IHijjjrfwwrt! "7 jjMCBBBSgSSssssisi Ms4 I EW STOVES! NEW STOVES! W. W Wright Hat JmiI KcecUcd h Now, Largo unci Well Selected Line or Cooking and Heating Stoves! ( . Don't fail to see him before YOXJ BXJY. A complete iine of all kinds of hardware. BLAINE DECLINED. iUnt to FLOUR andFEED. OSOAR PATMOR Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. Choice Flour & Feed, And sells it cheap. Get his prices before buying join flour. V ' J'M 1 m W Sm mr Mmw fir JU fm mr 1 p rw j fir F 15,00 TO LOAN TO WORTHY STUDENT. No money required to receive nn education at thl collcae. The only romllt Inn a'lnitalnn are a Rood morul clisractor nnd an ambition to secure an ojlucijtlnn. riiN cuIIpm hut set aside f 15,000 to be loaned durliiK the present year to yotina )cotlo who wish to attend our school, but have not the ready funds. All Uie Ume needed will be Klven In which to pay tlio limn; and a ttuin in fair n niii iwiiiruk in vratiiiaf inn wminiii n iiaiiAr in upuiii wun. T M HnT TM FAK JSIS IVU 14UI UUl II llllil IB IIIIINW11UIU1UH uiihiui. tiuuru mnwu It' im ti fn HfatvlltiAiit nn .utiiiillnn ulifkn inn tiivn aii rititxirtnnltv like tills. cn stales rciirosfiitcit In the attendance and llfty xrnduatcs last year. Hoard In private family J.oo per week. We teach the Klcctrlc Short-Hand which can be learned In los tlm than otlior lyntrtii. After you havo read the circulars of all other schools, seiid for our JcatalOKue and wu will lento It t your Judgment which school In the west ranks llrst lit standing. Address, A. M. 1IAKGIS, Pre., Orand JUIiind, Neb. Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. II. FORT, Manager. AteftPts of Title, Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT NOriCE. Uavlng had ton yean experience In county records and one of the tnoit rompleto set of At stract books In.tha stato. we guarantee satisfaction. Your favors sullcited All oriles filled promptly, lo.ooo dollar bond filed ( nd approved. Address or call on L. JI. FORT MANAGER, Rod Cloud, Nob. HARRIS & GUST, DEALER II Isli $ BmM Wmtm North or Henry Cook'. Your Tatronage is solicited. We Nothing but the Best Meats. Keep What is "SkO , - ' WlWMI Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher! prescription for Infants and Children. It contaias neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use. by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys "Worms and allays feverlshiicss. Castorla prercats vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind ColC. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and fiatuleaey. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is the Children's Panaceathe Mather's Friend. Gastoria. i " Castorla is oa excellent medtdao for cill 4rco. Uotbcrsbava repeatedly told t&o of Us good effect upon their children." Da. O. c. Omoop, LowU,Jli. " CutorU U tio bot nustd (or children of likb Ian acquainted. XbopautodayteBot far ssstist when aether will oeMat the real Merest of their children, and use Castorla In stead of thevariousquacknoetruauwtikli are destroytex their loved ones, by fordag opium, morphine, sootblog syrup and other hurtful tjeata down their throats, thereby sotxUng aheca to premt turo graves." Da. J, F. KmcraLOB, Conway, Ark. Tk CaaUur Ocmpaay, IT Kam? Mitt, Slaw York City. Km tfOMf. iWiimiiih. , mmmxH iiiu,. Castorla. Cutorla la ao weU adapted to children Mutt I rocosnnend it superior to any prescription known to ite." S. A. """"' t U. D,i lil.Sft. Oxfordgt, Srooki.K. T. ' Our phniciiu In tho chlllrtuw depart mast hare spokes Ugh of their experl etsss) to their oaaMa pracUca with Castorla, and although we only hare among our medical supplies what la known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castorla has won us to look with favor upon It." Umitss HoarrriL axd Dtarapuar, Boston. Mask AiUR a Snrra, fri., ItetitlbllcHli llli' Al'iuy flood hvlrrt I roiii, IIoxovit. Tlio ix)s'illon of Mr. llliiino on tlio presidency 1h no Junior u .niillcr nl im ccrtnlnty. In it luttcr ot hit own atgnaturo, ndilrossod to Mr. "fltsoii, lie htatCH piv.ltlrul.r Hint IiIa n.i.iio will not go before thu iintloiitil rcpulillftin convention, 'llu tloji not fuel cnlloil upon to enter Into nttyos .Inn.itlon, but Ids tlocllnntlon N unciiiuvoi ul, K'uvlntf no poHslblo room for iiilstimlersliinillnjr. It Is not improlinbli tin t Mr Jtliilno lias before litni mnny .vtuM of tuafttl ness. lllulfltcr of clculmivtlor. Ih by no means a farewell to public life. Hut It In a conllrinntlon of the fr"nernl opin ion tlmt his strenutb litis boon so far Impaired by linrd work und ndvanclnfr nfo tbat he cannot stand the strain and burden of n national cnmpulgn. Thn reasons which Impelled him to 'lllnp; away ambition" In 1S8S apply in 1802, only