.....ii imuW'iiiWTii inmiw H , hi I'wwiwiitmiiinni in f it, ' r n I1TTE RET) CLOUD CiTTEF. A. O. HOSME. Pji'.itloher. PED CLOUD. NH1MMSKA CURRENT COMMENT. Iw Scotland ti high grade of brick is being made from chipped granite ami clny. Fiunck rind England havo received Invitations to the naval parodo to Ihi lield (n New Yorlt next April In honor of Columbus. Tub editor nnd owner of n paper In Mexico linve Itcen arrested nntl the editor put In prison, ehurged vlth Incit ing rebellion. HAmmr Nickmkmii'.ii wa 'reported dying from lockjaw tit .Hlmmokin, Pa. A beu stung 'hlin ort tho tongud as he wuh eating a peiir. A cojiparb which wns used by and be longed to Jacques Cartlcr In tho years lh!)4 to 1530 will Im placed on e.hlliltlon at the world's fair. Tlittrrr Hebrew families were Dwindled by u New Jersey real estate agent, and have had nothing hut green apples to eat for some time. j i i A iiucii-WAJtTKn Tcnncr-sca murderer went with a girl to a dance near his home, and sat all evening with his Win chester in his lap, "chatting pleatantly." TilK Now York Herald says that moro nctora and actresses arc now stranded In NcV York without prospects of em ployment than has ever been tho case before. Mit". JnNNiK Motrrox, of IJrnzll, Ind., died recently from recurring rabies. 8ho was bitten by a dog thirteen years ago and at ninny time wu4 attacked with spasms. Tin: steamer on which Sir Edwin Ar nold wus returning to England from Japan wan nearly destroyed by flro in mid-ocean, starting from the fusion of electric wires. Hkniiv Ci.i'.ws has written a letter to receiver Oakman, of the IMchmond Terminal Co., in which ho directly charges that tho company was syste matically robbed. Tin: ltoston Transcript, which always rellects tliu lloston idea, says: On ac count of its monosyllnblu quality, it has been suggested that Chlnesubo adopted ns the only language for telephoning. At tho grain fair which opened In Vienna recently mu"li dissatisfaction was manifested at tho Increasing com petition of American grain, which was making the European growing unprotlt-able. -assr NEWS OF THE Gloanod By Tologroph and MalL Al.KXANDKU DlKTIllCII, chief COn- itnictor of the German navy and privy councillor to tho German admiralty, Is in Philadelphia making a study of tho methods uud product's of construction in the Cramp ship yams. - - ' Tni:ni: havo been bo many resigna tions of young cavalry oIIIccih from her majesty's service that tho problem of tilling their places with competent and eligible men ban become serious. The cause of all these resignations. Is said to bo a matter of pounds, shillings aud pence, the lack of which allllcts a crack guardsman as much in mil life as In I) ul da's pages. v l'ni.Ncnss Louisk, marchioness of Lome, has now llnlshed tho marble bust of her mother, and with her ma jesty's approval, hIio will send it to the world's fair, together with some paint ings which she is at present engaged upon Tho bust of tho queen Is now at Osborne, In her majesty's boudoir and has called forth much admiration from the royal household. PKIMOXAL ANI rOLITHJAI- Washington democrats havo nomi nated II. .T. Snlvoly for governor. Five now members havo' been ap pointed to the cxeeiillvo committee of tho national democratic club organiza tions Gov. Skay, of Oklnhoina, appointed Itcv. J. II. Potior, of Kingfisher, to nil tho unexpired lorm of territorial audit or, caused by tho death of Prof.' Law head. Tin: peace commission which loft thts country to conciliate ho Irish factions falicd of Its purpose. , Simon WiNo,tho socialist nominee for president of tho United States, In a man ufacturer of photographio goods and job printer, lloston. Tin; American colony in Valparaiso gave a grand banquet to Minister Kgan, preparatory to his starling homo for a Bhort time. Tin: nttorney-gourral has desired tho Immcdtato resignation of UnltcdSta,tcs Marshal Parsons, of Utah. Maikjuii nn Moukh wns acquitted In Paris. Ho was charged with killing Capt Meyer In n duel. Tine Mouth Carolina democratic prim aries went in favor of Tillman, alliance, by 10,000 mnjorlly.' Tine Idaho prohibition stato conven tion has nominated Joseph A. Clark for governor. A full state ticket, including presidential electors, wan