The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1892, Image 8

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J 9
1 Few poopto havo Buffered moro poverty
from dyspepsia than Mr. E. A. JIcMnlion, n
well known roccr of Staunton, Va. If o sayst
Ilcforo 1878 1 was In cxecllcnt licaltli, welsh
ing oTcr'soo pounds. In that year nn ailment
dcroloned Into ncuto dyspepsia, and soon I
was reduced to 102 pounds, suffering burning
sensations Intho stomach,
,ialpftail6n of tho 'heart,
nausea, and Indigestion.
could not sleep, lost nil
heart In my work, had fits ot mclahclriMa, hint
(or days nt a tlmo I would Iiaro welcomed
death. I becamo morose, sullen and IrnltoMo,,
and (or eight years 11(0 was kjjurdei 1 trlqJ
many physicians and many remedies'. One day
a workman employed by mo suggested that
I tako mm Hood's
iras Suffering &
wlto of " dyspep
sia. I did so, and beforo taking tho wholo of
n bottlo I began to (col like a new roan, Tho
tcrrlhlo pains to which I had been subjected,
ceased, tho palpitation of tho heart subsided,
my stomach becamo easier, nausea disap
peared, and my rntlro system began to
tonoupj With returning
strength camo activity of
mind and body. Ilcforo
tho fifth bottlo was taken
8 Years
I had regained my former weight nnd natural
condition. I nm today well and I oscrlbo It
to Liking Hood's Borsaparllla.;;
K. I). It you dccldo to tako'f food's Sarta
parllla do not bo Induced to btyr tuiy other.
Mood's Sartaparllla
Setdbyalldruggtsts. HislxforSJ. I'reparcdonly
by C. LHOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mm.
100 Doses On Dollar
If so It will bo to your Interest to ship to tha
Kansas City atook Yards.
I give your shipments
their personal atten
Hon, keep you posted
by wire or pa'per;
furnish you money
at reduced rates.
Cheapest over offered In litis
Straight H per cent Annual. In
tcret with option.
Straight 7 la per csint Hciul.
'Annual Interest with emtlon.
1 Loans made 5 1.3 perVjont liy
paying cash commission ot" 1 1.3
percent. J. II. BAILEY,
Bed Cloud, Neb.
Ofllce under F M Bank,
FitUM raid.
Wmu ted t or I Years
Agists Wl. Stai far Teraui
jovm of BDiaKimoir, iig-tea, .x,
l'LANTATION: 1100 acres, BOO In cultivation.
Rood OKlmul. 0 room rcsldrnci1, storo building
as40, a stntlcs lilchi V burns, uoxTU nndtozsu.
Iron roofed; cribs. sUblvs. etc.. VI tenant
bouses, kIii nnd grist mill, bntlnnter power;
bounded on two sides by a splendid Mrrmn,
land s licit nnd productlxoatstlstlsslppl bot
tom, lino timber, pnro n liter, healthy situation.
loo acres, CO In cultivation, orchard, small
homes, etc. All good land, l'ricu, St.SO per
ono acres, .too In cultivation. Tlio best farm In
Fulton county. On II no stream, sol Drst-clas
ma acres of farmland, dwelling house, and a
stOPK l luwelry. nnd town property in the
town ot Mammoth Hprlngs, ArknusaH, for real
estate lu or around lied Cloud, for further In
formation on above property address,
Mtimmoth Springs, Ark.
Or D. B. 8PAN0GLE,
Kcd Cloud, Neb.
' W. W Wright
Has a lino lino of
Heating and Cooking Stoves!
nd is Boiling bo low tlutt all can alVord to buy.
If you do not consult him before buying.
Webster Go.
.1. II. UA1LEY, Abstracter and ff'roprlclor. -
Accurate Abstracts Promptly Furnished rurally Lands in Webster
county. A complete and Accurate set ol" Abstract books
and n glOOOO bond tiled Titli county Jmlt;o insures sail,
For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or some
good Bargains in Real Estate, call on
Miisn crMiiiK
&-aw &
2&OZS. FOR 2B?
