aaaaaaaaaBSBBBBBBBBW .. A. v.... , .-. -TT"1 ttT J Vfti. !r. - ... - L SI SBBBSEBBSt. a- -. .,, - j , ,iimwlimwtmi 5? tsgjujuxjii. sS5SEft RfMfiS&Hrtsil. BWIWEHBTOBT55555BSt wlB f " HE 11 . ' gk A IB Mr .12 'i 1 I? 'm- f Kt 1-. iV& W Fa J 1 ' .V:-V- j 'V ' S .' ft -' Hi 't A, ' K$f i Our s.tock was never so large, Prices were never so low. Th6se prices sell bring trade. See what we offer you for your money. Childron's Oil Grain Button Shoos, 8 to 12 $ 90 Misses' " ' " " 13 to 2 1 15 Women's " " " " 2to7 1 35 " Beamr Top Foxed Button Shoes, 24 to 7 l 25 Youths' Tip Boots, full stock, 11 to 2 1 65 Boys' " " " " 2i to 5 -1 90 Men's Boots $1.50 to 4 00 Genuine Dongola and Pebble Goai $2.50 Shoes 1 95 Oxfords and low Shoes at Cost to Close Out . Shoes that rip sewed free of charge and all goods warranted. We will save you money. BLAKBSLBB & KALEY .UIMMIMtHltMMMIMtWMMMtMMHI rENCIL TIPS. l'inc tar at Dcyo & Urico's. Lew Clupp was in Itluomitigtou ths week. , Cottitrg has- the finest lumps you ever saw. ' ' AH 8;zcs of window glnss nt Dcyo & Grioo's. Harry Pond has liad the windows in hiit office nicely painted. That dollar and a half vaso lamp tt Cottings is a beauty. Mr. A. S. Marsh and family expect to go to California next week. J. A. Lopeman, our popular tree man, was in tho oity.this week. Hats and eaps for tho whole world nt right prides. ClllCAOO Stoiie. G. W. Lindsoy and wifo expect .to go to Newcastle, Wyo,, in a fow days. Deyo & Orjco nro having a nice wall paper trifdo this fall. Their stock is largo. There is no setter paint in the market than the Lincoln mixed paint, sold by (Jotting. The old reliable corner drugstore is in bolter shapo than ever to tako caro of its largo trade, Mr. O. Mulvainc, wifo and daughter of Newman, III., are visiting with Andcison Ilcdgo and family. L V. Taylor has returned homo from Olinton, Illinois, jprbero ho has been on a visit to his people, Mrh. L, D. Dcnnoy. of lied Cloud, has been visiting with her father, Dr. Baird, this week. Mud Hill Leader. Cotting has a big stock of 10 cent sheet music cataloguo of over 2,000 pieces. Como in and look them over. Sherwood & Albright for groceries. Hacker's old stand. Tho beat of everything kept in stock. Trunks and valises anoT rubbor clothing in endless quantity received this week. CHICAGO Store. Go to Sherwood & Albright for your fine groceries. The boys aro de serving and will nuko it a business to watoh your interests. Tho . city ciunoil should have a briok fluo put up at tho engino and save tho cxpcnoo of buying a Bheet iron fluo every f,ow days. The managers of the lied Cloud cemetery have succeeded in having it fenced. Every citizen in the city will commend the action. E. J. Potcrson, of Catherton to ship, who' was quite bauly injurcu By being kicked by a home a few wee ago, is auiu iu uu aruuuu nguiu. Received this week the niccBt so looted stock of men's suits you ever . saw in this city. GuiOAao Clothing Store. II. A. Shinkle will movo his second hand store into the room, to soon be vacated by J. Murray. Mr. Shinkle is doing a thriving business and wo wish him success. Tho patrons of our schools should aim to be out in full forco on Colum bus day. Tho Superintendent, G. M. Castor and the Board of Education are arranging for a suitable celebra tion on that day. Editor Greonlec, of tho lied Cloud Democrat, spent Wednesday in Bluo Hill, a dclcgsto to tho Domooratio float convention. Ho boing in cbargo of tho Webster county delegation. Bluo Hill Leader. On last Sunday Noah Perry and J. L. Miller hired a livery rig and start ed for tho country. Thoy had no mora than started boforo tho (bam took friirbt and, in spite of tho occu pants of the buggy, ran oif'and at'tho engino house upset tho buggy throw ing tho men out and bruiniog them severely but not