j -$ Y n t ti I! l r IP it I I I n n 5! It 1 I ! n t . Tbe Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world, ia now putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled and other cases made by it, a bow (ring) which cannot be twisted or pulled ojfthe watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old-style bow, which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the Iffl8ffl a CAN ONLY BB HAD with .ML assetearisg thslr trass nark- yjy Sold only through watch dealers, without extra charge. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. THE CHIEF rrioy, Nov. ii 1809 Neonuka MepHllcmu. Tfcs nsablioani of Nebraska have rcaiea to oosgratulate themselves up oa the outcome of tho contest of this tste. The 4eocratto plot to capture tho eleotorial rote of Nebraska by throw lag the bulk of tho democratic voto to tbe Weaver electors has miscarried, Tkere eaa be no doubt that Nebraska will east her eleotorial vote for Horri OR, althoagh the plurality may bo comparatively small. Lorenxo Crounso lias been triumph aatly elected governor of this stato by at least 12,000 plurality, and all the repaklloaa candidates on tho state tieket are doubtless elected by plural ities. taagiBg from 10,000 to 12,000, Retaras so far recoived indioato tkat both houses of tho coming legis lature will bo republican by a small majority, inauring tho return of a re publieaa to tho United States senate. This la most extravagant cstimato of republican strength in the next legis lature was a membership of from 02 to 65. It ia now oeitiin that at least three of the lis republican candidates for cosgress baye boon olootcd, with a pttlibjllty of tho election of four members. Ia view ot tho tromondous odds agaiaet which tho republicans of this state had to combat, coupled further with the faot that thoy wcro left en tirely to their own resource.", tho spleadid victory aohicved is u sourco of supreme satisfaction to every publioaa la tho stato, Boo. ro- It U now conceded nnd virtually f,ettled that Qrover Cleveland has again been olootcd prosident of tho Uafted States. Tho domocrats have carried tbe solid south, which, notwithstanding, th predictions of wide-eyed Weavcrituu und republican visionaries, remains 'more solid than ever. Theyhavo enrriod Now York New Jeraoy, Connecticut and Illinois, wbich.iilo'ne give Cleveland and Stov easoB a majority in the electoral ' col- lege. Thoy may oven carry Wiscon- aia and Indiana, which nro vory closo and olaimrd by both parties. All the other northorn states, ex cepting possibly Nevada and Montuu a, will oast tboir electoral voto for llarriaoa. Sagebrush Nevada, with only 40,000 population, has bomo tho only fruit of the great populist up rising which ventured into tho uriicu of national politics at Omaha July, 4, with tke atartling declaration that tho country ia on the verge of ruin. 71 eo. Mrs. A. O. Dmer. llerg, is visiting in 5 ' Tamed Down. ' ssssss ' iti "? r y . ' i iihihiim i i, iW, i ,.j1). (, , ..MttwdMHuni! ..ii, a ,wi. jUUsT.'iLa - - ; . i -- i in n.ii iim i Our Rooster Stands Up for NchrHNka. Tho Hvpublioins have taken to tho wood. Georgia went democratic, Very surprising. Free trndo, wildcat money, and froe flilvcr will go now. Oh I for a Innd wore democrats and Grovcr Cleveland are not known. Tlio indepondonts wcro not of great fotco except to help to elect Qrover. Tho state tiokot is nafc, thank goodness wo have ono little rny of light. It la McKcighan, ho having oar riod tho dlstriot by about 3000 ma jority. Tho solid south and almost a aolid north remains to te'l tho story of "how BolBoy and I killed tho bar." Wo bavo met tho onomv. and are done up from a head end collision. It is needless to say that the republican party "Isn't in it" The battle is over, and now let our people put aside all politioal animos ities and seo if wo cannot get a rap id gata on the Gate City. Tho election passed off very quiet ly. Tho Australian ballot system doos away with all of tho stir that used to occur on th'oso occasions. Now thai election is over The CuiEf hopes that tho Business Men's Association will do what thoy can to securo a bcot sugar faetory in Red Cloud. It is important that our peo- pio snouiu try ana get several manu facturing institutions to luoato in Red uiouu. witn tne nnest water power in tho stato of Nebraska, ihcro is no reason why wo Bhould not have a doz en manufactories located hero. A flax mil), a beet sugar factory, a starch fac tory, a paper mill, woolon mills, and kindred institutions, could bo operat ed in Hcd Cloud and an effort should bo mad o 'to get them located. With such enterprises in Bed Cloud, she would grow and thoy would furnish employment for our laboring mon, and what is of interest to them, would be