The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1892, Image 5

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PHStfMvasraBrasraBK' i 'uwm i ..i"aE i Bmnimmrmmi T-"" y? . . : , - - - -
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' I
Our stock was never so large,
Pricts were never so low,
Goods could not be better.
These prices sell the goods and
bring: trade.
See what we offer
Children's Oil Orain Button
MisBcs1 " ' " M 18 to 2 1
"Women's " " " " 2ito7 1
" Beavor Top Foxed Button Shoes, 2 i to 7 I
Youths' Tip Boots, full stock, 11 to 2 1
Boys' " " " " 2ito5 1
Men's Boots .... $1.50 to 4
Genuine Dongola and Pebble Goat $2.50 Shoes .1
Oxfords and low Shoes at Cost to Close Out
Shoes that rip sewed
goods warranted.
We will save you money.
Drunkenness, or the Ailquor
Habit Cured at Homo In Tea
Day by Administering Dr.
Haines' Golden Specific.
It can bo givon in a glass of boer, n
cup of coffeo or ten or in food without
tho knowledgo of the patient. It is ab
solutely harmless and will effect a per
manent and speedy sure, whether the
patient is a moderate drinker or an al
coholic wreck. It has been given in
thousands of cases, and in ovory instance
n perfect euro has followed. It never
fails. Tho system once impregnated with
the specific, it becomes an utter Impossi
bility for the liquor appetite to exist
Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of par
ticulars free. Address the Golden Spe
cific Co., 183 Race Street, Cincinnati, O.
Bsmcmbcr Wicnor is cloaing out
his men's and boys' boots at loss than
Farm loans at lowest interest.
JUrictly first-class loans at lower rates
than has ever been givon in this coun
ay before Option to pay part or all
at end of any year. C. F. Catheb.
Piles of people have piles, but De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
For Sale at Cotting's.
For fine tobacco,
Ac, go to J. O. Lindloy b.
Call on T, E. Penman, Jeweler and
optician for fine watch cleaning and
ropairing, artittto letter, emblem and
monogram engraving. A full lino of
watches, clocks, jewelry, spectaoles,
eto. always on hand. Can tit any eye
with tho very best of spectaoles. You
will find, in Cotting's drug store,
Thore is no use talking, neither Harri
son or Cleveland will bo elected unless
they take DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They have a "get there" quality possess
ed by no other plH. For sale by Cotting.
ForFiro Lightning and Tornado
Insurance in the German of Freeport
and other reliable companies, call on
or write to Chas. Sohaffnit, offico over
J)eyo's drug storo, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Dyspepsia, distress after eating, soar
stomach, poor appetite, bad taste, coat
cU tsmtrtin and heartburn are cured by
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous
For sale b;
1 will offer for slo at my S
One mllettortk or Inavale, Neb,
on East half of Soo. 27-2-12, ou
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 189,
AboHt 7t Head of Horses and
about 40 Head of Mlsad
You can get horses and cattlo at
your own price as they will bo sold
witbout.fescrvo. In tho list of horses
are work teams, driving teams, saddle
horses, ponies. &o.
TfillMS: The stock will be sold
on ono year's timo with 10 per cent
interest on nolo ond approved securi
ty. Ten por cent -off for cash in hand.
S. E. Prentiss,
Col. 0 L. Winfrey, Auctioneer.
Esr yn
and anodyne
Cherry Pectoral
loothes the
inflamed membrane
and induces sleep.
Prompt to Act
sure to cure.
you for your money.
ShoeB, 8 to 12
free of charge and
G. W. Barker is homo from Chicago.
G. II. Chancy is homo from Denver.
Jas. McNcny was in Omaha this
Try tho new shoouiakcr at II lake 8-
leo & Kaloy s.
Mra. Letson leaves this woek t
visit friends in Deudwood, S. D.
Tho boat oil heating stovo in tho
market at A, Morhart's. Soo it be
foro buying. tf.
Doyo & Grico aro having a nico
wall paper tr&do this fall. Thoir
stock is largo.
Morris Steam, who has been on tho
sick list for several weeks, is ablo to
bo around again.
Do you buy grocorios? If you do,
you should call on Shcrwood&Albright.
Thoy keep tho best.
Don't forget that Adam Morhart
has tho finest lamps in the city and is
selling them at way down prices.