seriously. Boyd & Overiog, our enterprising marble doulers, displayed' remarkable energy in making a flho 'display of headstone?, monuments, and"3o forth, nt tho fair last wock. Thoy employ killcd workmen awd- hd "Work dis played gave cvidenco that they wcro prepared to enpo with the most exteu- , . sivo firms of the kind in tho west. The work was boautiful and was ad mired by all who oxamiattUt. Cioods could not U better the goods and REPUBLICAN MA8 MEETING Senator MaaderaoN Will aftdreea th mod! of WebsUr county, on the political issaes of tho day, ta the opera house, Oct. 27. All are in vited. This apeech will be one of the best of the campaign. AROUND TOWN. Try tho new shoemaker at Blakes lco & Kaley's. X. B. Wisooarnor has added his namo to The Chief's list. First class work is done at tho Golden Eagle Tailor Shop. . J. B. Wisecarner has purchased the City Livery barn of Mr. Swihart. Attorney Trunkey has recently pur chased a number of fine law bookB. YanBcnson has hay for sale at $3.60 per ton. Sco him if you want hay. tf Sco Osoar Patmor bofore buying our. He has made a big' roduo tion. If you aro going to paint this fall, go to Doyo for your material and save money. John Fishor of DeWitt, Illinois, was in Red Cloud this week looking after land. Don't forget that Adam Morhart has the finest lamps in tho city and is selling them at way down prices. Call on us for boys' suits, wo are strictly in it in this line. Chicago Store. Fred McKecby, who went to S, Jjouib to study medicine, has cone Ao Umaba. His health would not mit of his Btaytng in that city. Do you need wall paper ? Deyo's stock is complete and new. He does not allow his stock to run down and then work of old stock on you. At a republican caucus on Mondav eveniner It B. Fulton was nominated7 for Supervisor, J. Baylcs, for Justiofe Jos Warren Assessor, J. B. Wri Constable Tho W. C. T. U. will meet during Oitobor with Mrs. 0. J. Pope. All members should be present at the noxt meeting to hear a report of tho state convention. For men's, boys' or children's underwear wo are after you sharp beoauso we bavo the stock and quality. Prioo is mado to suit you. Cuioaoo Clothing Store. Blakeslco & Kaley, at tho Cincin nati Shoe Store, have secured tho ser vices of a first-olass shoemaker and all wishing fine custom work or re pairing can bo acoimmodated. Satis faction guaranteed. Maybo McKcighan could fix up that Cadctship whereby ho appointed .'nr Tnnra nrtff trt Wadi. Vinf inoieail nf a Nebraska boy, if ho oould -bo re elected, but he never will be for An drews is the coming man. Joseph Frcudenstine, of Clinton, Illinois, was in the eity this week. He purohascd a fino farm near Guide Hock for which he paid $4,000 cash. The farm is one of the best in the county. He paid this ofice a very pleasant visit. ' Mies Jonnie Boll and Miss Mabel Truman went to Beatrice last Friday morning as delegates from the Christ ian Church in Red Cloud to the Y. P. S. C. E, Convention in that oity. Thoy returned Monday evening high ly pleased with tho courtisies cf the Beatrice people. C. Wioncr has taken the accn'ov for Dr. Jaros Hygiene underwear. It is recommended bv leadincr nhvaioians in tho United States. Used by the army and nayy and tho prinoipal cities uso it in thoir fire and police departments as an almost sure pre ventlye against ruoumaUBU. It'a not very pleasant to cough and back To suffer pain in cheat and back, Many people oould atop it, for sure, Uy simply using one minute cough cure For sale by Cotting. i Troublo has again invaded tho rjuiet quarters at Bluo Hill. Super Zimmorman, Tuesday morning escort- cda Mrs. Fulley to Red Cloud to ap pear boforo tho Insane Commission. Sho was adjudged insane and was taken to HastinB where eho will re main in "duranco vilo" until suob time comes that tho