Absolutely Pure JustTryIt.
PENCIL, tips.
Miss Jcnnio lllalnc, of Cowlos,
started for' tlio Jaoutli lubt tveole, to
pond tlio Win lor with licr brother in
'ForljjJVotOi, Tns. j 4
m. nnft Mj Af S. Clarsli nnd
youngest daughter, of Hod Cloud,
startoi Saturday evening to stiend
tho wiotor in California. Mr. Marsh
gocn for his licaltli.
Kov. J, 1). INiHs loft lied Cloud
Monday notiiing for Grand Island to
attend a Hoard mooting of the ColWgo
at that place. From Micro ho visits
his family at Kearney,
Mrs. Brskcfleld is so aflliotcd with
rheumatism that sho may bo unable
to attend tho National WOT U 'at
Denver this week. Mrs. F. S. Sher
wood and Mrs. 11. A. Harbor, aowoVcr
may attend fr,om this oity. ' . . ,
W. II. Patterson, or Campbell, 'has
roccived in full nil tho premiums
aworded him at tho Webster county
Fair. Ho took first premium on best
hill of corn, two first premiums on
fruit and two Hccond premiums on
There s no bottor medioino for
family list ban Aycr h Cathartic Pills
Tlioir Rugai .vating makes them easy
and oycn agr. esblo to Inke, and as
they contain no calomel or other in
jurious drug, thoy ro perrcolly, safo
for pntionts of any ois.
A pointer to young men con''m
platint; marriago is to got fitted out at
Wicncr'ii Golden Kuglo. Wedding
outfits a speoialty.
tt. E. POND,
Convoynnccr, llcnl l'atatc,
Lohiin, IiiNurnnce, and Icn-
slon Agent.
orFici: ovrjtfiioii:.sriELD8
Kcd Clutid, AlehriaAn.'
I especially invito you to unll on me for
anything in my lino. Loitus made on
farm proporty nt 8 por sent. Insurant)
in tho best oompnuiett
II. E. PO.D.
Notice ol L.CUHU or School Lands
Notice Is lioreby clvcn that tlio leases and
contracts on tlio follow Inn described school
lnndslinvo been canceled uv tlio board nf edn
catlnunl lands and funds, nnd If not reinstated
by payment or delliniiienc Interest or lease
rental duo. said hinds will hn offered for lease
by tlio County Treasurer of Webstnr ootinty at
10 o'clock u. m. mi the uid day ot November:
V(i iiwuioa-aw.
Ixit a In w)i no lot o In nuU soU
Uit 7 lu sH se! lot 4 In so uv)i and se!i ne!i
NW1-4 3IIUO.
ww. to in.
84 ncl 4 and sol-1 JO 2 IS.
W4 so 3fl 1 10.
V.'i sel-4 30 1 10.
!W 1-4 liu 1-1 10 1 11.
H) i so 1-4 and nu 1 4 ho t-l 30 2 r.'.
NWsel-4 01 10.
Nl:t-4M1 ID
8 1-2 sw 1 4 tiw H sw 1-4 and o 1-2 nw 1-4 and
IIW 1-4 110 1-4 1021'.'.
hi: 1-4 a 2 io.
8W 1-4 UW 33 1 0.
I-ot U 111 sw sw 711).
Dated at Lincoln KebrasUu, Oct. 3rd, 1802.
A. It. llUMl'lllllV,
Tom. Hubllo Lands nnd uildlngs
Abstract Office
F&X fik HNS Hal Btm
Ilgher Tax, tower Wages, Moro ru-
per, Smaller Marines Deposits and
Oreatsr Jfutlonnl Debts In Enclaml
Than In ttia United States.
tSpeclal Correspondence.
Washdjoton, Oct. 17. Do tho peoplo
wae ate clamoring for froo trmlo over
eowparathe co-dltlonsof tho pact nnd
presets of this country With the ono es
sential f re trade eonntry of the world
feng land? If not, It might bo a good
thing for them to do so. Ibavobeen
wokiag lato the question a little of lato
assl oosaparing the conditions in this
eeurtry aad in free trade Great'BriUln.