nominated. J. Stkiimno Moiitdn heads tho dem ocratic ticket in Nebraska. Fusion was rejected. Wisconsin democrats renominated Gov. Peclc Mn. Gladstone was recently knocked down by a heifer at' Hawardcn, Uo wns uninjured and sought refuge be hind a tree. Gkoiioi: Wit.MAM CuitTts, tho noted editor aud "mugwump," succumbed to his lingering sickness on the 81st Ciiaiiiman' TAtniKNKCie has culled a meeting of tho national executive com mittee of the people's party to bo held at tho Itiehclleu hotel, St Louis, Sep tember 1 IS. It is reported ip Vienna from Merl that 2,000 Afghans were killed in tho last battle with tho revolting Ila.ants. Jimoi: Jajiiis MuMii.i.an SitAiTint, of California, an cxeongrcs3man, Is dend at San Francisco. Allen It. Mortsn has tendered his resignation as chief justice of tho su premu court of Miehignn, to take effect October 5. John Moiu.ky, chief secretary for Ire land, has licen on a visit to Andrew Carnegie, the American iron million aire, at Loch Itnunoch, Perthshire, Scotland MIBCKLLANKOU8. Two horses belonging to a New;port (Del.) former were attacked by anthrax. Ono died and tho other was shot. Dr. Pearson, of tho university of Pennsyl vania, co-operated with Dr. Kves In ex amining and disposing of tho stricken :,jj'Lj..i.. . ;.. ii,it-u,.'. . .rit .v usr WFiEK Tl,,! 1'0ori,l !", Transcript has 1ecn HOI'l lit UHMglluu nmu im fiu,wv, v CAiirhisf.h, thVmltlonnU, tennis chant plon, roUilh tin? title- tit choraplon for' unother yciirV having brfalon Hoveyt' winner of iill-coinore' tournament, .7-5, si-o, o-:j, 7-b. , . Osie American scaler and four Hrlttsh sealers havo been rounded up by a Kus slan vessel in Hio Hahrlng sea. Tho vessols were sold and tho captains nnd crows maltreated', afterwards being shipped to Victoria, II. C, ott nn Amer ican bark. Tine schooner City of Toledo -vos sunk eighteen miles north of Mnnlsteo, Mich. Eight persons wero drowned. A ti:ai of horses, became stubborn when crosslngtho railroad track near Hcnssalear, Ind., and tho mail and wlfo ' In tho wagon wero killed by the cars. Cnoi.r.iiA broke out on tho steamship Moravia on Its voyngo from Hamburg to Now iork. i ' j, ffii. i'., Tiwyrnrsrra! .TRADE OUTLOOK. The Alarm of Oholom Hub an EfTcot at Now York. OTHERWISE BUSINESS IS GOOD. Cotton nnd AVoolim Mill Iliinnlnir to Their 'iM Cnpnrtty llnropo Not TnkltiK Hit AIucli of Our Troituct m Liut Yonr. Nr.W Yoiik, Sept 3. It O. Dun & Co.'h weclcly" review of trade says: While Industry and business wore Im proving daily aud prospects wero brighter than over, tho sudden alarm about cholera came to cause some hesi tation. It Is oven said that buyers Twonty-two died, nnd ffrom the soutji who had departed for wero buried nt sea, mostly cuiuiren The arrivnl of the plnguc-strlckch ship cnused much concern at New York. Tin: Guthrie, Ok., Jail burnod recont ly. Two homo thieves mado thelt1 es cape. Tin: saw mills at Hhinclnndor, Wis., nro In the hands of a mob of Btrikers. Gov. Almr.TT, or New Jersey, threat ens to call an extra session of tho legis lature to enable tho stato to enforce the injunction issued agaiust the Ieaso of tho Jersey Central to tho Port Head ing Co. Tin: miner? east of Tombstono, Ariz., havo been driven from their claims by Indians. ' Frank Hooks, a lumber man, got a coat of tar and fenthers at Crlspcn Isl and, Atlanta, Ga. Ho had been annoy ing tho wlfo of a worklngmnn. . Tin: Order of yl'gis, endowment insur ance, is in trouble at lloston. Tmt body of Clara Macrz, an Italian girl, has been found in tho ruins of, tho Woostcr street llro utow ork PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION. Ttrontjr Ilnj-ft' (Juiiriintlno Itqtilrr! ol VmukU Arrlvinc lit United RlntM Torts. W'ASHlNOTON.Scpt 2. President Har rison, who is determined to leave no stono unturned to prevent tho entry of cholera into this eonntry, catno hero this morning to study tho situation from the national quarantine standpoint At I It o'clock he held a conferonco with bceretary of tuo Treasury foster, Attorney-General Miller and Postmaster General Wanamaker, and later called Into tho conference Assistant Secretary Spanldlng, of the trensury department, and Stfrgcon-General Wyman, of tho marine hospital bureau, In whoso direct 'charge nro the