The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 04, 1892, Image 5

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' -'&-
stock was never so
Prices were never so low,
Goods could not b better.
These prices sell the goods and
bring trade.
See what we offer you for your money.
Children's Oil Orain Button Shoes, 8 to 12 $ 90
Misses' " " " 13 to 2 1 15
Women's " " " " 2to7 1 35
" Heaven Top Foxed Button Shoes, 2 J to 7 l 25
Youths' Tip Boots, lull stock, 11 to 2 ' 1 65
Boys' " " " " 2ito5 1 90
Men's Boots .... $1,50 to 4 00
G'enuine Dongola and Pebble Goat $2.50 Shoes 1 95
Oxfords and low Shoes at Cost to Close Out
Shoes that rip sewed free of charge and all
goods warranted.
We will save you money.
Try tho new shoemaker at Blakos
lco & Kaloy's.
That dollar and a half vaso lamp
at Cottings !b a beauty.
Tho best oil heating stovo in th
market at A. Morhart's, See it bo
foro buying. tf.
Doyo x Unco aro having a nico
wall paper trado this fall. Thoir
Btook is large.
Do you buy grooories? If you do,
vou should call on Sherwood&Albright.
Thoy keep the best.
Don't forget that Adam Morhart
has tho finest lamps in tho city and is
selling them at way down prices.
Call on us for boys' suits, wo are
strictly in it in this' line.
Chicago Store.
Trunks and valisos and rubber
clothing in endless quantity received
this week. Chicago Store.
Cotting has a big stock of 10 cent
sheet musio cataloguo of over 2,000
pieces. Como in and look them over.
Don't forgot that for heating or
cooking stoves you should not fail to
sec W.'W. Wright. Ho will savo you
Do you need wall paper ? Doyo's
stock is completo and new. He does
not allow his stock to run down and
then work of old stook ou you.
llccoivcd this week the nicest se
lected stock of men's suits you ever
saw in this oity.
Ciiioaoo Clothino Store.
'trf Go and see Sherwood & Albright
fiir choico grooories, provisions, fruits,
candies, cto. Thoy keep no stale
goods. All fresh and tho best brands.
For men's, boys' or children's
underwear wo aro after you sharp
broauso wo uavo tho stook and quality,
Prico is made to suit you.
Chicago Clothing Store.
It's not very pleasant to cough sad haok
To suffer pain in chest and back,
Many people could stop it, for sore,
By simply using one minute cough aure
For sale by Cotting.
Oo and seo Wright's stook of hard
ware, stoves and so forth, if you want
to seo the handsomest, best and
cheapest stock in the market. He
Bells tho best goods as cheap as ethers
sell inferior goods.
C. Wiener has taken tho agency
for Dr. Jaros Hvcione underwear. It
is reeommondod by loading physicians
in tlio United States. Used by tho
army and navy and tho principal
citicB uso it in their fire and police
departments as an almost sure pre
veutiyo acunst rheumatism.
Whnt shall it profit a man if he
gain the whole .world and then has the
dyspepsia so bad that be can't enjoy any
ot the good things it contains ? Be
wont have dyspepsia if he takes DeWitts
Little Early Risers. For sale at Cottings
Drunkenness, or the liquor
Ilnblt Cured at Hume In Tea
Uuyi by Administering- Dr.
Haines' Golden Specific.
Tf. nnn ha irlvon in a olass of beer, a
oup of coffee or tea or in food without
tbo knowledge of the patient It' is ab
solutely harmless nnd will effeot a per
manent and speedy aure, whether the
patient is a moderate drinker or an si
coliolio wreck. It has been given in
thousands of coses, nnd In every instance
n perfeot euro has fcllow.ed. It never
falls. Tho Bystem once Impregnated with
the specific, it becomes an utter impossi
bility for ttie liquor appetite to exist
Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of par
tioulnro freo. AddreBB the Golden Spe
cific Co., 183 Rape Street, Cincinnati, O.
The Superior
for all f orme o!
Wood disease,
the health
restorer, and health
Cures Others
: will cure you.
Geo. Barker is home from Chicago.
James McNcny was in Omaha this
Postmaster Warren was in Liaooln
this wcok. ;
Geo. Holland returned from Hot
Springs, this week.
Cham. Evans, of Naponoo, Neb.,
was in tho oity Monday.
