The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 14, 1892, Image 3

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Doopcrnto Battlo With tho Ganjr
at Ooffoyvlllo, Kan.
They Ititlil tlin llnntc -I'mir of tlm Onus
Klllrtl nml Onn Mortally Wounded
l'uur Citizens Killed mill
Another Will Me.
CorriiYVtr.r.K, Knn., Oct. 0. Tlic I)nl
totiH, only rivals of tho .Tames and
Younger brothers, nml cousins of those.
tlnrlnf men last naniPil notorious as
train robbers and murderers reckless,
cruel, ubiquitous the terrors of tho In
dian territory, Oklahoma and western
Kansas are no more. They ntul their
Immediate followers have been wiped
out of existence as completely as though
swallowed by an earthquake.
lesterday morning six members of
tho Dalton gang, divided Into two
squads, madu simultaneous attacks up
on tho Condon and tho First National
banks of this city. One of tho most
desperato battles on record ensued.
Itob and Orattan Dalton, Tom Hvuns
and "Texas Jack" Moore, desperadoes
were killed outright So was C T.
Connelly, marshal of Coffoyvllle; Ucorgo
Cublne, boot and shoe dealer; Lucius
Italdwln, clerk, nnd Charles Tlrown, a
shoemaker. Thomas O. Ay res, cashier
of the First National bank, and Emmet
Dalton are probably mortally wounded,
and others aro slightly wounded.
Tho most remarkublo Incident of till
this bloody battlo was the- work of dim
Spears, a livery stable keeper. At tho
sound of tho ilrst firing he grabbed his
Winchester aud with steady nerve and
deadly aim he worked it. Ho killed
three of tho desperadoes lu rapid sue
cession, shooting as an expert marks
man would at Inanimate targets.
It was V: !. o'clock when tho town was
startled by the appearance on tho
streets of six men, heavily nrmed with
Winchesters and Colt's revolvers. They
were Hob, Unit and Emmet Dalton,
Tom Evans, "Texas Jack" Mooro and
Alllo Ogee. They had tied their horses
in an alley and coming rapidly out upon
the street, Orat Dalton, Evuns, Mooro
and Ogee entered the bank of C. M.
Condon & Co. Hob and Emmet Dalton
passed across tho street to the First Na
tional bank.
Charles Smith, a barber, recognized
them and waved his hand to them.
They responded to the salutation. Tho
four who entered the Condon bank or
dered Cashier Hull and Teller Curpcnter
to throw up their hands and give over
the money. Hall replied that ho could
not, as tho time lock was on. They
asked him when it would bo open, and
accepted his statement of l:!iQ o'clock,
although It was nearly 10 o'clock then.
Hall was ordered to hand over tho,
money on tho counter, amounting to
some 2,000, which ho did.
Hob and Emmet Dalton found In tho
First National bank CiishicrAycrs, his
son Hert, and Teller W. II. Shepherd.
These men wero ordered to throw up
their hands and Hert Ayres was in
structed to put tho money In a bag
which tho robbers had provided.
Young Ayres complied but told tho
Daltons that ho did not know tho com
bination to tho safe. Turning to tho
elder Ayers Hob Dalton called him by
name and, with an oath, commanded
him to open tho safe. Tho hitter fol
lowed instructions and himself put tho
money In tho bag, purposely overlook
ing two bundles of $.',000 each, but Hob
to make things certain went into tho
safe himself.
After securing from tho vault somo
$20,000 tho brothers got tho bankers It: i
front of them and marched them out of
tho front door. Harbor Smith had in
the meanwhile given the uUjrih fontl,; ,ftL.rnoo nml cvcnl g, received a mes
men had hastily secured weapon Aind laR0 thls mornlng while in tho rotunda
were rushing to the scene. As Hob nnd
Emmet Dalton emerged from tho bank
i'iicifle Express Agent C. S. Cox and
George Cublno opened lire upon them
wounding Emmot Tho brothers turned
back, nnd, running into tho bank,
emerged from a side door. There Lucius
Italdwlu met them, nnd there, toot ho
met his death. One of tho brothers
brought his heavy six shooter into play
und Italdwln fell to the sidewalk mort
nlly wounded. Ho died at '2 o'clock in
the afternoon.
