As Ri f! N l rl 8 A .1 !f I i' It SHE IS DEAD. OmMi of th Preaideatfe Willi WWftltHoaM.i 5 Straagth Decline m the Room m4 Mtaataa Fly Br an Harrane Bjr Mar fanny reaetfany flHN Away. WApiKToy, OetM.Miv tUn4aiM la no more. At lt40 o'clock. tMt Morn ing cum the end,' and for agM6 tla in me Buttery ox um nnna; nonaa , presUhsat's wife died withla lto Walk Mrs. Harrison met death with the few ttence and realfaatloa of devout Christian. About 13:90 o'clock, whlleDr.' Gardner sat by Mrs. Harrison's aid with his fingers tightly pressed to her poise, the practiced hand discerned a noticeable irMahaeaa of the heart's aetton followed almost Immediately by a slight decrease in respiration. lie notified the grief etrieked family and It gathered aronnd the ecmeh. The end appeared to be rery near and galeae aha aoea rallied from -the stupor into whleh she then was drifting she could scarcely lire half an hoar longer. This intelligence had a most depress ing effect upon the president who had "beets' la constant attendance upon his taffllcted wife for over nine hours aad he sustained himself with the greatest -dlfflcnlty. If it were posslhlo to add to 'the gravity of tho situation and to stimulate the agonized apprehension ot the sorrowing family, gathered about the scarcely animate form of tho be loved wifo and mother, those results were attained when. Dr. Gardner, after carefully examining the countenance and feeling the pulse of tho dying women,' said that tho indication were that she could not last more than half an hour. This waa fifteen minutes to 1. The minutes Mow past, at 1:80 the help less form, however, still retained the aacred spark. All of the family in Washington were "present at ihe death bed oxeept tile three little grandohlldren rtndthovrra erable JUoott, the father of Mrs. illarrlapu. They were: President Har rison, Mr. and Mrs. McKee, Mr. and Mra Russell Harrison, Llout, and Mrs. Parker," Mra. Dlmmick and Mrs. Newcomer. In addition Mrs. Batri son'a faithful maid, Josephine, and Miss Davis, the trained nurse, were in the room. Tho members of the family spent a few minutes around the lifeless clay. When they emerged with sorrowful ifacea the president retired immediately to kta own room and closed tho door, the other members of .the family re specting his evident wish to be allowed to-remain unmolested to contomplato his great bereavement and commune with his Maker. Telegrams conveying the sad Intelli gence were also at once dispatched to all members of, the cabinet and Mrs. Harrison's brother, who waa in the hope of seeing her before the end came. He waa at Port Townsend yesterday. WOOBAITITCAU , Mrs. Harrison was bora at Oxford, a, fifty eight years sto October 1 last, ot Seotta ances try. The flrat et her paternal ancestor in America waa John Soon, the laird 'of Arras, wha, attar the disastrous tattle ot nosworta briflf la 1079, left Scotland tor the north at Ireland with the sari et Oalhavea, owlaf to dissatisfaction with o Seoteh and KnglUh erowaa Attsr the death ot the earl John -Scott came to America sad settled la the val ley of "the Neeharalny, Bueha county, Pa., where' the vUlacsot Hartsvtlle now stands, miles aerth ot Philadelphia, He purchased a tract et land tram the proprietary government, on part of whleh the flrat Presbytertsa church in Ataariea was aoea afterward erected. On tthls lsnd, also, tier. William Ten vnant fonaded In MM the hlitorle "'log college," oat of whleh primitive la stltutloa Prlneeton oollege was In time evolved. Both her father and grandfather were Presbyterian mtalstera. Mra. Uarrlton eyed superior eduoatlenal advantages and waa graduated from the Oxford seminary In last, the same year that President nsrrlsen re ceived his degree. She taught school in Car. rollton, Ky., one year, and on Oetober 80, thlrtv-etne years ago laat Thursday, was mar led to Benjamin Harrison, tho student Mra Harrison had two ohlldren-Russall, wha la now engaged In Journalism, and Mary, the wife ot Robert J. McKee, ot Boston. The latter has two children, Benjamin Ilarrlson JkfcKe. known to fame the world over as Baby" MeXeo, snd Mary McKee. Oaa ot Mm BMrrisea'a mast sensible Inno vations at the White houso waa the abandon, meat ot handshaking at receptions, a custom that made the eveatm- one of torture to all her predeeeesert' She managed this by esrrytng a faala see hand asH a hesouet la the ether, so that Bsrssaa seetag her hands fan were stared the swkwsrdaaas et odtwtagahaaashake which aha weald aet accept ., Mrs. Harrison was not well known beyond IndleaapelM sad Wasahuton, bntln both plseas ahewasexwesiery aewsfsr. 8as oalted with the Presbyterian chorea when she was fourteen jrearaetdaal had avar sues been sa ardent worker ta kebab of Oarlswaalvy sad edaaattm Mra Ha 1 1 hula's fataar has been Itvlag at the White hease wish hts daaghter aad the old maa'sserrew is dlttrMBlag te beheld. He is t years aid. !! Alf firatwiBal4 lasane. KAMtii Crnr, Mo., Oet IB. Prol Jem Brans, lightweight pugilist, re ceived a letter from England aaying that Alf Greenfield, the neted English heavyweight, who fought Job a L. when the ex-champloB waa in the heyday at his glory, waa hopelessly insane and 3iad been confined in an asylum for the -demented. Greenfield was a stanch tadmirer of tbeBoston boy and staked every penny he had in the worldupon Sullivan in the recent affair at New Orleans. He bhared the fate of all ot Kulllvaa's followers and it is thought lthat his financial losses preyed so upoa lm that he lost bis mip&. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaa .aaaaaaaaaaaaW ' '".JCSt SammmmmmmmmmmmaW waKaSt mmmmmmmmmm MBS. HAKRISOir. AT HIST. Ttae' Remains of Mr. KarrUon T.ald to Heit lit Crown lllll Cemetery, Indian, spells. . IwniAxroMs, Ind.. Oet 29. Tho last aedTHtetoVr the mortal remains of Mrs. Denjamhi Harrison, ''for thirty nlno yeftrsf.k'ovod wlfo.-anilhelpmate of the prosWknt ofl she (United States, weroerforBfed yesterday ia theehurch in Vhiah she-hid for tears worshintcd in health and- iavthe af tersdon th6 body of the' ij lasy'IaeM wa laid to mmm!fvSmm crown WjjnKKiSmihln arrtfeeliM the mora la':iTMflock, on achedulo time, aatd Was 'asseft ad; by thousand of sym pathetic jftrfends, "who occupied all points of vantage along tho road and crowned .the ataUon to Its utmost capac ity, ft wnnjrfjtiiet throng which man ifested Its appreciation by a gravo and respectful .demeanor. Although tho president was pcntdnnlly known to a majority df tho crowd, all desire on their part to give vent 'to enthusiasm was generally roprciscd. Nearly nil the men present removed thoir hata and bowed thctr hoods when ho pasted through the station, leading his sorrow ing family to the carriages provided for them. A delay of half an hourwns earned In transferring from tho funornl enr tho wealth of emblems that typified tho de votion of hundreds of friends. Then the casket was lifted and slowly nnd rovcrontly the cortege moved out through tho sheds of tho Union station tq tho carriages in waiting. Tho cos kot wns borno by John 11. Elum, the president's old law partner, Judgo Woods, E. 1). Mnrtlndnlo, Gen. Low Wallaco, Dr. Allen, T. I. Haughoy, Judges Nlbliick and Flshback, Moses G. McCIaln and John It Elder. Fol lowing them came the Horrowlng rela tives nnd the president's official family. Tho church was elaborately dec orated. When the funeral procession arrived at the church 5,000 pooplo thronged the sidewalks nnd streots, not boisterously, but with a show of tho most intense In terest Tho police had no dlfllculty in holding tho people back, nnd tho casket was lifted and borno Into tho church without inoldent of moment Tho church services were chanvcter lr.ed by the groatost simplicity. As tho coflln was carried up tho alslo and de posited in front of the chancel, tho orgnn pealed forth a soft melody. Tho choir then sang "Lead, Kindly Light" with beautiful effect, and Dr. Hatns of fered a short 'Invocation and rciul n selection from the Scriptures. The funeral sermon was upon that text, "Wherefore comfort ono another." At tho conclusion of the sermon tho venerable Dr. Hyde gave utterance to a touching prayer. Tho choir thon rendered "One Sweet ly Solemn Thought" Dr. Haines closed t,he service with a benediction and tho cortege took up its lino of mnrch to Crown lllll cemeterv. The president and party returned to Washington an tho 0:30 train. He fore his departure the president guvo to tho press tho following note: My Dear Old Friends snd Neighbors: lean not leava you without aaying that the Under nnd graolous sympathy which you hato to-dnv shown for me nnd for my children and much more the touching evtdrneo you hvo Riven of your lovu for the dead wtto nnd mother have deeply moved our broasts. Wo yearn to tarry with you and to rest near the hallowed spot whero your lovlnR hands have lata our dead, but tho little grandchildren watch In wondorlng alienee for our return and need our earn und somo publlobunlnoss will not longer wait upon my sorrow. May a gracious (lod keep and bless you all Most gratefully yours, USHJAMIW 11AUU1SOM 1 NO PRI.OE FOR WHEAT. A Sag- or Three Cnt Within r. Week-Bu. rnpesn Demand Almost Nil. Kansas City, Mo., Oct 29. -Tho wheat market dropped more than a cunt a bushel to-day, making a decline of more than three' cents in tho past week. Tho market has been sagging for n long tlmo under tho influence of the extra ordinary nhipmonta from the country. All markots have bccoinu blocked, and to add to t ho difficulty ocean freight rates to Europe huvo been advanced nearly 100 per cent In tho past few days, making it more difficult than ever to get tho grain out of the country. There has been a very large holding of wheat In Chlcngo for December delivery which was bought bevcral weeks ago and has beon the chief canso of tho Btubborn resistance to a decline which tho mar-' kot has until recently shown. In the past few days this "long" wheat has been for balo and that has added to tho weakness of the market Octobor whe,-.t In Chicago closed to day at 00K cents, which is tho lowest price In a record of twenty-eight years, with two exceptions. In October, 188(1, tho price reached OOft conU utid in De cember, 1887, wheat sold in Chicago at oO, cents. ADJUTANT-QENERAL'S REPORT. About fifteen Thou. anil HtudenU l'hytlo--lly Capable of Nervlon. Washington, Oct 20. Tho annual report of the adjutant-general of tho army shows that the avorago number of studenst over 15 years of ago attend- lnir tho SOVCrnl linlvcrsltlpn nnd rnlloirn was 18,484, an increase of 9,707 over tho number reported last year, and over 0,000 moro than tho number reported for the scholastic year 1880-00. The number of students physically capablo of military duty Is reported as over 15, 000, of which number 8,008 were re quired by the faculty of the sovoral in stitutions to be enrolled us military students. Gon. Williams recommends that the annual appropriation for tho national guard be increased from 1400,000 to !. 