The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 14, 1892, Image 4

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lsrjihaeI Weekly.
FfWy, Oeft. 14' Itffi '
1 Per Annum
Unrimr la
It sot M l Mvsaee, fWr Wiim M
II, ISM, the price mill t WmSxC'
A. C. HOMER, Editor.
i ' '
Ml at the ft Offles Incited cloud, Kcb.
m asll Mtterof the tecond enws
eaMlcaa National Ticket,
For Vks-rretlSest
Pet CoBfrMnuw Nk District
Mate Ticket.
- LOIBNZO cbounbk.
.rsrBecrtttrrst Ms.
For Alitor, rUQKNEJ00RK
otTnunr'j B .HARTLEY.
Forooofundynd Hid,,
FerHaperlBtesSeat of Public Instruction,
For fasts Master, .
W. T. AtJBriN.
For Float RepresesUtlve,
itjr Ticket.
For RsprsssatsMrt 4tk district,
MeKelvhss is not in it in Webster
eotutr. and thero is not the least
doubt but what Andrews will carry the
coast? by from 1B0 to 200 majority.
The great change that is taking
place in this county, is cvidonee that
tbe independent party is losing hun
dred of voters who aro turning
against MoKeighan.
Every day that remains beforo
eleetiot Bakes MoKeighan's chances
for going to congress a second term,
beautifully less. Tho poople havo bo
come tired of bluafor and desiro to
send a man to congress who will not
stand areund on tho street corners
telling what a horriblo condition they
are in, but want a man who will be at
his post attending to legislation.
The other day an Iowa man, was
talking ta Capt. Houohin, one of our
breesy independents. As usual Cap
was claiming everything. Tho Town
man' maintained that the republican
party waa par excellent, upon whloh
our independent friend said that tho
devil was once an angel, and adding
in parenthesis "What is he now ?"
Beforo he could utter another word
the Iowa gentleman responded that
he waa an independent, ine crowa
thought that that was pretty hard on
the devil.
St. Louis as Seen b) n ZScd Cloud
Bey. ,
Editor Ciiiep I arrived hero one
week ago today and from tho first was
net favorably impressed with this city.
I have been very busy sinco l arrived
but will doseribo to some extent some
of the things 1 havo scon, leaving the
rest for somo futuro time.
Tho Marion Sims collcgo of modi
oino is situated in tho highest part of
tho city thus affotding us plenty of
fresh air and a good viow of the city.
It is threo miles from tho business cen
ter but is easily reached from all
points by etrcot cars. Thero aro
about 200 students enrolled, but at
tho end of tho month thero will prob
ably be 200 present.
At the present time, during tho
oirnival, tho streets and many of tho
Firominent buildings aro brilliantly il
uminatod every evening.
Tho Veiled Prophet parade, which
took placo Tuesday evening, was, I am
told, more beautiful tban any previous
production of that event. Thcso
parades occur every year and tho aim
of tho citisens is to havo each ono
better than tho preceding Tho cos-
tumrs are spotlosx white, thus, in the
toroh light, making it very boautiful
indeed. Largo numbers of pcplo
woro hero from all parts of tho United
States, and all along tho line of march
tho streets were orowded to such an
extent that it required eiuht mounted
policemen ahead of the parado to keep
the people back and then at times it
could not be done
St. Louis has moro parks than any
city of its site in tho U. S., and she
also claims the honor of having the
Inrgest park in Amcrioa. Ongoing
into tho exposition building tho first
thing to attract my attention waa Oil
more's band. Tboy wcro playing
some national air and tho musio held
me ipell-bound for half an hour and
then I besan to realize what a vast
amount of practice tho lied Cloud
band would liavo to hnvo before thuy
could over play bo well.
Hero you find represented every
kind of industry carried on in St.
Louis. 1 will not attempt to desrribo
what I Haw for I havo neither t.ine
nor ability to do so; but tho one thing
which attracted my attention the
most was a printing press which was
printing eight pago papers at tho rate
of 12.000 an hour.
Whilo no doubt this is a pleasant
placo to live, I do not think 1 caro to
raako it my permanent placo of resi
dence, not on account of tho sur
roundings, but on account of tho cli
mate Tho air is very tttnoky und
damp, and just now tho mosquito aro
so numerous ono cannot sleep n'ghta.
On tho whole, Nebraska is good
enough for mo.
As I am oompollod to stay hero for
a whilo though ploaso send mo the
tireat Family Weekly.
Ilcspcctfully yours,
,F. E. MoKeeuy,
Educational Department.
