The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1892, Image 6

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    mf'amsmw .rjSv
A. O. HOSMER, Pulilfsher.
Confidknci: men In Oklahoma tiro
swindling farmer, by gottlng them Jo
idgu their names to alleged government
crop reports.
jvfiw London Stninliird's l'nrls cor
jlxLportdint says that the phylloxera has
jtitqokod tliuvlnes In litisljriiynnd other
district ' In tliu department of Ait be,
A itniNocwtos linn been In the London
roo for twenty-eight yours, This is
ntntcd to lio tho longest tltno un animal
of this Utnd litis lived In captivity In
fytrititoir William has scntrM2,roo to
tlicllinnburg senate, requesting that it
bo expended in relieving tlio distress
among tha families of those who havo
died from cholera.
vt TWiT lpa'neso government contem
plates the eonstrnction of six lines of
rail way.aggrcgatlngbOO miles in length.
The purclmso of tlio prlvnto railways
by tlio state Is also projected.
Senator Vi.nvi:.nui.i.a mill other cltl
rens of Cnrncos, Venezuela, havo been
ltnprlhoned by the Micce.vsful legalists
in consequence of the discovery of u
plot to recall Guzman Illanco.
At Sydney, N. 8. W., the trial of tho
Austral laulianklng company directors,
charged with swindling stockholders,
resulted In tho acquittal of four of the
accused and disagreement as to tho
A Knoxvim.i:, Tcnn., liveryman fell
off a bridge und lauded on a pile of
rocks, ti distance of fitly feet, wlillo In
toxicated. Ho "escaped without Injury,
but got mad because. Ills watch ease was
TllK poet Uogorh, whose hospitality
Yviwt proverbial, lias tho credit of estab
lishing tho brcakfnst party us it link In
London society. Tho "mornings" at
Ids house arc fuinoun among tho literati
of England
It Ih surmised that Itmnla inspired
Greece's quarrel with Houmanta. It is
nlso regarded as posslblo that M. Trl
coupis, tho Greek "premier, wished to
B divert public uttentlou from Greece's
Internal troubles.
In answorv to a letter from a collccto?
b to thu proper rate of duty charge
able on dressed veal, tho treasury depart
tnent has informed him that tho veal U
dutiable as raw or unmanufactured ar
ticle at tho rate of 10 per cent ad
Prmmdknt Hauiunon' lias filed his tax
list at Indianapolis, and It is given out
as a matter of interest that tho figures
show an incrcaso in thu amount of his
personal-property for tho lust year of
90,000. Ho test I lies to a total taxable
valuation of euu.iwo.
Jamks S. G unions, author of tho song
"We're Coming, Father Abraham.OOO.OOO
Wore," died recently at tho ago of 83.
The song, which became very popular
f during tho war period, wns written in
1802, tint It was not one of tho songs of
tho time" that lived after tho soldiers
went home.
A l.uus letter pays: Mario llashklrt-
j BpfTH1 tomb In lho cemetery at l'nssy I
, still a pluco of pilgrimage. On the
on'ib uro Inscribed the tttlo of Mario's
work of painting und sculpture und
i iwltliii id u roomy apartment hand-
coinoly furnished. Carpets, chairs,
1 footstools, cushions, brlc-a-brna and
'draperie onco used by her uro tliore, us
" well iwihor portrait In stained glass and
lior bust surrounded by palms and sur
mounted by uwreuth.
I'Thk statement was recently made
that (left. Longstreot was tho only gen-
V eral who sighted and aimed a cannon
during tho war; but now comes up a
fctory df how ox-l'resldent Hayes did
thojsumc, thing and made so good a shot
, that ho camo within an uco of dropping
a idioll on tho verv snot at tho ilmu
occupied by (len. William Phillips, of
Georgia, nml nts stair, (ion. Phillips
i afterward tried his hand at sharpshoot-
a Ing und suceoedud in sending u bullet
micotufortably near to Gen. Hayes.
Goti. I'hillips Is now an assistant United
1 States district attorney ut Atlanta.
An account of u generous act on tho
part of Oen. Alger hah Jiiht been pub
lished In Washington, and It can bo re
Tpelited without subjecting tho rich
Miehigiindor to the charge of doing It
r 'for electioneering purposes, lleforo
tlio luto Grand Army encampment Gen.
" Alger made arrangements with tho varl
' ous hotel proprietors for food and shel
ter to bo furnished to any old veterans
who were In actual need of such and
who should mako application therefor.
