The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 25, 1892, Image 7

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A. c. HOSMER, Publlshor.
Sometimes I think tho world to be
DldRiiatlnsly mnmlnno,
With nothing beautiful or good,
Hut ovcrythlnR inane.
"Why will the dust get on my shoes,
Tho wrinkles In my clothcsf
"Why must tlicro bo nail blemishes
In everything that urowsl
"Why Is tho world with shoddy fltlodr
Why had tho mucker HfcJ
.And why mustovcry lonely thins-
Uo crushed out in tho strlfor
My culturrd soul, with Brand ideals,
(lets shocked on eicry side:
I'm elbowed If I walk tho atroat",
I'm Jolted If I ride;
I'm sickened by the vuljrar crowd
That hustles nluht and days
I'm bored to death to sit around
And Idto tlmo away.
It makes no illfftrcnco whero I am;
All crumbles that I touch,
Shocks my ideals and soils my hands,
And grieves uvj overmuch,
"Until at last, with sickened heart,
I shrink away In pulns
And then I'm forced to think tho world
Disgustingly mundane.
lint, then, attain I find tho world
Dcllplitfiilly mundane
Thn dear old world, that offers ua
Its pkasure with Us pain.
My soul Kroivs lonesome by Itself;
My shoulders fairly achu
To feel tho push of other men
In life's otern rIvh and take.
1 feel tho blood mirfio through ray veins
LiUll my tntiHClcs swell,
And straightway all my tlno ideals
Turn chest benoath thn spell.
And dust, ami llrt, and blemishes.
Seem dearer to mo then
Than any spotless paradlso
With urtltlclnl men.
Tho hurdy-gurdy's deafcnlnc ban-
Tho street band's uwful bray,
Thn "gent" that talus his "lady friend"
To picnics down tho bay,
Tho baseball crank, the collcgo man,
Tho swell, and all tho rest
They shock mo sometimes, but they touch
A ihord within my bi east.
Ah! yes; although tho world ia coarso
And vulgar and profane,
I find it, after all, to bo
Delightfully mundanol
"Story cf a Llfo Insuranoe Agont
Who Know It AIL
I1IH life insur-
unco ugent had
been tolling
Homo good
stories of his
experiences in
tho business,
and when h o
had flu i shod
tho drum m e r
rose up and
stretched hitn
nclf. "I came very
near being n
Ufa Insurance
man myself,"
ho said, as he
Bat down, "but
X overreached the limit In tho begin-
nlnp and quit after the first week.."
"Tell us about It," chorused the
crowd, always ready for a yarn.
"Well," ho said, "when I was about
twenty, I was a very flip young man
and thought I was cut out for tho life
insurance business. 1 had plenty of
friends and soon had a job on commis-
fiions and four dollars a week salary.
I went nt it with u rush and button
liol ed everybody 1 knew. I talked life
insurance all tho time and I had an
idea that what I didn't know couldn't
bo learned. Tho real facts in tho case
wore, I simply didn't know anything.
I had tho gift of gab and was persuas
ive in my style, ami that went a long
way to hldo my weaknesses. As to
laws and liabilities, and that sort of
thing, I may say I was absolutely ig
norant. Tho first week I was nt it I
in ado a ton-strike, bo to sneak, and run
in about four men. Ono of them was
for fifty thousand dollars."
Tho old insurance man looked up
"I had met him at tho hotel and he
Tmd told mo ho was a traveling man.
Ho dressed well and was a smooth
talker, and when ho asked if I could
insure him for fifty thousand dollars I
was paralyzed with joy. Tho man-
, ngor of tho company was cautious, but
my man answered all the questions in
-tho blanks, passed the medical exarai-
nation and put up tho requisite feo
liko a little man, and I sent in tho ap
plication and in three or four days I
.-called in tho evening at his hotel with
tho policy. I mot him in tho office
'with a handsome woman, his wife, ho
tsaid when ho introduced me, and ho
told me to call again at nino o'clock as
?thoy woro to tako tho 0:15 train and
Tiad somo business that demanded at
tention before nl tic. Promptly on time
2 appoarcd and was shown upstairs to
my friend's room, Tho lady was there
looking radiant, and I begun to think
tho llfo insurance business was tho
finest thing on euvth. I handed out tho
policy, which, by tho way, named tho
wife us beneficiary, and in tho cheeriest
way pobsibla she took it and locked It.
