MHffiMHKEraSS3 ixWiMBmmitim FIB lafiwt wW"Oi M., jleanMifr'H jinWlfcinfilrtfrTTflllir,4lf(iTI-trtflY-HJ'fi M1.1UL !! H ' c JU A?V rv , i fv r.'a l&. f if U7f i if '$ 4r h.'. t 'JPHT m Miff. 'i I ' f a? " Jf.. jy1 Our stock was never so large, T PrifirR won novi'i ir low ..V.,. WW .W..J Goods could not b better. These prices sell the goods and bring trade. See what we offer you for your money. . Children's Oil Grain Butfon Shoes, 8 to 12 90 Misses' " ' " " 13 to 2 1 15 Women's " " " " 21 to 7 1 85 " Beaver Top Foxed Button Shoes, 2i to 7 ' A .25 Youths' Tip Boots, full stock, 11 to 2 ' 1 65 Boys' " " " " 24 to 5 -1 90 Men's Boots $1,50 to 4 00 Genuine Dongola nnd Pebble Goat $2.50 Shoes 1 95 Oxfords and low Shoes at Cost to Close Out Shoes that rip sewed free of charge and all goods warranted. We will save you money. BLAKESLBE & KALBY Official Vote of Webster County. AROUND TOWN. this S Fino tar at Doyo & Grioe's. New Roods at the music storo vrock. J. A, Lopoman, came in this week to vote, All b'zcb of window glass at Doyo & Grieo's. Cotting has the finest lamps you ever saw. Try the new shoomakcr at Blakes lee & Haley's. That dollar and a half vase lamp at Cottings is a beauty. Thirty dollars cash will buy a good organ at the Musio stoie. First class work is at the . Golden Eagle tailor Shop. , P not buy a stovo until you see thocu fino heaters at Wright's store. Hats and caps for tho whole world at right prices. OlHCAao STORE. llemombcr Wiener is doting out his men's and bo)s' boots at less than tost. If you aro going to paint this fall, go to Dcyo for your material and save money. Tho best oil heating stoyo in the market nt A. Morlurt's. See it bo fore buying. tf. Doyo & Grico are having a nice wall paper trade this fall. Their stock is large. Wanted: A good girl to do gener al work. Apply to Mrs. K. Skeen's millinery storo. -iWright has tho finest Btook of Mfjpfttcts in the vnlley and sells them 'rfway down prioes. The old reliable corner drugstore is in bettor shnpo than ever to take care of its largo trudo. Do you buy groocrics? If you do, you should call on Shcrwood&Albright. Tlioy keep tho best. Mrs. 0. P. Taylor, and littlo daught cr, or South Omaha, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Murray. Don't forget that Adam Morhart has tho finest lamps in the city and is selling thorn at nay down prices. Call on us for bojB' suits, wo are strictly in it io this line. Chicago Store. Trunks and valisos and rubbor clothing in cudless quantity reooived this week. Chicago Store. Cotting has a bin stock of 10 cent sheet music cataloguo of over ii.000 pieces. Come in and look them over. Don't forget that for heating or cooking stoves you should uot fail to sco W.'W. Wright. Ho will save you money. Received this week tho nicest' ee leotcd stock of men's suits you ever saw in this city. Chicago Clothing Stork. For men's, boys' or children's underwear" wo are after ou Bharp beoauso wo have tho stock and quality Price is roado to suit you. Chicago Clotiiino Store. Fred McKoeby come home to vote. Fred is now located in Omaha, where ho is taking a course in tho Omaha Mcdionl college. He returned Wednesday morning. Go nod sco Wright'B stock of haid warc, stoves and so forth, if jou want to sco tlio handsomest, brit and cheapest stick in the market. He sells tho best goods as cheap as others sell lufcrior goods. Tho ladies band will givo a supper in the Masonic Hall next Saturday evening from B to 10 o'olock. Every body is invited. Como out and help a publio enterprise. "Nothing succeeds like suoocss," and nothing will more quickly insure success than tnw morit. For fifty years, Aycr's Sur&nj.snillu has main lained it popularity as tho superior blood-purifier. Jt Brano8 HP0U its own merit and never (ails to give sat isfaction. 