The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 30, 1892, Image 2

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A. O. HOftMCff, Publisher.
A cncmii of people iittncUt'il n tlctrtclv
mcnt of cnriiblneernwlio wore trylnjr to
arrest rt famous urlirtintl nt Vlcovuro,
Italy, anil Btteccocictl In freeing th
Tiik erection of n hirjro telescope on
tho Awlen inountntnH In rem, where
the climate neeinn especially udnptcd to
nstronomlcnl work, 1ms been MitfKCsted
by n Iliirvnnl profesnor.
IN places in New York, away from
the glided palnees, population Is pretty
dense, aa may Iks judged from the fol
lowing: New Yorl1tns8,l(VJ dwellings
which contain over ton families click
Namks of places tire largely dupli
cated In nations where thu name Is n
national favorite. TIcro lire seventy
two places called St Etlenno in I-'rnno.
and thirty called Washington In Amer
ica. Nkw railways are not madly rushing
out in every direction over the country,
still there Is considerable construction
going on all the time. Up to Juno t.UOO
miles of rnllroad had been mado this
Tiir. United States dredge boat Lone
Star Is now doing excellent work In
dredging out the rock Iwttoin In the
channel just above the bridge of the
II., C. A. fc N. railway, near Alexan
dria, Ln.
Thk consular representatives of Cen
tral and South American republics In
New York have united in protest to the
Colombian minister In this country
ntrninst the action of the Colombian
government In placing an embargo upon
nil vessels destined for Colon from
United States ports.
O.NK may get Into trouble even In a
Joke, so troublesome Is the world. A
contortionist In an exhibition In Hull
fax, Nova Scotia, twisted himself Into
a ludicrous shape and said: "This Is an
imitation of an Albion hotel bedbug."
The audience laughed, but thu hotel
proprietor couldn't bee the joke. He
began suit for S5.O0O.
lUiriiKflKNT.VTivns from llvr. trlles of
Indians met nt l'luo Springs, A. T., to
protest against the government forcibly
taking Indian children from their pa
rents and sending thum to enstern
schools. Many chiefs wanted to go on
the war path. Utct, l'ah Utes, Walla
pals and Yava Subul tribes wero repre
sented at the council. Over forty Wal
lapais fcmllles have gone into the
mountains hundreds of miles from their
old homes. They will resist all at
tempts to take their children to school.
A WAS is wise when he finds that
borne Is where his friends live. One
can exist clsowhero but can never truly
bo at home. Max O'llell, who Is lectur
ing in Australia, announces his inten
tion of returning homo und "settling
lown" for life nftcr this last trjp. Asked
whether by homo hu meant Purls ho re
plied in the negative. "In Paris every
thing is changed. Wo go tliero every
Tear to look around, but when one has
.formed a circle of literary, social und
Artistic friends, as I have in London
Jvcll, that is home."
Tin: census bureau has Issued a bulle
tin on the color and nativity of tho pop
ulation of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michi
gan and Minnesota. Of the total popu
lation of thesu states as u whole, over
2t years of age, lO.Mper cent, are aliens
and 04.23 per cent of thesu have been
naturalized, while 7.!U per cent, have
taken out their first papers. Of tho
ullens in Ohio 35. 43 per cent cannot
speak the English languuge; in Indiana,
80.10 per cent.; in Illinois, 110.24 per
cent; in Michigan, 27.0'J per cent; in
Wisconsin, 42. 23 per cent, and in Min
nesota, 24.20.
Tub over-zealous man may become
impertinent; and then It is well enough
to administer tho mild reproof. While
Prof. Huxley was staying at a seaside
resort in North Wales he was ap
proached by a Liverpool evangelist,
who thrust a tract into his baud with
the inquiry, "Have you got your soul
saved?" "I hnvo sufficient respect for
genuine religion to bo revolted by
blasphemous impertinences," said tho
scientist in relating the anecdote lifter
wards. "So I unswered somewhat
sternly, 'That is my business,' and tore
up the tract"
Car. J. If. Kino, b government of
ficial interested in rain experiments,
was in Pierre, 8. D., recently. Asked
when the experiments wero to be made,
Mr. King said: "You folks have been
having so much cold rainy weather out
this way that wo cuu't make any cxperl
menta until this condition of things
changes. I am here to look the ground
over, and will probably remain a week.
