'-- ' liflgSgyai mmsmmam 4s& BBV b Our slock was never sd large, Prices were never so low, Goods could not be better. These prices sell the goods and bring trade. See what we offer you for your money. Children's Oil Grain Button ShoeP, 8 to 12 90 Misses' " " " 13 to 2 1 15 Women's " " " " 2 Ho 7 1 35 " Beaver Top Foxed Button Shoes, 2 Ho 7 " l 25 Youths' Tip Boots, full stock, 11 to 2 - 1 G5 Boys' " " " " 2ito5 1 90 Men's Boots .... $i50 to 4 00 Genuine Dongola and Pebble Goat $2.50 Shoes 1 95 Oxfords and low Shoes at Cost to CIose Out Shoes that rip sewed free of charge and all goods warranted. We will save you money. BLAKBSLBB & KALBY PENCIL TIPS. Cotting lias the finest lamps you ever saw. That dollar and a half vaso lamp at Cottings is a beauty. Hats and caps for tho whole world at right pnoes. Chicago Store. If you aro going to paint this fall, go to Doyo for your material and save money. Thero is no bettor paint in the market than the Lincoln mixed paint, sold by Cotting. Cotting has a big stock of 10 cent sheet musio cataloguo of over 2,000 pieces. Como in and look them oyer. Sherwood & Albright for groceries. If acker's old stand. Tho best of everything kept in stock. Trunks and valises and rubber clothing in endless quantity recoived this week. Chicago Stork. Qo to Sherwood & Albright for your fine grocerios. Tho boys are do sorving nnd will nako it a business to watch your interests. Do yen need wall paper ? Deyo'e stook is complete and new. He does not allow his stock to run down and then work of old stock on you. lleceived this week the niceBt se lected stook f men'B suits you ever fyn this oity. UHICAOO ULOTHINQ STORE. A 0. Wiener has taken tho agenoy for Dr. Jaros Hygiene underwear. It is recommended by leading phvsiolans in the United States. Used by the army and navy and tho principal cities uso it in their fire and poltco departments as an almost sure pro ventiyo against rheumatism. .. Tko Man at tho Wheel. Th. man at the wheel has a grave re sponsibility) bo h as ho who takes his life in hi. own hands ana when scrofulous marlarious or otherwise suffering with any blood disease to which human Hash is heir, ignores tho advice of his dearest J friends and refuses to take Uepaticnre as A medlplno thai y Wly cures thousands of Ills fellow sufferers. HQW by u. u ueyo II AndrowB.MvKolBlian Joint Dc bates. Oot. Oth, Mindon, Neb.; Oot. lltb, Nelson, Neb.; Oot. 13tb, Grand Wand, Neb.; Oot. 18th, Iloldredgc, Neb.; Oct. 20tb, Red Cloud, Nob. Tor tho abovo oooasion, agents withjn fifty miles may' sell Book D tickets to the several points at which mpctiugs arg t l9 WdM Me of 7s W nc4 a tiirc for t,o round trip , , . Bell ticket on tho dato of the meetings aud limit for roturn to the dato following: except that when .the date of meeting falls on Saturday, you will limit for return to the following Monday. Yours eto, A. ConoVer, i rr"--""r. A If oase Down Side up. ti.i.. t,fi a ml.i! Mrs. llcOlnnis said hot whiskey, Aunt Kate said catnip tea, Oonsin Nellie said rhubarb was the thing, but Grandpa (heaven bless him) said Haller'a Sure Cure Cough Syrup would take the cake, nnd It did it. ,.A,ri! ?AutRf!L?S en flJftfir: nut ai Wiener'n Golden Magic:' Wedding out-Dia a spouiHuy A . ' ll A SBinll Boy Steals Apples. Thorp nro green apples and then he has oolloTcraropB and 4lfcrrliea 4d hinka he's aolna to die and won't oyer, oyer steal hkbIu. The careful mother nlways auys a bottle of Haller' Pain Paralyzer and the boy lWos to "do to some snore." For ale by C.L. Cotting. bbbb HtlEJUKr -bbbbbbwV AROUND TOWN. Dwight Jones is in the city. M. S. Marsh is homo from the west. Clarence Jones is homo from Den- vor. Rov. J. S. Cbapin is expected hero