Mjjwwww"iiPWiiiiiiiiii....l.'Siww'tw:,tl.V f ..,... ,..... .,,... ywniaatjctnaoM WW ') '. . . 'H , ( 'jf ir m Vr h ft . 1 yj-;t,lsBBrfaBa &six . ?-. daa iTTBllMnnMTWTllMTTrJMi TATEMMbTtBtBtjt" MErilrHrTM TMiffmBBlTlfflffWWffTBnTrriTW rwHBIHllMrT'i sTaBBUBn ' ri jEaBaL-LflNBBVBBByMl TyFTTti rl M niaBi?aBTrIM " fiv 'BlBiMi'wBsB4K "HmMti IISO ""aa wBwBaBJEBtBK-y?rSBBBwMHFr'' BBBBBmBana. " g-- ' A i JEflEBftsnM D Iii m tn i BIB Hfi ' nmaBrB Bow 'KBaInBTsE' iBBKf . B1 I SBaKiymlSs maTiU' - NffisMiBkta BHRHt. 95SBysi jRl KMft9A"TCA?IIRRHI99ERK9EBK'fHflBH?HlflHulfeHHraEHflBIBn IBWABSBygakBa. B EbbBmsBBv nsRBYi M Hm Ef P" vuawnkM? flfwirWflflJff'iM .fcj VI rtfclH is. hsBmaV Jit A. I I II If : " ',! IS V W i,.- m: w. 5-i)'ti ", I .? an Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chiaf. By A. C. Hosmer. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb.,. Friday, Nov. 18, 1892. Vol 20, No, 17 THE CHIEF Published Weekly. iubscrlptlon, f 1 Per Annuaa, Invariably In Advance It not paid In advance, after tills date March 18, 1802, tho price will be 11.25. Kutered at the l'ost Office la Bed Cloud, Nob., as mnll mntterol the second class BUbINEbS CARDS. C P. HADLEY, Puliiter and Paper Hanger, Satisfaction guaranteed. BED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. DANDOLPII MoNITTr ATTORNEY, Moon Block, BED CLOUD, NEB. Collections promptly attended to. r C, CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, '' Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB. 1V,. Collections promptly attended to, and correspondence solicited. I IDA II. SMITH PENSION ATTORNEY, , Notary Public and Collection Agent. Red Cloud, Ncbr. Ilu a number of houses on her list lor rent. Makes pensions and Notary Publlo work spectalt), and wrl tes deeds, mortgages and aU legal tnsxumenta In the best of. style. Par t.xes (or non-residents. &e. Onicei Over tne Foe OSBce. I. W. TULLEYS, M. D. MaaaaaonatMe Snvalelnn IYr1 cle" m Vthmauu LlmmW' wucospposiwrirsmBuouiu nous. -. W . HKi amlnlnir Hurupon. Ohronls diseases treated by mall. o. h. WINFREY, v Auctioneer, Bid Cloud, Nebraska. Will attend sales at reasonable figures. Satis, faction guaranteed. REAL ESTATE LOANS. Mortgage Loans TERMS., 1st. Limit or AmoHata Loaned: 9300.00 to 910,000.00. 3d. Securltjrt Farm loans worth at leaat double the amount loaned. 3d. Title: Complete abstract flOm tho Unit ed States down to the borrower. 4 th Term of Loan: Five (5) to ten (10) years. Exten sion at maturity without cost to satisfactory borrowers. ath Rate of Interest: Eight (8) per cent, annually, on April, July, October or Decem ber 1st. Jilt Place of Payment: Interest and principal made paya blo at your home bank, allowing borrower to take np his note at the time or payment. Vth Sncclal Privilege: Partial payment in any amount at any time witn reuate or interest, evidenced by written .agreement, providing that such payments shall not exceed in any one year one-fifth ol the principal. Call on or Address, D. JT. Myers, Red Cloud, Neb. Over Deyo's Drug Store. H. E. POND, Conveyancer, Real Estate, Lotfns, Insurance, and Pen slon Agent. OFFICE OVERSPOKESFIELDS STORE. Red Cloud, Nebraska. I especially invite you to call on me for nnutliinir (n mv linn. Lonus made on farm property at 8 per oent. Insurano In the DtiBt companies a. Kf rvawi FARM LOANS Cheapest ever offered In llils couuty. Htralslit H ner cent Animal In- Icret wllk option. Straight 7 l-'J per cent Semi. Anuual Interest with option. Loans made 5 1.9 per cent by paying cash commission of 1 1-1 percent. nrtBBj.m, Red Cloud, Neb. OjUcc under F V M Bank i f Dry Goods! Cloals, Clotliiiii, BOOTS SHOES vaAi.-" "? 