If In that time I think the conditions
are favorable for experiments, they will
probably bo made a little later on.
Taken altogether, I hardly expect any
experiments will lie made this fall, and
the whole matter will bu postponed un
til next summer."
llKUNUAitDT.who was recently In Rrus
sels, expressed herself there with con
tempt regarding tho cholera. Indeed,
according to tho London News, she felt
dure there wus no such malady. There
might bo an atmospheric statu favoring
Its production In unliealtuy people, but
that was till The cholera mlcrobo
seemed to her the most ubsurd child of
thu human Imagination. She is willing
to go to any cholera stricken town to
give a benefit In favor of the so-called
Tletims of cholera.' Sarah's breezy in
difference to cholera shows she is a crank
on the snbjcot, like tunny others who
.V.have Utepublle ear. Cholera is not a
"V'nervous dlsciibe, which mny be bluffed
Vmvay, but is caused by a specific virus,
which, when It roaches the lower bowels,
?, is just as likely to lruoclc over tho bold
- wt us the most timid.
Gloanod By Tolograph nnd 'MalL
Empkiioii William was thrown from
his horse and narrowly escaped being
crushed. The horse stumbled rnto u
ditch concealed by grass.
Ex-1'iiKsiiiKNT Ci.KVI'.lanw has ad
dressed a letter to Frank (J. Toston, of
Tennessee, denying that ho lcsought
ihtv. lluchannn to spare II. Clay King's
life in his letter of sympathy to Klng'B
Tin: reports that n revolution hnd
broken out in Chihuahua or Sonorn are
denied at tho City of Mexico.
Thk New York Times has informa
tion that certain Cuban patriots have
gone to San Domingo to prepare for an
tiprlslng In Cuba.
Caul Hciiuiiz has written his viewH
to eastern democratic clubs concerning
the use of money and the machine ln
Thomas W. Hallidav, mayor of Cairo,
III., is dead.
Hon. Jamks 0. IIlaink has written to
thu Kennebeo Journal stating that the
reason hu did not vote was because his
doing m would have necessitated a
journey of 225 miles, occupying three
days. Ho therefore paired with a dem
ocrat Miw. IlAitnisoN bore the journey from
Loon Lake to Washington with much
fortitude aud more strength than was
1). A. McKixi.KV, Hawaiian consul at
San Francisco und brother of Gov. Me
Klnley, of Ohio, who was stricken with
paralysis Is dead.
(!i:n. Pot'K Is suffering from nervous
KX'Juixii: Alkiikd Roman, of Now
Orleans, is dead.
Maj.-Ukn. Danikl Umiak, who first
organized colored troops In thu Into re
bellion, died of old age at Nyaek, N. Y.
He was born In Wilmington, Del., April
20, 1810.
Tin: people of Winnipeg, Manitoba,
have declared In mass meeting In favor
of the single tax idea and government
by throe salaried commissioner!).
Tiik queen of tho Sandwich islands
has appointed a'new cabinet headed by
10. C Muururlauc as premier. It will
be unseated by tho legislature.
Tin: New York apportionment luw is
Tin: people's party of Wyoming havo
agreed upon fusion with the democrats.
Cai-t. A. O, WutssKiiT, of Milwaukee,
wus elected commander-in-chief O. A.
It. Indianapolis was chosen for the
next encampment
Tin: duku of Sutherland, tho largest
landowner in Great lirltain, died in
Scotland on tho 2'.L
Ciiaihman Faitiioiin will lenvo the
Southwestern Railway & Steamship as
sociation and probably become chair
man of the Transmlshourl association.
A nrncAT forest firo Is raging in the
mountains near Newcastle, Col.
A hkvkiik storm Is reported from tho
Mauritius causing much damage to
A htauti.ixo story comes from Je
rome, a village near Kokomo, I ml. It
was said a fearful explosion occuned,
two acres of land sunk out of sight and
a subterranean firo was raging.
Tiik cholera Is spreading at Cracow,
Austrian Poland.
Bkvkiiai, steamers havo arrived at
Hoston with their machinery disabled
by storms.