family want her baolc again, If she comes baolc the old man should be sent in her atoad. Blue Hill Leader. Oysters at Calmes. l.OtiAL NEWS. M. It Dontloy hns returned home from Lincoln. Judge Bonllo, has been holding court this week. E. C. Cooper, ot Lincoln, was in the eity this week. ' Andy Warner of Lincoln was in tho oity this woik. J.N. Riohnrdsof Uontrice, wns in tho oity this week. S. C. Smith, of Ueatrioe. was in Red Cloud this week. Dr. Sohenok 6t Riverton, was attend ing court this week. The oreamery haa shot down, becau se of shortage of pasture. Anson Higby or Dondwood, B. I)., was in lied Cloud this week. Jake Reigle has taken a position with Traders' Lumber Company. Remember that W W Wright will make you the lowest pricos on stoves. Mm. Dollarhlde is visiting with the family of kr. It. P. Hutchison this week. Don't forget that Hollow'eon will soon be here, and then looks will bo necessary. Wanted: A girl to do house work. Good wages. Inquire at Duoker's dry goods store. Mr. Potter and wife, of Wilcox, were visiting with Meeurs. R. P. and Hutchison. Will Kizer and Mias Viola Charley, of this city were married Oot. 10, 1892, by Rev. E. L. Ely. Vin Willinras has returned home to atny. bo has been working for the 11. it fti. rail road. 3, L. Miller was at Geneva attending the Grand Lodge of tho Knighte of i'ythtas tbis weolt. Hev. O. M. Larsen of Minnesota, was the guet of A. O. Berg, this week. He returned Thursday. Fred Olmatead of Hasting, an attor ney, looks splendid in a foot rnoe after nts bat in a wind storm. A. D. Ranney. A. M. Walters. I. O. Ma: tin, '. a. uweezy, it. a. uimpeon or m mil were in tho oity this week. Sylvester Day, is home from his visit in Waahinston D. C and Pennsylvania. He baa been visiting hia old homo and mends. "nandsomo ib that iiandsomo does,"and if Rood's Barsanarllla doesn't do hand somely then nothing' does, navo you ever tried itr Uncle J .'Post who hns been in Colora do for his'liealth. haa returned to this oity. He says Red Ootid is tho best city be over lived in. On the 10th, Mr. Otto Stocke, will sell 80 head of stock, composing cattle, horses, and hogs. He will give 12 months time without interest. This conntr, through our Connty Treasurer, Chris Fnssler, has paid the stato $20,710.77 this year in taxes and lease money for stato and University lands. IThere, will be a poverty social and con- nnarum supper at the K. r. nail Satur day evening. All Invited. Given by tho Y. P. 8. O. E. of tho Congregational church. Bomo fellow thought he would be fan ny and arrested Wright Thornburg on a state charge, but Wright boat Mr. fellow, and in turn will giro the fellow a doeq of his own medicine. Otto Stocke who has lived in this conn- l tot the lastslx yeara has decided to oaers'tccKei: "o'neVTr most industrious farmors. A committee of three haa been nnnoltt ed by the council to extend tho water mains from Bleepor'n corner north three Diocits to u. J. Myers residence and west two blocKs to lid Htmtn's property. On last Thursday over 100 of our vot ers, nearly all republicans, went over to Nelson to the Andrews MoKeighan de bate. The republioana are jubilant over the drubbing that the remiblican candi date gave MoKeighan. Our old friend J.Murray, proprietor of the Fair Store is going to move into the oooupiedbyR.M. Martin & Son. Vr. Mur ray is going to put in a much larger stock. Thk CuiBr wishes him much DrosDerltv. A oonfidenoe man, on tho fair grounds, played a smart trlek on a man by the name of Boyce. He asked the man if he could change $5. The man said he could and handed two dollars and a half to the fellow, who immediately took to his heels with the $0 and the 82.50. The speech by J u. Caldwell, last Wednesday night was a master-piece of eloquence and logieal conclusion for the republican