D. M. HUNTER, Editor.
Kl s n ,
Over in Walnut creok tho other
sight occurred a joint debate botween
Harry Hopkins, Frii Riohardson, in
' dependents, and Randolph McNitt,
republiean, reipectivo candidates for
county attorney. Frix and Hopkins
thought they had a snap, but tho way
that llanney mopped the earth with
his opponents was a caution. Tho
meeting when polled stood 47 repub
liean. 5 den icrate and 2 independ
ents, they wci-e the two speakers first
mention!. Then is no question but
'4fV-wMl not only llanney McNitt will bo
4tevti. but alio the entito ropubli
' eat ticket in this county.
DVBDeneiB. distress Biter entini;. 6our
tomaoh, poor appetite, bad tnuU, cont-
eufioBRue ana assrtuurn are oureu uy
DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous
litte pill. For sale by Cotting.
I Want te Buy FtiriuH
Parties having cheap farm lands for
salo, improved or unimproved can find
buyers by calling on D. 11. Spnnoglo,
Roal Estato and Loan Agent, lied
Cloud, Neb.
Farm loans at six per coat option
to pay after two years, D. li. Sian-
Program or Red Lionel Teach
era' meeting.
Many schools aro making prepara
tion for the observance of Columbus
Day. .
Many who aro iiot tcaohern have
joined tho local reading oirole in
Cathorton and arc much interested in
tho work.
Tho long winter evenings cou'd not
bo moro profitable spent by patrons,
sohool officers, and others than in
making n study of Pages' Theory and
I'raotico and Halo s Mgnts or Two
Centuries. A study of Page's Theory
and Practico by patrons and school
officers would have n tendency to
create moro sympathy with the teach
ers in their work in tho school room,
and cause all to havo a blether idea
of what constitutes a true teacher, and
a better idea of what tho peoplo in
each district should do in order that
our public sohools could be raised to
that standard of effioioney so desira-
bio for tho promotion of tho best in
terests of tho children who attend
Tho study of Hale's Lights of Two
Centuries would lead all to know
something of thoso men who have
bcon leaders in thoir special lines
of work, and would add much to the
storo of tho student's 'general knowl
edge. A study of tho. biographies of
leading mon in any ago is a atudy of
tho hiBtory of the titno iu which they
lived; as men make history.
Reading oirole work properly con
ducted in any neighborhood would
lift tho peoplo nbovo their ordinary
piano of life and causo their thought
to bo placed upon something elevating
both intellectually and morally, and
kcop them from wasting much valu
able timo on tho potty gossip of
tho community in which they live.
Wo would liko to see some of the
patrons join with teachers in tho
Reading Circlo work. Wo believe
both would bo benefitted by so doing.
Mrs. Franc S. Gather is tho leader
of tho Reading Circle in Cathcrton
prcoinot. Thoir meetings, aro inter
esting and profitable. Why aro there
not moro of such looal circles.
Tho Garfiold local Reading Circle
is a success also.
An abstract of teachers' first
monthly reports will bo Riven noxt
Somo reports havo not boon received
and arc past duo.
Nothing shows the proficiency of a
teacher so muoh as nromptness in
making reports, and in doing other
To Prevent the Grip
Or nny othor similar epidemic the
blood and tho whole system should be
kopt in a healthy condition. If you feel
worn oat or have "thai tired feeling' in
the moruincr. Donot be suilty of neglect.
Oivo immediate attention to yourself.
Take nood's Barsaparllla to glre strength,
purify the blood and prevent disease.
nood's Fills oureliyer ills, jaundice, bil
iousness, siok headache, constipation.
Annual Convention, W. C.T. U.,
Denver, Coloiado, Oct 26-Nov. 2.
For this occasion the Burlington
Routo will have in addition to re
duced rates from all stations through
car arrangements to Denver. For in-
tormatioii as to scrvico from your
station, address Mrs. O. M. Wood
ward, Vicc-Prcs. YV. C. T. U., 8eward,
Weak Strong
" a marked 1'fwflt which ncojilj In run
n cr wr.ikcncd stale of health ilorlro
, . i lliHii'.'s Bnrnai'arllla, conclusively proves
c lalm that this mcillclno " makes tlio weak
gtrmiR." It docs not act like a stimulant,
Imparting fictitious strength (torn which thero
must follow a reaction of greater weakness
than before, but In the most natural way
Mood's Barsaparllla overcomes that tired recl
ine, create an appetite, purines tho Mood,
ami, In short, gives groat bodily, ncrvo,
mental and digestive strength.
Faggd Out
"Last spring I was completely fagged out.