advantageous to tho farmer. It would not only furnish a good market at liomo, but would enhance tho valuo of farm and city property,, therefore! ovory man, woman, nnd child in tho county should interest themselves in seoing that Hod Cloud has moro man ufacturing institutioni On last Sunday morning, Bov. J. D. l'ulis, D. D., for tbe last oighteen months has buen tho rcsidont pastor of tho First Baptist church' of this city, preaohed his farewell sermon, having dooided to aooept a call to the pastorato of a Grand Island church. His Bormon was intensely interesting and a mastcr-pieoo of eloquence, from a religious stand-point. During ita dolivery many wcro tho eyes dimed with team. Mr. Pulis had a warm plaoo in the hearts of his brethren in Bod Cloud, and was a favorite among tho com mon people The pcoplo of this city will bo sorry to hoar of bis decision to movo away from this city, yet he will bo a favored Requisition to any city in which ho may locate as he is a polished gontloman and a minister of moro than ordinary ability. Hebron Hcliools, Six weeks cf tho Hebron school have passed and thcy,we think, are suf ficient to cant a shadow before of what the coming weeks shall bo. The firbt regular examination was hold last week. They sru tn bo hold every aiz weeks instead of monthly as hereto fore an excolleut change, so thought by nil couoorncd. Tho now superinlondout, Prof. Loranco seems to havo won tho full conlidcuoc and hcaty cstooni of both teaohor and pupils by his kind con siderate uud unassuming manner. Uis lino of authority socms to be so gently but firmly held that obedienoe seoum rendered from lovo and not fear This is oh it should bo in sohool as woll ob homos. Tho two uuvr teachers, Miss Hughes in the hth school, and Miss Heinle in tho seventh grade, nre exoellent teachers and muoh adored by their pupils. Tho other tcaolicrs are too woll and favorably known to need any oulo(.'ics here. Altogether He bron now has a sohool to bo proud of and tlio prcgont Bontiment indicates it. (liibron Journal. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. RIGHT NOW ! We want to show you what values we are BOYS' SUITs For the price. We want to show well as Dress No one can show you such a line in this county. of these AT A. CXJX PRICE. In one instance at a reduction of FIVE DOLLARS PER COAT. We shall close them out at same CUT PRICE. - In - Men's - Underwear We show a large stock and SJMlili - PRICES. :.:. We bought a "job" in Men's Underwear at a very low price enabling us to sell you Two of the Best suits for $2 you ever saw. Extra good weight and very desirable patterns in Duck Lind and Leather Coats. We undersell all competitors. CHICAGO CLOTHING STORE. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. tste Vrcek Item Gathering corn and finishing up on sowing rye is tho order of the day. Wheat ia up and rye is coming nice sine the fino rain. Soe sickness in our part, John Davie' little child died last Thursday fron whooping eough. It was a lit tle girl five months old. Frank Graham has a siok ohild tbat is thought to have diphthoria. At last accounts it was better. O. Stevons sold a load of nico hogs is Bed Cloud for five cents last Sat urday. Potatoes are all dug and in tho cellars; the farmers have from 40 bushels up to 300, and they are be ins aold from 70 cents up to $1. What country can beat this on crops : good wheat, re Oats, millet, corn, aid potatoes. 'r Sam Johnso ftisod about 1,500 bushels of oats'id 218 bushols of millet iced from aoros of land. Gee. Mountford raised 1,400 bush els of oats, Mr. Stevens and lloseu orais 1,200 bushols of fall grain, Mr. Haakiia 1,600 bushels. Somo oorn ia making 60 buahela to the aero, worth 22 to 23 cents per bushel. Mr. Potter's little girl that has beea aick so long ia improving slowly. Miaa Alma B. Wilson went to Smith Centre last Saturday to attend the teachers' meeting. John Davis has put up a now orib and has it filled with corn, and him a lame man, who ean beat that. Oscar Provalt has put up a nice stone house and is making other valu able improvements. Iryin Collins and Dug. Davis are also improving. A great many new buildings in this part: dwellings, barns, granaries, and eribs, and land is advanoing in price and bo farms to rent. O'coabional. ... . The Advertising Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is always with in the bounds' of reason bcoauso it is true; it always appeals to tho sober, common senre of thinking people bo cause it istrue; and it is always fully substantiated by endorsements wbioh, in the financial world would bo ao cepted without a momont's hesitation. For a general family cathartif wo confidently recommend Hood's Pills. Nra. Skeen has had tho Stern building niooly fitted up and will make