Influential men of foreign birth
and extraction have started a relief
fund nt New York for thu cholera suf
ferers nt Hamburg. Mr. A. Lattman,
of 148 Pearl street, Is treasurer; Oswald
Ottendorfer, Hermann Oolrlehs nnd
others are of the committee.
HnAKKMAN II 11. Niiu.oci; was killed
near Waco, Tex. Ho got his foot in a
cattle-guard whllo pulling out a coup
ling pin.
Tiik New York state factory Inspect
ors are preparing for u general round
up of thu clothing employers In tho
sweating districts who have violated
tho new factory law.
TriF.HK was a serious fire at Uocknway
Heuch, L. I., on tho 20th. Most of the
hotels wero burned. The loss was esti
mated at f.'iOO.OOO.
Tub Six Companies has Issued another
proclamation to Chinamen over the
registration act An appeal was mado
to tho Chinese emperor.
Rattlksnakks have killed a white
woman and three negro men in the
southeastern part of North Carolina.
A htiiikic has been ordered of teleg
raphers on the Iowa railroads.
Thk Southern Pacific has withdrawn
from tho Western Traffic association.
A numiikk of negro tramps recently
attempted to burn tho village of Spen
cer, la. A battle resulted und five ne
groes wero jailed.
O.nk of tho passengers of tho Nor
mnnnln, a resident of Philadelphia, has
died of pnoumonlu, contracted on tho
Cepheus whllo being transferred.
Aftkh fighting tho Typographical
union for fifteen years the Kansas City
Journal has accepted tho terms of
the union. This Is an Important suc
cess for organized labor us it prac
tically breaks up tho Printers' Protect
ive fraternity, a society which gavo tho
Typographical union much trouble.
John S. Johnson made a mlla on n
bicycle ut Independence, la., in 2:04,
Thihtkkn persons were killed by a
disastrous accident on tho Pittsburgh,
Fort Wayne & Chicago near Shrevo, O.,
u passenger train running ut full tilt
Into a freight The wreckage caught
fire und several of the victims were con
sumed In thu Humes.
Tiik Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd
Fellows elected the following officers:
Grand sire, C. F. Campbell, Loudon,
Out.; deputy grand sire, J. W. Steb
bens, of New York; grand secretary,
Theodore Ross, of Newark, N. ."!.; grand
treasurer, Isaac A. Sheppurd, of Now
Fathkii lk'MPintKVK, one of tho Irish
nationalist prisoners, has been released
from jail at Dublin.
Pnor. Koch says that ho docs not be
lieve cholera can bo conveyed in cor
respondence. Tiik Pau-Presbyterinn convention met
at Toronto, Out, ou the 21st
Tiik telegram sent sontottmc ago that
Marshal Sum Williams bud captured
five of tho Dalton gang snd killed two
others was the work of tko desperadoes
themselves. Hut little doubt exists
that Williams has been killed.
Tklkoiiai'iikiih on the Kitrlington,
Collar Rapids & Northern system havo
Mini: McDonald, the Chicago horse
man, has been arrested, charged with
attempting to bribo Police Justice
Woodman in tho Oarlleld park arrest
Tiik grand jury at Pittsburgh, Piu,
returned true bills against nil the
Homesteaders charged with murder,
aggravated riot und conspiracy.
Haiioli) IlKt'KWiTir, heir to ft, 000,000,
drowned himself in ft' bathtub nt Cass
City, Mich., after u debauch.
It Is reporteil that President Cnrnot
has pardoned Edward Parker Deacon,
who killed his wife's betrayer ln
Tin: great Laguna cotton district, in
the state of Durango, Mexico, Is com
pletely under water, for tho first time
in six years.
Thk new sugnr refinery at Philadel
phia is nearly completed.
Tiik Northwestern Miller reports tho
stock of wheat In private clcvatora of
Minneapolis at 880,000 bushels, an in
crenso for the week of 15,000 bushels.
Thin makes tho total stock at Minne
apolis and Duluth 5,871,004 bushels, an
increase of 370,255 bushels. A year ago
the stock nt these two places amounted
to 4,:,:m bushels.
