The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 25, 1892, Image 4

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!'il it
nt a
If r : '"
What is this
It It the only bow (ring) which
cannot be pulled from the watch.
To be had only with Jas. Boss
Filled and other watch cases jfik
stamped with this trade mark. W
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet
Key toneWatch Case Co.,
rridajr, Nov. ltta.
It h rumored in the lir that Oongresa
MtBXoKeightohMhia head Mst tor the
senate via the state of Nebraska.
There li talk of Bending Mrs. Lease,
the popullet orator In Kansas, to the
United State. It would be a great Joke
One thing Is 'very pleasant to ponder
oyer, and that la that J. K. Boyd will
have to get up and get out ot the govern
or's offloe.
It U oar opinion that Postmaster Gen
eral Wanamaker ahoald allow 'Printer's
Ink" to eo through the malls aa second-
olaMauttterjuatthesameas any other
periodieal. It is an instructive Journal
and worth its weight In gold.
If the next legislature docs its
whole duty to the state, it will elect
Seaator Paddock to succeed himsolf
U the United State Senate. This
state has never had two such ablo men
H now represents us in tho national
Winter la coming on and the elty coun
all thoald appoint a flae Inspector. The
flats in the balldlngs in Red Clond are in
a. bad condition in many buildings and
saoald ba condemned. This Is a duty
that the oomoU owe the people. No one
knows when ftre may ooonr from a de
fective flae. Will the council attend to
Water fJoramlMloner Ward is busily
gaged In digging the necessary trendi
es to lay new water mains from J. W.
Warrea'ajeaMenoetoE. B. Smith's via
D. J. Myer'a residence. This will connect
a dead end, giving us n better water
service. When this la completed the city
will have about six miles of mains.
About a mile and a half ot mains have
been laid thla season. Red Cloud has
abeat the best system of water works of
any olty In western Nebraska.
On last Saturday evoning, "tho
great vnwtslvd," as Horace Qrcoloy,
or some other man, used to term the
demoeratio party, held forth in a grand
jibilee on the publie streets in token
of the victory recently acquired at
the polls, by which the stuffed prophet
ef Gray Gables was eleoted to the
presidency of tho United States.
With the aid of the republicans tbo
Mterriied made a fair showing. Af
ter the parade a good triced crowd
gathered at the opera house to hear
several speakers orate on tho oooasion.
What they said mostly was, "we view
with alarm, &o tho record of the re
pibliean party, and point with pride
to the achievements of tho demo
cratic party," and then tho Bmall boy
lapped his hands, and tho old pil
grims eried hallolujah.
Am Eatferprleltig City.
There seems to be a tendenoy towards
rise in the city property, and it !
thought quite a general building boom
will take place in tho spring. Th Cm ef
believes in a great future for Red Cloud.
It is certainly the boat location nnd the
handaomest townalte in Nebraska. Rod
Ctwad is destined to become an import
ant olty, and every Inducement should
be held out by oar 'people. No oit in
the valley has the energy and enterprise
that Red Oloud people have. People
who imagined that there was bnlm in
ease other (Ulead left Red Oloud to
hunt a better location only to find that
they had made a mistake and are now
r ceasing back vowing and truly so, that
intra ta no pla oe belter than Red Cloud
to live) in, and they are right. All we
need now ia energy, and in a few months
saore'when the Red Olond Power oompa
ny gets its water power equipped, there
will be room tor manufacturers as we
have the beet water power in the state
of Nebraska, without fear pf contradic
tion. We have two fine roller mills, an
oleeirk) light plant, a creamery, olty wat
er works, the B. M. round-house and re
pair shops, and such enterprises, but we
want more and must have them.
State Creek Items.
Somo sickness in our part. Frank
Graham's1 children aro btill sick, and
Miss Tuff Sutton has la grippo real
bad, and licr mother, Mrs. Lsrison has
been sick far somo time
V. Hi Scrivnor bought a team of
Hares from Mrs. Iloscncrans. Consid
eration, $125.
Tho Pleasant Dale school will close
noxt Friday .