Hob and Emmet Dalton did not stop
to note tho effect of the shot They
ran around tho corner of tho building
and returned tho fire of Cox and
The latter fell dead in his tracks.
Charles Hrown was in range of u shot,
too, und he fell, to die three hours
Thomas Avershnd seen nil this in tho
moment ho stood irresolutely in front
of his bank. Then ho gathered his
scattered thoughts and started 4o run.
Hut tho bandits who were robbing
tho First National bank, had heard the
firing, and they turned and opened up
on the fleeing man, shooting through
u'lnilnivfl 'Phi, nlintu rMimt. nn n. vnllov
and Ayers fell seriously If not'fatally
wounded. Hob nnd Emmet quickly
joined tho rest of their band and start
ed for their horses, but they wero then
tho targets for u perfect fusiludo and
Jim Spears was working his Winchester
with clock-like regularity. Hob and
Grant Dalton und "Texas Jack" wero
killed nt the mouth of tho alley, not,
however, before Hob had killed City
Marshal Connelly.
Tom Evans and Ogee mounted their
horses nud dashed out of town, but
Evans was hit hurd and fell dead from
his horse half a mile away.
Cashier Ayers is very low, but has a
chance to recover.
Heckles Highwaymen.
St Louis, Oat 0. A street car on tho
Cass avenue lino was held up at Seventh
street and Washington avenue in tho
very hea-t of tho city last night nt 11
o'clock by four negroes. One placed a
revolver to tho driver'B head and the
others wont to the rear und with
pointed revolvers ordered tho conductor
to turn over what money ho had.
Tho car was crowded with passen
gers who lteynn screaming and rushiug
for the door. Two policemen, standing
half a block away, rushed to tho ear
, nnd tho robbers sought safety in flight
i oVjA. chuso followed and ouobf the na
ppioc8 wus caught
Itin Four ItmuIllH Klllml t ConVjrlll
l'ut Under tlruiuul Funeral or ton Cltl.
can Klllrtl.
CoFFEYVit.i.n, Kan., Oct 7. The town
was literally jammed with strangers
iroin all over tho state, eager to g.izo
an tho bodies of the dead outlaws and
to drink In every story or bit of gossip
Under an awning at the city jail tho
bodies, In eolllns, were exposed to tho
Bight of the thousands of curious people
who waited their turn to look on them.
They were burled yesterday afternoon
in the city cemetery on a lot owned by
the Dalton family.
Hen Dalton, tho oldest boy, will ar
rive to-day from Kingfisher. He is n
farmer and has always been u good citi
zen. Emmet rested easy all day and chat
ted with a number of acquaintances to
whom he gave awuy tho plans of tho
gang in detail, but he is sinking rapid
ly. Ills wonderful nerve was displayed
when the physicians in problntr his
wounds subjected him to terrltdo tor
ture, during which not a moan escaped
him nor did his features quiver.
Hob was tho ilrst killed, and then
Grat fell, and next .Too Towers, which
was tho right nnmo of Texas .Tack, all
going down before tho terrible llro of
brave John Klochr. All had been
wounded before but Kloehr's work was
what counted. Emmet had reached his
horse and mounted, but turned to go to
the assistance of Hoik when a load of
buckshot from Harber C. A Seaman's
gun struck him lu the back and downed
him. He kept a linn hold on tho bag
of money when'he fell.
It is thought that although tho ex
press and railroad companies have no
rewards offered they will como down
with something handsome for tho be
reaved widows and children whoso hus
bands and fathers who helped to make
another hold-up by tho Dalton gang im
possible. The man called Tarn Evans was Dick
Hroadwell, a noted desperado. It is
now thought that but live wero In tho
raid, and that all h nvo been gathered in.
Cashier Ayres continues to improve
and is in a fair way to recovery.
T. A. Reynolds, clerk in Isham Hros ,
was shot through the foot Charles
(Jump had his wrist broken by a ball
and Louis Dut. was slightly wounded.
