dependent upon tho con
dition of tho trcanury,
Wit.Mam 11 Citiith, who has recentlv
returned from hU mission to Spain and
Italy in search of Colmnhiis relies as an
k nUacJio to that Uultqri States comrnlH
' iloti to tho Madrid historical exposi
tion, reports to the s'.ato department
that most of tho exhibits there will be
sent to tho wnrld'x fair.
Joii.v V. Scorr, father-tn-law of Pres
ident HtirrlRon, was reported danger
ously ill u't Dm White house.
DiutociiATid congressmen at present
-. J" )VaHhlntfton nearly all favor an ox-
ira session.
PiHr.At)KUiUA Typographical Union
!N. 9 has Indorsed George- Clianee, Ite
president, for tho position of public
printer tinder tho Cleveland admlnlstra-
SurKnrNTEXtHjNx IionnvaiiKM., of tho
Philadelphia mint, denies tho circulated
8 import that hoUas allowed anyone to
Vtijko an ofl tho world's fair bouvonlr
colnsT '
It Is said that Cloveland Is opposed to
rourpny as senator iroin A'ow York, and
nnd that ho asked him to withdraw in
favor of Whitney.
The irmntl Jury invcstitratlnrr tlm
Lirzlc Ilordou caso has been dismissed
temporarily, and Itjs bcllovod that
' has lef
tlAnfartf fmpoctant devolopCnonta
wow York for a two woolen' hunting
and flailing trip and will ho lost to the
night of ofllco holders.
Fikiick flames were raging in a minn
near Bcranlori, Pa.( and a number of
minora who attempted to put out tho
...flre.wcru pearly suffocated.
At Sharpsbnrg, Pa., tho houso of II.
E. Dannahowcr was "burned, and he,
together with his wlfo and baby, was
"""; Tfawi) in oca , , t
TllK ValWltV Of the North rtvor I.-Ucm.
bonds Kpw Yorjk' tiaa'boon sustained:,
cy inmnro nrj.-touyoart with interest
at 4 per cent
Tub court martial which tried Assist
ant Naval Engineer Danforth at New
York recently on a charge of dlsobcdl-
" . ??00 ,ound h!,n ff"llty na sentenced
him to one year's suspension.
Tub olllclal count of tho llhodo Island
vote shows tho following result: Hid-
.- ,ni'.3i ,InrrIson. 84,83; Clcvoland,
MOOiSWeavor, i'i plurality for dlar
SIson, 3,734. fh
,- , PSl'fy6m(l' ot I'rlncoton, has no
fear 6f tho comet. If It passes oloso to
tho earth lt will not bo worse than u
thundor shower.
Tub Crltohlow trial ended in a verdict
l acquittal. "This practically, settles
all tho Homestead cases.
Tur.nE has. been, a'Svholcsalo out In
Wages at tho Curnevln lti.tiv,.. t.,ii..
mill, as tho old hands returning to work
found out.
Two million" dollars "will bd okhendod
In laying third nnd fourth tracks on
tho Pennsylvania road in tho stato of
Ci i TH?ilornlng,patri building, liar-'
fry HsDnri-Ta., burned. Loss, fSO.OOa.
FwiiteBiCK Ii Ivkb, of' PhllttdoiphlaJ
' Ittfl. .itiuM lltintuw AH. 1L. ..1 .
...... ..wn.i ..iioTrii, uuo iii vna pioneer
Mctldlnt preacherajn Illinois,' died at
the age of Ml 'yenri' '
p.v a kilo shapcil tniok nt Stockton,
Cnl., Starabnul trotted a.mllo ia 3:07
with rain falling at tho finish.
.lonon Lincoln, in a Chicago court,
offered to accept bribes from attorneys.
nud was sentenced to one year in jail
for conlempt of court.
A i.tuiiiKii enmp nl Marshfleld, Win.,
was destroyed by fire and ono man per
ished in tho flames.
Hknators Pkiikijjs and HigginB, of
tho Renato committee nro hi tho Indian
territory Investliratlutr the "Intruder
iwo men nrr.vsted In Chicago for
shoplifting had n novel pustoboard box
which opened when an artlelo was
placed on tho lid and then closed nij tho
article fell inside.