quarantlno arrange ments of the government The following circular was issued by tho direction of the president: Quarantine roitrictlor.1 on Immigration to aid la the prevention of tho Introduction of cuolora Into the United Stilus. Tia'AstruY DKrAtiT.MKNT, OmcEor Suren- VIRISO KtTliOKON-UKNEtlAt. UNI3T.I) STjT1M MAtllNR, Host'lTAtt SiaiVICK.WASIIlNOTON,' Scjit. I, 1KU. Collectors of cintomn, medi cal oQlccrs uf tho mrlno hospttul service, for tlRti fiUMtnthtp companies, stato and local bo.inls of health! ' It havllie tccn ntllclally nnnounccd that this city turned back becauso they were afraid of detention by quarantine here. There is reason for tho utmost precaution against Importation of thti disease, which city and national nuthorltlcs nro taking with creditable energy. Hut thcro is yot no ground for J cholera l cplderalo In Uennanyjtingts.f'rnnco' ...IHM .1...& .1. A ..(t1n ...til rvl.t .. ..r..lb U... r !. -I- t. a foothold hero this seasoiu In all s In Asia, ami it hnvlns been made to appear other resnects business nrosnects uro ,hat '"""'Grants in lnrRO nurntjerj nro comtiitf oiutr rtsiKcis uusint-sss prosptous uro nU th(g cmtltry from tho mrcctC(, .jirtio,., cieany oetwr man a yenr ago aim ; nforrsaId,nnatlmUhoynatholrpeMonleffctH TT GEORGE W. CURTIS. Dontli of the Fntnon IMItor nnd "Mujf wnnijt." Nnw Yoitic, Sept 1. Ocorgo W. Cur tls, tho eminent editor and political lrader, died this morning a few minutes after a o'clock at his residence In Ltv Ington, Htaten Isl and. Ho was con Eclousatthoendbut sulTered no pain. Dr. Frank C. Curtis, his son, and Mrs. noil M bis Curtis wero SPresont Mr. Curtis becamo ill about two months ago. At tho request of Mrs. Curtis it was gko. w, c'UitTiM. decided early last week to adopt .homoeopathic treatment, ilsle; was called. From that fc?7 - stZ- ?s:j -Yr v.....v w.w i...... .. jrv... ..Bw ...... . uiorrs.iia,nnaiiisiineysnuincirp?riionaioaciH , ., ... dearly all accounts show actual increnso nro llnble to intrcduco cholera Into tho United 1 1,,180 nrounu nun. nnd Dr. Holslir tlmo Mr. Curtis Buffer jd llttlo or no pain, and during tho lat few days ho teemed very com fortoblcy. Tho swelling did not dimin ish, but his family had hope, being much encouraged by tho cessation of tho pain. Hlscondltlon wasnot thought to bo by any means critical. Hut throo days ago ho began to sink rapidly. Tho pain did not recur, however, and until tho end ho seemed nblo to recognlzo in business. Crop prospects aro better " "' " vriseis occupyi&u thorn aro nn.! .r.M.f tu l ,,t... ,l,,.n,.,i,1 lint thereby a direct menace to tho publla hoaltli, and money Is in greater demand but nn(1 u haTlnR t,ccn furthcr Rhown thM under ample supply every whero and Industries ihc laws of the several state i quarantlno doten- nro prodnelng moro than over before. tlons may bo Imposed upon those vossoU n Tho funeral services will bo held Fri day at tho Curtis residence, and thoy will bo private. Mr. Curtis was born in Providence, It After attending n Ti'iini. flmf I'vnnfti t.iw 1m iMirtiitlnil ' Mifflclrnt lcncth of tlmo to insuro aunlnst L 03. years ago, bv nt1f.tiP. In TWnrm u-ltli riiitoa, tho Introduction of contnlous diseases, It Is school in Jnmaica Plain, Mass., ho ro !"'""-'" ' ...v.w .... .... lir.rolil. ftriln.nil Ihfvt n vmmnl fmm nnv ,..,. ,. . i mi. . I "v.vv v.... ... .... .tr..... Hur previously Birong nas ocpresseu ino , foreign port carrying ImmljranH shall bo ud markets. )lieat lias dropped to l)a'$c mittou to enter nt nny tho lowest point since 1SSU, and recov ered only to fall off ii cents for the weeu. torn lias dropped 0 cents for inws of tho stato or the rcRulatlons mado thq week with better "Western rcpdrls. ' thereunder), nnd of such creator numbor of Cotton rosu a. shade, but has fallen to days oa may bo llxcd in each upoolat caw by nt nny port of tho United I Kt.tte.i until such vessel shall have under gone n quarantine detention of twenty days (vnl'jss such detention Is forbidden by tho 7 cents, again, with sales of (50.0.000 j;numcaX Cflcct uaics. uais navo tieunned i;s cents, Tin: president has ordered a twontv uny qimrnmino on an vessels arriving pork r,0 cents a barrel, lard H7 cents and at. un.teo mates porivoxcept in ctvscs ho8 80 ,)cr ,00 ,H)Unda