-up in her bag, and with a pretty littlo J
nod to him and n hearty shako of tho
nnnu lor me, she excused herself and
said sho had to join n party of friends
and would meet her husband nt tho
station. Then she left with tho bag,
and her husband locked tho door after
" 'Let me sec,' ho said, ns ho snt down
and took out his jmokctbook, 'I bc
llovo tho premium on that is in tho
neighborhood of fifteen hundred dol
lars.' " 'Fifteen hundred and sixty, to cover
everything,' 1 replied.
" 'Can you chaugo a thousand dollar
bill?' lie Inquired
"I laughed at his littlo joke.
" 'No,' 1 mid. ! can't, I'm afraid.'
nnd 1 took out u roll of money which I
happened to bo taking to a man up
town. 'I've got eight sono hundred
dollar bills here, but that isn't enough.'
" '(Jlvo it to mel' he exclaimed, mak
ing a grab for It.
"1 jumped back and for tho first time
noticed tho face of my friend. Thorn
was business all over It, and ugly bUbl
UCbS. " 'What do you mean?' I almost
" 'Don't bo so loud,' ho whispered. 'I
mean to have that money.'
"'Well, I guess not,' 1 sald.coolly, ns
I pulled n pistol which 1 had In my
pocket us a guard fur the money 1 was
currying and what 1 expected to get
from him, though 1 had scarcely
thought to use it under these elreum
btances. '' 'Thnt's all right, my chicken,' ho
laughed. 'If you kill mo It will cost
your insurance company fifty thousand
dollars, for that policy lit good for it, I
"I dropped my gun ns if tho man had
shot me. Of courso tho policy was
good for its face, and its face was fifty
thousand dollars. I couldn't kill him
and take tho chances.
" 'And don't make nny disturbance or
call for anybody, ' ho continued, 'or
I'll just cut my throat with your pen
knife I have here in my hand, and will
not only be in for the fifty thousand dol
lars, but you will havo somo troublo in
explaining how it iiappencd, when
neither knife, pistol nor other deadly
weapon can bo found iu this room, ex
cept what belongs to you. I'm n des
parato inau and you might as well fork
over that money and such other valu
ables as you may bo possessed of'
and call it square.'
"I tried to think of somo plan to es
cape, but my brain was in a whirl, and
1 couldn't do a thing, but statu! tlicro.
Ho wns very polite, however, and came
to my assistance by removing tho
eight hundred dollars from ray person,
besides fifty dollars of my own, also
ono gold watch and chain worth one
hundrcn dollars; ono dinmond stud
worth twcnty-flvo dollars, and ono gold
ring eighteen karat, worth ten dollars.
Then he carefully tied mo to tho bed,
put a nice littlo gag in my mouth,
packed my stulT in his bag, turned out
tho gas, bade mo good-by, and, locking
the door, went softly whistling down
jie nnn ins to the m:u."
the hall and off to meet his wifo nt the
train. As for myself, I stayed on that
bed, sleeping and waking until tho
next afternoon, when tho chamber
maids camo In to see what tho matter
was with No. 13. Of course, I told
my story not only then, but later to
tho munagcr of tho company and to tho
police, but my friend was gone, nobody
knew whether, and if it hadn't hap
pened that my father was able to mako
good that eight hundred dollars, there's
no telling whether Pd gone to tho pen
itentiary or not, for tho evidence was
against me. A year later I was cleared
of suspicion, however, by tho urrcst ol
my friend in New York for trying to
work another fellow as ho had worked
me, and tho whole story camo out."
"You, ought to have stuyed at it,"
aid the lifo insurnnco man, gasping.
