"3tf!T""'"J' imBBBM 8 i.i h! II If I : MictUoml Department. . H.WCTKR, Editor. TMefcars' recort of the first asMta' sehool of thin year in forty it dlitriets of thin county gSvo the fattawiag: KwsUauHt. Mlo, 384. Females 447. ToUl831. Average attend mm, a1a 205. fmalee 339. Talal-634. Fran directors' Juno 1802 census rafoft we gft the following rannera tien of ehildrrn of sehool nge in the hmi fert.ono districts: Kaamerat lag, 808 males, 744 females, 1552 to tal. If we consider 135 at the aver age aiaanso a aionth for sohool pur ataa la these distriors, allow three aaunerated in each of that alittrieU at married or profioi at la the branches taught, we have the fellowiag: Number that should hare boon in eeheel 1429. Cost of each pupil should have beea 11.00 Tho cost of each Bapil according to cniollraent was $1.72. Aoeording to avcrago attend aaee, $2.26. It ia the fault of partuts that tbo eoetof educating each child, last moatb, ia these districts as $2.26 latitat of $1.00. It it the fault of parents that their children are not getting value receiv ed for the money, tax, paid for tho tapfeft ef school in theso districts. Mtaay earned bj children kept out of aeaeal will aot pay for the Jack of edaeatiea eaated by non attendance ' tefctol. Parents should not defraud their ehlldrea of that to which every child f this country has a right, a good eoamoa school cdaoation,for the rpN af jaiaiag a few dollars that that nay earn at a eott to them of thai which is of far more valae. Maty kept out of sehool earn nothing bat SMttl their time about hosae to parpeae. Naay boys and girls kept out of aekaalwaea thay wero young aro ashamed to go to sehool when thoy are We ta g iato classes with younger Mafita, It is an everlasting disgrace fareaU to keep ehildrea out of : till they are ashamed to go to mmw amvmvmvmvmvmvmvma !" JflBSBBBM. tBSBBSY assBBBBBBBSBBaaV -BmBmamV We have seen them and they are all right And we find them square! A Boston Boy's ByotlgM ftvotf-PorhopoHIo Llfo By Hatfa gaataania-BI4 Fata aaaed wf Caaker. ftse a Mewiat fresa a gralsM aetwMri N Mr little bey a4 Saarlet Tin warn 4 tsars M, ai4 II kftm varf weak aa4 wlta -4 psls a wtsk Maker. Bis th a se Ittuti that kit safsrlags ware Utease, a4 (rteraawMkaae Coulfi Not Opon Hlo Byoo. I took Mm twtoe 4artm that ttsso to us Ire m4Eat IstrsMryeaCBMlM strut, bat eMt rfM41os toUoatoao kla tbo (alatott shaatv I feet I ssaaasasia iMaa; M ears ptmtirilli s4 It aooa cured hiss. I kav asaiLv&ar"1 lmMm Hood'B SartaparlllB feeeaasotl theweaaorful tjeodltdld ay sea." Aasra V. ucaauir, assa wasmacum k, atttoa.Haaa. OetHOOrB, Hooo'a Pill mu, h4w istt la omsosUUm. ttit m4 HMnae j, w? "d?S JP. JicS sg i?l sJ. aaA obVKbV X&W & n WImw were the 424 boys and the 297 glrla aot enrolled la aay sohool iathfM forty-one country district laetawath? We 4 aot say that this aUU of affairs ezitta ia this county and not ia aay other. We suppose that pa tron Mad papils to sohool as regular ly ia this couaty as in any other in the state. We do know that many parents sheald be snore thoughtful of their children's welfare both present and fatare, and should not allow so many f any t icauin out of sohool whilo it la ia session. A great deal of missionary work aheald be doae by the earnest teacher in his district by pleading and reason ing with parents to send their chil dren to sehool. Sohool officers should insist upoa having all children of aehool age in school whilo it is in ses sion. Igaeraaoe is the worst enemy that ear country has to fight. The time that it takes our boys and girls to grow to the ago of manhood aad womanhood passes ere wo are aware of it, Thsy should go to sehool so that thoy