h -H-M-I V M;! K. , ' t..,V MIy1M:J','T' fWiitfri'W1we K vfMkf .., A ,'a,, iLJttt JsflH 'St ,! w F ,4 a '- .' S I '. - I -t no , t- i'. t' ".v: '; ". 5 m '; vr . ,' A S X. V '' ' ' M 4 " '.' -' i . ft ' ' -' , v'." " 4 yJ . " .' C ' ; 3l fj,&kZ i Our stock was never v Pricts were ,':, vjuuus couiu not Df" ueuer These prices sell the goods and bring trade. See what we offer you for your money. Children's Oil Orain Button Shoes, 8 to 12 90 Misses' " " " 13 to 2 1 15 Women's " " " M Beaver Top Foxed Button Shoes, 2 1 to 7 125 Youths' Tip Boots, full stock, 11 to 2 - 1 65 Boys' . " H " 2 J to 5 1 90 Men's Boots .... $1.60 to 4 00 Genuine Dongola nnd Pebble Goat $2.50 Shoes 1 95 Oxfords and low Shoes at Cost to CIose Out Shoes that rip sewed free of charge and all goods warranted. We will save you money. BLAKESLEE & KALBY m lit "JKaWKSSr Never Barflar Always CMssOffI In Preefl ' As M The pfNfflflJfiMfs m gggagggggagSgafgr HTwArctygMESH smmmwaweps lock of good eeaionabfe good ever In the city before, head of the Hit of good scaeonablo goods le the as. l;oss AVatch ((Jase, Of which we carry a full line, and following are KELLAM & MOORE'S Perfected Crystal Eye Glasses! will be fitted -by one who understands fitting glasses as they should be. 'We fit glasses for any kind of an eye that can be with glasses. .Glasses fitted for Astigmatic eyes, Myopio or Hypermetropic Ainsometropia, or Strabismus, Color-blindness or any other opitical defect. L.ffl.VaDce Jeweler Red Cloud, Nebr. PENCIL TIPS. Mrs. R. la. Martin Jr. is sble to be around again. Some obojoo winter apples left at D, M. PliATT'S. F. A. Sweety of Blue Rill, was in tho city Tuesday. The editors of tho Argus woro in Hastings Monday. MrsrLotson has returned from aerin, H be t ,ooUi glTeB b- At visit to jueauwooa, o. v. Call on W. W. Wright for all kinds of stoves and hardware. Charles Mitchell is going to Lin coln to be treated for his hearing. C. F. Evans, who has been on the Ink liat for somo time is on the streets ogain. Wright lin the ftVft stook of heaters in tin villn. und sells them at way down prlcta. Do you buy grooeneBf u you ao, vou should call on Sherwood&Albright. They keep the best, Don't forget that for heating or cookinir stores you should not fail to Bee W.W. Wright. He will save you money. ' The young ladies band will serve supper on Dec. 23. PJaee not decld ed on vet. Everybody should tun out and help then, ammaalaSMallamtammmlamSa rfii- iiii'MaalMww''"' ' iinar" giagwyjfe'witMitiiattwiupW itin3iiiiiiM""'f w'iituiraAlifilii1' -iiS y Ja)isiifadiiiMa so large, never so low, " 2 to 7 1 85 I" e History of our country, the Intent official report frma Waaklngfon. f lie volume of business U direct ly proportioned te the abusd- uttce or crepe It fellows that we are on the Threshold of Exception al business activity We have therefor proceeded with out misgiving to lay up the lar gest and nioet complete At the CRYSTAL LENSES TMNMMi OjMtfriMatisifB. Charlie Gust baa sold his interest in tbo moat market of Harris & Oust to Dwight Jones, and Mr. Jones took possession lsBt week. The Webster county Auxiliary to tbo Womans board of the Nebraska Columbian Commission will meet at tho residence of Miss Molly Ferris on . Saturday, Dco,.3rd, at 2 p. m. Sio. inn G. A. R, Post, W. R. C, D. of V'e, and S. of V's.at the K. of P. Hall, Saturday eve, Deo. 3rd, for tho bene fit of Garfield Post No. 80, of Red Cloud. Come everybody and have a good time Tub Chief would like to have 500 new subscribers. It shall be our en deavor to print the best republican paper in the eounty, but aside from politics we propose to make it the best I ana newsiest oonniry paper in me county. Trial subscriptions, 25 cents for three months. We- shall have continued stories, short stories, Tal- madge's sermons, news of the week, besides the county