The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 21, 1892, Image 4

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erMMMfeSMl wrCCKl.
WFnGGft 99t
I, fi jrr ASisaam
IsrtartaMr la Aaaee
It MtptM hi advaee. after this da March
He? ISM, tlM arte will be 1 .as.
A C. aMtalaUt, Editor.
Catered at Me re Office In Had Ulead, Neb.,
M Mil Mtttror the MCODd ClaM
Nat lemal Ticket.
rwCoatrWMMMHk District
W. .AfUMKWa).
Mate Ticket.
For lieatsaaat Oevtraor.
rat OawMiiirwigef rubiit i unds and DtdRi,
For Maaerlateaa'sat M rustle Instruction,
...... ft.' WW'
roraamr.T aU8iin
For float Reafsseatailve,
twty Ticket.
Fer feateseetatlve 44th district,
. Javrf eOALLVM
Fee Coast? AKeraer,
TW tm BatMMa Take Place la
Oa Ua4 TkaMdat R dead wm alive
wita MtttJeeaaaoT aU elassea sites and
ooaa'iiloaa,aad thoaaanda of men and
wanawaahad BUgrinaffed bar for
tteMraoaeef heariaf the last of nine
jefelowtatealtttwaMHoa. W. E. An
drew aaiHoa.W. A. afoKeighan.
SerlriaUe anoralag crowds besan
pmrlauifroaa the four potato of the
eaaaaifaatUaii iaamenae crowd filled
our oatvmieinceity to an overflow.
The) Sat Oloud Repablioan clnb went
to each train aad eseHted the visiting
reasAUeueiabe, cumbering about low,
and ia addition to that number folly
eOOOsaore rspsMtcan votera from the
county were oa the ground and the pa
race) Biaat have had two or thrt thous
and aeoyto in line. After parading the
etreetataraaheur, (the republioana on
oaeataaaai the independent on the
oUser)eUiafairedo the grand atand
what the ovnoaing element aeated
theaaeahreefor the purpose of hearing
the afiahera. There were not enough
eeata by half to aooommodate the people
and hnndreda atoed up and tiptoed
aroaad to ealoh eight of the apeakera.
AtieattwWeloeltafr. Andrews waa in
trodaeed hy Chairman MoPheely. and
tsamedtatHy.that gentleman took up
hie theaw, aad proceeded to ahow up the
fllBMeyeondltKWof the platforms and
ititiaianUnpoB which Mr. McKeighan
and hie party hopes to gain control ot
tbevarioM ofloeaof the Nation, auto
aadeoaaty. For more than an hour Mr.
Aadrewa poared hoi ehot into his adver
eery, and asked him numerous questions
that fare of vital importaaoe to the
fiifkvwRtMt. lfoKeighan atudlosaly
ayailMaaeweriag one of them,but ahow
ed taewhHe teataac by effort on his part
eejasaa at people believe that he Wl
janailssiliag for thepeople, when in
faeWke waa sot able to get one bill
IffP theeoeamitteeinthe house, ot
whlehaewaaoa friendly terras, It being
.largely democratic. He talked about the
w ejdiere aid pensions, and how muoh
he had done fur them and the old soldier
set beek in the audience aad wondered
what had aeeomeot the "maohnesa" he
had done fer them. It oertainly never
materialised. Hia arguments, were
awouty bated upon freetrade and the
;rarioMhaiaunoathsthehad constant
u need in hie. pebllo speeches ainoe we
nun. Mr. Andrewa naked
hlsn toetaUapon what platform he stood
hat hnanlraes lsili iiiii ti i ..u
he heny strew np the independent plat
senv Ttee feete are he Is afraid te tell
aaniMWMau haebeold. hia name
"SSte1"'' fhe had haraa
let the samsnesfor an hoar and thirty
tee,tjr. Aadrewa again took the
ftaa amid loud applause, and proceeded
to deaMlUh Mr aleKeTghan'a entire
peeehaadbedld it very nloely. Al
fkhla apeech Mr. Andrewa treated
?; McKeighan fairly, and we were un
able to hear one word that was disre
peetfaltoaayone,onthe part of Mr.
The meeting from n republican stand
point waa a grand auceeaa aad will be the
saeaM of giving the county to Mr. An-d.r-w?
7L?H November. It is ea
tlsaaled that there were fully one-third
norerepaouoanatnan of oppoaing par
tita. Large delegations were present ot
both narUee from variout towns, in and
out of theooaaty.