Tiik first pier, or southern abutment,
of the great Alton (III.) brldgo is com
pleted. Work Is being pushed forward
on two others.
As thcrcMiltot u runaway nt Minoln,
la., A. W. Miller, formerly an Omaha
banker, was killed nnd A. II. Walling
and L. 11. llutlcr, prominent citizens,
received broken legs.
Tiik navy department has received ti
telegram from Adm. Walker announc
ing tho nrrlval of the United States
steamer Chicago at Ln Ouayra, Vene
zuela. This makes three American war
ships now in Venezuela.
Capitalists of Sioux City, To., have
completed arrangements for a flour mill
with 500 barrels dally capacity, to com
pete with Minneapolis mills. '
Tun: bills havo been found by the
grand jury at Pittsburgh, Pa., against
Col. Hawkins, Lieut. -Col. Streator aud
Surgeon Grim, of tho N. O. P., in tho
Private lams ease. ,
Johnson, the bicyclist, made nn ex
traordinary mile at Independence In.,
on tho 22d, doing It In 1:50 .1-5.
Huiiokss McLi'ckik, of Homestead,
swore out Informations agatust Frick,
Lovejoy, tho Plnkertons aud others,
charging them with causing riot The
accused gave bond.
Tiik report of tho Ilritlsh Inspector
general of bankruptcy has been mado
public. Tho increase in bankruptcy
since his last report was duo thu collapse
of Raring Rros. nnd tho effects of tho
McKlnle.y tariff act.
Ex-Chii:f or Pouck John C. Andkk
bon, of Somerset, Ky., who has disap
peared, is wanted for tho assassination
of Editor Joseph II. Rucker.
Tub Popolo Romnno of Romo says
that all of thu brlgnnds concerned in
the recent outrages In Sicily hnvo been
Tin: steamer Lcn Cummlngs blew out
her stnudplpe near Charlevoix, Mich.,
nnd Albert Tuvolt, n deck hand, who
wns caught below decks, was scalded to
death, his body being literally boiled.
Tiik seeeders'from the Salvation army
In Canada havo organized under the
nnmu of "Tho United Christian Work
ers." P. W. Phllpot, whose charges
against Ocu. llooth led to the revolt,
has been elected president.
Lif.ut. PnAKY and tho whaler Kilo
havo arrived at Philadelphia.
Tin: liverymen of Chicago have
formed a trust and put tho price of car
riages during tho world's fair dedicatory
parade at $22 per day.
Sin RiciiAnn Owkn, M. D., LL. D., F.
R. S., tho celebrated Ilritlsh professor
of comparative anatomy, is dying in
Tim Union manufacturing works,
Rattle Creek, Mich., hare burned. Loss,
Maj.-Okn Porn died ut tho Soldiers'
homo at Sandusky, O., on tho 23d. He
wns born in Kentucky In 1823.
Gov. McKinlky addressed tho Phila
delphia manufacturers' club on the 23d.
A tkiiiiuilk panic occurred In a Lud
low street building. Now York, where
Jews were celebrating their Now Year.
Four women wero crushed to death In
tho narrow stairway and nlno were in
jured. Upsetting a candle caused all
the trouble.
Thirty officers of tho Argentine rc
public havo been arrested for conspir
ing against tho government Three
regiments are affected.
Out of a total Bales of cotton In Liver-
pool tho past week, amounting to 60,
. 000 bales, 73,000 wero American.
Roth sides are stubborn ln tho strike
of tho Denver tailors, but six firms
havo slgne'd tho uuign scalo.
Thk treasury department has decided
that a Chinamen Is a Chinaman under
all circumstances and cannot outer tho
United States in tho gulso of a Rrltlsh
Tiikkk Is something believed to bo
wrong In tho disappearance of Explorer
Verhooff In tho nrctlo regions. Lieut
Peary vvns reticent when questioned
about the matter.
Clkahinq house returns for tho week
ended September 23 showed an average
decrease of 10.8 compared with tho cor
responding week of Inst year. In New
York the dpcreaso was 111.8,
Tiik Odd Fellows' grand lodgo nt
Portland, Ore., tabled a resolution de
claring saloonkeepers ineligible to mem
bership. Thk presbytory of Cincinnati decided
by largo majority to put ou trial for
heretical teaching ono of Its members,
Prof. Henry P. Smith, of Lano Theo
logical seminary.