TpwnsTOKKH over soldiers' graves at
HtlncAvllte, Ind.. have been hmltnn in
r pieces by unknown partlon
XHK Anderson pressed brick wnrkn
and tho Krelchor file factory nt Ivrelch-
enrllle, H. I,, wcro destrovml liv fir...
Tho loss was $175,000, fully covered by
Tun official voto of Illinois for presi
dent and governor Is as follows: Presi
dent, Cleveland, dembcrat, 420,674; Har
rison, republican, J1'J7,I01; indwell, pro
hibitionist, 41,61)0; Weaver, populist,
2,085. Governor, Altgehl, democrat,
425,2.18fr- Flfor, republican, 403,758.
Futfc return show that the populists
hold tho'balanco of power' In tho Calt-
lornia legislature.
Foim men working on tho govern
ment scow at Lewlston, Idaho, wcro
drowned recently.
Gkoiiob Fi.kckknbtkin's largo brev
ery utvMInunnnltu. Minn,, wiw hnrnmi
The plahtVas a largo-onc, nbout fnoo,
000 being Invented.
Two youngjlndles wero killed by a
train whllo crossing tho Lalco Shoro
track nt Indianapolis, IikL
KANBAflYtniverslty defeated Missouri
university by n scoro of 13 to 4 In tho
football match at Kansas City Thanks
giving day. . t
Madiso.v defeated Kvnnston In tlm
football inateh at Milwaukee. Score.
JO to 0.
Wir.UAM, Su., tho aged
father of Gov. MeKlnlcy, died at his
homo In Canton, O., on tho 24th.
Tiikiik wcro tlereo rowii iH'iwpnn ,n
sophomores and freshmen at Cornell
college, Mount'.Vcrnon, la., Thanksgiv
ing day.
Prairir fires' nro raglng,on tlio Cher
okco strip. Credited to boomers.'
Typhoid fover Is alarmingly prcva-
1UHI 111 OU JiOUlS.
TiinGrnham opera houso at Wash
ington, In., burned Loss, $55,000.
Jamkb WKUJtt, a man nearly blind,
has brought nult nt San Francisco,
claiming tlmthe Australian ballot law
pToTented htm from Voting'. '
A tiikk fellacross.;the catnip of .Tames
Park near Stevens City, Wnsh., killing
threo men nnd seriously injuring Ed
ward O'llrlen and two others.
iiiiiee masked men held up a train In
Washington In hpproved Missouri and
Kansas stylo.
Turkic inon wore klllod by a collision
between two freight trains on tho Pan
handle, In Indiana.
MiXKr.ii in Washington we out ntt
from food, nufolle byjlho recent floods,
hndaimmbcVfOjt them almost starved
tode4lh.4r t.
It Is claimed that .Turor Lincoln, who
was recently sont to jail In Chlcogo for
contempt, is insane, and a movement
for his pardon Is on foot
Tub mutual Gas Co. 'a plant at De
troit, Mich., has been sold for $1,500,000.
Ick In tho river delayed grinding In
tho Minneapolis mills, so that tho
week's output was tho smnllcat in threo
Ak authorltnttro- denial comes from
Homo regard Ing'thb pope's health. His
health Is good.
J Thk Frmy.'li troops under Gen. Doddi
hava conquered 'Dahomey and nro now'
In tho capital, Klntf llohniizln having
Tun wreck of Ihe Inmnn l!nr. r.itn nt
Chicago, ofT tho coast of Ireland, broko
up In a recent storm.
Sti:vk llnoniK. tlur bridge jumper, ia
being sued by his wlfo for absolute di
vorce. It looks compromising forSteve.
Tiik papers at Prague that reproduced
the roccnt artlelo from it New Vork n.-
( per on overtaxation In Ughomln, havo
wvi m'ir.u(i uy inc police.
O.v the arrival of tho steamer Saalo,
from llrcmcn, a caso of small-pox wna
found among her steerage p.tssoiigcrs.