Connelly nnd Cublne hud life insurance
in different lodges, but Hrown and
Italdwln carried none. Tho latter was
the support of a widowed mother.
The body of Lucius Italdwln was
taken to Hurllngton, Kan., yesterday
morning by hU mother, and that of
Charles Hrown will bo sent to Hurley,
b. I)., where his wifo is.
Tho funeral services over Marshal
Connelly and George Cublno wero held
yesterday afternoon. Tho body of
Connelly will bo burled ut Independ
A Ron of Senntnr I'ortnr Kilted Tlin Henu
tnr'A I'lutis Altered.
Council Giiovk, Knn., Oct 7. A
through freight on tho Missouri Pacific
went through a burning bridge about
sixty miles west of this place early this
morning and tho enginer, C. T. I'effer,
a son of United States Senator Poller,
and the ilrcmun, Clint Howard, were
both instantly killed. Charlie Hurt,
mother ilreman, was badly bruised and
l brakeman named Grlfiln severely
After tho accident occurred tho wreck
took lire and thirteen curs of grain wero
The dead engineer and fireman both
have families living here.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 7. Senator
Puffer, of Kansas, who was to havu
ipoken at the fair grounds here this
sf the Midland hotel tulking to a re
Midland hotel
porter. Ho read it as ho wulked towuftl
the elevator, started und put his hand
to his forehead. Then ho walked un
it cad lly to tho elevator and went up to
break tho sad news of his son's un
timely dcatli to his family, for such was
the substanco of tho telegram.
Mrs. Peffcr was almost prostrated
from tho shock, and tho senator und his
children did their best to help her bear
tho burden of her grief.
Shortly after tho senator received tho
news, tho committee of the fair as
lociatlon called to see him and wero
surprised when ho sent down tho sad
news. Shortly afterwards ho received
a reporter from whom ho wished to got
some particulars of tho accident Tho
senator's eyes wero red from weeping,
nnd his voice was low nnd broken. lie
bore up manfully, however.
"Poor boy," said tho senator, "I was
ufrald it would end thus. Ho has been
railroading for a number of years and I
was always afraid of this. Let ma sec,
ho was just about SO poor boy a little
over 30. Ho was born In 'CO. He leaves
a wife and three llttlo children. Wo
will leave at onco for Council Grove.
Wo will take tho Santa Fo ut 13:80 for
Emporia nnd there I guess wo will get
a speciul."
Tennyson Dnatl.
London, Oct 7. Lord Alfred Tenny
son, poet laureate of England and tho
greatest of tW living metrical writers,
passed peacefully to his rest at 1:35
o'clock yesterday morning, aged 83
years. So gentle and painless was tho
passing away that tho family did not
know lie had gono until Dr. Clark broke
tho nows to Lady Teuuyson, who boro
tho closing scones of her great trial
well in spite of her extremely delicate
Crop l'rospeot.
Taiilequaii, I. T., Oct 7. Thcrowas
only about one-half ns many acres of
cotton planted this year us compared
with last year. Tho crop is excellent
und picking will begin hero on the
10th. Tho top crop will bo tine
There has been no dumugo by boll
worm to Impair tho crop. Tho corn on
tho uplands is good, but tho crops in
the bottoms that wero overflowed are
light. Thoroplaintlngof tho flooodcd
lands was too lute to dovolop full stalks
and ears. Wheat sowing la now in
progress. About double- tho number of
acres will bo sown us compared with
last year's sowing.
The ltnvotutlott Hitrcrlnl unit tlir (Intern
ment Overthrow n I light of the I.nt
Washington, Oct 8. Confirmation of
the report that a decisive battlo had
taken place between tho government
forces and those of the revolutionary
party In Venezuela was not received at
tho navy department until yesterday
when a dispatch came to Secretary
Tracy from Hear Admiral Walker, com
manding the United States vessels in
Venezuelan waters, saying:
"It Is reported Hint nn engagement
has taken place, resulting in tlio defeat
of.tho government and capture of tho
Veiuv.uolun coiumauder-ln-ehlef near
Caracas. Revolutionists will occupy
Caracas to-morrow."
