The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 16, 1892, Image 5

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EKs' iywsj?
" If.
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itf 1
ri Vi
' 'A'?,-
Is a very low price to pny for a pair of
Ladies' Genuine
You can get them and many other Genuine
Bargains of
B. A M . R. R. Time Tabic.
, , TakltiR effect AtiR 1 1
Trains carrying passengers leavo Red Cloud
as follows:
No. 14'.' ttmenwrto Hnstlnss, - p. m.
Ino, HC V'tluM lor llnttltiKS 1 :i i. in.
I'nseiiRer from Hastings
nves Ojioa. m.
No. in, Pam-nircr to Ht, Jujcph, st,
.wills anil 1'liic.WMlHllv 10:30 a. m
Noll I'uHsencer loKmitasCltvnnJ
Atchison, dally. ... Jt.oo, p. in.
No, 13 1'assenRer for Denver and In-
termotlluto IKilnts, .inlly, -
No. 15, ru.Mi'iiger for Doiuer, dully, G:20 p. in.
No. 143 local frelttht to Oxford dully
. except Hunday C:00:nn
no. 144 local ireiKt irom Oxford dally
except sdnday 8:15 pm
Dyspepsia, distress after eating, sour
stomach, poor appetite, bad taste, coat
do tongue and heartburn are cured by
DeWitt's Littlo Early Risers, tho fatuous
ittle pill. For sale by Cotting.
I Want to. Buy Farms
Parties having cheap farm lands for
ale, improved or unimproved can find
buyers by calling on D. B. Spanoele,
Ileal .hstato and
Cloud, Neb.
Loan Agent, Itcd
What Docs It Mean.
Important order to tho U. 8. Army:
"Get tho entire Army ready to movo at
once. To prevent sickness supply them
"Hepatioure," it purifies the blood, liver
and kidneys: prevents sioknesB of all
character among soldiers" For sale at
Deyo's. "Stantoh." Seo. War.
For men's, boys' or children's
underwear we are after you sharp
because wehavo the stock and quality.
Price is in ado to suit you.
Cuicaqo Clothing) Stoke.
Tho Burt Dramatic Co. will place
upon tho boardsduring fair week a
new and interesting repertoire at
Opera House.
if. 11. B. Fulton, Manager.
Died. In the city of consumption.
A familiar headline isn't it? It's pretty
risky to neglect a cold or cough. Ono
minute cough cure is pleasant, ssfo and
sure. For sale at Cotting's.
For Hale.
Jay Pope, has a fine driving horse
for salo cull on or address him ut
ltcd Cloud.
It is risky and expensive to employ
physician but it is bale ana sure for tho
patient to take Hepatioure for the
prompt and effeotive care for all stomaoh
bowel, liver and kidney troubles. Per
fectly pleasant to take. At Deyo's.
Farm loans at six per cent option
to pay after two years. D. B. Span
oole. Uow to make money. A prompt re
turn of your money i the good health
that follows thb use of Hepatioure which
is n positive cure for all malaria troubles,
Blood, kidney and liver diseases. Send
for Marshalls Manual of Health, Kansas
City, Mo,, and Lawrence, Kansas.
Seo Oscar Patmor before buying
flour. He has made a big reduction.
It's not very pleasant to cough and hack
To Buffer pain in chest and back,
Many people oould stop it, for suro,
By simply using one minute cough :ure
For sale by Cotting.
Call on T. E. Penman, Jeweler and
optician for fine watch cleaning and
repairing, artistic letter, emblem and
monogram engraving. A full lino of
watches, clocks, jowclry, spectacles,
etc. always on hand. Can fit any eye
with tho very best of speotaolcs. You
will find, in Cotting's drug storj. "
There 1b no use talking, neither Hnrri
son or Olevelnnd.will be elected unless
they take DeWitt's Little Early, Risers.
They have a "got there'' quality possess
ed by no other pill. For Bale by Cotting.
For fine tobacco, cigars, candies
&c, go to J. 0. Lindloy's.
A gentleman of this county who has
excellent judgment remarked to us the
other day that he knew of no pill so
good for constipation, dyspepsia and liv
er oomplalnt as DeWitt's Little Early
Risers. For sale by Cotting.
Tho Linooln mixed paints aro guar
anteed sold by Cotting.
Have tried almost every known reme
dy for Itching Piles without success, An
ally bought a box of DeWitt's Witch
Huzel Salvo, end it tins cured me, 0. D.