tatj booomo intoll Igeat, iadopendont thinkers, cood UUeas, not more tools, dull-edged at tkat. Parents, you aro responsible for the iatelligeaoo or for tho ignorance of the rising generation. Why not uso the amas at hand for their advaoou suiBt intellectually and morally, tho publio lohool in your own district ? Utker reports will be given in this column during tho year. Wo hope tor an Improvement in attendance in ar schools. A teachers' meeting was held at lilue Hill on last Saturday, Oot. 20, '92. Twenty-ono teaobers were pros- at No foreaoon seision was held, bat the exercises in the afternoon were iatemting. A groat deal of good practical work was done during tho few hears devoted to the program. 8eme excellent papers were read, questions oa the reading oirole work were presented, and Bearly all present took part ia tho meeting in omo 'way. Prof. Thornton was alios a secretary of tho meeting. Only OM af those oa the program for work did at respond, So far this school yeai ewr meetings have been a success. Daring the month of November two meetings will bo held; one at Ouido Rock, Saturday, tho 10th, one at Bladon, Saturday, tho 20th. A few of our toachors aro giving the teachers' meetings no attention. It is thought that their object is to step out of the buaincs of teaohing soon. A few teaehers' moathly reports are paat due. Many reports have been received that show an improve ment in grading and in tho uso of the 8tato Course of Study. Ho port of sohool taught in District 58 for month ending Oot. 28, 1802: Number of pupils enrolled 35.. Ayerage daily attendance 24 Those pupils not absent during the month were Vicoie MoVey, Charlie Haffer, George Heffelbower, Iliohard Raaehey. Those not tardy wcro Vicoie McVey Lillie Huger, Hannah Wilhelmson, Agaes Street, Charlie Huffer, George Waldreo, Miles Doyle, Floyd Street, Klmtr MoVey, Walter Patmor, Ed ward Wilhelmson. Lui-u C. Bariikr, Teacher. i iiti a ii Piles of people have piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel Balve will cute thorn. We are prepared to show a first-class line of Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing and Shoes, And this fall will make a specialty ol CLOAKS AND OVERCOA Having secured the best assortment ever shown in Webster County. Call and See the pictures given away with $10 and $25 worth of goods. Asackof Amboy White Loaf Flour given free with every $25 worth of goods. R. M. MARTIN 8c SON. For Bala at Oottlng's. naaaaSt55ss3yyZ73 BBBBWBBBm. 'bI IB BAKING .POWDER 25ozs. fob 25? Absolutely Pure JustTKyIt. Lr.JAQUCS &CO.KANSA&CITY.MO. mm. RED CLOUD TRANSFER LINE 8. X. COZAI, Proprietor. All hauling intrusted to me will be promptly attended to. THE TRADERS-LUMBER CO. THE DEAR PEOPLE ! Of tkla ceHHtjr will pleaee bear In mind that A pointer to young men oontem plating nurriago is to got fitted out at Wionorii Golden .Kaglo. Wedding ouvQts a specialty. For fine tobaooo, oiirars, candies Ac, go to J. O. Lindloy't). Call on T. K. 1'onman, Jowelor and optician for fine watch cleaning and repairing, artiitto letter, emblem and monogram engraving. A full line of watchos, eloelcB, jewelry, speotaoles, eto. always on hand. Can fit any eye with tho very best of Bpectaolcs. You will find, in (Jotting's drug stor. Thore is no use talking, noithor Ilnrrl son or Otoveland will be eleotod unless thoy tnko UoWitt's Little Enrly ltlsers. They hnve n "got there" quality possess ed by no other pill. For snlo by (Jotting. Insurance. ForFiro Lightning and Tornado Insurance in the German of Freeport and other reliable companies, call oa or writo to Ohas. Sohaffnit, oflico over Jieyo'a drug Btoro, Hod Cloud, Nebr. ujtfpopBin, uisireas alter eating, soar tomnch, poor nppetito, bad taste, coat ed tongue Bnd (WHrtburn are cured by DeWitt's Little Early Kiwre, the famous litto pill. For sale by Gottiflg. 