1 .... AND OROCERIES Cheaper than ever at our store. Highest Price for Butter, Eggs and Corn. ;' wH-J x.i 0 -wU- S R.M. Martin & Son. a DO TOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABTt lUybe yra this Oils ts a MVbashMss, sennbtlfeecsmUclon!itK. been s tterow. iwuii, dot aasgr aareiao rintMl f urnnbed been so near the orisslsstspless this one. BeiiODO wIM eressf. Wggl that's the sweetest baby I erer saw f IMS little DUOK-aiM-wnsN saaiaisns aan sire you but fatat Um ef tStimjSt lorislaal. m ABAIST.' whlob we proPOM.toMBd 7M.tespo TbeAesbwa&araperteM. DdtbeeyesfoUow WW M.. M.HMW.Wm.tMWWWMM Notice ef Lease ef School Lands Notice ts hereby siren that the leaasa and contracts on the following described school lands hare been canceled by the board of edu cational lands and funds, and If not reinstated oy payment or aeunquent interest or lease Eental due, said lands will t offered for lease y the County Treasurer of Webster county at to o'clock a. m. on the asd day ot Noremberi WHnwiiieww. Lot 8 In swii ne lot 6 in neX seli Lot 7 In sew seH lot in se nwi and H neJi WA4SWMS729. NWMM3 0. NW8S19. BMnel-tandseMUaiJ. WH aw nasal. tXASBfl. Tnse so no. 'M1-4S1 10. flE Mm in S 1-2 iwlinwHiwH and e 1-3 nw 1-4 and nw 14 ne i- 10 : ia. HKi-taaio. wi-tset-tasio. bw m nw as 1 9. Lot 12 In sw sw 7 1 Q. MSMnwSllO. . Dated at Lincoln Nebraska, Oct 3rd, lew. .. .. A.K.HUMVHKY. Com. fublle Lands and uildlngs EM sel-438110. HW 1A ne 14 IB 1 11. 8)4 se 1-4 and ne H se 14 M 3 13. wi Report or the Condition or TBBJ FARMERS AND MERCHANT BANKING CO., Me01e,lth State ( Nebraska at the clese ef slaesa NaT. 5, ISM. World's Fair. The Wonts" Atnilliary board of the Nsbraaks Colombian Cosamiiiios, deiirea to form looal AuxllUarlea is cask coHsly is the state, to sid Is se curing s complete represenUtlos of the isduatties and interests of Ne braska women. It is desirable that aooietios be formed at the county teat s President be ohoaea from that tows, who will appoint vice-presidents in eaoh township. Such aa auxlllitry has been organised at Red Clond, and it will work to seoure, copies of all books writtea; and newspapers edited by Webster county womea. Statis tics of the edaoational and charitable work of women, to asoeitain the number of wage earners, or self-supporting women, and of women em ployed ia stores, shops, sad olees, owning sad coatrolling farms, en- gsged in their professions, art, and literary work, also thoio engaged ia domestio service Mho number of women teiohers and authors, and all other liaes of work in this land. Last but not least to aid in 'furnish ing and deooratlag the ladies recep tion room in the Nebraska building. We are aniions to .hays a Webster county easy chair in that room. We want to apholster it ourselves, so as to show the work of the women. The secretary cf the state board writes: "The furaisaing of the reoeption room is for the eomfort of thou visit ing the fair, and also to exhibit, all ws can, the advancement that the state in general has made, and tho work of womea ia partioalar." This society desires to hear from progressive womea ia all parts of this country. ir they will help in this work we will send them plans of what is to be doae. The president is expected to ap point township vice-presidents before the next meeting. We invite any wo man in the county, who is interested in the World's Fair to meet with us at that time. The next meeting will be at the residence of Miss P D Yeis- er, Saturday, Hoy. iu, at z p. m. Mas. R. A. Babkib, Free.,. Red Cloud, Neb. Mas. E, B. Kniobt, Beo'y., Id avals, Neb, D WevAre) la Lead. The eleetlea is ever, Clevelaad is elected, aad still the HefUealtaral rooster erews aow as It is kaowa that the admiaistratisa ehaaie. Ii is still kaewa that the people ef tali rcgioa have fouad that tbey lite lathe regioa where all iroa elad fruits are asueoess. By studyiag theellmate and the gravitation it will be feaad that this is the axis of the werld for tho growing of iroa clad frmlls. Go baok if you please evea far eaeagk east to enclude seme ef the Newlag land states aad tbea west to the eeast and it will be feaad that this Is la the most prolilo portioa of the world for growing a gea oral line of standard frails, aad the reasoa why it has ao beea eeameaV ed prior to two years ago will be ex plained ia the aext isaae ef Tms Omar. W. K. Mos&an. Catarrh, Cost Not Local, Bait stltatlosMil. Dr. Dio Lewis, the emiaeat Bostoa physioian, ia amagssiae article wys: "A radical error aaderlles aearlyall mediotl treatment of catarrh. It is aet a disease of the maa's boss; it is a disease of the man, showiag Itself the aose a looal exhibltioa of a eoa stitatioaal trouble." Therefore, , he argues, the ass ef saaf aaA otfcer local applieatloas is wroagf.aa4 (wklki they seea to give tempecary itllaf, they really do awe hana thaa sol. Other ieadlng aathorltiee agTee with Dr. Lewis. Heaee, the aaly popular method of ear for catarrh' la by mk lag a eeastitatloasi remedy likeHoed's Barseparilla, wkiea reaehiag eyery ' part of the body through Um bloody doM elimlaate all Imparitiea aid makes the whole sua healthier. It removes the cause of the trouble aad restores the disease membraae to proper eoadltioa. Thai is thepra-( ileal result is proven by Ueusaads of'V people who Bart beea eured of eaiarrh by taking Hood's Samp ariHs, 1 ."' sonaoss. fioans and discounts OrerOrafu Coanty and elty warrants, tax titles aad certificates, Judgateat stalau ..eto. .....,.,,,,,.,,., Bank Keal estate Other real estate, furniture and ax- aUrN fefeteeeete ProBt and loss account ,...,.. .. Current eipenses and taxes paid.. Cah resources: On deposit with New York, Chicago, aod Ostaba banks....... UJ60 471 Cub on hand lsesssi Total a iss,isi UABIUTIKS. raplUl stock paid In BOiOOOO Marnini IMPOSH Uu 101.1U 43 S.345S7 470 03 IW7I78 4BS0S Ifln 98 1,971 11 3915 84 DO you, no nwttarwaeie yoa stand. Tbeaaqaf. yoerorMSB. nM.retjSMtdwUeniaBieMtba wedtddorJaa-1 iaaA Ism eanasnlss.af wftnt ihajiasi star. A Tart of ran. WtMt BonMOteniS- by the wtfe ot frenaent Marrnan. aasvyoa wm sea jrVwswboieSdtoBtorlleaMsnitwIbnyiy Bbtnalae aorBUB wfltinanMaa fsAsty ot x- qutskte worn ox sat oc sons TanMasasoasa x - - nut i miif fin niisllr ear fas HHBMBiaiHb tbo km. sTMl tba snNsn aaana or aMsasm works ot sat tlMwoeMSorUa ed on all tba tonlas of tosmSs? VSVES liaiuminu MOf urbia wlrte nfashloa litt, nnd woirtre you,mo ran w uao uunnn about tba )a7tb? Bo arencr. alltbopat- Tear, and Unnil tn'vour nib. L aad roa will rmllr ddreas tbo vubBsber. .Irnnlnir rkHimrnK. IA Beat Mtk 8t NOW Vorlr. ir you are uuaoqualntedlwHfa tbo Uagaztoc, send 10 cents for a speclawn copy. J RAinl flip UY HIP Live YOU I iMi-1 STOCK? U so It will be to your Interest to salf to tbs SIEIEL, WELCH ft QLAWSIH Lira atock cNxaaaaioM oa, KariMB City Mock Yardo. five your shipments their personal arten Hon, keep you posted by wlro or paper; furnish you money at reduced rates. THEY WILL urnlngs , 3.J70 M eposltst Bubject to check, 81,486 SB I ... . uUtandlng certificates 30,388 99f ,U,77B n TOTAL, Htate of Nebraska. County of Webster, est i, r. o. Maroer. uaaaieroi me .. 180,148 18 eluiHana nMStft bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment Is true to the best eTmy knowledge aad bHIef. W.B.OABBIH. Subscribed and sworn to before we this nth day or Nov., 1893. J, 8. Uilhak , Notary Fubllc. D, B. Spanog'e, R Iphmvuiiw: lit nnv Kiza you cbi script Ion at once, only uei nvcr -ow vaiuo. yf ESTATK AND L OAN AgEN-t Red, Cloud. 