Ho did this quietly becauso ho did not
care to Invito unworthy applicants
and ho paid tho bills and is in no wIfo
" responsible for tho publicity of. tho
fi i Many troubles und vexations were
Caused by a visit which was paid tho
other day by tho czar to tho military
camp at J turn. Tho latter place is a
Tillage, on tlio Jfevu, about ten miles
m4ronit. Petersburg, und uccesslblo by
vatcr or mil. On tho occasion of tho
ft visit fcoldlera wcro placed on tho railway.-
Not 'far from tho city nro a num.
h "bcr of mills, tho workmon at which live
"on tho opposlto side of tho line, going
, lioriiu dully for their mculs. TIicmj
vorkmen got to their work on Saturday
' morning, but were not allowed to cross
the lino aguln the whole duy, bolug
obliged to go without their food or buy
It in a public, house. No trufllc wus al
lowed. Even peoplo who hud their
own farm lands nu the sides of tho rail
t vuy wcro forbidden to walk across.
.Q.'ie trains from Moscow wero stopped,
nnd wcro fcotitolV all within a quarter
of an hour of each other In tho even
ing. Tho rlvui tralllo ws also eutlroly
Gloanod By olotrraph and MalL
Hnnu Von IIiianiit, German nmbussu
dor to China, has resigned. Ho Is ac
cused of Intriguing to prevent certain
railway concessions.
iNi'OfuiATioN comes from Zanzibar
that tho nntlvcs havo attacked n Ger
man station and murdered soveral pco
pie. , ,
Tun I'lilted SUlcn supremo court 1ms
held thc'Mjnerolectornl fuw of? Michi
gan to Iki constHutlonal.
.liiiini: GitKHii am has written n Icltcr
to W. II. Calkins denying tho truth of
the story that ho intends to voto for
OiiovKit I) wrote a letter de
clining to be present at tho world's fair
dedicatory exercises and giving his rea
sons. The London Times, rcforrlng to the
question of tho appointment of a poet
laureate, Fays that it may lw taken
for granted that a successor to Lord
Tennyson will bo appointed. Tho Times
thinks that the objections ratted against
Swinburne no lotfgor exlfit-
Gkn. Daniki. Sickles has been nom
inated for congress in tho Tenth dis
trict of New York.
Mikk McDonald, thu Chicago gambler
politician, threatens to bolt tho head of
the doruocrutto national ticket
Mils. M. E. Lkark writes that nha,
never advised any ono to voto for Har
rison, whom sho considers us objection
nblo un Cleveland.
Wiiitklaw Hi'.in, republican nnminco
for vice president, has sent out Ills let
ter of acceptance.
Ex-Piiksidknt Clkvkland will speak
at Madison Square garden October 29.
TllK French cliamlwr of deputies has
appointed M. Loubct, prime minister,
and M. Viette, minister of public works,
arbitrators of tho Carmaux labor and
political disputes.
'Iiik porto in a brief note In reply to
an obligatory request from the Russian
government nonio timo ngo virtually re
jects Kims la's demand that tho sultan
of Turkey shall not give audience to M.
SlnmboulolT, tho llulg.irlnu premier.
Kx-Pjii:sii)i:nt Cleveland denies pos
itively that Gray Gables will bo sold.
Attounky-Ghnkhal llKNHiv,of Penn
sylvania, declares that ho did not say
that President Harrison superintended
tho purchase of voted In Indiana in 1838,
but reiterates his charges that tho state
was carried by shameless corruption.
Edwin llooxir, tho actor, staying ut
Lukewood, N. J., Is reportod better.
Piiotkbtant Episcopalians at Haiti
more, Mil, passed n resolution ugnlnst
giving government rupport to denomi
national schools for tho Indians.
A mkvolution has broken out In
Santiago del Estero, .Argentlno , rapub
lie. Several iHirsona have alriady been
London Truth Is nuthorltjBor tho
statement that tho luto Lord Teuoy
iton destroyed a uiass of his letters and
manuscripts a few years ago in a fit of
alarm caused by his reading Prof.
Fronde's "Reminiscences of Thomas
authoresses dead, uged 78.
Mas. Lucy Wiialkn, anlece of Joseph
Smith, tho Mormon prophet, died at
llurllngton, la., aged t'2. Sho wan a
firm boliovcr In her uncle's inspiration.
Politics in Hawaii are still unset
tled. The London Chronicle's Vipnnn cor
respondent says tho days or tho Hun
garian cabinet nro numborod.
Tiik nmeor of Afghanistan Is endeav
oring to hccuro lirltlsh help In having
his illegitimate son recognized us tho
successor to tho throne, which his sub
jects violently oppose.
Eiiancr has gained many Important
concessions from the sultan of Morocco.
