The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 21, 1892, Image 5

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UftuMT ir""V -" MiniiniiiiiliWaMW
&m&fmmmssrtssti tear r.rsrR. - -. - '-1 -
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Our stock was never so large,
t0 Prices were never so low,
Goods could not be better.
These prices sell the goods and
bring trade.
See what we offer you for your money.
Children's Oil Grain Button Shoes, 8 to 12
Misses' " " " 13 to 2
Women's " " " " 2ito7
" Beavur Top Foxed Button Shoes, 2i to 7
YouthB' Tip Boots, full stock, 11 to 2
Boys' " " " " 2htob
Men's Boots .... $1.50 to 4
Genuine Dongola and Pebble Goat $2.50 Shoes 1
Oxfords and low Sheet at Cost to CIose Out
Shoes that rip sewed free of charge and
goods warranted.
We will save you money.
Drunkenness, or the liquor
Habit Cured Ht Homo In Tea
Day by Administering Dr.
Haines' Golden Specific.
It can bo given in a gloss of beer, n
cup of coffoo or ten or in food without
the knowledge of the patient It is ab
solutely harmless and will effect a per
manent and speeo;' sure, whether the
nntient is n moderate drinker or an nl-
coholio wreck. It has been given in
thousands of oases, and in every instnnco
'a perfect cure has followed. It never
falls. The system onoe impregnated with
the specific it becomes an utter impossi
bility for the liquor appetite to exist
Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of par
ticulars free. Address the Golden Spe
cific Co., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, O.
Remember Wicnor is closing out
his men's and boys' boots at less than
Farm loans at lowest interest.
Strictly first-class loans at lower rates
than has ever boon given in this coun
ay before. Option to pay part or all
at end of any year. 0. F. Gather.
Piloa cf people
hnvo nilts. but Do-
Witt's Witch Hi
azel Salve will oure them.
For Hale at Cotting's.
For fine tobacco, cigars, candies
&c, go to J. O. Lindlov's.
You will fail in your duty it you do
not see W. W. Wright before you buy a
heating or cooking stove. Ho has the
finest line in the valley.
Gall on T. E. Ponman, Jeweler and
nntioian for fino watch cleaning and
repairing, artistic letter, emblem and
monogram engraving. A full lino of
watches, clocks, jewelry, spootaoles,
etc. always on hand. Can fit any eye
with tho very best of spectacles. You
will find, in Gotting's drug stora.
There 1b no use talking, neither Harri
son or Cleveland will bo elected unless
they take DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They have a "get there" quality possess
ed by no other pill. For sale by Cotting.
For Fleur and Feed
Go and see L. P. Albright. He keeps
the beii brands and sells his four just
a ehean as others. Also sells hard
and soft eoal. Prioes reasonable. Of
fice and Boales. corner of Webster
street and 4th avenue.
ForFiro Lightning and Tornado
' Insurance in the German of Freeport
and other reliable companion, call on
or writo to Chas. Sohaffnit, office over
Doyo's drug store, Rod Cloud, Nebr.
Dyspepsia, distress of tor eating, sour
stomach, poor appetite, bad taste, coat
mi nnmi And heartburn are cure by
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous
litte pill. For talo by Cotting.
I Want to Buy Farms
Parties having cheap farm lands for
salo, improved or unimproved can find
buyprs by calling on D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate and Loan Agent, Red
Oloud, Neb.
from the system,
ll -. J&M"l
E . " Sarsaparilla
the standard
Wood-purifier and
: tonic. It
Cures Others
will cure you.
Try the new shoemaker at Blakos
lco & Haley's.
First class work is dono
at the
Golden Eagle Tailor Shop.
VanBenson has hay for salo at 13.50
ncr ton. Seo him if vou want hay. tf
See Oscar Patmor before buying
our. He has mado a big reduotion.
Tho best oil heating stove in tho
market at A, Morhart's. See it be
fore buying. tf.
