iJuMM ' t7 o J- ' Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. ,4vil 'i t paMA TBBHIn lGLBnLLLmtftm ?. m& mmmm BVBy BSSBa tSirB1 .WMwMLd JrWs tF'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMii' f.T Pfr . ilij'rflit -jSIW MMS mmmm L BbI BVaBB EBBa IIBa xCaBBBnBBnBKS- , far. t.v t if 1$ By A. C. Hosmer. We have seen them and they, are all right, - fi r-'1 We are prepared to show a first-class line of Dry Goods, Groceries, t Clothing and Shoes, And this fall will make a specialty oi CLOAKS AND OVERCOATS Having secured the best assortment ever shown in Webster County. Call and see the pictures given away with $10.25 worth of goods. A sack of Amboy White Loaf Flour given free with every $25 worth of goods. R. M. MARTIN & SON, Q 0. CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Moon Block, . RED CLOUD, NEB. ' Collections promptly attended to, end correspondence soliolted. DANDOLPH McNITT, ATTORNEY, Moon Block, RED CLOUD, NEB. I ' Collections promptly attended to. C P. HADLEY, PalHter mid Paper Hanger, Satisfaction guaranteed. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. I. W.TULLEYS, M. D. HeMmftt hie Physlelaa, Reel dead, NenratKai Office opposite Tint Nntlonal Bank. U.H.ExalBlnnurKCon. Chronic dlteww treated bv mall. o. L. WINFREY, ANCtleNcer, Rbt Cloud, Nebraska. WIN attend sales at reasonable figures, faction guaranteed. HatU- a. E. POND, CoaTOjraacer, Real Estate, Loans, lasaraace, and Ien slam Agent. OFFICE OVER SPOKESFIELDS STORE. Red Cloud. Nebraska. I especially invito jon to call oa mo for anything in my line. Loans maUe on farm property at 8 per cent. lata rsno in the best companies I also, AGENT FOR THE STARK RROS. CELEBRATED. NURSERY STOCK. Call and see sat if yon desire, shrubbery lowers or fruit stock. ItaWe to see me. You 1U Had prof- II. E. POND. And Ave find JMB B"J""lB"SBlW M HHCA lft mjmy mi. (. VHMv VBLaaaaaaaaaaamlaaaaaaaaaaPV r KB -sssmmmsmsp-' k jfq nag l c I jSfc-riiL " 9BeBesBjBBmaBBmmW EEEEEEfljtfiljjMSlfEEEEL D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and L.oan Age Red Cloud. Mortgage Loans TERMS. 1st. Limit or Amounts Loaned: 8300.00 to 810,000.00. ad. Sceurlty: Farm loans worth fit least doublo the amount loaned. 3d. Title: Complete abstract fiom the Unit ed States down to tho borrower. llli Terms of Loun: Five (5) to ten (10) years, bion nt maturity without satisfactory borrowers. 5th Rate of Iutcrcs t: Exton cost to Eiffht (8) l per cent, annually, on uly, October or Decern- April, Ju uer ist. th Place or Payment: Interest nnd principal mndo rxn bio at your home bnnlr, allowing borrower to uiko up his notp at the time of payment. Tin Special Privilege: Partial paymont in nny amount at any timo witli rebate of interest, .evidenced by written nr-reemont, ' providing that such puymonts shall not exceed in any ono year uuvunu ui uiu principal. , Coll on or Address, D. i, Myers, Hcd Cloud, Neb. Over Deyo'o Drug Store. Red Cloud; .Webster County, them square! Denver to Chicago, Denver to Kansas CttVr Denver to Omaha, Omaha to Chicago, Kansas City to Chicago, Omaha to St. Lou1, BEST IJNE FROM WEST TO EAST! SURE CONNECTING LOW RATFS BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Through tickets over tho Burling ton Route aro for onto by the Union ?aolfio, Denver & Rio Grande and air other principal railways, and by all agents of tho "Burllngtcr Route." For further Information, apply to n, BRent, or to Wn'IT'VtAu't, . , OiUUA.NEt FARM EOAMl Cheapest ever ottered In ' tills county. ' Straight-B per cent Annuul In tcrct with option. . Straight 7 1-3 per vent Scml. Annuul Interest with oplloH. Loans mndo A 1.9 per cent by paying c-iutk.comhiualoH or 1 1.9 per cent. J. 11. BAILEY, Red Cloud,?ftci. Olllcc under Fftn Bank Neb., Friday, Sept. Y.'" V .', MONEY SAVED IS HONEY MAUfc, have 2T. to M ecu I on tjttj dollar joii .kiii1 Wrlic (or our mumtmilh Cttnlogue, COU-pto book.contalnlne lllurtrntlon tudRlvlug lowe.t mn uttctDrer' irlcvi, with mnurctu!rl, dlcouuM of rrery klnit of good, and tunplie mauiitactlired and imporied Into tbe United titau. Urocerlrf, lloDiebold Uood. Furniture, Clothing, Ladle. andUcuta' Clothing and Fitmohtni; Uooda, Uruia