Mil. IIlaink paid u vlslUto republican
headquarters in Now York and had a
conference with tho loaders.
Tin: infant King Alfonso of Spain is
Hon. E. II. STU.K3lsin Washington on
law busluess before tha supremo court
JunoK E. E. Tiiaykii, of Iowa, was
made chairman of tho national roads
convention held ut Chicago during tho
Columbian celebration.
Tiik Now York Herald's La Gnayra
special says: United States Minister
Scruggs has formally recognized tho
government of Gen. Crcspo as tho legal
government of Venezuela. Tho steamer
South Portland, which loft New York
recently with u cargo of arms und mu
nitions of war, has arrived ut La
Mus. Hahuibon'h condition on tho
lUst was hitch as to excito tho gravest
fears, but toward evening alio rallied
somewhat and Dr. Gardner said that ho
did not think sho was in iuimediuto
Okn. O. O, IlowAitD spoakt woll of
tho militia aud wauta a larger appro
priation. CoNciitATUtATtoNB wero exchanged
through tho now telephone line be
tween Chicago and Noy York on tho
Unknown persons throw rocks
through tho windows of tho private car
in which Gov. McKlnloy and party wero
riding at Hurricane, ubihuU station in
West Virginia.
Rich lead and silver ore has been
found ut Kegar, Ok.
Tup. International geographical con
gress, held In connection with the Co
lumbian exhibition, was opened in
Madrid In tho pivsenco of n concourse
of eminent Spanish und foreign sav
unts. Joii.v Woods has been arrested at
Richmond, Va. , clmrged with being an
accomplice of Llzzlo Horden in tho
doublu murder easo ut Fall River, Mass.
Tin: caso against Labor Commissioner
Peck, ot New York, for burning btatls
tlcs will not bo decided until tho day
beforo election,
TllK Chicago schools hud their Colum
bus day on tho 10th. A concerted pro
gramme was tiaud in each sclwol houso.
A itinox of terror is reported at Scott's
Ridge, ICy., bocausu of feuds butwoun
tho Sltipps and their friends on one side
aud tho umlcrwoous, liulcya und
iiknggs on the other.
UnioK Theological seminary Jo likely
to lose l,OO0.0t)0 boquesUi .since It has
bolted the Presbyterian church for In
dependence. Tin: City of Paris steamship made a
recent trip from Queenstown to New
York in ft days, It hours and twenty
four minutes.
A MiPHounr, Kansas & Texas passen
ger train was ditched In tho Indian ter
ritory, but forlunatoly nobody was
Nink prisoners escaped from Jail at
Hampton' Ark.
The total vnluo of property In Illi
nois' listed for tuxnt'on by tho nsscs tors
and loard of equalization Is l3.'U,iUO,noO.
Tin: city council of Dallas, Tex., has
reduced salaries of nil ofllclula 40 per
A Tnur. bill was found by tho grand
jury at Philadelphia ngalnst Dr. Zulll,
thu veterinarian who docked tho tall of
Mrs. llrooks' horse.
Eiikd Wolf, a farmer living on In
diana Kcntuelc creek, in Jcfforson coun
ty, Ind whllo excavating, brought to
light eighteen human skeletons, sup
posed to bo tho remains of Indians,
burled perhaps a century ago.
Ciiinamkn nro being smuggled from
Canada Into tho United States by way
of Toledo.
Cotton operatives of Lancashire, En
gland, havo boon notified of u'flvo per
cent reduction In wages.
Sixteen stores and dwellings in the
town of llcoton, Ont, wero destroyed
by frrc.
Tiik partial eclipse of the sun on tho
20th was succcflsfnlly obsorvod in the
The grand clvlo and military parade
In Chicago was tho greatest demonstra
tion ever seen in the United States.
8. C Takhant, a tourist, has been
murdered near Monterey, Mexico. Ho
was from liuffalo, N. Y.
Two men out of n gang of fourteen
wero killed by a collapse of a sewer at
Hamburg, Germany.
GiieknlkAF bent Martha Wilkes at
Nashville, Tenn. Time, 2:10,'.
Lanoi'okd Hall, tho Lancashire resi
dence of Mrs. Rylnnds, tho philan
thropic widow who purchased tho fa
mous Althorp library from Earl Spencer
and donuted It to the city of Munches
tor, has been plundered by burglars,
who carried off Jewelry to tho vuluo of
Tun nbu-unlon boarding houso of
Mrs. O'Neill, at Homestead, P.i., was
set on flro ami narrowly escaped de
struction. Thoro was no clew to tho
origin of tho fire.