. , ajan-Hjs-a-B-s!
Talking about men who have boon
iadsatiled with the interest of tbe
people, brings to mind the faot that
each and every candidate oa the re
pabliean tioket bat been aa earnest
advocate of auoh laws as would
alleviate any aad all hardships that
aaignc nave exittea in the past or may
eesse np ia the future. In faot the
reeablieaa party has ever boen tbe
f rfeni altbe laborer, mechaaio, farm
er aad artisan, and has stood betweon
that clasa of people and those who
would erash them. Tho howl made
that both old parties are rotton may
apply to the demoeratio party, but it
ia not nnplieable to the republican
party, which has been uppermost in
the last 30 years in enacting laws
that hat made this country the best
on earth to live In.
Catarrh ia the head la a constitution-
al anaaase, and requires a ooaatitationnl
remedy like Mood's Sartaparllla, to effect
Calamity howling will not down i
thin county, when a farm of 100 acre"
aells for $4000 cash an did tlio Mo
Corkle farm near Guide Hock tlio
bthe( day.
Do not forget to turn out and hear
Senator 0. Y. Mandorson and Hon.
E. K. Valentine apeak on tlio 27th
in tlio opera house. Every republi
can and every voter should hear those
non diseuss tho political issues.
Stand up for Nebraska, tho best Btate
in the Unjon, and forever bcoI the
cry of calamity, which docs not exist
in this state.
Every ono is goinjr to voto for An
drowa Nov. 8, and theroby elect ono
of the best men over nominated for
congress in this district. The
entiro republican ticket will bo elect
ed in Nebraska. In Wobitcr county
the rcpublioan ticket will como out
ahead and cleot tho entiro county
tiokct and don't you forget it.
Says ono of our independent ex
changes: "New wino should bo put
into now bottles" spooking of tho
now party and giving it a reason that
ncoplo should voto that ticket; but it
ommitted to say that wino is always
tho best when It is old. honco tho re
publican party is better to-day and
more useful because ot its ago, u nas
passed through trying ordeals and is
tho more able to legislato for the best
interest of the wholo people.
If tho peoplo of this district really
and truly desiro to cleanse tho body
politic, and want to cast their votes
for a man who is tho very embodi
ment of honesty, morality and sound
judgment, with a bright 'intellect to
baok it, then toey should oast tnoir
votes for the Hon. W. E. Andrews,
the republican candidato for congress.
No. man can say ought of him, and
sav it honcstlv. It lias been urged
against him by designing men, that
he is no politician, to that wo might
say. 'tit true, but two Years ago, tho
populists or independents said thoy
wanted men who wero not in politics,
and in Mr. Andrews thoy luvo n man
who never dabbled in politics until
nominated. Mr. McKeighan has been
politician for 30 years, nnd yet
thcro are a few men who will voto for
him. Cast your voto for Andrews and
morality. MoKoighan'a followers arc
beginning to waiver, and now fear
that McKeigban is going to cot Jolt
noxt month. Woll, thoir fears aro all
well grounded, for as sure as fate his
ohances for re-election arc becoming
lest at the election approaches. There
is no use talking Air. Andrews is his
superior in overy way.
Catarrk la Ike llvtul.
Ia undoubtedly a disaase of tho blood,
and aa anch only a reliable blood purifier
can effect a perfeet cure. Hood h Bnran
parilla ia the best biood-purifior, nnu it
nas cured many very severe caeca of
catarrh. It givee an appetito nnd builds
up the whole system.
Hoods's Pills not especially upon tho
liver rousing it from torpidity to ita nat
ural duties, cure constipation nnu nssist
Red Cloud, Nob, Oct, IN, 1S03
Annual State Convention, Nebraska
Gospal Union, Linooln, Nobr., Goto
ber 20-23, 1892.
For tho above oooassion, agents in
Nebraska may sell tickets to Lincoln
Ootobcr 17-23 inclusive.
0. P. Stanley, State Secretary, Lin
coln, Nebr., will sign certificates.
Passengers paying full faro going
will be returned at one-third i'aro on
presentation of certificate signed by
by proper officer of the nicotine, on
tho guarantee that thoro has been nn
attendance of 100 or moro who paid
full fare on the going trip.
A. UONOVElt, Agt.
It Skeuld fee Is Every House.
J. B. Wilson, 871 Clay St., BhurpsburR,
Pa., aays he will not bo without Dr
King's Hew Disoovery for consumption
ought and colds, that it enred hia wito
who waa threatened with Pneumonia nf
ter an attaok ot "La Grippe" when var
ious other remediee and several physi
oiansbad done her no good, llobort
Barbar. ot Cooksnort, Pa., claims Dr.