Mrs. L. D. Dcnney started for Don
vcr, list Saturday evening,
Call on W. W. Wright for all
kinds of Htoves and hardware.
Remember Wiener is closing out
his men's and boys' boots at loss than
Miss Sanburry of Republican City.
was tho guest of Mrs. Calmes, this
Eld Swain of Panora, and old.
friend of Editor Truman, was in the1
city this week.
Will Yeiser had his foot quite bad'
ly bruised last Sunday, by having ,
uurec ovep uu it,
Pat McGuiro who is now in Cum
mines county, was visiting old friends
in Red Cloud the other day.
Chas. Palmer formerly a resident
of this place, but now of Champion
Ntbr. has moved to the city. - '
R.Adamson came in this week and
renewed for Tax Cmxr and also sends
a copy to his son. W. P. Adamson, in
Rev. J. D. Pulis pastor of the Bap
tistohuroh will preach his farewMl
sermon next Sunday morning. All
are invited.
The little infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. O. R Pitney, of Inavalc.died
on Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. of
whooping cough.
Mrs. G. W. Baker and Mrs. J. W.
Shorwond returned Tuesday ovening
from the National Y. C. T. U., con
vention at Donvor.
The great valuo af Hood's Sarsa
parilla as a remedy for catarrh is
vouched for by thousands of people
whom it has cured.
II. A. Shinkle, th o veteran second
hand man has moved into the room
latoly vacated by J. Murray, just
north of tho Moon block.
McKuighan's efforts to secure a voto
from our friend Jno. Poster was una
vailing. John is a solid republican
and docs not yote for demoorats.
P. W. Maroellus has opened a now
photograph gallery north of the Mar
bio works. Mr. M. is a very pie asaut
gentleman and wo wish him suoooss.
Mrs. K. Skeon is going to close out
her millinery goods, and has rented
tho Stern building south of Henry
Cook's, whern she will start a restau
rant and boarding houso. She will
move in alter tno iuiu.
Rev. J. D. Pulls who has oooupicd
the Baptist ohnrch pulpit for the past
two years will locate in Grand Island
in all probability. Mr. Pulis is an
ablo divine and tho ohuroh at that
placo will profit largely by his pastorial
For the euro of headaoho, constipa
tion, stomach and livr troubles, and
derangomonts of tho digestive and as
samilatlve organs, Ayor's fills are
invaluable, Being sugar-coated, they
aro pleasant to take, always reliable,
and retain thoir virtuos in any cli
mate. J. L, Miller, who was iujurod a few
days ago, was fortunate enough to be
a member of tho Loyal Mystio Legion
of American, and was laid up b even
days and drow $36.43 in liou of the
lima he was so laid up. The Mystio
Legion is a good order and all ought
to bolonz to it.
Mr. 1. W. Crary has seq ured the
servioos of Charles Mitoholl of Red
Cloud, who will assist in the store un
til afror tltn holidays if not longor.
Roland & Prall have employed Jonn
Matzoner to lwlp thorn out, and Mr.
A. J. Hayes, we understand, oxpeots
a gentleman from Lincoln to take a
position behind his counters ioob.
Lunch at
Pino tar at Dojo & Urice's.
Oliver MoCall was in Lincoln this
Pon't forget to hero Ttn Saturday
O. II. Truman has returned from
Cotting hns the finest lamps you
ever saw.
The S. of V. hand will givo a con
cert soon.
All sizes of window glass at Doyo
A Gnoo s.
Dillard Bedford is homo from Old
W. 8. Oarbor and wifo wcro in Lin
coln this week.
Mrs. Popo nnd son, wore in
coin tltii week,
Salt by tho barrol at the new Scoop
Shovel Elovator,
Capt, Murphy, of Superior, was in
Red Cloud this week.
Go to the Scoop Shovel elevator for
the best flour on earth.
Mrs. Howard and daughter Mabel
afe in Lincoln visiting.
First olass work is dono at
Golden Eaglo Tailor Shop.
On Wednesday tho ground frose
for tho first time this seison.
Mrs. A. 0. Hosmor and daughter;
RtriM am vinitincr in Mlaannri.
The highest market prioo paid
cash at the up town Warehouse.
Hats and caps for tho whole world
at right prioes. Chicago Stork.
D.o not buy a stove uatil you seo
those fine heaters at Wright's store.