The Episcopal house of bishops has
named tho bishops for tho newly cre
ated missionary jurisdictions.
At Sardinia, O., Stephen Felkes, n
banker, was killed in a dlftlcultv with a
tenant over the ownership of bomo corn.
Till third game of tho world's cham
pionship scries was played on tho 21st
and lloston, by tho effective pitching of
Nichols, pave Cleveland a shutout.
Tint solemn dedication of tho world's
fair buildings at Chicago afforded ono
of tho grandest and most unique spec
tacles tho world has over witnessed.
The celebration concluded with an un
equaled pyrotechnic display.
Gkoiioi: IUnTLKTT, United States
marshal at Pine Ridge, expects an In
dian outbreak.
A hoy named Neunllst act a gun trap
for chicken thieves at Louisville, Ky.
His mother was first to open tho door
of tho.chlcken coop and her head woh !
almost blown off. Tho boy wub released
on ball. tho bicycle moot at Point
Ilrcezo truck of tho South End wheel
men, near Philadelphia, William II.
Marmot, uged 50 years,, dropped dead
from heart disease ten minutes alter
(lul&hlng a race.
At Los Angeles, Cat, a frightful ex
plosion of a piece of pipe killed seven
persons and wounded others.
Uoston Is having nn easy timo with
Cleveland in tho world's championship
aeries, talcing tho fourth consecutive
FitKn UT.iiicii, n boy oi H, was ui
tacked by dogs and partly devoured at
Ryeiimoro, III. He died shortly after
being taken from the savage brutes.
Tub dulco of Roxburgh, England, is
A kkw disease, contagious and fatal,
Is reported. In Japan, Its native place,
it Is known ns berl bcrL
Tiikiik Is probability of the prlnco of
"Wales visiting Chicago uext year.
Tiik plant of tho Phamlx powder
mill at Kellogg, Wk Va., has blown up.
No one wns hurt
MuitDK.ltous Apaches, supposed to Iks
members of the Kid's gang, have killed
two cowboys In Arizona.
Omvkii l'Kiutr, tho notorious ew
York express robber, escaped from An-
burn pcnltcutlury, but waa recaptured,
A Ciiinksb newspaticr at Sau Francis-
co says China will resent tho now ex
clusion net by making Americans In
that couutry wear tugs and by possible
Tin: Hamburg-American Steamship
Ca's warehouse at Hamburg was
burned. The loss amounted to (500,000.
Nr.w Youk'h Presbyterian synod dis
posed ot the llrlggs e.iso by relocating
1 back to tho Now York presbytery,
where it originated
Till: Lako Shore road is being doublo
tracked between liuffalo and Chicago.
Coi. J. H. Wood, a pioneer museum
manager, died at Adrian, Mich.
NoKTHEliH Mexico is threatened with
a coal famine.
Joseph Pkiikb and other students of
Eastmun college wero playing football
ut Poughkoepsle, N. Y., when Pcros
cuino in contact with ono of the other
players, receiving such injuries that ho
died. The full produced concussion of
the bniln.
Wiu.ust H. Kku.y, died at Frank
fort, Ind. An autopsy showed a cancer
ouh growth around a shoemaker's ilwl,
tvhlclt ho had swallowed thirty years
Tnciti: aro differences In Gladstone's
cabinet regarding tho disposition to be
made of tho Irislulynamlters.
A N mm Nit of election commissioners
nro charged nt San Fruuolsco with fraud
in not removing names of "stuffors"
from tho books.
DEOTituoTivu Mtorms nud floods with
accompanying heavy losses of life aud
property uro reported In Sardinia
rtnn. Whltrlstr tMil (live Ont 111 I.nt
trr nf Arppitiince-lll VJkxm on Nation
al yiialloim.
Ni:v Yomc, Oct CO. Following is tha
letter of acceptance of Whltclaw Itcid,
republican candidate for vice president!
lion W T Ilurtiln, Aii'lvrson,
tlcirSIri When ilia nomination with which
the tmtionil convention hail honored mo was
formally nnnounccil by your committee 1 fto
copUmI It ut onco. Indoinxw) I acouplcd also
tho principled set forth In tho resolutions
ailoptci) by tho convention us the basis of thu
aprrftl to popular
To do ntlier, or lest than this, is, to an horjor
nblo mim. an Impossibility. A tiolltloal pirty
Is nn nsnoclntlnn ut cltl."ns, sucking to h.ivo
tho government conducted In nccordanco with
It8lew nud presenting cntidldntis whom It
strives to elect for Unit purpose To accept lta
nomination nlthout Intending to carry out Its
principles would bo ns dishonorable, and an crim
inal as to procure pooilrt under fatso pretenses.