"Why?" inquired tho drummer, seri
ously. "liecause, such a classic liar as you
aro would havo been an honor to the
traditions of tho profession," and tho
old agent went outsido where ho could
brcatho moro easily, Detroit Frco
From tho Model Novel.
Faithful to her promise, nnd with
beating heart, sho noiselessly glided
ulongtho dimly lit corridor, in which
roigncd tho awful stillness of death.
At tho door of tho "bluo chamber"
aho paused for an instant, and, giving
one swift, frightened glance around,
disappeared into tho recessca of that
mysterious apartment, within whoso
walls lny hidden tho silent family
secret of Graumoro Grange.
A moment lator a sudden, piercing
shriek rang out upon tho midnight
utr a cry startling la its agonizing
wail. I
Without delay tho door was rapidly I
hurst open by tho hastily-awakened
household, when, to their horror and i
amazement, a heartrending sight
met their gnze.
Crouching iu a corner, her eyes trans
fixed in terror, lay Hester Hardnge,
pointing to tho other end of tho room.
"Speak, girl," cried hor father, in a
voice trembling with rnsrc: "toll me
what you havo seen!" t
"Father." bho untrontcd. "do not .
proaeu me- uo meremw, i implore you
I saw a splderl" Uoston Ulobo. I
J ,
Notes of Timely Interest to Farmer Who
ltiile INiultry.
Very often wo rco in our exchanges
articles advising tho feeding of corn
mcnl, scalded until it will stick to
gether. This Is poor advice, for tho
hen that Is fed on such food will bo
compelled to swallow moro water than
is at nil necessary. The very best way
to feed corn to hens is whole, and if it
is to bo fed to chicks it may bo cracked.
When wo first got in tho notion qf feed
ing cracked corn wo had no means of
cracking it, nnd wo wont to our miller
nnd asked hint if ho could help us out.
He wns perfectly willing to do so, and
we had him rnlso his huhrs till tho corn
when It wont through was just coarse
ly broken, say about like grains of
wheat. As the corn was dry, a eon
hldcrnblc part of It was much finer
than wo wanted it. This we sifted out
mid fed to tho youngest chicks, nnd
tho effect wns so beneficial that wo
havo kept up tho custom for thrco or
four years, and tho demand for
this cracked corn has grown to
a.uch proportions that now our
flouring mills keep it regular
ly for tho sole purpose of feeding
chickens. Chickens cannot bo grown
to the best advantage iu country places
without being fed corn as u largo part
of their food. Somo thero aro who aro
constantly decrying tho uso of corn,
but they aro thoso who baso their
tenchings largely on theory, and the
best practical bracders agree that corn
is ono of tho essentials. Tho chemist
tells us what elements go to make up
corn, nnd from their analyses wo nro
led to think that corn is not tho best
food, but it is with corn llko it is with
root crops. Tho writer oneo asked a
noted dairyman why it wns that
mangels, which analyze so low in
value, woro so valuable when fed to
cows, nnd he replied that thero was
something in them that tho chemist did
not find. So it is with corn. Thero is
something in it that mnkes chickens do
well on it In spite of chemical analyses.
Wo do not advocate n clear corn diet
by any means, but bcllevo In n variety,
consisting of anything edible, for tho
digestion of uny kind of poultry is good,
but if wo wero confined to one kind
of feed, corn would bo our choice, and
we would feed it dry, oven if wo hud
to feed meal. Farmers' "Voice.
They llroecl Itcnillly and VuriiUh a Itnro
Tablo DUIi.
Our illustration, which wo rccngravo
from tho Poultry World, is a correct
representation of the California quail.
They aro a fine gnmo bird, in size and
shape not unlike tho common quail of
the north and oast, but slightly heavier
and carry plumes upon the crest They
closely ussimilato in their gonornl
habits to other quail. Thoy run in
the cover of low bushes and thickets,
build their ncets upon tho ground and
migrate to a warmer climate in winter
time. They nro easily bred, however,
and thousands of them havo been do
mesticated, both in California nnd
other states. When grown under cover,
as tho Englishman raises his pheasants,
they breed kindly and prolificly.