A WIl.II rillnnr until in Imi... 1. ...... , i
in London recently to the effect that
William Waldorf Astor had whllo In
sano sent tho dispatch announcing hli
own death, has been authoritatively
denied, v
Tun first chamber of tho French
court of appeals has handed down its
decision In tho Deacon eiise. .Tudgmont
wus for Mrs. Deacon, and it wits ordered
that the child, Gladys, bo returned to n
convent where both parents should bo
iiiiowea 10 visit lier,
Tub Nebraska City distillery
passed front tho hr.nds'of flocst 'ca
1st toAVorla (lll.l narU.-i 1 -
Joii.v Thomas, 70 years old, received
Biich Injuries In, n. recent runaway nt
Osceola that ho died sooh at ter.
Tommy Woiii.dmoveii, an Indian boy
10 yenrs old, was recently murdered
near Colutnbuq. Ilnwnuiii...i ...
tMo Oonoa Indian school, and tho ntur-
dor wan unprovoked and wanton. Tho
I government will Investigate tho matter.
llir. '1 1-ncs ollico at Silver Creek was
ourneei tlio other day. Whllo'tho onico
was burning tlm proprietor was nrrcst
cd for a tin cat made a day or two' pro-
..u, w, diiuui, ono oi ins rormcr em
I ploycfl, who had been "dogging" his
I Tjik other mornln? sneak thioves en
tered the Jowolry Btore of. S. .Tonnscn &
Co., at Omaha, and succeeded In getting
away with 81(),o6o worth of diamonds
and?r,,000 worth of gold watches. .Tori
twen had stopped out to gqt shaved at
tho time.
Tub hearing of tho man Jamus pro
ceedings In tho district court of Clay
county, wherein ex-Speulter Ijfder and
ouiurs sought to L'oinnot 11m ..,...
Tour Work tn Llfo."
A serfos of Hi articles by successful men
... .. luuu.y iHirouun is uno or tlio many
strong group of oriloles which nro an-
J!"cSl(ii"'!yutVCHnpatit for 1S93.
nfn0,1,,1 avo P0;'1 1Kvcr Hlw" Is tlio tortlo
ni nnrilliar Rnrlfn u...,.n .',.
"j iajii aiLiKLA '. irni'i ill m .
Alio prospeotna for tlio coming
v'fiyvriiir in i
nil nl 'Hit
tnorO I'llflltil mill,.
rri .,."-. '. .''"
iuuru WHO RIlllBl'l'
over. 'I linon ivlm .ni, k.; ...
, ...tlf l- .7 "" nilUDll U1J III. IIIK'U
a,! Xrn Kll"'.?- i'.BX' I"!?t?,in- IdSWi
.. ..... , nuni miiiunio. .univ
Youth's Uom-
SI. 5 a year. Adilress Tun
rANiox, Uoston, Mass.
rn.",boli? .nro ;0!lor,'' says tho mnrlcet
Btimd. dlurctio offect, uuder-
nfnM.f.'.1.1'.? c,l" Cure Kivcstl.o best
tiink V V ' v'"" 01 l"--nty or tcstlmo-
sss&Su.a,Krss!ry omMvho tn,ica
Tiik wheat harvest of tho colony of ?,C'I ,"" ccrtlncates to them was
...wnivn u. ivkb, or rMJadolphlOv
..u puaraira wan ins color photo
graphic device in bluo. red and greon.
YAMS defeated Princeton by a score
of 13 to o in tho groat football match at
Now York on Thanksgiving day.
GEOiian II. Phm, the bank wrecker
of Now York, has been pardoned out of
tho penitentiary by Gov. Flower.
A byndioatk of eastern capitalists has
been formed for t to purposo or working
tlio mineral and dry-bouo deposlta at
Dubuque, la. dancing with her husband tt a
ball in Union Hill, N. .T., Mrs. Christian
Quoth, 73 years old, fell Into his mrms
dead. Heart dlseaso was tho causa
Tjik reports that tho Illness of Mr.