This message was dated nt La Gunyra
nnd e.une to tho nuvydepurtmenttwen-ty-fotir
hours after It was lllcd. Short
ly after came another dispatch from
the admiral. This was also dated Ln
Guayra last night and read as follows:
"President nnd Venezuelan ministry
have abandoned Venezuelu. Revolu
tionists successful."
Until dispatches wero in tho naval
code, and as they wero short they wero
quickly transmitted and copies sent to
Acting Secretary Atlee, of tho state de
partment, nnd to Secretary Tracy. Tho
ollicials of the navy department decline
to state whether or not any Instructions
wero forwarded tu Adin. Walker after
the receipt of tho dispatches, hut ltls
said that a message was immediately
sent him to remain ut La Guayra and
to order tho Concord, now at Colon,
back to Venezuela, slmuld he think tho
occasion warranted her presence. No
dispatches have been received lately by
the state department from Venezuela.
It Is known that messages wore sent
to Adm. Walker by Secretary Tracy,
but their report Is kept a secret It is
thought probable that tho next step
will be the formation of n new govern
ment with Gen. Crospo at tho head of
iifTuirs. Tho statement that Consul
1 lamia, while out in u private boat,
was llred at from tho gnus of a Vene
zuelan warship Is thought to htivo boon
tin accident, ns had the consul
been llred on out of hostility to
tho United States either Minister
Scruggs or Adm. Walker would cer
tainly have promptly notified tho
authorities in Washington. Tho United
States is better represented by war
vessels In Venezuela than any other
country. There are two vessels there,
the admiral's flag ship, und the old cor
vette Keursage, with the gunboat Con
cord at Colon within easy reach should
they bo wanted. Germany und Italy
are tho only other countries having
naval ships present It is said that our
naval vessels will bo kept there until
all danger to American interests is over.
Chicago WorkliiRinen I'rcjmrlng HCotnitevr
Chicago, Oct 8. A demonstration by
workiugmen the day before that set for
the world's fair dedicatory exercises is
said to be among tho possibilities. This
is in consequence of the decision tocloso
tho gates on October 21 against all
who do not hold invitations. Sev
eral of the labor organizations have
received Invitations to participate
iti tho piimdo but they have
declined them. This declination,
so tho labor men say, is not to
be looked upon in tho light of an insult
to tho committee that tendered them,
but rather as conveying tho feeling of
Chicago's vast nrmy of organized work
men toward the Columbian exposition.
Tho latest move, that to have a sepa
rate parade, and to hold it ono day
earlier than the regular affair, has been
agitated for tho last three or four days,
und tho proposition, it is said, has met
with favor on every hand.
A powerful effort, it is asserted, has
been at work to keep tho men from do
ing anything that would place organ
ized labor in an antagonistic light, but
the efforts have proved futilo and those
who lira responsible for the scparato
parado agitation assert that whon the
matter is once brought before tho labor
organizations of tho city they will bo
only too willing to lend their assist
Despcrato Attempt to Wow Up it Non
Union Hoarding Home.
HosiESTRAn, Pa., Oct 8. Shortly af
ter 2 o'clock tills morning tho forty non
union mill workers boarding at Mrs.
Marron's house wero suddenly awak
ened by an explosion which overturned
their beds, scattered furnlturo uround
tho rooms nnd broke windows. They
wero all greatly frightened fearing that
they had been attacked and wero go
ing to bo klllod. Tho house was filled
with dust from plaster and the peculiar
odor of tho explosion conveyed tho im
pression that tho building was on fire,
and men rushed pamc-htrlcken down
stairs. One man fell into a huge holo
in tho floor.
Then it was found that somo enemy
of tho non-union men had broken a
window in front nnd hud thrown
through this a stick of dymtnlte There
were four lnrgo window glasses In thu
front, us tho room was onco used for a
store. Those panes wero shattered into
fragments, tho door broken, several
chairs battered and tho room completely
wrecked Had somo explosive whose
forco was upwurd, not downward, been
used it is possible that all tho inmates
of tho house would hayo been killed.