'zsaaxuzsssa IlM jHt received a carload of Cook and Heating stoves. And will Discount Any Price in the Valley ' lryouarefealldlagdea't fall to call on lilm, FOR MONEY IS WHAT YOU aro TRYING TO SAVE. Call in and get a Golden Gem. DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal, Lime, lath, Red Cloud Nebraska. Prices Lower than any yard. ffe. C. MJSMITH & SON. I'BOPBICTORS Or miww BAY All draying promptly attended. solicited. Your orders fTONS Back Oiiinllv I'l.llc-ftio o (UconVroftb Rlilnev, ml iru nii inmurM) UyuUI bo laktn to prtvtut trriuuA lanililn Iti thulr IiiIi1(i.im. rnetilruGd, mity U'cung Uanarou. rtn. J. H. MCLEAN'S And Ulalistai. 1'rloo 61 iht bottln. Hvsi K-cjnt .tnrnp for book or AnM.Tww to Uw sad cure tbcoe ilUtriuwlnn oompluiuu, THK DN. J. H. MCLEAN MID. 00 Miuia. rvio. Warner & Warren, " THE TWO JO'S " Have opened a Real Estate Office, AND AM 1IADY TO SILL 70V Farm or City Property, or .Auction off your Stock or House hold Qoodi. Have some Bargains to offer to any who call a this office, 2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, Up Stairs MawriBT " w -i ,wwirp.m. m Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. b. FORT, Manager. iu ml rm,th Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately" and ON SHORT NOflCE. UavlnR had ten years oxperlonce In county records and ono of tho most completd sot of Ai struct books In the state, wo Ruarantce satisfaction. Yonr l, ors solicited All ordoxs filled promptly. 10,000 dollar bond Hied I nd approved. Address or call on L. H. FOIIT Manaqkb, Bed Cloud, Nob. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaBaisiiiWitBMM HARRIS & GUST, DEALERS IN Wwmmlk M Bali Maf m North of Henry Cook's. Your Patronage is solicited. We Keep Nothing but the Best Meats. For Vlamr j)fl Feed Qo and see L. P. Albright. lh tops the best brands and soils his flour just as cheap as others. Also sells hard and soft coal. Prioes reasonable Of fioe and aoales, corner of Webster street and 4th avenue. I WaatlcTliuy Parma Parties having cheap farm lands for salo, improved or unimproved oan find buyers by calling on I), it. Ileal Jsstato aad Cloud, Nob. Spunogle, Loan Agent, Hod Blakialce A Kaloy, at tbo Oincin nati Sboo Store, bavo scoured the aer viocB of a flrstolass sboemakor and all wishing iae custom vork or rp- atriae caa bs aoeoanaodateu. Balis- 'aetioa gaaraataai. t 1 Dariaglka aoath of Novebr ,nBU;v. Cbuhfc mo. M 'LBtf ' " "'"""' iri '''f'('l fc " ' i " n-fniTr:Titr r-yv --'- Jki-a- ''Mfeji'''iiili";,;A'iw a. e. ppyp, Conveyaacprt Real Kstnte, Loans, Iiuuraacp, and Pen slon ARunt. OFFICE OVI.KSPOKI.SI IEI.DS STORE. Red Cloud, Nebraska. I especially iuvite you to cult en mo for anything in tny Hue. Loans mudo on farm property lit 8 per cout. Insarnno in the best cotnpnnles II. E. l'OM. Farm loans at lowest intorcst. Strictly firat-olnss loans at lower ratos than ba ever boon given in this coun ay, before. Qptiontopay part orall ateai of py jcar.p. f. PAyrijjB, NOW IS THE TIME TO bUV ! m W, W- Wright Has a fiiio line of Heating and Cooking Stoves! nd is selling so low tlmt all can aftbnl to buy. YOU WILL MISS IT If you do not consult him before buying. FLOUR and FEED, OSCAR PATMOR Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. i Choice Flour & Feed, And sells it chep. Get liis prices before buying ) oui flour. mtmmmmmtm,.!.. l . .. fwmJmmrWmmm tL& ViV $ ,. 'T t H )lJl M'H. jMwjh .! iV V M tfJfe t&i "it . E ir iVi fit: f .; '.V' ,tul. Jlj J- v'.?',iti.,.','i.tJ,' jj.Vjft-'W