jjN 8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. A. O. HQSMIff, Publisher. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. THE WORLD AT LARGE. 8ummnry or tho Dully Nowa. WASHINGTON NOTES. Assistant Skciictaiiv Ciioi'Nhi:, of tho treasury department, 1ms tendered hi resignation to Secretary Foster to cu ter tlio gtibernutorlol campaign In Xw brnska. Tub new stables of tho licit lint; ut Washington wuro destroyed by Ilro. Sixteen horses with roasted. Thk president will recommend legis lation for n imtloniil quiirnntlno lnw to do away with uny possibility of u qull blc over state's rights. I'iikhiiiknt ItAittiisoN gavcout IiIm let ter of ncei'ptuneo of thu republican nomination on the nth. Till", president has recognized Rer tiardo Elchclmun us vice consul of Chill at Chicago nnd A Schneider as vice consul of Ilclgitiiu at Pittsburgh. Tub government will not allow the uso of Sandy Hook as a quarantine ref uge. Some department clerks who went to Europe on a month's leave are in an unenviable plight on account of tho cholera quarantine. TUB KAST. Patiuck Hawlkv died near Wilkes barrc, Pa., from a rattlesnake blto not withstanding thnt he drank a largo quantity of whisky. An Ontario fc Western freight was wrecked near Peckvllle. Pa. Brukcmnn Thatcher was fatally injured. .Some persons tired thu oil escaping front tho wreck, causing much damage. Twkntv-onb of the Jersey City (N.J.) ballot box sttiffcrs have been sentenced. Their sentences ranged from six to lif ted) mouths. Vaccination virus Is said to have killed Jauo Simpson, aged !, at Phila delphia. Mikk CtmiiiNO, the well-known Im pound pugilist, died at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., after a few day's illness, agel 27. Deceased was born In Ellnlwthport, N.J. Suit has been entered In the United States court at Pittsburgh, Pa., against Fcency Bros., qnnrryincii, to recover penalties aggregating $11,003, for viola tion of tho contract labor law in Im porting alien workmen. A tisain on thu Philadelphia & Head ing road is said to have run nluo miles In six minutes. Ski'thmiikk 10 was tho date deter mined upon by tho river coal operators of Pennsylvania to demand a reduction In tho price of mining from ajtf to 8 cents per bushel. W. J. AltKKLL, owner of Judge, acting for u Now York syndicate, has closed u ileal for tho famous Hello of Nelson dis tillery, situated In Nelson county, Ky. Tho price paid wf.s ll,000,000. Thk strikers at Hughes ,fc Patterson's mill, Phlludclphm, havo accepted de feat Tiikiik was a wreck on tho West Shore near Nowburg, N. Y., tho engine and tender running Into tho river. The llrc mnn nnd engineer were drowned Danikl DoumiL'jrrv, tho well known democrat lo orator, Is dead. Elizaiilth r.Miuitiiu.r,, an advocateof woman's tut Km go and u writer on social topics, who on last election day ap peared at tho polls and Insisted on her right to vote, poisoned herself with fctryehnlno at Now York. A ciiit.ii two years old died at Phila delphia, after drinking about u pint of of whisky. Kkcoiidkii Smytiii:, of Now York, in Mructod the grand jury to inquire Into eases of reporters hoarding quarantined vessels contrary to law. John Uhi:i:.nm:ak Wiunint, tho poet, died on the "th in thu 85th year of his uge. Zimmhiivan, tho safety bicyclist, went half n inllo in 1:01 4-5 at llnrtford.Cann., beating Nancy Hunks' time. An unknown man placed tho muzzle ef a revolver through a knot hole in tho Carnegie company's fencu nt Home stead nnd deliberately discharged It. Tho bullet passed near tho head of the wlfo of a non-union man. Mom: complaints are made of tho un sanitary state of the Tombs prison, New York. Thk American Protective league, a five-year benefit order of New England, Is in trouble, charged with u shortage of 2,000,000. THE WEST. Piikhiucnt ManvklIiiis signed tho contract for tho hnmedluto construction of tho Cripple Creel- (Col.) branch, and work will bo commenced In ten days. J. J. Mim., president of tho Groat Northern railway, recently gavu his check on tho Firbt nutUonnl bank of St. Paul, Minn., for flU0,fi50, in full pay ment of an insurance policy In an east ern company of 100,000 on his llfo and an annuity of 12,500, commencing ten yours hence. A now of wooden buildings owned by C II. Dodd wus destroyed by tire at Portland, Ore. Loss, $100,000; insur ance, 11)0,000. South Caholina third party people, taking courage from (ov. Tillman's victory, will effect u full organisation for the national campaign. Gkoiuik TjAUuiiinhouhk, aged 10 years, was drowned in tlie St Francis river at Madison, Ark. Thk Texas commission has exempted two more railway companies from tho operation of Its tariffs. 