They go in largo flocks in California
two to thrco hundred together being
seen Tory irequently there. They nro
killed in 'various ways in their nntivo
forests or prairie retreats, and thoir
flesh has been found vory toothsomo
in flavor. Several fanciers not only
breed them in considerable numbers.
but export them allvo to Europe and
end a great many overland to tho
states south and west Tkjoy uro easily
handled, taking kindly to domestic
treatment, nnd furnish tho epicure
with a rar? dish whon in condition and
served in proper way at table.
Don't give impure water to any class
of stock on tho farm.
Don't lot your scrub bull if you own
one run In the roads.
Don't sell tho heifer calves from cows
that you know to bo good.
Don't use tho cruel check rein to
jerk a horse's head up out of a natural
Don't forgot whon inclined to drive
fast that you aro riding and tho horse
is on foot.
Don't trust to the grass of very early
spring to keep tho herds and flocks up
in condition,
Don't neglect to provido shndo for
tho pastttro in which tho cows will run
next summer.
Don't breed scrub stock. You deslro
to mako your farm pay. Scrub stock
will never mako it pay.
Don't feed too much corn to any class
of stock. Even fnttoning animals aro
benefited by somo bono and muscle
forming foods. Farmers' Voice.
A Sensible Norwegian Custom,
Wo bcq tt Btuted that iu Norway the
farmers yearly elect two men before
whom all parties lit dispute lay their
grievances. Tho sessions aro hold prl
vately, and no legal aid is called in.
Twunty-flve por cent, of tho cases pre
sented aro bottled in this primitive,
court, thereby saving much ill-feeling
and lawyer' fees.
s r"" """ V
How to Prevent n Timber famine. Within
a Oeiierntliin.
Further destruction of forests with
out effort to make good the wnsto will
produce n timber famine within a gen
eration. Many kinds of valuablo woods
have already practically disappeared,
nnd other kinds are disappearing rap
idly from our forests. For ono hundred
years tho destruction of timber has
been constant, without renewal. Re
foresting is not dilllcult nor costly, nnd
returns will bo ample.
Ono of tho first duties Is to cut from
tiittbcrland only thoso trees that havo
reached their prime, while preserving
the undergrowth from browsing ani
mals by fencing forest tracts. Second
growth should bo guarded and not
thinned so much as to provent a proper
development of trunks for economical
use as timber. Natural planting should
be encouraged in the vicinity of forests
containing desirable species. Such
planting may be encouraged by fencing
in cleared areas about forests nnd keep
lug cattle out.
Wnsto lands on hillsides or rocky
places, or on tho borders of swntnps,
should bo planted with valuable forest
trees Hiiltablo to tho location. Plant
ing In groups will insure good timber,
especially from the trees most Blinded.
Experimental planting of (r roups on
wasto laud will bring valuablo experi
ence in tree culture.
Success In reforesting depends grunt
ly upon a careful observation of naturo
and nature's methods. No one of ex
perience would plant black walnut in
marshy ground or black ash on a hill
side. Pino and cedar flourish in swamps
and on hillsides alike, and tho same is
true of hemlock. White nsh and black
cherry flourish best on dry ground.
Swamp white oak, a valuable timber
tree, loves moist ground. Hard maple
Is sometimes found in swnmps.'bnt it
docs not flourish thero as well as on
uplands. Elms love moisture.
Trees usually found growing together
In forests should bo planted together.
Trees of ono species nro rarclv found
alone, and thero is u belief, probably
well founded, that a variety of species
In a forest is most conclusive to strong
and healthy growth. Tho soil of ex
hausted hillsides is best rcmnu'd by i.
growtli of trees and n deposit of loaf
mold. A young forest thickly planted
must bo a constant source of profit,
after tho first eight or ten years,
through cutting to thin out nnd give
room for proper development of tops.
A. S. Hamilton, President (iuneseo Val
ley (N. Y.) Forestry Association.
Iten will Hnvo (looil Appetite ir Their
1'ectl In Vurlml.