The Mt Hope school is taught by
Mr. Sbonon. He is a splendid tcaoh-
or. lie has also organised a spelling
school for every Friday night.
Miss Kdllh Scrivncr is teaching
over cast in the Anack Dist. Com
menced first Monday in November.
Albert Sorivnct bought ono of the
cheap horses sold on tho street in
Smith Centre
Mrs. VanDyko's son that has been
siok for some timo is much better.
We near of somo more Misionrians
coaiing up to Kansas soon. Relatives
of Mr. ScrivnorV.
There was a Thanksgiving, enter
tainment at Penny orcck schoolhouse
Corn is boing hauled from this
neighborhood to Hod Cloud fer 24
oeula por bushel and givo 75 pounds.
Some oats aro being sold for 21, extra
white 22, rye 30 to 38, hogs $4.80 to
Men wanting to rent farms are plen
tiful this weok, and none to bo had.
Why don't they go to Missouri or
Iowa, or somowhere olso. What aro
they trying so hard to rent in drouthy
Kansas and Nebraska for. We only
raise rye, wheat, oat, corn and pota
Mr. Al Decker and his opponent
for township assessor tied on election
day. Who will bo the lucky man
when tho county clerk lets them draw
for the office
Miss Dolly Davis derives credit
for spoiling down thoMt. Hope sohool
tho scoond time, and tho llopo (or
Johnson) sohool once.
Willow Creek..
Well, Mr. Hosmcr, election boing
ovor wo will now proofed to chance
tho issue of the day, and givo you
somo Crook news that is old,
This vicinity has thu best oorn crop
it has had for years.
Sam'l Bruner has engaged Mr. Con
yno to help him with his fall work.
Joshua Brubakcr has returned from
Dos Moines, Iowa, and is now finish
ing a fioo rosidonco for Mr. Grcenwalt.
Miss G. E. StcarnB finished a throe
months' term of sohool at Willow
crook loot Fridsy, and she and her pu
pils gave an exhibition in (ho evening
that was attended by a full house.
Miss Stearns thoroughly understands
Mr. Peterson and family are living
in Mr. Conyno's house.
Miss Edna Edson is attending
sohool at Franklin acadomy.
Will Brubakcr is working for Mr.
A. 0. Bon ban eighteen hundred,
bushels of corn cribbed and is still
Charley Brubaker bought a farm
near Cowlcs of O. W. Fuller.
Clom Bruner can husk 100 bushols
of corn por day.
Will Jaokson writes of coming
homo soon.
T. G, Wilder has built a very nice
Miss llouisburg is tuaobing a good
scnooi at Pleasant Jim. ono gives
general satisitotion,
Aftor a visit of almost a year in
California's sunny cliino, Goo, Latta
nnd family havo roturncd to thoir
home on Elm creek. They are bettor
pleased than over with Nebraska
Mm. Annls S. Pond, the need mother
ot our esteemed follow townsman, H. E,
Pond, departed this life on Monday even
Ing. Mrs, Pond only recently came to
Red Cloud, from Castile, N. Y., for the
purpoBeof spending her declining years
with her son. She was about 81 years ot
age, and had become quite feeble, bat it
was thought she would live many year
yet, while fond hopes were entertained of
many years of pleasure with nor, the nn
gel of death was then near at hand, nnd
on Monday evening Bh. passed away
quite suddenly to that land beyond the
blue. Funeral service were held from
her late residence, on Wednesday morn
ing, Iter. 10. L. Ely, saying words of
comfort to tho bereaved ones. Her re
mains wore deposited ia the Red Oloud
'ill.. .
A Ood audience greotod Dr. A. 11.
Thain nt tho Congregational church
last Fridny evening. Tho leoture is
said to be ono ef tbo bent ever deliv
ered iu tliiB city.
Children Cry foi
Pitchtr's Castorla.
We want to show you what values Ave are giving in
For the price. We want to show you our Overcoats in Cheap as
well as Dress Overcoats.
