The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 23, 1892, Image 8

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W, W Wright
Km Juit Received n New, Lnrajc nnd Well Selected Lino or
Cooking and Heating' Stoves!
Don't fail to sec him before
A complete line of all kinds of hardware.
Published Weekly.
. Friday, Sept. i!3, IS09
Jubscrlptlon, - ui Per Annum
Invariably Ih Advatica
II not wild In advance, after tliN il.iie March
is, WW, tlio price will txi $.-X,
A. C. IIOS1MKR, Kdllor.
Perkins & Mitchell's old stand.
Choice Flour & Feed,
And sells it cheap.
Get his prices before buying oui flour.
Entered at the I'ott (Mice In Iteil i'loud, Nab.,
M mall luaUerOf thewroml clam
Intense S
Resolutions or Reaped.
Resolved j By J as. A. U.rlhld
Post No. 80 department of Nebraska
0. A. R., that while wo low with
hrnnlte submission to the will of the
Supreme Commander wo do not leas
mourn for our comrade who lias been
takes from us.
Resolved; That iu the death of
Mitten Lester, thia post lamonts the
loss of a, comrado who baa ever been
ready te proffer the hand of aid and
toe tolee or svmpatby to tno noedy
and distressed of our fraternity. An
active member of this sooiety whose
utnost endeavors were exerted for
its welfare and prosperity. A friend
and comrade who was dear to us all.
A citizen whoso upright and noblo
life was a standard of emulation tohis
Resolved; That the heartfelt sym
pathy of this post be extended to bis
family in this affliction.
Resolved; That these resolutions
be spread on the records of this post
and a copy be rurnisned to tno family
of tho deceased comrade and to each
of the newspapors of Red Cloud for
publication. J. L. Miller,
Samuel West,
James Murray.
Few pcoplo haro suffered more seYcrcly
(rum dyspepsia than Mr. E. A. McMalion, a
veil known grocer of Staunton, Va. HosnyM
( " lloforo 1878 1 was In excellent health, weigh
ing oyer wn pounm. jn mat year an anmem
dereloped Into ncuto dyspepsia, and soon I
was reduced to 1C2 pound, suffering huriilng
sensations In tho stomach,
alpltatlon of the heart
nausea, nnd Indigestion.
could not sleep, lot'. r!l
heart In my work, had fits of melancholia, n'ln
for days at a tlmo I would have welcome I
death. I became morose, sullen and Irrltahli'
and for eight years llfo was a burden. 1 tried
many physicians and many remedies. One day
a, workman employed by mo suggested that
I take- g mm g Hood's
Harsapa- VllffOFiniY rl,, as
It had OUIIdIIiiC. cured his
Wife of '' dyspep
sia. I did so, and before taking tho whole of
ii bottle I began to feel llko a new man. The
terrible pains to which I had been subjected,
ceased, the palpitation of the heart subsided,
my stomach becarno easier, nausea disap
peared, and my c'ntlro systom began to
tone up. with returning
strength came activity of
mind and body. Bcforo
the fifth bottle was taken
I had regained my former weight and natural
condition. I am today well nnd I ascribe it
to taking Hood's Barsnparllta."
J.'. D. It you dccldo to tako Hood's Barsa
parllla do not bo Induced to buy any other.
Hood's SarsaparHIa
BoldbyaUdrogirUtt. fltlxfort8. Freparsdonly
by 0. 1. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mat.
100 Doses Ons Dollar
Of this county will plcnso bear In mlml Hint
Hits Jmt receded n curloiu! of
Cook and Heating
And will Discount Any Price in the Valley '
IT yen are building don't full to cull on hint, FOR MONEY IS
Call in and get a Golden Gem.