Canada aud Newfoundland are to
confer on trade and fishing mutters.
Complaints have reached Doming, N.
M., from Las i'olomus, Mexico, Imme
diately south, thnt tho custom officials
at that place are seizing largo numbers
of American cattle which stray across
the lino from day to do;.
Chops of all kind nro reported to be
excellent fa Frontier county
A iikavt Irost fell In tho vicinity of
Crawford on the night of tho lotln
Tin: first annual fair at Calloway
opened on tho 12th and closed on tho
Ajisckssks caused by tho pulling of
teeth resulted In thu denth of Sadlo
Miiupln nt Rrokcn How.
Aiitiiur Duval, n twolvo-yenr-old
David City boy, was discovered in tho
act of robbing a grocery store and sent
to the reform school.
An uukuown old woman who wns
found wandering in tho fields near
Stromsburg some tlroo ago, has been
sent to the Insiuiotisylutn.
F. A. GAimnNKn shot nnd killed
Richard Halcoin near Greeley Center tho
other night They ivcro farm hands
and there ure conflicting stork's us to
the cause of the trouble.
In the vicinity of Wood River oats
will average forty bushels per acre nnd
fall wheat thirty to forty-live. Tho
hay crop Is lighter than average. Corn
Is maturing all right with un average
Upon awakening the other morning
Mr. and Mrs. James Whlu, of McCool
Junction, found that their month-old
babe, In bed with them, had died dur
ing tho night The child wus appar
ently in good health.
Thk candidates on tho several state
and congressional ticket? have been
very slow ln complying with the pro
visions of tho new li.illot law which
provides that n certificate of nomina
tion must be filed with the secretary of
Emanukl Fist, deputy treasurer of
Adams county, has been acquitted of
the charge of embezzlement. Ho wns
Indicted for aiding and abetting Treas
urer Paul In spiriting away S5 1,000 of
tho county's money during Paul's two
terms In office.
Tin: Society of tho United States
Military Telegraph eorps und tho Old
Time Telegraphers' association began
their annual reunion at Omaha ou tho
14th. Tho military society is composed
of the survivors of tho nrtny telegraph
service to the number of .100.
Tin: other day Rev. Hcrrington nnd
wife, an elderly couple from Stroms
burg traveling to Wilsonvllle by car
riage, were run Into near Inavalo by
an intoxicated man. The rig was over
turned und almost completely demol
ished and the old gentleman was prob
ably fatally Injured.
Tiir school year at the normal school
at Peru opened with a very encouraging
outlook for a prosperous year. The
first day's enrollment wns 'larger thun
for several years past Over 300 have
already entered. Tho graduating class
is tho largest in tho history of tho in
stitution, while the other classes In the
normal course fall but little short in
Tin: first sugar beets wero taken to
tho Oxnnrd sugnr factory at Grand
Island on tho 14th. A superintendent
of tho company said that the crop was
much better this year than In 18'Jl nnd
1800. Thu climatic conditions have, ou
tho whole, been mora favorable, nnd
tho nppenranco of an Insect, which did
not mnko si. visltntlou in tho former
yenrs, seems not to have caused much
Tin: other evening an enst-bound
local freight train broke In two near
Gibbon and the rear portion of tho train
collided with the part attached to the
engine. James Leonard, of Wood
River, who was In the cupola of the
caboose, was thrown by tho concussion
through the glass lookout and received
n dangerous cut on tho jaw and neeh
about six Inches In length. Tho cuf
severed several arteries of tho neck,
just missing tho jugular vein.
Tun August report of the operations
of the statu oil Inspection department
has been made up and shows tho fol
lowing: Number of barrels of oil in
spected in tho First district, 1,705; gas
oline, COO; Second district, oil, 2,040;
gasoline, 2,003; Third district oil, 084;
gasoline, 1,404; Fourth district, oil, 278;
gasoline, 35; Fifth district, nil, 005; gas
oline, 107; total number of barrels In
spected durlug the month, 11,303; total
fees receives!, 1, 130.30. During the
month of July the department inspect
ed 10,408 barrels.
