The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 16, 1892, Image 4

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    "'Better racosliavo novor boon soon undor canvas than those given by
the Rlngling Bros.! Omaha World.Herold, Aug. 2.
world's Greatest shows!
The Largest, Grandest nit moat Complete Exhibition on Earth.
The Superb Realization of Years of Persistent Effort
3.Ring Circus, Elovaled Stages, Mighty Millionaire Menagerie, Itoyal
Aquarium, Mammoth Museum or Marvels, I'ar-tamnl Horso ITnlr and
Equino Congress, Embracing 350 of the Finest-Blooded Horses
in the World, together with tho Greatest Aggregation of
Riders and Arenio Specialists of VJvcry Description Ever Exhibited in this
or any other country. bumptuouB anu unparaiioiea rroauctlon
of tho Rcsplendont Spectacle,
Employing in its representation, hundreds of men, women and children, and
delineating with rcmarkuhlo fidelity, (he life and people of tho Roman
empire when tho mirtrrss of tho world, set hifrli upon her seven
hills, wat nt tho I'm undo of her Glory.
More People, Moro Animals More nnd Digger Elephants, and Moro Now and
' , hitherto unthought of Novelties than any two other shows. All
Exhibited under tbo Largest Tents Ever Constructed.
jl; MMMWflIf -Hay II ' "'" i,V NBCuill9PlHHJH W-aBaZgWBam mJt. v Wr r'C k-.
iLitt, MPSLM JMfflns Hl f kW wrap1---
:3sMWv H P"" lHfPlviiKB
. -" gts& gr ''-sa.,aiau5&9
HH --a ' tiJJ a- . JVxiaSfclri
J!kxwQ?v zzSIlS lAHjfWfeS llMWlK:VW2MEff4 fM met'1 -,
Eeed Sisters!
Europe's Premier Equestriennes secured at the enormous
N salary of $800 per week.
.Absolute Kings of the Air. Tho highest salaried ncr'mlists
in the World.
Chas. W. Fish,
The - Worlds - Greatest - Somersault - Rider
Other shows bill him, we alone have him.
Mikado'p Troupe of Royal 3apanepe Equilibrist? I
Prince Chaldean, the l'crchcron Beauty, sired in Normandy, weighing 1800
pounds, nnd tho proud possessor of a mano 1) feet in length; 'tho
Largest Living Hippopotamus; tvn mighty herds of Pondorous
rerlormtng and dancing hlcphants.
Trgmendou: Revival i the Circus Mm !
Terrific Gladiatorial Combats, Absorbing Trials of Strength and Enduranoo
brand Oala Day sports nnd Spectacles.
A Page of Classic History Set Defore the Modern World I
Jockey Races, with Lady and Gontlcman Rider's; novel Elephant and Camol
Raoos; child-delighting Pony Races with Monkey riders, Laughablo
Donkey races with Clown drivers, Chariot Races.
Mnmmoth Highway Locomotive Hercules.
A Marvelous Mechanical Invention, moving through tho streets with tho
case of a Passenger Engine, and drawing ono of tho sections
of tho Colossal Parado.
Moscow's Far Famed Cathedral Hells.
A Reproduction of tho Famous Chimes of tho Kremlin Tower, tho Music of
which can bo heard in melodious oadenco a dozen miles away.
The procession loaves the show grounds promptly at ten o'clock on the
morning of tho exhibition. It is ovor a milo in lenuth. Ten of tho thirty
dens of performing wild beasts aro exhibited freo and opon upon tho streets;
ten kinds of music make the air merry with sweet melody. No postponement
on account of weather. Tho procession moves, rain or shine.
Red Cloud, Wednesday, Sept, 28,
Two compleis puforoucu daily: Afternoon at 2, Eming at 8,
Doors open ono hour later.
Adults 50c; Children under 12 years, 2.")c.
Published Weekly.
Friday, Sept. 16, 1S9SI
fMlMcrlptloH, . 1 Per Annum
Invariably In Advance
It not paid In advance after this data March
18, 1892, the price will bo at. us.
A. C. IIOBMER, Editor.
Entered at the 1'ott Office In lied t'loud, Net).,
as mall matter of thesmmd class
Republican Nullonul Ticket.
For rresldent,
For Vlo-rreildent
For Congressman tb District
,tate Ticket.
For Governor,
For Lieutenant Uovernor,
For (Secretary et Htate,
. For Auditor,
For Treasurer.
For Attorney General,
For Commissioner ot rublle Uinils and DUIgs,
NFor Huperlntoudent ol Pnbllo Instruction,
A. K. GOUDy.
'' For Btito Senator,
w. t. Ausrm.
County Ticket.
For ltepresentatlve th district,
For Couuty Attorney,
MANDoiiPii idcfirrir
For Coroner,
Tlio rapulHcans of ltlaiTen held ti
, grand meeting in the O. A. 11. hall on
Wednesday afternoon. Tho Hon. W,
E. Andrews, the next congressman
from this district, addressed them.