No one can show you such a line in this county. We bought, while in market, ajargc line
of these goods
In one instance at a reduction, of FIVE DOLLARS PER COAT. We shall close them
In -
We show a large stock and
"- ' SJVlAIiLi - PRICES. " '
We bought a "job" in Men's Underwear at a very low price enabling us to sell you
Two of the Best suits for $2 you ever saw.
Extra good weight and very desirable patterns in
At a special meeting of Prairio
Gem lodge No. 7. 1. O. O. T, held on
Nov. 10, 1892, the following preamble
and resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, The Divino Ilulor in
His supremo wisdom has deemed it
best to rcinovo from our number, our
dear sister, Bcrta Kerchoval, be it
llcsolvcd, That in her death our
lodgo has lost a willing and effioiont
member and tho temperance causo
an earnest worker;
Resolved, That while we mourn tho
loss of a sis'cr so dearly loved, so sad
ly missed, wo mourn for one worthy
our love, our respect, our tears.
Resolved, That to the bereaved pa
rents, brothors and sister, wo extend
our heartfelt sympathy and commend
them for comfort to Him who dootb
all things well.
llcsolvcd. That in memory oi our
departed sister and onanist our lodgo
ohartcr aniWgan bo draped in mourn
ing and tho usual badgo of mourning
be worn on tho rcgalios for a poriod
of thirty days; bo it further
Resolved, That a copy of theso res
olutions be presented to tho bereaved
famly, also to tho New Republic and
Blue Hill Leader, for publication, end
that thev be spread upon tho records
of this lodgo.
Mary Cunningham. )
Gertie Kerbiiner, Com,
At a regular rues ting of tho Bluo
Hill W. G. T. U., held Nov. 10, 1892,
tho following resolutions wore adopted.
WiiBREAd, The Allwiso Father .has
seen lit in His inscrutable wisdom to
remove from our midst our beloved
sister, Berta Kcrcheval; bo it
Resolved, That in her death our
sooioty has lost a most faithful and
efficient young member, and of tho
still greater loss sustained by those
who were nearest and dearest to her;
therefore be It
Resolved, That it is but a just tri
bute to the memory of the departed to
say that in rcgrcting her removal from
our midst wo mourn for ono who was
in every way worthy of our lovo and
Resolved, That wo tondcr our most
ainoere and heartfelt sympathy to the
filleted parents, brothors and sisters,
expressing an earnest hope that even
out at same CUT PRICE.
In fine dress suits we are strictly in it !
Men's - Underwear
Leather Coats. We undersell all competitors.
so great bereavement may bo over
ruled for thoir highest good knowing
that their loss is her eternal gain.
Resolved, That this hoartfclt tosti
monial of our sympathy and sorrow
bs proscntcd to tho parents of tho de
ceased and sent t) tho Union Worker,
Bluo Hill Loader, and Mt. Pleasant
Journul for publication, also that oach
membor of this Union, wear tho usual
badgo of mourning for tho term of
thirty days.
Mas. Kveriiart,
Mhb. Grusel, Cotn.
iMiiH. Cunninoiiam
Liltlo wd thought when wo Bald good bye
Hor face no more we would see,
Nor feel tho clasp of her loving hand,
This eido of eternity.
Nor dreamed we then that forever,
I far work with ur wzis done,
And ia it? Nnyt Her Influence
la only just begun,
In a world that in frrefrom sorrow,
Where "good byo" ia never said,
She lives the life eternal,
Our Berta ia not doad. M M 0
Bluo Hill, Nov. 10.
- .. M
Rev. Sylvunus I.unc.
Of tho Cincinnati M. E. conference,
makes a good point when ho says; "We
have for years nsed Hood's Sarsaparllla
in onr family of live, nnd flud it fully
equal to all that is claimed for it. Borne
peoplo arc greatly prejudiced against pat
eat medicine, bat how th. patent ean
hart n medicine and not n machino is a
mystery of m)strrieB to mo."
Hood's Pills cure Liver Ills.
Supt. Caster spent Thanksgiving in
Billy Garrison of Bluo Hill, was iu
Red Cloud last Friday.
