The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 16, 1892, Image 3

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    t a sp ,:p
iiwmi iiliiw uniirin ian i w
Cntrfultjr Cnnalilcrcd,
lilttlo Hoy Mayn't I bo a prcocbci
when I prow up?
Mother Of courso you may, tny pet
If you want to.
I.lttlo Hoy Ye-, I lv I s'poso Trl
pot to go to church nit my lifu nnvhow,
nnillt'sa Rood dual harder tosttbtlll
than to walk around and holler. Good
New s.
llulriMhcs HlmKoii by ttio Wind
Do not vibrato to tho pnsliiK wind mors
Jemmy tlnui weal: nerve- vlluuto to tho
BllK-litest iioisi or oilier ti Ivlid rmmo of ttioir
disturbance, which would bo disregarded by
tho vIkoiouh. That bcnlgimiit tonlo, Hoi
totter b Stomach Hlttom, stretiRthriis them
through tho medium of restored digestion,
and tuns icinedlcs their Buucr-ncnltlvo
ncv. Jlnlnrla, hldtieyund liver romjilalut
and conUiutloii uio eured by tho lll'Vim.
Wnr.K alono traveler come to on nbvra
It (lootii't gi utlfy him much to "fall ia v, 1th
R iiloutl." llustou Courier.
E 11. Wamuam, & Co . Druspl.t, Horse
Cae, Ky , nay: "Hall's Catarrh Cure r-uica
every oho that talcea it." Bold by Drug
gist, Too.
A iiotti, chargo is n "force bill" If the
landlord hit iw-csMon of your baggage
lilnghamtou Uoiubllcau.
" m
Tun lno.t Minn. Hurley and Holiemtan
IIo8 mo browed la thu "A. II. a lloliemlan
DotUeil llccr'1 of St. Louis. Uet no otiior.
"How's things!" nskcd tho tailor. "On
the mend," mild ilia tinker. "How Is It with
you I" 'Only bow now." Haiders Bazar.
"Lire Is a battle Meld on which wo flfc'ht
for Innm." To mrscrvti heulth in thla light
use licecham's rills, 25 cents a box.
McRccnr bud wlugs ou bis boels. Ho
must have had soar foot Ulughuxnton
Pr.ori.B Aro Killed by Coughs that Halo's
Honey of lloiehouml mid Tar would euro.
rjltu'sToottiacho Drops Cure In ono minute.
"I sun Hod Shirt Mlko has got a dlvoreo."
"On what gioundsj" "Ubi wife beat Ul
horse." Harjiet 's iluzar.
Titniti: is a fnt man down In tho Nock who
Is ho closc-llstcd that ho even hates to pcr
plro freely l'hiludelpliln lleeord.
I'rnsnTnxcr is n gicat virt-tc, bnt It Is
hard to admit o It In a lly.
and hollow cliwks,
and dull, ounkon
eyes, dont always
nicAn that n woman's
old. Half tbo time,
tliuy only show that
fchos overworked cr
biilTerlng. To eucli
uomen. to every wo
man who is tired or
nfflicted, Dr. Pit-mi's
Fnvorito Prescription
safely and certainly
brings back hialtti
mid rtrength. It's a
legitimate nuxlicina
tlwt corrects and cures; atonic that invigo
rates and builds up; a norvitio that coothca
ami btrencthens. For all the derangements,
lrregulantiM and weaknccs8 peculiar to wo
men, it is tho only guaranteed remedy. If
it doesn't benefit or euro, you bavo your
money Luck.
It won't do to experiment with Ca
tarrh. There's the constant dancer of
driving it to the lungs. You can nave a
perfect and permanent cure with Dr.
Mges uatarru -temeuy.
" lam ready to testify under oath
that if it had not been for August
Flower I should have died before
this. Eight years ago I was taken
sick, and suffered as no oue but
a dyspeptic can, I employed three
of our best doators and received
no benefit. They told me that I had
heart, kidney, and liver trouble.
Everything I ale distressed me so
that I had to throw it up. August
Flower cured me. There is no med
icine equal to it." Lorenzo F.