58i WNS REMEMBERS wblcli (finloctiil, nmy Csnally Indicate a disorder of tbs Xldaeys, and prompt mewnren should be taken to prevent anTigns irouDie, Utceoses ean be eared in their inolulencv. nmy become daageroas. PR. J. H. MCLEAN'S LIVEHiEi KIDNEY BALM Is what yon neod. tt will cure Liver Ilor deiv. Kidney Wfflkr.cu, Bright' DUeMf an1 Diabetes. Frlee at per bottle. Send 1-aent ntnnni for book of hints, bow to Uvt and cure these Ulttresslug eema4alnU. THE OR. 4. H. MCLEAN MEO. OO OT. LOUIS. MO, OMtaary. KERCHEVAL On Tuesday moraine, Nov. 8th, 1892, at lfteoa minutei past three o'oloek oeeured the death of Mary Elberta Kereheval at the home of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Brewster, in this eity. She oame with her father, J. W. Kerehe val from Blue Hill, Nebraska, some three or four weeks ago intending to spend the winter here and eater the university. Her father left her strong and well when he went on east for a short visit. When he returned to Mt. Pleasant he found her not feel ing quite hersrlf, although nothing serious was thought of at the time; but they day he left for his home in Nebraska, alarming symptoms were developed and in one short week the disease, typhoid pneumonia, bad run its course, and the form was still t Bertie" as she was familiarly call ed, was but sixteen years of age, a bright attractive p,irl, just at the time of life when the world seems all sua shine, About two years ago abo oame to Mt Pleasant to visit her grand parents, aad during a revival meeting that was then in progress she beoame convert ed and united with the M. K Church. Her life has beea oae of a beautiful, cheerful, Christiaa character. The funeral services were held at the Asbury M, S. church oa Wednes day afternoon at two o'olook, Rev. W, G, Thorn speakiag words of eomfort to the bereaved pareats,Free Press, (Mt. Pleasaat, Iowa.) Died. In the altar of A familiar headline isnt f It's ftMfM ' riekytonefUota eotd ot oouga. 'Oobv minute eoug h our i pleasant, sale aad' sure. ForsaleatOotftag's. I Waat to MaitTvaHTBM . Parties haviag cheap fans laais tor sale, improved or aaimproved eaaiad bayere by ealhag oa D. B. Ifsaiads, Raal Katata aail lbva 'Aut'-..BUJ fllnnrl Nah VIJ7 fy) . I -wmm !. 'A- ' yew got toady to, buv V rraea vow aet nnav-M.anv. vntw -.......-." ..' ..'." X, .r- eauureas soaooi suiat cats laiKwo j waat you to laspcet oar sooek. ,Wa&&2f fit f - tl naV" win eeaviHee yea easily taat we Mm.:m he goods at correct prleeo. ' ff ChioaooOlotbto Btobi, "tyf& mm . "M"? - 1 aatfCHBens'si jarmisim BMUTO. The best solvoia the world for eats, bruises, sores, Wests, Belt .rnett- tevot seres, tetter, phapped lurnds, nhilhiaias, contend all BkuieruatioM, aad Mai tivelyoeree piles, or no pay reauired. It is sjuaraateed to give aeifeot rrnTlsfsallasi ormtmevretaadsd. Prteeas eaato per box. for sale byOotting. ft Farm loaas at six per eeat oatlaa to pay after two years. D. B. rAJ- OOX.B. Have tried almost everykaown dy for Itehiac nUea wrthaut aaaaan lr.boughtaboxof DeW ittw Witoh las el Balve, and it baa eured mo. AelsBlaJetreUer's tale. Notice ia hereby liven that under and" by virtue at an order of sate issued by the Horn. F. B. BealL Jadfo of the Dis triet court, and a liosaao to sell thereto fore issued to mo by said judge, X will offer for sale to the hif heat Udder tbo South-east quarter of soetioa 23, towa ship a, north rasum alae weoi of Oth p. at . mWetetKoouuty, Nebraska, betoufing to the estate ot John Melton eWeaseeV abovo deootibed at the hour ef oao o'olook p. m. on the 10th day otPo eMaber, U02, aad to be hold opea for oao torn J . SHrivroir, Administrator " uiuuh Attorneys. Oniarrbintbokeadka at dtsaaee. and raouiraa n rMiailU llktt HaaH. Gam a cure. 1 coaeiiiBMeafl ;e Hood's BanaparUts, WmmK$S0 , '' t l 'II . M. -HI U M 4' .1 A M -fH, i A i m I &$& ',S -lu H ?& & . mm tm a . n f ' jti 'i.' a!iVi.fw"l ewayiwjsn, 55 y ri Wk'JwiSh Smm r'lr " "ifmV'f iiiiiiftrBa . ..t taMBtmAMMMmJttgmammttm