Illalno is very serious ro emphatically
donledby his physician, who says that
,bls .distinguished patient will soon bo
all right again.
Cornkuus VAsnEmm.T's residence nt
Newport, it l a costly building, wnB
recently destroyed by fire. Loss
ooo,ooo. ;
J. Tukodork F. nu.TrF.rt, x'ormerly
president of tho Farmers & Mechanics'
National bauk ot Plucnlxville, Pa., has
been convicted of making false returns
"" ? h !.yptfollcr ot tno rrenoy.
A thooi of cavalry has been sent out
to bring Dlack Horse into tho nmin..
' and there fs likely to bo trouble, for ho
will resist the troops.
? )f?i KA8TB0UND shipmenU from Chicago
HUNflAitiAN iaboreru on an Ohio rail
jrpad ,lookod their boss in a ool chest
pf yero uuruing Jlim WJien JlO Was
Orria&m of tho Illinois Steel Co, ox
yisot to ahut down tho steel rail mill at
tfeuth Chicago D,yceinbor IS for a period
1 two or th ree moBthi The mill em
plova about 8,600 men.
i thi: Noirrii.
MoVank A Shields' circus train was
wrecked on a curve near" Mobile, Ala.
Soverul employes wcro badlyimrt.
This Impression prevails in Texas that
both tho Clark and Hogg parties aro
carrying knives up their sleeves for
Hogorji. Mllls.No ono boUoves that
MiluixWill, go to tlm senate a second
term. It is thought Gov. Hogg has tho
senate in viow.
Josi:vir Mo.ttiku. a clerk In tho Unlti,l
States, branch mint at Now Orleans,
has been caught taking ono silver dol
lar out of each bag which passed
through his hands.
I-r, ha3 boon proven that tho man
who fired tho,4lnit,shot of, tho rebellion
at tlio attaokon Fort Stiiater was'Capt.
James, of Fort Johnson i K.
Thk Lonoko county (Arks) election
commissioners have boon indicted by
tho fcdoral grand jury for violating tho
election laws -
Unknown parties shot into a Santa
Fo trnlu In Hunt county, Tex. A,sec
tlon hand was wounded.
At Mount Sterling. Aln.. n. miwiimni
.waited for burglars, JtUled.OBo'aad cap
tured two. ',?,
WAr.TKii Oardnkr, a negro boy work
ing at a cotton gin near Galveston, was
discovered mashed flat between a
pressed balo of cotton whon tho sides
or tho press wore pponed to remove tho
bale, -
Thr model prohibition city which
was started lit Tenncssco Is
bo a financial failure,
Nkohoks of 4Atlahta, Go,, are moving
for emigration to Afrloa.
Thr total cotton crop of tho country
is estimated at J,600,000 bales by Statis
tician Neal. of Now Orloan.
lHRlialtliuoroA Ohio will take con
trol of tho Camd in aysUn in Wt Vir
ginia on December 10.
Thk pool rooms at. Louisville, Ky
were fleeced out of 18,000 by sharpers,
riio sharpers had tho winners by Postal
,tlegraph'uhoad'of the Western Union
and bet on a sure thing. ' v
WitiQHT & CuAiaiMs fertlllrcr catab-
tioss, v 150,000; Insurance, 1100,000.
it turns out that tho two suspected
horso thieves killed by Texas' rgger.
in tin lower Wo Grande wore respect
able ranchers, brothers, Juan and Ga
KLteK: ..Th0 ron ot thek
n"..l i ' "'" were camping.
IHK three negroes who murdered En
glneer George Lawson at Jwper; Itonm,-
A good oil nvell has
Petrona. Tex.
oouui Ausiruua promised to bo excel
lent lKth in yield and quality. There
will bo a large surplus avallablo for ex
W'ir.MAM Naoi.k has been forbidden
landing in America. Ho was concerned
in tho Phwnlx nark murder !,, n.,i.n..
and was recently released from prison.
Ho claims tho right to land ustheerlmo
was political and tho caso will go to
the courts.