Do you buy groceries? If you do,
you should call on Shcrwood&Albright.
They keep the best.
Don't forget that Adam Morlwrt
has the finest lamps in tho city and is
selling them at way down prices.
Call on us for boys' suits, wo aro
strictly in it in this line.
Chicago Store.
Trunks and valises and rubber
clothing in endless quantity received
this week. Chicago Store.
Don't forcet that for heatinir or
cookine stoves you Bhould not fail to
see W.'W. Wright. Ho will saVo you
Mrs Elizabeth Fallcy of Bluo Hill,
and Catherine Crowell aro both in the
nsvlum for tho incurablo insane at
Do yon need wall paper ? Dcyo's
stock is complete and new. He does
not allow his stock to run down and
then work of old stock on you.
Received this week the nicest se
lected stock of men's suits you ever
saw in this otty.
Chicago Clothino Store.
Go and see Sherwood & Albright
for choice groceries, provisions, fruits,
candies, etc. They keep no stale
goods. All fresh and tho best brands.
M. B. MoNitt and D. J. Judson
wcro out riding on Saturday, when
tho horse became Irightened and
threw both gentlemen out, and bruis
ing both quite soverely.
For men's, boys' or children'6
underwear wo are after vou sharp
beoauso wo have tho stock and quality.
Prico is mado to suit you.
Chicago Clothing Store.
On the inside of to-day's Chief
will be found somo good political
nows, and also the Hon. James G.
Blaino's latest spoeoh on President
Harrison. Road it and it will do you
The case of Wright Thornburg vs,
J. L. Miner, to reoover money waged
on an eleotion, was called up this week
in tho District Court, and after the
jury had been out throe days, they
agreed to disagree.
Blakcslce & Kaley, at tho Cincin
nati Shoo Store, have scoured tho ser
vices of a first-class shoemaker and
all wishing fino custom work or re
pairing ean be accommodated. Satis
faction guaranteed.
Go and seo Wright's stock of bard-
ware, stoves and so forth, it you want
to see the handsomest, best and
cheapest stock in tho market. He
sells tho best goods as cheap as ethers
sell interior goods.
Col. 0. L, Winfrey has boon en
gaged to auction off 70 head of horses
and 50 head of oattlo for S. E. Pren-
tiss, on Nov. 1. Charloy. is fast ac
quiring a reputation for a fine auc
tioneer and is kopt very busy filling
engagements. Ho is A No. 1.
Rev. Geo. Hindley, of Weeping
Water, will deliver a lecture at the
Congregational churoh next Saturday
evening, Oot. 22d. Subject, "Use
and Abuse of Humor," Como out
and hear him if jou want to hear
sense and humor combined. Pro
ceeds for tho benefit of the church.
C Wiener has taken tho agency
for Dr. Jaros Hygiene underwear. It
is recommended by leading physicians
in tho Urfted States. ( Ujsed by the
army and nayy and the' principal
cities uso it in their fire and police
departments as an almost suro pro
vouiiyo ugtinst rheumatism.
It's not very pleasant to cough and hack
To suffer pain in chest and back,
Many people could stop it, for sure,
By simply using one minute cough sure
For side by Cotting.
Lunch at Calmes.
. .....................v..................
ttwwaataatasinaiMa mw ... . ....
Pino tar at Doyo & Grico's.
Court has adjourned until
Mrs. Thornburg Is homo froi
om Lin, county, on t!
'Jtntho open
f vitcd. Tliis
Cotting has the finest lamps you
ever saw.
All sizes of window gins at Doyo
& Grico's.
Rov. E. L. Ely and wifo wero in
Omaha this week.
That dollar and a half vaso lamp
at Cottings is a beauty.
Call on W. W. Wright for all
kinds of stoics and hardware.
Hats and caps for tho wholo world
at right prices. CiucAao Store.