Tho hens nro partial to a variety of
food, which is an advantage to tho
farmer, as it gives him an opportunity
of feeding many substances that nro
uusalablo in winter. Thu supposition
that poultry must bo fed entirely on
grain hns entailed a greater expanse
in keeping poultry than necessary, to
say nothing of tho fact that tho pro
duction of eggs has been diminished,
rather than increased, by feeding tho
fowls so largely on grain.
Tho hen is, liko tho cow, n producer,
nnd she is capable of utilizing many
kinds of food. This should bo ap
parent to all from the fnct that an egg
is composed of nearly all of tho ele
ments that aro required to form a com
plete substance, or to produce a living
creature. If tho lions had no duty to
perform but. that of simply existing
and fattening, grain would supply
them with all that they require; but, as
stated, tho lion N a producer, nnd Mie
must bo given suitable foods for her
purpose or sho will fall to accomplish
tho object for which sho is intended on
tho farm.
No farmer would expect his cow to
thrive on a diet of grain exclusively.
Sho requires bulky food, and she re
quires a vnrioty. Not only is she al
lowed an abundance of nutritious hay,
but also carrots, turnips or ensilage,
tho object being to promote tho nppu
tlto and assist digestion, as well as to
allow her a greater opportunity of se
curing tho nitrogen, carbon nnd min
eral matter which is so esscutial to
milk production.
Tlicro is no difference between tho
hen and tho cow in their demands for
food. Tho hen requires bulky food,
und she will ent the samo kinds that
tho cows recolvo if such foods ure cut
very fine. A mess of hay will bo cnger
ly devoured by n flock of hens, nnd it
will bo of groator service for producing
eggs than corn. Farmors know that
their fowls will sometimes refuse to
eat corn or wheat It Is because thoy
havo been surfeited with such food.
When tho food is varied tho hens will
have good appetites, and, as 'tho appo
tlto influences egg production, the
feeding of n variety is moro Important
than quantity. Farm nnd Fireside.
A llaudy Derrick Made or Threo I'ole or
A handy devlco for raising hogs Is a
derrick mndo of threo polos or scant
lings, Vi feet long nnd bolted together '
nt tho top. A pulley Is fastened at tho
top and a small windlass 8 feet from
the bottom ns shown in tho cut. A ropo
is fastened through n hole in tho wind
lass and runs around that, unit m-nr
tho pulloy. A hook or ring should brt
fastened to tho loose.end. O. E. Cor
win, in Farm and Home.
Don't buy stock from any man who
abuses every breed but his own.
I II w LlxsX
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A Stormy Meulnn at Mrmphl-Metin
Withdrawn ntul Will Htart Another Order
The llenmniU Adopted-Oil on the
Troubled Water.
Mkmimiis, Tonn., Nov. 10. Tho No
tional Farmers' Alliance was in session
all Thursday night until Friday morn
ing. Thero was violent altercation,
delegates at times resorting to violence.
When the alliance reassembled a W.
Miicuuo became discouraged nnd with
drew from tho order, nnd the following
officers were elected: 1 1. 1). Loncks,
North Dakota.presldent; Marlon llutler,
North Carolina, vice-president; Hon
Terrell, Texas, treasurer; Editor Tay
lor, of tho Nashville Toller, secretary;
nnd the following executive board: It.
L. Leonard, of Missouri: Mann Page,
of Virginia; I. E. Dean, of New York;
H. C. Doming, of Pennsylvania.
Tho following demands were adopted
by the national alliance:
Klnanco-Wo dennnd a national curreney,
iiafo, noiinil nnd lloxlhle, haunt h? tho Rovern.
luentonlyi n full leal lender fornHdout.
pulilfo or private, and that without ihonso of
tiankltiK corporations: n Just, equltablo nnJ ef
llclent means of distribution direct to tho peo
ple at a tax not to exceed a er rout, to txi pro
vided ns not forth In tho nutnnmury plan of
the Partners' Alliance or home bettor system
also by payment In discharge of Its obllRiitlon
for public Improvements.