and oil ,H c,,lt lower. Tho greater part of these con- to ..take of VC8- whero it conlllets with stale laws. . .. . .. .., 1 iw.i:i. J.1113 KLjLi:. Will 11 Uk 1 Lizzn: IloitDKN, after tho examination clinnBCB CttIII0 i(om tho uanatural l'till II ver, Mass., was hold for tho ,nUfm or miirkotH for SQlut timo hL.i at November term of court for tho murder of her father ami stepmother. Hv ,tho foundering of tho steamboat Western Heservo oil' Whito Finh point, on its cour.V! to .ICoowonaw, twenty-six lives wero lost. , Tun story aont out from Cleveland, ()., some days ago of tho formation of n big rubber combine is denied. Fun: destroyed tho old stato hous0 at D'R Moines, la. Tho stato house wiir built in 185)1 and used until 1884, when the now atnto house was ready for oc cupancy. V Tun fnst mall on tho Hudson rlvor railroad wus wrecked at tho New Ham- bnrff drawbridge, which happened not wllolJ lh(in that Uch ta now ln. to Iks fairly uhut Thrco lives wero . .u.... Air ..-. ...,.......- .. m 1 ii 1 1 . . . . t. 1 producing moro and consuming more Tuk public debt statoment showed a ' fL...i..i;i. ;. .i .,. ,i " .1 1. raroly pressed so closoly on tho supply. Most woolen mills nro running night r anu day to meet orders, and cotton mius nro crowded ivhllo stnclcs 01 goods In held up in ttylto of extraordinary Btocks In night Wheat receipts in four days wero 4,b52,'iyo bushels, but exports only 003, 115. Stocks of common on hand in this country uro .equal to two months' con sumption and in F.uropc about thrco I months' consumption. American wheat I current estimates "of tho coming crop aro constantly rising. It has .been evl-, dent that Europe will take less of our products this year than last, but pesti lence there will not greatly diminish tho need for food or clothing. . Manufacturers in tills country have hover' been in better condition on tho Tht clrculsr except la cars scls ufloat at this dato which will ba mado tho subject ot special consideration on duo application to tho department. Waltkii Wyman, Cii m.M Koiteii Approved, miNJAlIIK H.UUUrCSI. animals. They were burled in an eight ' glum, caused decrease during tho month of August of ?I.VI,Uir. Tint United States troops liavo been withdrawn from Coour 'd Alone, Idaho. A MtNr. explosion In Ilalnault, Hel- feet deep pit with plenty of quicklime. Tahascon cement mills in Shipping port, Ky., burned. Tho building was erected in 1870 and wa tho (list indus trial plant ln Kentucky. Xi;wrt has been received that a banker of llerlln, named llrokaw, nnd two guides fell over a precipice wlillo as cending Mont Orlvolu, In tins Aosta val ley, Italy, aud wero dashed to death on tho rocks below tho loss of twenty-tivo others wero fatally In- lives. Eight urco. Ciin.i has prohibited scaling within hor jurisdiction. A son of It. J. Carter was killed near Garden Valley, Tex. Tho boy and 11 companion wero racing horsco, -when young Carter's hor.so ran into the wooihi and dashed his rider against a tree. A vioii.anci: committee was repulsed and one of the members given a load of An American petition In favor of the ' nhot in tho chest near Mansura, La, A woman in New York who has been looking up the paying employments open to Yomen, ilnds that tho work of a family seamstress Is unfalllni and well paid. If ono is ir.deratcly capa ble she commands from 61 to l.0 a day, with board, during tho entire year. The best nccdkswoiuun receive from $3 to 13.50 a day, Iu ono Instance a good seamstress divides tho entire year be tween two families, receiving 13 week ly and her board. Tiik most beautiful panel thus far re ceived at tho Woman's building of tho world's fair, says tho Chicago Evening Journal, Is that sent from Alabama by Miss Mary II. Norton, of Montgomery. Tho design is the magnolia blossom and leaves, conventionalized, nnd yet exe cuted with a boldness aud a freedom of line that makes it instantly attractive. Tho girl who curved it has never had uny lessons in the art save u few given her by a visiting relative. Anvicus from Puerto Cortez, reeutved Bt New Orleans per steamship City of Dallas, stuto that llonila, the would-be president of Spanish Honduras, was captured at San Franclsca, a small town near Tegulgalpa, tho capital of tho republic. Ho