Hkihi Laskiiii did not finish his scries
of games with tho membern of tho
Montreal Chess club until 1 o'clock lit
thomornlng. Outof twenty-four games
he won twenty-one. Ho lost ono to II.
Hertrand, and thoso with P. Harry and
II. G. Putnam were drawn.
Hi.acic diphtheria Is epidemic in tho
Mndawuska district, Ontario.
A. nir.r. has beon introduced in tho
rolehstag to compel Oorraans who In
tend to emigrate to give threo weeks'
publlo notlco ltoforo leaving tho coun
try. . Tho object of the bill Is to pre
vent breaches of contract.
Whmii, ni,.. i .
.......nwi u wiiaawi, cuampion oars
man of America, died at Toronto, Out.,
of typhoid fover. O'Connor held tho
American championship from ISSS.whcn
hu defeated John Teenier. Ho was de
fended for tho world's championship by
Searle, tho Australian, in 18VJ.
Tiik St. James Gazette, of London,
says that a number of workmen who
meet nt Tower hill boast of tho posses
slon of firearms and declare that thoy
are trained In their use.
Cr.KAiiiNH houso returns for tho week
ended November 26 showed an uverago
Increase of 0.1 compared with tho corre
sponding week of last year. In New
ork tho increase was 5.4.
bin .John Aiuiott'h resignation as
premier of Canada has been accepted by
tho gove.rnor-geueral. Sir John Thomp
son was called upon to form a now
Mr. Stkimikv, the ship builder of
Glasgow, has received an order to build
for a now company threo hteamora of
6,000 tons each that are to ply between
London and New York.
Kaihki: Wh.mam has had a chill.
Kubsia has t eqtiestod a hi rgo draft from
Berlin bankers, which will cause a
drain of gold from London.
UIAW.KH F. ClIUIICH. a (Irammor nn-
-.w.f vit-
beeu struck at
Ished In a blizzard nenr McLcod, Man.
1- EUP1NAND BI..VY.V, a well known
l-reneh painter, committed aulcido in
CAHDlXAr. MAlllIAr. Allkuand-Lavi-Okiiik,
archbishop of Carthago and Al
giers, Is dead. Ho was a native of
Franco and had become kuowu to. tho
world as tho leader of thogreut African
anti-slavery crusade.
Oai't. IIka&y, of tho revenue servlco,
In his report to tho department, says
tho seals are leaving tho Alaska rook
eries, and it is estimated that there uro
but 6,000 remaining at St. George.
llKV, Mil McCllKE. tho culohrntRil
itoptist temperance reformer, Is dead.
Tiik Anheuser-Iluseh, Lemp, Schlltr.
and Pabst brewery plants uro to con
solidate. A iiknvrr railroad clerk has been ar
rested, charged with being tho tool
through whom a number of graia raeu
worked cxtcnslvo frauds.
In boring an oil well near St. Mary's
O., tho most phenomenal rush of oil
overseen In that section was struck,
and tlio ilow cannot bo stopped.
Thk president hns recognized Thomas
A. Lddlo us consul to Uruguay at New
Dil Koi'P, nrinco bishon of DroNlau.
. . g- ,--,.,
nnu ur. Kremontz, archbishop of Co
logne, havo been raised to tho cardlnal-
Secrrtary of Statk Fosran has
written it letter designating C. 11. Hey
wood as the agent of tho United States
to select from tho Vatican museum nnd
library relics relating to tho discovery
of America to bo exhibited at tho Col
umbian exposition.
Thk comet thut was duo to collide
with tho earth on tho night of the 37th
utterly failed to appear, disappoint
ing astronomers and cud-of-tho-worl.!
PUGILIST ComiRTT's latest saliAmo U
to build a magnificent athletlo club
In Chicago and to glvo dally exhibition
during tno iair.
Tukrr was a furious gale in San
Francisco ou tho 27th. Much damago
was dono to shipping, v
.TxuxKu'fl silk Btore, Glasgow, Soot
land, burned. Loss, 1750,000, Two
Uremon were Injured.
ALKXANDKR CllIHIIOLM. a llrlttnh ,,K.