There will ba nu mtnundnrHtnndln? rs tu tho
purpose s of tho republican p-irty In this con
test, and nn doubt ns to tho nltlltila of its can
didates. What It Intends It has not forth In
langunfts that cannot ha mistaken, and tlmy
will strlvo by nil the lawful means In their
power to enforce Its plainly expressed will.
Slnco my Interview with your committee- fur
ther reflection und enrcful attention to tho
arguments on both sides la tho current publlo
dtsciuslon havo conilnncd my belief In tho wis
dom of republican declarations, n? tvoll nn In
tho lucid enndor with which thoy savo been
Tba party platforms, so-canca. an tnoro lra-
poriaru nils year man usual, jiom no icaumu I
form of exproHHlon Attention Is tbcrcforo
concentrated less on tho men themselves nnd
moro on tno principles cacti has pu.t rorwnra to
rcprcrcnt, and when, In caso of election, will bo
roiutrod to enrry out, Tito declarations of our
opponents demand n still closer scratlnr, slnco
their victory now would glvo them tho first
opportunity they Invu had slnco 1019 to put
In prnctlco their policy. Noicr, slnco
that date, havo they had control at once, both
tn thn exeouttvo and legislative departments of
tha government This year tho dlcctloa of
prisldcnt clearly carries with It msjarltlcs In
both houses of rongreM. It Is obvious that la
tho common Judgment of the peoplo In nil parts
of tho country, tho reatly vital issues which
this ycurdtvido tho pirtlcsnnd demand popular had been extended over tho entire j i,iD nfl,n rpiin litiiirn-lat-declsion.
nro those relating to tho tariff and orchestra pit Smooth and tempting l Ills Ulllt-U. XllU UltllSL.
decision, nro thoso relating to tho tariff and
currency. Fortunately both sides stated their
positions on Uieso subjects with directness,
simplicity und f ranltness. Tho issues thus m.iOo
between thn rival candidates of tho people's i
sunrago arc tun-dally sharp this election.
Wo ,
favor n protective tariff, nnd when In full power
miulc tho present one. Our opponents favor a
Urlff for revenue only and promtou tho repeal
of tho present ono.
Mr Jt"ld nnalvxci thu tariff p'nns of tho two
platforms, showing that tho democratic policy,
If logically carried out. Is not distinguishable
from free tradu and that Its enactment into law
would result In lho vlotcnt disturbance of busi
ness. On tho other hand, tho republican policy
meant protection to American Industry, protec
tion to American Vorliuiciwprotcctlun to Amer
ican homos und Its enactment Into law would
mean n eontlnuauco of tho prosperous business
Tho writer then takes tho auostlon of exped
iency of a protective tarlH and review tho
buu'jllM that, ho says, huvo resulted from It
during tho past thirty years, naming tho In
crease in tho real wealth of the country; tho
lncrc.iBu lu American Industries: tho
In the valuo of American products: tho Increase
In American wage; tho Increase In tha saving
banks deposits in tho building and loau associa
Coming to tho republican policy of reciprocity.
Mr. Held explains its provisions and points oat
the bcnetlts which, hj says, It his conferred
upon the American producers.
Ho shows that the increase In our tr.ulo with
tho countrlos with which we huvo reciprocal
treaties increased In tho tlrst year 1U 7H pur
cent, whllo thu Increase durtuir September
amounted to ST. 61 per cent Tho exports to
thoso countries with which wo have reciprocal
treaties amounted in tho llrst year to t2.M9,Vtlt
moro thau tho Imports from them, making a
handsomo balaucu of trudo tu favor of Amer
ican producers.
On tho subject of currency Mr. lteld states
tho democrats proposo to broak down tho na
banks. Ilostatca thitdlsaHtrotisraiultwouid
tional banking currency nnd restore tho stnfo
follow thu restoration ot stato bink Issues and
states thu republican party would maintain a
national banklns ajhtem and suvo tho country
from lho baleful Influence of a depreciated
Heretofore, slnco 1850, says Mr Hold, tha
democrats havo been unable to carry their
.hruatencd disastrous legislation, because, thoy
havo necr at ihosainu timo had control otboth
brunches of congress and tho presidency, Tho
republicans Imd ulnuys dominated cither tho
houKo or sonata or oxeuuttvu ofllco, so that thuy
haoliccn nblo to prevent nn enactment Into
law of tho democratic pjllcles, which had
threatened ills liter. "Hut tho present
political situation," continues tho totter,
"makes tt plain that dcmicritto victory
in the slates uhlch thoy must now carry
in order to elect tho projident would also
tnsurn them enough now senators to ruverso
thu present slender majority In tho senate. If
their elect tho president thH timo thoy will cer
tainly havo Un houso and thus be placed In ub
Holuto control for thu llrst time slnco 1839, with
nothing to prevent their carrying out tho
threats thov initio u,'alint lutli Un present
tariff and tho present currency, Thoso ques
tions ot tariff und currency an vital and of In
sUiut luipirtanco to tlu'wholo country and to
nil its peoplo. radical chan-roi umountln; to an
absolute reversal of policy.