Ruckivkr Miller, of the defunct
state bank at Crete, has entered upon
the dlsehargo of his duties and promises
soon to unravel thu tangled utTairs of
tho institution. Tho liabilities of. the
bank consist of amounts due depositors.
Of these amounts there are luo 00,03S.
17. To bnlnnce this amount the assets
foot up to over 100,000, divided us fol
lows: Hills receivable, $83,857.03; real
estate, M2.000; furniture und fixtures,
12,800, There nro also other asset
which will swell tho amount Cashier
Stevens whoso d'snppenraneo caused
the suspension of tho bank, is still miss
ing anil his whereabouts a mystery.
At tho recent state fair at Lincoln
tho committee on county exhibits
awarded prizes as follows: Hurt, first;
Kearney, second; Dundy, third; Doug
las, fourth; Gage, fifth; Red Willow,
Blxth; Hitchcock, seventh; Huyes,
eighth; Perkins, ninth; Madison, tenth;
Ilox Ruttc, eleventh; Sioux, twelfth;
Harlan, thirteenth. Tho Murphy trip
lets, of Fremont two boys and a girl,
named respectively Leander, Leroy and
Leonn, seven months old, took first
premium at tho baby show, a barrel of
apples, which was Increased to three
barrels. Tho boys nt birth euch
weighed eight and n half pounds and
the girl seven nnd a half.
Two young men went to Kearney the
other night and among other purchase
oought a pistol. On their way home nt
a late hour they begnn shooting, os
tensibly for amusement. As u result
one of them lost two fingers and the
bullet lodged in the lungs of the other,
Inflicting a fatal wound. The name oj
tho young man futnlly Injured is Curniv
ban. A NUHBKli of young clerks of Green
wood raided "Father "Row's" melon
patch, tho other night, and "during the
exe'. lenient" tho old man's gun wns dis
charged and several youngsters wen
filled with bird shot Thoy went home,
picked out tho shot and kept mum.
Mlnlaturo WlterU of Fortune All the Oo
Nuwitclnjm. ' '
"Tnko a chance, mister. Plcnso tio.
It's only a penny, and just look nt tho
prizes?"' This Is tho request that'grcctn
cveryono passing through uptown
streets nowadays. The beggars are lit
tle boys nnd girls who arc practicing to
develop tho gambling Instinct A re
porter ran n gauntlet of four girls and
throe boys on ono block on East Twcn
tyrslxth street ti day or two ago. Nor
would they tuko "no" for an nnswer,
but followed, Imploring him to invest
Ench held n toy wheel of fortune that
was an exact counterpart of tho gam
bling machines ono sees operated by
hard-faced fakirs at Coney Island.
Thoso used by children nro smaller; but
for all practical gambling purposes
they nro Identical. A flat motal arrow,
about ten Inches long, swings on a
pivot standing in thoconterof a round
pleco of stiff cardboard, something llko
a foot and a half in diameter. A strip
of cardboard, tin inch high, is glued
around the outer edge of tho layout to
prevent the prizes lying In between lit
tle partitions around the circle from
falling off. Thcro nro twenty-four
spaces, eight of which hold prizes.
The remaining sixteen nro blank.
Tho prizes consist of dimes, nickels,
toys, watch charms, brass rings and1
candy. Tho little gamesters arrange1
tho best prizes in compliance with the
printed rules on tho under side of tho
layout In other words, tho four prizes
worth from five to ten cents each are
placed at equal distances about thu
outer edgo of tho circle, after which
four worthless rings or somo other
articles nre placed midway between tho
four first laid down. This leaves sixteen
blanks In tho baby gambler's favor, to
say nothing of tho four worthless
prizes. One who Invests a pec.y gives
tho arrow a twirl and wins or loses ac
cording to what its bend stops in front
of. No toy of recent years has been so
popular with llttlo folks as aro these
wheels of fortune, N. Y. Advertiser.