was surrounded nnd starred out, aud will doubtless be shot, but no news of Ids' execution had been received up to August 83. Col. Nuilla is still in tho country, but his exact whvreabouts aro not known. All is quiet on the Honduras coast. Tho urnuxl steamer Cizzattl Is atunchoroff Truxlllo. release from prison of Mrs. Maybrlck and which contains tliu names of Mrs. Harrltun and Mis. UltrMl, has been pre sented to Quccu Victoria. It Is announced that a portton of Portugal's colonies uro to be sold, under reserve, in order to meet tho Interest of the exterior debt of tho country. AcriNo SiX'itKTAiiY Si'aui.iuno has addressed a letter to E. 11. Twohey, col lector of customs nt Montreal, Canada, asking him to put a stop to tho custom of the Canadian Puuitlo employes In at tempting to smuggle Chinamen Into tho United States. Up to date Capt. Slmonds, who Is dredging for gold over the wreck of tho llritlsh steamship Hussar, which went down iu tho East river ln 1780, has re cover thirteen guineas of tho 1,000,000 believed to be burled In tho vessel. Dkcoiiation of the inte.-lor of tho Wh)tu house according to colonial stylo Is being executed. At Indianapolis, Ind., the wheel man ufacturers west of tho Allegheny mountains orgaufcr.ed tho Western Wheel association. Wii.i.iam Pavni:, negro, was murdered in his bed near llrunswlek, Miss., by six other negroes for persistent courting of a colored girl. A. T. FiKiiiis was drowned iu a whirl pool while bathlug In the Alpapu river, IhinnlgH, Fix Ho was local rullway agent f uoux mil, a nutciier, left ids credit ors In tho lurch at Keokuk, la. Tin: llrst cotton bale of tho season, weighing 470 pouud-i, was sold ut Paris, Tex., utiJJtfc. LlKUT. Tottkn, an eiubof-the-world crank, prophecies that persons will soon liegln to mysteriously disappear in marvelous numbors. Tin: Arkansas Southern Railroad Co. lias boon organized at Llttlo llock. Tin: Atlantic & Paelllo lost two big land grant eases at Santa Fe, N. M. Nkwpout, Ky., has Won hard pressed by tuo water main breaking. Many establishments were closed down. llRUT MclNTYHH, Hged 31, died lit CrawfordsvUlo, hid., from cigarette t'uinking. Tin: South Dublin (Ireland) market was burned togother with Warren's hotel, yvhloh was crowded with quests, many of whom narrowly escaped. A mttteh in tho Chicago Tribuno rays that tho nrttyt Whistler lived in Wash ington uboitt thirty-five years ago ln fctieh poverty and seclusion that few people wore uwaro of his existence. Ho was then a poorly paid draughtsman in i Los, U130.000, tho service ofr tho coast survey nnd Siiooti.no occurred over tho strike of forped to practice tho strictest economy ' switchmen at Now Orleans, Four nou to keep tho lamp of lifo burning. His union nun woro wounded; also u quarters wero a barren attic, the walls striker, who received flvo bullets, nnd ceiling of which ho covered with i A.f explosion occurred at thu Munelul sketches of nil hinds In ihureool and ' miigujsluo at San Severe, Italy, two men pencil, If thin aiiiu Is utlll In exlstenco b-dng Idlletl 6utrigh(, and two others nnd unchanged, as attics iimttilly remain ! seriously injured, for Kcneratlons, tho owner of the htmso ought to cut out the bketchei) uud pro serve them, cs thoy uva Worth It f- Sowu South American porti aro closed to all vcssoW arriving from licrmany, Franco Qr llcjglum, for fear of.cholc'ru., They attempted to break Into tho cabin of a negro, accused of hog thluvinir, when the painful affair hnppene J. ADDITIONAL IMErATCIIKS. TltUMAN Pl.ANTZ, of WtlVstlW, Htin- cock county, 111., was nominated for congress by acclamation at tho Mon mouth democratic convuutiou. A t.'Hisis in the (Ionium cabinet is re ported. CONUIlCRSitAN CllAIII.ES F. IIoOUKtl was renominated by tho democratic convention of tho Seventh Mississippi district Tue people's party congressional con vention for the First Colorado district nominated Myron W. Reed, tho preacher politician. Tiik democratic congressional con ventions at Philadelphia made nomina tions as follows: First district, E. (r. Flaulgan; Second district, John J. Ma loney; Fourth district, Elbrldgo Ii Nock. A yellow fever scare occurred at Now Orleuns, two sick mon steamship Denia causing it Tub world's professional