At Bladon, at everywhere elso, ho
made a fine impression and otio that
will bring back to tho republican par
ty many of tho votors who havo boon
wandering after McKeighanism. Tbo
meeting was full of interest and en
In 1800 we imported 11,962,752
dozen eggs, valued at $1,584,089. If
our farmer friends will notice eggs
havo bcon much higher during tho
last two years, since tho MoKinloy bill
went into effect. Tho number import
ed in 1891, was 4,203,375 dozen val
ued at $533r497, a -$1,050,592 wont
into tho American farmer's pocket in
tead of the foreign farmer's pocket,
Take "Bepatloote" and prevent malaria
constipation, sickness, goffering losa of
nevey. Fot Ml Rt ltayo'a,
Tho following clippiog from tho
Milwaukoo Sentinel not only calls at
tention to a matter of natioual inter
est and importance, tho preservation
of tho forosts, but givos an indioatien
of tho influrnco ezbrtod by ono of
tho Nobruska soutitori and tits unflag
ging industry in caring for all of tho
important affairs entrusted in his care:
Tho exooutivo eommittoo of the
American forestry association is do
ing valuable work in distributing
Senator Paddock's report on tho "bill
to provido for tho establishment, pro
tection and administration of publio
reservations, and for administration
uf publio forest reservations, and for
other purposes," together with copies
of tho bill itsolf. Until now tho
country has had no forest policy. If
we pro ovor to havo ono wo must
adopt it soon. Tho government, ac
cording to Senator Paddock's report,
now rctnins rather less limn 70,000,
000 acres of timber or woodland as
part of tho publio domain, mostly on
on tho slopes and crests of western
mountain ranges. This woqdland is
not properly administered at prcsont
and the timber on it can not be used
with safety to tho f uturo condition of
forest groffth. Thoso forest aro need
ed to protcot tho sources of our great
rivers, anu their destruction would 1'
tor the ciniatio and meteorological
conditions of tho country. Tho pro
posed iaw, which was reported favor
ably to tho senate in July of this
year, provides for a survoy of all for
CBt lands to find out their looation and
extent, and authorizes tho president
to prohibit tho sale of lands suitod
for forest reservations. Tho lands
thus rcsorved will be in ohargo of the
department of agrioulture, to whioh
the forestry bureau belongs. Thero
soems to bo every reason in favor of
the passage of such a bill at tho next
session of congress. If something to
protoot our iorcsts is not dona soon it
cannot be done at all.
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will surely
do yon good, If yon have a cough, cold, or
any trouble with throat, oheat or lungs
Dr. King's Now Discover r for consump
tion, coughs and colds ia guaranteed to
give relef, or money wiil bo paid back,
batterers from La Qrinne fonnd it lust
the thiog and under its use had a speedy
aua perieoc recovery, Try a sample Dot
tle nt oiirfijpaose and learn for yourself
just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles
free at O. L. CotUng'a ding store, Large
IMMteMftni flA r
Kcal Estate Transfers
for the week ending September 14, 1801,
furnished by Fort Abstract Co.:
FrankHubler to Jacob Bauer ne
&2l-4-10wd SfJOO 00
O E Perkins to John 8 Hoover
nw21-4-10wd 1280 00
Jno O Hall to Jno Ferguson w
123-20 wd C000 00
OooKnight to Elliot A Vnudyko
pnrt sw ,i4;jr.2-l2 ignores wd l(Jj vu
W BOarber to KodOlondPowcr
Co lot 7 nnd 8 nnd part lot 4
neo 10-1-11 wd C1203 83
J W Mnrsh to Red Cloud Power
Co part lot 4 boo 10-1-1 1 . . . . CCGC 67
Chas A Robertson to Jas W
Cook nw y 5-4 11 wd 2750 00
Q E Gregory to Wm Ouy o n
w). 8-2-0 wd 1300 00
O E Gregory to Chas Molly wj
wJ no if 8-2-9 wd COO 00
Geo 'V Delong and F LI Drlong
to Isaao Bhepardson all G-1-
12 wd 700 00
CEl'erkitm to Honry SStephenH
wjsw if ia-4-0 wd nso 00
Silas Garner to M W DioktTson
lot 10 blook 21 Red Cloud wd 100 00
Chas E Hioks to Ada V Hnrri-
son lot 12 blook G Bladen wd 100 00
II M Lyons to Cathorlno D
Decker R J block 2 Cnno ic
McNeny'a add bv if blook 4
LaDuo'sadd nnd part so if ,11
2-11 qtd DOOO 00
Wm Smith to F A Lnrkins lot
1-2-3 block 25 Dluo Hill wd. . 62 SO
Elula L Gilbert to John A
llarkley lot t block 1 Garbcr's
Hud nddwJ 380 00
Total .. $114020 00
A Howe With n Wane Nino Vect
lit EeiiKtli, With King-
HiiK Urothera,
"1'rlneo ChnUlonu, tho Percheron Itcnn
ty" is tho namo that hns boon appropriate
ly bostowed upon one of the most baaati
ful Bpbolmons of tho equino that nnturo
has ovor produced, aud whioh through
tho outorprieo of tho famous Ritigling
Brothers, has now for tho first tirno been
plaocd on exhibition. This wonderful
horio is worth n day's travel to behold.