As it is, the mill workers are terrorized,
and tho company will huvo to put
watchmen in tho boarding houses be
fore they will go back.
VI red llr Trump.
Graiton, N. 1)., Oct 8. Grafton was
visited by u tMO.OOO flro, sot by somo
trumps. Tho buildings burned liko
tinder and not tin urtlelo In Saiuhiircr's
store was saved Ho carried u ?.'JO,000
Btock. This is a farmers' co-opcrativo
store, building owned by S. Cairncross.
Tho hardware store of HJornoby ,t New
gard was burned to tho ground, Tho
IpiVdlrir Ktnrn nt .. Itlnennliv
in tho
same huiltllnir wns n.ivtlv snved.
next building, u harness store, was
luruuiiy iicbiroyeu, uui uiosiouit suvcu.
Other buildings narrowly cscuped. In
Httrauce f3 j,U00. , ,
A Simple Wnttr Tost.
Into a perfectly clean lottlo, having
a stopper of ground glass, put five
ounces of water to too tested. To the
water add ten grains (by weight) of
pure granulated white sugar. Cork
tight and set ln a window, exposed
freely to light, but not to the direct
rays of tho sum Do not disturb the
bottle, and keep the temperature as
near 70 degrees Fahrenheit as possible,
if tho water contains organle matter,
within forty-eight hours an abundance
of whitish specks will be. seen floating
about, and tho more organic matter tho
more specks. In a week or ten days, If
the water is very bad, tho odor of
rancid butter will be noticed on re
moving tho stopper. The llttlo specks
will settle to .tho bottom, where they
will nppear ns white flaky masses.
Such water should not bo used for
drinking purposes. Tlds easy test is
given by one of tlm stale boards of
health for domestic use.
Nn l.lle There.
Little DotWhat's all this talk 'bout
Mars? Does fofks live there?
Llttlo Johnny They used to live
there, but they Is nil dead long ngo.
"How do you know?"
"I heard papa say tho names of till the
seas an' lakes an' islands nn' things Is
from dead languages." Good News.
Sure Sign.
"Did Miss Sowerby have her photo
graphs taken yesterday?"
"Good likeness?"
"Yes, must have been, for she refused
to take them of the photographer."
Hostott Commercial Htilletln.
The llreutent llaeo on Itecord
Is tho rnco for popularity won bylfostot
ter's Stomach Hlttuis. It took the lead ul Urn
start nnd distanced all ammiotitoi s. It erad
icates imllL-estlnii, nmlai'liif complaints, ail
ments of tlio bladder mid kidney h. ncrvmis
tiess, neuralgia, rhcuinntlsiu. l'liyslelatiH
commend, tlio public knows Its vidua, tho
press endorses. Grand are Its credentials,
grander still Its success.
"Dm you know his ba?ies hnd run
downl" "1 had supposed . I lie.ird ho
.vim tfohig to wind it up.'' Nasl's Weekly.
When N'.iturti
Needs nsslstanoo It may ho best to render it
promptly, but ono should remember to use
even tlio most pel feet romi'dlci only when
needed. Tho best and most Nlmpleand gen
tlo rimiedv Is the Syrup or F'us, manufac
tuied by tlio California Fig Syrup Co.
That wns a pretty hard story to hwiiUo.v,
aid tlio cellar when tlio upper part of tlio
house foil Into lu Texas Sittings.
Ur.v II. P. Oahson. Scotland. Dak., nj:
"Two bottles of Hull's Catarrh Cure com
pletely cured my llttlo gltL" Sold by Drag
"So Tot: hnvn a new servant-, girl," said
ono limtBOivMo to imotlior. "Yes." "How
does she 114 j'ou!" Washington Star.
T'.ic. American Drawing Co. of St. Loafs
innketho "A. 11. C. llohemlaulioltlcdlieer"
Gulden, sparkling, pure.