bicycle rcconl was broken at tho Decaturo (111.) race meeting. Jack Prince of Omahu rodo a quarter ralla with a fly ing start In :!!0, which beats tho best professional record over made. Dit. Jenkins, tho health ofllccr nt Now York, declared that ho would Ig nore tho president's proclamation for tweuty days' quarantine which bo con ceived an unwarranted Interference. Tuk reciprocity convention mot at Grand Forks, S. I). Tho purpose was to further commercial relations with Canada ln an amicable way. Tho .next convention will bo at St Paul, Minn. ltuwAliDf- aggregating 135,000 liavo been offered for (ho urrost and convic tion of the murderers of S. It Ma Whlrter, at Fresno, Cal. Sham, notes to thu amount of 17,000,- 000 wero shipped to various places in the country by tho treasury department up to tbo ond of August to fucllitato tho movement of crops. Tiik schooner Nell Woodward was wro:kod uear Southampton, Ont The niu Us and n seaman were drowueiL. Patuicic Eoan, minister to Chill, has left for home. Tai.ton Halt,, tho desporndo who hoisted of killing nlnoty-nlnq persons, died' like a eowunl on tho gallows at Wlso Court House, Vu. Clrauino house returns for tho week ended September 3 showed an averngo decrease of U.8 compared with thu cor responding week of last year. In Now York tho dcerease Was 31.7. Tin; London aud (icnoral bank, Lon don, failed for M.UOp.OOO. ui'i'ruut: is ronortcd in tuo coat .!.,.. ' f . ( ' sight are phenomenally low. Tho Iron and stool industry rapidly resumes full production, though srmo mills aro yet delayed by repairs. Demand for pig is very good wlillo miltf dro pushed for bar, plates, sheets und Htruetur.il iron. It is enough to say of tho woolen man ufacture that sales ut tho thrco chief markets since tho middle of May havo been 10l,'15:i,000 pounds against 8::,000, 000 pounds last year, an lucro.ise of 23.8 per cent Hoot and shoo sh patents re ported by tho Shoo und Leather Kepor- Pacific passenger train, which was duo tcr, show nn Increase of 5 per cent. I nt Dead Man's ctxrvo tit this time, nnd and receipts at tho western markets peeing their mistake had taken to tho show an increase of 23 per cent for tho t woods. Ho had an Idea that tho men week and 10 per cent for the. year this would not go far, but wonld make another attempt to hold up tho passen ger train when it came along. Tho conductor of tho passenger trniu far. At Pittsburgh the demand for finished iron is better and prices somewhat stronger. At Clevelaud trade is good was notified to hold his train at tho in rolled products, dry goods, hardware and groceries, and at Cincinnati ma chine shops und foundries are pushed lliij llluc until further orders were re ceived and tho freight conductor re turned to Independence whero ho mado to their full capacity, exceeding lust up a special trr.iu and taking tity Mar- year's production. At Indianapolis tho shal Hulse and a posse of men proceeded car movement is unprecedented, und nt ' to the place where tho attempt at rob- Uctrolt business is iuir nun money m oery nnu occn mnuu iu wiu iiu tuut better demand. Hotter demand for money Is seen at Mllwaukcq and no Injury to corn or to bacco reported.' Trade Increases nt St. Paul and Minneapolis. Flno crop pros pects, lumber very active and prices strong. Business is nctlvo at Omaha; satisfactory, with largo receipts of cat tle aud gniln, at Kansas City and strong nt St. Louis, a general fall trado being nuuiiroil. At. IIpiivit business is crood on the 1 nu,i throughout tho northwest reporta as to collections nro very lavoraute. moved to New York with hi f.ithvr in 18110, and wns placed iu a mcrcuntilo establishment as a clerk, ltolug by nature better llttcd for almost any other occupation, it is not strange that ho Was unhappy in that position. In his novel, "Trumps," ho has given untcr talnlnu sketches of his life ns a school boy, but in his most genial moments hej could not endure a jolto on his mercan tile experience. Mr. Curtis was an earnest advocato of civil service reform. In IS71 ho win appointed by President Grnut ono of a commission to draw up rules for tho regulation of tho civil service, llo waa elected chairman of tho commission nnd of tho advisory board In which It was subsequently