Ject, wants compensation for his ill
trcatmont btr United States miiif,
daring tho Idaho miulng troubles.
Other foreigners await the outcome,
A bace war la threatened near Milan.
m1"5 North German Lloyd steamer
Weimar has been released from quar
antine at New York. '
JXHHY SlllPSOM Kara 1i nml ..i.ji
for a change and they wan( it made
nuuu, iiieruioro
iiau ocrore Jtuliro HnslIntrR. nml tr.
obedk-nco to tho court's orders tho clerk
insucu toe cortlllcates.
Tnii other night Charles Vandovent
cr, a farmer living nenr Plattsmouth,
was the victim of a peculiar stubbing
ailVay. Ho would not tell where
It was dono or who did It Ho
said that ho met a man who jumped
down off of a hayrack and did tho
work. Tho would-bo assassin nimed
for Vanderen tor's heart, the blade pen
etrating just below tho left nlnplo and
barely inlwdng his heart.
On tho evening of tho 31st a banquet
was given Hon. Patrick Kgun, minister
td Chill, at Lincoln. Covers wcri laid'
ior iy... judge Field acted as toast
iiMstur, nnd toasts and responses ttero
given by II. M. Uushnell, lion. Patrick
Lgitn, G. M. Lainlicrthon, M. V. Gau
Don, president of the Irish National
League of America; T. M. Marquette,
Chancellor Cnnileld, of tho htnto uni
versity; A. L. H(.by and A. W. Sum
mers. m ... - 1
mi: ur3t enso under tho valued
policy law passed by the last legisla
ture was lately tried at Nebraska
City. Last February tho stono build
ing of Henry Bachlor was biimnl. lt
was Insured in tho Insurance Company
of North America for 1,600. The com
pany refused payment on tho ground
that tho building could bo repaired for
comparatively a nominal sum. A voim
diet was brought in awarding plaintiff
full nmouut with iutorcst from date of
Oni: of tho worst nralrlo flro Pir
county ever witnessed started the other
day while tho wjnd was blpwlng a hur
ricane. Tho fire Is supposed to havo
started from a spark from a farm houso
ono mllo onst of Bnwsttt, spreading
about threo or four miles in width,
sweeping everything before It Tho
damago will probably bo from 810,000
to $16,030. The farmers, with tlm Imln
of about "00 people from Newport and
Bassett, by hard fighting, saved thou
sands of dollars worth of property.
Several families were compolled to seek
corn fields, lakes, wolls and caves to
save their lives.
A FitiaiiTFUL wreck took place ou the
Union Pacific road at Alda sldlng.olght
miles West of Grand Island, tho other
morning by which J, W, Cooler, con
ductor, and Gns Barrett, engineer of a
freight train; Barney McDonald, icngl
iieer of a passenger train; Ira Owens and
William Costollo, firemen, and William
Sutherland, brakeman, wero killed.
Conductor Keclcr, ono of tho killed,
hwUchci) his train to the siding for tho
passenger and neglected to closo tho
switch. "Whon tho passenger train camo
thundering along at full speed it dashed i
into the freight with tho fatal mwiinJ
given. All the victims leavo families'
except Costcllo and Sutherland.
L. A. Bidweli,, aged 00 years, n pio
neer of Dawson county, died tho other
day from tho effects of n dose of rough
on rats, administered by his own hand.
.Mr. jiuitvuu nau boon a consumptjvo
for tho past four years and unable to
work. Some months ago ho said to n
friend that ho would live long enough
to voto for Harrison and Uion if death
did not eomo to his relief ho would
uuopi measures to hasten it Ho took
tho defeat of tho republican national
ticket greatly to heart and that Is sup
posed to havo boon ono of tho causos,
which led to his art Tho, deceased
serveu in tno .Mexican and civil wars,
and was a member of tho Grand Army
of tho KepublUi und Knights of Labor.
