ZSBSSSaBSS8&&&& ifiSSrSssswSBRSaesawwr 'jie?pi i!'eittw Stt)lpiwwM9w ' :l J- Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. -tnunHtmr,t ,1a. . tA-iwMir""'VTTV T"r v"'1 " 'rW- . .yASMMKWJrTV . ... . j .... --- - naunii vii4i i rl ' " f W . 4U. - j Mdnii 'BTl 4M By A. C. Hosmkr. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neil, Friday, Oct. 21, 1892. Vol. 20. No. 13 We have seen them and they are all right, And we find them square! 1 We are prepared to show a first-class line of ? Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotting: and Shoes. -And this fall will make a specialty ol - CLOAKS AND OVERCOATS Having secured the best assortment ever shown in Webster Gounty. Call and See the pictures given away with 10 and $25 worth of goods. A sack of Amboy White Loaf Flour given free with every $25'wonh of goods. R. M. MARTIN & SON, r o. (use, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB. Collections promptly attended to, nnd correspondence solicited. pANDOLWI McNITT, ATT0IlNEYK ' Moon. Block, RED CLChjD, NEBi P Collections promptly attended to. C P. I1ADLEY, 1'nlnter and Paper Hanger, Satisfaction guaranteed. 11HD CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. I. W. TULLEYS, M. D. HouiaropatMc Pliyklclftn, Red Cloud, Ncbriwmi. Ofllto opposite Vlrst National llank. U. H.Kxuinlnln(? huiKOon. Clironlo diseases treAied l)V mall. S L. WINFIIEY, Auctioneer, Red Oi.oud, Neisraska. Will attend salei at reasonable figures. Satis luctlon guaranteed. I IDA H. SMITH PKXSIOX ATTORNFA', Notary I'ubllcaud Collection Agent. Red Cloud, Ncbr. Has number of houses on her list tor rent. Makes pensions and Notary Public wor nk specialty! ami writes .ImmIh, motinices and all IcVal Instruments In tlio best ot rltt. Pay taxes lor non-residents. &o. OHlcei Over the Post OHlcc. JOMESJE PAYS THE FREIGHT. TON WAGON U"L SLJ-lf BIAHsOX BUSITiUBUV, mifht rsld. WuTnU4 for I Tmm AcmUWmU4. IwlfwImM. FARMIRI' jouior iiMWxm wainw!. II u U D. B. Spanoge, Rkal Estate ANP I-0:74. Agent Red Cloud. Mortgage Loans TJEJRM8. 1st. Limit of Amount Loaned: 8.T0O.OO to 810,000.00. 2d. Security: Farm loans worth nt least duublo tho amount loaned. 3d. Title: Complete abstract fiom the Unit ed States down to tho borrower. 4 tli Terms or Loan: Five (0) to ton (10) years. Exten sion nt maturity without cost to satisfactory borrowers, 5th Rate or Interest: Eight (8) nor cent, annually, on April, July, Ootobor or Decem ber 1st. utli Place or Payment: Interest nnd principal tnado pnyn- Die nt your nonio bnnif, allowing borrowor to take np his noto at the timo of payment. nil Special Privilege: Partial payment in nny amount nt any timo with rebato of lutorost, ovtdeuced by written ngreomont, providing that such pnymonls shall not exceed in nny one year ono-flfth ot the priuoipul, Call on or Address, !. J. Itlycr, Red !oud, Xcb. Over Deyo'fl Drug Storo. $15,000 TO LOAN TO WORTHY STUDENTS. rfybf MTOV-; '7J W w& Nomoney required to recelvo nn education at this colleuo. Tlio only conditions of udiuuuloti nro a txood moral character and an ambition to wnm an wiumtt1?!!. T!.'i ."I1":! lis .t hIi f 15,000 to bfl lnml during Uifl piummt juar to yoimu people who wIhIi to attend our fli'hool. but it tsu tirtl tli a vunilii rini.lu t II II... limn ..,.,l.,l ...lilt... ..I...... I.. .. I.I..I. .. ...... it... i .. nave not the ready funds. All the timo needed will Do ulven In which to pay the loans and ft student can tnko u full riiiirmi to i;raduatloi without a ilol'ar to liwln with. . '.'S MKvr.TO I'AV AN voir GO; butir Ibis Is lmposlbln vim cmnotalTonl In start In life without an mliieutlnn when you lmvoun iipportiinlty l'ko this. Ten states represented In I hit nt.,.,jl,i.,M. ...,. .11... ...... ,1. ........ I..... ..nu it '..I... ... ..!... ,,.. ... .. .V .... V vavM(v W teach tho I'.lcctrlo Short-Uaiul which can be learned In lustline thuu other system. After you liavo read the circulars of all other schools, xei.d for our cataloKue and wo will leave It t your judgment which school In tlio west ranks tlrst in staudlii, Address, A. m. 1IARGIS, PrcN,, Grand Island, Xcl. C. M. SMITH & SON. PuoprtiETonfi of GET? 11A XSm. All draying promptly attended. Your orders solicited. FLOUR and OSCAR PATMOR Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. Choice Flour & Feed, And sells it cheap. Get his prices before buying join flour.' Webster Co. Abstract Office J. II. RAILKI', AliNlracter and Proprietor. Accurate Alistracls Promptly rurtiUlied for any Lnndnln Webster ( county. A complete and Accurate net of Abstract book and a 9IOOOO lioudniedTltli county JiiiIro InsurcM hIU ruction. For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or some good Bargains in Real Estate, call ou J. H. BAILEV. nun vlovik - Minn ask a. THE DEAR PEOPLE ! or Hiit county will pleiise bear In mind that 11111 IIiin Just received a carload of 4 3k Cook and Heating stoves, And will Discount Any Price in the Valley ' ryou iticlnillilliiw ilon'l rail lo call on him, FOR MOXEY IN WHAT l'OU are TRVIXG TO SAVE. Call in and get a Golden Gem. Fort Abstract Co., lied Cloud, Ii. II. FOllT, MniMKer. Furnislitid to all Lands in WobBtor County, Accurately and ON SHORT -NO riOE. , lluvlii); linil ten vraro oxpuilo'iee In roiiuty reeonN and one of tin nunt niuiiilele ht of All dl met tiook.H In tin1 N';iti,ui! Kuamutee MtUfiu'tlou. Vour favors solicited All onle'H lUled pniuiptly lo.iwo dollar bond tiled i tid approved. AddroKS or call on L. II. FORT Manacier, lied Cloud, Neb. HA11RIS & GUST, IIKALr.RH IX A'orlli ol' Henry Cook's. Your Patronage is solicited. We Keep Nothing bufc the Best Meats. THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. II?ALKRS l Lumber, Coal, Lime, lath, Etc. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Prices Lower than any yard" Warner & Warren, "THE TWO JO'S"' Have opened a Ileal Estate Office, A1ID ARE BEADY TO SELL YOU Farm or CRy Property, or Auctioii off your Stock or House hold Goods. Have Borne Bargains to offer to vxy who call a thiB office, 2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, Up Stairs ................M...................,................rtWy, RED CLOUD TRANSFER LINE 8. JT. COZAD, Proprietor. All hauling intrusted to me will bo promptly attended to. 'mVTVTl LOST r' McGinty to the bottom of the sea, But tlio Buckeye IlainesB Shop is Btill on top and will giye a ticket to the WebsterCounty Fair with every $5 worth pmchiiBcdat his atoro at one time. J. O. BUTLER, Prop, j?.. y . Vi m 0 t4 it . -.'j .1 .I i mm myl - n.i"1--" '"i f1 """f4s.ni'''"-