King's New Disoovery has dono him more
goou man any tntng he ever useu ror
Lung trouble. Nothing Dice it Try it.
Free trial bottle at Cotting'a drug etoro.
Large Bise CO cents and $1.
Whea Baby was sick, we gare her CestorU.
When She was a Child, alio cried for CaatorU.
Whea she became MUs, she clung to CaitorU.
Whea she ha4 Children, the gave tbeui Cutorie.
There is no better paint in the
market than tho Lincoln mixed paint,
sold by (Jotting.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy Is beooming so well known
andsoponular rb to need no special
mention. All who have usod Electric
liittera etna the same eons of praise. A
purer medicine does not exist nnd it is
BUarnntoed to do nil that is claimed
Gleetno Hitters will cure all diseases of
the liver and kidneys, will remove pirn
plos, boil, salt rheum and other atTeo
tlon caused by impure blood. Will drive
malaria from the system nnd provent ns
well as cure all malarial fevers. For euro
of Headachpaonetipation and indigestion
try Electric Bitters Entiro satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded. Prico
encts and 81 per bottle at Cotting'a drug
Children Cry for
King of JMedicines
Scrofulous Humor A Cure
"Almottt Mlraculou."
" When I was It years of ace I had a Revere
attack ot rheumatism, and after I recovered
had to co on crutches. A year later, scrofula,
In tho form of white swellings, appeared on
various parts ot my body, and for 11 years I
was an Invalid, being confined to my bed
years. In that time ten or eleven sores ap
peared and broke, causing me great pain and
suffering. I feared I never should get well.
" Early In 18S0 1 went to Chicago to visit a
sister, but was confined to my bed most of the
time I was there. In July I read a book, A
Day with a Circus,' la which were statements
ot cures by Hood's Barsaparllta. I was so Im
pressed with tho success ot this medicine that
1 decided to try It. To my great gratification
tho sores soon decreased, and I began to feel
better and In a short time I was up and
out of doors. I continued to take Hood's Bar
saparllla for about a year, when, having need
six bottles, I had become so fully released
from tho dlseaso that I went to work for the
mint & Walling Mfg. Co., and since then
on account ot sickness. I believe the disease
Is expelled from my system, I always feel well,
am In good spirits and liavo a good appetite.
I am now 37 years ot ago and can walk as welt
as any one, except that one limb Is a little
shorter than tho other, owing to the loss ot
bone, and tho sores formerly on my right leg.
To my friends my recovery acema almost
miraculous, and I think Hood's Barsaparllta
Is the king ot medicines." William a.
Lain, 0 N. llallroad St., Kcndalhllle, Ind.
Hood's Sartaparllla
oldbraltdraixliU. ltslzforf Freparedealgr
traL hood co., ApotbecuiM, Lowu,
IOO Dots On Dollar
Educational Department.
D. M. HUNTER, Editor.
HI y First Day In a District tckeol
1 was still in my teens when I en
tered tho littlo way-side sohool-house,
"away down East." 1 had graduated
from tho Uridgo water (Mass.) State
Normal school, and had been five
mqnths in tho army when, with only
a single day at homo, 1 started for
tho unromnntio littlo neighborhood in
Main known as G , where I was hail
ed as "tho now schoolmaster." I was
appointed at $20 a month, to pay my
own board out of this amount.
I was on tho ground Saturday night
and was well looked over on Sunday
by boys and girls, men and women.
I was boing "sized up" in the lang
uage of tho day; but on tho principle
that "those who know nothing fear
nothing" I was usually unconoerned.
I had been well taught how to teach,
and proposed to do it by rule,
Very early Monday morniug I was
up nnd sleigh-riding two miles to see
tho chairman of tha town committeo
to be examined. It was not tho cus
tom to do this in advance. Tho town
committeo preferred to have one
teach a few days first then if ho waa'
not n bucccss it was an easy way of
disposing of tho new Bohoolmaster
for tho town committee to refuse a
certificate I had boen taught, hew
over, never to begin a school without
a certificate in my pocket. Tho dis
trict committeeman was quite annoy
cd that I insisted upon this dooument
in advance Ho regarded it as put
ting on airs, and styled it as ono of
tho normal notions. But I did dread
the examination. I realized oyen
thon the difference between saying
what vou plcadso as you please when
ever you liavo anything 'to say, and
boing obliged to day what another
man asks you to sav as he wishes you
to Ha it whon h romum it to be
said. I did not then know as 1 now
do that tho ability to pass a good ex
amination is proof of inability to do
bettor things in bettor ways.