AaituATiuunywuotryio not thn prodi
gal sou Hnd too luto that they have uctcd
tliu calf instead. Atchlnou Globe
Cur.CK Colds and lirotioliltls with Halo's
Honey of llnrcliouud and Tnr.
riko'sToothnolio Drops Cure In ono minute.
When a hoy Is stum t there Is nquostlou
whether ho pits It from her folks or IiIm peo
ple Atchison Globe.
DncciiAM's Pii.m cost only 25 cents n box.
Tltey tiro proverbially known throughout
tho world to bo " worth' a guinea a box."
Tiir man wun tigitros In an explosion be
gins ut tlio bottom and works up.
Not necessarily nf tor a bird tlio man
who goes out for uliu'k. lirooklyn Kugle.
CATTLE IIchi fcroius t a M IB i 81
Hiocltcn ii 00 O&UUO
Native cows I HI Go - 711
IIOGS-Clood to eh ilco heavy.. 4 W Q, b 60
WllIJAT-No -' ml , it, CI
No. Shard. 01 Oly
COKN-No. .' mixed OTtfft 3;i
OATH-No. S inlsed SM 45 SOtf
KYK-No. S 60 6 61
FLOUIt-IMtents, per sack SiO & 2 0
Fancy 1 W Q'2b
HAY Choice timothy 7 00 6ft 8 to
Fancy prulrlu 0 0J Qi'UlO
IlltAN 61 fa 65
DUTTKH-Choicocruamory.... 10 21
CHEKSK-FuU creum II 12
KGOS-Cliolcu iwa 10
l'OTATOKS 41 60
CATTLU-Fftlr natives 3 51 4 75
Tcx.iu 2 SO fro 3 15
nOGS-Hcnvy 4 8) 5 8J
HHKKl'-Rilr to choice 4 ft) Cli 4 75
FUOUIt-Cholco 3 23 360
WHEAT-No. 2 red 70K 71
COKN-No. 2 inlxcd 43 43(
OATS-No. 2 talxcd 31 30i
KYK-No. 2 63ii& 61
IIUTTKK-Crmuncrr 21 ft 25
LAKD-Woiternntoam 8 20 O 8 30
CATTLE -I'rime to extra 4 75 6 (
JIOaH-l'ftcUinyuDtl Htilpplnjj.. 450 6 35
SHEKP K4fr to choke , 4 60 , 4 74
I'LOUIt-Wlntcr wheat 4 to i 20
WHEAT No 2 red. 71 74
COItN-No. 8 3U 43W
OATS-No." 2. 31 GA 8t',i
KYE-No.2 65 65J
JIUTTEK-Crcamcry , 18 25
LAUD 8 4) 8 60
fOUK I 40 II 45
CATTLE Ntttlvo steers 3 to 4 0!)
JIOOS Good to cjiolco 6 2) 0 20
KLOUn-Oood to choice... 4 00 4 7)
WHEAT-No. 2 red ,.,.... 70'iO 81
CORN No, 2 Mtffft ft
OATS Western mixed.. 36 38
11UTTKH Creamery..... 19 2IJ4
I'OKK Mchh , , Ilia 12 85
Cost and Cure
ror Pottstown, Pa.
.0 -w I was a sufferer from
111 neuralgia for ten years;
v tried all kinds ofrernp-
Tars. dies without relief, and
had given up all hope. I tried a
bottle of
and it effected such On
wonderful relief that I -i
recommend it to all. I
Chas. Law, Jr.
Ely's Cream Balml
I'ltfricc aTlTCTTSTr I
-AtP'T Hlm liiln each nottrll, I
Lt B1U)1J..W Warren St.,N.V. I
HtylUhiiml 1'retty Continue for tlio An.
til 111 11 Wear. .
Velvet Is vninltifr prominently to the
front us nn autumn material. The prlu
eesse costume of velvet, with lace, has
a high collar and a deep fall of laco over
tho front Tho sleeves arc full at the
tops, lit rather snugly at tho elbows,
nnd end midway lietween tho ellsiws
and wiistn, the rciualnlnn; space belli";
filled att by laee. headed bv a full rtteh-
lujr of lace which is set In tho cdtfo of
tho sleeve. This tnukes a sort of iinder
Blceve elTcct which Indicates beyond
tho shadow of a doubt that wo ore to
return to the old fashioned huU-oponod
sleeve and utuler-sleevo ut no very dls
taut day.