tioodi, Wbita flood. Dry Uooda, Hate, Capa, Hoot and 8nnr, Ulovra, Notlom, Ulaasware, 8utlonerjr. Watcbea, Clockf , Jewelry, (Jllverware, BumcIm, whlpa, ARtlcultural ItaplemcuW, eto. ONLY riKHT CLAhH UUOUS, Catalogue tent oa receipt o( VS cema for expreuaM. Wa are tbe only couceru wblcbaclleai maiiofacturera' prlcti, Honing tba buyer tha aaina dtacouut tUt the niaautecturer plvea to tbe wbolarala buyer. Wa guarantee all gooda aa repretented: l( not found ao, money refunded. Goode aent by expreea or freight, with prlrllege of examlnailoti beforo pay ing. A. KAItl'KN A CO.. I.Qulucybtreet, Cblcaj;o, ill. WE WILL PAY A ralary of SU to $.V) per week to GOOD agenta to represent n In every comity, and veil our general llDeofMrnliaiidlM'atiiiitmiUaurer.' price. ONl.r TnntK WHO WANT BrKADY KHHLOVtlBNT MKKD ArrLY. Catalogue and particular eeut on receipt tf Ui centa (or exprer.ae. A. KARI'KN CO lit Qutucy ctreet, Ctilcago. I". f5?J22,2PJLlafUI?f lwlM bo taken to prevent sertoos trouble. Diseases can bo cored la tnelr Inclplencr, ii may boooma dancerooa. OH. J. H. MCLEAN'S LIVER &S KIDNEY BALM jaU piabetea. Prioo $1 per bottla. 8en4 iWP for boott of blnta, bow to llva ssa cure Umm Olatresslng coruplalnts. THI DR. J. H. MCLEAN MED. OO T.MDVJI. MO. r-T- T-V T. The Best Yet. , - r .Tlio Omaha Weekly lira for tli'd- batanoo of the venr, with a colored lithograph of 1'rcwlilcni Ilnnlson, will bo acnt to any address In this country for 'jsccnM. rhU elcgHtit picture M tint boat tiki-iif aa of tlm President ntiDIUIicd, and would coat you nt least out) dollar In ituy art store. Don't mlw the chance, but se.id In your order st once. 'i vt Hum l'uuusuiKU.Co., Omaha, Neb. 30, 1892. Educational Department. msaSBSHBaaaiiHK............ l. n. lilJKTF.II, i:lltor. Tho toaolicra' mooting nt Uuldo Kock la.u Saturday, Sept. !Mt1i, wns well nttcmlcd. Ttvonty-thrco toaohcrs besides olhcrs intcrcslcd in oducittion wcro present. Mr. Jos. Drcibnoli wns ohoon secretary protein. Wo shall speak of tho papers In general. Tho papers read st tho meeting wcro intcrcHting and instruc tive, and showed circuit preparation on the purl of tho rcodoro. Tliolifoor l'go nnd the l'limnry untio of tho Statu course of study, bioiiht fur'.li the livilicnt diHOUSHion. It cannot be said of our meetings of Iiihi year, nnd of our first meeting this year that u fev persons did nil tho talking (a criticism often mndo of teachers' nicotings in other places) as tho young tcaohcrs as well as thoso who hnvo been engaged in tho profes sion for ninny years, manifested nn interest in tho work by taking nn ao tivo part in discussing tho various sub- joots brought beforo them for their consideratioa. All joinod heartily in singing from 'Tho Nstional School Singer." Although this meeting wns it good ono yet wo predict our having still hotter ones in tho futuro as toaohcrs give moro attention to tho Heading Cirolo work. All thoso who havo not procured Heading Circlo books, should do so toon, as we should cro long com monco doing second mouth's reading, following tho printed outline. Our motto, "Our meetings aro what wo mako them." was generally rooog nized by tho trachors prcsont and thoy made this meeting a grand suc cess, Wo wish tho public to know who Boino of our livo teachers aro, nad shall givo tho names of thoso prcsont at tho Guido Hock meeting. Thoy aro as follows: 11. E. Popox Jno. M Earner, Maudo Orchard, Olivo Foc,.Ncttio Hummel, Tillio Frascr, Ooo. M. Castor, Goo. Burton, Orpha Pottit, L. A. 'Krjontz, Wa. T. Frasor, Carrio Bill, Kllii Van Wocrt, Lona A. Bailoy, Oarrio M. Hummol, Lulu Harbor, Geo. 0. Mann, Jos. Brosbaoh, II. V1,', Cox, Sylvcstor Frisbio, Jcsslo Arnold, M. M. Million and Lulu 0. Albin. Somo absent ones expressed regrets that thoy could not possibly attend tho mooting at this. time. Thoro are thrco things that wa wish to muko prominent in our meetings this year, viz: 'Heading oirclo, State courso of study, and Difficulties mot with in our actual schsol work. If any teacher meets with a diffi cult pioblum in arithmetic, a sentence in grammar, a ciso of disoiplinr, or any other difficulty in his work upon which ho would liko to hayo tho opin ions of others, lot