(A). Wo demand tho freo and unlimited coin
npo of silver and Hold at tho tntlo of Id to
(II). Wo demand tint tho nmntintnf clrcif
latliiR medium bo InrreuvM to at least IHW por
capita exclusive of legal reserves
(I). Wo demand a graduated IticomA tax.
(t). That our national leKlslatlon Mmll bo bo
framed In tho future as not to build up oue In
dustry nt tho oxpense nf another.
(K). Wo bclloio that tho money of tho coun
try HhouM bo kopt as much as posslblo In tho
h inds of Iho people, and heneo wo demand all
national nnd Htato rn venue shall bo limited to
thu necessary sxpcmc of tho government ceo.
nomlealty anil hoticHlly ndnilnlstc rod.
(F). Wo demand th it Having bank
bo CHtnbllHhod by the Romriiment for tho afo
deposit of Iho earning of tho jtcoplo and to
facilltalo rxch tngc.
Land Tho land, Including all tha natural
resources cf wealth, U to bn thn horitajro of nil
tho jKsipIo and nhiuitil not bo monopolized for
"lcculntlvo puriioso. nnd allon ownership of
land should Imj prohibited. All lands now lnld
by railroads nnd other corporations In excoix
of their actual need, and all lands now owned
by alien, should hn reclaimed by tho govern
ment and held for actual settlers only.
Transportation Transportation being a
mean of exchange, and a publlo necessity, tho
government should own nnd operate tho rail
roads In tho interest of tho people. Tho tulo
graph and telcphotie.llko thn post oulce system,
for tho transmission of Intelligence should bo
owned and ncratod by tho government In tho
IntoroHt of tho jicoplo.
Tho closing executive sessions of tho
national alliance wero devoted to rott
tino business. A truce was patched up
with the disgruntled Mncuno faction by
tho adoption of a document known ns a
protest from tho Mncttnultcs. This doc
ument sots forth, in vngtto und general
terms, tho dissatisfaction of tho signers
with tho courso pursued by tho Loucks
faction in tho contest for the presidency.
Allianco authorities give it out that
tho adoptiou of this protest has molli
fied tho Mncuno faction, and that tho
threatened split has been healed. Hut
on tho outsido It is plain to see that
Macuno is far from placated and from
utterances by himself and friends thero
Is no doubt he intends to start a littlo
alliance of his own. The basis of his
proposed organization is known. It
contemplates tho organization of cotton
planters of tho south into a gigantic
trust, to bo controlled through dis
trict, county, state and national lead
ers, with tho purpose of disposing of
tho Routh's cotton crop direct to the
spinners of Europe, and America thus
doing away with middlemen und Insur
ing moro liberal advances on tho crops
anil easier rates of interest. Nearly all
the southern delegutes aro pledged to
tho scheme. It means the complete di
vorcement of the northern nnd south
ern wings of tho alliance.
Tho Cntbollo ArelihUhop Adopt Keiolu
tlon a to the Kilneatlun f Children,
New Yohk, Nov. 10. Tho conference
of archbishops of the United States,
which hns been iu daily session nt the
residence of Archbishop Corrlgan since
Wednesday last, vas concluded last
night Tho question that has engaged
thu attention of tho archbishops to thu
largest extent, and tho ono which has
prolonged thu .conference to tho period
of thrco days, is tho matter relating to
parochial schools. Not until yesterday
was any real progress mode, and the
following report indicates a compro
mise upon tho question. This report
na given out by the private secretary of
Archbishop Corrlgan, Father Connolly,
is entitled, "Heport on Parochial
Schools," and is as follows:
At a meeting of tho archbishops of tho United
States held al thn rosldenoo of tho urchblshop
Now York, on November 10, IBW, to consider
the best means to provide for the religious edu
cation of such children as do not al present at
tend tho parochial schools or Catholic schools
nf any kind, tha assembled prelate unanimous
ly agreed on the following resolutions;
Itcolvcd, To promote tho erection of Catholic
schools so that thero may bo accommodation la
them for more, and if possible for all our Oath
olio children, according to the decrees of the
third plenary council of Ilaltlmoro and tho de
cision of tho holr see.