Thk twelfth annual meeting -of tho
national farmers' congress assembled at
Lincoln with representatives from all
parts of tho country. On the last day
of tho sooslon tho laxity of the Inter
state commcrco law was condemned,
and a committee appointed to confer
with congress with a view to having the
law Btrontrtheiied. Resolutions wore
passed favoring government appropria
tions for tho improvement of water
ways, favoring the establishment of
deepwater commnlcatlon between tho
Atlantic and the grent lakes and asking
congress to reconsider jts action dosing
the world's fair on Sunday. A resolu
tion was passed expressing sympathy
for tho Farmers' Alliance and kindred
organizations, but expressly declaring
that there was no organic connection
Between mem ana tho farmers' con
grrcss. Tho next meeting will bo hold
at Savannah, Ga., in December, 1803.
The other day Rev. J. 6. Rowlckor,
pastor of tho German Luthoran church
at Dlller, was found dead in tho road
about two miles southwest of town.
no had beon visiting with ono of his
chureh members and had started h6mo
and gono about half a mllo, where ho
he was, found, having evidently died of
Heart woume. no waa as old man and
had bo relations in pie locality.
Fjbh at Omaha the other day cleaned
oak tho Misfit clothing house, Huller
inger & Roby'e drugstore and did othoi
Mh? -rl"""i ''S1 tho two capitnls of
Hhodo Mliinill" HintirtKehnlar (promptly)
"U. uud L-Kato Field's Washington.
wlttUnVr?in, Lm,T An,n" winter
lVko'A'i';n,hr?ntivor 1Ioro"' I'i'dnnd Tar.
UJ,o s loothaeho Drops cure in ono minute.
iti.Wt""' ch-"M"inle. ihoio portrait
Tva f?1 n.callv n'l 'no common Ills-
OimniiiTir.iiniiixoLANOtMon The Count
("'l)Bl'Vh.jf)-''AI, mr.dcmojScllo, you "uvo
soooli a bouutirul ildo."
,.. j i wm ii.l
F - F ml tpf&9WL3LmWWwMM
beautiful lildo,
Took Of Somk. nnu jmH0
very mnoh at tlio.funeral ifr hl3
"About a qutirf'-'Yaiilico llludo.
t.iko on
r At Alk "And no h Is a holy
o;mi impious vlmgo." Yan-
Not IIoi.t
kca llludo.
Ja Hi . .ri"e ,J!im,Uo:B ,,mt tMl po'ois
roi2. . J, llul vvl" uot rim. Boston Trau-
t f r i
,',M,n I'1!,H."11 Ul1"?35 ,)nt u "J00 Rf t heel
a prdr of boots. N. (). Pioavutie. "
SIZU of tho cr
tlinary pill.
Think of all tho
troublo and ills
turbance that It
causes you.
Wouldn't you
welcomo some
thing easier to
take, nnd easier
in lt srays. If
at tho samo tlmo
if. ni .. ...
R?03' T?th tho rnM w'th Dr. rifrce'a
Ploasaii Polloto. They're tlio snnlltt in
ijze, tlm mildest In action, hut th most
thorough ami in rendu. Thr
fpllovf nature's mothixLi, and tlmy civo Iili
thst Jrti(.t. Constipation, IndlstloS, Bilious
Attacks, Sick andlldioiu Hssdacbcu. xid all
ucransemrnts of t ho liror, stomach a ud bow
are promptly rollsvod nnd poriuauuntly eurod.
If w can't euro your Cntarrh, no matUr
win j-our ca or or now long shimllnL',
JTO'11 Tisy ynu .VW in cnh." Thut U hnt
!s promised by tho proprlotors of Dr. Snzu'n
Chtarrb Renwdy. Doosn't It prove, bgttor
than jr words could, that thia is a remedy
that carm Cabirrh ? Coats only CO canta.
Babies are always happy
when comfortable. They
aro comfortable when well.
They are apt to be well when
fat ; , they worry and cry when
They ought to be fat; their
nature -is to be fat.