VanBenson has hay for sale at $3.50
per ton. See him if you want hay. tf
Chancellor Confield, at the state
University is expected to speak hero
J Choice winter apples (Michigan)
7 for sale by the barrel at the new Ware
If you are going to paint this fall,
go to Deyo for your material and save
Capt. John Blaine, of Cowles, was
'rininp h
doing business in tho metropolis
Wanted: A good girl to do gener
al work. Apply to Mrs K. Skeen's
millinery store
Mrs. E. A. Wright and C. E.Fcarn
havo beoomo subscribers to The
Chief this week.
Wright has the finest stook of
heators in the valloy and soils them
at way down prices.
The old reliable corner drugstoro is
in bettor shape than ever to take care
of its largo trado.
Halloween was not so boisterous
usual. Tho small boy seemed to ha
forgotten his cunning.
F. P. Hadley and C. 0. Cowdon aro
home from Bladen whero thoy havo
boon painting Jas. Grandstaff's new
A. Calmes, tho baker has rooontly
put in a fine hard coal oven in roar of
their bakery. It is tho only one west
of Omaha.
This is tho last issue before elec
tion and we urgo every republican
to voto and thus redeem this district
from demagogism.
Mrs. D. Parkhill has gono to Paris,
Michigan, to visit with friouds, in
the meantime, Dennis picks his teeth
at the Holland bouse.
Dr. Donnoy, Mr. Wrivht, and Geo
id GeoJiternvB
ne they
Lindsey aro home from tho mountai
We acknowledge a fine steak
son irom some or tbo game
Tho uro of Hall's Hair Ronewor
promotes the growth of tho hair, and
restores its natural color and beauty,
frees tho soalp of dandruff, titter, and
all impurites.
Charley Mehagan proprietor of
tho Chioago Store was qnite severely
injured in MoCook by the burning
ef tho B. & M. eating house at that
place. Ho jumped from a window in,
order to escape being burned.
Tho wisest course in politics is to
voto for tho best man. and vou can
not be mistaken, So, in tho uso of
blood-purifiers, you oant be mistaken
it you take Ayor's Barsaparilla, be
cause all parties agree that it iB tho
beat tho suporior medicine Try it
this mouth.
Rlghsst of all k Lsavsaiag Power.
nv. Hoyd'a rcrllel)-.
"f.i.viot.N, Nun., Oct. i;, IV IVroiml
and ro'iildcnttHl.l l)r Sir I luiMt Jiim to
timitil (mm Hi jt uliorn Inn. hnmirrtl lv n.
consultation with the nutloliHl ciiuimlttroHiiil
leading meu or our piny, witn rruurii louir
heit ixllcy to bo pursued In Nrbrailts this full
in dcnlliiK IHi llie electoral ticket und tur-y
Breed with me that the wisest course fer dem
ocrats to support the Weaver el-ctorst the U
Jrct iitliiK in take Nehmkaout of tier accustom.
ed plftceln tke re publican coluain.
Infnrn.HlInn hia readied mn that innmlwtr
of Independents who were tortner rrpiiblli nus
nftittrnplste Toting for the Harrison elector.
Willi inn reptiDiican sireiigui iiiur nuRinpinru
It would bo Irapnsilbln for democrat, toranjr
their own electors ticket to victory. It Is
therefore the part of good Judgment and wise
action for democrats to support tho Weavor
electors in as laree numbers a possible. For
democrats to do this is no abandonment ot
principle; on the contrary it is a dinnitc stop
toward tlrtnry nnd the tlltlmMo triumph of
Cleveland and Hicvciison and the l'rliiclple
thoy represent
Make inch use or tills amonir
ke such use ot this amotiK your democratic
friends as you can without openly causing
nlnrm on the jmrt ot enr opponents. Dlscuvt
tho Idea only with democrats who can be trust-
I dpslro nlso to lino unon your attention the
nrcrssIlT of demncrut kivIiii; lojal support to
tne party nomiueps lor inoiCHismrire. panic
ularly no where there- Is a possibility of el no
tion. Thctiext legislature will choose a United
Htalr nnlnr. and It III Imunrtnnt that l'Rrl
luck'. MiocffMor I)h not a r nubllcmi. and ttmt
Mr.ClcveUnd's administration during the next
tour yonrs snail noi i njinporcu uy u sennit) in
opposition tii lilm. Kfloiti are innklna other
slates to reduce the republican majority In.the
senate, nml NebraslnliM a splendid opportun
ity to do Iter share ot the good work. Cor
dfally yours. J. K. llovii.
