UuUUVUl 1& - t -.. -4l rtn - h,MUM - '3 ' Cash Dry Gocds H ouse Our stock of FALL GOODS is in and we have piles of Bargains in Dry Goods, Cloak and Jackets, Underwear, Shoes and Carpets. !l ? Ai, cnlaMiHBBBHHBfnBWRsHBmBiii'X i jd23akmaiBBBBBKaBHaHfe It ''BVsBBBBBBlaViaBiHEBiBBBBBBBmRBm&Tjrv'''' ;BiBBBBawBBHSBBBBBBBBBBBViCnl!!!i!l T.!rnlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH!y i)ajBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBjn.fiir lis ''r'isS'lPPWP!!! WE HAVE RECEIVED Our Stock of Cloaks and Jackets. come and see them. We handle the G'nt'd Chicago Waist, Which Is Perfect Fitting. We also carry a full line of Coraline Corsets Our 50c CORSET is the best in the coun try for the money. Colors: Black, Drab and Whito Our stock of Fall Goods is the big gest we have ever had, And we intend doing the biggest business we . have ever done. They are the NICEST and Best Made Gar ments ever brought to Red Cloud. Ladies9 Shoes - Children's Shoes We are making specially Low Prices on them. Oar School Siloes for Ctyldrerj Aru the Cheapest. A Careftil Inapcct'on or our Goods and Prices will bo sure to be an Advantage to Everyone In Red Clond and Vicinity. G. A. DUCKER & CO. "Better races havo never boon seen under canvas than those given by the Rligliag Broi," Omaha World-Herald, Aug. 2. RINGL1NG BROS. WORLD'S GREATEST SHOWS! The Largest, Grandcat and moat Complete Exhibition en Earth. " nThe Superb Realization of Years of Persistent Effort. i REAL ROMAN HIPPODROME! 3-Riag Ciraus, Elevated Stages, Mighty Millionniro Menagerie, Royal Aquarium, Mammoth Museum of Marvels, Fur-Famed Horso Fair and Equine Congress, Eiubraoing 350 of the Finest Blooded Horses in the World, together with tho Greatest Aggregation of EUROPEAN AERIAUSTS, GYMNASTS, ACROBATS, Riders and Arenio Specialists of fclvory Description Evor Exhibited in this or asy other country. Sumptuous and Unparallelod Production of tho Resplendent Spectacle, , PI uun TRIUMPHAL ENTRY INT M Employing in its representation, hundreds of men, women and children, and delineating with remarkable fidelity, tho lift) and people of the Roman empire when ilie mistress of tho world, sat liijrh upon her sovon hill, was at tho I'mrinclq of her (5 lory. MORE HIGH SALARIED - PERFORMERS, . MORE FEATURES, More People, Morn Animals Mora mid liiggur Kluphnnts, and Mnro New and hitherto unthought of Novelties than un two other hhows. All Exhibi od uuder tho Largest Tents Ever Constructed. Reed Sisters! Europe's Premier Equestriennes secured at the enormous salary of $800 per week. YERNON BROS; Absolute Kings of the Air. The highest salaried aerioliats in the World. "' mill-!- una lA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIm fltvBB F &T BBBwViBBlVk'MBBR TmraBBBBBBBBBnEBBBBBIl BBBBBBBBBBBBb" mi mmiM i bWwmI WBV F3BlBBHMBaBV . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBrBBBV WW MTaSMwVBBIBf BBBBBWWl BBBBK fB 1PvbBUBVbbT BBBBBBBBBBBBr . BV rl I ktt&tlrTTlWM I Bb S H SJf -CrXjaJ- , v WwVCw Chas. W. Fish, The - Worlds - Greatest - Somersault - Rider Other shows bill him, we alono have him, . Mtkado'p Troupe of Royal Japanese EqutllbriptM Prince Chaldoau, tho Perchcron Beauty, sirod in Normandy, woighing 1800 pounds, and the proud possessor of n mane 0 feet in length; tho Largest Living Hippopotamus; twi mighty herds of Pondorous Performing and danoing Elephants. Tremendous Revival of the Circns Masons ! Terrific Gladiatorial Combats, Absorbing Triala of 8trength and Enduranoo Grand Gala Day Sports and Speotaoles. A Page of Classic History Set Defore the Modern World I Jockey Races, with Lady and Gentleman Ridors; novel Elephant and Camel Races; child-delighting Pony Usees with Monkey riders, Laughable Donkey races with Olown drivers, Chariot Races. FREE DAILY PAGEANT OF SURPASSING SPLENDOR Mammoth lllgkwiiy Locomotive llercaies. A Marvolous Mechanical ' Invention, moving through the streets with the ease of a Passenger Engine, and drawing one of tho sections of'thoCtloasal Parade. Moscow's Far Famed Cathedral IIclls. A Reproduction of tho Famous Chimes of the Kremlin Tower, tlia Musio of which can be heard in melodioui oadenco a dozen miles away. The procession loaves the Bhow grounds promptly at ton o'clock on tho morning of tho exhibition. It is ovor a mile in length. Ten of tho thirty denB of performing wild beasts are exhibited free and opon upon tho streets; ten kinds of rausio make tho air merry with sweet molody. No postponement on aonount ot weather. The processtoa moves, rain or shine. t Red Cloud, Wednesday, Sept. 28, Two ecmplrfi pifauM Mj: ilhnon il I limit i & Doors opon one hour later. ONE TICKET ADMITS TO ALL THE COMBINED SHOWS. Adults 60o; Children under 12 years, 25o. SPECIAL BATES OK ALL RAILROADS. ih V