With no suoh unconoern'as appear
ed upon tho surface, I entered, single
handed and alone, tho presenoo of
tho august chairman of the town com
mittee, who greeted me cordially and
asked, "Are you a nephew of Deacon
W f to wiuoh 1 proudly respond
cd in tho affirmative, and be proceed
ed to certify that "having passed a
satisfactory examination in regard to
intellectual attainments and moral
qualifications," I was duly approbated
to tcaoh school in tbo town of G .
as muoh amused as relieved I rode
back and walked through a group of
bora and girls of all ages into the
wee bit of a school-house undor the
hill. Tlioro was one lono abecedarian
and a few Btracslini; pupils in tho
lowor ''grados," but tho great majori
ty of tho youths and maidens pretend
ed to bo in the higher classes,
All my theories of gradation wero
at onoo violated, but I had tho good
sence to relegate to their proper plaoo
theories did not apply, and beean at
onco to interest, discipline and inspiro
tho young people to try to fill Jhe
places had assumed to ocoupy. I had
no spcoial nervousness or anxioty
about my first day. I know I could
"bank" for a few days at loast upon
reputation of my undo, and my chief
conoorn was to sustain myself
I began by beginning. In half an
hour I felt as if 1 had boen there for
months, anp tho only remark of the
day that has had an abiding nlaoe in
my memory was that or a lad who
said at roocss, "Seems's though you'd
always been here," a compliment
moro appreciated than better phrased
praiiio of later years.
I roeall distinctly how conscience
striekon I was that first night to
think that nothing had been dono ac
cording to the noto-boook methods
with which I was well equipped, and
with a sigh of relief wrote a school
mato at night. "liavo enjoyed the day
immensely, but thank goodness Mr.
B will never drop in upon mo hero"
It was not a "normal day;" yet, but
for tho training and iuspiration of
Bridgewater, the day would never
have had tho charaetcrirtios which
msko it memorablo with me. It did
not them appear as it does now that
tho power preeminent of a first-olass
firofeBsional school is not its training
n its methods, or dovices, but in tho
inspiration to establish porsonal pro
fessional ideals which adapt them-
solves to times and seasons, making
ono content witn results ana witn re
sults alone.
In April last, dining with tho pres
ident of ono of tho leading banks of
San Franoisoo, in his beautiful home,
and insoparablo companion in that
first winter's toaching, ho said in
refcrenco to a recent address of mine
upon "Modern Educational Mothods,"
"How much better school would you
tcaoh to-day than wo taught in 18 ?"
That is a question, Methods would
infinitely better, but tho spirit, tho
adaptability, tho professional zeal,
oould never bo again what they wero
when I was within a year of the tonio
of a normal sohool in which thcro
was no variableness or shadow of
turning from tho loftiest professional
ideals. Wo wero undoubtedly con
ceited, but it was tho conceit of pur
pose and not of attainments. Golden
Tho following la tho program of
the Garfield Teachers' Reading Gir
olo for Saturday evening, Oct. 29:
Talk on the elements of maohincs,
llalph Popo.
Notes on school hygiene Edwin
Biog. of Johnson Mayo Pope.
Biog. nl Burns John Earner.
Apparatus nettled in a country,
sohool. Carrie Hummel.
Biog. ot Hayden Mrs. Springer
Current .Events . a. King.
Biog. of tho Montgolifors, Daisy
The relation of tho tcaohcr to his
profession Miss Soriyncr.
Fifteen questions on tho intermedi
ate grade of tho stato course of study
by tcaehcrs present.
Biog. of Iloynolds Jno, L Spring
er, lloview of tho second In If of
the October work in Pago's book.
Tho next meeting will bo held in
tho school-house in district 7.
R. E. P.
Reports of tho first month's teach
ing will not bo given in this column
till noxt woek.
Honllcst nan In Red
Aa well as the handsomest, and others
are invited to call on any druggist and
?;et free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsm
or the Throat and lunge, a remedy that
ia selling entirely upon ita merits and is
guaranteed to relieve and cure all chron
ic and acute coughs, asthma, bronchitis
and consumption. Large bottles COots,
and 81.
Whatever may bo tho cause of
blanching, the hair may bo restored
to its original color by the uso of
that potent remedy Hall's Vcgetablo
Sicilian Hair Benewer.