Union Thanksgiving services woro
held in tho M, K. church on Thurs
day. It will be well for WW Yeiser not
to count his chickens boforo thoy aro
The Hon. B. II. Kaloy of Ogdon,
Utah, ia in tbo city, the guest of his
brother Charles.
Many peoplo Huffcr for year from
troublesome and replusivc sores, boils
and eruptions, withou ever testing tho
oiarvolous curative properties of
Ayor'a Sarsaparllla. The exporimont
is, certainly, worth trying o euro
you got Ayer'a Sarsaparilu and no
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
It will soon bo 1893.
Mrs. K. Skocn is closing out chil
dren's hats at cost.
F. P. Bonncll of Superior, was in
tho city today.
Tho Corner Restaurant is' now open
for tho public. Meals and lunches
served at all hours of tho dav.
i!.") corn liuskers wanted. Can use
men with or without teams.
Henry 0. Cutteu,
Red Oloud, Nebr.
. .
A Leader.
Since its Urst introduction, Electric
Bitters has gained rapidly In popular fa
vor, until now it is clearly in tho lend
among pare medioial tonios and altera
tivescontaining nothing whioh permits
its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is
recognized ns the best and purest medi
cine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver
or kidneys- It will cure aiok headache,
Indigestion, constipation, and drive Ma
laria from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with each buttle or monoy re
funded. Price only GOo per bottle.
Sold by Cotting.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla
Petroleum V. Nasby onco called
himsolf together, hold a meeting and
passed tho following resolutions:
Resolved, That I want u postoflis.
Resolved, That I uccd a postoflis.
Rcsolvoii, That I ort tu hcv a post
oflis. ,
This resolution will soon bo in full
forco and effect as soon as tho demo
crats got ovor jollifying,
Gurunlccd Cure.
We authorize onr advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King's New Disoovery for con
sumption, coughs, nnd colds upon this
condition. If you aro afllioted with a
cough, cold or any lung, throat or cheat
trouble, and will use this romedy ns di
rected, giving it a fair trial, nud exper
ience no benefit, yon may return the bot
tle nnd lmye your monoy refunded, We
could not make this offer did we not
know that Dr. King's New Discovery
could be rolled on. It never dlsnpoints.
Trlnl bottle free at Cotting's drug otore.
Large size GOo and (1. '
At D. M. Piatt's wsrehouso you
to-day can buy:
1 sack of flour for 80cts. '
1 barrel ef apples for' $4.
1 bushol of potatood for &5ots.
A bushel of corn for 25cts
A bushol of oats for 23cts
A barrel of salt for $1.35
1Q0 pounds of brand for COota
N B, I pay oteh mid exaot
on delivery
Duck Lind and
Tho best shoo for $2.50 ever offered.
For salo only at Wiener's.
When Baby was sick, wo Knvo her Costoria,
When Hhu won a Child, she cried for CoHtorla,
When she became Miss, uho cIudk to Castorla.
When the had Children, she (are them Castorla.
The Population or Bed Cloud
Is about 8,000, and wo would say that
at lonst one halt are troubled with some
affection on the throat nnd lungs, as those
complaints are, according to statistics,
more numerous than others, We would
ndviso all our re ndors not to negloct tho
opportunity to cnllon thoir druggist nnd
get a bottlo of Komp'n Unlearn for thu
throat nnd lungs. Trial size free. Large
bottles DOots and il. Sold by all drug
gists. tf
TtmimTnaan Vi n iy ur
Denver to Chicago,
Denver to Kansaa Cttv,
Denver to Omaha,
Omaha to Chicago,
Kansas City to Chicago,
Omaha to St. Lou's,
ThrouKh tlokots ovor tho Burima
ton Route aro for nolo by tho Union
Paclflo, Denvor A Rio Craa'do nnd
nil other principal railway, and
by all agent of the "iurilneter?
For further Information, apply to
ny BRent, or o
i acn'irk'tAa't,
tV L ri
mte x
Hf5 s -,!
rwaawaaMaall ill's ?S . .T I " i f v fftl . ' &ti& f k