end loeal news. Subscribe new. Sample copies free on applieation. Aimiii em fammml 1 K . r '.. qj-'." ' THE BAKER AROUND TOWN. Pine tar at Dcyo A GricVs. New goods at the assio store this week. All s'ics o' window glass at Deyo A G rice's. Cotting has the Inest lamps you ever saw. Try the new shoemaker at Blakes Ice & Kaley's. Mrs. I. H. Huramell has gone to Okarohe, Oklahoma. That dollar and a half taso lamp at Cottings is a beauty. Miss May Hummolt expects to go to Oklahoma in January. First olass work is done at tho Golden Ksgte tailor Sbop. Curt Kvans is on the eiok lint, hav ing a sevore case of the mumps. Do not buy a stove until you see those fine heaters at Wright's store. A very large erowd was transacting business in this city last Saturday. Remember Wienor is doling out his men's and bojs' boots at less than cost. If you aro going to paint this fall, go to Deyo for your material and save money. Rev. J. A. Chapin is holding reviv al meetings in tho M. K. obapot near the depot. Tho bost oil heating stove in the market at A. MorharVs. See it be fore buying. tf. Deyo & Gnco are having a nice wall paper trade this fall. Their stook is large. , ' The old reliablo corner drugstoro is in better shapo than ever to take care of its large trade. G. W. Dow, who has beca in New castle, has arrived home. He reports the Red Cloud people out there as prospering. The Hon. Col. Gage of Franklin, was in Red Cloud, Tuesday on busi ness, in lelation to the Laird estate, of wbioh he is administrator. Mrs. Allbaugh, and family of Wis consin, relatives of Mrs. D. J. Myers and the Sellers family wore in the eity this week. They departed for Oklahoma on Wednesday. The B & M folks, although having virtually taken away the division sta tion, still maintain division here. Two crews oome is from Wymore and re turn, one orew from Hastings and two from MeCook. A young man oy the name of Gang bin who was teaching sohool near Guide Rook, came to Red Cloud Mon day, and was taken down with symp toms bf typhoid fever. His parents are in California, Go and see Wright's stook of hard" ware, stoves and so forth, if jou want to see the handsoiffest, best and ohespest stook in the market. He sells the best goods as oheap as ethers sell inferior goods. No matter what people msy do or say, Red Cloud will get to the front. There are always people in a commu nity who kiok against everything, but a town, like an individual, can nevor prosper and be too parsimonious. 0. Wiener has taken the agency for Dr. Jaros Hygiene anderwear. It is recommended by leading physiolans in the United 'States. Used by tbo army and navy and the principal oities use it in their fire and police departments as an almost sure pre ventive against rheumatism. The oleotne light poles are being taken down and will be placed in the alleys. This is a good moye on the part or the company. The poles lookl ungainly in the streets. The lights! will be placed on high poles at right angles which will have better effect than being placed across the streets. The plant will soon be in opeiatioa again. ' saaaaaaaon)fi MMMMM..M,4.pMWnH 7 WMWWWWiWII Rick of U ia LMvssaiaff Fewer. fm AMOUIEiy PURS ON WHEELS LOCAL NEWfl. An endless variety of thoso 20ots books at Deyo & Grice. Hon. W. A. MeKoighan goes to Washington Monday evening. Look out for Doyo A Griee. Their 'lino of holiday goods is a suprise. "Whatsoevcra" at First Baptist church Friday evening, Doc 16. Step into Deyo & Grice's and get a sot of Humes History of England 6 vol. $1.20. Henry Anderson who has been in Utah for several years has returned to this city. Prof. G.M. Custor's fathor from Missouri, is in Red Cloud on a visit to his son. Deyo & Grice nrn busy this weok opening their holiday goods. They will astonish the natives. Rev. G. W. Hummel, for a minister is a pretty