Bare are sosne of the things whioh Z ind:
J Tae aannal tax collected from tho peo-
J la by the government of free trado
treat Britain is 119,80 peV capita whllo
UM ef tae United States Is less than $0
per capita.
i The deposits in savings banks nvOreat
BrHfcia aaaomat to 180VOOO.OOQ, or ,'vo
ftaUars per capita, while those in 'the
aattaga baaha of the United States
aas sstl
ap,iiB,QT0l7Ml or tvrenty-uve
STCsat sM
Tka aaaastat of money ia circulation
tf Qnat Britain U $17.00 pa caplt
MaUs) tin atmotiBt In circulation In tho
Uaitaa 8taa la fSQLU per astpttn. Iu
st taara la acarcel a conqtry of any
bssortaQoa on tfca nap of tha world
.Wgloh liaa m largo an amotlnt of money
oat oaaita as has the United States,
j Tha national dobt of Great Britain
amoanta to $60 foreaoh.todlvidual la
kr population, while that) of the United
fitatatarnoaatato flO for cocnindrddual.
tho anattal interest charge npon tho
public debt in Oreat Britain is 3.85 por
capital the annual interest charge upon
thepuulcdsbtinthe United States is
85 centS per capita.
Great Britain, under her frco trade
Sstam, has deorensed her pnblio dobt iu
a last thirty-aw) years $60,000,000;
(the Ualted Btates nnder protection, has
decreased her pofjllo dobt in twonty-fivo
years $1,C31,0(KX)0.
In free tradfi Great DfiWln thoro is
1 panpet for tvery 00 individuals, and
1 person in tovery 13 receives moro or
lass parish asipport; in protective United
States thereIs 1 pauptr for every C18 in
habitants. ( Tha "feasance of trado" is hundreds of
muuons or aouars against ureas Britain
every yar. Under her vaunted frco
trade she imports vastly more than ebo
sells. Her exports last year amounted
to $1,00,000000 In round numbers, nnd
her imports amounted to $2,100,000,000,
making a balance on tho "wrong aldo of
'the ledger of $806,000,000. Our exports
last year wcro $1,009,835,620, and our
imports were t&tt7,UDl,284, thus giving
us ababuico of $202,014,813 om the'rig)it
side ox the Zeflger."
Tha balsmeeof trado was $S00,O00,000
against free trade Great Britain last
year, while it -was $200,000,000 in favor
of protected Utaited States.
In tho last ton years our exports havo
exceeded our imports by $700,883,814.
In that tlmo tho exports of Great Britain
have fallen $9,010,000,000 bolow her im
ports. In other words, In tho decade
just ended proUotivo Unitod States lira
m balance of over $700,000,000 on tho
right aide of the lodger, while froo trade
Great Britain, whoco "commerco rules
the world," shows $8,010,000,000 on tho
wrong side of the ledger.
I In free trade Great Britain bricklayers
Set $1.17 per day; In protected United
tates, $8 per day; carpenters in Great
Britain get $1.28 per day; in tho United
tates, $3.85 per day; in free trade Great
Britain engineers geb$1.40per day; in
the United States, $0.23 per day; in
Great Britain machinists get $1.20 pur
day; In the United. States, $3.00 per day;
In Great Britain compositors set 12 cents
per thousand ems; In tho United States,
0 cents per thousand; in Great Britain
shipbuilders get $8 por week; in tho
United States, $10.
i Thus it will be seen that in every par
ticular our condition to better than tluu
of our free trade neighbor. Our com
merce la in infinitely better condition
because we receive hundreds of millions
of dollars moro for our products than
we pay out for tho things wo buy, whllo
the reverse is truowith Groat Britain.