8 Years
full line of
Pitman Boxes,
Knife Heads. Sections,
Guards. Guard Plates, Bivets,
for all kinds of Mowing Machines
tW Old iroii taken iu exchange. Machines repaired in
good shape. I have also a few kind of rake teeth on hand
g. w. now.
no BOM
wn m Kuoa mnu
nose tat lea
have set tbe
jr required to receive an education at this college. The only conditions of txlmlasloa,
cnaracver anu an amuiiion to secure snomicauon. inis onnexa ims Miasms
auriag tne present year to young people wnowitn to auena our bcnooi, nut
s. AUinaume neeuea win ue given iu which iu j)y iuo iuhii; una a
raiiuatiop wunout a aoi'ar to oegin wita.
ready fundi
.without an education when you have
course to m
9AY arvoii o
ft but If this Is lmpolblejr
au opportunity 1'ke this. 1
. Hoard In private family 8J,
ou cannot afford to start
en states roprescuted In
the atteadance and fifty graduates last year. Hoard In private family BJ.U) per week.
wa MMk tie Kleetrla Short-fund which can be learned In lo.a t me than other avst
yeu have read the circulars of all other school, itei.d for our .catalogue and we will leave It t
teach the Kleetrle Short-Hand which can be learned In los time than other eystems. After
yeur Judanent which school In the west ranks tint In standing. Address,
A. Id. IIAROIS, Prcs., Grand Island, Neb.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. H. FORT, Manager.
Abttfiiets f Title,
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Having had tea yenrt experience In county records and one of the most complete set of At
uw hooks in mo sukio, wo Kuammvu suusmciiuu. i omr invun auiicuvu
Proof of the Pudding.
Mulhall, tho English statistician,
reeogniced as the highest living
authority in his specialty, gives the
total manufacturers of tho world in
1888 at $22,370,000,000 or 32
billions. Of this amount the following
wero the figures of tho leading nations:
Austria si,c3,ooo,eoo
France ?.25,ooouou
tiermany 2,915,000,000
treat Urltaln 4,iro,ooo,ooo
ItUSSla 141080,030
United UUtes 7,715,000.000
Until receutly England was the
greatest manufacturing country in the
world, but undor free trado it has
taken second ptaoe, while undor pro
tcction tho United States has advanced
to tho front rank, and now manu
factures 05 per cent ruoro than Great
1 ii
The Independent Order of Odd
Fellows ia a secret sooiety of Ameri
can origin. The first loige was found
ed in Baltimore, April 26, 1819, and
it was known as Washington lodge
No. 1. The growth of the order
sinoe its start has boon remarkable.
Jtrom ie)3U to lay-, z.uuu.uuu mem
bers were initiated. It has spread
from the Uoitcd States and Canada,
until now there is a flourishing mem
bership in Australia, India and Ger
many. In this country there aro at
present 750,000 members, divided in
12,000 lodges and encampments.
All ordei filled promptly.
WDrovea. A
10.000 dollar bond fllod
ddraiMi or call on
Manaoxr, lied (Jloud, Neb.
What it
The article by Lady Jeuno contri
buted to tho North American Review
on "London Sooiety," attraoted extra
ordinary interest, especially in En
gland, due, boyond doubt, to tho in
timate knowledge wbioh she had of
hersubjeot. Tnere was hardly a paper
of importance in England wbioh did
not devote long editorials to it. In
view of the criticisms, sho has writ
ten a supplement to her first artlole,
which ia announoed to appear in the
Ootober number of the North Ameri
can Review.
Dyspepsia, distress after eating, eour
stomach, poor appetite, bad taeto, coat
de tongue and heartburn are cured by
DoWitt's Little Early Kisore, tho famous
iUlo pill. For snip by Cotting.
I Want to Buy Farms
Parties having cheap farm lands for
salo. improved or unimproved can nnd
buyers by calling on 1). B. Spanogle,
Real Estato and Loan Agent, Red
Cloud, Nob.
What Docs It Mean.
Important order to the U. 8. Army:
"Get the entire Army ready to move at
onoe. To prevent sickness supply them
"Hepatloore," it purifies the blood, liver
and kidneys: prevents aioknesa of all
character among soldiers" For salo at
Deyo's. "3TAHT0N." aoc. war.
For mon's, boys' or children's
underwear wo aro after you sharp
becauso woliavo the stock and quality.
Price is made to suit you.
Chicago Ci.othino Stork.
Died. Ia tho city of consumption.
A familiar headline isn't it T It a .pretty
risky to neglect a cold or cough. One
minute coughoure is pleasant, safe and
sure. For salo at Cotting'e.
It is risky aud expensive to employ
physioian but it is bare ana sure for the
patient to take Hepationre for the
prompt and effective cure for all stomach
bowel, liyer and kidney troubles. Per
fectly pleasant to take. At Deyo's.