1. 11. Ivinsbv has been appointed re ceiver of tho llvo branches of tho Iron Hall of Cincinnati A itKftoi.VTJON to assess tho capital stock of tho Pullman Car Co. at MH, 688,750 has been Intioducod in tho board of equalization nt Springfield, III. Thk entire town of Rocky Har, Idaho, has been swept by fire. Fivk quorrymoji at llaylluld, '.Vis., went boating nnd tho upturned boat found tho next day told thu story of (drowning. Camkoiini.j ofllclnls believe they nre on the track of Sontag, thu train rob ber, who Is making for Mexico. Tin: business part of Patoka, nenr nvnusville, Iud., burned. Loss (40,000. EmiirKK.V Ixxllrs of thu W persons drowned by tho breaking In two of tho stenmer Western Keservo on Lake Su perior havo been found. A J wish colony has been started near Kulumu.oo, Mich. Tm: aoo men employed by the At lantic Copper Mining Co., ut Houghton, Mich., have struck for higher pay. FnosT did considerable damage to low lands near Mason City, In. In many places thu damage was heavy. It Is estimated that corn will not bo more than half a crop In tho north tier of counties of Iowa. Tin: raids on tho racing men nt Gar field park, Chicago, ended In a tragedy on thu (1th. James M. Irnwn,u wealthy turfman, shot dead a policeman named Powell, who first Hivd at him. Another policeman named McDowell sprung upon llrown, when tho latter llred, mortally wounding his assailant, Mc Dowell and other policemen shot llrown dead. Thk democratic convention of North Dakota decided against fusion with tho people's party, Fouit prisoners escaped from tho De catur (111.) jail. Tho leader was caught. Simon T. Powkll, a republican of Newcastle, Ind., has brought n suit to test tho apportionment law under which county representatives and sena tors are elected. Tin: Manning block nt Kcosuuqua, In., has burned. Pout IIuiion, Mich., Is hurt by a Ca nadian vessel being forbidden to unload grain there. Two lads wero killed while driving across tho C, II. & Q. tracks ut Wood street, Chicago. Fiiost Is reported in Wisconsin. Einur ears of fruit wero totally wrecked by tho Santa Fe train running off a trestle near Gulcsburg, 111. Tin: body, tho head of which was found by a dog at Decatur, 111., was found later. It had been partly eaten by hogs. It Is feared that a lurrying party of nineteen people from Marquette, Mich., went down on their way homo during thu late storm. Tun examination' of Kimseynnd Hut ton at Sedan, Kan., charged with the murder of Fru.ier, tint cattleman, some time ngo, ended In their discharge. An attempt of live men to rob tho passenger train on tho Santa Fo at Wharton, Ok., ended In failure. The expressmessenger hud removed tho eon tents of thu. safe before thu robbers got in. An aged miser was killed In Chicago August 'JO, and tho police havo capt ured thu murderer, who said he did It In u scuttle over Homo money tho man refused to return to him. Swvkntkkn persons attended tho pro hibition convention culled at Fargo, N. D., to nomlnato state officers. Thu meeting was very lively. Sosik unknown villain opened a switch near Springfield, O., and a train was wrecked, the engineer burning to death. Ixtkiikst to tho amount of $725,000, which the treasurers applied to their personal benefit, Is causing litigation in Wisconsin. r.ucuv llAi.mviN, tho California mil lionaire, fays that two more railways will be built between tho Paclllc coast and Salt Lake. tiii: south. Thk condition of tho cotton crop ha Improved In tho past week, exeept in South Carolina, where tho condition has retrograded. Picking