party. His speech vrss a vote ujunui, uuu u uuniuur woo nave Doen breathing calamity decided that tboy woeld change back to the republican party; i Last Thursday evening a number ot young folks surprised uenry J. Clark. it being bis twenty-first birthday. The evening was passed pleasantly and at the olose they all enjoyed and excellent upper. Among the numorous presents he received was a beautiful S. of V.badge ajtvett uy me o, oi v. dbuu. The attention of our readers is called to the card of The Biegel, Weleh & Claw son Live Btook Commission Co., of Kan sas City. This arm merits consideration from shippers and feeders of live stock. Eaeh department is looked after by a member of the firm, thos insuring better servioes than when left to disinterested employes. They have a largo amount of available capital for the use of patrons. Furnish free ot charge daily market re- potie. uiva worn a mat. ssssr: Richest of all in Leavening Power. &&em i in Ro&i AASOUSTELY PURE Celebration of Columbus Day. Tho teachers and tho board of edu cation of this oity aro making cxton sivo proparationo for tho celebration of Columbus day October 131, and they extend a general invitation to the com munity to join them in tho observance of tho day. Tho president of the United States in his proclamation very fittingly proposed that tho public schools should tako tho lead in tho day's demonstrations and throughout tho entire country tho peoplo will as somblo on that day in oommomoration of the greatest event in history and in recognition of tho xuprcmo claims th'at childhood and youth and thoir sohools have upon their country. Flags have been procured for tho school buildings and on that day will bo unfurled from their summits with becoming core mony. It is hoped that tho business men of tho city w'll as far as pos.siblo closo their places of business during tho hours of tho afternoon in which tho exorcises aro held. Every patriot in Red Cloud and community is cordi ally invited to meet at the G. A. 11. Neb Ix" at 1:'0 p' m on t'l,t dny r 1'1C OiXipurpoio of joining tho march from tho i.ii t. tt.. i.ik .i..i t.,.n.i:nn 'pi.- oommitteo have prepared the follow ing program of oxeraisos: Hchools aMcmble at high school bulldlnit at lsnp. m. rrucrsalon from O. A. It. hatl led by thotiand mi TeierHii ftrnroHi i:.iu p, m. HiKnM to tictierntonrnuiite implant l.rAn.ra mo ami at u d. in mpiis arranged iu convenient lorm aooui lie; auliiKoitiio presidents lu-ocmmatlon by tbo master of ceremonies, itnlslnir ol rliiir liv thn flBj; rraohea tlm top nf the starl the veterann lend the assembly In "three cheers for the flag." Hniute to too nan ny the pupils. Hlmilnito! America, tlio band accorapanylnf. rnxesslon to groumli. 1'rayer by Rev. Mr. Cbapln. MonRof Columbus day. Address by Hon. J. H. Qllha MUSIC. Qllham. Columbus ode Miss Alice llcmsberc. music sua auournment, G. M. Caster, PER, ) IER.V C. F. Gather, Com. H. K. Pond, Pelsonod by Scrofula Is the sad atory of many lives made miserable through no fault of their own. Scrofula is more especially than any other a hereditary disease, and for this slmplo reason: Arising from impure and insufllcient blood, tbe disease locates itself in the lympatics, which are com posed of white tissue; thero is n period of foetal life when the whole body consists of white tissues, and therefore the un born child is especially susceptible to this dreadful disease. Bat there Is a remedy for scorfula. whether hereditary or ac quired. It is nood'a Sarmparilla, which by its powerful effect on tho blood,expels all trace of the disease and gives to the vital fluid tho quality and color of health. It you decide to take uood's BarsaDarilla do not accept any substitute. Editor Chief: Tho state conven tion of tho Womans' Christian Tom pcronoo Union met at