If -iyour baby is thin, we
have a book for you carc
ful living free.
nnH ,ir"K',,l kwP Sco"' Eroul'on ortod-llvcr
oU-ll driyclu every wlwro da. Ji,
Both the method nnd results when
Bjriip of Figa ia taken; It is pleasant
and refreshing to tho tasto, nud acts
MnUy yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver nnd Bowels, clonuses tho sya
tern ofiectunlly, dispels colds, head,
nclics nud fovcra nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs i3 tho
only remedy of ila kind over pro
dnced, plcasinu to to tnsto nnd ac-
ceptauio to the stomach, prompt in
its notion nnd truly bcncficinl in Ite
cflcch?, prepared only from tho mosl
healthy nnd ngrccnblo substances, ita
many excellent qunlitica commeud if
to all nnd havo mado it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figa jg for enlo in 60o
and SI bottles by nil lending drug
gists .Any relmblo druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
curo it promj)tly for any ono who
wishe3 to try it. Do not accept any
Ml Ftlttiniafin nti
Lovisviuc. ky. four ton. N.r.
' " . , , , m..m
take'a stand
At onoo in that mo9t important
department of tho houso THE
KITCHEN and purchoso tho best,
consequently tho cheapest, in fact,
tho acmo of Cooking Stovos: tho
Host itore dealws keep them. It yoiri
dots not, write dlroct to manulaetoers.
My acquaintance with Boschee's
German Syrup was made nbout four
teen years nco. I contracted n cold
'which resulted in n Hoarseness and
cougn which disabled me from fill
ing ray pulpit for a number of Sab-
Datns. Alter trying a physician,
without obtaining relief I saw the
advertisement of your remedy and
.'obtained a bottle. I received quick
and permanent help I never hesi
tateto tell my experience.- Rev. V.
xx, xiaggcrty, Martinsville, N.J.
Ely's Cream Balm
, xriht cviik
yrlrw ,,iije,imi.,j IVTtl
,.l,i!!!.H?ln,.,rl",,,,:b NiwtMi fi?feS?
r.xuis inn r An ...rj ii , ,m
1 "
j. ml
Unlike ifiQ Oolcii Procsss
No Alkalies
Other CJicmlcala
aro aspd In tho
preparation of
W. 3JAKER & CO '8
y 1.V
Whtch U absnhtUhM
pura find uolttbtc.
tntStrtUUtlL lit ('rirrt.a miv,l
f AVitll btarch. Arrnivrnof am
'Hnirar. nml i f i....-. --
rioinlcat. eof (uy leu than ono cent a cup.
Sold bjrUroiors ctrrjnhor.
V.BAEEBfi CO., Dorchsater, Kan,
l .-MI Jl1?"""". ?''Unrln!:,nolaronrulcnSI
bA.,1 V f ,. Hvt !" hf,d ?"c"i Wrictlj coi.lWontlil.
- 1. m f y
f, 'iJKxaL
H -.- ,,
Self Torture!
That's what, it amounts to, when you at-
lA-miJi. tu uu wasntnpr and cleaning-now-a-days,
without Pearline. And
the strange part of it is, that you
should be willing to suffer, when it's
only for your loss and not for v
gain. That needless back-brcakintr
mh nih Mil-. :..t ;
, .w, uu isii t saving you any-
mS. it & costing you money.
It is simply wearing out- thi
things that you're washing;
Why would you rather do it?
xnac is wnat the women who
are saving their strength and
their clothes with Pearline can't understand
"DTTTO - Jric-Wltt JE S
V? YV.OLX V FALSE-PewUnc never peddled. U ZZ.. "?.
imiution, be houutmi it totk. 860 JAMBS 'pvuf, n,w Vort,
damage. 'Ilio block' was valued .at
H nrlsi!? Raiedy for Catarrh Is the B
H Beat, Kaslesf, to Uao. ond Cbeapf st.
tfj tfW TM m. M S I
ISold by drusulste or i-ent by 'mail.
60c E. T. Hardline. WnrrmTW
N. K. D. " 1494 "
won of coa,
" " aTrtini u tkla
i is;iu
:?. wpmMMk3m,J
J r
v. YM,
t n
, a.
'JJi .'.'
tit !&!!: ,A
MfcM. .SU ... -., . -T-
kjm&.ur izizncz" j?zli