Haskinh, Peoria, III. For sale by Cotting
! I " '
Ducklcn'ts Arnica Salvo.
The best snlve in the world for cats,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
fore, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to gve perfect satisfac
tion, or money rofunded. Price 25 cents
por box, For sale ,by c. L. cotting.
.1 .. 9 . -
Trunks and valisos and rubber
clothing in endless quantity received
(hit week. CmCAQb BtOKB.
Goat $2.50 Shoe.
School tablets at Cotting's.
Dojoishtillin tho ring selling wall
Tho best spectacles in the world at
Deyo is tho leader in the paint and
oil trade.
Leon Lester expects to go cast on
Monday next. ,
l'or lino millinery goods, seo Mis.
S. 11. MoBrido.
All kinds of school supplies at
Cotting's drug store,
$115,000 worth of transfers is r
so bad for Red Cloud.
Boy's and children's suits to suit
every one at Wiener's.
Go to Mrs. S. It. McBrido for the
lutcst designs in nullincrv goods.
Eight different kinds of machine
oil at Doyo's. Prices tho lowest.
Hats and caps for tho wholo world
at right prices. Chicago Stoke.
Sherwood & Albright for groceries.
Hacker's old stand. Tho best or
everything kept in stock.
Wioner has concluded to clnso out
his men's and boy's boots. Read hi
advertisement, profit by it.
Mrs. M, A. Fuller and Judgo By
les havo retiowed their subscriptions
to The Chief this week. Thanks.
Call on us for boys suits, wo aro
strictly in it in this line.
Chicago Store.
Cottim; has something less than
a hundred different styles of tablets
for school use and fine correspondence
Porter Hodgo is troubled with Job's
comforters, and, as a consequence,
catnes his head at an angle of 45 de
Go to Sherwood & Albright for
your fino groceries. Tho boys aro de
serving and will mako it a business to
watch your interests.
Go to H. H. Hillyard, successor to
Joe Ilerburger, if jou want breads,
fruits, tobaeoos, meals, or anything in
his lino. .Priocs reasonable.
Received this week the nicest sc-
leotod stock of men's suits you ever
saw in this city.
CrnoAno Clothino Store.
Mr. M. R, Bentloy is homo from
Hot Springs whero ho went in tho
spring to repain his health, after his
painful accident last Maroh in Omaha.
A publio reception was hold at tho
rosidenoe of B. F. M izcr on Tucnda
evening in honor of Kldor Putm
and family. A vory Iarj;o 'turnwt
was the result.
The Thursday morning papers re
ported five ensos of Asiatic cholera in
New York. It bohooves our pcoplo to
adopt strict sanitary measures prompt
ly in ordor to keep cholera out of this
oity-and state.
Tho B. & M. railway is using 75,
000 gallons of water daily from the
ouy waier wonts, wne eianapipo ana.
A, . ,,.. v v V
a fourth per day. That is pretty gooa
T.-...M . ' .,..., o...
i.-. l- -v . . . i f
It would amount tr about $1375 per
annum at that rate.
Jeff Ward, if ho could havo suffi
oient inducement1), would put th
streets of Rod Cloud in fino conditio
Wherever ho has done work ho h
put tho streets in much hotter shapo
than any of his predecessors.
' .
Tho Majestic, The Dignified General
Leo was a man of porfeot discipline.
He wroto a frind that it was due toilepa
ticure which ho always kopt with hint
during the war, which gave him porfeot
health. For sale at Deyo's drug store.
Ratos on ccrtificuto plan Hastings,
Nob., Sept 17, 1802 People's Party
It illy Aleuts within 75 miles of
Hastlnu'R may H11 tickets to that
pomt Sopt 14-17 inclusive. II. H.
McGrrow. Souroury, Hastiiiiis, will
sgn cVrllfloat'e. A. Oonover, Afel.
Fruits at Calmes.
S n tn Fno win in
Red Cloud this
Mr, 5. 11. MoUrido is homo from
tho cast.
Win. Swihart Is a now subscriber to
tho Ureatl'umlly Weekly.
Sanfnrri Nnliln trna In ilm n! liJ
week visiting old friends.
,u .,::.:.. -i.. r.!...
a uromur oi n. a. sniiiKie
k k il .. ti a rt
Burr Oak, who was visitinc in
city, returned homo on Saturday.
Van Leavitt, of California, is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. Ttioaj Ludlow.
It has been six yenri since ho was in
Rod C oud.