Tha attempt lo change tho Issue and dlvort'
attention from these prussln; questions of th
hour lo ttia alleged forco bill scarcely calls for
a notice. Tho very tltlo ot thu bill roterro t to
proclaimed Its objcot to bo to prevent tho ,tia
of force at elections. It failed, anyway, and
southern whtto men who wero lately the chlof
opiionontH uro now bcalnnlns to wish tt revived.
to protect them from holm; tliumiclvo-t counted
out at elections they havo fairly Won as tho
I other day in Alabama by tholrown whlt fel-
low democrats. It Is well, however, to say
o .leauiielat.oa 1? tho nwcrauo
' 0'mnrnent m y
cral ofilccrs Is ki
tfiipcrvlso thu election of fed-
Krotcsquo. That principle. hu:i
lone In en recognized: and It has ticen sustained
by tho courts It novr stnnds undisputed on tha
statute- bojki und tt was enforced at tho rocont
elections by Cleveland, tho president of tho
United States, through his order of Oatol)or',
IbS), to his Hut It tsuotto
bo dlsKulncd thit tho recent clamor against tlio
prln.lplo, If It means unythlnif, means a pur
Ixfo to nullify articles XIV. and XV. ot tha
conslltiilloii of thu United States.
In conclusion Mr. Hold eulogized tho personal
character and tho administration of President
HurrUon, nnd nays:
It may bo said that tho present condition or
tho country nnd public conlldcnce In tho admin
iHtrallou combine to form tho Hlrongost protest
ualnt KUliJoctliiK the peoplo to tho shock and
needless risk Inevitable to such a change A
sudden reversal ot policy Is not what either
thosuTgeottor. lot ordinary business prudence
or other obvious and general contentment of
peoplo rail for. I bcllovu your declaration of
principles and your rcnomlnatlon ot the pres
ent pollen und sltllllul prcslrtont wilt com
mand popular approval at tho polls and wilt,
under Uod, inuro to tho continued benouta to
our country.
Hrlxure of StnuggUr.
Ottawa, Out, Oct sa The govern
ment has been advised ot tho seixnro of
a Chinese smuggling schoo-aeroff Sand
wich, a few miles from Victoria. Tho
schooner turned out to bo tho San Joso,
which has been doing a good business
by binuggllug Chinamen into tho
United States. Two months ago sho
landed elghty-flvtt Chinamun near San
Francisco, and later fifty ottiors wero
landed near San Quentln, on tho Cali
fornia const Who n tlio vessel waa
Bcl'-od by Collector Mllno it wiih ascer
tained that arrangements wore just per
fected to transport tifty more Mongol
ians to tho United States.
- .
Ths Worlil's Fair Drdleotlon Innngnrated
With u (Jraud llll-Tho Children Celn-
Chicaoo, Oct 20. In behalf of other
patrons and of tho patronesses of tho
ball, Maj.-Qcn. Miles, Mayor Wash
burnc, H. K. Falrbank, Gcorgo M. Pull
man and Marshall Field had invited
4,000 prominent citizens of various
states to participate in a reception ten
dered to tho president, vlco-president
and ox-presidents of tho United States,
tho representatives of foreign govern
ments, tho governors of tha states and
territories and other distinguished
guests. Whllo in its Inception and con
duct thu function of last night was un
official, It opened tho baptismal jubila
tion of tho world's fair of 18'J2-a.