has begun nil over, but in too Memphis district is nineteen days later than before in eleven years. Pint. Iti.urr, Ark., has increased its saloon llceuio in order to pay Its water rent. Nouroi.K, Vn., has quarantined nguinst Nuw York. Uatti.ksnakks nro said to havo killed Mrs. Martha Hardciistlo and her daugh ter nenr Frostburg, Md. W. F. IlKAdi.r.s. a detective shadowing n wealthy Chattanooga gentleman, was killed and horribly dismembered by a train. Tin: first of the series of prize fights at New Orleans occurred on tho night of tho ftth when McAulllfo defeated Myer In fifteen rounds. Thk democrats claimed tho guberna torial election in Arkansas by plurali ties of 15,000 to 20,000. Nuwtox Coi-KMAN, moonshiner nnd murderer, was shot and killed nenr Nuwmnrkot, Ala., by u posse undur Sheriff Powell. In a war between races ut ltunkle, La., one white man was shot and two negroes were hanged. 1 m: second of tho series of prlws lights at New Orleans was won bv Dixon, tho negro champion, in eight rounds, over SUelly, a white man. Tiiiikk negroes wero struntr un in onu night by a mob nine miles east of Purls, Tex. Thu lynching grew out of thu killing of u negro desperado July 'JO last Jack Hauius was fatally gored by an ox near lirenham, Tox. Thk handsome dwelling house known as Cecil Manor, in Cecil county, Md., was totally destroyed by fire. Tho mansion was built two yeurs ago ut a cost of 100,00() and was said to bo tho finest residence In tho state. Thk great prize fight between Cor bett and Sullivan occurred at New Orleans on the 7th and ended in tho defeat of Sullivan ufter 21 rounds. Bv tho explosion of a sawmill boiler near Bessemer, Alu., four men wero killed. Eiohtkkn prisoners, including three condemned murderers, escaped from Chattanooga (Tenn.) jail recently. Duiii.no u street parade of a circus nt Mnysvllle, Ky., "Anlmul George," of Columbus, O., who was in n cage withu tiger, was attacked by It nnd beforo h'o could Iw rescued was nearly eaten allvo by thu animal. Tin: pugilist Sullivan sought solace In tho flowing lxwl tho day after his defeat by Corbett. Oni.v ii few Mississippi women exer cised their prerogative of voting at tho locul elections just closed in that state. aKNLHAL. AfSTMA will keep out Russian roll way carriages because of tho plague. A Ill'NOAttlAN socialist who "disap peared" .from public life tun years ago has reappeared In Vlctorln, Hritish Co lumbia, having just escaped from Sibe ria. Six lives were lost in Vigo bay.Spaln, by tho etipsl.lng of it boat which was conveying eleven passengers from tho steamer Vllle d'Anvers to the shore. Tin: Itrltlsh d tides union congress is In session at Glasgow. Tin: h, at sea hi announced of tho British vhooner May (llbbon, Cupt Subcan, ii'o.n Portland, August 10, fur DomiT.mi. Si meof the crow havo been lauded at .SL Michaels. (Jkn. Uamii;!, itndsoldlcrs were routed while assist ug in making arrests In tho Ouerra district of Mexico. Tin: selection of thu Marquis Einlllo Vlseontl Veuosta as the Italian member of thu Hehrlug sea arbitration Is be lieved to give satisfaction both to tho llrltlsh and tho United States legations. Ciioi.KltA has assumed the form of an epidemic at Murre, India. Mtij. Dimond ho died of thu dtsease. Tiik lightning killed eight soldiers nt Seypusch In Oallcla. Tho lightning struck u farm house and sut it on fire, ut thu same time killing eight of tho soldiers billeted there and more or less injuring seven others. Skvkhai, banks nt Martinique Iiavo suspended. Exchange is ((tinted ut 10 premium, and llttlo Is obtained nt that figure. It Is probable that tho Chlncso will neglect to register and resist doportu tlon on constitutional grounds on May 6 next An American named Kammcrer killed a burglar near Vienna. Ho was ar rested pending Investigation. Tin: Behring sea arbitration meeting1 will bo held at Paris. Tiik strike of tho Genoese dock labor ers against tho uso of hydraulic cranes caused thirty coal laden steamers from England to be delayed over u month, but the men returned to work nt un ad vance. Tin: Ilrussels Etollo llelge says that tho news of thu