Tho Misses Flora and Hattio Cra
mer of Cnthcrton, who havo been
visiting with Mrs. M. A. Fuller, havo
returned homo.
It is lmt Hood's Sarsaparilla notu
ally docs that tells tho story of its
merit nnd has given it tho largest salo
of any medicine.
Mis. D. L. Groit who has been an
invalid for some years, went to Chica
go this week with a viow to seeking
treatment for ailments.
0. C. Bull and wife, S. Day, Chris
Fassler and D. L. Groat, aro bound
for Washington this work to ottond
tho G. A. It. encampment.
KCIias. Sinclsor went lo Rod Cloud
Wednesday cvemng. George Dookcr
had chargo of the meat market in his
absence. ltiyerton Enterprise.
A. M. deClcrcq will sell 40 head of
short horned oattlo on tho fair ground
at 1-ranklin, on the 28 and 29 of Sept.
Time. 1, 2, 3, years
on approved
If tho hair is falling out and turn
ing gray, tho glands of tho skin nocd
stimulating and color-food, tho
best remedy and stimulant is Hall's
If tho politioal sentiment in Web
ster. McKeKhan's county, indcxer
tho sentiment of tho district, Profes
sor Andrews will bo elected by 2,000
majority. Journal.
Tho stockholders of tho First Na
tional bank havo been assessed by tho
comptroller of the currency CO per
cont on tho capital stock which
amounts to $15,000.
The Ringling Bros , circus bdievo
in advertising Bcsids all of tho advertisement'-
in tho newspapers, thoy
lnvo flooded tho country with ell
kinds of attractive bills.
Mr. Porter Hedge of Lincoln was
in Red Cloud a fow da s this woek,
visiting his brothor, Anderson Hedge,
who has boon on tho sick list, He re
turned tho first of tho week.
Our citizens who desire to go cast
should not forget that tho nicest and
quickest route is by tho B. & M. and
the Baltimore & Ohio, by far the
pretticBt routo to Washington.
. Mr. John Greer ot Decorah, Iowa,
an old friend of Mr. M. It. Bentloy,
is in the oity looking after his inter
ests. He is proprietor of a largo
windqill manufacturing institution.
Wo aro now prepared to aocopt or
ders for September delivery.
Eastern hard coal $11 per ton.
Western hard coal $10 per ton,
Abovo pricos aro delivered in your
bins. t Platt & Frekb Co.
Tho lecturo of Matilda Fletcher on
tuo lutn instant was j-rootcu with a
rge audienco. Tho lecturer is an
eay and interesting talker, and we
think fully demonstrated that "Man
is an angel " and wo think especially
so, if ho should run a nowspaper,
Sufferers from dyspepsia havo only
them-Bolves to blamo if thoy fail to
to test the wonderful ouritivo quali
ties of Avers Sarsaparilla. In purify
ing the blood, this medicine strength
ens every organ of , tho body, and ev
Btorod to hoaltv
en tho most abusea stomaoh is soon
' .... . . , . . , ,.
Who ever has charge of our publio
... , , .,, , . , .
h.ghwajs in Red Cloud township,
should look moro carefully after tho
bri dries and culyerts. Several of
them aro in a bad condition and need
irs boforo some herso breaks
Unless they havo boon re-
aired, the big hrldgo across the rivor
tho culvert, both had bad holes in
them, and ono or two horses got their
legs in thrra Sunday.
A. McClintnok was in tho city Mon
day, nnd informs u ho is taking a
las off for ono mouth nnd intend
taking a tiip to tho Rookies. A1
learned tho telegraph and railroad
business in R vorton ofiloe and ha,
for two years or more, had a jmsition
in i ho lied Cloud oiuaa at operator,
Ho is ono of tho hoys who, by his
closo attention to business, has a go d
Hositii.n nnd tho full confidence ot his
employer. Rivorton Enteryrise.
M.8. Mnrsh has gouo to llrokcn How
Romemb-T that W W Wrinht
mako you tho lowest prices on stoves
Henry Cook lms cned tho lied
Nntionnl bank for,)00 damages
(lo to W. W. Wright's and seo those linn
... n
hen'iug nnd cooking stovo. Ho hns nn
elcgAnt lino with prices to mntoh.
Tlioro will bo a teachers
.fiaturdny evening, Soptonilior 17, at tho
y Waggonor school houso in Garfield town
Hon. 0, W. Knley nnd wlfo hnvo ro
tnrncd from Ulnh whero they havo been
spending several wooks in rleHsuro nnd
visiting friend.
ou will fnii In your duty if you do
not seo W. W. Wright boforo you buy n
hontlng or cooking stove Ho has tho
fincet line in tho valley.