merged, but resigned later, owing to a diffcrenco of views between himself and PresldeutGrant Iu regard to thu enforcement of tho rules. Ho had served many years as president of the Nutlotthl Civil Servieo lleform society and at tho recent meet ing at Haltlmoro waa re-elected pres ident SHE IS QUEEN. . Nancy Hunk Lowers Her Chlcugn Kocord, anil Trot n Mile In 3:0.1 1-4. iNnKi'ENnnNCE, Iu., Sept 1. Nancy Hanks, the queen of horscdom, added a shining star to hor crown yesterday, when she trotted tho world famous kito track at this place in tho unprecedented tlmo of 2:05 V. clinnincr two seconds oft aw the party who flagged , ,lcr chl umrk' mado two wt.0,1 (VR0 .c plainly, who immediate- H,)0 ww brmlR,lt out nt2:8o o'clock.and ii run for tho woods. Ho M b0nn fts Bhb0 was rcc0j.niMl ln tho loop tho cheering began. She looked well and her superior condition wan easily discernible. She took her first wnrining-up mllo gently, being only driven in a jog. About 4 o'clock sho was brought out again and received with the sumo cordial welcome as be fore on tho part of the spectators. When sho passed tho stand this timo oven tho band stopped playing and joined with thu others in tho applause. A bow from Doblo and they were away to her quarters, followed by echoes of tho 8,000 voices in the grounds. At just 5:15 they appeared on tho stretch again. Tills time thu applauso was deafening. Hnndkureuiofs nnd parasols were waved; voices expanded to their utmost; young and old and everybody cheered. The old gray pater forgot himself and let loose onu of thoso yolls that wero tho prido of his boy hood. Even tho old ludius contributed their quota to tho general ohorui Nancy's first quarter was gone in 88 seconds; the second quarter was but u second slower, and this was gone undcf a constnnt effort of her driver to "tallt her back; 1:01 to tho half was consul ored a little too fast by Doblo and ho coaxed her to a slower gait for tho next quarter. Tho brec7.o be gins to strike her; it Is a hard thing to tho or but bead ATTEMPTED TRAIN ROBBERY. Mj'fttcrlnuit I'liiKKliirr nl a Missouri l'nclllo 'I'raln. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 2. A bold attempt was made last evening by train robbers to hold up passenger train No. 4 of tho Missouri Pacific railroad a short distance west of Leo's Summit, but, owing to tho passenger train being lato and freight train No. 130 running on J No. 4's time, tho robbers stopped tho wrong train. As the engineer In chargo of tho en gine drawing tho freight train was rounding tho curv just beyond Leo's Summit, ut a point known as Dead Muu's curve, ho observed a man stand ing near tho track flagging tho train. Suspecting that something was tho matter, as ho wus running on another train's time, ho reversed his lever nnd brought bis train to n standstill. An ho did so ho saw the party who flagged the train quit ly started on saw that the party had a revolver in his hand nnd wore a mask made out of a pleeo of dark cloth. Just us tho masked person got to tbo edge of the woods, the engineer thought that ho heard others with him aud thinks that thcro wero at least flvo men In the party. It flashed through his mind Iu an in stant that they were train robbers and had mistaken his trnln for the Missouri tho robbers would ngaln Hag tho train and give them a chance to capture them. combiuu. TALT HALL EXECUTED. The llrftKurt SIiohh lilt Innate Uovrurdlce IM lie Our to UN Knwaril. Wish Count Houhk, Vu. Sept. & Talt Hall, tho notorious desperado, slept but llttlo last night and at daybreak this inornlag ho was wake ful uud nervous. Uo was not defiant or Bwnjrircrln? us yesterday.but a child ish, petulant coward. Ho refused to eat any food, but drunk u cup of coffco and then called for whisky. Father Lucklo entered tbo cell at an carlv hour and remained with tho doomed mau until tho last minute. Tho drop fell at 12:37 p. m. Hall died in seventeen' minutes after tho drop foil. Ho mado a speech from tho scaffold. Ills nock was broken. No uttompt was mado by Ida friends to rescue. Talt Hall was ono of tho most noted dcspenuloes ln tho district llo had hilled twenty people in tho last ten years nnd admitted having killed five. Tho crimo for 'which ho was exoouted to-day