good farmer haviog raised 3000 bushels of corn this year. T.ftvill Marnli anil linr imn utatnra I "---" wncro inoy win join inoir paronis. r Wo aro pleased to loaro that Mr. A. S. Marsh is greatly improving in health sinco removing to California. Notioo the eaps tho boys are wear ing at the exponso of Osear Pattnor. As a capital idea that caps tho climax. Mrs. Li II. Rust, has undergone an other painful oporation of having a fibrous tumor removed from her side. Read tho various ads in this issue and you will know where to buy Christmas goods. Tho liro mer chant advertises. Mao Fulton of tho "state of Wal nut" says the democrats are great stuff. Mao is rejoicing these days ov er Cleveland's victory. Our friend, Joe Holeomb, proprie of tin Holland, houso livery stable, while wrestling the other day sprslned his ankle, so that he is laid up. Hall's Hair Renewer is prohounoed the best preparation made for .thick ening the growth of the bair, and re storing that which is gray to its orig inal color. The B & M managers have trans ferred all of their erews to MoCook, Our people are registering a kiek on the matter but wo suppose it will be unavailing. Wm. Thomas is building, and has almost finished one of the finest farm rosidenoe in this part of th oountry. It Is located about one milo west of the oity. Tbos. J. Ward, our effiolent oity olerk, we understand is a candidate for the postoffioe. Jeff is on of the bost fellows in the oountry for a dem ocrat,' and wo believe would make an excellent P. M. We Understand that our fellowtswns man, D. J. Myers, is a prospective oandidate for postmaster of the Red Cloud poatoflUe. John of all demo crats would suit the Great Family Weekly to a T, and Congressmsn Me Keighan sbonld appoint him, if he has the say. John would make a good public servant. At tho Old Stand. F. Newhouse, just received a new lot of dress flan nels, dress goods of all .kinds, the best and ohespest hoods, of all kinds of yarns, will also have a large assort ment of goods for Christmss, mufflers, dolls, etc, eto. Please eome and look at my goods and bo convinced that you can save money by dealing with me. At a regular meeting of Ben Adam Lodge No. 180, T. O. 0. F. the follow lingomcors were eleoted: N. ii.h. M, Urabill. V. G. Chris Fassler. Beo'y. 0. Sehaffait. Pern Seo'y. G. W. Dew. Treas. A. 0. Berg. Trustees 0. Fsssler, (I, C. and K. Bkccn. Scott; U. 8. GcVt ftapcxt, Aug. 17, iMf Baking Powder win go to California in . few dajs,j?4t(9i s suits, uhiltlren s Uvercoati, . ' 1 -l-l'M- Vf MM Holiday We offer you an elegant line of USEF XX Presents, such as A S w I - & - f 6Mr Umbrellas, -5 ;; Silk Cashmere Mufflers, ' '': ,.vi Sillr'HnntiLapnhiafc. w...m Muiiiiviviiiviof Mom's FIho Slippers, Elegant IIho er Neckwear. Fine) arrant SHiris, iihsh cap, t All at Lowest Prices C WIENER, THE CLOTHIER, ESTABLISHED 1 DUCKER'S GASlf . Dryo Goods HOUSE Special Clearing To make room for Barg.to.toDretCM Bargains in Shawls. XIUrisTUlHS lit UlUUKB UUU fJUKeWi Bargains in Underweai' iW Bargains in Blankets and oomfbrtel: vuiuc a.iiu pc ua iui of goods we are noin - a Geo, A;:DCEEtfdy ' ' ' . ia . , ' 'a iAA,"'ar,t.'"itv Air., ult i ,lJ Tj?M?t iMMk n . j i :- . . . . ... .,!' ' mmmmmmmmmmarrymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A " i - aw v ' 1 Goodsl .smmmmmmwaV figgggggggggg) ''it'P" gw.H L : a a 4k inttint U nndlfmhlmt t ttiitMi M(wnwv www uievcs aael MiitesM, ? 1 0 YEARS. -T"- i ' it, V. Holidav Goods. L' m&M A iJi. itfi-r &-JSr ' v fi , ' Kt. f.. r i v;,'. voSi t ' i'.'iS' Si TiKf- Jit ' emr .C !' ' 'J :i. .it',' ,..,& t fifaiAa ;. th," .. t... Am . a. . Tl r ' vcftiuaiiM7iv:cinciyciiu , , -1 r'..a- rf.iH.tfVA ' . .itWJT'V r. ' i'L' : wmMi'jmiwi to clos6utfcheari k -i imU-XTMhsf., t'A' '. . v m, "s -m A-' m m v.-rtnr,v)? i tmSi WWtW . $ "i ! v mk ? , m m