mussuuru of Lodlstcr and hh companions by tho Arabs Is cor rect; only one member of the expedition escaped. In a light between native laborers and the troops In tho Congo Kreu Stato several peoplo wero killed. Fiiknikii, tho French clerk who r.old state secrets to Capt llorupof tins Un ited States army, has been sentenced to twenty years' Imprisonment, to bo followed by twenty years' banishment from France. Tin: famous White Squadron has ceased to exist, the four vessels being ordered to amalgamate with thu North Atlantic squadron. Tub Western Union has commenced chopping off heads. They belonged to men who attempted to form u tele graphers' union. Anothku tourist and his guide havo been killed by a falling glneior in Switzerland. Tiik London papers were profuse in their praise of Whlttier. Fiiknck troops on the expedition against the Dahomcyaus, to thu num ber of :i,a00, havo 2,000 porters with them. Advicks from Arabia state, that tho protracted revolt In the province of (emeu had nt last boon crushed. Tho walled town of Sau.le. thu rubels' lust refuge, had been captured by assault after a bloody fight, in which the rebel leader and 'JO chiefs wero killed. Tin: sugar trust directors havo de clared a quarterly dividend of Sl per cent, on the common stock, making tho dividend rate 10 percent, per annum. Till: LATiCST. Two mom plague stricken vessels from Hamburg arrived at Now York on the Dth and 10th tho Wieland and tho Scnndlu. On tho latter vessel M deaths occurred during tho terrible passage. I.NSi'Kcrou Dkan reports Texas fever stamped out of Kansas. Fiia.nk Oaiivin, a young newspaper artist, of Pittsburgh, Pa., is In jail for having killed his wife, whom ho mar ried four days previously. Tiik berry pickers about whom Mar quette, Mich., peoplo wero much alarmed have returned homo all right, having been delayed by tho storm. A iikai. bullet from a cowboy's pistol went through tho body of a woman during a Wild West show at Rockford, 111., killing her, and tho wholo show is under arrest. Mo.ntoojikiiv Lr.wisand 11. W. Leo Itussoll, well known socially and until quite recently bookkeeper nnd treasur er, respectively, of tho Lombard Invest ment Co. ut Kansas City, Mo., havo been indicted for stealing J0,000. Tho two men uro supposed to bo In Mexico. Ai.iikhtO. Pohikii, minister to Italy, has resigned. l'OSrMAHTKII-OKNKIIAT. WANAMAKEU has Issued his expected order, deputiz ing mo postmasters of freo delivery cities, towns and rural communities to put up letter boxes on the request of citizens for tho collection and delivery of mail at liotibo doors. A.NNOtTNCKJiKNT Is made of thu death of Oen. Enrico Ciuldlnt, tho Italian sol dier and statesman, aged 81 years. Chicago breweries have formed a sa loon trust. Ci.kaui.no house returns for tho week ended September 9 showed an average increase of 7.0 compared with tho cor responding week of last year. In New York tho inereaso was 4. 1. Ni'.W HamI'siiiki: democrats havo nominated a state ticket and presiden tial electors. J. M. Sct.i.lVAN, formerly one of tho wealthiest cattlemen in tho west, was found dead and drugging to his cart near Abilene, Tex. - . Victok Wu.nKit, tho musical critic of Oil Hlus, died of cholera at Paris. Tiik Carlisles, of Cincinnati, formerly wealthy capitalists, havo miidu an as signment. A woman of Allen county, Ind., fan cies sho Is burled alive. Her faeo ex presses tho height of agony. Sho moans and struggles to freo herself. Her family cannot culm her ravings nor sootho her troubled mind. Kkntuoiiy Uapttsts havo barred out liquor dealers uud manufacturers. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. NrWniskn Dptnncrsln. Tho democratic state convention met at Lincoln on August U0 mid nominated J. Sterling Morton, of Nebraska City, for governor: $ N. Wnlbaeh, of Orand Island, for lieutenant-governor; F. N. Crowe, of Hastings, for secretary of state; P. F: O'Snlllvun, of West Point, for auditor; A. Hcckinati, of Hurt, for treasurer; J. A. Hornbergcr, of Madison county, for superintendent of public instruction; Muthuw Oerlng, of Cass county, for attorney-general, and Jacob Wiggins, of Huys, for commissioner of public hinds uud buildings. John Shervln, X. Piascekl, Albert Watklns, Edgar Howard, (leorgo 11. Thomas, II. E. Dumphy, Albert Gordon uud T. II. Golden wero named as presi dential electors. Tho platform renuws devotion and fealty to tho principles of popular government as exemplified by tho record of tho democratic party since the days of Thomas Jefferson; In dorses the democratic platform adopted at the Chicago convention emphasizing Its utterances upon the question of pro tection uud the passage of the force bill; congratulates thu people of tho country on tho nomination of Orovcr Cleveland nnd Adhil E. Stevenson; rail roads and all other corporations of whatsoever kind must bo held subserv ient to the lawmaking power of tho state and within constitutional limita tions; recommends the adoption of the constitutional amendment now pending creating a board of railroad commission ers, uleellvo by tho people of the state; favors reasonable and just laws regu lating railroad charges; favors the elec tion of United States senators by tv direct vote of thu peoplo nnd thu elec tion of presidential electors by congres sional districts; denounces the repub lican party for Its system ot contract convict lnlwr whereby It has given to n single Individual thu monopoly of nil thu cheap convict labor of the state and brought It Into direct competition with the honest tollers of tho stato; condemns tho giving of bounties and subtldles of every kind as a perversion of the. taxing power; de nounces prohibition as contrary to the fundamental principles of social and imrul conduct; expresses sympathy with the tolling interests of the coun try, and observes with deep sollcltudo the conflict bjtween capital nnd labor, and charges those conditions to tho vicious legislation enacted by thu re publican party for thu purposo of dis bursing taxes among the favored few and the maintenance of a privileged o'ass; denounces tho employment of Pinkerton hirelings as arbiters of con tests between capital and labor, nnd favors n law making compulsory tho settlement by arbitration of all dis putes butween corporations and their employes; demands nn open discussion of till political questions beforo tho public and condemns as undemocratic any attempt to deprive citizens of tholr political rights and privileges as such because of their race and religious be lief. The resolutions also favor tho Australian ballot law and Indorses tho administration of Gov. Iloyd and the course of Congressman Ilryun. .MIncelluiU'OiiM. Ton Powkni and Pctl Allsl, two Ital ians, engaged In an altercation over a game, of cards at Omaha the other day. Tho former received a blow from an Iron bar in his companion's hands which re sulted In Instant death. The murderer was arrested tin hour later. A nnuTAi. outrage Is reported from Hall county, In which William Denton, a furmer attempted an outrageous as sault upon his niece, his brother's daughter, which the timely urrlval of a neighbor prevented. Tho accused has a wife and several children. Tin: reunion of veterans at Grand Island was a magnificent affair. Fully 15,000 people attended. The grand pa rade by states was tho great feature of tho second day. Illinois had just "00 In line, Ohio about the same and other states did as well. Tho old soldiers en- joyed themselves: so did every ono else. Anoirr fi,O00 people, fully one-third of whom were ladies, witnessed the second annual state tournament of tho llo hemian Turner's society nt tho Wllber Exnosltlon association grounds. Two teams from Omaha and ono caeh from South Omaha, Schuyler, Crete, Hrush Creek and Wilbur, took part In the con test and members of other lodges in different parts of tho union wcru pres ent as spectators. Wmt.K William Smith, Mrs. Kato Lyons and Mis.s Althea Curtice, of Smlthfleld, wero lately out riding tho horses became badly frightened and upset tho buggy. Both ladles woro thrown out, Miss Curtice having her leg broken In two places below tho knee, while Mrs. Lyons sustained seri ous injuries. Mr. Smith wan dragged with the buggy