000,000. Deadly Esploslon. Liua, O., Oct 90. A nltro-glyecrlno aetory, two miles south of here, ex ploded this morning with a report heard for miles, whllo the force of the concussion shook buildings and caused wludowa to rattle in all par U of the city. Three -oorsona are known to Imvo been hilled and two injured. In ad dition two teamsters are missing and it is probable that their bod ICS are ill tho wr'lr. Thn f.nn houso of William Hooker, over n mile ! irom the factory, wns totally wrecked and a servant girl injured by falling dobrlr THE WEST SAFE. The Sklos Bright For a Ropubllcan Vlotory. Third 1'artr I'enplo flotnrnlnc to the R. publican folrt-Kverrthlnn; Satisfac tory In New York Itepnbllcn.i Nuceess Foreshadowed. Special Correspondence OloboDemocrat. NKW YotlR. Off. 20. AmnnrT lliit nromtnnnt rjtl1ir nf t-nntilillnitn Imnfl. quarters was Judtro John M. Thurston. of Nebraska. Regarding tho situation in tho western states ho said: "I havo boon speaking chiefly in my own state, but also in Kansas, Wyoming, South Dakota, Wisconsin nnd Illinois, nnd feel confident that with tho excoptton of Nevada ovcry slato west of tho Mis sissippi is republican, Tho situation two months ago was entirely different All aloti) tho lino discontented third partyltes arc corning back In largo numbers. This Is particularly truo with regard to tho national tlckot Al llnncemcn will bo found in lino on tho nntlonnl ticket though thoy may sup port their own Btato tlckot Thoy are tired of being mado cat's-paws of by tho democracy, and Blnco tho outrgeous treatment received by Oon. Weaver in Georgia becarao public tho feeling is stronger than over. Tho plan of tho democrats to withdraw their electoral tickets in tho west comes too late to endanger tho chances of republican success." A document was put in circulation to-day from headquarters on a plan of labor bureau of thedcmocratlo national commlttco to keep alive tho story of trouble between Whltclaw Held and typographical unions. President Ken ny, of tho union, denounces tho notion of tho committee and Its mouthpiece, Arthur McSwcenoy. Kx-00V. Iloblo. of Mnlno. Pitllml nnnn Chairman Cnrter and said: "Wo made our light In September, und uro not making nny special effort now, nnd tho indications are that tho inal.irlUpH will bo lurgur than in September. As presi dent oi tno JMntlonal hank of Portland I am In a Position to know thn vlnvv nt bankers generally unon tho nrosont system, and thoy are satisfied and con fident tho ropubllcan party can liandlo nny new complications that mav nrluo. The establishment af mu-nral nmv manufacturing industries In our state has strengthened tho belief In protec tion, nnd further than that It mliU tn growth of our population." lion. .Inlin Ilrtlllnn. nf Ntrrnnnan vn. portcd overvthlnir sutlsfactorv In ecu- A 1 SWS a a ... . inn now xorK. nua considered that notwithstanding thn fnotlnnal flrrht In Onondago county, tho national tlckot would got a bigger majority than In loss, ami men u wns phenomenal. A letter from lllshon J. W. IIm1 t. orcd), from Wakefield, Vn,, to Chair man Cnrter. oxnoscs a. now iIpvIrh nf tho democracy to win tho colored voto In the south by circulating literature to tho effect that oolornil ItMinna liml gono over to tho democracy, and nam ing uisuop isooa as one of tho converts. In his letter tho blshon sulil. umnnc other things: "It wns n political trick to catch colored votes. I know of no Ilishop Hood except mywilf nnd, provl donco nnrmlttlni'. I Mm II vntntlu. tlMrnt headed by licnjumin Harrison. I havo voxeu tno republican ticket over slnco I had tho rlorht to exercise thn fnuichlKo. and sco no reason to change now. I am opposed to wlul-cat money, free trade nim ireo surer, una shall, therefore, continue to voto ns I always have." Congressman J. C. Ilurrows, of Michi gan, said that ho considered tho out look In the west especially promising; that there had beon a great revolution In favor of republicanism in certain states, particularly and notably In Wis consin, which, whllo considered doubt ful a short time since, he luis now become convinced will give Harrison 25,000 ma jority. In his own Btato, Michigan, ho is satisfied tho democrats will not se cure moro than thrco of tho fourteen electors, and probably not that many. Nevada ho considered tho only westei'n state tho republicans would lose. Re garding New York, which ho said was tho lurgest manufacturing state in tho union, ho said he hud made four speeches yicro and had been received by Im mense nudlcnccs, and they wore attend ed by lnrgo numbers of democrats, who always remained until the close. He considered that business Interests ulone, aside from politics, would