Tho attention of our Independent
friends who have been republicans is
called to this impudent effort to ue
them for baso purposes. It is through
thorn that this domocratio loador says
he seeks to accomplish "a dofinito stop
towards viotory and tbo ultimato tri
umpfi of principles thoy represent.
A1 ili0 Upa "U8 Saturday nK-lit,
Nov. 5. Everybody nomo and hear
. .. ..
1.a tin. n1itSnl .f ll.A
IIO UUDV IfUMWUU. Diui-uii v. litIV
Tho Testimonials.
Published on behalf of Hood's Sar
saparilla aro as roliablo and as worthy
your confidence, as if thoy oamo from
your best and most trusted noighbor.
Thoy state only tho simple faots in
regard to what Hood's Sarsaparilla
has done, always within truth and
Consumption, and all troubles with
tho digostivo organs and tho livcr.are
cured by Hood's Pills. Unequalled
as a dinner pill.
Made by Mr. Andrew and tho
Republican Dlstrlot
Tho following ohallcnge was made
to W. A. McKoighan and tho inde-
Sendont committee at tho Holdrege
cbato and the time of answering the
same was specified as tho debate at
lied Cloud so that if It wore accepted
the dobatcs could continue right
W. A. MoKelghan: On August 23, 1892.
your committee ohallonged tha Bon. W.
E. Andrews, republican candidate for oon
Kress in this distriot. to hold not lass thsn
six joint discussions with W. A. Mo
Kelghan in this district. Your challenge
was aoeopted. Wa gave yoa nine, tho last
of whioh will take place October 20th at
Red Cloud.
Tho retioblioan committee nnd Hon. W.
E. Andrews doslrlng toeontlnue the Joist
debates, tiereby offers to oouttuue the Bald
nt uobntea under the snme terms
named and embodied in yonr challenge
nnd our written aeceptanoe of thoaatne;
that is to say, we accept for two or roar
more, if yoa accept for two only. Mr. Mo-
Kelghaa to open and close the first debate
and Mr. Andrews 10 open nna ciose
second debate; if only two more are held
the same to bo bold at Orleans, Neb., Oc
tober 2Cth (Wednesday) at 8 o'olook p. in.
aud at Curtis, Neb., on Wednesday, No
vemjor 2d at 2 o'clock p.m. It you ao
oopt for four more, Mr. MoKuighnn to
open and close tho flrot and third debates,
and Mr. Andrews to open and close the
second and fonrth debates. If yon aeccpt
for four more debates, two of same to be
held at places and time above stated, and
tho other two at places to wits At Wan
nets, Neb., on Monday, October 81st at 2
o'clock p. m.. nnd nt Oxford on lhura
day, Noromber 3d, at 8 o'olook p. m.
'the snruH timo to bo allotted to oaoh
speaker and divided, and debate to be
conuncteu nnuer same oooauions ana
JiUrrns'tiB Mt forth In yonr challenge and
ajrwritten acceptance or tno same, rarer-
being miuleand had thereto.
Kespeotiaiiy yours,
JOUN h, Mol'llBELY.
Chairman Republican Congressional com
mittee t If tn distriot, state or Nebraska.
Mr. Androws again read the
challcngo at thu lied Cloud debate
and stated why it was desired that it
be theu accepted or refused. Neither
Mr. McKoighan nor any member of
tho iudopendeut committee paid tho
least attention to it otilyjn fay that
it was unfair to make tho chullcngo,
nnd tin answer having been rooeived
up till this timo Mr. Androws nnd the
republican committee have taken tho
tilcnoo as a refusal and havo accord
ingly uiado other arrangomunts for
Mr. Androws' timo till elcotioui
Sinco tho above was written wo
learn that u letter has bepn received
from tho iudopendeut eommittco re
fusing to aocopt tho challcngo to con
tinue tho dobatcB.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, itty,
Our PricW-
Our Stock Very Largci
Fine Dress
Fall Overcoats
Storm Overcoats
Boys1 Overcoats
Children's Ov'rc'ts
We have
big lot of
to all.
