'tyr-y- V S i t "i 'Dl h a ffi a?j W M I1! ?4 ' tf IV. i.'. 7V THJB Kfil). CLOUD CHIEF. A. O. HSMtPuCllhr. - J RED CLOUD. - NKHRASKA CURRENT COMMENT, f Irri.And seems to bo going into thn ticep business. Tho "Etnertld lo" now hns 1,000,000 mora Bliecp than in 1889. " '','. CosTKAnv to previous rcporU tho -prottircur-Runernl of France has decided to prosocnto tho doctors of tho I'ttli- '.Wifc.Cftnttl company, i - ,j f. 'i '. -i : ' TNiiionTnodiiNK,' a Motluxllnt tnln Jtcr, 'created a sensation at n Now York ministers' meeting by declaring that ho believed in agnosticism. Duni.va October only 4.0U1 Atccrnjre passengers landed at New York, tho lowest number since 1877. In tho samo month In 181)1 thcro were 30,708. .' 'i, , ItoWAnp Muftrrir, .la, denies Mr. Shearman's statement that President elect Cleveland Hald ho would "dd" if ho would kIvo any pledges to bhee haii. v .Tkssk Oiunt, tho youngest son of tho potiernl, hns made a success of tho min ing business, and, lias settled down in riedmont, Cab, with his wifo and chil dren. A cam. 1ms been issued by lalmr or ganizations asking worklngmcn every where to glvo tho wages earned on Tuesday December 13 to tho strikers t Homestead, l'n. At a meeting of tho Mersey Docks Uonrd in Liverpool It was decided to ex pend 12,600,000 in furnishing extra ac commoijutlon for Atlantic steamers and in imp'roring tho hnrbor. Thk presenco of tho Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria at tho banquet given in Vleniia,i6 tho czarewltch of Russia is much commented upon, as he had not attended such n ntato function since 1888. William Wai.tkii I'iiklto, United States minister to Germany, will build s magnificent country house on his 1,000' acre farm in New Jersey as toon as his diplomatic duties aro over and settle down for a whllo as a country gentlcman. PnixcNftLout?' of Hattcnburg, com mander in Iho royal rinVy, has been ap pointed naval adviser to tho inspector general of fort works. The post, which la a sinecure, will add I4,4h0 a year to his income. His appointment was duo to tho queen. Okn. Cassius M. Clay, the veteran diplomat, sold lor and anti-slavery ad vocate of Kentucky, lias given Ids fine library and his statuary and paintings to tho county in which Ue lives for tho nucleus of iv publlo library. Tho gen eral Is nearly 80 years of age.' TiiRcsoterla London society known as "The Souls" will soon begin the publication of a puper, with Miss Margaret Tcnnnnt as one of its two editors. Theso two souls will soon dis cover that It will bo necessary that they should,' hava more than a slnglo thought If they hold out lii an editorial career, jf Onk who went dpwn into tho low land soys Death valley. Cat, not wlthstandlng Us suggestivo name, Is tho abode of moro curious and wonder ful specimens of animal creation than any place of its slto within tho limits of tho United States. Tho oddest of tho cjvatures, perhaps, Is a species of rodent called tho "kangaroo rot" Amono tho candidates for favor under the coming Cleveland administration Is 8am Morns, of tho Indianapolis Sen tinel. Mores wnnU to go to Loudon and All tho place now occupied by Con-aul-Hcnoral John C. New. In case Isaac Pusey Gray falls to find a place in tho cabinet It Is predicted that Morss will engugo his passage soon after tho 4th of March. 8KNATOH Kvlk thus accounts for tho small populist vote in South Dakota: The day before tho election a blizzard act In, with tho wheat standing In ahocks in fields all over tho sUito. As a result hundreds of populists did not go to the polls, but worked' steadily throughout tho day In their effort to gflt tho crop threshed nud out of tho way of tho weather. Thaso who worked ia tho field were populists." John D. Rockkkkm.kii is having a inasslvo oaken case, similar to a book case, put Into his bUblo. It has doors of polished oak, with brass hinges and heavy plato glass. The lnsldo will bu lined with nurnle nlnxli .i ,., in completed, tho bits which shlno In tho Mouths of his trotters and couch horses will bo arranged iusldo of this magnifi cent caso in rows, ready for use, as well as an appropriate ornament for tho stable, NAtkasubl S. Uaiiuv, of Hrlstol, N. H., Is tho oldest living ox-governor in the United States; If ho survives until September. 