with additional force. Ho has been a prodigious worker for oyer thirty years, and now ho musthusband his strength. That ho 1ms reached that atago of life Is a matter of pro found and poignant regret to an in numerable multitudo of his fellow citizens. No other public man has so large and so ardent : following. For many years he has been tho leading champion of republicanism, and the admiration for nit genius mauo nu name a torch to kindle popular en thusiasm. The animosities which wera Inseparable from the aggresslvo nrabt tlon of his earlier manhood have grad ually died out Ho may bo said to hare outllTcd thoso animosities. They are interred with thu bones of his presi dential ambition. So long ns Mr. Illaine's candidacy was 'A matter of doubt the considera tion of the presidential question by the republican party was heriously embar rassed. His final and definite with drawal from thu light leaves tho re publicans with no lack of good ma terial for a ticket, and tho various can didates can now bo canvassed upon their merits and availability. The convention at Minneapolis will havo no occasion to ask: "Is lllalno a candi date?" That question has been an swered, once for all, more than three months in advance of tho convention, thus giving the people ample time to look ovor the field and for tho develop ment of public opinion. .. Ho long as Mr. Illaine's position was uncertain littlo progress could bo made in a popular choice between the several aspirants. Ills great personality and tho Uovotlou with which his friends and admirers stood by him over shadowed everything and mude con centration anywhere Impossible. It is woll known that President Harrison would like the indorsement of a second term, and ho has a ihost of friends who would havo preferred him oven if Blaine became a candidate. Certainly fair-minded men will admit that he has given the country an able and olean administration that lias stood lor dis tinctly republican klenik Even tho dem ocrats must conccdo this much. Ho has been thoroughly tiuo to the princi ples of the republican party, and who ever the caudldnto may be repub licans will necessarily light upon the line of battle laid down by his admin istration. Hut no man has claim upon the nomination at Minneapolis, and if the national convention thinks it would be politic to nominato some one else it should not hesitate to do bo. There is no lack of good material. Ohio has in Gov. McKlnley a great and magnetic statesman. Ho Is in fact the representative man of the leading ldeaa on which the campaign will be fought Secretary Rusk would make a remarkably availablo candidate. He, would be a great vote-getter. Illinois has in Senator Cullom, with his strong resemblance to Abraham Lincoln, a candidate whoso qualifications should not be overlooked, and Gen. Alger has done much to mnko himself popular w ith the old sold lers. Hut theso names do not exhaust tho list It is not too Into for men unmentloncd, perhaps unthought of, to bprlng up and be come formidable candidates. Several famous presidential races havo been won by horses so dark as to be quito indistinguishable at this dlstanco from tho convention. Certainly there is no tjood reason for republicans who expect to) delegates to tlio Minneapolis con vcntlod to go Into mourning for the want of e'andidatos. Tho ublo and available statesmen who aro willing to lead the campaign fn DJ aro legion. It only remains for the convention to choose wisely. Chicago Inter Ocean. A PARTY OF KICKERS. Democracy, Having No Ideas t Its OKS, Merely Objects. Tho national democratic party pre sents at tho present time a remarkable spectacle. It camo into power in tlie house of representatives on a "tidal wave," and lias nn immense majority in thot- body. Most of its representa tives tliero were cleaned, or supposed they wore, as "tariff roformors." A majority of tliem were cuosen, pw because they believed in tho coinage of diver and gold dually and freoly by our taints at tho ratio of sixteen to one. It was natural to expert, tkefefor, that the house would proceed at oae to smash the tariff and open our mint lor coinage to the sllvor of the world. But tho democratic- party is quoer. When it is out of office it professoe allegiance, occasionally, to a definite nrlnclcle. and commits itself to a cer tain line of action. When It is In power It never does anything. It has no prin ciples, except to got in office and sliy there. It has now dAVflloped an affirmative policy In any direction. J. has netw initiated a progrostlyo ruoasr ure. It never will. It is not so surprising, therefore, af ter all, to thoso who know, something of tho past history ana present compos ition of tho democratic party, that In tho body where-' it has