Grand Island, Oct. 3d, in tho First Baptist ohuroh. Mrs. M. A. Hitchcock, I'res.; Mrs. C. M. Wondwaid, Vice-Pres. One hundred and twenty-six delegates prcsont. Mrs. Brakefield, Dist. I'res., and Mrs. F. S, Sherwood from Red Cloud, Mrs. Bailey of Cowlcs, Mrs. McClarcn of Blue Hill, Mrs. Snydor of-Mindon, and others from tho ninth district. The program was excellent and well carried out. The choirs of the differ ent churohes gavo us exoellent music each oyening. Tbe mayor gave us a cordial wel como to ths oity, and gaye us an in vitation from Mr. Oxnard to visit the beet sugar factory, an honor not ac corded to everyone, as a number of delegations of men had been unablo to gain admittance within its sweet walls. On Wednesday fifty carriages from the mayor and citizens wero at the depot. Wo first vis ited tho college and was rcoeived by tho faoulty and students. A short servico was held, when wo' procecdod to the Old Soldiers'7 Home, a most de cant building ana grounds, and from thcro to tho factory, where wo were escorted through the great building and, though ''nothing but a woman, was very, much impressed with the miolunory which in a short timo con verted rsw beets into pure whito su gar. I oould not help wondering if it was any more complicated than tho political maohino of which wo hear so much, On Thutiday, we visited the groat Union Pacific car shops and held service at the noon hour. 8tato office wero noarly all re elected, Mrs. Brakefield being elected dclegato to tho national' convention which meets in Denver the last of Oc tober on Saturday morning. All re turned to their homes feeling that they had boon to a Grand Island. S. A. T. Ormsby, df Donver, Col., was in this city this wook. Ho is now locatod. atrial 5' Market Streot, and is doing a nice business, wo are ploasod to Icarri. He is in tho general com-mission'bueiness. 'rTrrmrrmrmss U. S.' Gov't Rtport Aug. 17, 1S89, Baking Powder Do You 1 . . I , 1 ' '' 7 1 I 1 II 1 I v Well Made, Stylish Clothing, Warm and Health Preserving Underwear", Stylish Hats or Caps, Serviceable Foot wear',' -:-:- IF SO -:-:- Come and se u6. Having just returned from the Eastern remark et our stock is ready for your inspection. We have many Raro Bargains to offer yqarV'lr -AT THK 1 Square Dealing C. Preneimccd HeclcM,YotgHvecl. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. mud, of Qroton 8. D.. we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs, cough sat in and finally terminated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I coald live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, detem ined if I coald not stay with tny friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's Now Deicovery for oowiump tion, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank Ood I am now s well and hearty woman." Trial bottles freo at C. L. Cottlng's drug store, regular size, GOotsandfl- Dr. Feck was in a peck 'o trouble this week because home one's tattle got into his corn, but he did not get a pecV of money for his damages, bat the cattle eatt three pecks of corn and Peok is still pecking away. Good Looks. Good looks are more than skin deep, de pending opon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive, yoa have a bilious look, if your stomach be disordered yon have adyspeptio look and if year kidneys be affected you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Eleetrio Bitters Is ths great alterative and tonio aota di rectly on these vital organs. Curt pim ples, blotches, boils and gives) a good com plexion. Bold at O.L. Cottlng's drug store, SOcts per bottle. AbmkHm Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln's physician, the emi nsnt Dr. Holland, who attended him in his last moments, when the brave man's life was fast ebbing away, stated that it was