Miss Cora Garbor, of Guido Rook,
is visiting friends in this city this
C. S. Potter who has been in Iowa
for flomo timo has returned to Red
If you aro going to paint this fall,
go to Dcyo for your material and save
Mrs. Lena Markell, of Lincoln, is
visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
E. n. Jones.
Doyo & Grico arc having a nico
wall paper trado this fall. Their
stook is largo.
The old reliable corner drugstore is
in better shape than ever to tako care
of its large trado.
Thursday was a field day for repub
licans and many voters wcro turned
in tho proper channels.
Miss Carrie MoBrido is homo fro
J:s: J f. ..,.-! .i.
visiting for sovcral days. r
U'aliAH li hh tali am al a It n a ItAnaJ
Mr. John Peterson and daughter
Minnie, of Hastings wcro tho guests
of Mrs. A. G. Willis this week.
S. E. Prentiss, one of Webster
county's most enterprising farmers,
will feed 300 steers this winter.
LOST: An S. of V.. badge. Find
er pleaso return it to Henry Clark at
Boyd & Ovcring's Marble Works.
Cotting has a big slock of 10 cent
sheet music cataloguo of over 2,000
pieces. Como in and look them over.
Conductor Boynton of Illinois, and
his estimablo wife, aro in tho city.
Mr. B owns a fino farm in this coun tv.
" .
Tho Congregational church will b
rc-dedicatod next Sabbath morning
Sermon by Rev. Hindley, of Weepiafg
Unolo Tommy Rood came in on
Saturday and renewed his subscrip
tion to tho oldest paper in tho valley
for 1893. Thanks.
John Pctcrsou ono of Red Cloud's
old timo citizens was in tho city this
week and called on The Chief office.
John is looking hearty,
I. 0. Martin, of Bluo Hill, was in
tho eity this week. Ho gives encour
aging reports of republican success
in tho north end of tho county.
Doo Boynton, shipped Gov. Garbcr
a fino St. Bernard dog tho otho; day.
The Governor has named the dog
Ben Harrison and says ho will bo n
Mr. Abo Williams, of Bladon,
proprietor of tho Bladen livery stable,
was in Red Cloud to-day on business.
While hero he camo in und helped tho
Big Injun.
On Thursday evening Mr. Hartigan
of Hastings mado a fino republican
speech to a crowded house, at tho op
era house. Mr. Androws followed.
Both gentlemen wero loudly applaud
ed. If you wish to scouro a certain and
spcody result, when using Aycr's Sar
saparilla, bo oarofnl in observing tho
rules of health, or tho benefit may bo
retarded. A fair and persistent trial
never xaus, wiion tao directions aro
There ought to be mado a special
tap for tho street sprikltr on tho
wator main. Every few dijs the
mains break, and it is the opinion of
many that it is the 'strain on them
from tho sudden oponiug and closing
of tho hydrants.
Don't commit suioido on account of
your "incurablo" blood. disease. Tho
sensible thing for you to do is to tako
Ayer'B Sarsaparijla. If that fails
why thon keep right on trying, and
it will not fail. Tho troublo is, peo
ple got discouraged too soon. "Tiy,
try, try, aain.
Highest of all ia Lurming Power.
and i:. It.
rcBS tho rtoonlo or ouster
tho political Issues of tho diiy.
tn tho onora house, Oct. 127. All aro in-
vitctl. Tills speech will bo ono of tho
boat of the campaign.
PUBLIC kali:
1 will offer for snlo at my farm
Ono mile North or Initvnlc, Neb,
on East half of Seo. 27-2-12, on
Tuesday, Nov. 1, ISO a,
About 70 Head of Horses and
about IO Head of nixed
You can get horses and cattlo at
your own prico as they will bo sold
without reserve. In tho list of horses
aro work teams, driving tennis, saddlo
horses, ponies, &o.
TERMS: The stock will bo sold
on ono year's timo with 10 per cent
interest on noto and approved securi
ty. Ten per cent off for cash in hand.
Col. G L. Winfrev, Auctioneer.