complete power it is now Bhowlsg signs of paresis. We fLtm told that tho democratic triumvi rate (hat .controls the party In tho sen ate and assumes to control it In tho aatiou, racsturs. Gorman, Hill and Brlee, have agree wljLU ft? tiumyl rate la the. house, .wblek, WW Wft aew rules,' If they are ever Mttef wiirtoattolaU thj leil1stteaotas . ..., . ., .... i ' i body tho democratic members of the committee on rules that it is not desir nblo for tho hnuno to do nnythlng at this ncs&lon on the silver and tariff question. Action of any hind might fcpllt tho party. The New Knglnnd nnd most of tho New York democrats uro ngalnst fraudulent frro silver; thn democrat of the (south and west are in favor of It The democrats of Pennsyl vania, nnd sotno In other statci, nro ngalnst free trndc; tho rest of tho dem ocrats aro In favor of It. Therefore, tho piusngo of a free-coinage bill by democratic votci in tho house would bo dangerous; It might nllenato east ern voters. Tho panMigo of a "Mills bill" would antngonl7e business inter ests nnd precipitate a tariff campaign, and that would be dangerous, too. Ko this parly, ns represented in con gross, and having In the popular branch a clear raiiorltv of ilftv votes, actually f dares not pass a bill that would com mit it to any dcflnlto policy. This is only a new and rather striding illustra tion of tho very old fact that the demo cratic party is simply the "against party" tho party of opposition, the party of negation, absolutely ineapa bio of positive action, of constructive legislation or of adherence to any prin ciple. In 1804 it ran for president a union general on n secession platform; in 1868 it ran a hard-money man on a platform of repudiation; in 1873, on a platform that contradicted every principle it had ever professed, It rau Horace Greely, its life-long and most bitter foe. In 1888 it V(ba held by the throat by Dro ver Cleveland on a positive platform, and was defeated. The defeat naa knocked out of It whatever conrage it temporarily possessed, and now ItAs going back to the old plan of ahnny "kicking" ut what the republicans hale done, without proposing anything WB nlto as a substitute. Tho Fiftieth congress, under Spea Carlisle, was described by a demo in tho house just the other day aa i nothing" congress, The Fifty-seep' congress, so far us now appears, and far as tho houso of representative la concerned, will be also a do-notkiog congross. 2f. Y. Mall and Express. Ak THE DEAR PEOPLE-! Of litis comity will plcr.st; licur in ntlmi final HI 13, SLTA ! v,v - iv. rrt .v Vr T v Has r i Tr Jicul received :t cat'Ionil ol" Cook and Heating Sf'OVES. And will Discount Any Price iii tin. Viilioy If you ure luiMlii2 don't lull to cull on lilir. I'Oll MOXP.Y IM WHAT l'OW lire TltYIStt Tl U YE. Call in and get a Golden Gem. He w ho Wants Health Wants Everything! POLITICAL DRIFT. t&'Whocver may be the standard bearer, Mr. Hlalno will bo In tho field working for tho principles of the grcut party he has done so much to advance und with which his name is so com pletely Identified. Cleveland Leader. tSTSpcakcr Crisp is a reformer. Ills son holds a three thousand-dollar clerkship. Similar charges have been mado against bprlngcr and Catching. Damocrats are always "reformers" durlnjr campaigns, but never nftor- ward. Iowa State Register. CSTDemocrats In congress wore aw fully afraid of ono "C.ar Reed." They are now arranging to appoint "ten czars," and lenve the rest of the fellows nothing to do but talk, whittle sticks and execute the supreme will of their bosses. Chicago Inter Ocean. EZTThc action of Mr. Blaine does not leave the w ay clear tor Mr. Harrison. Tho president is unpopular, and the chances aro that as regards the nom ination the presidential toga will fall upon a head not now visible above tho political liorlzou. Council Bluff Globe. C-Davld Hill will press the button and his "kodak" convention will do tho rest Then Cleveland will follow up with a "Little Detective" convention and take a snap shot at the delegation. Hut tho rcul fun will come in the Chicago convention. Detroit Journal. tyin the last year of Cleveland's' administration tho United States bought 833,000,000 more from foreign nation than it sold to them, whereas in lbOl, under republican rule, tho sale execcdod the purchases by 8142,000,000. Such figures need no comment St Louis Globe Democrat Grovcr Cleveland bus emerged from tho Louisiana woods with politically closed lips. It is very likely that for some timo Mr. Cleveland will talk of his wing shorts nt Too Jefferson's retreat with much vigor, but will get into hh shotl und closo tho lid when politics is mentioned.' He won't write a ny political letters t'lthcr for awhile, Minneapolis Journal. EZTEvcry ofllelal report from the pension department gives tho positive evidence that the republican party la loyally keeping faith with tho disabled union boldiors. The statement for the last six months of 18D1 shows that during that period there was issued from tho department 1M.831 pension, of which SO, 102 were under tho general law nnd 113.050 were under the act of June 27, 1800. The first payment on these certificates aggregate 930,807,580, or a littlp PVr 134 to each pensioner. Iowa State Register, UTA majority of tho democrats member of tho houso committee of way and mean havo agreed to Mr. Springer's plan of tariff tinkering. But this decision,' while It may bo moro or less binding upon tho ways and means committee, Is not binding upon Mr. Mill, tUo Brccklnridges, or other dis tinguished fioo iwlara on the floor of tho house, and Mr. Springer cannot he nt all sure that sonjobqdy wU not offer the Old MIUs bill as a substitute Jpr Ir, Springer's little free-wool Ijlll, and; bo precipitate a general tTlfl clqcu,a.f sion.-N. V. Mail and Express, Triumph of UepubUsena. Tho Unltod State aupreme court struck a heavy blow at the Louisiana statu lottery bv its decision affirming tho constitutionality of tho antMottory net nasscd br the Fifty-first congress. The correspondence of the lottery com pany Is by this law entirely excluded ing tho law was unanimous, ThU a(f litaw net was nassod. let it ho veraem. bered, by a republlwn congross, urged thereto by a republican president; aw the law has been efficiently applied by a republican postmaster general Doo anybody suppose that If we had had a democratic president and congress such a law could have been passed? The decision put new heart Into the anti lottery eaaipaiffS' in Louisiana, and may have a decisive effeet o the torn- asslO'. SSBSV SBBBBBeEv 'TBBSV PJ-Wfe)- " ,,. . !'t'if!m asssssssssssssssssflsssssssw. VissflH .assssssssssHsssssssssssssWAlssssT ssssssssPsssBIH-. sssssssssssssW&sssHfj'' ''BSSSSSSSS Hli-'-'SsssF 9ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssE& '''""'issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHHsT ':"'l!sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB'":'''''' There are millions of persona in this country who Buffer from chronic diseases or an afilictioxi which incapacitates them from business, and frequently makes life a burden, many of whom would place themselves under different treat ment if they were acquainted with th fact that a ne w treatment was m reach of them. Kemcdial agents for many of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we offer to tlie afflicted one, on a business like baLs, the mandgmeut of which we trust will be tempered by amoral and philan thropic principle. We practice the BnnierhofF treatment of all forms of SEOTAL DISEASES. Wo per tonally owe a debt of gratitude to the father and founder of this system and not to pub lish te the world such knowledge, would be to do mankind an Injustice, This is th. r remedy that thousands bless, and one that I have secured at great expense, tried tsAQ'f tested hefore offering it to you for your consideration and Investigation. Descriptive emphltts sent free on application. Office consultation free. Names of parties who nave ta cured cheerfully given o application. L. D. Denney, M. D., Red Cloud, Neb THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal, Lime, lath, Etc. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Prices Lower than any yard. aaaaaaataaaaaaaaawasiawwaaaeiaaaaeiaaaaimasiwaejmaMaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaa Warner & Warren, " THE TWO JO'S " Have opened a Real Estate Office, A170 ABE BEADY TO SELL YOU Farm or City Xroporty, or Auction off your Stock or House hold Goods, Havo Borne Bargains to offer to any who call a this office, 2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, Up Stairs Wghstgr Co, Abstract Office J, II. BAILEY, Abstracter nnd Proprietor. Accurate Abstract Promptly runiUlicd for any Lands In Webster county. A complete und Accurate set or Abstract book and u aioooo bond filed Tltli county Judge Insure sail faction, For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or some good Bargains in Real Estate, call ou J. H. BAILEV. llEJD CLOUD, MJIMASKA. RED CLOUD JTR ANSFER LINE K sTir i 'i lif win iiiiiiTiin-risaiisriWssBnTWsrssMisTr , , mt,m immi 8. JT. COZAV, Proprietor. All hauling intrusted to me will bo promptly attended to. McGinty to the bottom of the sea, But the Buckeye Harness Shop is still on top and will give a t cetto tho Webster Co u ty Fair with evory $5 worth purchased at his storo at one time. , J. O. BUTLER, Prop, P s.i W&eZMMtouMSRMrttttfttN .EasUuari 1 U fi iL $ w.mmmm yj$jmm$'t'ii '" WIIStaW'Mli mmlHKldtoMMNUtm 1 s