Ono cannot conoplvo anything more beau
tiful in horsctlehh. Ploturo tho finest and
heaviest Percheron ever imported, give
him a lordly inoln nnd n noble enrriago,
inspire him with the prldo of a irre
proachable pe(ligrp, nnd crowning, all
fmagino such a horse with n ninno so long
that despito his great height it Bwoops
the ground, and that will bo a mind
drawing of this mnrvol nmong tho equinos.
Prince Chaldean's mane by notuul meas
urement is nine feet two inches in length,
and his tail is correspondingly long. Ho
weighs over 1800 pounds, lie vm sired
in Euro et Loir, Normandy, aud It regis
tered m Mo. 854 and 037, Nothing like
this noble animal has hitherto beep soen
in America, nnd is one ot tlio novel
features of tho Rihghng Urothers'World'H
Greatest Shows he has created a snsa
.tion. This famoas horse, with a thousand
other novel thiugs, will bo wii with tho
Uingling Urothers' mammoth tented ex
hibition nt Red Cloud Vtdnodtw Sept.
28tn, 1802.
!- .11. -I If I I
For Cab to uny larl or the city
Loavo orders with J, U. Lindlcy. I
will fill your orders promptly, nndgiu
you good service
J. II. CbirfH, Prop.
Don't rend this; it is tho truth, Von
don't like to hoar it. Constipation of
tho bowlos IB moro responsible for nerv
ousness, mnlarin, blood poison, nnd kid
ney diHenso than any other causo. "Hop
aticuro," is a guaranteed on re and pre
ventative from nil this. For salo nt "L, 11
. . .
When you get ready lo buy your
children's school Htiits this fall we
want you to inspect our stock. Wo
will convince yon easily that wo sell
he goods at correct prices.
Specimen discs.
S. II. 0 iftorJ. New Cassol, Wis., was
troubled with Koarnlgin and Rheumatism
his stomach was disordered, his liver was
atleated to an nlnrmirg degree, appetite
fell nwny, and h wnn terribly reduced in
flesh nnd strength, ihroo bottles of
Elootrio Bitters cured him.
Edward Shupord, Ilnrrisburg, III., had
n running soru on hislegof oightytor'
standing. Used tlireo bottles of Electrio
Ulttors nnd beven boxes of Itucklen'H
Amion Snlve, and his leg is sound nnd
well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0., hnd
live largo fever Borrs on IiIh leg, doctors
said ha was incurnblo. Ono bottlo Elea
trict Bitters and ono box Buoklen's
Arnicn Salvo cured him ontirely. Sold by
0. L. Cotting.
DruiikciiiiCM. or the l.lquor
Ilithit Cured nt Home In Ten
Dnyn liy Aduilnlittcrinu; Dr.
11011168 Goltlun NpeelOe.
It can be given in n glass of beer, n
cup of cofToo or ten or in food without
the knowledge of the patient. It ia ab
solutely harmless nnd will effect n per
manent nnd speedy cure, whothor tho
pntiont is n modorate drinker or nn nl
coliolio wreck. It hns been given in
thousands of ennes, and in every instanco
a perfect euro hns followed. It never
fails. Tho systom onco impregnated with
tho Bpeoitlo, it becomes nn titter impossi
bility for tho liquor nppotite to exist.
Cures guaranteed. 48 page boolr of par
ticulars froo. Addross the Golden Spo
olilc Co., 185 Huco Streot, Cincinnati, O.
When Baby was sick, wo gave hor Costorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When the became Miss, sho clung to Caatorta.
When she bad Children, she gave them Costorla.
Cheapest ever ottered In this
Straight 8 per cent Annua! in
terct with option.
Straight 7 I -'J per cent Semi.
Annual Interest with option.
Loans made A 1.2 per cent hy
pnyliiff cash eoiiimuhlon or 1 1.2
percent. J. II. ItAILEV,
ltcd Cloud, Neb.
Office under F & M Cuuk ,
Of this county will please hear In mind that
Has Just received n carload or
Cook and Heating
And will Discount Any Price in the Valley '
iryou are building don't fall to cnll on him, FOR MONEY IS
Call in and get a Golden Gem.
McGinty to the bottom of the sea,
But tlio Buckeye Harness Shop is still on top and will give a
tic etto the Webster County Fair with every
$5 worth purchased at his store nt ono time.
J. O. BUTLER, Prop,
Fresh & Halt Meat
North of Henry Cook's.
Your Patronage is "solicited. We Keep
Nothing but the Best Mec.ts.
W. W Wriglit
Has Just Received u New, Large and Well Selected Line of
Cooking and Heating Stoves!
Don't fail to sec him before
A complete line of all kinds of hardware.
I amgW
lUUMK". , IM -J .... . - .in iffT'L--
BE t .. y