Sleepbu, Appleton, Maine.
CIwy ciuMiral In croenrt produce ini m
fhniro. lYmbrUuKCttonlntohllk la oa iiarwlo:
a Drawing- jQpym xrhlln DrawInK In t
rortura this prrtty
.Twnllii are tucliNl liyons
n. i nn
vrltb IrlH
Ijice, Hew-
uu ma m
!. Na.
dlcwork of
WAmlilfti la
oowrradr. Bnd6 ct.
Wmeuliomim yar,nd
'wiu mill yon Um loe
IW 4utc, IMIUuitiaUoi
nONOTUC'll MILK CO., Florence, All
ClroiiK tbo
Nmktil I'au2i
Allnya Pnln nnd
Heals tho Sores.
Ilcatore the
Seuara ofTaate
and Smell.
mi ll'iiiy iitil tWif'l l" uir. ltd.
tkvSBSmWOwSiSrfi J?m . rri.
rlr ijiJWWTrrMjr'il !B Hi tcn.FMo
TnKA.iK.KT-CK3fLflKJ rwiljvvis
A partlcla l applied lino each noitnl nnd Is agrao
blo. l'ri' 6! rriii nt irujtgHU or br mall.
KI.V UllOTIlRUS.W Warren Bt.. KewVo k.
oflerert cuiM-bcarlng woman. I havo been a
mtil-wifo for many jean, anil in each cms
wncrs "Motnir'a Friend" linat.ernuaitliaii
ftcromplunut vroudem unit relieved much
nfferinR. It U tlio Iwst rtmoily for rhlnc of
tho breast Uuown, finl wnrUi tlie jmoo for that
clous. Mas.M.M.lMtcsTcn,
Montcomcry, Ala
Bent liycxnre,charKea prepaid, on receipt
ct prlfi 91M per bottlo.
gold liy all drusclstJ. Ailanta, OX.
' VAIIUfl UCII lorn Telceraplir and Itallrtfad
Vodltuiitloni. WrltoJ.D.IIIloWN.txaullajila
wlJrUU XOU raS(n tawxnaua
Arrival of tho Scnndla Aftor a Tor
rlblo Pnusntro.
Dr. .Tonkin anil All Now York At.iriin-it
Tho lliiinluirjj C'oiiiiiiiy Hut Now
blx. VomoM yimriuitlncil
Anotlmr to t'onie.
QfAiiANTiNK, X. Y., Sept. 10. At 1:15
o'clock this morning Dr. Jenkins re
ceived tho following from Swluburno
islnnd over tho cable, signed by Dr.
"Have visited tho Scnndiu, which ar
rived at midnight, and ilud the total
number of passengers 1, DOS cabin 28,
steerage HS1, crow 77. On tho voyage
thero were thirty-two deaths, of which
there woro twenty-nine in steerage, one
In cabin and two ntuong tho crew. I
am starting in our tug Crystal Water
to tranufer seven eases stricken with
the plague to tho hospital hero on
(Swinburne Island."
The Scantlla sailed from Hamburg on
August 25 and was due hero yesterday.
It was variously reported that she had
about 000 steerage passengers and It
has been expected that she would bo
held over with tho plague ridden Hamburg-American
Tho worst fears are more than real
ized. No such mortality as that which
Capt Kolt has been compelled to re
port has herotoforo been recorded dur
ing tho present reign of tho plnguc.
The Hamburg-American company now
has six ships under thu b.iu of tho
health officers, vi-: Tho Moravia, Hu
giu, Normannla, Wieland, Stubbenhuk
und the Scandia.
The terrible report certainly justi
fies tho feius of thu heulth oilleer
and also his great nnxlety to provide a
safe rcfugp for the souls that us yet still
retain health aboard tho vessels at tho
lower roadstead.
Tho feelings of those on the ships
tlint have been detained for a week
when they saw the transfer boat speed
I to und fro between Swinburne Island
I to thu Scaudla this morning may
j better bo imagined than described.
ror of which is increased ten fold be
cause they cannot know tho exact
truth. What thu daylight hours this
morning may produce none can tell,
but that this Scandiu is all that has
been feared noono will deny.