this wcok. Miss ltoso Emigh is assisting in tho post office. Stewart Albright was in tho city tlllB MetAlj -, w ,', . . , ,, , Webster county her health failing ia 0. W. lontress has moved his fam-JLf . a t , f .,. a..,-u. ily to McCook. Jailor Tomlinson has an insano wo man in tho jail. Try the now shoemaker at Blakcs lco & Kaloy's. Cham. Evans of Naponcc, was in tho city this week. Dell Olmsted of Bortrand, was in Red Cloud this week. A. T. Ormsby of Colorado, was in Red Cloud this week. First class work is done at tho Golden EiD-le Tailor Shnu. r. . H. Diedcrioh has sold his Riverto nl store to Lawrenoo parties. Hairy Conovcr and wife of Mo Cook, wero in Red Cloud this week. 0. E. Moranville of Iowa, brothor of J. W. Moranville, is in tho city. Van Benson has bay for sale at $3.50 per ton. Sco him if you want hay. tf Henry Ludlow, editor of thu Camp bell PrcBS, was in tho city Thursday. A. A. Griffes, editor of the Super ior Guide, was a pleasant caller at this offico today. Mrs. Dr. J. S, Emigh and children have returned home from an extended visit in the oast. Tho Woodmen had a fine entertain ment on last Wednesday evening, The ordor is rapidly growing in this oity. Rev. 0.3. Noonan, of Lincoln, ocj oupicd Eldor Putman't pulpit last Sabbutb. Tho grntlcman is a very able speaker. Rev, E. J. Randall returned to Rod Cloud tho fore part of the week and will move his household goods to his now apn.(Mrin.epf( TwM Tho W. C. T. ty will moot during October w,lth Mrs, 0, J. Popo. All members should bo present at tho next meeting to hear a report of tho state convention, On Saturday, tho east bound train ran into niuo head of cattle near L. Miner'B farm. IS wen n nd Iwoundlpg tjip e,hey yft jnd of nino pin game; knocked all down but two. Blukcslcc & Knloy, at tho Cincin nati Shoe Storo. have scoured tho ser vices ef a first-class shoemaker and .. , ... r . .... .i i - 1 ro- Dainoc can bo acoommoqatcd. qatis I , " H ' . 'i ii i ' faotion guaranteed. The republican plejjtQrs of th0 pfty aro called to meet at tho republican club room Monday evoning, Oot. 10, at 8 p. ui.. to nominate 1 supervisor, t assessor, 2 justices and 2 constables for the city oTRedcioul Bvr committee 0. W. Kalev, navieg sold one halt interest In ray store to Bert'G'rlce all parties Indebted' 't6 me will please call and settle up oppp. ty it. . It's net yery tjlositht to cough and haek To Buffer pain in chest and back, Many people could stop it, for euro, By elmply using one minute cough sure For Bale by Cotting. Oysters at Calmes. 9 LOCAL NEWS. A. Calmes has added n lunch to his bakerv. counter J. A. HoArthur's father has arriyteV from Michigan. Court sets next Monday, tho lOlh with Judgo Iloalto presiding. Mr. Ed. Drown is getting tho lumber on his lota for his new dwelling. MUb 8tollo Dncker returned to her1 ohool at Rivorton on Monday. 1 cu niiiugj in ogme irom me Biaio yr B.1 tf.h t.i ii. -.-. J. Washington whoro he haB been lot year, In tho spring thore woll bo some brick business houses started in new Red Cloud. Nancy nanke, the famous trotter made a milo the othor day in 2:0 J. It is truly wonderful. Business is picking up in Red Cloud and bide fair to exceed any period for many yoars. A call has boon made on tho governor for troops to quell u county Boat wor In Frontier county. Tho ladios cornot band ie becoming quite proficient nnd expect to play on the streets buforo tho campaign closes. Mrs, I. n.iiummel, who a few days ago moved to Oklahoma, has returned to Webstor county, her health failing in that country. W. B Tomplo, a brother of our Samuel was in tho city this week, ue was en routo home after attending the Sovereign Grand Lodgo I. O. O. F. at Portland Or. Mrs. I, n. Hummel, who a few weeka ago moved to Oklahoma, has returned to that country. Sho is now nt her daugh- tors in Inaval. Tho steam swing has been making a mint of monoy in this city. It would be a good thing for the populists to se cure if thoy want froo silvor, for wher ever thero is a stonm swing there will you tlnd silvor flowing freely. Supt. E. P. Highland, of tho B. & If., with headquarters at Denver, ia in Red Cloud visiting old friends. Ed ia fleshing up yery rapidly and says ho is fitting himself to run for alderman. We hope ho will succeed. We are pleased to note that he ia succeeding in life in his new home. .... , . do not proce4,d to form a y l nn.MtnttnM 9 T4 ! ama .1a I.a.Ui iwuvinuuu . au in vuv Ul us IlUklbU tions if properly managed that makes a oity prosperous. It 1b the poor man's op portunltv to build a homeland make a oity substantial. Every man should own his home. Don't delay it, but get the enter, prise to going. A prominent gentleman of this city, went to Lincoln recently and took his littlo flve-yoar-old girl with him. While thero he took her up in an elevator to hlsrcoru in tho hotel. On returning homo the little one ran up to her mother exclaiming, "Ail the samo, I rode up in tho aligator, I did Mlsa Ma." Smiles wero in order about thon. School children say Doyo's lino tablets is the finest in town. of Democrat Attention Tho democratic central committee of Webster county hereby request tho democrutio voters in each precinct in the county to at rnco meet at their respective polling places for the pur poHu of placing in nomination a full township ticket. And it is suggested that Buoh tncoV: iogs be simultaneously old. iQ every precinct nex, atrday evening, Ocl, $, at 'f a'clopk. The various prooinot conimitteonicn aro notified to give this mutter their prompt personal attention that thero may be a full turnout of democrats, J. J. Maiitin, Chin, A. C. Sanford, Scoy. opped Dead at a Banquet. Many a man who has cUonslo J tama nml t ami rictifE hte, ling qu'iu Hunt suddenly called to the hereafter. The doctors said he died of heart failure. It his blood had bcon puro his heart would have been beating ;ot. Tnko Hepatioure whether yon bnnquet yoursolf at home nnon t. dluner of herbs or are banqca'.teCUbf&ad' by kinqo end lioient&tw 'Everybody i end pa'litfi neeqs utp, lr, re. It keeps tho liver and kldneyb pure and healthy; It glvee the heart a healty action rj'tWI thn ner- vow system,; ?T sty V flqrft-. !PjuTUBilpcV8livteiMarhBj Mellok oume In from Ued cloud last night with HinUel MoGeorge, who la charged with monkeying with the mail. One P. O. Filly at the B.-& M. eating house in that plftW WI9t a latter to his wife enclosing 935, ana gave wM9V0T2,,i waowcr. find that It oontktoedhMl ordor.' Aa liu could not cosh it ho pnplqapil it in a now envelope aud fioilt t Hjorrjlv Rfl ( NW FQ9HHi(i iiwtivep tu qt in all of tlilcltor. Utwasl?dged ia j1, snd will anewor before United' $1rUsb 'Cnmm miasionor imuncaiey in-, mtl. I - it-day.-va. (duplicated by any ,'V ' '-"-xluiUoatate. Journal, COWlCfl. n Congregationalism navo just repaired their houso of worship by taking out tho plastering; overhead and putting in its plaoo a colling of yellow pine, oiled, which looks well tBd gf0 for tho audience. They have also taken out the crumbling coBorote chimney and put in its place Substantial brick one. A new coat ftf tlnt . t ba uton ouUfdB ., onfl. s t 7 Ttia Mmrnli. Iiv iinanimnna vntn. in Tfd he H D ft rfi main another year in that relation. He aoceptcd. This will be tho fifth year of his pastorate at Cowlcs. His peoplo havo givon many tokens of their ustoom and affootion for him and bis wife. ltev. ftiohardsou, tho new