0 Wiener has taken tho agency for Dr. Jaros Hygiene underwear. It tu wrnmrnendoi bv leading physicians in the United fetates. Used by tho urmy and navy and tho prlnolnal cities uao it in thoir firo and police department" n almost sure pre ventive agtinit rboamttiem. PENCIL TIPS. i' A. Calmcs has taken a job at the rounanouse. ii .j Some very cold weather during ihilr loot ( Jim. "I I i.ov wn UHJBI James Amaok, camo in this week and renewed for 1893. Dr. Mitohel), of Suporior, was in Red Cloud this wsck. Mr. Hutohins of Pantiac, 11)., was in Red Cloud this week. Call on W. W. Wright for all kinds of stoves and hardware. Miko FitiLonbinder is going build an addition to his houBO. Mr. Jno. Barber is building a fine addition to his country residence ; ' Mr. Cookrall, renewed his subscrip tion this week to tho Great Family Weekly. G. W. Wolf of Cowlcs called in this week and helped tho Great Fami ly Weekly. Road Deidrioh & Cook's new ad vertisement in another placo in to day's paper. Mrs. II. E. Pond and Mrs. J. L. Miller were in Bladen this week, or- a Ladies Belief Corps. Remember that The Chirp offioo is well qualified to do all kinds of job work. Prioes to tuit tho times. Tne Chicago Clothing Storo will pay you more than tho market price for corn delivered in their crib. Hon. J. G. Tate, inado a fino polit ical speech iu this city last Saturday night. A large crowd was present. Thos. Wright paid in ono dollar this week to the Groat Family Week ly to bo sent to Mrs. E. A. Wright James Ford, engineer, has been transferred from Red Cloud to tho Orleans branch of tho B. & M. R'y. No flowory rhetoric can tell tho merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla as well ib the cures accomplished by this ex cellent medicine. Win. MoAvoy has purohasod the Livery stable north of this office hav ing told his 4th Avenue stable to Wisecarver & Reed, A large uuiout of building is gom on in the vicinity of Red Cloud and the lumber dealers begin to realize that business is picking up. Thk Ohm? would especially urge its correspondent to send in the news Wo have several correspondents who an inaotivc. We want tho news. N. E. Worloy, of Cedar Rapid, Iowa, diopped into Red Cloud, this week, and paid this offioo a fridndly call. He looks as natuial and good naturcd as ever. Buckingham's Dyo for whinkers is the best, handiest, safest, surest, clean est, most economical and satisfactory dyo cvor invented. It is tho gentle men's favorite, G. W. Shute, of Kanona, Kansas, representative of the Latter Day Saints, was in Red Cloud this week, and desired to preach on the religion of the "Now Joseph.)' Mrs, Lida Smith was called to Omaha tais week for the purpose, of undergoing an examination for a po sition in tho pension department. She passed a fine examination. The president hss designated No vember 24th, as Thanksgiving. We supposo it is not necessary to Bay that turkeys will soon begin to gobble, and later on tho pooplo will, gobblo tho turkeys. Tho exclusive agency for our goods in ll-id Cloud a,nd. vicinity, in jiood for two tp three thousand a year to an, active agent, jjxperienco not ne cessary. Address at once, Manufac ture, Lynn, Mass, Hon. A. J, Kcnooy, of Washington D. 0., camo in on Saturday to vote. Mr. Kennoy's friends, whioh are le gion were pleased to spa him i looking so well after sevarar joara residence in the National Capital, lie will re turn this week. E3 p. 3Qc?t?M?;se,Ktt53!?CW5:s:S3 5J mrjtiiinzsiam 2c 5 8.5 fSSSES J.P i,-! t . : 1 JJ.r n o-o.. J: : : : : .i .": wj'..' t ! s s s . t : !?ia-" : r". r z i 3 -i rA : ! : ! ! S K : : : : : " : ; : : : -5' 2. 3. 3 n w o - o H o to 5J t.1. ft - to gam.-' to - co m - um4 coc s mtoac5towowt'S'-o5wSw BSKwlftfeBSlSJSSSSsaSiSSB GDm ft l-i i- MCmm COW- tMtO 'uoiuinji 'puniOAOiQ joavo ipnipjn 'OBtmOJQ 'uniioj VAVA 'XopuiH ex, n a r 'Sidftj qoiqioAY Mpuqs 'uaqitoig B B a o n 3 o CO to S5 O-l0C0--IW00lvrft0t0OCS-WS4 i- totojMeo cotow i-i-ita-Tiu uur 'MOJQ 'iUj(J018i 'uioj;oofl in n n n jr a o "I en S S ta wi o co w o oi w o to t to i w w 55 53 5! 