Dr. Jenkins was awakened to recelvo
the news and give it to tho few "news
paper men about. Others in bed were
soon summoned in haste to send tho
grievous tidings to their papers.
Several days slnco Dr. Jenkins was
presented a cablegram by tho agents of
the line stating that another of their
ships, tho Bohemia, left Hamburg Au
gust 81 with (170 steerage passengers,
all having been isolated from live to
eight days and that the stecrago and
baggage vvcro disinfected. In spite of
this telegram thu Bohemia will now be
an additional source of anxiety, and it
is safe to say that as sho is un old blilp
like the Moravia and Seandla, tho
health office will not pass her without
the most rigid scrutiny nnd uu extend
ed detention for observation.
Dr. Jenkins was clad only in his
dressing gown when ho met the report
ers and tho look of caro that shrouded
his face when ho said there was noth
ing he could mid by way of comment,
showed all too plainly his belief that
tho battlo had only begun.
Deputy Seguine, who had also retired
for tho night, when apprised of tho
fact of thirty-two deaths ou tho
Scnndla, exclaimed: "This is a perfect
epidemic and I apprehend grave results.
"The Scandia," he said, "is a sister
ship to tho Moravia and Hugia now in
lower quarantine and as her list shows
carries almost wholly stecrago pabsen
gers." In his interview with tho reporters in
the early evening Dr. Jenkins said in
answer to a question that he expected
no news from tho Scnndla before morn
ing, and while his general fears regard
ing this ship have been well known
there was nothing in his looks or tono
that gave any inkling that ho antici
pated news llko that which has broken
his night's reposo.
rolltlrnl Note..
Senator Perkins and cx-Gov. Anthony
spoke to tho republicans at Washing
ton, Kan.
Tho republicausof tho First Arkansas
district havo nominated Jacob Trieber,
of Helena, to reprosent tho district in
M. T. Hayne, candidate of tho peo
ple's party for state senator, has been
Indorsed by tho democrats of Douglns
and Je tiers on counties, Kan.
Tho democrats of Kearney county,
Kan., hnvo nominated their first full
county ticket It is heuded by Judge
Mansfield Young for representative.
William E. Sharon, member of tho
national republican committee for
Nevada, has written to M. IL Do
Young, acting chairman of tho
executive- committee, resigning ns a
member of tho committee. lie says'
that owing to his views ou tho silver
question he cannot remain on tho com
mittee. Ofllcinl returns of the Arkansas elec
tion havo been received from twenty
ono counties. Thoy glvo Fishback,
democrat, for governor a majority over
both Whipple, republican, and Curua
hnn, populist, of 7,031. At this rate
Flshback's majority in tho state will
exceed 30,000. It is Ixdlovcd that thu
poll tax umendment bus been defeated.
Tim LrffHt Htimlil In the World.
Londox, Sept. 10. Tho Campann, tho
largest steamship in tho world, was
launched on tho Clydo to-day. Tho
Campana was built for tho dinar d
Steamship Co.'s Now Yorlc and Liver
pool service. Lady Hums christened
thu ship In tho usual form.
J. M. Sullivan, formerly ono of tho
wealthiest cattlemen in tho west, was
found deud and dragging to his curt
near Abilene, Tex.
Much AiiIpI.v nt ,Vi' Vurk Orpr thft
Chiller:! Mlu illnii-t'iiiulltlnii of tlio
(Jimnintliird XcorU.
Qf.viiAXiixi:, Sept. H. Thu cholera
situation at quarantine Is no doubt very
grave. Not only lire uw eases break
ing out every day among tlio stecrago
passengers of the Ill-fated Normannla (
nnd Hugia, the former of whom aro on
Huffman Island, but it has now settled
well among the crew of the big express
steamer who are now on board. If any
thing can bo added to the horror of tho
Munition it is tho fact that the cabin
passengers, who havo been free from
any sign of the, aro kept llko
rats in a ttap Inclosed within tho sides
of tho steamer with the cholera raging
alongside them.