Square Dealing
What is
1. 'I i 1i ! "i
Caatoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription forIaftnffl) ,r ., j
and Cbildren It contains neither Oplaro,UorpbLpe,ppr,i lU
other Narcotic substance. It i a. harmless, suhftlttf) ,,
for Paregoric, Drops, Sootklug Syrupy and Castor, Oil. t , ,
It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years' use by (l . H
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys fVormsft.ud, allays, .j
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting pour, iCurd, , ,m
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria rejisTSS M'
teethlns; troubles, cares constipation, and flatulaaej.,: ,1
Castoria asslsallatea the food, regulates tha stomach. In '
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ,Cas .
toria is tho Children's Panacea-tho Mother's Friends , ,
"CasUirlalsaacapcUtataMdicia'i for chil
dren. Mothers hTo rspsalaaly told roe of IU
good affsct upon thetr chUdrta."
Da. O. O. Omooo,
' Castoria is tbe best twrncJ for cWldrea of
which I am acquainted. 1 hope the da U not
far distant when mothers will coaetder tbe real
Interest of their caUarea, aad use Caatorla In
tead of th e rarlous quack aoatruaaa which are
dstrortn( thlr lored ones, by foreiac opium,
morphine, soothing- syrup aad other hurtful
gent down their throat, thereby aeadlag
then to prematura gmes."
Da. J. r. KixcBmot,
Coaway, Ark.
Tha Oaataa Oaaipaay, IT Maurray Shraat, Haw TsskCWarf ,',
Cbinoellor Canleld of tl ; State
Univoraitj will give an address at tho
Congregational ohuroh on Friday
evening, Nov. 11, at 7:30 The Chan
cellor visits Red Cloud at tho invita
tion of the High school, but his ad
dress will be free and patrons and all
interested in tho cause of eduoation
n our our state and town aro invited.
Scats will be resorved for tho pupils
of the high school.
G. M, Castes, Supt.
Oil t Oil I Oil I -
A fresh ear load of oil Jattfreelvea
Sell at wholesale or retail.
a F. Etams.
.v, ,n
... .. T
I1 - MMmM
' .111 ' ill. I
out a
PRICE and offk
Mlnvir.'i o)
I III! lodllot
Golden Eag;
ill ii i hihIjcj Mir. 111!
tyiUiilii nt
()priiTjrHrD 14
i htiio) iil lii 7,1
I. Vlll
j, ni i .,. nJ hi ill
Castoria. ,
I recommend itusuiortoMypreserMta
kaowatome.n i
1U Go, Oxford St., Srooklya.H.T. .
1 j i i ''U
"Our physicians in U cblldrea's defeft'
meat havo spokes highly of their taytjri-''
eooe In their outeJda practloa with Caatiihx .,
and although wo aaly hew aesCfig oiir
medical suppUce what U kaawa aa'tafutar t
product, yet we are free to coatees that the'.
merits of Castoria has won ua to loek'.wisfc
favor ujyiB It." ' ,r" '""fr S
Uxrrao nWrrai, ta PisraMeati. i,
" "W 1
k ' in i , j i a ;
A 111 I .11 (I iYi. .11!
An eBsH1iMs!?ysdV
Rev. A. R. Thain; DrM of (feist to
delivor bis fatsoas,, t)eos4irt .'orti
"The Battle ptJuHftml m)&
sua Mission Bidge" on orsbost 'the
15th inst. the p'rodto1 be 'shared'
by the O. A. R. Post and the t'on-H
gational church. 1 . J
Dr. Thaln is a lecturer (oi rare, abil
ity and his thrilling repitf 1 of, , three ,
l2allnet!j ItnillMai w S 1 1 l A.A VVJ
uiflLuiiu ajBtBiiisnia vassss na aa. rraair aaai
washinaelf a narilolnkak Mn"ifAa;
ui uan isKiy reviiKDO vncADavt.V
fields to refresh his iMBswyAVnrttt
at em al hull I aisl u I .'. i- A Xl t ULaa.Sf(Jt
HI Oil
lecture has been Kl9nV-HmiMmftXAJ?m
. B,
, . ..I ftyfj
IftSiiJftSUHiij tt.iieta.--f.STl5rffl
"'--1- ",'" v dmm
iiMJuwHF f;.iLjr,,iiav.tai"ii'9SMaw