about forty rods and was quite badly bruited. Thk meeting of tho stnto league o republican clubs at Grand Island wns largely attended. President Lansing nnd Hon. John M. Thurston delivered addresses. Secretary Slaughter re ported that there are In tho stnto 22!! clubs, with over 23,000 members. Judgo Lansing, of Lincoln, was elected presi dent; II. II. Robinson, vice president; Brad Slaughter, secretary, and I. W. Ruyiifniid, treasurer. John M. Thurs ton nnd, Frank W. Collins wero chosen delegates ntlurgo to tho national con vention. The headquarters of tho league were established at Omaha, und several speakers entertained the dele gates beforo adjournment Maiiy McCoi.lv was recently nr ralgned in police court nt Lincoln on tho charge of brutally whipping her nleco and nophew, aged 0 and 11 years respectively. The complaint was sworn to by a neighbor, who witnessed tho cruel whipping. Tho children weru taken Into court nnd tho marks and bruiBcsupon tho tender flesh in differ ent parts of thuir bodies wns proof of tho charge. Tho judge fined the wom an tm nnd costs, tho entire amount being $:. in. Tiik crops In Buffalo county aro, ro ported to lw looking finely and with, a fow more good rains a good crop will bo assured, if It Is not already. ' WHITTIER DEAD. Tho Qnnkcr I'oot l'mr In III Iteat nt llio Ago of 8t lour. IIami'ton Falls, N. H., Sept. 8. Jolui G. Whlttier, tho "Poet of Free dom," passed away peacefully at the Home of friends near hero nt 4:!!0 o'clock this morning. Nearest relatives nnd Dr. Douglass wero at thu bedside when death came nnd the poet seemed to be conscious of his surroundings ut thu Inst moment Thu news of tho death of John G. Whlttier wns re ceived nt his old fiwm llVv X home, Haverhill, Mass., with universal feelings of sadness and regret Thu city hall bull was struck ulghty-four times ut 8 o'clock as Indicating the ngo of tho deceased, and lings' on tho public build ings nnd school houses arc displayed at half mast as tokens of respect for tho dead poet niomiAi'titcAt. Tho 17th day of December noxt would hsivo marked tho bKlnniaif ot Mr. Whlttlcr's Mth your, lie was born at HaverhllL Mans, ot Quaker parent!). His boyhnod wns pasitcd tinou a farm and the "winter terms" of tho district school wero the only schooling ho received be fore hi Wth birthday. Then money ho had carncil by shu9tnnt(lng enabled him to tilto n six months' courso In Haverhill ucmlemy. Thui equipped, ho taught district gohool for it term and earned enough to return to Haverhill for another half year. That llnlshed his school In?. Ills literary Instincts wero dovelopcd early, It not Inborn. Whllo working on hla father's farm bo contributed verses to Wllllnm Lloyd Qarrlson's Freo Press, then published In Now. buryport. In tho curly work ot Whlttier Gar rison saw the promtso of genius nnd a warm and lasting friendship sprang up between tho two. To (inrrlson In largo part Is duo the uctlvo part tahen bv Whlttier in tho nnttnUvery cm fade, In tho Interests of which some of his early poems woro directed. Tho nbolttlonlsts were actively at work dur ing this period In sowing tho seeds of aatt-nlar-cry, nd In John Orecnlcnf Whlttlor they found nwllllngnndactUenlly. He became pronounced In his lews, and In IHOS tho Anicrlcin Antl Slaery society elected ltlm Its secre tary. From I8.W to 119 hn lived In Philadelphia, editing tho Pennsyl vania Freeman, tho most radical paper pub lished nt that time. In thoio years tho uphold ing or such a standard nnd tho publication of such principles as tho l'rocman was founded uponreiiultcdnotonlyamor.il but n physical couraso, utid this Whlttier pos.essed In a grctt degree. So violent did the opposition becomo that tho printing offlco us hucked and burned by n mob, and on more than ono occasion Whlttier faced fatuities who Mould have plorled In th-j death of tho joung man who poured hot shot Into their defuuscs. From Philadelphia Whlttier icturne.1 to tho stnto of his birth, tatting up hU rcxldcnco in Amcsbury, where ho afterward lived contlnu ouidy.'Wlth tho ono exception of six months pasMcd In Lowell. Mas , as editor of