not the dlreet result of the fatal shot ot "Booth" bat the reduced physical condition of the president due to tho enormous strsin upon hia nsrvons system that if he had taken tbe neeessaty pre cautions to have kept hia blood, liver sad kidners in a sound and healthy condition recovery would have been eertaia, and that ths remedy he always recommended wu Hepaticure, the Great English Blood and Liver tonio, as it is absolutely oerttln to eare ail these iroabUe. For sals by Ii. II. ueyo. A. nainter ta tflane MCI eouteil' pUtB asfrUgt if to got fltUi VtA tt Wiiur'n Golds'a Eiglo. Wadding ouirlts a specialty. Drooped Dead at a Hansiuet. Many a man who has attended fame and riohee here, has been thus suddenly nuiiAl to the hereafter. The dootorsvaid ho died of heart failure. It hbjmfcleod had been pure hi heart would nave bean beating yet. Take Hepatloure whether yon banquet yourself at home upon a dinner of herbs or are banquetted abroad by kings and potentates. Everybody needs Hepaticure. It keeps the liver and kidners pure and healthy; it gives the heart a healty action restores tho ner vous ystetn, For sale by Peytf, 1 . 1 " Want fccV nil AL if 1 - Golden Eale. WIENER, Prop. Tko Haa at Ike WkoM. The man at the wheel has a crave re sponsibility; so has he who takes hie lit in his own hands and wheel aetoffJeas marlarlona or othsrwise sasTettaf wKh any blood disease to which aajasan aesk Is heir, ignores the advloe t Ua dearest friends and refutes to take lleawtioase aa a mediolne that yearly earee ta aide of uia reuow aunsrers. uoia or u. a isyo A much desired 'shower laid the dust Wednesday morning. Tko Population or Med Vload Is about 8.000. and we would ear that at least one halt are troubled with some alTeotlon on the throat and lumrs. as tkeaw complaints are, according to staUMios. more numerous than others. Wewoald advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on their drtUMlataad got a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs. Trial also free'. Large bottles COots and tl. Bold by aU dracr. gists. navissr sold one half (nlsrest' la mr store to Bert Grioe all patties Indebted to me will plsase sell aneT settle at com. ,?." it.n.amto. RocoMmeadcd kfttlso djaooa. That Is what all EsgrafaVpW aay a bout whatevsr they kTe to aelL In America however ite "thajTefdiet of the people" that mailer's Bartr Wire Lini ment is the most suoeeasf ul tssssdy for cute, bruises and sores ever iatroduoed. For sal by 0. L. Cotting. X! Notice ol Lease erftckeel Lands Niitlco Is herebr alven that tie contracts on the lollowlng deeerlsea sebeot lands have been canceled bv the beard tt edu cational lands and funds, aad If Bet relaetslsd by payment or . delinquent IntereM er lease renttl due, said lands will be offered for lees by the Uounty Treasurer of Webeter oeuaty at 10 o'clock a. in. on the ad day of Noveatbert WHnwHlss-sw. ft s In swU ne lot S In neU i m Lot 7 iu MH seJ lot 4 la se awfc and uH nei 1 j. WWSWMJ73 0. wwr l-4Sfli!B. NWSB ID, BKnel-4ndoMi0312. WUSWM29210. EH selsMHO. HW 1-4 B MIS 111. gi,se 14 and as 1 4 se U M 3 K, NWsel-451 10. ME 1-4 as 1 10 Si-3swi4nwt-4swMaudel-3 uw H and nw 14 ns t4i3i:;. BE14iiS310. Wl-3el4asiS. 8W 14 nw M 1 0. Lot 13 in sw sw 7 1 e, . NE14nwllo. Dated at Lincoln Nebraska, Oct. Srd. 18W. Com. Publlo Lauds and BniMliag. I IDA II. 8MITH PENSION ATTORNEY, r MeiaryvakUeasd tUsHa 4gssit. RdCioidKlr. rtiJSft'umrA'ref ejj4j6hrlHt tar rest m MakspsDt6BSBt Ketanr TabUe war ak frwclaltr.aodirritesdeed.Bortsgesaaa all local InstruaieBU In the best of SlyTe. Pay taxes for Boa-relde,Hts, o. , AfSHcei-urer tfeeFfe OBlee. a JONES; NE PATS TNE FREItsT. nnuvn nnuii BUaiSK atAMTAMBIilt nsSabthU. imii. .- " - - . J PARMBRt nmwmuiMmWMamiM ft w I I'M 1 I v f ' ' I w '' . i 1 9 JrLL II ft iff W1 biHbB mm: -mi ' if- v .