In nnBwor to n diBpntch, A. Gnlushn,
loft for Chicago on Monday evening to
buy goods for tho Chicago clothing store
Ho will buy nt n very low ilguro and will
snap up many bargains.
C. Wiener is receiving this week tho
largest nnd best solootcd stock of men's
boys' and children's clothing over brought
to WeMorn Neb., and rospcot folly Invite
tho purchasing publio to call nnd Insnoct
Pastor Ely informed our roportor that
tho Congregational church would bo
completely seated with opera chnira.
Tho cost of tho now addition nnd tho
resenting will cost tho church about
Dro. Scnmmon, in pursuit of lilsdutlos
as Janitor of tho publio t-uhools oamo in
contact with the businesa portions of two
hornets. Ho says thoy aro all business
and vory pointed. He seemed to be
fully sntlstled.
Don't think of buying clothing until
you nnvo examinou mo block of Cnas.
Wionor. He lins bought tho Indent.
stock over brought to this part of the
state ana ai prices inac will onablo him
to boh cheaper tban the cheapest
C. Wiener is receiving evory dny largo
invoices of men's, boye' nnd children's
suits nnd will sell thorn nt prices that will
surprise tho oldest inhabitant Don't
buy until you havo looked nt our line as
wo are euro wo enn save you'money.
Tho connty fair mnnagors hnvo eociir
od tho services of n Indy baloonist, who
will givo n freo exhibition on thn nth.
Oth nnd 7th nt tho fair grounds. After
rising to a sufficient nltltudo she will
drop from tho bnloon wltn n parachute.
Conductor Quigloy, is tho wny, ho
should bo nddressed , ns ho hns been
promoted to tho conductorship of the
freight train thnt runs botween Oxford,
Red Cloud nnd Hastings. I'rnuk has
been n faithful boy, nnd hna never
swerved ono iota whon duty called him,
nnd henco his deserved promotion by tho
B & M. Tiic CutEF oxtends congratu
lations to Conductor Quig'ey.
Ilapnr Hearts.
A delightful wedding party was that at
the residence of Mr. II. G. Bawyer at In
nvole on last Wednesday eve to witness
the marriage of the daughter Miss Myrtle
to Mr. Arthur R. Davis, Rev. E. L. Ely, of
Red Cloud, officiating. Mr. Davis is n
young man of excellent character and tho
brido has won an enviable reputation as n
teacher and has many friends on acoount
of her many excellent qualities of mind
and heart. It it a great pleasure to see
two Buch eflHraablo young people nnite
their hearts and hands for life and we
think both they and their friends are to
be congratulated.
Aftor tho ceremony the gnests sat
down to a royal foast prepared by Mrs.
Wo are very glad that amid the festiv
ities tho hungry Ciiisr was not forgotten
but kindly remembered with generous
sllcee of dellonte cake and some choice
fruit. The Chief joins tho preacher In
the hope that weddings may be numer
ous In Inavalo in the future if we are to
fare as well in all of them as in tho past.
Some very ohoice gifts were made to
the bride among whloh were tho following:
list or raxsxNTS.
Silver dinner castor, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Eaton; silver creamer, Mr, and Mrs.' R.
R. Davis: set of silver knives and forks,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunter; set of silvor tea
spoons, Mr, and Mrs. L. Kenyon; silver
salt and pepper castor, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Kenyon; silve: butter knife and sugar
spoon, Mr. and Mrs. Beachboard and
Edna Boies; pair towels, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Finn; table spread, Thos. and Edith
Finn; china dinner set, Hiss Florence
Sawyer; dresser and table cloth, Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Sawyer; bed spread and shams,
Miss Edith Davis; china tea set, Mr. nnd
Mrs. E. Hunter, and W. P, Fnlton; table
cloth, Mr. and Mrs. D. Eastwood.
Wo aro now proparcd to accept
den for September delivery.
Eastern hard ooal $11 per ton,
Western hard coal $10 per ton, above
prices aro deliverod in your bins.
7-2t Platt fc Frees Co.
No person should travel without a
box of Ayer's Pills. As a safo and
stpoedy remedy for constipation and
all irregularities of tho stomaoh and
bowlos, thoy have no equal, and being
skillfully sugar-ooatod, aro ploasant to
take, and long retain th eir virtues.
we aro now prepared to accept or
ders for September delivery. Eastern
htrd coal $11 per ton, Western hard
coal $10 per ton. Above prices aro
uuuvureu in your Dins,
7-2t Platt & Frees Co.