There arc 3,043 policemen ln New
York city, nn Increase of 1,122 since
1SS0, un iucrctiso justified by tho gain
in population. Last year 00,121 persons
were arrested, 18,012 of whom were fe
males. Thcro wero 3,420 persons ar
rested for violations of tho exclso law,
a decrease of 1,323 ns compared with
tho preceding year. The value of lost
property restored to owners was over
otfo million dollars. There were 208
dead bodies taken to the morgue.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 2.1
CAlTLE-I'cRt bcacs.
C 3 W 4 'J5
Nut he cows.
SOOS-Good to choice heavy
IVHUAT-No. 2 rcil
COnN-No. 2 mixed
OATS -No. 2 mixed
l-'LOUU l'utenH, per sack..
HAY CUolco timothy
I'au;y pralrlo
1IUTTUK Cholco creamery .
crfKKSB Full cream
2 00 (4 3 3
1 bS ZltSVi
i 53 W 5 35
OIK 04'i
60 C0U
39 & 39W
SJrf 27J 1
1 00
2 2i)
01 2 M
8 W
& M
KCiaS-ChoIco HU
CATTI.K-r.ilr natives 3W 5 15
Texnns 2 l 3 23
HOGS Heavy 80 O & W
SIIHKP Fair to choice 4 00 ft 00
I'LOUH-Cfcolcu 3 20 3 60
WHi:AT-N'o.Srcd Mil OJ
COUN-No.2ral.xcrt 12 42
OATS-No 2 mixed 2J K!4
llYF.-Ko 2 6J 6IU
HUrrnit-Crcnmery 20 5
I.AKU Western ulcam 7 20 7 2
l'OUK New 10 70 ID 75
CATTLE-l'rlme to extra 4 75
HOGS IMcktiu: and shipping.. 4 60
5 CO
6 15
4 CO
SHHF.P-Falr to choice 4 60
FLOUH Winter wheat '. 4 00
v.-!l'-AT No. 2 red 72
72 7JV
4Mi 4V,
31 WW
OATS No. 2
7 40
7 45
10 20
I'OKU 10 15
CATI'LH Nntlve stcern 3 CI 5 30
HOGS Good to cholco 5 SO AGO
Ff.OUn-GooJ to choice 4 00 4 7
WHKAT-Nc, 2 red 78 70
COHN-No. 2 M Bt
OATS Western mixed 3-J 38H
UUrrHH-Creamery I SI'
VOttU-Mess II 0J IS 26
show it, If you're a healthy
woman. They'll havo a
beauty of their own, no
matter what your features.
Perfect health, with its clear
skin, rosy cheeks, and bright
eyes, is enough to make any
woman attractive.
To get perfect health, uso
faithfully Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. That
regulates and promotes nil
the proper ftiuctlons of wo
manhood, Improves diges
tion, enriches the blond, dis
pels aches and pains, brings
rcfrcf hlug sleep, aud restores
health, flesh and strength.
For periodical pain?, prolapsus ana
other displacements hearing-down scu
satlous, nnd "female complaints" gen
erally, it is fo eflectivo that it enn bo
guaranteed. If It doesn't benefit or cure,
you have your money back. Is anything
that isn't sold in this way likely to bo
"just as good."
ollorwl chiUl-bearfng woman. I hato been a
mlU-tlfo for many jcars, and in each c.iso
vrhcio "Mother's Friend" hadbcenused lthns
sccoiupltahcd wmulcrii ami telle ed much
liifTerlnn. It Is the best remedy for rlslne ol
the breast Lnowu, and worth tlio iiricu for Quit
ilouo. Has. Jl. M. HuusTini,
Montgomery, Ala.
1 can tell nil expectant mothers If they will
6o n four bottle of Mother's Prlend they will
Co through the ordeal without any pain and
HUfTerlut;. Mas. JUy ItitANiusr.
I7srl Mother' Prlend tieforo birth of my
eighth child. Will noi er rcan lti iirnhto.
Alas. J, F. ilooat, Colusa, Cal.
Bent by express, charge prepaid, on receipt
of price, $1.60 per bottle,
old by all druggists. Xtluhxx, U
Drcathes The n Msn
Who can lnhatomnlnrln-lircedhig air with
Impunity I No, not unless hu hu fortllled
against its Insidious poison with Hostet
ter's Btomarh Witters. Then, Indeed, is ho
defended. Not only Is this medicine most
thorough os n bulwark nqaltist chills nnd
fever mid bilious remittent, but it thor.
ojighly relieves dyspepsia, suiisllpntloii,
rheumatism, biliousness, nervousness and
kidney trouble.