a handsome looation for a res taurant. Wanted. A few good farm loans, six per cent interest. No second mortgage D. 11 SrAMOOLB. Children Cry for Pitcher' Caetorla. . ,..,,7t7i...r.rrijz,.. ,. ' 'waaii .i i . n imii 1 1 1 in i Infine dress suits we are strictly in FOR THROAT AND LUNG complaints, the best remedy is AYER'S Cherry Pectoral In colds, bronchitis, la grippe, and croup, it is Prompt to Act sure to cure. ' tmeMfc It Is with pain that we have to record tlio death of another old resident and highly respected citizen of Webster county, Mr. D. O. Grice who passed away in tuts city on inov. utii, uner using in railing health for some years rrom a com plication ot diseases resulting from his service in tne war. Mr. Grice was born in Crawford Oa. 111., in 1835, was married to Miss Byrilda Al. Taylor, in 1807, and removed w nan kakee county where hs lived until his lo cation in weDster county, eor. in w nen me can iu irus ubbid iu ou, Mr. Grioe responed quickly and served the term for whioh he enlisted and eame home and remained about a year when he ro onlUted and served until the close of tho war a period ot four years and thrra months in ell. Ho save his best yean and the Btrenath ot a lifetime to his country be ing twice wounded and never after en joy im the health whloh he might have enjoyed otherwise. His wounds were painful and a great tax on his strength aa long as he lived so that in the servioe or lour yean.' ue gave me strengtn or lifetime Aa a h unhand end father be WM thonshtf ul end kind, as a neighbor he was all tbat could be desired, aa citizen be was loyal and brave. His famllv ! oomtxisedof the mother two boob Bort. of the Arm of Deyo A OrioR. Anil Flavins nmnlOTBd With MeSS ere Sherwood 8c Albright and Mary, the wifa of John Rutledce living north ot Tnnvnln. The funeral was conducted from the residence by Rev. E. L. Ely under the auspices of Garfield Poet ot whioh he was a member and a larco concourse of people followed the remains to theceme tBry. When the casket had been lower ed into the gravo JCr. Elf, delivered brief eulogy of tbe dead soldier, speak ma of his brave service ot over roar yours and of the debt of gratitude we owe to thoso who fought to save onr nag nnd ot tho faot that they are fast , pass- J nrf owny . it. fil.nnhl he said of Mr. Grice thitthe greater part of his life had been spent Tn Christ an BOivlce and although, ror Bomotitno past he had been somewhat in rinrrnh vet he left the testimony be BBidtbat ue was again reooaoiled to Ood and ready to go. a OVERCOATS yoil our Overcoats in Cheap as Overcoats. We bought, while goods DIEDERICH & COOK, DEALERS IN BOOTS and SHOES. RED CLOUD, They . keep constantly on hand one of the largest and finest lines of Boots nnd Shoes to be had in the city. They make a specialty of the Waverly School Shoes for Children. See them before making your purchases. Wn?. JVIcAYOY, PROPRIETOR OF THE Wetter Street Livery Feed Sale Stable. North opposite Moon Block, Red Cloud. Your patronage solicited. The best shoe for $2.60 ever offered. For sale only at Wiener's. When Baby was sick, we gate her Ctstoria. Wbea she was a Child, sbe cried f or Castor!. When she became Hiss, she dung to Castoria. Whse See had CaUdram, see farettea Csetoria, B. C. Cotter, the live stock dealer, 1ms raised nearly 83,000 bushels ot oorn this year, whloh goes to show that he appre ciates Nebraska soil, Mrs. 0 B Crone is visiting in Omnha this week. Children Cry fof Pltohor't Cattorla. ., giving in ,, 7 in market, a large line it ! NEBRASKA. and State of Nebraska) Webster oounty. t eneter oounty, ) Notice ia herebv mvn tn nil having claims and demands atrai nil persons nL'ainst Mll- & A . - . ... V " " wn ueBter tate or wobster oounty, Jjester deceased, that tbe time fixed for tiling claims against aaid oatato ia six months from the Ik day of November 1892. all such persons are required to present their claims with tbe vouchers to tho County Judge ot said oounty at his office . therein, on or before the 9th Dayer June, l03. and all claims ao filled will be heard bo fore the said Judge on the 10th of Juue 1898, at a o'olook, p. m. James Dukkv, County Judgo. Dated this 11th day of November 16U2. See Osoar Patmor before buying flour. lie has made a big reduction. There is no letter paint in tho market than the Liucolu mixed paint, sold by (Jotting. !,'." corn huakers wanted. Can umi mou with or without team?. JIknuvO. Cuttku, . Hod Cloud, Nobr. Lecture. Tho battle ot Lookout Mountain aiul .Mission Ridgo. A. It. Thoians, JJff of Omaha, will loctnro on tlio nhovo sub- i w m, mo vungrrgauonni church on next Friday evening. Proceeds to be JPf ty the church and dnrfleld Post ' OAR. Admission 25 cents. 'wavW . $' "V',i t .' -U H7f Ji-T.' wMt C f y ' i, XV