Call on us for boys' suits, wo aro
strictly in it in this line.
Chicago Store.
Trunks and valisos and rubber
clothing in endless quantity received
this week. Oihoaoo Store.
Cotting has a big stock of 10 cent
sheet musio catalogue of over 2,000
pieces. Come in and look them over.
A new Btook of goods at the musio
storo this week. Now is tho timo to
order musical instruments for Christ
mas, it
Don't forgot that for heating or
cooking stores you should not fail to
soo W.'W. Wright. Ho will save you
Do you need wall papor ? Doyo's
stock is complote and new. Ho does
not allow his stook to run down and
then work of old stook on you.
Received this week tho uicost so
looted stook of men's suits you ever
saw in this city.
CuicAoo Clothing Store.
Go and see Sherwood & Albright
for ohoico groceries, provisions, fruits,
candies, eto. They keep no stale
goods. All fresh and tho best brands.
u-For men's, boys' or children's
underwear wo are after you sharp
beoauso wo have tho stook and quality.
Prioo is mado to suit you.
Chicago Clothing Store.
It's not very pleasant to cough and hack
To suffer pain in obest and baok,
Many people could stop it, for sore,
Uy simply using one minute cough sure
For sale by Cotting.
Blakeslee 6c Kaley, at tho Cincin
nati Shoo Store, have secured tho ser
vices of a first-class shoemakor and
all wishing fine custom work or re
pairiugcau be accommodated. Satis
faction guaranteed.
Go and see Wright's atoek of hard
waro, stoves and so forth; if you want
to sco 'the handsomest, best and
cheapest stock in the market. He
soils tho best goods as cheap as ethers
sell inferior goods.
Charley Winfrby, in taking auotion
sales, at reduced prices, all on
aocount of an addition to his family,
It is a littlo girl and tho Colonel fools
bis oats. It is tho usual Nobraska
weight. Tho cigars aro on Charles.
Mr. Mo Fulton, living about six
miles southeast of heie in Webster
county, is making some quite cxten
sivo improvements on his farm this
fall; ho is building a houso upright
10x2-1 two story with an ell, also a
barn about 30x40. EIo bought his
lumber in llivcrton. Guard.
C. Wiener has taken tho ancnoy
for Dr. Jaros Hygieno underwear. It
is recommended by leading physicians
in tho United States. Used by tho
army and nayy and the principal
cities 'ma it iu their fire aud police
departments as an almost euro pro
ventiyo against rheumatism.
What shall it profit a man it ho
gain the wnoie worm onu men naa me
dyspepsia so bad that he can't enjoy any
of the good things it contains T He
wont hnvo dyepopeia it ho tukoa De ihh
Littlo Early Risers. .For sale at Cotting
LOST: A small shophcrd dog,
named "Mack" color black, white and
tan, about 10 months old, Findor
will be paid for troublo by leaving
Bmo nt Post offico at Inayalo or at
D. J. Myors offioo in Bod Cloud.
Lunch at Galmes.
tmiattaaaiaaiiaaiiniaaaamaaw""''f fit
Pino tar at Dcyo & Grico'd.
Cotting has the finest lamps you
ever saw.
The S. of V. band will give a con
cert soon.
All sitos of window glass at Doyo
& Grico's.
G. B. Crooo, sold his farm tho
other day for $3,500.
A largo number of farms aro a hang
ing hands this season.
Mr. J. Murray has moved his Fair
storo to the Moon block.
That dollar and a half vaso lamp
at Cottings is a beauty.
Call on W. W. Wright for all
kinds of stoves and hardware
Receiver Boll has had tho front of
the First National bank painted.
Geo. Norwood, of Nelson, is visiting
at tho residence of Robt ilioks.
Mrs. Rogers, sister of Mrs. Robt
Hicks, is visiting in this locality.
Hats and caps for tho wholo world
at right jprioes. ClUCAQO STOKE.
It looks patriotio to sco flags float
ing from our tnroo school nouses.
If you aro going to paint this fall,
go to Doyo for your material and save
Sam Miller says ho will kiss his
next timo no matter if sho does
say 'you shant,"
Tho old reliablo cornur drugstore is
in better shapo than over to take caro
of its largo trade.
Mr. R. D. Androws, ono of Bladen's
staunch republicans paid this offico a
pleasant call this wook.