Resolved, That as to children who at present
do not attend Cathotlo schools, wo direct la ad
dition that provision ho made for them by
Sunday school, and also by Instruction on
somo other day or days of tho woek and by
urging parents to teach thoir chlldron tho
Christian doctrlno In their homos. Thcso Sun
day and week day schools should be under the
direct supervision of tho clcrgr, aided by Intel
ligent lay teachers, and when posslulo by mem
bers ofrollalous teaching orders.
The Twolilif Will Case lindnd.
San Antonio, Tex, Nov. 10. John
Twohig, a banker, left his fortune to
tho Catholic church, but his relatives
contested tho will. Yesterday It was
agreed that nftor ndministrator'K fees
were paid of the $800,000 remaining tho
church should receive 1200,000 and the
relatives tho remainder.
A llreiik In the strike.
IIomkbtcad, Pa., Nov. 10. The first
big break In tho strikers' rauks oc
curred yesterday whon 150 men applied
for positions nt ibo mill. The becond
break camo this morning when they
went up Eighth avenue to the miil
in lnrgo bodies. Just outsido tlto
mill the mon formed in lino nnd
wore taken Tlx nnd seven ut n tlmo
before (leneral Manager Schwab, who
examined them individually, and they
wero rapidly nssignetl to vncnnelus Iu
tho mill.
11 L. Up tO 10 O'clock trVft mom- !
ing over 2.10 men had applied and very
few wero turned away.
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In 1800 our product of hnrdwaro
xvm valued at 9100,000,000) In 1883 at
070,000,000. The annual addition to the
output was (0,000,000 a year between
1840 and 1800, and ('.35,000,000 n year be
tween 1800 nnd 1888. Pittsburgh Dis
patch. During last year nearly six million
of skins were imported Into England. Of
Australian opossums there wero 2,354,
000; of niuskrnt, 1,800,000; skunk, fiM,
000; raccoon, (110,100; fur seals, 1U.1,700;
bear, l'J,7()0; beavor, 11,000; chinchilla,
7,700, nnd otter, 7,1500. N. a Times
Tho bluo color of tho sky Is proba
bly merely the color of tho nlr, scon
through n length of nbout forty-live
miles, it has boon observed by those
who havo ascended nbout flvo miles
abovo tho earth's surface that tlio sky
appears of n dark Inky hue, owing to
tho very small reflection ntt'd dispersion
of tho light, whllo tho bluo color no
longer nppears above, but below tliem.
Similarly, tho blue color of distinct hills
is owing to the nnmo cause.
Tho astronomical world will bo
gratified by tho intelligence that Prof.
llarnard'H discovery nt the Molt observ
atory of Jupiter's llfth satellite, which
wns announced last winter, lias been
continued by tho observation at Prince
ton. Prof. Young, of Princeton, tele
graphs that the llfth .Tovliut moon was
found on two successive nights within
tho past week. Of courso noono doubted
tho correctness of Prof. llnrnnrd'H ob
servations, but their confirmation by'
other experienced observers Is n satis
faction. N. Y. Herald.
Dr. Daromberg, tho onlclal Investi
gator in the French capital, gives ,n
bltnplo safeguard against tho Infection
of cholera. A solution of seven nnd a
half grains of cltrla ncld to n quart of
water will, he says, absolutely destroy
tho bacillus nt cholera, and If tho
strength of tho solution Is raised to
fourteen grains to tho quart tt will also
kill tho bacillus of typhoid. Nothing
could bo simpler than this, for cltrlo
ncid and sugar in water mako iv deli
cious and quite wholesome .lemonade,
and tho strength prescribed would
hnnlly do more than mako tho wate
slightly acid to the taste.