So it was that there Avcro btlllant
scdnes In and about tho Auditorium
building early lost evening. Thou
sandfe of electric lamp glowed brightly
from tHo facade of the towering' build
ings on tho lnko front Along tho
broad pavements of Michigan avenue
dense crowds of peoplo wci'e content to
stand closely packed for hours, viewing
tho uotnblo folks as they arrived to at
tend tho reception. f About 0 o'clock the '
rumble and flash of glistening equip
ages began, ilia lady managers unci
pntrotlCSRCS Of 'the tlfiair Were coin-
1 t0th? rendezvous which had
UWII liAUU v u.ov. XI1U i;ili;i-
ally invited guests followed in rapid
succession. Once within the great Audi
torium tho first impression was that re
sulting from a flood of light, almost
dazzling to tho unaccustomed eyes, nnd
yet it was tho soft, aggregated glowing
of incandescent lamps myriads of
them. There seemed no stross of light
In any quarter of tlio great hollow, so
equally wcro the lamps distributed.
tho greaisteci nro curtain or tno smgo
had been lifted and tho stage flooring
l0,r .rKJin.
the rccoptlon,
and which continued until nearly 11
o'clock, tho vice president was escorted
to tho lodgo on tlio tmmedlato right ot
tho stage, nnd tho remainder of the
distinguished guests followed in ti.ts
r,rho members of President Hnrrlson's
cabinet, headed by Secretary Foster
and Postmaster-General Wnnamaker,
Speaker Charles F. Crisp and party,
VUiui uuhvicu .tiuiviiiu l. ruiiuruuu
party, tho associate justices of the su
preme court Hoxcs II to M were occu-
I pled by Govs. Reynolds, of Dolaware;
Pattlfion, of Pennsylvania; Abbott, of
New Jersey; ltulkclcy, of Connecticut,
Russell, of Massachusetts, and ltrown.of
Maryland The reception commlttcu held
tho fort in box N, and had ns neighbors
Gov. Flower, of New York; Holt, of
North Carolina, and Jlrown, of lthodo
iHiantt uox a nail been assigueu to
that eminent philanthropist and advo
cato of prison reform, cx-Prosldeiit
Rutherford I). Hayes, but tip to a la to
hour, this distinguished guest had
ffillcd to put in an uppcarancc.
There were some dazzling toilets in
tho adjoining box, which had boon al
lotted to tho board of lady managers,
and in which Mrs. Potter Palmer,
president of the board, was at times
conspicuous. The visiting members of
tho diplomatic corps, the local directors
and the members ot the national com
mission wore nearby neighbors of tho
ladles and beyond these twenty-llvu
consecutively numbered boxes
occupied by tho executives of states
previously unprovided for, commenc
ing with Oov. Page, of Vcr
inent, and concluding with Oov. Mark-
hum, ot California. All ot tho chief ox
rnla. All of tlio olilef ox-
accompanied cither by
members of their respect-
rcutivea wero
KtS aSS-'ftSifS
Holes, of Iowa; Peek, of Wisconsin, and
Uoyd of Nebraska, conspicuous In so
far that they hccmcd to bo the target
for the hundreds of lorgnettes that wero
called into requisition at Intervals, by
tho grand aux dames on the dancing
CiliOAOO,Oct20. Yesterday witnessed
two important events in connection
with the dedication of tho world's fair
and theso wcro followed nt night by
tho inauguration, reception and ban
quet nt the Auditorium.
The first event was tho celebration of
"Columbus day" by tho school children
6f the city and youthful enthusiasm,
was given the widest play, Tlio com
mlttco of stato and city superintend
ents had arranged a programme for tho.
celebration in tho public schools nnd
the children exoctited tho order of ex
ercises with vim simultaneously in
tho . scores of school buildings,
which wero all decorated. First
came the reading of President Har
rison proclamation. This wns fol
lowed by a flag raising aud tho pupils
saluted the colors, pledged their allegi
ance to tlio flag nud In concert Bang
"America." The next feature ,was
reading of tho bcrlptures or somo ac
knowledgement of tho Dlvlno llclng.
Each school then joined tn singing
"Columbus Day." In tho primary
grades tho llttlo onos recited patriotic
verses und sang llttlo sougs, while in
tho grammar and high schools histori
cal essays woro read and declamations
delivered und Joaquin Miller's song,
"Columbus," as arrangod by O. Blaok
mau, was sung. Singing of "The Flag
of tho Free" by each school closed tho
Dividing attention during tho day
with tho school celebration was the ar
rival from Washington of tho cabinet
ofllcers, members of tho diplomatic
corps and justices of tho supreme court
Ktavenaon Not Yet Itnady.
BiJUUNOHAM, Ala., Oct 20. Gen.
Stevenson, when asked when ho would
glvo his letter ot acceptunco to tho pub
lic, answered: ''I am now vory mucJh
engaged during tho canvass in the
south and will not glvo out my letter
until 1 return to Illinois."
Cleveland tn Npctilc.
New York, Oct '.'0. Tho campaign
committee under thu auspices of the
Business Men's Democratic nssociatlou
havo decided to hold a meeting nt tho
Madison Square garden October it).