Jaoson snys It Is n great thing to bo ablo.
to Iteep tho respect of ttio mini Who pasnes
tho plato to you hvery Sunday. Elmlra Ga
zette. 1 .1
nnvo Tou Asthma?
Dr.. R. ScntmiANN, Ht Paul, Minn., will
rnufla trial puoUng6of Kchlffniunn's Asthma
Cure Jrt6 to any sufferor. 01 ves Instant re-
llCl in WOl-flt LlUtOff? mill r-ltl-na ntltnva
fall. Katuo this unncr und semi mlilrnua
"I am' hard pressed for moneyr' bs tho
roiiiautld heroine, said when tho nrdcuthcro
of the play hugged her un tho stugo to earn
his salary. Baltimore American.
CoNnucTon E. D. Loom, Detroit. Mich.,
snys: "Tho effect of HolPrf Catarrh Curo Is
wonderful." Write him about it Bold by
Druggists, 'Co.
BncACJR n young woman sees fit to wear
suspenders It Is no reason for snyhig that
she Is a pillus qlrl. liutrulo Express.
Bohemian Hopi ntid 5Hnu. Dnrlcvi what
"Tho A. II. C. UohumlHti llottled Jlt-nr" of
Bt Louis Is inudv of. Nothing healthier.
i a niTin iae morning is ucuer iiisnnoiu-
Ing all UayJ-rlUtti'ji Hnru. wM
: ,a tij.- ujr 4jfa .
Who suffers with his ilvcr, constipation,
bilious Ills, poor blood or dlzzlnoss tak
Uecuhaui's Pills. Of druggists. 25 cents.
Tnr. auctioneer Is tho only wnti who likes
to sco his customers wear u forbidding as
pect Philadelphia Record.
Fon a Cough or Sore Thrnnttho bestmed
Iclno is Ilulo's Honey of Horohound anrtTur.
PiUo's Toothache Drops Curo in ono uiluuto.
Rapt attention the atiltmlo of tho man
who Is hit with a policeman's bhly. Lowell
Tun chemist's best girl is analyzer.
Lowell Courier.
Both tho method and results whoa
Svrurj of Ficrs is taken: it is nlensnnf.
and refreshing to tho teste, and acts
Seany yet promptly on tlio KiUueya,
liver nnd Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem eflcctitolly, dispels colds, head
aches and fovers and cures habitual
constipation. 8yrnp of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to vtho tasto and ac
coptablo to tho; stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects prepared only from tho-'ihost
healthy and ngrecablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo mado it tho most
popular remedy known. a
oyrup of , Figs jisvfor salo In 50o
and $1 bottles' bf ntr leading" drug
gists. Any rcliablo druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
euro it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Store News!
Good News!
No catalogue of our fall
bargains this season! No.sou
venirs given away at the EX
OPENING! But instead and
perhaps you won't be sorry
we're going to distribute the
thousands of .dollars'' usually
expended in catalogues and
souvenirs, among our custom
ers by making special prices,
throughout: the store and to
make these reductions during
Carnival Week when so many
of our out-of-town customers
will bepresent to profit by ihe
distribution. SeeWext Weefts,
Paper. ',.''
6. Bernheimeh Bros, ' & Co,
Ilunssu Cltjr, MliioorJ.
Tou eon t find wht ynu wint hi your home itortt.
ret on the trtti ml come ti nur mammoth lirr
luudi Mulillthint nt. If )oeii'tcoino, (lien lnil
Ioriniilei (no tliiive for tunnies), ul order wtuti
rvu wast tyintli, j Vfe guaisiitt iMIifactlou.
KaMCAO city.
r xax Jau rrt h .., m mi
WAMr.n. Estur iM siptutt. r,iatneii plto
'I t'J elr ' jr,n e( nuturf .lock u Wu-
Amcrlun Tsulls. wU: IUrJ TUltti.s Mr irMltliT,
i i1 vat i.i Mk'i4hri.
-j -,