What shall it profit a man if he
5ain the whole world and then has the
yspepsla so bad that he can't enjoy any
ot the good things it contains ? He
wont bave.dyspepsln if he takes DeWitts
Little Early Risers. For sale at Cottings
Car4l or Thanks.
We desiro to express our henrtfelt
thanks to tho friends who so kindly
assisted us during the illnosa of our
loved one, nnd to the several frnturmU
organizations and olorgy. Wo bog to
atsuro them, thoir kindollloos will oyer
bo hold in kindly remembrance.
Mm. Milton Lester,
TiKott R Lwni.
Litigant Octtlng Into Lino for
the Opening or tho District
suit on it
worth st i
.i.:k iD ,
jiiu uivjr hub oiiuiiiur fu,vvv law
it on its hands, growing out of tho
tlvo condition of tho Lcavcn
root cedar block pavement
winoii is now bo nir re aid with brick.
' J4l
r lout maroh M. If. llentffy.a promt
'dTt citizen of ltcd Cloud,' was in tho
city v
city visiting frionds on South Twen
tieth street. Ono evening, tn com.
Jany with a number of gentlemen
rionds, ho vlsitod tho theater. Aftor
tho pcrformarco thev wslkod homo.
going out on Leavenworth. At tho
intersection of Nitiotoonth and Twen
tieth streets, Mr. Bentloy stopped
from the curb to tho pavement, and in
doing ro his foot went into ono of
thoso holes botween the blocks. This
resulted in a broken leg. Mr. Bent
ley was taken to tho Dollono hotel,
whero ho was laid up rorsovoral wcoks.
After his recovery ho wont to the Hot
Springs and now has instructed At
torney Trauerman to bring tho suit.
Mr. Bontloy's suit against Omaha,
wo think is absolutely just and proper,
for sinoo tho 28th or last Maroh, (tho
timo when ho was injured) ho has
been unablo to do business, and tho
first throo months it looked ns if ho
would lose his limb. Ho hns lost
nearly six months timo and a man
with Mr. Bontloy's business necessi
ties, means moro than a few dollars
loss, The Ciiiev thinks that ho
should bo justly remunerated for his
injuries which wcro of a vory sorlous
nature, besides a good amount for lost
i .
At Rest.
On last Sabbath afternoon nt 2 p.
m., all that was mortal of Milton
Lostor wsb laid to rest in Red Cloud
cemotory, with imposing Masonio cere
monies. Mr. Lester was a uiorabcr in
good standing of Charity lodgo A. F.
6 A. M., and of Cyreno Commandry
Knights Templar, and of tho Eastorn
Star, also of the Grand Army and
Sons of Veterans. All of theso so
cieties, including tho Relief Corps,
turned out ia largo numbors to pay
thoir last respects to tho departed
brother who in life was a worthy
member, llov. E. L. Ely, pastor of
tho Congregational church of this
city officiated, and offered appropriate
words of consolation to tho bcrosvod
wifo and son. Aftor tho sorvicos were
over at tho house, tho procession,
nearly ono mile in length, moved to
the cemetery, where tho remains wcro
deposited, tho Sons of Veterans band
leading, play ing a funeral dirge, Mr.
Lester was born in Suflield, Connecti
cut, Oct. 22, 1810, making him
almost 52 years of ago at his doath.
In life Mr. Lester mado many warm
friends, and in death, thoso frionds
will have a lasting remembranoo of
him who ban gone boforo.
Please read tho following names,
theso aro not offico seoksrs but judges
of base burning hard coal stoves, and
all havo decided to use tho Garland,
Somo of theso have uso'd tho Garland
7 years without ono onnt's worth of
nVTullojB, John Cox
II E Pond O U Bell
-11 B Fulton 0 W Kaloy
8am Tcmplo John Foster
P W Shoa L fl Fort
L P Albright A G Hosmor
Walter Sherwood J 8 Emigh
Slate Bank V. B Fulton
D M Platt Cliff Popo
OF Gather MrsWCathor
J W Sherwood and others.
Tho finest line of cook stoves, Oak
stoves, and Base burners in tho valloy
at A Morhart's. :: 7-3t
Rev. Herrington and wife, an elder
ly couplo from Stromsburg, traveling
to Wilsonvillo by' carriago, wcro run
into ncar'Inavale yesterday by an in
toxicated man. Tho rig was over
turned and almost completely demol
ished and the old gontloman was prob
ably fatally injured. He was broaght
to town and placed under tho best of
oaro and is improving, but tho physi
cians do not givo much, if any hopo.