1, 1800, ,ho will bo a cen tennrlun. Ho was a boy of very humble parentage, beenmo a tanner, as Gun. Grant did, and in 1801 was elected gov ernor of Now Iliimohlilriv Id, la ..tin .. man of considerable physical urn! of un usual raontnl vigor, partlyi ho thinks, - iofr tho reason that he has not touched tobacco for thirty yours nor spirituous liquors for more than sixty. Tiik lato election was considered re markably quiet; nevertheless, some thirty murders wero reported. It seems that nothing can bo done in tho United State without murder. It Will bo a good thing when tho blunt criticism of some foreigner stings m into a sense of abamo at occupying tho position of the mast bloodthirsty mtlnn on earth. With over soven thousand murders re ported in tho census year comes tho re flection that 'wo arc losing more lifo by jBurd(r,,tlmm other, countries loso by war. v.1. WA lv NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gleaned By Tclofraph and Mali l'EIWONAIi AMD POLITICAL. Clkvrlamd received f00 plurnltty in iDeliVvfttro.gCnJicy' (dcm.) was elected ftivernor. fs . . Four alllnncemen and thrco demo crntH wero returned to conirrcss from SohUi, Carolina: , , 'Slid whlpjtjpf Itnlph Waldo Emerson died at Concord, Mass., over 00 years old. North Dakota woret democratic ox cept congressman 1nd secretary of state. K , ! , A call of a mcctlngof the house an- proprlntlotis conynlltco Is to bo issued for November C& It Is alleged that tho national treasury is menaced seriously, tho dollclency on pulsions nlono run ning up to (30,000,000. Tun annunl meeting of tho Farmcrn' Alliance commenced at Memphis, Tenn., on tho Kith. Maiioaiiet Matiikr emphatically do nles tho truth of the report of her mar riage with Gustavo I'ubst. Ton.v Hiikv, cx-presldent of tho Adams Express Co., died at Now York on tho 14th. t i Tun president has appointed William Potter, of Pennsylvania, to lo minister to Italy; David P. Thompson, of Oregon, to bo minister to Turkey, and Kdwurd C Little, of Kansas, to bo consul-general ut Cairo, Egypt. PllKSlDK.VT-r.I.KCT Ct.KVKLANO and many notables wore guests at tho an nual dinner of tho Now York chamber of commerce given at Delmnnlco's. Latkst returns from all tho counties of Oklahoma show that tho republicans havo ti majority of ono in tho legisla ture on joint ballot. Sk.vatou ICknna was reported alurm Ingly ill at Washington. It. F. Komi, people's pnrty candidnto for governor of Alabnma, announces over his own slgnaturo that ho will con test tho elcotlou on tho ground of fraud. Tho legislature of that state ban met, but took no action. Tiik complexion of tho Ncbniska leg islature will depend on tho result of a number of contests which have been filed. Tiik king of Dahomey is Bulng for pcttce. i Cait. Montkll, tho French explorer, will arrive shortly at Tripoli, after tra versing tho desert of Sahara from Sene gal by way of Lako Tchad. Copt. Mon tell has been eighteen months making tho journey. The New York Sun says that Cleve land will not call an extra sceslon of congress. Cojir-LKTE returns from Ohio show tho republicans successful with an average plurality of 1,000. Donald W. IUix, present and recently re-elected treasurer of North Carolina, is dead . n ' Prksidknt Harrison says tiiat all purported interviews with hlnVslnoo Uio election are fakes nud