My strength left me and I felt sick and mis
erable aU the time, so that I could hardly
attend to my Business. I took one bottle of
Hood's Barsaparllla, and It cured mc. There
Is nothing like It." B. C. Bkoolb, Editor
Enterprise, Belleville, Mich.
"I derived very much benefit from flood's
Barsaparllla, which I took for general debility.
It built mo right up, and gave me an excel
lent appetite." ED.JENXiNs,Mt,Savage,Md.
N. B. It you decide to take Hood's Barsa
parllla do not bo Induced to buy anything else
instead. Insist upon having
MSbrsJllrastlstt. Ill six tor, Prepared only
by O. L HOOD 00, Apothecaries, LowsU, Km.
100 Do Qrf Dollar
Legal Notice.
Whereas, on the 2d dav of March. 1802.
W. 11. Quiwlts made, executed nnd de
livered to Riohardson, nughee & Co., his
two certain promissory notes for tho sura
of six hundred dollars each, dated March
2, 1892, one of whloh notes is duo and
payable March 1, 1808, and tho other of
which is due and payable March 1, 1894.
and whereas the said Goiwits, to secure
the payment of said notes, mado, execut
ed and delivered to raid Riohardson,
Hughes k Co., a chattel mortgage on the
following described property towit: Ono
standard bred trottlntr stallion No. 1)452,
called Noah Biroh, seal brown in color,
with one white ankle on right hind leg,
six years old; whereas said chattel mort
Wright's Ffealtli Underwear.
Non-Irrilnling, Always Soft,
And more durable tlmn tho ordinary knit.
New York, 189&
To the Trade and tJie Consumer:
In submitting to you
the " Wright's Health Uuderwear" we desire call
ing special attention to their SANJTAllY OUAL-FFIE8.
'The garments absorb the perspiration as rapidly
as emitted through the pores of the shin and car
ry it to the surface of fabric where it is evavoraU
ed, thereby preventing the body from being sud
denly chilled by atmospheric changes and guard
ing the wearer against colds, la grippe, pneumon
ia, rheumatism, etc.
The finest material is Used in their manufac
ture, and for warmth, comfort and durability arc
TJie fleecing is woven in the fabric and is Huar
anteed not to wear off until the garment is thor
oughly worn out. Use only ordinary care in
washing fine woolens.
Upou their merits alone we commend to you
gage was duly filed in the clerk's office of
Webster county, Nebraska, on tho Utb
day of March, 1892, andwhereos, by the
termB and conditions; of said mortgage.
xr the mortgagees or tnoir As
signs should feel unsafe or insecuro then
it should bo lawful for tbe said mortgagee
or his assigns to take immediato posses
sion of said goods nnd chattels, mid to
sell tho same at publlo auction, nnd
whereas the said mortcaseed feel nnsafo
hand insecure and the terms of said chat
tel mortgage havo been by the said Qui-
wits violated, and said mortgagees nave
taken possession of said property by
reason thereof, nnd under the terms and
conditions of said mortgage, now. notice
is hereby given that tho said mortgagees
will sell the mortgaged property above
described under said mortiaco at the liv
ery stable of Joseph O. uolcomb, in the
oity of Red Cloud, In the county of Web
ster, Nebraska, on tho 22d day of Ootober,
1892, at one o clocK p. m. ol said day,
There is now due and owing from said
Quiwits to the said mortgagees on the said
notes ana mortgage, me earn oi vizuu.
By Jas.MoNeny, Their Atty. 10-4t
P. S Beware of imitations.
PaorniETORs or
Mate Creek Items.
Sowing wheat is tho order of tho
Chas. Isom, Tuff Sutton, and Thos.
Brown havo done some good thresh
ing iu these parts.
Mr. Lewis did not soil all of his
stoek .at the sale; ho bad rather u
poor crowd,
Mr. Al. Patton's sorghum barrel
leaked he says about 20 gallons in
one ulght
The corn has dried up nirnly, and
the sorghum cane is all worked up and
now wo are ready for Mr. Jaok Frost
and don't think he can cat any thing
we have.
Mr. Clark Stephens' early sowing of
wheat came up nicely and tho bugs or
dry weather ono has caused it to dis
appear again.
Fresh potatoes are boing dug and
sold for 50cs, wheat 48 to &2cts, oats
22 to 23ote, and ryo4Bots.
Mrs. Frank Gray is in poor health.
John Davis has a very siok child,
Mrs, Chas.. Davis of Ind., has bocn
visiting bor sister Mrs. Squire Foglo
and otbor relatives has returned homo.
Air. A. S. Ringbury, of Smith
Centre, was in this part recently on
legal business.