Several manufacturers In Europe
are using aluminium in tho construc
tion of bicycles, says Iron. The alum
inium Is alloyed with u small percent
age of titanium, which Is said to In
crease the strength of thu aluminium
very considerably. Thu following are
given ns the results of tests of tho alloy
and metal used for this purpose: Toil v
silo strength of nluinlututn UJ.IWO lbs.
per squnro inch; titanium alloy 7.1,009
ibs. Tho tensile strength of the alloy
is very great If these figures are correct.
It Is greater than that of wrought iron
nnd steel (48,000 to 07,000 lbs.) but It ta
not so grcnt ns steel wire, which has
tensile strength of nuarly 200,000 lbs.
per squnro inch.
Professor Dowar wns able, in a lee- j,
turn on chemistry in London lately, to
produce liquid oxygon in tho presence
of tho audience literally by t pints, and
to pass liquid air-about the room ia
claret glasses. Oxygen liquefies rtt
about 250 degrees bolow zero, and air at
043 degrees below loro. If tho earth
wero reduced to a temperature of USO
degrees below zero, it would be. cov
ered with a soa of liquid air thirty-five .
feet deep. Professor Downr's procoss
of liquefying oxygon and nitrogen was
with a hundred pounds of liquid ethy
lene nnd fifty-pounds of nitrous oxide,
with the aid of two nlr pumps and two
compressors driven by steam.
Tho whole solar system, astrono
mers sny, is strown with particles of
matter known as stnrdust, whllo larger
bod I us, known as metoorolds, chase one
another ub&nt tho sun at Intervals of a
few miles. Usually when thoso meteor
olds encounter tho earth's atmosphere
they break into stuall fragments nnd
fall harmlessly to tho ground, It k
thought that 000 or 700 of thoso motcoric
stones reach tho surfaco of the earth,
unbroken in tho course of a year, while
tho number of small particles which
fall has boon estimated at 8,000,000 a
day. If the air did pot act as a cushion
no casualty would be more common than
being hit by a meteorite. ,
A mixture of rye flour and peanuts
has been recently used ,by tho Herman
health authorities in bread. making. It
was discovered that, tho refuse leftufter
tho oil hns been extracted from pesnut
contains 50 per cent, of albuminous
matter. Kuch being tho case, bread
made with nn admixture of peunuts ot
peanut refuse would certainly be highly
nutritious, inasmuch as tho nutritive
clement of any kind of bread is mainly
albuminous. Wheat und ryo flours have
only nbout 11 or 13 per cent, of albuml-
nous mutter in them. When oil hae
been extracted by pressure or otherwise'
from u vcgotablo substance, thu residue
is called "oil cake." All oil cakes are
largely albuminous. Flaxseed oil cake
contains moro than 40 por cent of such
1 elements', and tho oilcake of cottonseed
is about thu same
Doing Things Kiwlly.
"Do sit down," said the wise mother
of a family to tho new nud, ambitions
young housemaid, "I do not in tho
least approve ot what might be called
laziness, or tho habit of collapsing into
a chair every tlmo ono turns around, hut
I do bo'lluvo In saving one's strength
whon it Is just oh easy to do it
"You aro standing at the table to pare
your potatoes, when you mightjustas
well sit down to do it , liy and by there
will bo cleaning and brushing and
scrubbing to do, when you must stand,,
If tlicro Is frujt to prepare, vegotnbloSf
to get ready or any of the many things
Where ono may remain quiet wiiilo.
doing them, it is muci better to sit
This gives renewed 6ncrgy for the
Jmrder part of tho work, and whllo
there is so much about housework that
is nectsurily taxing, it wems to me n
very wise thlwtf q no this, I do not"
know why economy strvitgMt in not
just as important w K'ouoiny l.t Uny
thing else, Certnlrtl tno ability td
make thu best ot all erf our powers is
tvorth u little study, yeoplo yvho are
well and strong often seer to enjoy
reckless exhibition of their physical
ubllltv. but with these n tltrw nlmoit
alwnyH conies when tho lienvy strain of
wnsioil ..,.,.,-,, Uilns In S.ll mi tk.Mn.
stitutlon: thou it f too lute to prevent.
the daiu'igc." N Y. Ledger.
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