"No ship to put them on, no placo
where I can land them," t.ays tholealth
,;&?, .
y ,
0 rC??7?
;r. "c n .
sii0rx via
ofllccr, while the ngenta whobe duty it
is to see tho passengers cared for say
nothing. Dr. Jenkins has made strenu
ous exertions to obtuin a placo to put
tho well passengers, but up to tho pres
ent ho has been unsuccessful. Yester
day he thought he had everything ar
ranged. On his return froin tlio lower
bay, where ho had been with ex-Sur-geon-Oeneral
Hamilton to visit tho
site of thu encampment, Dr. Jenkins
announced to the reporters that all ar
rangementshadbcen made. Everything
nppeared to bo plain Balling, but u gen
tleman whoso friends wero on tho
stenmer hail shown tho correspondent
of tho Associated press u tolcgram to
Austin Corbln from Secrotnry Tracy,
stating that the use of Sandy Hook had
been refused. On seeing Dr. Jenkins
shortly uftcr he had gone to his ofllce
and had opened his correspondence he
was asked if it was true. After slight
hesitation Dr. Jeuklngs handed him the
following telegram:
Dr. Jenkins: '
Nkw Yohk, Sept. S. I am cxccedlnsly sorry
totfela (llsyatcli from thu war department say.
log It hai refilled to Um secrolnry of the treas
ury tho use ot Sandy Hook fnr thu cabin pai-m-tigers.
Of course this b'oclu any attempt on
our purl to erect lurruoloi there. 1 had tho
timber nnd It being loaded nnd It would
have breu at Sandy Hook this evening. A largo
force had been engaged, Including nil from Low;
Inland rillvMiy, und It Is quite too bad that we
c.iiuiot bring relict In the form proposod.
1 am sure, how ever, that tho energy and good
judgment displayed by you from tlio beginning
will rcllovo the very uncomfortable, If not peril
ous, condition of tho good people
An AttKinpt to lloli u Snntn l'e Trnln In
(ho IiiiIIiiii Territory lieleutril lly thu
UuTiniiK, Olt, Sept. 0. Tho north
bound Santa Fo passenger train was
held up at Wharton, I. T., ntO o'clock
last evening by iivo masked men.
Tho engineer and fireman wcro com
pelled to get down from tho engine
and accompany the robbers to the ex
press car. Wlillc on tho way back to
tho cur the conductor was made prison
er and also forced to accompany tho
Tho messenger was called upon to
surrender, but refused, nnd the robbers
immediately began firing through tho
While this was going on the engineer,
fireman nnd conductor slipped away
from their captors und got on tho trnln.
Tho engineer immediately started up
and left the robbers standing on the
side of tho track firing at the receding
The attempt ih attributed to the Dal
Um gang, but tho work wus moro like
that of novices, and it is supposed that
tho bandits wero new nt tho business
or they would not havo allowed their
prisoners to get away.
Terrible CnllUlun un the Clenrllrlil A
Cninbrlu In I'enna.rlvanlk.
Ai.tooxa, Pa., Sept 0. Kight men
wero killed nnd three fatally hurt in u
collision on tho Clearfield &. Cambria
rullroad at 0 o'clock last evening. A
work train met an up bound passen
ger truin in u deep cut near Kekcnrodo's
mllL Tho cut was filled with wreck
age. Engineer C. W. Ferry and Fire
man L. Parish, of tho passenger, were
taken out. dead
The engineer and fireman of tho work
train jumped nnd escaped with slight
injuries. Six foreigners, members of
tho work crew, wro killed. Their
names are unobtainable.