Our public debt is less than one-sixth
por capita that of Groat Britain, whllo
our annual interest chargo is only about
ono-tenth per capita that in Great vBrit
ain. Wo havo decreased our debt iu
85 years &) times aa mnch as Great
Britain has been ablo to decrease her
debt In 85 years. Greata Britain, lias 1
Kupor for every 00 penjons, whilo wo
ve 1 for every 043.
Our government collects from her
people less than $0 per capita of taxes;
that of Great Britain collects from her
people over $13 per capita of taxes. The
deposits in savings Uinks in Great
Britain averago $5 pop capita of tho
population; thoso in tlso United States
averago $35 per capita of population.
The monoy In circulation in Great .Brit
ain is $17.00 per capita, wlrilo that of tho
United States is $25.02 percapita. Wages
iu tho United Statoa nro from 75 to 100
por ent higher tban those paid in G rent
' What good reason is thoro for desiring
to exchango English frco trade for the
protection which gives us these com) I
tions, which in every caso ire bo much
.better than thosoof our British neightxjiV
What business man is thero who lm
seen nis uusuiuas giuw up uuu prus;i'
'under the system which has been i
operation in this country for tho iW
Itbirty yoara who wants to endangor it
steady progress by tlio ndoptlou of
system which compares so uufavoml
with our own in its results?
O. P. Austin
Republicans shoulil not forst thut I) i
are elftit states lu which tho ;lim.'.l
four years as;it v.asless than a, 500 hii.; ,
somo cases less than 1,000. Tho rct
'elbllliy for euccewor defeat rst on j ...
'hullvUval activity? Tote, ansl see '
fea aslahlNtrs do So.
Somo Iuiiortant Sticgoitloni Ulil li t i
Oermitn Voter Will Itcafl t hi
Muiijt I'romliient Oertuau-Ainrrliui.
Tho following letter nddrf"ed to '.'
voters of Ocrmnn descent" li.t-t In" u i '
sued by a largo number of leading t '-i
umn-Ainorlcan citlzona of Now Yft:
ItccncnLlnit the great cotuuitrdnl ninl hi
dtistrial Importaooe of tho approaclilm: ? 1
rtcntlal election to our adopted fathf rlnml. m l
bolnit fully convinced that the llrpulili, i
pnrty not only represents the beat IntvnI.
thunntlnn, but Is ever most Mtivoljr vii.ti.ii
to further them, the undersigned clileii nl
Oermaa descent hare constituted luemaclt.
a comjilttes to work for the election nf tin
standard bearers of that party. We lutv i.
active coaneotloa with polities, but as clilsen.
and business mea who realise that the pros
perity of this country Is dus t the wine rm.
oerclal poUct of the Itepabllean party, rr
consider It our duty to sire enertetlo exprri
slot to our convictions, and to oppose the vst-ur
thooTles of tho free traders, which bate im
substantial basis In faot.
Tlrt Itepabllean party has, tra to its trwlt
tlona, loolarel IU1( for the protsotiooof ntir
Industries and for honest tnoDej-. Tb lie n.i
cratto partr has declared ttaslf for uullnilltd
free trada and for a ratura to that dangcroii.
system of stata banks which la tlssas past M
fectedour commerta sx'dairstaaslr. It wan
th email boalaeM auts aad tmsferasaaa wn
weraobjetli- tajtmd by that aftjuss, and It U
theco men who will to tbor4 U It U relntr.
Uoth froa trade and prottaUoa hava bren
safllclentlr tasted. Tha ditaM eosaeantaeo of
the frco trado legislation of 1S98 waa Uo atari.
e4 decline In our national proapatitj-, wlsli b
culminated U tha "great coassarolal ciiat nf
1S0T. Protectloa took tha Dlaoa of UMtarltr
for revonno onlrt the oountir raoovarad, oom
mcrca and indrutrr thrlrad, till la IMS the
UrUT was again redsc6
64 ana us tsrtiM panic
ot 1K7 sh tha result. Atala tha peopla of I be
United .States declared .tor Kotaottoa. The
consdfrie&eo was daveloDinant of all our
national RaoorcM barond the wildest eiper
tatlon and a general prosparitr auch aa the
world had never seen befoa.