him bring tho sub ject beforo tho meeting for general discussion. In this way wo may bo helpful t otio another. By' helping ono another we benefit tho school. Wo antioipato having a 'good teach cr' meeting at Bladen next Saturday Oct. 1st. Thoso in tho neighborhood of Bist. No. 18 should attend tho local reading circlo mooting held at that place, next Saturday ovoning, Oat. 1st. Wo giyc, in this column this woek tho governor's proclamation in regard to tho ctlobration of Columbus Bay. Supt. Goudy's circular in regard to tho day will appeor in every paper, io this county and in this column next work if possible. Webster county sohools will not bo behind her aistcr a! l it . IB . " i counties in mo oeieoratton. or. .the t'our-hundreth anniversary of thc dis covery of Amerioa by Columbus, (JOVERNOR'b rnOfUAMATION. Tho Pi-esidebt of the United States Vol. 20. No. 10 having appointed Friday, Oct, 21, 18i)2, ns tho four-hundredth nnnivor snry of tho di.ioovory of Amoriu by Columbus, by uis proolnmation, a na tional holiday, and racommended its observance, and tho department of superintendent of tho National Kdu cntion Associntion having heartily en dorsed tho idea of a national holiday, tho celebration of which tho public schools of tho ropublio everywhere tho center, and such a oolobratton be ing at onco patriotio and oroditablo in a state with so yplondid n rooord in odueatiouitl in utters ns our own; Now, thcroforo, 1, James K Bojd, governor of tlio statu of Nobntnku in accord unco with the notion of tho presi dent of tlm United States, and in re sponse to tho nishcH nf tho National Kducution Association, do horoby des ignate nnd appoint Columbus Day, namely, Friday, Oct. 21, 1892, as a public holiday, and recommend that it bo observed by tho difforont sohools throughout tho state of Nebraska; thnt businoss bo suspended on that day; thnt civil and military organisa tions tako pnrt in tho celebrations and that tho day bo dovotod to the inspiring of tho children of this land with tho truo appreciation of tho his. tory, grandeur and destiny of this nation. This work is cupooially coukitted to tho Hon. A. K. Goudy, superinten dent of public instruction. Witness my hand and the great scitl of tho stito of 'Nebraska at tbe oapitol, in tho city of Lincoln, this 6th day of September, A. D., 1802. JAMK8 E. BOVD. By i ho Governor. John C. Ai.mn, Secretary of State. A copy of the Offioial Program will be sent to every teacher in Webster county shortly. Jno. Tulloys will commence teaching in Dist. No. 35 shortly. Edith Sorlvoner will leach in Dlit. No. 30. Ploano read tho following names, thoSO aro not ofiinn annlrra tint. t4. of base burning hard coal stoves, and all 1 A JmmSJa.1 A .! At " an uu uuumeu io use ine uarund, Somo of thoso havo used the Garland 7 years without ono cent's worth of repairs. I W Tulleys John Cox II K Pond O (1 Bell It B Fulton C W Kaloy 8 Tomplo John Foster P W Shoa L fl Fort y, Albright AC Hosmer WalterBberwood J 8 Kmigh StntoTlank V. B Fnfton D M, Piatt Cliff Pope OFCathcr MrsWCathcr J W Sherwood and others. Tho finest lino of cook stoves, Oak stov.es, and Base burners in, tho valley at A Morhart's. 7-3t I' Tho County Fair. If. seems to The CiHKr, that this year, of all years, U the one for our f armors to try and make the fair a success. Kyery effort is being put forth by President Alyca and the board of directors to make it a winner nnd wo hojievo that tho pocple ought to baok.un their efforts. They have arrangod a special exhibit on the fol lowing articles with guaranteed cash premiums, which ought to bring oat a largo display: .rn 15 0010 00 Wheat IK nn mnn Oat? 10 00 5 00 Barlov 5 00. 5 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 live .... Potatoes ;,.. Vegetable & 00 5 00 5 00 cruu. . . . , ,,,,,, .... Tho farmer should begin at onoe and make arranrfmnntK fnr i,Ai. as. play, ltomeinbor for the above arll- olos the premiums are Kuaranteed.asd will be paid in cash. For fiWr Mrtfe ulars call on D. F. Truokyi.MviB. tonrlnnt nf that J-..5l7!?, 'gwwar&v - - : - vi iv See Osoir PitwArkifi. Mh Hour. Jie has made a. big A ',nnw4mmimtim -y---ft-:.M,. f.-M-. , ... . "'-- - ..a!.. !! jiy