Metho dist prcaohcr on tho Cowlcs circuit, preached last Sunday at Cowlcs and Amboy and is understood to havo made a favorablo impression. Stephen Gaogbin's sale camo off on Tuesday. Tho horses generally went at very low figures. Tho family ex pcots to remove to California soon. Mrs. Terry, from Omaha, has just removed hero and gone temporarily into Gus. Peak's heuao. Tho Webster county fair has oome and gone, and was by far tho most successful exhibition ever held in Webstor county. On Thursday an immonso crowd of from 4,000 to 5,000 peoplo were on the grounds and the attractions were far abovo the uiual routine. Tho baloon asoonsion was a charmer and was appreciated by all Tho raoing was quite good. Tbe stock department was not up to tho usual standard, Floral hall was well represented however, and especially with mammoth Nebraska oorn. Strangors who wero in from eastern states were simply uon-plusscd at the bountiful yariotina and the quality of tha corn. Several of (he merchants had editablo displays among whom we noticed were O. Wioner, G. A, Ducker A Co;, J. O. Butler, Boyd 4 Overing,oto., a complete list of wbiok we shall give next week. TueChief feels proud ef this year's exhibition and wishes to congratulate the management on tho success of the fair, and a great deal of'tha credit should be givon President Alyoa, Sco rotary Cuthcr, and tho board of di rectors, who have sot up nights and nrglcoted their own business to mako this year a success and thoy accom plished what they sot out to do. Few dramatic companies that havo visited Had Cloud havo doseryed as much merit as tho Burt Dramatic Company. Their repertoire is made up of that class of dramatic writings that aro calculated to pleaBe, and yet takes tbc best and most skilled artists to execute thoui. Their plays are all fiuo and especially is it true of "Hazel Kirke," which tho Burt Dra matic Company play to perfection. Wo hayo nover seen a better Dunston Kirko than Chas. A. Krone, fie does his part naturally and shows rao.ro titan natural talent in ms lino. Miss HattiePowler as "Basel Kirke" was something delightfully excellent Arthur Carrington by Harvey Con nor, was natly carried out, and Squiro Rodnoy, by Fred Marsh, was up to the highest mark. ViWious Green, took th,e k,ou dowa, as a oomjoj character. Chas. Palmer, Agnes fiuit, Qertrudo Burt and Little FiosBie all did their parte with out a flaw and the audiouco was hiebly pleased. Ibis Company is iog of well filled houeij. Hon. J. V!. Caldwell, of Linooln, will address the republicans of Webster county at the opera ho, nct Wcdncduv 99,105, fyi )'t 7.&Q n.' ui. JU is a very fine orator and fully undcrstanda what he is talk ing about. Everybody invited, and a special invitation ie extended to tbe ladies. Good musio and singine; will bo furnished. Do not forget the date Oct. 12, at 7:30, n, v. , ; inatituti.tn of it a Mini U UliMne I1!.... ti. tv ujuii..uiaiill ,sklu ".;, of eleven months with only four usacsimonts. As a bene Sciary order it certainly cannot bo suoh institution Do You Well Made, Stylish Clothing, Warm and Health Preserving Underwear, Stylish Hats or Caps, Serviceable Foot wear, -:-:- IF SO -:-:- , Come and see us Having just returned from the Eastern mark et our stock is ready for your inspection. We have many Raro Bargains to oftur you AT THE Square Dealing Golden Eagle. O. WIENER, Prop. laden. AN XCUO FROM BLADEN. On Sept. 14 Hon. W. B. Andrews, of Hasting, addressed a large andeathnalas tlo audleao at this plaoe, and on the eveniagj of Sept. 15 Rev. T. B. Cannon of Roeelaad, addressed a still larger orowd. At the elose of Mr. Cannoa'e speeoh a number of democrats and Independents came forward and joined the Republican olob. The Bottom's Martial band fam ished musio for the occasions, a nnmber of song were rendered and the enthusi asm was unbounded. However the inde pendents said we would have no mora such times, for we had "Mowed out," bat they were doomed to be surprised for last Wednesday evening Hon. J L. McPheeley of Mladen, spoke to a crowd equal in number to that of the other occasions. The independents are looking about as elok as the rooster on Aoltmsn Taylor's thresher. Republicanism Is going to kuom at Bladen, and all eRorte to etop It will be llkehnrlinga rotten pumpkin against the Chinese wall. Ukn J. Mim.& II See Osoar Patmor before buying our. He has made a big reduotien. Don't forget that Adam Morhart has tbe finest lamps in the eity and is selling them at way down prices. For mon's, boys' or children's underwear , wo are after you sharp beeauae we have the stock aid quality. Priee is made to suit you. Cuicaoo Clotiuc Stobb. Report'of ebel taagh la Dlst. S3 Webster aouaty for month eading Sept. (i0,l8ef. Number of pupils enrolled 29. Average daily attendance 2?. The following are the aaaee of those not absent daring the month; Vlocle MoVey, Jaab HafB, ewle Button, Minnie YfaMwen LUUe HaSer, Eul RMh !) Ranehay, Mabel T.hpjnae, ilaaaaa WUhelmson, George waldreo, George Heffelbower, Eddie Pat mor, Boy Patmor. Those not tardy were: Msudle MoVey, Vlcote. MYy. Janie Hutton, Jessie Uetios, Stohi Hat ton. Lulu WolOjesvCeArllt HaaTer, George Heffel- bAwez. Miles Doyle, Floyd Street, Elmer If eVey, Walter Patmor. hvvv O. Babbbb, Teaoher. Remember that" W W Wright will make you the lowest prlcee on stoves. Higlmet e e ia, LsamFB nvwi I 1 VjBWSB ABSOUUTELY PUIS Want it S i mats i a V t ! X'Vv T". a ' 'J TMbTTI Garleld. Randolph MoNitt and D. F. Traakey addressed the electors of Garietd on Thursday night Bept. 20th and were en thasiattloal reeeived. Mr. and Mrs. Skeen nad friends from the east visiting last Sunday and Mrs. Skeen returned east with them on Men- day, for aa extended visit, Uncle Diek looks disconsolate. The Garfield Repablieaa League elab, will meet ia the Wagnor eehool-heuee en Taesday Oct. 18th, 1802 at 7 o'aleok p.m. Hone. John McCollam, Randolph MeNitt, and J. K. Wiloox and other epeaksrs will address the meeting. Hy Bmith, Secretary. Ne Idle Talk. Osoar Patmor says flour baa got to be sold for what it is worth. There fore he has mado one more eut making his prircs lower than they bay been for years. Don't take our Wetd for this but call and be coayinee4i" Si -vvvv Card ef TaaaKs, lii. Wo dosiro to expreu ourbWefelt thanks to all those who bo kiidljteek ub in and oared for ui wbea we met with tho aad aeeidcat wbiek eamt to near deatb te us. We caa truly any God bless them all. Aa Btraagera thoy, took ua in, and Ho wbe says, "Ia as muoh aa ye did It uata tbe leael of theso my brethren ye did it uito me. ' hsv. v. a. hbrrinotok, ftlKfl. C. 8. UlBRIMOTOW. For fine tobaoco, cigars, eandiee w .. M c, go to J. O. Lindley's. Hepakllcaa Caacew Thero will be a republican teueuiat the Highland sohool bouit ia Batia township, Oct. 17, at 3 p. m. to noml nate township officers etc. Jamkb Amdieuow, Committeemaa. .. - Netlco. The Republican voters, of OetaeU township are requested to meet iaoanou at tha Wagoner school-honsa on Thursday Oot. ISth at 7 o'clock In the evening to plaoe in nomination a township Ueket and to transact suoh other beetnies M may legally come before aald meeting. Iko. B, bTANBan, 1 BokiiHt emm"B BmB3msV Pbmler Vmtii -M XI 'll ; u i s. !-ffl,L , a V ix r'L i fc V- '1 i i .. . " " " ( J1..M .. ;,i .-.4. 8! Mw1WIMwlWlWM''V.WJll'l'l'',' wwuw" wmui'tiiommiimiii'tipin, "y)w .m ... hATVt fc . tuvW&tSS3 ,,Jmmp