was tho murder in cold blood 6f E. It Hylton, a Bpoclul pollcemun of Norton, Wlso county, July 35, 1891. The lrMltlo'tt (iiiPt to f.aiiu 1 nko. Washington! Sept .'J. President Harrison loft Washington at 7 o'clock last evening for Loon Lake to visit Mrs. Harrison, llo was accompanied by Private Secretary Halford, and expected to go through to Loon Lako without making any stops. Howards rggrcg.itlng $23,000 liavo boon offered for tho arrest and convic tion of thu murderers of S. 1). Mc Whlrter, nt Fresno, CaL 311 no Kxptoilon In Itplslum. IJhueski.8, Sept 2. A mlnoexplosion resulting in great loss of life, occurred to-dav nt Hororatre. In tho province of Ilalnault. tliu Kcnna caused by accumulated gas. Thc( noiso oi u.o rciuumm "' nnd Bho finished stronir and in tho faco anu a eoiumn oi raiii . ., . ....,, .,,,,, ......,, "TlMl Ulll Hill WiVIUBI, I.4UU All UI4 DUMJUUO, nnouiur uoui-u.iuit: icuvuru, n.iya Doble, "was Jtho condition of tho maro i- t it,,. :tn nt K'ns to Btriuo ner ii is a nam uiing Th., A-l lamina wm! a t milo by quarters, and Jh,,tc tSlrhwMltliird flag is reached a second ,0n Jjft !i f' "",Ch 5S Uwo slower than wus intended,. hero Nancy was given her Krcat distance, and a dust shot up from the main shaft were at onco put to work to rescue tho living and ascertain tho number of dead. Tvcnty-llvc persons wero dead and eight mortally injured Tho initio belongs to tho Rothschilds, und acci dents there have been frequent. Ono hundred and twenty-two miners were killed by an accident in this mine on tho ad of May last and a calamity ln 1S80 destroyed 12U lives. To luvestlgrto Toim Fever. Washington. Sept a The depart ment of agriculture has been apprised nftor hur mile. Within fifteen minutes after she reached her stall sho was as i fresh and lively as a young colt, aud nr i ono would dream that she had mado tho greatest trial of her life." "Oh, yes. tho klto tracks aro faster than the regulation shape. How many seconds I would not say. Hut there Is. not tho shadow of doubt about It" A Tiimmsny Npllt. New YonK, Sept. 1. Sovoa Tam many aldermen and two republican ot tho nppearaneo of Texas fover to an j members of the Iward withdrew from, alarming extent among tho cutt c ln i tho council chamber yesterday and re Greenwood county, Kan. It Is estl- fused to vote for a measure which Tarn mated by tho oflleiuls that tho appear- ' many hall leaders wanted passed. Sever ance oi disease in wrcunwoou ,i uo- fti Doners wore asued wtiy tnoy wero. counted for by U19, fact that soma wooks ago it was in .Lyon ami tliaso counties. It was stated that Albert Dean, of Kan-, sas City, ono of the department Inspect ors, would bo detailed to visit Green wood county nnd mak'o n full report on tho subject A Fatal Druuriirlilire. Nr,wuuito, N. Y., Sept 3.-Tho fast moll train on tho Hudson Hlvor rail road was wrecked at Now Hamburg drawbridge. Tho engineer, ilroman anil a mail clerk wero Instantly killed und two others slightly Injured. The draw had been opened to let tho llttlo steamer Young America pass through und wan being olood when the train came northward On tho night of February 0. 1871, on this samo drawbridge, a train known us tho second Pacific express struck an oil car that had left thu rails. The ex press was wrecked und sot on llro and twenty-tivo ncrsons lost their lives. so bitterly opposed to the resolution and ttio answer was tho resolution was mado tho occasion for showing Tam many ball thut sotao members of tho board were tired of being dictated to in nearly overy important matter widen comes before them. A I.iit TntsiMlr. '' Kansas City, Kan., Sept. 1. Mogglo. Jonas, aged 18, fired a shot at hor sweethcart at 10:110 o'clock last night', thou turned tho revolver to her own breast, and ended her life. The tragedy occurred at tho doorstep of C. 13. Sea man's homo, UO'J North Fourth street Tho girl killed herself neo.uiso sha, know that her lovo for young William Hwartz was not rot 11 rued. Tho. inten tion of tho girl to kill her sweetheart and then herself was clearly sut forth In a letter sho luft addressed to her sister, Mrs. Ellen Hreokonrldgo, whoso, homo Is in I'leasautoii, Llnu county, Kan JH, ' y its:.-.. !.v w: wi EHBBgBgmBHMBtt Haft? P tm?tt OTwiiXrt'Twi' yr ? ftjg;