Children Cry for
Ira 11 1
It so it will be to your Interest to ship to the
Kanaaa City Stock Yards.
give your thipmentt
their pertonal atten
tion, keep you potted
by wire or paper;
furniah you money
at reduced ratea.
Sire 25 to 60 cents on every dollsr jou ppeud.
Write for our rntmmuth Catalogue, eoo-pire
book.contalnlDR Illustration end Klvlog mart
Itfsctartn' prices, with msnuUctuiers' dlMouuts
o tTtry mna or gooai una (iipuuw umuu.imcv.
end Imported into the Uulted titsus. Urocerles.
UUOHDUU UUUUV. SUIUi.Ul.1 v.vw.. --.".-
and Centi1 Clothlnt and Furnishing U'kxU
tioods, White Good.
it. Vxj Uoods. Hit, Caps.
Boot end Shore, Uloves, Notions, U aiiwar.
Btauonenr, wicnt,cioc., jcwcirj, omu
Banks. Whips. Agricultural Implements,
oa receipt of. 25 cents for expresiage. We are the
only concern which sells st manufacturer!' prices,
allowing the barer the ssme discount that the
Buaulacturer flvei to the wholesale buyer. We
We are the
gnarantee all goods as represented: If not (onna
I rcprvBcuica. it uu iwuu
Goods sent by express or
so. money rtranaea. uooas wui ojcip. u.
freight, wlthpriTUege ot exemlnstlotL, before i psy.
Ins. A. KAHrKN IAJ.,..
lKQalncy Street, Chicago,
AA A.. U..u. rH
A sslary ot B to $ M per week to GOOD agents
to represent ns In tr ry county, and sell our general
line of Merchandise at manufacturers' prices. Only
ArrLY. Catalogue and particulars sent on receipt KAUprs ft CQ
1U QulLty Street, Chicago, 111.
Bids Wanted.
To whom it may concern: Notice is
hereby given that sealed proposals will
be received, at the ofllce of the oonnty
clerk ot Webster county, Nebraska, up
till noon, of Novombor 2, 1893, for tbe
purpose of building a pile bridge, across
a oreek mile north of Oowles, on main
road to Blue Hill, aooording to plans and
speoifleationa herein stated, viz: Bridge
to be 60 feet long, 16 feet wide, four rows
of piling, and 3 piling to each pier, pil
ing to be It feet long, driven front G to 7
feet, tame to be capped by 8x10, caps.
Joioe to be 3x12 inches, laid 2 feet apart.
Floor to belaid with two inch plank.
Also a railing on aides of bridge. All to
be done in 'a workmanlike manner.
The committee reserve the right to re
ject any or all bids..
(P. ZltfilEIUMN
Bridge Committee. O. W. Hummio.
(J. Kindcher,
Dated this 18th day, ot Oot 1802. 2t
Wright's Ffealtli Uridgrwear.
And moro durable thnii tlio ordinary knit.
New York, 1892.
To the Trade and the Consumer:
In sub libit Ling to you
the " Wright's Health Uudcrwear" we, desire call
big special attention to their SANJTjJRY QUALITIES
The garments absorb the perspiration as rapidly
as emitted through the pores of the shin and car
ry it to the surface of fabric where it is evavoraU
cd, thereby preventing the body from being sud
denly chilled by atmospheric changes and guard
ing the ivearer against colds, lagHppe, pneumon
ia, rheumatism, etc.
The finest material is used in their manufac
ture, and for warmth, comfort and durability are
The fleecing is woven in the fabric and is guar
anteed not to wear off until the garment is thor
oughly worn out. Use only ordinary care in
washing fine woolens.
Upou their merits alone we commend to you
P. S, Beware of imitations.
W, W- Wright
Has a fine line of
Heating and Cooking Stoves!
nd ie selling so low that all can afford to buy.
If you do not consult him before buying.
Usually Indicate a disorder or tbe Kidneys,
and prompt measures shonld be taken to
prevent serious trouble.
EMEDEJl In their indpleney,
wfcfch Ifneglectwf, may become dangerous.
Is what yon need, it will eureLlverDIsor
ders, Kidney Weakness. Ilrlght's Disease
and Diabetes. Price at wr bottle, fiend
t-oent stamp ror book or hints, how to live
and onre these distressing complaints.
avr. bouisa. mo.
Legal Notice.