T. E. Penman is m Chicago this
Miss Graco Ripley was in Hastings
this week.
Walter Curran was ia the city
1 AS. C. Tool, of Bladen, was in tho
ifitv Tui
Dwight Jones and family
irnn,1 in UA nin,i tn J
havo re-
Miss May Keller of Hastings was
tho guest of Miss Riploy this week,
J. Wrattcn, of Bladon was in tho
city this week and aided Tin: Chief.
Three or four follows wcro jailed
for being too turbulent on Thursday.
Hon. A. K. Goudy and wife, wore
in tho city this week. Tlioy criuo in
to attend the joint debate of Andrews
and Mckcighan.
You will find nothing better for
chapped hands during corn husking
timo than Uactus Oil, sold only .by
Deyo & Grice.
.1 n
Columbus day was duly observed
fn this city by tho raising of flaes
over tho school buildings and an ex-
ecllent program was carried out. Full
particulars next week.
All persons to whom premiums are
duo by Wobstcr County Agricultural
Soototy will pleaso claim them from
tho secretary cither by person or lot
tcr within 30 days from closing fair,
or tlioy will bo considered as donatod
to tho society. C. F. Gather, Soo.
The following editors called at theso
headquarters on Thursday : iMr.Stino,
of tho Supoiior Journal. II. M. Crano,
of tho Uloomington Aruus, Itonrv
Ludlow of tho Campbell Pross, C. W.
Daggett, of the Kivcrton Guard, and
F. P. Shields, of tho Bluo Hill Loader.
Tho other day at Republican City,
tho passenger train, arrived and de
parted as usual, but as it pullcdout
coming cast, it beared tho Omnibus
team, and when a half milo from tho
depot tho team and 'bus collided,
killing tho team and injuring tho 'bus
and tearing tho stops off of the sloop
er. It was a close call all around but
no one was injured.
It hB been stated by Mr. Mo
Keighan that F. P. Shields, of the
Bluo Hill Loader, offered to soil out
to him for $250. This Mr. Shields
positively denies and defies Mr. Mc
Kcipban both from tho Btand and
utherwUe to show the telegram or any
thing signed by him wherein ho offer
ed tv sell out for sum of monoy. Mr.
MoKcighan should put up or forever
hold hi peace,
Tho city council should pass an or
dinance, if there is not ono now in
force, prohibiting steam engines from
Dassinu through Webstor street or
4th Avenue, it is positively danger
ous to mo ana unib, and especially
hazardous if thero should bo any teams
friKhtaca thereby. Wo do not wish
to bar any ono from using tho publio
thoroughfures, but thou all care
should bo taken to prevont acoldents
to our citizens and if traction engines
art allowed to perambulato our main
streets, without regaid to tho safety
of our citizens, then ono must prepare
for uumboilcss accidents which are
sure to follow such demonstrations.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, xSty.
Our Prices are
Our Stock Very Large
Fiuo Dress
Fall Overcoats
Storm Overcoats
Boys' Overcoats
Children's Ov'ro'ts
We have
closed out a
big lot of fine
Overcoats at
Square Dealing Golden Eagle.
C. WIENER, Prop.
iiavieg sold one half interest In ray
atoreto U.rtOrlco all partios indrbtod to
mo will ploase call and settle at onco.
u. II. 1JCTO.
Mrs. C. II. Allien,
Would inform tho ladies of Red
Cloud that sho tins oponcd Dress
making rooms opposito First National
Bank Building, where sho will bo
plcnscd to seo tho ladies that have
patronized her so liberally tho past
season, and all others desiring dress
making dono in tho latest styles, and
at reasonable rates.
- i '
An Eastern Star pin, either in the
opera houso or K. P. hall. Finder
will bo paid a reasonable reward for
its recovery on leaving it at this office.
nHuve tried almost every known reme
dy for Itching piles without t naceas final
ly bought a box of DaWitfa Witch Haz-
Salvo, and it baa oured me.