D. II. Larriok, of Bladen, added his
namo to tho list of now subscribers to
The Chief this wcok. Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Polly, mothor and
father of Mrs. O. C. Boll, aro in tho
oity, Thoy drovo through from their
homo in Linoolji.
Tho groat valuo of Hood's Sarsa
parilla as a rcmody for oatarrah 1b
vouched for by thousands of pcoplo
whom it has oured.
P. W. Maroellus, of Imperial, Nob.,
will probably looate in Red Cloud in
tho photograph business if ho can so
euro a suitable room.
Fred Dauchy and wife, of Oberlin,
Kansas, were in tho oity last 8unday
attending the re-dedication of tho
Congregational ohurcb.
Tho flags on tho sohool houses and
on the oity polo, have been flying at
half mast in deferenoe to the death
of President Harrison's wife.
Calamity howling will havo to
ccaso now, as farms aro soiling all tho
way from 13,500 to $4,000. Mo
Kcifihan's story about the sheriff sale
business will not pan out.
A. M. Conklin and E. Walsh of
Omaha, were in Red Cloud during the
wcok looking after tho interests of
tho National Life Insuranco Company.
Mr. Conkling expects to movo here.
When a doctor consider it neces
sary to presoribo sarsaparilla, ho sim
fly ordors a bottle of Aycr's knowing
ull welL that he will obtain thoroby a
surer and purer preparation than any
other which tho drugstore oan furnish
Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla is tho superior
Wo omitted to mention last week tho
death of Mrs. Catherine McClelland,
wife of Mr. Jos. McClelland living
south of this city. Sho was 44 years
of ace and departed this life on tho
17th instant. Sho was burried in Red
Cloud. She had been siok for nearly
a , year. Mr. McClelland has the
sympathy of his many friends in his
soro bereavement.
On last Sunday morning the Con
gregational ohuroh was ro-dedioated.
For tho past fow weeks tho member
ship have been building a fine addi
tion on tho west side of tho main
building and on Sunday the chureh
was again thrown open to tho public
The interior of tho ohuroh has been
remodeled, finely papered, painted and
seated with opera chairs, and it now
presents tho most handsome appear
ance of any of our oity churches, as
far as tho insido is coucorncd. llcv.
Geo.Hindloy, of Weeping Water, Nob.,
preached tho dedicatory sermon, which
was a very ablo address and hiphly
appreciated by tho vast audience
Tho pulpit was oooupiod by tho Rovs,
Chapin and Pulls, besides PaBtor Ely,
all of whom took part in tho sorvicos.
At tho oloso of tho services Pastor
Ely proceeded in his affablo way to
raiso funds to pay for tho ohairs and
somo necessary espouses that had not
been looked afcor. Altogether tho
ohuroh is very nieo and would do
credit to many largo cities.
Highest of all In Leavening Power.
Political Thou lit,
Editor Ciiibp: In making a foro
cast of what is to oomo on tho 8th of
Novomber, thero cortainly is abundant
reasons for our republican adhsrents
to feel hepeful of the best results ac
cruing frsm this dosing campai gn of
enlightenment; a campaign so dooid
cdly different from that four years ago.
In tho oampaign of 1888, too much
was takon for granted, on tho part of
tho republicans, as touching tho roal
understanding of tho pcoplo on cce
nomio and,othcr questions of tho day,
and, as a result of this overweening
confidence, we found that thousands
of voters went to tho polls and took a
leap into tht unknown mysteries of
tho futuro, with feelings akin to awo,
beoauso of their inability to determine
as to what tho situation demanded.