tho Mid dlesex Standard. DARING TRAIN ROBBERY. '' A MlMourl I'nclllo Kxprrss Train ltoblicd AlmiiHt Wlthl't the Corporate Limits of KHiiNiiit City. Kansas C'itv, Mo., Sept 8. Last even ing at 0:30 o'clock the FncltLi Express car on passenger train No. 223 of the Missouri Pacific railroad which leaves thu Union depot at 9:10 was robbed at a point between Kausas City and Shef field and n large sum of money secured by the robbers, The train was n llttlo late nnd when it reached tho Kansas City & South western junction two men, ono about five feet und seven inches in height nnd clad in a linen duster, boarded the trsiiti and took n seat in tho smoking car. Nothing In their appearances would In dicate that they were train robbers, but beforo many minutes had elupsed they proved themselves such. Thu train proceeded on Its journey without any incident until it 'tad reached tho city limits, when the un known men stepped from tho smoking car into tho express car, nnd, concealing their features, surprised the messenger, George P. McLaughlin, and, covering him with a revolver, demanded what money was In tho ear. The exact amount that was stolen is not known, but It is known that it con siderable amount was In tho express box, and It will probably exceed $3,000. After tho road n gouts hud accomplished their purposo they bound the messenger hand and foot and placing a gng in bis i mouth left tho ear at Shullleld. As the messenger did not open tho car door at Shcflleld, nor nt Dodson, ten miles from Shelllold, ns is tho usual custom, something was supposed to be wrong and a depot olllelal at Dodson went to tho car, and looking into it saw McLaughlin bound hand und foot un nblo to speak. He was released from his bonds, and as soou us he could catch his breath ho said that tho express safe had been robbed. Tho train was the Wichita passenger which leaves tho Union depot nt 0:10 o'clock and tho express mossonger leaven tho train at Coifoyvllle uud another takes hiu place. McLaughlin has been in tho employ of tho compuuy for several years und Is considered thoroughly honest and faithful. When tho news of tho train robbery reached tho county jail Deputy Mar shals It, Frecniau und John Emmotis were sent post haste to tho sccno of tho robbery. , West IndU Troul)l. Nkw Yoitic, Sept. 8. West India mer chants in tills city nra very much ex cited over tho rumored suspension of tho Martinique banks. Tho dis patches namo only two banks with tho exception of private bankers and both of them government institutions tho first bucked by tho French govern ment uud tho second ono of tho seven branches ot tho great colonial bank of London, with over ten millions of capital. No one believes, therefore, that the banks havo fulled. 1'nlltlcrtl Note. Gov, McKlnley declined tho invita tion to nddrcss tho republicans of Con necticut Thomas Purnn was nominated by tho republicans for congress from tho Fifth Maryland district. At the Second republican district con vention, Colorado Springs, Col, II. II. Kddy was nominated. The republicans of tho Second Mich igan district havo renominated Cou gressmnn James O. Donnellv Luolau I). Woodruff wtis nominated for congress by tho democrats of tho Twentieth Pennsylvania district 6:re-rvvi'.;' WHITTIF.lt. A DARING ADVENTURER. Capt. Wllllnm A. Andrews, already famous for his daring adventures in small boats on tho htormy Atlantic, has again set sail on a novel and Interest ing voyngo. Hocrossed thcoccan twice before, first In tho "Nautilus," when ho was accom panied by his brother, who has stneo died, and ngaln In the "Mormnld," both of these trips being tnndo to Land's End, Englnnd. A fow years ngo ho again at tempted the passago in a boateallcdi tho "Dnrk Secret," but, after battling $$$$ with contrary winds, high seas nnd ter rific storms, ho reluctantly consented to . givo up his efforts after tv strugglo of sixty-two days, and returned to Ameri ca on a bark which kindly consented to take him and his sea beaton bout back to New York. The captain Is a very interesting char acter, lie is a mini of fixed purposes, very hard to turn from the