Tut! Sutton has bought a now wag
on and he has two cheap ones for sale,
A first class singing teacher is get
ting up a school at Mount Hope.
What shall it nrotlt
... -- . m .
in the wnoie worm anu men
man if lie
en has the
so bad that he can't enjoy nny
crood thintrs it container Ho
wool have dyspopala it he takes DoWhts
Little' Early Risers. Frfr sale at Cottlngs
t IF
" Notice.
AU orders for oil or gasolino left
at Bpekesield's grocery store will bo
promptly filled by tho Bluo Tank
,' Children oryj'(
Pftohtr'0 Cattort f
Died. -In the city of consumption.
A familiar headline isn't It T It's pretty
risky to neglect cold or cough. Ono
minute cough cure is pleasant, safe and
sure. For sale at Cotting's.
Drunkenness, er the Liquor
Habit Cured nt Homo In Ten
Days by Admlalstertng Dr.
Haines Golden Specific.
It can be given in a gloss of boor, a
oup of coffeo or tea or in food without
the knowledge of the patient It is ab
solutely harmless and will effect a per
manent and speedy sure, whethor tho
patient is n moderate drinker or an al
coholic wreck. It has boon given in
thousands of cases, nnd in ovory instance
a perfect cure has followed. It never
falls. The system onco Impregnated with
the apeoitio, it becomes an uttor impossi
bility for the liquor appetite to exist.
Cures guaranteed. 48 pago book of par
ticulars free. Address the Golden Spe
cific Co., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, O.
sT" n!n
assisnaannssB avnBaBuuujauuungggia A
Hemombcr Wiener is doping out
his mon's and boys' boots t1cs than
cost. ,
Farm loans at lowest interest.
Strictly first-class loans at lowor rutos
than has ever been given in this couu
ay before Option to pay part or all
nt end of any jear.C. F. CatiikiC
Pilos rf poople havo pileu, but Do?
Witt's Witoh llazol Balvo will euro thrin.
For Bala nt Cotting's.
Children Cry for
When lUby was sick, we gate her Oaatorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for CastorU.
When tho became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
Vfhea she bad Children, aha gave them Caatorla
You will fail in your duty it you do
not bco W. W. Wright before you buy a
heuting or cooking stove. He has the
flneBt line in the valley.
Call on T. E. Penman, Jeweler and
optician for fine watch cleaning and
repairing, artistic lotter, emblem and
monogram engraving. A full line of
watches, clocks, jewelry, spectacles,
etc always on hand. Can fit any eye
with tho very best of spectacles. You
will find, in Cotting's drug sterj,
Thero is no use talking, neither Harri
son or Cleveland will be elected unless
they tako DoWitt's Littlo Early Risers.
Thoy havo n "get thero" quality possess
ed by no other pill. For sale by Cotting.
For Flour and Feed
Go nnd seo L. F. Albright. He keeps
tho best brands and sells his flour just
as cheap as others. Also sells hard
nnd soft coal. Friocs reasonable. Of
fioo and soalcs, corner of Webster
strcot and dth avenue.
For Firo Lightning and Tornado
InBuranoe in the German of Freeport
and othor reliable companies", call oo
or write to Chas. Sohaffnit, offioe over
J)oyo's drug store, Red Cloud, Nebr.
For fino tobacco, oigars, candies
&c, go to J. 0. Lindley's.
When you get ready to buy your
ohildron's school suits this fall we
want you to inspect our stock. We
will convinco you easily that wo soli
ho goods at correct prices,
Chicago Clotiiino Stouk.
y W tuned.
- A few good farm loans, six per cont
intorcst. No second mortgage D. 11
Spanooeb. "
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
PLANTATION 1100 acres, COO In cultivation,
Cood orchard. 0 room residence, storo bulldinK
Mxio, 2 stories blah; 2 burns, 30x70 ami 40x80.
Iron roofed; cribs, stables, etc., 13 tenant
houses. Bin and irrl't mill, both water power:
bounded on two sides by a splendid stream,
land as rich and productlvoa Mississippi bot
tom, une uinucr, pure wnier, neaimy situation.
l'rlce, aiww.
. 100 acres, GO In cultivation, orchard, small
noutcs, etc. All good land, l'rieo, 61.00 per
..600 acres. 300 In cultivation. Tho best farm In
Fulton county. On line stream, soli llrst-class
rricc, sssoo.
200 acres ot farmland, dwelling house, and a
stock ot lewelry. and town property in tho
town ot Mammoth HprliiRS, Arkansas, for real
osUto In w around ltcd Cloud. For further In
formation on above property address,
.Mammoth prlngs, Ark.
Kcd Cloud, icb.