Farm loans at six per cent option
to pay aftor two years. D. B. SPAN
OdLE. How to make money. A prompt re
turn of your money it the good health
tnat follows the use of nepattcure wnion
ia a positive cure for all malaria troubles,
Blood, kidney and liyer diseases. Send
for Marshalls Manual of Health, Kansas
City, Mo,, and Lawrence, Kansas.
See Oscar Patmor before buying
flour. Ho has made a big reduction.
" """""""""'""'j''Ml.".M.....?...,..S
WTvW. fifimmmmW
. 'swvaBWaVaHsVHyaSM.' "
. N3KWBs1i1BiEL:' v ''LffsBKJaJslKa
'x-" iscsSkaMiHvaBvaBvaaa.yv' 'aVaBws?aHS$SS9aKY
- PsW .
i JaHKawaHLi;'
CMtork Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for lafaats
adOklltireB. It contaims neither Oplam,MormUa
Hhr Narcotic sahstance. It Is a harmless sulwUtaU
far Farsffaric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, aad Castor OU
It U Pteasaat. Its guaraatee is thirty years, uso hy
MUUoas of Mothers Castorla destroys WorauaaiaUafS
ferarlshaess. Castorla prevents vomttlnff Sour Curi
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castorla reUeres
troahles, cures constipation and flatulauey
SstluHlstas the foods regulates tho stewsoh
IhwsU, giriag healthy aud natural sleep. Gat
terU'ts ths Children's Panceathe Mother Friend
- - Dm. O, a Oeeoee,
itvpflU eUHanUt
iSMItaotyialatad, IbtMttiadvUBos
2aiaMaluiFcUdfe&iM U"
InuuuataiiuVBuV MunshV
auweawwwff ouwauni
SWliap aaS in 1
t - - Ma."
Da. J. T, Xnoamea,
H Ooawajr, Ark.
CassariaaMWUa4vlttesW4ttkal ,
He who Wants Health Wants Everything!
There are millions of persons in this country who suffer
from chronic diseases or an affliction which incapacitates
them from business, and frequently makes life a burden,
many of whom would place themselves under different treat
ment if they were acquainted with the fact that a new
treatment was in reach of them. Kemrdial agents for many
of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of suoh we offer
to tne afflicted one, on a business like baais, the managment
of which, we trust will be tempered by a moral and philan
thropio principle.
We practice tie Snnkirlioff tmtatnt of all forms of RECTAL SIS1ASI3. Wa fn
cully owa s debt of mtitnda to the father and foundsr of this tyiUm and not to yab
Uihtftha world lueh lmowlidgt. would bo to do mankind an injustice. Tali li th
nrnelf that thousands situ, and oss that! have secured at groat xpeaie, tried tad
tatted stare offtrlns it to you for your eoniidsratlen and inTtstlMtlan. DwerlPtlva
Cnphltti itnt fret on application. Office consultation fret. Names of parties who uti
ia curtd ehNtfolly glvtn on application.
L. D. Denney, M. D., Red Cloud, Neb
111 So. OerSM.,, TV
' Oar tfatistm ta ja t4rsaw Stjert.
ttW4.bsv.tftwm WUr tC'Utkr atiai-- ,
tctm lilmmte anStUm mamtmmlkmClHtdL
aai tsf ww .ceAtM, aasrv
aCtert tuytUn wettis-frswa wmmitt r
(cjt,yew9ljt tm to tetSMt Oat -,
taavMs ef Castorla kM sum w aask
favor upon It.'
Uarrao HosrrrAL aud Dtanrtaat,
Don't read this; it is the tiuth. Yon
don't tike to 'hear it. Constipation of
the bowlet is more responsible for nerv
ousness, malaria, blood poison, and kid
ney disease than any other cause. "Hep
atioure," is a guaranteed cure and pre
ventative from all this. For sale at L. H
When you get ready to buy your
children's sohool suits this fall we
want you to inspect our stock. Wo
will oonvinco you easily that wo sell
he goods at correot prioes.
CiuoAoo CLQTniNQ Store.