Vhcn Orovor OlerelaaA, true to the reac
tionary principles ot tha Dainoeratlo party, dr.
olarcd himself for ttw trad in his messago nf
Ceo. 0, 167, tha poople, mindftfof tha bad ax.
perlonces whish It bad tnsdela thaaastwilh
frco trade, rejected tha Detnocratlo partr and
atfoln lntrnsted tha government of tha nation
to tho Ilepubllcan partr.
Mover was tho balance of trade so favorable
to us as now; nsvar was the prosperity of the
whole country so general; never war the wage
earners so well off.
Tho legislative activity of the Flftr-nrst e;
gressandtbe shameful InacUvlty and Innctr
Ulnty ot tho Flftyecondcongraas snfllelently
Illustrated tho dlffareVea between tha parties.
Both tha presidential cantjdataa have been
tried by tha people; both hare served a fall
presidential term; their administrations belong
to history.
E very reason given la tha year IMS forts
election ot Harrison Is valid today, only tn a
higher degree. Through his firm stand on tha
silver question ho saved tha country from a
great financial crisis.
Disdaining grandiloquent promises aa4 pre
ferrlng to gain the respect of his fallow citi
zens by a blameless administration. President
Harrison bos fearlessly defended the honor,
ntul dignity of tho nation, ana bas cnoa
forced from foreign nations that rsepeot for
tho stars and stripes which had baea almost
entirely lost under Cleveland. Under Presi
dent Harrison civil servlco reform has been a
reality, while his appointments to tha snost
prominent offices aro admitted area by bla
most bitter political enemies to be unassailable.
If we compare with tnis uo administration
ot Q rover Cleveland, wo find that la spite of
bombastla promises of reform la the elvil
service, tho spoilsmen never sine tha days of
Jackson raised their heads so boldly as whan
Graver Cleveland, through Adlat K. Steven
son, deposed 44,000 postmasters who had
honestly and faithfully administered their
ofllces to make room for tho Demoeratlo place
buntors who were to help hla to a second
term of the presidency. Not only has Mr.
Clovcland been untrue to all his pledgee of re
form, but as a matter of faot he Baa aver
yielded to the worst elements of his party
whonover his personal interests were at stake,
and In this very campaign wa And htsa allied
In the closest possible way with Taauaany
Tho lottcr is signed by Dr. William
I Balsor, O. F. Baker, Jnllna Blast, Julius
Blcn, Jr., 8. Bachman, Erall Berolthei
mcr, Blumenthal Bros. & Co., Dr. P. A.
E. Bootzkes, Julius Bruno, Qustay Blum
&'Bros., Henry Brcnnloh, Herraaa Can
tor, Ueorgs Dennerleln, Letopold Deutch
hergor, Alfred Dolgo, Frederick Flao
cus, P. Goepol, William F. GreU, F. W.
Holls. Charles Horn, C. A. G. Inte-
ninnn, Max Jaegerhuber, Gustave L.
Jagor, Gustavo H. Jaeger, Bit. Carl
KaplT, Dr. Hermann Kudlich, Adelph
Kuttroff, William H. Klencko, 8. J.
Lcscin, Lucius N. Littauer, Joseph
Loth & Co., Charles Maurer,
Paul II. Alehlion, Henry Merz, Carl
More, Dr. N. W. Mullor, C. W. Nenllutf,
Gcorgo Ban, William Rolchmsn, Henry
W. F. Schulz, Nicholas Bchultz, Charles
Splitdorf, Charles Stahl, Moritz SeckaL
Ralph Trauf mann, Edward Vorster, Wll
Ham VJgoltus, Dr. II. J. Wackorbarth,
William Wicko, Wurzburger, Gold
cclimhtt & Co,, Henry Zlmmerer; from
Newark, Dr. Edward J. Ill, Fred Rutin
J. L. Kufer, Herman Lehilbsch, Carl
Lcntz, Paul Roder, Carl F, Beltz, Juliu
Stapflf, R. G. Salomon, and from Drool
lyn, Louis Bossert, Herman Liebmam
Charles Naeher, John Ruegcr and H. O
Tlio Australian ballot which now pre
vails In nearly every state except tboie of
the south U not popular with frunr
nnd worlilngmen, uud lias thus kept llmv
sands of Xlepubllcnns nway from the poll
Tho Ilepubllcan leaders should at oura
establish Australian ballot schools, so Unit
every Ilepubllcan voter may be at '.Ho
polls and vote Intelligently.