object which he has in view. Ho has made tho sub ject of small boat sailing such a study that he is prepared to meet every argu ment against the risks which spring to the mlndj of his critics, yot tho Now York Heraltl put tho caso in a nutshell when it said: "The fact that Capt. An drews can cros3 tho ocean In n cocklo shell merely proves that small boats uro safo when a Capt Andrews stills them. Amateurs should remember this when tho wind begins to sing." The captain himself wiyn that "half the peoplo who are drowned lose their lives because they do not reallzo that a boat cannot sink. An iron vessel might, or a ship loaded with a heavy cargo, but a row boat, sail boat or ordinary wooden vessel may enpsfce, but will, nevertheless, float. Tho passengers on tho great ocean steamers run somo risk when they go to ten, but all around tho deck they seo wooden boat3 hung up on which they uro taught to depend for their lives if tho bigbtcamcr goes down. Thcbo boats arc often crushed against tho groat vessel or arc capsized in lowering. I am alono in a wooden lioat ontlrcly under my own control, and, in my opiuion, far safer than others." An ingenious theory but hardly a fair one'. Cupt Andrews is by trado a piano maker. He built thu "Sapollo" at At lantic City In tho presence of hundreds of people, and exhibited it on tho Long Pier for several weeks. It Is a canvas folding boat lined with half iuchcodar AkiSttel sr.- nnd decked over with tho same. In order to fold It there must bo three long canvas hinges from stem to ntcrn, and the daring Captain write:! by nn in coming ship (when he is hundreds of miles from shore) that ho finds tho " 'Sanolio' in u nea-wnv I.i n KcruLhnr but very leaky." No better proof of Ids cooiucss unit piuci: could Du given. Tho bttirt was mndn nt 4:!:0 WVilnnn. day, July COth, tho destination being i .nun, oy.iui. i,uiii ivititrows mis in structions to scour tho seas until ho discovers that nort and tho starting point of Columbus. It is lielleved that. 'iSJm A - f i I 1 X bailing In a fourteen foot boat without ro much as a hot cup of coffee to vary his diet of biscuits and.canned goods, ho will, single-handed, cellpso tho rocord , of that Spanish-Italian adventurer who almost failed to crow tho groat ocoan with three ships, ISO men, after socur ing tl Queen's jcwola to pawn and having the blessing of tho Church tlirown In. Thin Columbus is sailing in a boat which had never been in water until the hour when ho started on his 4,000 mllo trip. Ho has been spoken in mid-ocean several times, scorning all asslfitanee and confident of ultimate success. Ills effort should interest all Americans as a test of pluck, endurance aud good seamanship. That It is not a foolhardy affair is proved by his for mer success and by tho notable trip in which ho battled for sixty-two days without roachlng the other bldo. Thou sands of people saw tho start, his pres ence at different poluta on tho ocean has been noted by largo numbers of vessels, and his lnnding on tho other side will no doubt be mado a matter of public demonstration and rejoicing. As ho sailed from tho pier ho said, "In sixty days I will bo in Spain," nnd up to tho bust reports ho had made better time than ho anticipated. Every day during tho voyngo a bottlo will bo thrown overboard noting tho location and other information ulwut tho trip. If Cupt Audrows succeeds in reach ing Spain and joining in tho Octobor celebrations which will bo hold in honor ot tho discovery of America, ho will then return in ono of tho groat Btcnmers and arr.ingo to exhibit his boat and tho log which ho writes up day by day, at tho World's Fair In Chi cago, where ho will bo ono of tho fea tures of tho magnificent display which tho manufacturer of Sapollo nro now perfecting. Tho n.-uuranco, wu might ulmost say tho Itupudenco, of theso w grcsslvo manufasturero In securing "a Columbus of their own Is probably with out precedent iu advertising. Tin: mnn whose jrnto Is olt tho hinges can . v talk by tho hour oxplululittf why somobods '4 also ilotnu't prosper. llum'a Horn. imimniamnwtmW!iVmifVi m r ' v msmmmsmmB