.Whereas, on tho 2d day of March, 1802,
W. M. Quiwita made, exeouted and de
livered to Richardson, nughes & Co., his
two oertaln promissory notes for tbe aura
ot six hundred dollnra each, dnted Maroh
2, 1802, one of which notes is due and
payable March 1, 1893, and tho other of
which is duo nnd pnynblo March 1. 1804.
and whorona tho unid Guiwits, to secure
the payment of said noto, made, execut
ed and doliverod to raid UlehurdBon,
Hughes & Co., a chattel mortgage on the
following described p'roporty towit: Ono
standard bred trottini; Btollion No. 0452,
called Noah Birch, seal brown in color,
with one whito onkle on right hind leg,
six years old; whereas said chattel mort
gage was duly filed in tho clerk's office of
Webster county, Nobraska, on the Oth
day of March, 1892, andwherens, by the
terms and conditions; of said mortgage.
It the mortgORcefl or their as
signs should foel unsafe or insecure then
it should be lawful for tbo said mortgagee
or hia assigns to tnko immediate posses
sion of said goods and chattels, and to
sell tho same at publio auction, and
whereas the Bftld mortgagees feel unsafe
and tnseoure and tho tortus ot said chat
tel mortgage have been by the said Qui
wiU violated, and said mortgagees have
taken possession of said property by
reason thereof, and under tho terms and
conditions of aaid mortgage, now, notice
is hereby given that tho said mortgagees
will sell the mortgaged property above
described under said mortgage at the liv
ery stable of Joseph O. nolcomb, in the
city of Red Cloud, in the county of Web
ster, Nebraska, on the 22d day of October,
1892, at ono o'clock p. m. of said day.
There is now duo and owing from said
Gulwita to tho said tnortgngoos on the said
notes and mortgage, tho sum ot 81200,
HieiiAmwoN, uudiir.sACo.
By Jas. MoNeny, Their Atty. 10-4t
All orders for oil or gasoline loft
at ijpokeslleld's proccry stnro will be
promptly tiMed by tho Blue Tank
Always Soft,
A few pood farm loans, six per cent
interest. No second mortgage. I). B
PLANTATION: 1100 acres, COO In cultivation,
good orchard. 0 room residence, store building
25x40, a stories high; 2 barns, 30x70 and4ox8o.
Iron roofed; cribs, stables, etc.. 12 tenant
houses, gin and grUt mill, both water power;
bounded on two sides by a splendid stream,
land as rich and produotlvo a Mississippi bot
tom, fine Umber, puro water, healthy situation.
l'rlco, $18000.
160 acres, CO In cultivation, orchard, small
nouses, etc. All goou land, rrico, gi.w pel
ceo acres, 300 In cultivation. The best farm In
ruiton county, on a ne stream, sou nnt-cias
rnce, foow,
200 acres of farm land, dwelling house, and a
stock ot Jewelry, and town property in the
town of laaausota Sprints, Arkansas, for real
state la or around Red Cloud. For further In
formation en above property address,
MaRinoth Springs, Ark.
Red Cloud, Web.
Notice ol Leaso of School Lands
Notice Is hereby (riven that the leases and
contracts on tbe following described school
lands have been osnceled by the board ot edu
cational lands mid funds, nnd If not reinstated
by payment of delinquent Interoit or leato
renUldue, said lands will be ofTorod for lease
by tho County Treasurer of Webster county at
10 o'clock a. m. on the gd day ot November:
Iot s In swK ne lot 0 in neU so'4
Lot 7 in sola seM lot 4 In so uwi and sotf neU
WUswl-4 273 9.
NW1-4 30 3 0.
Hunel-iaudscl-4 10 312.
MW 30 I 0,
I SW 1-4 29 3 10.
Wi se 36 1 10.
r,4 set-e 30 i in.
hw 1-4 ne l-i 10 1 It.
HH .se 1-4 and no 1 4 so 1-4 aa '.
V se 1-4 s l lo.
8 1-3 sw 1 4 nw 1-4 sw 1-4 and o 1-2 nw 1-1 and
HE 1-4 a 2 10.
HW 1-4 nw aa l o.
l-ot 12 in sw sw 7 1 0.
,ted at Lincoln Nebraska, Oct. 3rd, 1892. '
Com. Public Lands and liu tiding
a. E. POND,
Conveyancer, Rcnl Estate,
Loans, Insurance, and Pen
sion Agent.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
I especially invite you to call on me
anything In my line. Loans made
farm property at 8 per sent.
in no Desi companies
ti '
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