that ho has not uuthorized any of them. Gkn. Isaac 8. Catlin, of Brooklyn, Is mentioned for commissioner of pensions under Cleveland. Gkn. J. Q. HuniminoK, of St Louis died recently nt l'lwunlx, Ariz. Ho was a confederate brigadier. The coming tory congress ut London will consider a very Tiberal programme of reform. One republican was elected to con gress in North Carolina. The populists failed to elect a con gressman in any of tho southern states. Tub bitter light betweon tho demo crats and the populists in tho Farmers' Alliance at Memphis, Tenn., culminated in an open rupture. Mr. 1!i.aink has been suffering from a severe cold and high fovor but 1 oot ter. MIBL'-LLANEOUH. Diphtiieiha Is reported fatal ut Reeds, north of Mltcholl, Ind. Five cases of cholera wero reported on board tho Allan steamship Circas sian on, arrival off Father Point Or ders wero given to Btop her nt G rosso Isle quarantine. The Itelgiun government, through its consul, has protested against herding bnck thu thirty-seven Itolglan glass blowers who arrived nt Now York en route for Pittsburgh, Pu,, and ponding a decision from tho secretary of tho treasury they will bo held ou Kills island. Democrats of Mnspeth, L. I., object ed to the bunging of an etllgy of Presi dent Harrison during iv ratification cel ebration and It was torn to pieces. On tho night of tho democratic jubi lee thieves raided a Chicago establish ment and stole 15,000 worth of billiard bulls. Tub London Graphic says that tho admiralty Has decided not to build any moro L'llIlH wolirhlnir liver nttv titiiu it has also decided Unit every gun must bo mounted In such a manner that it can bo loaded, trained and run in and out by hand power. ' During the past week 23 deaths from cholera occurred at various places In Holland. John Schumann, a young fanner' of Towunda, 111., has been kicked to death by a horse. Tim cavalry that wero sont from Suakim, Soudan, to drive the rebel chieftain. Ostium Diirim. huAc Intn tim desert havo returned from Sliilmt uftor burning the, camp that Osinan Dlgnu hud deserted. The schooner Minnie DnvU was sunk in collision with tho schooner Hunter Savugo, olY Amherstburtr. f)nt. Th crew escaped. Hns now natural history hall of tho University of Illinois was dedicated with uddrchses by President Jordan, of Lehuid Stanford university, and Prof. Greleus, of Wushlngtou university, St Louis. ' A FiitK at West Water lu.d Clybarn streels, Milwaukee, destroyed 150,000 worth of property. Illinois bankers dcslra to havo tho three days grace law repealed. Tin: southern wholesulo druggists aro perfecting un organization. Senator Galliniieu and Poller, of the i minuto Investigating committee, uro In Chicago ooklug into tho PinkertonV purt in tho Homesteud utl.vlr." 1 . '.'j i i i i i " ! tii - - llww.lM,llln,l' i iifMi.i. k- f,M& - I, -ii-i . 'iim a i is' 1' ''ilH ' T J issfTB """""MST11 MS ItKDHun. 111., wns swept by a tornado on tho 17th. All tho houses were wrecked and many persons wero In jurcdf a baby being killed. Tho storm of tho date mentioned wns widespread and was very destructive to telegraph wires. Irish and German Catholic priests of Newark, N. J., aro engaged in a bitter controversy. Tin: Washington Park hotel, at Cin cinnati, collapsed, but all the four per sons who were in tho building escaped. At a democratic ratification at Mount ain View, Ark., explosives stored in n school houso exploded and four persons wero killed. The National browery ut Baltimore, Md., burned. Loss about (300,000. There aro fears In Brooklyn of an epidemic of small-pox. Tkleohai'II companies In Georgia aro exempted from liability for failuro to deliver telegrams on Sunday. The advance in cotton nt Camden, Ark., hns had a most bcucUcunt effect on business In that section. The Illinois Btccl mills ut .Toilet. 