Among tho most popular Ideas lu cos
tumes the Kusslnn still prevails. Al
though this style 1ms been before the
public for some months, It seems to In
ereiiMj rather than the opposite. It Is,
however, evident that decided efforts
will bo made to modify and diversify
the styles of maUtng and llulnhiiiff this
cIiihs of costumes. There tiro bodices
that lit closely at tho back and tire
slightly full at tho front and lioltod lu,
the fullness bvlnir drawn in llttlo gath
ers on either slilo of the rather largo
buchlo of tho belt These blouses, or
hi on so-bod Ices, as ono might call them
by way of distinction, are made with
fitted lucks and back and tinder-arm
forms only, tho fronts being cut whole.
One of tho most stylish of these bus 11
very wide turned-over collar; Indeed, It
fills tho entire space between tho neck
and the tops of tho sleeves. There aro
vely wide rovers, narrowing to a point
ut tho walst-llne. Some of them nre
without slceies, und when made of
dark or black velvctund worn over light
and fancy dresses, they are exceedingly
pretty. -N. Y. Ledger.
SKVrRAt.l)ottHof Swift's Srwlfic (3.S.S.)
entirely clcinvrf my sistcni of contagious
blood olwn of tho vcty worst tyiwi.
W'M. b. L.00MU, Slircvcport, La.
I had Fcnomr.A In 1B8I, ami clistnsed my
system iMitlicly (mm It by taking tcven
Initios of S. S. B. I liavo not lirul nny symp
toms since. C. V. Wilcox,
Spartanburg, S.C
Treatlso on Mood nnd fikln Diseases mailed
free. Swift bructvic Co., Atlanta, Ua.
tTlHtlnirkoc without V..I..UuiiuTi
Bnmo nnd tho prim Mumprd on bottom
urhnuballtiiifaiiiiiirn Irninlulmt tint
ubjoct to proHivutlon ur law for ob
iniujuii niancr uti
tier false pretences.
Ut a
m .
lion iten t,
tnirnff kin
aiyn exclusive Bale M.abi
Wrlto iur.catnloauc. Ir.u
a, iuu und srltllb waatod.
1 Wm 1 Hi I 'Hi IK 1'
SAPOLIO SHOULD be used in every KITCHEN.
With housewives of M lands, all
creeds and all ages 1st "Which
Is the boat Cooking Stove?"
We answer this question to-day by
proclaiming "CHARTER OAK
STOVES" to bo tho best in every
concoivablo respect.
Host it07 dulen'kNp them. If you
doti sot, wrlU direct tom&nftetvtn.
l)T, LOUIS. MO. .
stmiUsnt In Social suit limine.. I.ifu. Now eilliluu
IJulr. IHMi.w th Uteatrecnrilsnf Lett sctilerements
In ull kinds of rpnru ror prlct's write DANKH
COmSI llrnrbornHUChlcsioi. csSVUusua HSS1SU.
arnsMi tuis rsria mn wkhuI,
fKor nil Honlntf 5ln chines,
nt aaii Aiiiiitijtiiintwir,
'liivTrutle Hupiitlrd.
Kttntl fur itlit.liMHli.iirlrM
ll.l. K ll'i- ti til..
wruu tuu yuru rw; mm r not.
lggfAl&.gPJwl i
MLIS. SknflTsInU U rtstol
tlihn.Klnnro tho lioni nd burn on. I
TliAllMnsBua BloTOlWUti Lillrllllsnt.On'or.l
lrM. I)umlil ud lha cmiMimer liay lor no tin I
or RlM I'ackaan wliliCTctrpurcnMO. I
Give His Boys a Chance,
Our successful business men of to-day
In the majority of cases were poor boys
who struggled li.ird for an education.