And, having heard it over and over
again that tho republioan party had
turnod plrato and was devastating the
country, as a forlorn hope they voted
against tho pirty against which thoy
had hoard so muoh that was damag
ing, unmanly and unholy. But it
was not long until this class of votors
began to discover that a mistako had
been mado somowhero: that all wbb
not as had Loon ropresontcd. Thoy
now commenced tho work of inform
ing thomselyos, and soon found that
thoy had mado a gravo mistako when
thoy turned thoir backs upon tho
party that had dono moro for tho
common pooplo of our nation than had
over bcon accomplished by all tho
other parties combined. Thoy found
that tho wild and oiBionary schemes
of tho populists wcro in reality, noth
ing moro nor loss than tho thinnest of
subterfuges among which wero tho
doctrine's of frco coinago of silver,
popular loans at two per cont, fiat
monoy and tho like. They now began
a system of reasoning, and, aided by
tho solid disoussions of those and
kindred topics thoy quiotly pursued
theso investigations, until tho fact of
thoir having been led astray by theso
fulso doctrines began to dawn upon
their minds. Then thoy investigated
tho robbor McKinley bill, and were
startled by tho disoovery that not
only the democrats and the populists
wcro contending for what was nothing
less than free trade, but that Great
Britian was exceedingly wrought up,
and greatly disgusted with tho robbor
MoKinloy bill, aud declaring that
such a law was working misohiof with
her foreign trade. Next they exam
ined tho reciprocity trade witn for
eign powers, and found that it did
work most admirably. Thoy then
took up the ravings of tho democratic
and populist statesmen ovor tho Force
bill, only to find that Mr. Clovoland
had called to his aid the powers that
bo in tho shapo of United States
marshals at the timo he was president
and sought to bo ro-oleoted. Well,
that was a hard knock, and let in con
siderable light. And so tho work of
enlightening procooded, quiotly, sin
cerely, honestly, until tho dark voil
of distrust and almost hatred of thoir
republican brethren foil to tho ground.
And now through the perseverance
of thoso noble follows, who at heart
wcro always right, thoy aro onoo more
basking in tho sunshine, and though
in a quiet and unostontious mannor,
arc going to tho polls to drop into tho
ballot box their own good, old-fashioned
solid republican votes, and
thereby place the seal of condemna
tion upon all this wild and discordant
howling for office on the part of not a
few of tho most consummate liars and
political monstrositios the world has
ever seen. Of course it. is not claimed
in this artiole that there will bo a
oomploto vietory on tho 8th of No
vember, but that tho good sense of
our peoplo will so curtail this noisy
army of office seekers, as to savo tho
country from utter ruin, and again
lay tho foundation for complete re
publioan rule. Such men as Van
Wyok and William Bryan, with a
number of lesier lights, wilt be elect
ed by comparatively small majorities,
if at all. But these voters had a con
stitutional right to voto as they did,
and now claim the same right to help
to undo the great wrong which thoy
unconsoiously helped to fasten upon
themselves and othorsj and thoy moan
to reetify that wrong as far, as in
them lies tho power, on tho 8tb day
of November, in tho year oi grace,
1892. .
Mr. Chas, Peterson, wifo and,
children aro in Kansas, visiting
parents, M. M. Sandburg.
Look oat for an invitation to tho
to be given by the Band Boys, Thanks
Hon J.O. Tate will apeak in the Opera
House, Thursday evening, Nov. 8rd.
T. E. Pennman returned from Chicago
this week.
U, S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, x8i.
Our Prices are
Our Stock Very Large
Fino Dress
Fall OvorcoatH
Storm OvorcoatH
Boys' OvorcoatH
We have
closed out a
big lot of line
Overcoats at
(1 J
1 I
fly -. U
Scfiiare Dealing Golden Eagle.
C. WIENER, Prop.
There will bo Republioan meetings
at tho following places:
Oot. 20, Harmony May sohojl
house. " ...
Nov. 1. Elm Orcok Conrad sohool
Nov.41, Pleasant Hill school houso.
Nov. 4 Inavalo.
Nov. 5, Stillwater Soarl sohool
houso. Nov. 7, Glenwood Bladen.
Evory republican tako notico and
let theso meetings bo largo and on
Hood's Sarsaparilla stands at tho
head in tho medioiuo world, admired
in prosperity and envied in merit by
thousands of would-bo competitors.
It has a larger sale than any other
medicine. Such' success could not bo
won without positive merit.
Hood's Pills cure ooustipation by
rtnrlncr the ncristalio action of the
alimentary oanal. They are the best
family cathartic.
Miss Ella Picrson, who hat been
visiting relatives and friends in
Jewell county, Kansas, for somo time
returned this week.
navieg sold one half v interest ia my
store to Uert Qrloe alt parties indebted to
me will please call and settle at once.
VL. H. Dbto.
Oil! Olll OIM
A fresh ear load of oil Just received.
Sell at wholesale or retail.
2t C. F. Evans.
The Man at the Wheel.