Considerable feeling is expressed
against tho perpstrator by the people.
Ward HIatt will remember
'Last Days of Pompei." Ho
Innlcitur nn at one of thoir ontert
ments, when a sky rocket went offKc-
cidonily, or othorwiBo, and hit him In
tho ni'iith. Ho got out papers against
tho company, but they agrocd to set
tle It on a fair basis. Oscar Patmor
was hit by the samo rocket but it did
not injure' him. Tho Linooln com
pany should huvo been more careful
with their sky rockefs.
State Creek. (
Fall plowing and throshing is tb
ordor of tho day. A groat many at
taking tho ndvantago of tho rains an
turning ovor their wcat and rye Ian
and somo oven for corn next spring
The aorengo for wheat will doull
that of last year, and ovorybo'dy an
his neighbor has a amilo on his fao
ovor tho fino crop. Potatoes, nevo
hotter and tho corn crop very promts
ing and somo of it gottiog hart;
onough to feed.
Messors Montford nnd Morlll twt
of our road supervisors aro doln('
us somo lino work, and somo arc.
building now dowolling houses, and .
barns, and our neighborhood talking
up it grocory storo nnd post, office, so' i
we aro under a general boom, would '
liko to hnvo our coal prospector Mr, '
lloeco to hurry back and get down to I
that 3 or 4 ft vein ho almost agreod
to insure us.
Hogs of this part aro now boing '
well fed and whilo only 5 oonts fat, '
you cannot buy ono forlovo nor mon
Scribnor our newcomer is tearing !
down ono sido of tho old Joo Foglo
stono houso in ordor is ropalr. 1
think he has an elephant on hishands
tho houso is 20x40 and tho damagod
wall is 10x21.
Chnrlio Arbuoklo raisod ono water)
melon that weighed 35- lbs and H
many others nearly that largo, Can-
telopes (or musk molons) 8 in one 1 1
bunch and all good sizo. i
Osoar Provalt that left this part k'
two years ago for Missouri is baok on , ,
his farm and has a splondld prospect; i
Tor corn and will Bot fivo sr ton sores
to applo troos this full or spring. He
wants no moro Mibsouri. ,
Tho supposition is by many, that
Scribnor and Provalt dug up the chirr
ed romains of a human, all separate
but potrifiod, after thoy had oxoayat
cd a troneh 10x40 loot,- whero they
aro repairing tho Fogle houso, they
woro oloso tc tho noted spring, and
near tho south end of tho building.
Our guoss is that tho lied Skins
burnod somo poor whito man and his
friends found tho remains and buried
them. Occasional.
Kvory Testimonial
In behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla is
strictly true and will bear the oloieit
investigation. No matter where it;,
may bo from, it is as reliable and
worthy your confidonco as if it came
from your most respected neighbor
Havo you over tried this excellent ''j
mediciDo ?
For gcnoral family cathartic we con
fidently recommend Hood's Pills.
They should bo in evcty homo medi
cine chest,
The Coriaty Fair.
It scorns to The Chief, that this
year, of nil years, is tho one for oar
formers to try and mako tla fair a
succor. Eyory effort is boing put
forth by President Alyca and the
board of directors to make it a winaer
and wo beliovo that tho people ought
to back up thoir efforts. They have
arranged a special exhibit on tho fol
lowing articles with guaranteed cash
premiums, which ought to bring oat
a largo display:
Corn "...$15 00 $10 00
Wheat 15 00 10 00
Oats 10 00
Barloy 5 00
Ryo 5 00
Potatoes 10 00
Vegetables 10 00
Fruit 10 00
Tho furmcr should . begin at
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
and make arrangtuonts for thoir .dis
play. Remember for tho above arti
cles tho premiums aro guaranteed and j
will bo paid in cash, For full partic
ulars call on D. F. Trunkoy, superin
tendent of that department,
W j i
' C. Wionor wishos to call your attention
to his stock ot boys'.and children's cloth
ing which is certainly tho largest, nob
biest and cheapest over brought to Web
ster County.
Keeps the icalp
clean, cool, healthy.
bThe Best
j Q y C O I W flf
1 J wOill
Restores hair:
which has becomsr
thin, faded, or gray.
Dr. J. C. Ayor dt Co.
Lowell, Mass,