All draying promptly attended. Yojur orders
solicited. 4
tisve 25 tn M cent uu tveiy dollar 5011 puu
Write for unr mammoth Vatidnenn, n t)i-piiiis
bouk,cnntslnlSK llluMmtlon ud !" I"K Imtp.t mu
afsctarsr' iirlcr, witb mauwlnciuifin'dlfcuimu
of every kind of good nnd ruppllen manufactured
sad InporUd lutu tbe United state'. Groceries.
UouMbold Good, Furullure, Clothing, Lndlen
aDdUeut' Clothing and FurDiahtng lioodi, Ureas
Uooda, While Uooda, Dry Uuoda, llala, Capi,
Boots and Snoaa, Uloves, Motlom, l.liware,
8uuioDery,WUaea,Clocka, Jewelry, Hllverwsre,
Batfl. wslpa. AurlcuUnral lmplemcnla, eto.
oiiCr riiurr cLih3 uoous. cstsiosue sot
oaractlpto(2S cants for esprsMsee. Waarelhe
only concern which sella st msonfacturera' prlcea,
allow ln tbe barer the ssbm discount tut the
aunuUcturar rives to the wholeiale buyer. We
Bosrsnlce all goods ss represented! If not foond
so, moasy rsfnnded. Goods sent by express or
might, with privilege of examination before pay.
teg. A. KAIll'EN A CO..
IK Qalncy Street, Chicago, 111.
A salary ot 123 to M prr week to GOOD agents
to represent na In every county, and sell our general
lloeotMerchandlaeatmauutttcturera' prices. Only
thosi who want stkaiTy xurMYMCxr mtRo
Arrur. Cataloguo aud UArllculars acut ou receipt
ot 83 cents for exproaase.
123 Qalncy fiueet, Chicago, III.
Usaally Indicate a disorder of tho Kidneys,
aaa prompt measures saoald be taken to
prevent serious trouble.
llfeWf AW?fiJ ,B helrnclplency,
WUek irBeglectea, may become dangerous.
Is what you mjJ. it wlU eure Wvcr Dlsor
MiKHMr Weakness. Slight's Dles
and Diabetes. Prlee ( per bottle. Send
S-oent stamp for book or hints, how to live
aad oare these distressing complaints.
fT. t-Oll, MO,
. Perkins & Mitchell's old stand.
Choice Flour & Feed,
And sells it cheap.
Get his prices before buying )oui flour.
VarnVHV--y ??
Ba'22iLrq,lrip(ltorecclvSnnei,u.r.1ilo,,.tttt,'Uco,leBe- Tlus oul conditions of urliulsslop
5n?5J??.nl.oral cliaracter and an ambition to aeoure an oductttlon. Tills uiilfK lias set usldo
S!5J?X.h-li,a,!.01auJl"J y,?.???" earJtjy,Pr? P?!"6 wll wlsn attend our school, but
&v.f.n?,&Vt8dyJl,.,!(,s- All tlioUme needed will Bo Klyen In whloh to pay tlio loan: nudtt
ludjentnUko a full coumo to graduation without a dollar to begin with.
..s --:.. " -". m. uuiuuiu iuib ! iiuuoaaioiB you cnnnoi niinrn rn Mart
states represented Iu
jier weeK.
J!0?. SSli0 " tIiocjirnli.r:ef sa-IJ otlivsr schools, send for our .catalogm. and we will leave It t
yourjudgment which school In tho west ranks first lu standlug. Address,
A. M. IIAMGlg, Pret., GraHtl Ishuitl, Neb.
iu me wiinoui an ociucation wlien You uavo ah opportunity like this. Ten
lllfl ftttj.llflnilik Ullil tMtir .fklll..a lua. . Aa. 1,.? I. KJ.. ..,. i
We IcACll the Klectrlo Slinrt-llnhil wlili-h rati Im Inarnait In In.atin.., .
W. W Wright
Una Just Received a Now, Large nnd Well Selected Lino or
Cooking; and Heating Stoves!
Don't fail to see him before
A complete line of all -kinds of hardware.
Cltcnncat over oircrcd In tlila
NtralRht H per cent Aiiiiual In
terest with option.
Straight 7 1-U per cent Semi.
Annunl Interest with option.
Loana imtdo 5 I .'J per cent by
paying caah communion or 1
percent. J. 11. BAILEY,
Red Cloud, Neb.
OlUce under r & M Bank
If so It will bo to your Intorcst to ship to tho
Kansas City ttook Yards.
give your shipments
their personal atten
tlon, keep you posted
by wlrs or papsak
furnish you money
at reduced rates .
. .