The man at the wheel has a grave re
sponsibility ; so has he who takes his Hfo
in hla own hands and when sorofalons
marlarlons or otherwise snnering with
any blood disease to wbich human flieh Is
heir, iguores the advice of his dearest
friends and refuses to take Hepatiouro as
a medicine that yearly cures thousands of
his follow sufferers. Sold by It. H Deyo
When you get ready to buy your
children's school suits this fall wo
want you to inspect our stook. Wo
will convinco you easily that wo sell
i-e goods at correot prices.
'CincAqo OioTtnNo Stobb.
Uucklen's Arnica waive.
The best salve in the world for outs.
DrulWM, Buruo, uietHB, pun iujuui, mini
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin emotions, and poei
..!.. . QmW kkttlltM AA
tivaly cures piles, or no pay requireu, 11
is cruarantetd to give perfect satisfaction
01 roonev refunded, i'rlce-r, eonta per
box. Tor solo by Cotting. tf
Farm loans at six per cont option
to pay after two years. D. II, Span
ocilh. Huvo tried almost everyknown reme
dy for Itching piles without ruoceM final
ly bought a box of DeWitt's Witch Iaz
ly bougnt a box 01 vewitva v
el Halve, and it has eured me.
and offer
IW - "-, i
to all.
Thero will bo a mooting of the ladles
of Hod Cloud nest Tnoaday Nov, let, at
!i o'olook nt tho rooldenoe of lire. GbiriM
Wiener. The object of this mmUug it
toortranlzo an auxiliary to the Womaa'a
Anxlllnrjr Uonrd of Nebraska Golemblam
Commission. Tho object of the orgeat'
zatlon is to perfect plana for making
creditable exhibit of woman's work at
the World's Fair at Chicago next year.
The stato board of Nebraska Ootaaabbui
Commission has requested the tailea of
Webstor county to help famish and dee
orntothe state building at Jaokoe Park.
Wo aro especially roqnestaa to rarniM
any artlclo, ornamental or OMftt whleh
cau be ma'de of corn or corn prodact.
I bono evory lady in Webster eoaoty
will tako pleasaro in reapondlag to tkw
Invitation to make knows to the NaWoaa
of the world thewonderfal prodaoie of
our boautlfal Nebraska. Tula sableot
appeals to the pride as well as the inter
est of every property owner, as watt at
eyery women of Webster tounty.
" -... . .
o are also requested by Mrs.
y, onairman or lae w
omaa't Aux-
iliary Board, to furnish ablator? of
man's work of the county In tho liao of
Professional Educational and Indaatrial
woman's work. This is a good oppott
nity for ladles of this oomnty to show to
tho world that we have progressed soaae
wbat in tho last four hundred years.
When Columbus landed on these skeree
womon woro slaves, their hatbands were
thoir owners aud masters. She was re
garded by hor husband as "little better
than his dog, but not quite M good as
bis horse." This was in 1493, stow to
1802 wo find hor sitting on the plat
form on a porfoot equality oMciaMy aa4
socially with, tho highest ofloers of this
government. We are glad we have lived
to eeo 1892. By Ouder or CoKSUTBa
AKentlomanoI this county
oxcolfont j udgoment remarked tbaVae
knew of no other pill
bo good for oear
Btination, dyspepsia and liver
as Dowtu'u iiiitio Eariy inters.
1 Mrs. C. II. Alden,
Would inform tho ladies of Red
Cloud tliut sho has opened Dress
making rooms opposite First National
Bank Buildin;;, where she will be
pleased to sco tho ladies that have
patronized hor so hoerally the put
season, and all others desfriag dress
making dono in tho latest styles, aid
at reasonable rates.
Dropped Dead at
a Bantjnet
attained fame
Many a man who has
and riches here, has been thus toddeary
called to tho hereafter. The doetort said
he died of heart failure. If hit blood
had boon pure his heart would havo beta
beating yet. Take Ilepatioure whether
youbanmiotyounolf at home upon
dinnor of herbs or arobanquetted abroad
by kings and potentates. Everybody
noidn iloputiuuro. It keeps,, the lifer
and kidneys puro and healthy; it gives
the heart a healthy action: restore the
norvous Bystoui. Bold by Deyo. tf
: vv.ii
mod. In the oitv of .OOSJMSSMta..
A familiar headline isn't it ? ItWoSsMf
minuto cough cure it pleasant, saM, f ,
sure. rorsaleatOotOM's. .
, .
A ? 1
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IhJi 1