lltislnnss men should remember that
vote for Cleveland means vote to chuutr
the general business system of the country,
and will certainly result la great bnsln
uncertainties and Irregularities for the
nest four years. DetuocraUo success means
Demoeratlo control of senate, house aud
prcttdency, and full reign of the free trade
If your business has been built sip nr
Us the past thirty jcars a change tu the
tnrlpr system under which It has prospered
would nt least result lu great uncertain'
tl nnd irregularities la the next foui
years. Your vote and that of your ho
qimlutancev may decide the condition tit
our business tn th near future,
t;cpubllcansshould remember that
ato, states having seventytve eleotoil
rwres a eksmge at I per coat, of tha -ot
Witt rarswa Ihs retail IMf to ktw.
. jJ.-,-astr - v '
Watner &
Have opened a Real Estate Office,
Farm or City Proporty, or Auction oil your Stock or llouso
hold Goods. Have Homo Hary-jina to offer to any
who call a tliia ollioo,
2d Door North of !.& M. Dank, Up Siai?s
8. I, COZAn, Proprietor.
All hauling intrusted to mo will be promptly attended to.
Lumber, Coal, Lime, lath,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Prices Lower than any yard.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. IT. FORT, Manager.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Having, had ten years oxperlo'ico In county records and ono of the most cmniileto set of As
struct books In tlio sutp,ui Kimrantco satisfaction. Yonr favors solicited
All onlo's llllcd promptly. 10.000 dollar bond tiled
( ud uppro cd. Address or call on
L. II. FORT Manager, Rod Cloud, Neb.
nil m BM Mm
North or Henry Cook's.
Your Patronage is solicited. Wc
Nothing buc the Best Me&ts.
Of tills county will iileaso bear In mind that
Hns JtiNt received n carload of
Cook and Heating
And will Discount Any Price in the Valley '
If yM arc building don't rail to call on lilm, FOR MONEY IS
Call in and get a Golden Gem.
What it
CMtorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Iniknts
and Culldron. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance'. It is harmless substitute
for Paregoric Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and, Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. It guaranteo is tblrv gears' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castorladestr-; vittnas and allays
feverishncss. Castoria prevents . y i':.v Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Oolio. Jnctorla relloves
teething troubles, cures constipate t anrl flatulency.
Cartoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, Riving healthy nnd natural sloop. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. '
"Castoria is an excellent meUldno for chll
tren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo ot IU
good eCeot upon their children."
Dr. a. O. OsnooD,
Lowell, Mass.
M Castoria is tbo bct remctly for children of
klealamacquoluted. I hops tlio dny Is not
far distant when mothers will cont liter tho real
Interest of their children, and uss Castoria in
stead of the voriousquoclc nostrums which nro
destroying their loved ones, by forcltiffopltmi,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby tcndtni;
them to proincture graves."
Da. 3. V, IslmraiLoc,
Conw)', Art
Tk Ccsstani Oompony, Tl
" Castoria Is so well adapted to clilMren that
I recommend It as superior toauy proscrinttoa
known to me."
n. A, Archih, M. D.,
HI So. Oxford 8t, Drooklra.H. T.
niiyr felons in tho chlldreaw depart-
"oken blfibly ot their expert-
uttldo practice wltbCastorU,
only have niouj onr
. what is known as regular
ire free to confess that the
, .ia has won us to look with
IIosriTiL amo Disityumr,
..-. .'..-. ..
Maw York City.
1 1
' -i,