A pointer to young men contem
plating marriage is to got fitted out at
Wicncr'u Golden Eagle. Wedding
out-fits a specialty.
Tho Man at the Wheel.
Tho mnn at the wheel has a grave re
eponsibihty; so haa ho who takes hie lifo
in his own nanus aua wnen eoruiuiuu.
raarlarloos or otherwise suffering witli
any uioou uisoase to wnicn numan nun
heir, ignores the advico of his dearest
friends ana rernses to tatce uepaucaro an
n medicine that yearly cares thousands of
his fellow sufferers. Sold by L. II Deyo
When you got ready to buy your
children's school suits this fall we
want you to inspeot our stock. Wo
will convinco you easily that wo sell
ho goods at eorreot prioos.
llucklcn's Arnica Naive.
Tho best saUo in the world for cuts,
bruisos, sort, Ulcere, Salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and nil skin eruptions, and posl
tivoly cores puss, or no pay requirou. it
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or nionov refunded, l'rlce Sfi cents per
box. For solo by "Jotting. tr
Farm loans at six per cent option
to pay after two years. D. B. Sl'AN-
Died. In the city of consumption.
A familiar boadliuo isn't it? It's pretty
risky to nettled a cold or couch. One
minuto cough oure is pleasant, eafe and
sure, For salt at Cotting's.
vk WW
If i Jy
a LOW PRICE and offer
to all.
A irentlenianof thla county
who baa
excellent Judgement remarked
that he
Know or no other pill so gooi
stipation, dyspepsia and liver
good for ooa
iver eomnlaiat
m DeWitt'a Little Early Risers.
Notice te 'A'esckera.
Notico is heroby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidate! for
tcuchers oftho publio sohooli of this
county, at Red Cloud on tho thiri
Saturday of each month.
Spcoial examination! will be held
on tho Friday proceeding the 3d Sat
urday of each month.
The standing required for 2d aid
3d grade certificates is the saae-re
grado below 70 per cent., aver
por eent: for first grade certll
no grade bolow 80 per eeai,i
vv per contain all branehea
by law.
D. M. HUNTEB, COMtj 8Mft
Dilapidated! Wall I !
Most people carry arouad with taeaa
a liver so dilapidated that If thev should
see it they would take it for a straw hat
as quioa as a liver aa a eoasequeaee
they have a lama baok and feel laagaid.
Halter's Pain Paralyser take ia aoaleae
tion with Halter's German PiUa, will
make a new person of you and effect
complete oure. For sale by O.L.Cottlag.
Geo. Barker departed for Chioigo
Tuosday evening.
Vote Against GrceBfeacke.
It is reported that if the Qreeabaekera
got into power they will peas a law to
make' everyone buy Hallers sure Cere
uougn byrup ana do away witn doctors.
G. B. Holland went to Hot Springs
Saturday ovoning.
Kccomaicndcd hjr the QuecM.
That is what all English people say a-
bout whatever they have to sell. Ia
America however ite "the verdict of the
people" that nailer' Barb Wire. Lini
ment Is the most successful reeaedy for
oats, brnlses and sores ever IntreHiweed.
For sale by 0. L. Cotting.
A. Cummins is visitieg ia
Some Foolish People
Allow a '.cough to. ran until it gate be
yond the reach; of medolae. They of tea
eay, " will wear away(" but ia moat
cases it wears them away. Gould they
bo induced to-try the suceeaefel medicine
called Kemp's Balsam, wbloh la told oa a
positive guarantee to cure, they woeM
immediately see the excellent effect af
. a a
i - - .
ter taxing the first dose. Price Mete aad
f 1. Trial siae free. At all dreggleU.
What shall it prollt a maa .if.' he
Sain the whole world and 'then .has the
yBpcpsla so bad that he can't ee Joy umj
of the good taieeje it oontalaeT He
wont have dyspepsia if he takes DeWitte
Little Early Riecee,: ret sale at CoUiafe
rp ' '