Dmitri Douitliert.T'a Funrral.
l'liir.ADKM'iHA.Sept. 0. Funeral serv
ices over tho remains of Dauiol Dough
erty wero held at St John's Hoinan
Catholic church. Tho church was
erowdod with friends of tho dead
barrister. Tho pall-bearers wcro;
George W. Chllds, dun. Daniel
11. Sickles, Anthony Drexel, John Hus
sell Young, ex-Judge Corroll Hrowster,
Khun Hanson, Col. Francis (Jrllly and
Kdward Hhlppen. Itov. Father Crowley
was the celebrant of tho muss. Arch
bishop Itynn, who was ono of Mr,
Douihertv's most intimate friends, de
livered tho sermon uud snoko eloquently
ui iuu iiiiujy viriuib ui iiiu uectuscu.
X A.. OArf'", j. CT Ca,,
How a Poker fnrty Vn llroketi Up nt a
1'rltliat Moturnt.
The quiet of this unusually peaceful
locality has recently been rudely ills
turlied, nnd that, too, In an apparently
unearthly way, sufficiently startling to
tenre tho stoutest unbeliever. Tliescono
of tho spiritual visitation Is nn old
snloou on tlio river to Corvllle,
long since deserted by nil save rats and
A year ago tho house had tho reputa
tion of being haunted, but nothing
dellnlto was known nbout it, and slnco
tho stage line quit using that road tlio
place has been untenanted. Recently
passers-by havo said that .they saw
llghH In tho building of tho conven
tional ghostly blue, nnd heard a hoarse,
choked votco singing and laughing Into
at night, but tho knowing ones merely
winked thu other cya nnd said "tramps,"
uud that seemed to settle It,
Hcrt West and Hob Follett, two Thor
mallto boys, wero out hunting ducks,
nnd ou their wayhomu late in the even
ing wero overtaken by tho rain.
Stumbling nlong in tho inky darkness
they ran against tho old stage statlou.
Hclng newcomers they didn't know tho
ghostly reputation of tlio house and ac
cordingly they entered. Striking a
match they found n candle on the old
counter, and finding the placo dry and
comfortable nnd being well provided
with lunch they decided to stay until
From half n dozen pneka of cards
scattered about tho floor they made up
n full pack and proceeded to play poker.
Hob had boon having hard luck, but
had just dealt himself n hand of threo
aces and a pair of icings when a blast of
cold ulr bluw through the place und ex
tinguished their candle.
To tholr astonishment the room did
not become dark, but was filled with a
palo light, in which all tho objects in
tho room were plainly visible. In this
peculiar light they could soo a figure at
tired In shirt and overalls lying ou tho
loungo apparently asleep.
Whllu they looked thoy saw a trap
door iu tho middle of the room rlso
slowly up nnd out of tho cavity below
climbed u Cliiiiaman. The heathen wan
thin almost to skeleton leanness. Ills
eyes glared and hi' face, as ho saw the
figure on tho lounge, assumed an ex
pression almost devilish. Ho was al
most naked, having only a few rags
bunging about him, und tottered with
weakness us he stealthily made his way
across tho lloor. In his right hand ho
carried a piece of iron rudely fashioned
to thu shape of n knife.
While tho hoys watched i
him lie matlo his way to the sleeper ou
tho lounge and struck savagely ami re
peatedly with his knife ut tho throat
and breast of the man before him. With
a choking cry tho blecpcr awoke, grap
pled with tho Chinaman nnd threw him
to tho lloor, stamping on him with his
feet savagely after ho had fallen. Then,
after standing a moment with tho blood
spurting from his wounds, he gavu vent
to a horrible choking laugh and fell,
uppurcntly dead, to tho floor.
As ho foil thu light faded out nnd the
two boys regained enough strength to
bctako themselves speedily from the
building, leaving their guns and bag of
gamo to bo recovered later. They ar
rived at Thcrmallto Into thot night and
next day went back after their prop
erty, w hlch they found jubt as they hail
left it. Even iu daylight thoy did not
remain In tho building longer than nec
essary, but noticed as they enmo out
that there was a trap door where thoy
had hccn tho ghost emerge tho provlous
night. Sau Francisco Hxamliier.
New Hummer llnta.
Recent Importations of .summer hats
foreshadow a change of shape, giving
greater length of brim ut tho back to
fall over thu low braided chignon which
l'. belug adopted by PnrLslennes., The
hair is waved on tho sides, nnd drawn
down over the top of tho cars in n
quaint old fashion that is not becoming
to many faces, and is- certainly very
warm-looking for midsummer. Har
per's liuzar.