A few good farm loans, six per cent
interest. No second mortgage. D. B
rr Flcmr and Feed
Go and seo L. P. Albright. He keeps
tho best brands and soils his flour just
aa cbtap as othors. Also sells hard
and soft coal. Prioes reasonable. Of
fleo and soalea, oorner of Webster
treat i4 4tb avenue
Farm loans at lowest interest.
Strictly Ir8t-clas3 loans at lower ratca
tbn bio ever been jivon in this coun
If ibefvre, Option topay part or all
at old of asrr TCAr.rrC. F. CAtUtP.
Noilee. .
" Allerdtrsforeil or gasoline1 left
at Hpoketield'a irooery store will be
ronDtlf S'lea oy tne oiue xanx
It's not very pleasant to cough and hack
To euffer pain in chest and baok,
Many people could stop it, for sure,
By simply using one minute cough guro
For eale by Cotting.
Drunkenness, or the L.lauor
Habit Cured at Ilone In Ten
Days by Administering Dr.
Ualnca Golden Bpecllc.
It can be iriven in a Rlasa of beer, a
oup of coffee or tea or in food without
the knowledge of the patient. It ia ab
solutely harmless and will effect a per
manent and speedy sure, wnetner ine
patient is a moderate drinker or an al
coholic wreck. It has been given in
thousands of cases, and in every instance
a iiorfcot euro has followed. It never
falls. The ujntein once impregnated with
the Hpeoitlo, it becomes nn utter impossi
bility for the liquor appelito to exist
Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of par
ticulars free. Address the Golden Spe
oiQo Co., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, O.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's jDattoria.
An excellent opportunity of mak
ing a t'lieap and very cttjoyablo trip
to tho Hills: Tickets will db on sale
un to and including Sept. 30 with
transit limit of one day in each di
rection and final limit of thirty aays
from date of sale to Hot springs,
and Dcadwood, S. D., at rate of one
faro for tho round trip.
The Majestic, The Dignified General
Let waa a man of perfect discipline
He wroto a frind that it waa due to Jtlepa
tioure wbioh he always kept with him
during the war, which gave him perfect
health. For sale nt Deyo's drug store.
IVbtn Babv was tick, e save ber Ctstorts.
Wkea ska wa a CUW.Sfttenea f or CMterU. '
Ufcta skaa CMtttitswaitj flssteiltj-
Auaat a em, Ft.,
tt Mmnrnj aMvtwt, Hew TwkOMr.
, JiUioptoplft, jjavt. p'fUt but D
Witt'A Witch Uk1 Salvo will cure lJn,
1 -" s . ca. :.-.. :.
t rr a?j st compn .,
For Fire LlghtninK and Tornado
swtrsnee in the Qerssaa of Frreport
t.ud ofW pliable companies, call 00
or write to Com, Majrnit, office over
Deve'e dtusr tUrt, fiUd Olpud, Nrbr.
Call on T. E. Penman, Jeweler and
optioian for fine watch cleaning and
repairing, trtisto letter, ambient and
aoaogram spnaving. A full Use 0!
vstosaa, cjocki, Jewelry, apoatsslM,
te. always en hand. Can it any eye
with the very best of spectacles, You
will find, in Cotting's drug stor.
There ia no use talking, neither Harri
son or Cleveland will be eleoted unless
they take DeWitt'a Little Early Risers.
They have a "get there" quality possest
ed by no other pill. For sale by Cotting.
& 2, COZAD, Proprietor.
All hauling intrusted to me will be promptly attended to.
McGinty to the bottom of the sea,
But tho Buckeye Harness Shop is still on top and will give a
tic etto the WobttorC o unty Fair with every
$5 worth purchused at his store at one time.
Lumber, Coal, Lime, lath, Etc.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Prices Lower than any yard.
Watner & Warren,
Have opened a Keal Estate Office,
Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stock or Hoube
hold Goods. Have some Bargains to offer to any
who call 'a this office,
2d Door Notth of F. & M. Bank, Up Stairs
Webster Co, Abstract Office
J. II. BAILEY, Abstracter and Proprietor.
Accurate Abstracts Promptly Furnished for any Lands In Webster
county. A complete and Accurate aet or Abstract books
and a f lOOOO bond tiled Tlth county Judge Insurea satis
faction. - -
For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or some
good Bargains in Real Estate, call ou
J. O. BUTLER, Prop,
.' -j ),
ivory for
't-nt .
I '
T i