3 S cftfeSSSSaggB oitntn Mil 4.. J IO Oi M 4 g CO IP rf.l-tt- itCTtO CO ft g SJ i i i i-i - -iiorf-co V to to -i o to to t-m to '-'-' coCTCo XopB 'uimooQ 'JIA1 MOU8(J IT s- 'OJOOpj 'uMtnng.o 'spioauojy stiaioqj, a. o - iu cjico-TgiCO coit-mcs 3S CO 0 H! S2EH8Kgrj8S!3S!i2S92888 xwqdmnii - wMC1uSm.mmBoSBS:8 '!!M 83go.8JSS2683B$R38S!igB 'onuno to to i-ito i-nu-!" i-imcjocj ''HIP'S 'sVapsB 'JfUUOQ "IVH1S S S a n a n 3 o B a. to 8 i -. ISi-.COtO 8ggSfe8feagggggSjgBlS hJi-.couaoo -ieo-'ci-"-'mug'.co tQi-tOCOtOiUCO-'tO'-'tOOM- tototo B 2 oo ss en o V to S 8gg-fefegB8gaag3fffeSS SESSSSS3E88SSSfe!3SSSt93Ss ji 531 eji 1-4 itk so. !85 to St to to BSS58SSMfe38 ipnog Ma&uqujojj MO0Mjff U3 a 2 Htiojpuy c6 o B ujisny . w 2S a rm 'mnnwoow 'uM0J 'nonuj 'BtljTj0J m 2 r$ rt na O k ?e s5 to to S2S8S8gajfcg8gE3BS!28 s22mm&$22znti I ii i-j .IM -'CO .- to o1 ,,imqtocot00tOeaco,.ocono-T4 'jaiqM 9 3 a r I gfiiggsigggjfesysssisgas "HOWtOWtOWtOtW'W'OiWCS 5 a 3 S .g 3. p a o S " a K r S O. O t ' a a 0 o jtlLo S ri tu a SSafe- a 2 JT.5. 7 11 Lunch at Galmes. Our Prices are w Our Stock Very Large OVER COATS OVER COATS Fino Dress OvercoatH Fall Overcoats Storm Overcoats Boys' Overcoats Children's Ov'ro'ts We have closed out a big lot of fine Overcoats at a LQW PRICE and offer SPECIAL . BARGAINS to all. Square Dealing Golden Eagle ESTABLISHED 1 0 YEARS. 0 WIENER, Prop. .WWM..WW.1MWW....M.W1MI sea What is Wl-HililM Castorla to Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Iaflunts And Children. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narootio sabatanco. It is a harmless, substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castorin destroys Worms and allays feverlshncss. Castorls prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " CwtnrU Is m excellent ncdleiBa for chil dren. Mother bt npeUtdl? told mo of IU good affoot upuu UiUr cbJIdrea." Da. Q. O. Omom, i LowU.Matf. " Outerla U tb bet rtrotdjr for children of whlchImcqulntod. I hope lh day Is not frdUUotbeamotBenwlllooBddrUorMl Interest of their children, as J us CMtorU in. stead of tlio various qunclt post mi which ro d'rbylng their loved ones, by forotaf opium, morphine, soolhlDf syntp sd other hurtful genu down their throsts, thereby stndlnf them to premsture jTSTes." I)s.J.r.Xenkvoc. Oonws, Ark. O&storit. , "CtterUtoMweUatertedtoebtUmiUwt IncoauswaittMiussYiorteM7Bfwrlsies) kuuMUtone." II. A. AmouK,ILD.t 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklra, Vt. T. " Our phjrtdcteaa 1m the ehildren' depart ment feava spokes bighljr of their osyeij enoe In their ovtsida ynetie wlthCasterie, and nlUiotijh we only hare auoag our medical supplies what la kaawa aa refular produots.yet weara free to oosfess that the Bwrita of CsawrU has woo ua to leek with taTorvpoalt." ' Unrritu Haarrrai. ana PiarmaAsT, The Caaisaw Osampsay, Tl ? Mamy MrMi, Mew Taa-k OMy 'I'lio ladies' auxiliary til' tlio Homo for tliq I'nonuleBB will meet on Thurs day Nov, 17, with .Mrs, Dr. Damerall, Tho socioty wish to plan work for tho Iiolidny:i and extern! a cordial invita tion to nil ladies, interested in oharit- atuo worn, dsssis wakskn, Bccy. M, V, uiokeraoD, who boa loen on ilia Bick list, wo are Dleased to note la again able 'to be ont. lie could not be held down on election day but came out and voieu. jjiok can't sianu naving aome vote when be can't A. K.Goudy and wife wero in the city TuraUay. Uarry Hallenbeck stopped in the city Thursday sight. "A chemical huccdhii and madic'nl triumph," so gpoak an eoinient phyoU oan in roiercnco to Aycr . unerry Pootoralj and tho eulogy was unnctoo stronir. No other uiedioina ii,o afo and eflicacious in all diseases oF tho throat and lung?. ' . -v''' - - Mrs. Pranlt DicknrKan iu in lhu i:tv this wook. Attention Workmen! t . f flnaAinl maAtinr A fit 1 117 UaTtirl9tfC . fwwee) ihvuiinh -v- w (t avumra . fvenlng,Nor.l2, to consider iworlk&ir4j: communication front: uenral Master Tate . E I Ely, Master Workmen , a i i J.' ?' u J xm, X a.r' . i ,IJ ,V m. )i ) i M J. ft- . W $i&,i,'Utnxvlui- ut-.;