The Bpcaklng will bo opened by Mr.
system ofter "La Oripiw,"
pneumonia, fovors, aud.
other prostrating acute dis
eases; to build tip needed
Cosh and Etrcngth, and to
'rcstoro health and vigor
when you feel "run-down"
and used-up. tho b,t thhifr
in tho wcrld Is Dr. Picrcos
Ooldcn Discovery.
It promotes nil tlio bodily
functions, routes every or
gan Into healthful action,
purlfiM and enriches tho
blood, and through it
clonnsut, repairs, and invlg-
i orates ino entire system.
For tho most rttililxini
Scroftiloin, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspep
sia. Biliousness, and kindred ailments, tlio
" Discovery " Is tho only rumcily that's
guaranteed. If It doesn't benuflt or euro,
you havo your monpy back.
Can you think of anything moro convinc
ing than tho protntso that is mnrlo by tho
proprietors of Dr. Sago'o Catarrh llomedy I
It Is thlst "If wo am't euro your Catarrh,,
wo'll pay you fOOO hi cakh."
ITifl IWt Omuli Hrrim.1
ITMV Oood. Uo In time. I
jooKii)7 urunrwiK.
years ago I lind Bronchitis,,
which ilnnlly drifted into
Consamptioii, so tho doc
tors said, and they had.
about given me up. I was
coniiued to my bed. ( One
day my husband went tor
., , , . . , ,
tllO ttOCtOl, Dllt 110 WaS llOfc
sent mo a bottle of Piso's.
CllVIS fttr rtaltSlinintimi. T
TOOK IWO UOSCS OI 11, llllll
.. ... -i i.
was greatly relieved bc-
M1' 16 dOCtOl' CaittC. llC
toltl 1U0 tO COntillUO ItS USO
QS lOllg aS it llClpC(l 1UC. I
did so, and tho result is, I
am now sound and well
entirely cured . oi Con
sumption. Mrs. P. E.
BAKER, HarriSDUl'g, HH
, ' -00-
UOlS, Eebniary 20, 10)1..
The human citadel Is open to attacks .
from two sources and aside from accidenW
these two arc the avenues from which vlBt"
of the1 maladies that afflict the race spring
The first of these are what is Known as .
the excretory organs the lungs, the kid-
ncys and the skip. These suffer fromi
congestion which taices the form of colds..
Starting from what is called a cold the
maladies that result are wide spread rang
ing from a cough to consumption. .They
i attack all ages and all stations. No one
Is free from these troubles. There Is,
however, a remedy that Is a safeguard
AND KIDNEY CURE. It contains no.
, d ,t , ,iea, form of ,
roub!e'orany Ina,3dy thift arises fron, a
' ... -.. ',.. ,.' , .ii...., .t-..
I 'n, Kf of thjd.Be stive organ.
, "J result In constipation. When the
bowels do not actthe stomach soon refuses
to digest the food and we are troubled
with indigestion and a long train of dis
orders that embrace a larpe range of mala
will correct any difl'iculty of this sort.
They contain nothing deleterious, but arer
Eafc and pleasant. Get tljem of any dealer.
Latest Styles:
7 coi.oitKO I'
AlLTIlE MTUlr IMItlS ill) SX,X.
i IUKH rABIIIUAV of tour ew dralrroi
. tn4 I) fl HrtitMtliuiiih-r ta
I-NA-IG THIS r AflTL Mj IttM jw vrttA
??T!8. CAtawrH
when annltrri Intntho
nostrils, will t Kb .)
orbed clfcctually
cleaniluR tho hendof
catarrhal vlrui.aui.
Inn lical tli jr tcorctlom,
It alliji Inflamnm
t.on, protects tlio
niombrane from addl
tior.alcolda, complete
ly bealtthoaoreiand
roitorciiounoqf taite
.f i"""!"'"'' ppiii inioeacn mmrimnci agrea
t.Y mtOTUKltS. 50 Warren Street. New York.
Tea can't (Ind what rouwaat In your tioma atoraa
rrt on the irati
Oooat KitalilltliinrM.
Irani t&a rtime to our mammoth lin
icm. It jrnucau'tcoina, then aant
Uanjr (or tauiplea), anil order what
. n e guaraute aaUitactian.
loriampiri mo rua:
f uu wmot vj man
KiNSin riTv.
-j , .armiit tbi i rarta ,.r m.
llr. RllH'ft flniinrh Swrnn wu cuniour
-.. w wvmii wiiw coaga rur i;&c
rt t wti'vV
If A7f r
7:,J: -!y
t'.f ((CAM UnkV.'l
jbmarx x- i'