Hound In Tell the Truth.
"What happened 400 years ngothi?
year?" asked Freddie's teacher. "Don't
know," nnswered Freddie. "I'm only
seven years old." Dcmorest's Maga
zine It is a tost of politeness for a man to
listen with interest to things ho knows
all about, when they nro being told by
a person who knows nothing about
Uiem. Uoston HullctUu
CATTLC licit beeves. I 3 5) 0 3
Htocurr 2 00 ft 3
NmHocowh i sS E6 2
UOaS-flood to cuolwi heavy.. 4 5) f& 0
WHKAT-No. 2 re4 citf
No. Shard 6S (ft
COUN-No. 2 mixed 42
OATH No, s mixed ai'j
UYB-No.3 B3
W.OUK-Pati-tits, per naek..,. SOO & 2
Fancy l w a s
HAY Cuolco Uinntliy 7 10 ft 8
raacy ptairlo fl 00 G 0
ei a
HUTTEU-CUoIco creamery ... 10 it
CIIKESK-Pull cream II a
KdOS Cholco ISHfft
CATTLE Fair natives 350 C44
Texnns 2 SO ii 3
HOaS-IIeavy 6 0) O 5
SUEEI'-I-'alr to cholco 4 00 & 4
1'l.OUU-Choico 3 30 3
WHEAT No. 2 red WiCt
OOHN-No. 8 mixed 41 ft
OATS-No. 2 mixed ,.... SO f
llYK-No 2 M
11UTTE It-Creamery 20 a
LAUD Western steam 7 10 it 1
I'OKK-Nbw io ?5 fill
CATTLE-Prlrao to oxtr.1 4 75 Q 6
JIOa.S-1'acljtosi aud shipping.. 4 W 5
H1!EK1-I.ilr to choice, 4 W S B
FI.OUK Winter whoat 4 00 4
WIIEAT-No. 2 red 73hV
COIIN-No. 2 47
OATS-No. 2 3I!J(&
HYE-No.2 50 Cfl
HUTTEK-Crcuntry 18
LAUD 7 10 7
TONIC 0 10
CATrLK-NatlvostecM. ,,.... 3 03 B
HOas-Oood to choieo 5 40 C
FLOUR-Oood to Uialco 4 00 4
WHEAT-NaSred ,.,. 7i
COKN-Nn, 2 , M!
OATS Western mixed 8S
HUTTHU-Creamory IB
l'OKK-Mo.-.s 1175 U
I krriil .aWtCW r laaa
Both tho method nml rcsnlta whoa
Syrup of Figs is taken; It ia pleasant
and refreshing to tho Uudo, nnd acta
fently yet promptly on tho KJdnoya,
liver uud Bowcla, cleansrs tho sys
tem cflcclually, dispels colds, hcnd
aclics nud favors uud cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy; ot iU kind over pro
duced, plomung to tho tnsto nnd ac
ceptable to tho stoinnch, prompt in
its action aud truly botioficinl in its
effects, proparod onlr from tho most
healthy aud agrocablo guidances, its
mauy oscallont qualities commend it
to all and havo mndo it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Fim is for enlo in BOo
and 1 tattles by all lending drug
gists. Any rcluiblo druggist who
may not havo it on lmud will pro
euro it promptly for nny ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
uuiavnu. ky. r,sw ork. n.y.
The Key
F to
g7' tlllll!
fk y
part of the Why women use millions upon millions-
ot packages of Pcarline every year. Let rearlme ao
its best and there is no fear of " dirt doing its worst."
Tiirr On the peildlcrs anil crotcrs who tell you " this U m roorl m," or
il Knv "tho amo ns" Pcarline. ITS FALSKj besides, Pcarline Ii-
j -. -wuaauv
IT IB A IIITVouo-vour-lf
ami litmllym set llii- brut
Trtlncfor ynurmunry. Kcana
Btlse In your Imnwritrbyinir-
rUHNinir w . .. iiuiiain nnni-a,
whlrh reprr-iem the brut
vnlno fnr prlci-i nkeu, ua
tliouaanila will ti-allf) .
m i. m mm
E(x '" "V
iXmi'ji'ir AwnK.