111.. Is arranging to shut down to adjust wages. Over '-',000 men will bo without work. Plate glass companies aro forming a trust The United States attorney nt Chl engo has no hope of securing a convic tion of Swift or others in thu packing houso combine, charged with violating the Intcr-stato commerce law. Aiiout B3 per cent of tho Iowa fnrms aro mortgaged according to a census office bulletin. IN un accident on tho Atlantic fc Pa cific railroad, In Arizona, William O. Walker, of Trenton, Ma, was killed and flvo other passengers injured. , Cleaiuno houso returns for tho weok ended November 18 showed nn nverngo lucrcnM) of 0 (J compared with tho cor responding week of last your. In Now York thcro was a decrease of 3. 'J. The missing British Bhlp Lodoro has arrived safely at San Francisco. Shu was Ut7 days from Nowcastlo, England. Her delay was caused by heavy weather. Moro than onco sho appeared to bo go ing to tlto bottom. , Tin: ranks of tho Homestead Btrlkcrs aro reported breaking. The Catholic archbishops, in conven tion at Now York, have concluded their lnlnirs. People of Arizona wero much alarmed over a threatened outbreak of Navajocs under Black Horse. Amherst defeated Williams at cot lego football at Wllllamstown, Mass. Score 00 to 0. The "llttlo blaclc trunk" which figured lu tho legal proceedings ngutnst ex-Prestdont Potter, of the Maverick bank, has been opened und thoro was not a single paper In it which would criminate Mr. Potter. The mining congress which was to havo been held at Salt Lake, Utah, De cember 0, has been indefinitely post poned. Tin: caso of tho city of Cres'ton, la., against Grceland Cemetery association for tho possession of tho cemetery was decided against tho city. Ivan Pktrofp, who deceived the United States governmont about tho Behrlng sea statistics, has been seon in Sun Francisco, but cannot bo found. The largo British steamships Ame thyst nnd Cactus havo penetrated for miles up tho Brazos river in Texas. After discharging their cargoes they will load with oil cako for Europe. Oyhtkr bout slavery In the Chesa peake bay is onco moro rampant Ig norant immigrants arp inveigled on tho bouts and subjected to tho grossest brutality. London building trades havo secured a forty-eight hour weok. ADDITIONAL- DISIUXCUES. A i)At;mtTi:u of Mrs. Asa Johnson dropped dead in Hchonl at Casey, 111., whllo working an example ou tho black board. A woman put a dynamito cartridge in tho oven to dry at Holland, N. Y. Her son Ralph was killed and tho woman was badly Injured. Tho houso was shattored. Bernard Muller, a Russian Jew, died ut Bcllovuo Hospital In Now York from anthrax, n dlscuso in which tho veins and muscles become infested with nnlmnlculu). The Swarthout brothers, charged with' killing their father uud burning him in a haystack, have been held to tho Feb ruary term of court ut Morrison, 111. Senator Jones, of Arkansas,'says tho next senate will bo democratic and that it will repeal tho McKlnloy bill and pass tho freo coinage of silver bill. Rev. IL M, Wharton, of the Baptist church, has commenced a cru-tuda against thu dives of Baltimore, Md., a la Dr. Purkhurst, of Now York. HimiT suspected nihilists havo 'been arrested near Lublin, Russlun Poland. A wo discovery of gold has been niado ut tho Caribou mines near Truro, N. S. L. L. Allen and Miss Mnttlo Withers, of Ilopkinsvllle, Ky., each 14 years of nge, went over to Dover, Tenn, and wero united in mnrrlago the other day. Gilmokk'h bund disbanded nfter play ing at Cincinnati. Official returns of tho congressional vote in tho Fifth Arkansas district glvo II. A. Dlnsmoro (dcm.) n plurality of 3,t:3 over J. II Bryan (pop.). The Homestead strike has been of ficially declared olf by tho Amalga mated association. Tiik friends of Tom Watson, tho Georgia iilllaiico congressman, buy that ho was beaten by fraud, and they aro raising a purse for tho purpose of con testing tho election. Through tho fatul neglect of a sleep ing train crew two heavy freights col lided in Chicago und thrco men were in stantly killed. yVN Oklahoma Christian scientist who believed that a rattlesnake hud no power to harm him picked one up nud got a bite, from whjeh'be died. Owing' to Uie recent death of Mrs. Harrison thore will be no festivities nt the Whlto houso until after the holi days. Tiik steamer Rosa Loo was burned at the Memphis wharf und it wns feared that four men perished In tho lira. Yai.k defeated Harvard by tho score of U to 0, in the great football gumo at Springacld,MW "$.$$ gtf NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. Vote on Uovcrnor. Following is tho vote for governor at tho late election: 8 55 a . H : : n ! : "" Adams.., l,M7 cos 1 ,08S Anlrlolio 7.! fl a IMI Iilnlnc r8 .11 4R Hurt.. i,09u am Rin llox lluttc ,. 41A l.1 tttri Drown 3 It3 tt)t lloorio , 810 17.) 9H llannrr...... , p ai ITU DutTala , l,Ct CS0 ,Wi Duller Ulb ASi 1.181 llojrtl ro Cain I,A 1,10 PJ5 Cuming oil 1,018 tits ciuy I.mii &u ,mi Collar 0 r.71 AT? c.'imo ;w too :bi Cherry l m? 4.11 Oicyonno i-je. xc ins Ciintpr t i,&ru sw 2.ur CoHux M3 CTO Ul.l Dakota ,,,. 3A0 400 JII0 Dawson l.o.W ;IH) lt.il DoJ'o 8 1.18.' IS) Dixot fVlil 4Vk rn:i Dimes 7.', KM) m DDUKlas., 0,VH 7,37.1 4,30) DctKi ' no mr, Dumir xm to roa I'Vlltilttln fi".'l M 7-rt I'tirnni. m jii ots Klllmoro 1,3ft', JI7 l.idi Frontier ,. ih) kw k): (Iniro 3.HKS I, KM l,1C9 GnrllclU 'isi 'm (Ireelcy U.1I 317 431 CI rant i M7 : Oosixt ,t,7 M MO Itnmlltdii 1,'iSt; bi DV) HlKllUT () g ,1 llownnl.1t 4i sac un H-ivrs 310 l?4 7 Hall t,3!)t ll.S Wi Holt Hit 46 I.0IH Harlan , M4 m TUI mtciicoci: 4in r.7 w.t JeRcrxon t,?IH 180 7 V! Jolinnnn 1.00) 4.VI 7V0 Kcnrnay 771 IM ni'J Kulth toi mo ! Knox. TU'J 4' r,7,i Kovn l'aylu. lor, w 3H Klniliall fi G 0t Lancaster 3,H0 1,3 ?,1"1 I-opati, ai lt in Ixiup. I8 P 131 Lincoln p.'.' 2i l.wi Mad loon t.tiQS H' 703 Mrrrlck 7n !!F0 Cl McI'hron ;u In i!l Nancp. SA (n (VII Krtnaln l,oc,.l Am 1071 NucKolli on .177 1.1 10 nioo 1,0W 1,427 1,7.1.1 lMwnco ,.., ,... inf, xt tioi I'lerro :iu 4V 308 I'hfltM Mr 182 1,0 0 1'latto ?ro 071 1,024 Polk ,.. 077 101 1,070 IVrklnn im 1 42t Jtlclmrilion 1751 737 1.34H Hock .108 100 101 IUmI Willow , 71' Mi 71CJ Stillno. L4C1 861 1,021 SlotlX 121 S3 187 Howard 1,237 OM LOW ScotlH Hluft v 109 71 Kll Sarpv I.r.2 M) 1,701 Hnunders !,W 8(0 I.7BI Sherman 4'.r, im mo Stanton sin r rn Hharldtn A23 221 0'4 Tlmrmon 4" 04 104 'llmyer ,f8 CT 8K) Tlionmi ,, .1, rs 18 Vullov tS! 177 7W Washington. OKI 7.t) an Wayne 01 0 A8I Webitor Ki Si3 0M Wlrolur 10 ih 148 York I.09 431 1,301 Total 78.C82 43.4C4tB.421 I'lurnllty. tProuablr not correct Trie amo counties guvc on president! HarrN son, 8H,o;l; Weaver, KI.780; ClovcUnd, S5,3lt Harrlon' plurality, 4,8.13. ,, MlarrlluneiMia. On his return homo Minister Esjnn was given an enthusiastic reception at Lincoln by his friends. At tho late election Douglas county cast nearly 25,000 vote Lancaster county east about 15,000. Tiik "unterrillcd" jollified atOmnhn over tho election of Cleveland, nnd, ac cording to tho lice, "kicked up nn In fernal racket." Ai'I'I.ication wnsmado In tho supremo court for a writ of mandamus to compel tho clerk of Clay county to issue cer titlcutcs to the republican candidates for tho legislature on tho grounds that tho Independent candidates, who re ceived a majority of tho votes, had been Indorsed by tho democrats, and In print ing the otllclal ballots tho names of tho Independent candidates had been placed on tho ticket twlco. At the same time nunther contest from Knox county was started which, if successful, will unseat an independent representa tive und seat a republican. If thcY.o changes uro made tho legislature will bo tied on joint ballot Gov. Uovd has commuted tho son tcneo of John and Virgil ltcddlcl: from Imprisonment in the state penitentiary for ono yenr to Imprisonment for seven months nnd fifteen days. Tho boys were placed in tho penitentiary on tho 15th of May last and were sunt up from ono of tho counties in the northwestern part of tho state for stealing a quantity of wheat from their employer. It seems that the boys had some difficulty in col lecting their pay from him and they took thu wheat and sold it in order to get even. Their mother is a widow and in destitute circumstance. Sho wrote a very affecting letter to tho governor, and the judge and prosecuting attorney In the case united in seconding her ap peal for clemency. Juno r. Joseph It. Claukbov, whose body was snpposed to bo resting nt tho bottom of Honey Creek lake, lu., arrived In Omaha the other day the picture o,f health. His story of his wanderings reads like a romance. He says that to all intents and purposes his mind has been a blank for thu past thrco months. Whllo at tho lake ho was seized with an irresistible desire to tramp over tho country. When ho went to the lako ho took a second suit of clothing, and, leaving his old uloUitng and all his val uables in a boat to throw his frlunds olf the scent, ho disappeared. During his wanderings ho know who 10 was, but concculcd his idoutity, und refrained from writing homo. The day before his return proofs of his death wero sent to tho insurance company. (loon luck was too much of a surprise for Churles F. Kuggles, a laborer on tho new bridge at Fast Omaha, and he dropped dead from joy during a game of cards the other night. A number of 'laboring men were Bitting IH a ciulot game in tho boarding honso office on the island and nearly everyone had put up his pile, Ilugglcs staked Ids lust cent Ho held three, aces', and on thclast round drew tho fourth. One glance at the hand was enough. With out a word he fell over onto the Hoot dead. ' A LIVKLY snow storm prevailed in nurts. of tho state on the nirrht oftht UU&HiA Ml . imi.il'. . ' ii. , Nebraska lfqislature. Tho Democrat and 1'opntliU Have a M Jorltv In lloth (tranche. Tho republicans havo elected 10 sen ators and forty-eight rcprcscntatlvco, tho denocrats 4 senators nnd 11 repre sentatives, nnd tho populists 13 sena tors and 41 representatives. Tho fol lowing is tho result by districts: 8KNATK. I. Itlchardson and Pawnee A. It Scott. It Z Niniaha nnd Johnson-J. E. Harris, P. 3. Oloo-John Mattes. Jr., V. 4. Cast Orlando Tclt, It. 5. SaundorsnndSnrpy-WllllamSaundorg, P. a Douglni-Charles IL Clark, It 0. O Lo- fceck. Itt W. N llabcoclc, I). T. Cuming nnd Hurt Fremont IJvcrett, It 8. Dixon, D.tltota, Knox, Cedar und Thurston -U. V. McDonald It 0. Antcloiie, Uoouo and Greeley S. Pack wood, P. 10. Wushlngtonnnd Dodpo-John Thomson, V. II. Wayne, Mndlson nnd Pierce-J. M. Ab den, It J2. Platte nnd Coltax-Janiet K. North, D. 11 Holt Uurlleld und Whcclcr-J. P. Mul len. P. 11. Drown. Kcva Paha. Chcrrv, Sheridan, Dawes, llox IluttoundSloux-II.O. Stewart P. Hi. CiiHtcr, Vullcy, Loup nnd Hlalnu-Wllllatn 3 ray. 1. It). HuffalonndShcrmnr O irRoN.Rmlth.P. 17. Halt nnd Howard-'!", t. McCarthy, P. 18. Polk, Merrick und Nunce J. N. Camp bell, V, 1R llutlcr nnd Soward-OcorRa V. Lowlcy.lt 5.0. Lnnwistcr-Hobcrt E. Moore, It; Uoorge W. EffRicston, It 81. (LiRo-Alcxander Graham, It 22. Salino-.T. D. Pope, It 21 Jefferson nnd Thaycr-R. M. Correll, It 24. York nnd rillmoro-J. P. Miller, It 2. Clay nnd Hnmllton-ri. I Johnson, P. !4 NuckolK Webster and Franklin Wil liam Dyscrt, P. 87. Adams Leopold Hnhn, It VR, Kearney,1 Pholps and Harlan-W. P. Dale, 1. 89. Furnas, lied Willow. Hitchcock. Dundv. GoDpcr, Frontier, Chuso and Hayes -Lewis W. Young, P. 30, Dawon. Lincoln, Keith, Perkins, Chey enne, Logan, Kimball nnd Hooker Henry St Ilayuer, It liotmr. 1. Hlchardson John M. Hrockman,H. Henry Oerdes, D.t Jula Smith, P. . Pawnce-C. A. Schapiwl, IL; W. M. Olf ford, It 1 Nemaha Church Howe, It: U. J. John son, P. 4 Johnson Jacob S. Dow. It B. Nemaha nnd Johnson Theodoro Smith, It 6. Otoe Johu Sinclair, D.j Georco W. Lol dig!), D. 7. Cass John A. Davles. It i A. S. Cooloy, It 8. Cass and Otoo John C Watson, It v. Sarpy Clarcnco Keys, H. ' 10. Douglas-A. L Sutton, IJ : A. Lockner. It; C A. Ooss, It: W. N. Nason, It: T. I). Crone Itt M. O. HIckottH. It : J. II. Kynor. It : George W Ames. Jr.. D.: Charles Wllhncll, D. 11. Wnsblnuton-W. D. Hnllcr. II 18. Uurt-Goorgo F. Kossler It II Hurt nnd Wushlngton-H. F. Slssons. It 14 Dodije-N. P. Nelson. 1) : John Carrel, D. l. Cuming Honnot Goldsmith. It I a Cuming, Dakota and Thurston It F, Kloke, It 17. Wnyne nnd Sttnton T. S. Goss, It ia Dlxon-E. E Ellis. It 19. Cedar nnd Ploroe Arnold Elckoff, D. S). Knox J. O. Kruse, 1. 21. Antelope L. IL Sutcr, P. at Hoonc William A. McCutcheon. P. 81 MuJIson-O. A. Llnkhart D. SI. Platte William Shnla P. St. Platto uud Nanoo-W. J. Irwin, P. 29. Colfax John Van llouton, D. 57. Saunders-J. N. Oanin, P.; P. E.Olson, P. 88. Uutlcr-Georgo It CiLon, It; Charles D. Casper, D. 89. Seward-D. J. Hrown, It : It C. Hheo. It 30. Lancaster It IL Oakloy. It : Joseph Hums. It: A. J. Cornlsb, It; E. It Spcnsur, It; J. G F. McKesson, It 31. Sallno-Wllllam Kaup. It ; John N. Von dyne, It at Gage-C. II. Hinds, It; P. II. James, 11: II. J. Merrick. It 31 Gu!!B und Saline John A. Wnrdlaw, It 31. Jefferson O. J. Carpenter, It 3 Tunycr 13. II. Jenkins. It 3d Thayer und Jefferson Georgo Cross. It 3. Fillmore J. Jensen, It; Itlehard Dulnon, P. ."& York Charles Kcckloy, It: Nathan Jolinson, It K. Polk-Gcoriro Jlorst, I. 4a Merrlclc W. F. Porter, P. 41. Hamilton -John U. Cain, It; Fred Now berry, 1'. 48. Clav-S. M. Elder. P.: E. A. MeVay, P. 41 Nuckols-O. A. Folton. P. 44. Wobster-Austln Klley. P. 45. Adatns-PoterOrimih.lt 40. Webster and Adams F. A. Harmon, P. 47. Hall J. L Johnson, P.: Henry Schlot feldt, P. 4ii Howard-Charles Grammnr. P. 40 Gurlleld. Wlioeler. Greelov, Loup, Hlalne, lliomnK, Hooker nnd Grant II. II irry. P. ia Holt-IL It Henry, P. K. O Smith, P. 01. Hrown ami Hock-CUnrlcs Hoblnson, It f.8. Cherry and Keja Phu-J. U. Form worth. P. M. Sheridan. Dawes, llox Uutto nnd Sioux J. D. Woods. P. 51. Lincoln, Cheycnno. Keith, Perkins, Kim tiatl, Dcurl, Scott's Hluff nnd Unnner O. C. LlnKcnff-lter, P. B Vnllry-H.-nrv C ISaodes. P. r Custer und I.egan-a W. Heal, P.: W. P. HlgglUK, P. 5". Bhermnn Albert Dickenson, P. 58. Huffalo-John Wilson, It: A. J. Scott, P. 50 Iiiwson-J. O Lynch P., fd. Kearney-Ed Krick. P. CI. Franklin James Dlmmlck, P. tti Harlan-S. Fulton, P. 63. Phclps-E. Salerman, I. 01. Furnas John Stevens. P. C lied Willow T. .. Shorldan, P. II. Fftmtler and Gospor Ford, P. 07. Hitchcock Dundy, Hayes uud Clnso L O. Hugglcs, P. ronjjrcmmrn. In the First congressional district tho voto was: Uryan, democrat, 13,784; Field, republican, 1:1,041; Shomp, popu list. 2.17a Hryan's plurality, 140. The Second district gave Mercer, re publican, 10,1501; Doune, democrat, 0,407; Wheeler, populist, 3,152. Mercer's plu rality, 1,004. The Third district gave Melklojohn, republican, 12,805; Kelpor, democrat, 8,095; l'oyntcr, populi.it, 8,773. Melklo john's plurality, 3,205, with ono county to liear from. Tho Fourth district gavo Hniner, re publican, 15.0S1; Vifqnln, deinoe.ru t. 8,042; Dech, populist, 11,52 . Ua.ner's plurality, 4,100. Tho Fifth district gavo Andrews, re publican, 12,550; MeKelghan, populist, 14,772. Majority for MeKelghan, 2,221, with throe counties to hear from. Tho Sixth district gavo Whitehead, republican, 11,284; Gatowood. demo crat, 2,731, Kan, populist, 12,887. Kem'u plnrallty, 1,003, with eight counties to hear from. Whiii V'llmtliln I'roperty, Sioux Citv, In., Nov. 18. Abraham Haas, of Montreal, has begun suit here to recover 100 ncrcs of land in tlto northern part of tho city, partly platted, and 20 lots in the center of tho city, tho whole worth about a quarter of a million dollars. Haus camo hero in 1857 nnd bought tho property. When ho left ho placed his business in char go of his brother, who paid tho taxes till 1873, when, supposing Abraham had been drowned in tho St Lawrence river, ho secured titlo to thu land ns the nearest heir. Ho has since sold it A firm of attorneys has taken tho caso and expects to establish Hua.V title. i. Hi nn," hi mi mmmmmmm AVVr VvC iu' Children of Mr. and. Mrs. M. M. Bolkse Aitoona, Pa. Both Had Eczema; In Its Worst Form After Physlcttna Untied, Hood's Bursapartlla Perfectly Cured. Great menu! agony is endured by parcntawho sec their childien suffering' from diseases caused by impure blood, and for which there seems no cure. This is turned to joy when Hood's Sarsapnrilla is. resorted to, for it expels the foul humors . from the blood, and restores the dis eased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. Kcad the following from grateful parents : "We think Hood's t'lirfnimrlllals tho motvnlu--sblo racdlclno on thu mnrl.pt for blood nnd fklni (lipases. Our two children ounorudtorrlbly Kith Uio Worst Form of Eczema for two years.. W had thrco physlclnns In tlinl. time, but ncltlior of them surrpcili'il In curlnit tliem !'ro?rn luitltrliiK tl)4.Ti n llttlo roller. Atlmiwo tried Ilnod'iiiiirntnrlllnnnil In n month bothrbll--drun wero rA-cUy cnrail. Wo recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla? nsnttnnilnrd fntnlly medicine. nnd would nolhn t'lthoiittt.'' Mu.nml Mas. M. it. Solluii, liusna'i Atuiiiic, Attoonn, l'u. IIOOII'H P1I.I.N euro llrnr Ills, cotntlpntlon.. blllouino9. Jaundice, nick headache, InclUcellon. ilia..lll.'J.l:tja About. Tnntes (lood. Vm In Uino.1 'I ha I'i !.!. U . . I Isold by JmimrMs. rsrm sovon- W9 years ago I had Bronchitis,, which finally drifted into' Consumption, so tho doc tors said, and they had', about given me up. I was; coniined to my bed. One day my husband went for the doctor, but he was not, in his office. The druggist, sent me a bottle of Piso's. Cure for Consumption. I took two doses of it, audi was greatly relieved be fore the doctor came. He told me to continue its use as long as it helped me. I did so, and tho result is, I. am now sound and well entirely cured of Con sumption. Mrs. P. E BAKER, Harrisburg, Illi nois, February 20, 189U "Augru 99 ower Eight doctors treated me for Heart: Disease and one for Rlicumatisrar but did me no good. I could not: speak aloud. Everything that I took, into the Stomrch distressed me. I' could not sleep. I had taken all. kinds of medicines. Through a. neighbor I got one of your books. I procured a bottle of Green's Aug ust Flower and took it. I am to-day-stout, hearty and strong and enjoy the best of health. August Flower saved my life and gave me my health Mrs. Sarah J Cox, Defiance, O. - ISmaM dimrnnteod to euro flilloua Attacks, Blck Ucr.iUclia and Conhtlpuilon. -10 in oJcIu botlio. l'Hco iSc. For tulo by drugyl&t I'lcturc "7, 17, 70" nnd tamplo doo free. . f. SMITH A CO.. Prp'Mor:, fICW Y0HC Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup SiU'fiffir nDlllli ?Ir.',rf,Il,,lr Ilnl'It Cured In lo. UrlUM i''.' ,ll4J"' No PX till cure.lt mtmmm0m mmtm ,'UrV.-rv-A mBBMsm St K4 ifflmmmmmam. HVVii V. ,n,: -jobacl.noetfc Utrlrt r confl Ji-nthX rauu iuu t-ii'MnHT u. r,nu. wso,iu A ' if 't1Wl!TWilfc''Wiiij -i ' . 4." - " ' -r- '-- -i- I ',, iMaini i;!. V ai LO- .i,..im s-