comblno to prevent tho overthrow of tho state's in dustrial supremacy, nnd that ho failed to seo how uny business man can afford to voto tho domoemtic ticket nnd inau gurate a rolgn of free tntdo and wild cat money. From hit ceneral observa tions ho was satisfied that from tho I standpoint of business Interest nlono tho Empire Stuto could bo looked upon as safo for tho republican ticket Ueiniirrut Ho volt. Thoro is a revolt ainonir tho lcadlnor democrats of Denver from tho plan of , fusion laid down, and many prominent iiium iiavu mreiuiy iii-uiuroil inat, 08 DO- tween Weaver and Harrison, they will voto for Harrison. Mayor Rogers, whoso popularity Is shown by tho fact that he overcame a republican majority of 5,000 nnd was elected by 3,000 major ity, says he will not only voto for Hurrl non, but advises his friends to do so. D. K. Mullen, tho largest mill owner In the state; J. J, llelthman, a millionaire druggist, and George Tritch, a million aire hardware man, all life-long demo crats, announce tholr Intention of vot ing for tho republican electoral ticket. Itrraklnfc- It Uently. Anxious Parent Julius has boon taking lessons a whole year now, pro fessor, and I should like to know how he is progressing. Do you think he has a good ear for music? Musical Instructor Your son, mad am, has a very or shnpely car one of tho most shapely cars, madam, I havo ever seen. Chicago Tribune, "Does poetry pay?" asked tho young man. "Yes," replied tho editor. "You see, most poots send stamps for tho re turn of rejected manuscript" ''Of course." "Well, I keop tho stamps." Washington Star. &&,. JlV.'. .i j itotmjZjwte cava M'ianimi.v ' jjsaMmrmaiw iMwr:mtwan w, unuioy--' M'KINLEY TALKS. ShnLviT' .h.' ?.'pI rt ,h" h,a Tlk Money and Vtb Huntac Uty-IIU Ttlewaon the Currency , -!,. n ri,i. nd Other (jnentlnss. tectlon at Chlea;o. Gov. McKJnlcy, of Ohio, npoko to',A ln.rff0 a"-Ience greeted Senator thousands at Kansas City on the oven , n Shcrmatl. ot Ohio, nt Central Mtt Ing of the 24th. After expressing hli "lo, UM' Chicago, on tho night of Hat gratMcatlon at meeting so many ped- ur1ay, October 22, ou which occasion plo of tho west and tho duty of every V.2aidallTe,2 Jf" !ml,Jr " American citizen In tho npproachlng ,8,Ter an,dL Wildcat Currency," con contest, Mr. McKlnloy sntd: eluding with a strong Indorsement of No third party will suoiood this year, If ever. l'e D'11, During the course of Either the ropubtlcun potty or tho demoeratio his remarks Mr. Sherman said: party will ho clothed lihthetonirolof federal affair on November B next So all that Is left for the poople to do Is todetcrralno which party represents his principles and view and convic tions nnd Jud( tents of proper government, and thcrt cast his ballot with that party whleh meets his IdoaL Thero aro two strlklwt questions In the plaiforms before tho people this year. I' Irst, the question of the abolition of tho ten per cent tax on stale banks In congresssomo several years agou MM w,s Introduced and psssod placing a tax of tn per cent on all stato bunks of tho country. This tax was not for rovenuo, but It was ihe avowod purpose at that tlmo Unit the stato bunks go out, and not for tho state banks to come la Tho result was tint tho stato banks did go out and greenbacks citno Into clrcul uloa It Is now declared alter thirty years that the ten per cent, tax must go and the state banks bo rehabilitated, and thoio uncertain notes of tho banks be again the tno dlum of curroncy. Tho governor then reviewed tho his tory of "wild-cat" currency in former days, contrasting it with the sound cur rency under tho present system, and continued: If thoro li anything that shduld sianl sacred anduntompcrod.wlth It Is the currency of a country. Nothing Is so hard on the poor peo ple of a countrv as a debased currency: the rich niun can take csro ot himself and the man of poMUon and power Is but llttlo affoctcd If a currency dopreclates, but It Is the poor man on whom tho heaviest burden and the heaviest blow falls. There are but few of the old men ot M!ourl who have not In their possession somo of tho wildcat currency, now worthies but for which thoy at one time paid 1 00 cents on tho dollar. When a man rcIIs his wheat and his labor ha should havo I0J cents on the dollar for It It Is tho poor people of tho country who nro Interested In this mono question. The currency of n country should bo as national as Us tug, and as sacred as Its Institutions. Our currency Is good not only under our own flag, but under ovcry commercial flag of tho world. The troublo with tho demoeratio party, which proposes to go buck to old a talc bank money, has always been that they want to go backwards Thoy have always been going backwards. Thoy aro not ablo to see tho light and sunshlno; thoy can only seo tho sight and darkness They not only want to go back to tho ttnto-bcllum currency but want to go back to tho llrltish frco trade. Now tho British manufacturers pay their holp piuper wages In good money, but this democratic party pro poses to go them one batter. It declares thut In token of Its friendship towards tho laboring man. It will cut hts wages down to tho llrltish frcu trudo scalo and then beat them by paying them In wild-cat currency. Tho speaker thon gavo an illustration of the difference between a demoeratio revenue tariff and a republican pro tective tariff, and continued: This tariff has been In oDcratlon now about eighteen months, and wo know what It will do by what It has dono In tho last twclvo months. In all tho history of our oouutry wo havo never had itucb foreign commerce as In that time. It has reached the highest water mark. Tbo Pltty-tlrst congress was called tho "billion dollar congress " It was a billion eight hundred and ninety million dollar congress. Wo sold abroad il,03,000,0J0 worth of tho products of our farms and factories, etc Two hundred and thirty millions In gold was paid ut the end of this your by Knglund as tbo difference botwecu what wo sold to her and what wo bought of her. It Is Just like an Individual. It be takes In more than ho sells ho Is out at tho end of tbo your, but If ho sells moro he la prosperous and ahead at tho end of tho ycurt ' Tha.v say reciprocity Is a sham. It will be suntclrnt to say that reciprocity has opened up for us trade with llrazll, l'orto Itlco und other countries by which our commcrco has been ln creased moro than .K.V'U,io per annum. Iluf thoy say tho tariff Is unconstitutional. That Is usually tho last cry of tho demoeratio party hen tup alter everything clso has fulled, tho last appeal and tho flag of surrender. Why, tho llrst cougreos vo uvor had sat to tlcviso u first tariff for tho now countrr. James Madison, nfitrwnrd president. Introduced u bill that pro ponod a s v atom of tariff, flitch was unanimous ly yusoJ by that body, und lu that bill wcro proUslons for. tho protection of tho American l"opla Hut thoy say you cau't mako tin plate. Can't make tin plutef Why, this Yankeo oopla can mako anything they want to mko. They said you couldn't make steel rails and silks and woolens and carpets and watches and many other things, but wo uro now making all ot them and many moro under tho republican pro toctlvo tariff, and we mako them as good as they nro mado anywhere in tbo world. Our watches, which thoy said wo could not make, aro to-day tho best In tho world, and aro In uso und ticking Hall Columbia all otor tho world to-day, Ilut what Is this tin plato they talk so much about? Ntuety-soven per cent, of It Is Iron and 3 per cent. U tin, and yet thoy say ho can't butho this sheet ot steel In tin. Wo now havo over thirty factories In this country and I saw atone ot them, just a few dars ago, as lino steel plato and tin as is mado uny place In a factory In tho world. 1 saw them tuko stool from my stato, put It through the process, and then saw ltcomo out us bright us any over inadu in Swunsoi, Wales, and lsuw with It hundreds of happy homes und wives and mothers and children, 'lho democrats call this politics It so, Us the kind of politics I want and that I want to doroto my life to. Krco trada lovuls down; protection levels up When Knglaud will pay their pooplo up to tho sumo piano us ours: pay their laborers us much as wo pay our laborers, wo will mcot tbt-m and surpass them, for ours is as goo! us theirs, und tho muutlng will bo tbo survival ot the tit test Hut wo qho them nollco that wo'll never bring our condition don n to theirs. Wo will uot level down to Hum: thoy must level up to us. Htnijaniln ItarrUon has given us ono ot tho bust administrations we ever had. Ills domestlo )ollov has been wlso and conterva tlvo. Ills foreign policy has been vigorous and American. It was his administration which fjnnt t l.f.1 InAuu it A In f f k.if run nnttrt t whlnt. sent this message to n foreign country which mado a demund upon in: 'Tho. United States has never vet taken orders from a foreign countrv und It duos not proposo to begin now." Ills a good thing to know what our enemies want, und tagoand do the other thin;. Thero Is not a country of Europe that docs not want Cluveland elected. Ihere Is not ono which does not want Harrison defeated. And no won der. Tho election of Cleveland" would mean the possible oponlnj ot our markets to tho unre strained luflux of foreign goods. Tho election of Harrison means encouragement to tho Amer loau laborer and workman, protection to him and bis. Voto then for thsso principles, for those which you think aro best for tour home, for your family, for your business and for your country. When you do this, two weeks from to-morrow, Ilarrlson nnd lield will be triumph antly chosen to preside over tho destinies of this great country for another four years. An American AtMoonilar. London, Oct. 35. "Dr." Hale, wh was arrested at llolfust on tho charge of fraudulent prnctlcos and who waa ; talcen to Liverpool to answer, waa ur rnigned before a police magistrate thoro yesterday, lie was remanded. Tho press association says unit uo ausconu ed front Colorado. I'eiHTsylvaiila "treason." -,- ni oi SUNBUHY, To., Oct, 25,Slx tramps mude an attack on thu town of Milton und attempted, to murder F. 13, G Inter and burn down his store becauso he re fused them groceries, A po'sso of citi zens, with the asslstunco of the chief ot police, captured them. M. J . tOAi. a.... vk"W! SHERMAN ON THE ISSUES. I "There l iv contest In this country, not be tween small pa'tiM, but between great parties. Itnkoltthat lb this Intelligent audience It Is not necessary for mo to discuss the temperance party or the farmers party. Tho best tompor nnce party Is tho Individual conscience of each citizen and Inhabitant of tho United states. As for tho farmers' party, tho republican party has been tho farmers' party, as well as tho people's party, siuco tho beginning of Its orjfanliatlon "The controversy is between tho two, the demoeratio sjid republican parties, as they havo named themselves. Tho demoeratio party has n very popular name. It means n govern ment through tho people Hut tho republican party his u still morn popular name. It Is a government by tho leprcscntntlvrs of the peo ple, nnd that name expresses moro distinctly the truo nature of our government than tho tiame democratic. Hut tho demoeratio party hos forfeited for moro than thirty years the very nnmo of tho democratic party, and ought now to bo christened the confederate democraey of Atnirica. "Now, ono Issuo between these two parties Is whether tho pcoplo of tho United States, the tnost practical pcoplo among tho nations of tba world, aro willing tt abandon tho national cur rency which has be-n established by the repub lican 'party tutha form ot United States botas and treasury notes und silver certificates and gold cortlllcatcs, all of equal value, not only In tho country of lho United States, but all orer the civilized world. Whether wo will abandon this form ofcurrcroy and rcvlvo again the old currency of our tatters, tho red do abln plastors of thirty cr forty years ago. This Is ono of tho questions. Another of the questions Is whether wo will nuthorlro any holder of 37H4 grains of silver, worth In tho msrkots nboutM cents, to go to the treasury of the United Stairs or to tho mint, nnd there demand a dol lar: or If wo cannot coin tho dollars fast enough to demand your note, tho noto of tho people of the United States, for II. when tho purchasing power of the silver In that dollar Is but sixty tlvo cents. Or whether on thu other hand, wo will buy that silver at Its market price, coin It ns It Is needed by tho people of tl.u United States, and maintain It ut the standard of gold in all tho markets ot thn world. That is tho second quot Hon. Tho third question that also u fleets your Interests Is whether, In levying duties on Imported goods from which wo derive tho chief source of our revenue, wo should be guided alone by tho mcro obtaining of revenuo for tho support of tho government, or whether, In addition to that, wo should seek to diversify, increase and mug. ntfy and Improve the domestic Industries of our country, and lo protect the labor of our people ngninst undue competition ahroad. "Now, gentlemen, these questions uro to be submitted to you. They nro as distinctly do llnidby thojplatforms of tho two parties as ever u coso was presented In tho supremo court of tho United States. Tho sides aro drawn and you nro to determine, it V.e, cannot submit this qm at Ion to lawyers or to courts or to congresses, but alter all the llnal settlement must'bo determined by men like you, or twclvo million others llko you, all of whoiri ought to bo armed with an equal vote, but I fear In some places that will nut bo tho ease. ' "Now, I want to discuss theso questions as briefly r.s possible, In tho simplest form of the English Innguagp. Tako the tlrot question. Tho question Is presented by the demoeratio plat form. It Is contained .la two lines, vory simple llttlo proposition. Now, let me read It to you: Wo icoommend that tho prohibitory 10 per eent. tax on Btato circulation be re pealed. Well, now, at tho llrst outlook of that simple resolution It would seem thut a tax cf 10 per cent, on uny kind of circulation would bo n very hoavy tax. and tho plain farmer would say: -Thot Is too much tir. Why .not 3 per 'cent, orl poreontl' lho answer Is, tnycoun-trym'-n, that that tax wns levied In tho midst of war, In order to drlvo out of uxLstcnco and cut tho throat of this syatem of stato bank paper money, which had ruined tho country over and ovrrugiln, and Involved It in trouble. It would Bioko It tmiKissltile for stato liauks to cantlnuo In existence, und why wos that? Why, my countrymen, under tho constitution of tho United States tho utntes aro prohibited from emitting bills of credit, and bills of credit nro suppoMd to be nny form or money to bo circu lated as money. It forbids also that thoy snotiiu maiio anything but gold and silver a legal tender In piyracnt of debts. That Is tho provision. "When I coino to discuss tho noxt question I sometimes grow.tmpallcnt. I say thcrclsbutone solution of this question. One of them is sought by tbo president of tho Unlb-d State,, by Hon Janiln Harrison, by what Is called a commission to atiitrtuln whether or nolun adjustment could not bo mado between tho great nations ot tho world, either by providing u new ratio, and forming ns far us posslblo a uniform ratio, or. If that could not bo agreed upon, to ngreo upon what modo und manner and how far each nation will mulnulii Its silver up to tho standard of gold, and thus havo what Is called tho 'doublo Blandurd' of silver and gold. "Now, I don't know whether this will bo n suc ctss I hope It m vy be. Hut ono thing I know that If It falls, then you business men have got to meet thin uroiiotilttnn! Vnti Inin r-iW h.n f to stand upon a silver standard und banish our gold to foreign lands or do tho othor thing, whleh I uui In favor of.uud thatls to put enough silver In the sliver dollar to mako It equal In value to Dm t;old dollar. Thrio hundred and seventy-ono und u quarter grains Is not enough becauw) that Is only sixteen times tho number of grains In the gold dollar. Hut if .171 Is not enough, put in IS), uud mako It an honest dol lar. If thut Is not enough put In K grains "Hut our demoeratio friend Buys: Tho dollar will bo too big. Then coin them Into half dol. lurH und quarter dollars and somo other forms, und then tlity won't bo too big. Hut tho trouble with nemo of theso men and th it Is tholr ob Ject in objecting lo a big dollar that thoy want a llttlo dollar. Thev uro small peopte. They want to pay honest debts with u small dollar. "I know, my countrymen, tl.o party of tho pcoplo of this country has b u tho republican party. For years lho homestead law was de layed longer, und lougcr, und longer, and tho democratic party had tho power nnd two demo eratio presidents vetoed it when It passed ion grcs. When tho republicans camo Into power . . .. .... " it was passed nnd tho namo of Abraham Lincoln Is signed to It; and a million laboring men have gono out and established tholr homes and thoy could not havo dono so without It. This pro toctlvo system I havo mentioned that has dl V rallied our Industries, built up our manufac tures, is tho result ot tho labor of the repub lican party founded upon tho Morrill tariff bill. To show the progress made: In IbM our man ufactures wero comparatively unimportant. Our mining wus vory little indeed: and now, thank Oodl thank tho republican party! thank tho great men who have managed those things! our country Is now pot only the great est farming country In the world, producing more ot tho cereals than uny other country, but It is tho greatest mining country In the world, and tho gross aggregato of our mining products Is as high as that of uny tiro of, tho nations of tho world. It is the greatest manufacturing country la the world. Vby, this city Itself Is tho best evidence I can bring before the poople of Chicago to show what has been the result of tho protective policy of tho United States that has built up and diversified and fostered nil branches of Industry. Now, my countrymen, let us look at the gen eml principles for 1 do not Intend to discuss the details of tho tariff tonight. What Is tho general Idea of tho tariff? Wo put u duty on foreign goods which come Intooorn petition with our own Industries. To thu extent ot that duty our own Industries are proteutod against for- ' "T. ":"' "' f. '".:,i,..'!1uv J'""on pojuiusnuruisu I'uiuinjiiuoiu oi lor inoDenent of tho copltaltst. Ho can mauigo his money whether he has It or not Not for tho rich man. If ho cannot Invest In one thing ho can )n another. Hut lho sole busts nnd foundation of this protcctlvo policy Is that by levying these duties on Imported goods which aro not levied on iomvilla goods we are enabled te pay our labor I ing men In thin country fair and just wages for honest labor. Cur laboring men need not, ought not, and I trust to Clod novcr will be reduced to tbo condition to which they nro reduced In tho most favored nations of Europe. The labor ing men hero nro citizens, the equals of any thetottlost and proudest In the land. Thoy havo every right to vote that anyone has, and I would not trust tho superstructure of tho re public upon tho basis of a dissatisfied popula tion of laboring men. Thoy must feel that they nro fairly considered in the raco Of life. They must not only have enough to supply their wants, but they must have enough to educato their children and glvo them that advantago in the raco ot llfo: so that now wo seo In tho de velopment ot our country that the sons of the poor attain tho highest positions In tho land. Lincoln was a specimen, (lo to the sennto chamber and sco thoro who make their mark In that deliberate body. You will Ond thoy started In tho race of life as poor as any man here. So all around Look at the great men ot your city. Thry slartod poor, and by improving their opportunities and chances In llfo they havo ntulcod suoccss and wealth. This la open to all. "Sometimes I know that tho results of protec tion and tbo mode of dividing the result of pro tection are sometimes very dlftcult te attain. Whether sometime the employer gets more than his share or not, I do not know. I suppose so. Hut how can we help this? I wish to God I wos wlso enough to sny. There will always be controversies between employers and em ployed as to tho division of theproduot ot labor. Hut after all, these aro to be settled In bobm peaceablo and qulst way: and I trust a genius will somo time nrise in our domestio polloy that will bo wIho enough to point out some modo of arbitration by which all these controversies bo tweon tho laborers and their employers may bo settled without strikes nnd violence. I hope the tlmo will como when tho general feeling of our pcoplo will demand and Insist uponsuoha settlement: and until then we must drift along as wo havo boen doing. Certain it is, the labor ing men of our country ore In a far higher con dition than the laborers of nny other country. That is tho reason they como from all lands hero. Thot Is the reason why every one there gets an Idea ot thn United States, and those who como hero with industry and thrift have planted themselves In all these states on farms nnd homesteads and they havo built up the manufactures In those states. "Now, fellow citizens, whllo we levy duty on goods that come into competition with us, we gradually havo Introduced Into our system a larger free trade than has over been propund or adopted by the demoeratio party. And here is a tact that Is not sufficiently brought to the attention of tfitolllgent pooplo as to the present tariff. Wo hava now admitted free of duty fifty-live per coat, moro than one-half, of all tho Imported goods Into this country. vMiyf Hecauso they uro articles which wo cannot pro duce In this country, like sugar, tea, coffco nnd spices und various other urtlclcB, and thorcforo tho present tariff selects out these articles which wo cannot produce and admits them freo of duty, becauso tho tax upon those articles which wo cnunot produce is a tax upon tho con sumer. Hut, upon the other hand, wo say that ns to articles that wo can produce wo will put such n reasonablo rate of duty upon them ns will comix-nsato for the difference of labor In this country uud In thu country of its produc tion. And that Is not all. I say to you thaUus n republiian-a 'black republican,' ns they used tocullmosomollmes I would uot bo in favor of any duty whatever upon any srtlclo brought Into competition with our industries, except enough to cover tho dlffcrcnco between tho rata of wagos there and here." "OATH" ON THE SITUATION. Us Opinion on the Itesultorthe Preside, ttml Kleetlon. Geonro Alfred Townsen.!. tVm tvOi. known loui-imllst. knnun as nntv, has been interviewed as to the proba ble result of the presidential election. He RUVS that In his onlnlnn Ur llnn.1. son will bo elected easier this tlmn tl.nn before. Asked what he bated his rn. lief on he replied: "Tho condition of tho country is highly prosperous, and it is duo to the business ranlim nt m. publican legislation. Whenever we have the republicans in power every band and heart takes courage. "Tho democratic party never has nny hope except In panic and disaster. Its enndidute, Cleveland, is only hoard from In criticism, whllo Harrison's ut terances are all congratulation. Tho one le a hectoring nud monotonous critic; tho other n constructive und sug- trOStlvO Spirit. Tho ono rrlvon vnn a holplug bund; tho other a mess of dog matic conceit, "The lottcr of Ilarrlson la Irrefutable in facts. He was a brave soldier and sees things with fortltudo; tho other sent a substitute to tho war, though he had no chick nor wlfo dependent up'on him, und he sees everything like a ske daddler. "Mr. Harrison belongs to tho typo of men like William the Silent nnd Wash ington and Qrnut, whoso wisdom re atrains their effusiveness, who watch and wait and leurn. Tho domocrntio party, always riding backward, nover Bees a great man till It hits passed him. "Gen. Harrison has been a Ann sup porter of tho lessons ho has learned. As his grandfather overthrow Jackson's pet, Van Huron, the grandson will bury this preposterous Cleveland, who is n fat and feeble pupil of Calhoun. The story of Cleveland's ono term Is: 'Ho is not ns bud as his party.' Hut ho is a demagogue, if with u different lot of questions from other demagogues." Chicago Tribune. STILL WORRIED. Demoeratio Antics Over CummUsloner Pmik'n rtcport. The mugwump division of tho demo cratic party Is inpklly getting into Its tin plate mood with rcgurd to Commis sioner Peck. That is to say, It is about reudy to tlony, first, that Peek's figures uro truo; hecond, that Peck over had any figures, und third, in cuso of ex tremity, that thero is any such person as Peck. Tho mugwumpocrntto nowspapcra have beon doing their utmost ever since Peck's report appeared to get from manufacturers some figures of facts thut would contradict those given by tho commissioner. Fulling in this, they are now "proving" that the figures cun't possibly bo true, in tho same way thoy "prove" that no tla' plate Is mudo in tho United Stutcs, that is, by refusing to believe any evi dence whatsoever, meantime vocifer ating with nil their might what they wish their constituents to believe. Such tactics us these nro simply mak ing the persons who uso them ridicu lous. Mr. Peck's figures are correct, and all the calamity howlers cannot muke people believe they are not N. Y. Mail and Express. PT'Tho party platform In all Ita esfientlal particulars must be deemed to be the Infallible party guide," said Senator David H. lllll in his Brooklyn speech. Tho democratic platform la a free trudo plaform, and Senator Hill must tight for frco trade whllo he ad vooates tho election of Cleveland- Chicago Inter Ocean. yix SJ.a r? ' b V v1, M 74 M h 't, if. i - q i as si a. aimapn wsi r i ii i i i - - fc n i - - - - --- -.-. i m i ., - -.-. aaaMPT---ii-. i i, LT-"LTJJfta.TJ. i-vffrJiai.J TT.Zr7.ZZZTiaiw7'nL.: . ,""' t(wmMwmmmL , i&miimmammmmmmm Wj l