AQIf rfltJ U I nnilfll 8C Clinca hucn tunitltntlont aro rrnuilulrnt ana ruDjrcr, toprotoea
.- , .uuul"L": orlUta. ti,i by law fnr obtaining mnnev nmler falto j rotruct-a.
Ifnnt fnr anlo In Tour pliico aenrl nlri-rl to r.nclnry, atnllno hind, alznnml width
wnnleil. l'ntiiiiin fri-i-. Will alvc rxrlualTii anln In alino itrnlrra npil itrnrrnl mer
chmni wlicro I Iiiito no ngonta. Wrllo for Cntnlocuo. W. I.. Duuglna, jlrockton. ninaa.
SAPOLIO SHOULD be used in every KITCHEN.-
With housowivos of ll lands, all
croeds and all ages 1st "Which
Is tho host Cooking Stove?"
Wo answer this qucBtion to-day by
proclaiming "CHARTER OAK
STOVES" to bo tbo best In every
conceivable rospect.
Veit star M!in ktip thim. If jmt
don not, trrlU dlrict tomanuteetvm.
To ean't Had wbat ymi wtnt In your bom ttor,
let on tba trtln .nit forno to our mammoth l)rr
uoodt Ktubllibinent. If you can't com, tbtn aua
yoa waal by mall. Yv (uartnltii talltltcliou.
fur .iitriDlel Ina rbtrL-a for itinrite.l. nml ord.p tth&l
r r ....p, ,,-
llti VsUrV KnimeTi. tnl V!nU whlell ttala
Uip liimX, Injure lh lion, suit burn ofl. I
Tlio Uliuw Him riloT I'olliUli brilliant, OdnrM
leu, n.l t fit cimmuiir para lor no tin I
ur gUMpaciMln ii 'r7 imrciuw.
Unlike liio Dutch Process
No Alkalis
Other Chemicals-
tro used In tho
preparation of
w. baker & CO.'S
tMth U mbtaluHly
pur and sluftle.
I II hu mtirntAnn Ar4j Mma
( iAt(rt nut ot Cocoa lulxtd
i wliu MUob. ArnmriHit or
"vir nuKui ii iiMiro cwi-
nomicai, co(im ( iiuh on cone u ou.
ii ia utuciuui, uuurifuiUK, aua
KU if Mrxart atarfwhaf.
W. BAKER 4b CO., Dorohcutcr,
Tk rtir tM
ha bttn a
pUouHr irw
ptroui for all
MCllaai of Ui
Orcal guultiwrlt.
Now U tin lima
to tut a bom
litre. Will to
CI. T. NlehuUoD,
Q. I1. AT A. AT.
A 8. K. It. lUTu
ptka, Kmitai, or
J.J. Hrru, Ant.
1'sm. TrB. Uer.,
MoiuJuoik II U ,
CMciu, torfri
V iEMT. BT. '
Low-ral UaaM
Snaktrii' kicar
loa will br ma
(mm Ui Ln t
polat la Until,
UuUrtdo. Ulan,
Mmldii, antT
at, via Baula f
H'ltltr, ou Auii.9
amlHiit.n. Aa
droit or call on
0.W, Hagubnoav
It II. at
in washing and.
cleaning ia JJea'rl
vie. By dointr
away with the
rubbing, it opens the way to
easy work; with Pcarline, a
weekly wash can be done by a
weakly woman. It shuts out
possible harm and danger : all
us washed with Pcarltne'
last longer1 than if washed with;
liverything is done better
it. These form but a small
Jw jr-i4i a af V" I '!
aaI I I Jim
aafl rUl!i1lMJai'
ii mm
m mAi
UM Li, 'il
Ii mn
A tfeiiuliiniinwed nlioc, linl icdl not ri, lino calf, wnnili'n.