They started1 In life, with few resources
and their Integrity ns their only capital,
No young man need ever spend a day In
Idleness who lias an education and who
makes use of It. Toj many young men
breakdown In school life through Inatten
tion to health. They emerge dyspeptics,
their stomachs all'gitne, their1 constitution
scattered, nil because tlicy fall to pay duo
regard to the laws of health. Long con
tinued constipation Is the bane of academic
life. Nine persons out of ten who follow
sedentary pursuits suffer from this causa
nnd yet there Is a remedy .within their
reach. The Laxative Gum Drop will cure,
any case no matter how bad and once cor
rected the evil will not return. The Laxa
tive Gum Drops arc a mild and gentle ca
thartic, contain no tait&of medicine, they
can be curried In the pocket without any
suspicion that they are. medicated. They
arc put up In two sizes and sell for toe. nnd
2'C. a box. Get them of any dealer.
S'xzvx rrxrxi
Latest Styl
iixiHK UTitir rum aid kit
fun Wmiiih.
C7"oM,r H of mr N,w, dr,wr
k1 1 fir ul.liiniiilr lo
IV.J.MOItHK.PiiklUkrr, .
rxtui Tms tirtn , !.
Tou c,n't r.nrt whst you wsnl In yimr hom stores,
.., in. tin frnin Mini puiiii. lit nur mittnmoLh Iirv
Ttooila r.Msliliiliinriit. It yuuenn't tome, thru senil
tor uniili'i mi rliarKC for ,inplf ,1. ml oritur wtiW
you waul by null, we Rusrsiiiea ssiiiuciioii.
vimi tail rsvsa vf wiwyi
m S
J8 1 Wgf
I W. L MG81S-
A. coBstine Mawpq niioo time win not ripi nuniMu
icamU'U, smooth Insldo, nuxlble, mora comfortable, stylist
. r i i.r !--- w "- ?r
smootli Insldo, nuxlble, mora oumfqrtable, styl
nnu aurauio wan any oincr nuuu orcr humj w
1 liOuaUciiitominsilodUooscotitlnufromaitoH.
lino man .any oincr ruoo orcr homi tua
osiinv irorn pi 10 su.
Binds, svltb two eon
a otitsldo cOro (ns sliown 11
rat t:ljonn shoes sotu
-1110 ouijr 91.UU nnoo. tunue, wiiu iwp
nolos, socarnly sewed at tho otitsldo etlRO (ns u
1 nlcli Rives (lonblo tlin woar otctiaansvelt sboei
shoes sold uttha
own In eutl.
prion, for suclicasllr rip, lmvnn only onn sols sewed
narmr strlt, 1
tliruuah nra
Tho ttvonnlnaof I
wlmn wnru tbronsh can bo ronatrcd us in
as laeriviiineTvrnnnr loosen rromiueupper.
llirctmntrt of fontwuur deslrlnc to econo
taiiv, should consider tno suHirto quallttea
of tbrso shoos, and not bo Influenced
nsTlugonly pppf arntieo to commend
only nppnarnn
tnem. v. i. iiuiiitiAM 1
1 ond SJ.1 Vl
TirJ,0B. n
'luo Calf.
I Farm.
orktngmen's 1
fltltl vnliths.
1.71 Hchool OboesttjiMea'
I.Ott Ilenil Sowed;
81,73 Dcst DoiikoUv
ore of tho saino nUjs.
ilondord of tnotiw
4estm nJ trimeral
lorchanta whar T
1 1 -'
anlo In voiip lace soui
eetid direct f e Faejarre
L'ostatro free y, h Deaslaa,
Machinery, Ac.
Coppir Half-Toms for Fim Prlitln
Write far aasdaa atad Trleaa.
A. N. K.-D.
atatatkat saw tka Adteeslesniatila Ilia ,
ConanaspllTaa and people tM
who bare weak lunvs or Astb.
mi, should use Plso's Cura for PJ
Consumption'. It has esirad H
tbousnads. It has not Injur-
Hedune. It Is not bad totaku.
H Ills tlio bosicoukbsjrup. H
J Bold ererywhere. 88c. J
t :t
. tM .