(miMilli Ituble, llexlblc. innro cum(nrubls.(tylub ami duralila lliasv
any ollii-rahoo ever wild at Ilia price ttqualt cmtom mado aliuta
i-onilnKfroin CI l5.
4ft A and 9.1 lliiiiil-aoweil, flnacnlf lior. The mo-t ttylUh.i
? laiynuililurubloabOKKOTeraolilnttbesoprlctr, (bryi'iual
nne linpnru-il aboca rotting from (D in (12,
CO oO 1'ollco Hhne, worn by farmer and all vlhonwho
wont a kixxl benvy cnlf. Ilirrr-lOlHl.extfinUjr tdio ilioo,
rrny to wnllc In, nml Mill knep tl e lt t dry nml warm.
C-O ADI'liin Cnlf, tt'i.'ii anil Si! Worldncinrn'a Bhoe.
ifiain will itrni irom wtar furtho monry tlinu uiiynlhrnnako.
Ibcy nro incilo forurvlre. Tbo IncnatliiK inlei buw tbut work
Jngmrn bavn fount! tbltont.
AVC 8'-t Mill Viiutlia R1.75 Hclmnl Hiinm ar
t I 3 nrn by llinlioy LTi-rywhtrc. TuuniottiurrlcQ
nlila iibiies nM at tbru- prlivn.
I ASIP 3 Hnnrt-rlowecl, 9!l.i(l. rt3 anil S1.7S-
Rolanr fino Calf, at Uulrcil. Tnry are very tIUb,ur)m
inrtablo anil Ourabliv 'lb (Jibon ciitialt cuttora mail
hoc rottlnir fram (I to A, l-iidlen wliowbui lotcono
mlio In th ir footwejr rrs lliminu tbU out.
t)A UTIUN.-nowcroor tleak-rubtmutluKhoeiwltB-nutW.
T Iimurlni' nnniB nml tttnurlrartiinilii-aoubotljim.
rnucH lor niineanrv maiioor inn ueii jjon
IVWupwult. Tiin4cJln$ oin 111 Wnwt
The Munour.TTC.
iuttr hm.1 8jrc.nMrtt
I Bh.jr, sit biUh.
quut.r-i.w.4u.k,Utlaa.. I Ultli otj. Dm flnUh.
All III. tav. ,A4 tind.r oar own fumntMr 100,000 of aa ia u. Your lac&l will or4tr for yti. Ota
(In. bai. uim. burn.-! ua Imul.. In4 for UlutriW4 uttlofaav
LYON & HEALY, 04 Monroe St., CHICAGO,
Business College,
7, M. 0. 4. Bolldlng, Ktntu Olty, Mo,
AmoJoril progrulT training tcbool.
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraph!
Elegant apartment and superior ftdTantaiaav
Catalogue rraa. . Talophou Villi,
taratu ran nria mri"w
ttandanl In Huclal anil Butlnat. 1,1 f. Now eUl.lon
(Jalr. IfWl," tlilaleitraooriltof botlMoliltTaniiinit)
in all kind of tport. ror prloat wrlla IIA.NKH a)
CO. M l'arboriir)I..Chltagu. CtlVatUUU WUTlaV
taraitu rail rirla twiaaaitaaaHa.
MlU WANTin. Btltn ar.4 tiatsMt. rratsl lua
HUH Apply u.. oalr tr.i. tl aumrj aaxk .a Iwa.
Auwlc.a and Canadian teui. Ilwj varUUt. r .racially..
i iii m i
riso'a Uemodyfor Catarrh I tho Hi
13ct, Uaslcsi )o Uric, anil Cheapest.
Bold by ilruintUti or cent by mail. H
Wc K. T. liazeltlno, Varrn, Pa. IJ
A. N. K.-D.
'VI I' I ii t
atat that ft aav aha Aarartlaruant U Ual
taranu wis rati ura w
' I
' V,
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aaMBEaaMBBaBMKaBaMIMalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa il"1 " H Ac
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB . - m RRaJraR'alSylSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS