The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 09, 1892, Image 3

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TjAtk hettvy rains lmvo
question ul crop., in tho
settled Hits
lclnlty of
Whim: recently returning from n cir
cus at Syracuse- Snendritiglmm Clay
wns thrown from hid horse uillud.
Hucn.NTi.v tho 10-ycnr-old son of II. d.
Morris, a farmer living neur Wcbtcni,
vUillo rldini'ii pony was thrown, and
his foot remaining in tho stirrup ho
was stamped to death.
A PAliMKit living two miles north of
Inuviilo threshed 1,S80 ImMiels of oats
from twenty-five acres of ground. At
Graham another fanner thresheiUonfc a
piece of full wheat thatyioldedtlfty-ono
bushels pur acre.
Uvi:n two thousand people celebrated
the completion of the railroad to Impe
rial, dudge Cromiso, Lictit.-Oov. Ma
jors, Treasurer Hill, Commissioner
Humphreys, 1'rof. Andrew, Judge
Cochrane, Secretary ICoonfz and other
stateortlclal.s were preseutnud delivered
addresses to tho peoplo. .
A tiiajip giving the. name of John II.
Iloman, from Tacoma, "Wash., was
picked up the other inornintr from tho
Klhhorn right of way at Norfolk with
one foot mashed off. He was riding Jn
a bo car. and n.s the train slowed up
for the Union I'uciftc crossing jumped
off falling under the train.
l-'ivi: Keith county farmers nought
shelter from a late storm in the barn of
h'oott Oastlneau, near Grant The barn
was struck by lightning killing .Tames
Mcllugh and Levi (Instincnn and ren
dering .Too Sc.xton, Doe CJastlueau and
George Fori! unconscious. Two horses
mid a colt were ulao killed. The bodies
of the dead men wero terribly burned.
Liiiiiik, aged 111 years, com
mitted suicide at the Grand l'.icitle
hotel at Callaway the other night.
About S o'clock sho was found lu tho
parlor lying on the sofa in a semi-conscious
state. Medical aid was imme
diately called, but all efforts to coun
teract the cited of the laudanum she
bad taken wero unavailing and the pa
tient died at 0 o'clock. No cause
Tin: first annual meeting of tho de
gree of honor of tho Nebraska Ancient
Order of United Workmen closed at
Hastings on the 24th. Geneva will en
tertain the next grand lodge on the ilrst
Tuesday in October, 1&IKI. Plans have
been made for tho foundation of a sepa
rate beneficiary system resembling that
of the Ancient Order of United Work
men but restricted to tho member of
the degree of Honor, ?1,000 being guar
anteed instead of $.2,000.
M;i8. Lkna. SC'iiliU' died tit Omaha tho
other night from nn overdose of mor
phine. Mrs. Schipp had hud her share
of worldly troubles. Two years ago
who left her two littlo children in her
house and went over to a neighbor's.
The little ones jaot hold of some
mutches and when she returned there
was nothing left but their charred lit
tlo bodies, and her- hustaud is now in
the penitentiary serving out n sentence
for shooting a disreputable woman for
whom he had deserted his wife.
At tho lato encampment of vcternnn
at Superior a beautiful flag which had
been provided for n gift to the corps
having the largest number of members
present was won by Parson llrownlow
Corps Xo. 02, Chester, Neb., with thirty
two members present. Mn Ilmnm II.
Manchester, of Linuoln, past national
senior vice-president, also past depart
ment president, presented tho flag in a
short but eloquent speech. Mrs. Anna
Hunter, of Nebraska City, president of
the Woman's Uelicf corps homo com
mittee, nindo an eloquent uppeal for
the limnc. There are :i,'J2S members of
the Woman's Uelicf corps in Nebraska
and there was distributed by the organ
ization last year 83,437.011.
Tub republican state central com
mittee met at Lincoln the other day nnd
elected A. K. Cady chairman, with
Thomas Cook as secretary. T. J. Majors
was named for the place on tho ticket
made vncaut by the withdrawal of Rev.
1. O. 'Tate, oandidatu for lieutenant
governor. Lincoln was chosen for stnto
headquarters by a vote of 17 to 12 for
Omaha. Chairman Cady announced the
executive committee ns follows: First
Congressional district, M. H. Christy,
Sterling; C. K. Magoon, Lincoln. Sec
ond district, George A. llcnnctt, Doug
las; W. G. -WMtmore, Valley. Third
district, C.'O. MeNest, Wisner; C. IIos
tetter, Clurks. Fourth district, C. L.
McCloud, York; T. C. Callahan, Friend.
Fifth district, A. R. Crus-en, Curtis; O.
1. Rhea, Holarcdge. Sixth district, J.
T. Mnllulteu, Kearney; J. II. McDonald.
Tun complote ticket nominated by
tho Prohibitionists nt Hastings in as
follow! : Governor, Rev. K. C. Itcntley,
of Lincoln; lieutenant-governor, James
Steven!1, of Merrick; treasurer, J
Denslow, of Dodge; Auditor, J. C.
Thomas, of Niobrara; secretary of state,
Isaac Roostrom, of Polk; attorney
general, M. I. llrmvn, of Nance; state
superintendent of schools, Miss ll.-G.
Rigclow, of Lancaster; commissioner of
public lauds, C. E. Smith, of Richard-.
w; for presidential electors at
large, II. A. Hivwley, of Lancaster
county, aud Mrs. M. M. Pantry, of
Douglas county. Artcintis Roberts, of
Lincoln, was named by Mr. Rentley as
Ills choice for chairman of tho central
committee, I. J. Fredericks ns secretary
und H. E. George as treasurer. Acting
on asnggestion made by tho committee
on campaign work the orators of tho
convention handed in pledges to mako
many speeches during the fall varying
from five, to twenty. Tho Young Men's
I'rohibltory league ratified tho nomlna-
IIaiikv lli'.r.n, a farmer, and n vounc
man named Hall attended tho recent' !I.9?-l,fH,n un.1 ""'PP1"-"-J.
A. U. reunion nt Urconwood. A day I &'J;hfc&Lr.?:?JS?
or two later Hall told Mrs. Heed that
her hukbancl had been to Greenwood
lllrtlng with somo girlft. Airs. Keed told
her husband, who swore that he would
fihoot Hull. Tho other day as Hall was
pnsslng Itccd'tt Iiouko the latter shot ne
him three times but proved to be a very
poor niHrksman ns Hall w.:s not struct,
but he struck nut for town und sunt
ollicera after Heed.
A. C. CbAHK was recently thrown
from his buggy at Cozad uud received
Injuries which resulted 111 his deuth lu
a few days. Hu was 05 years old.
Lire Is Too Short tn Spcnil It in Keplnlng
Over l'Ant MWUko..
Somo people have nn unfortunate pro
pensity to brood over what they call tho
"mistakes" of their lives. It arises from
n falso cstlm.ito of human judgraontnnd
nn overstrained Idea of the responsibili
ty of their actions.
A conscientious womin of ruUldld ago
wrato to a friend, "I urn glad to bo
spared a longer life, that I may spnd it
In ropontiug my past mistakes." To
spend one's tlmo in lamenting past mis-'
takes sootui the worst mistake of nu.
Life U short at tho longest. T, herd U lit-
tie lime to dream of doing, less tomouru
over what lias boon done. To net-, to aot
quickly, to act up to our host Instincts
mid highest aspirations is all we do,
It In a that i, exacted. After our
responsibility ceases, and the dual re-
suit belongs only to God. i
An Roou woium uuoyo quowii ni
nlvvajra acted according to Iter best judg-'
good woman above quoted , had
Hut, being human judgment. It ,
wan fallible.
Uolng human, sho could
not fwrnseo tho full conscqnonees of hor '
ae'tlons. but could only do us soomod j
right t tho time. Now if sho was called I
upon to net to-day, what hotter could
sho do than that? Then why rograt
that she so noted boforo?
Examining Into this matter mt
blunder a littlo further, and pivrtkm
,u I
lnrly in tracing the courso of
''.nt.tjxWu-ivMt niL..ui. In miPniM
live-, when wo look baolc upon tbaia
with the cooler undorsUndtng of later
year, wo uro constrained to confow '
that tha "mlsUko must have boon iu-.
tended to bo there, oa well oh thocorroot
action, bv:auso the plan of our develop
ment hat Included both. Contluuluif to
study clearly and deeply, wo must
nclrdowledgo that tho mistakes aud
errors, nay, tho very sins, when for
saken and forgiven, have holped tho
soul upward; that all huvo worked
toge thor to accomplish tho resul t sought;
that the-y must have been put thero aud
meant so to be; aud so thut our
"blunders" were not bluudors at all,
but although wo sowed and watered
often amiss, there was always some In
crease given which nchleed the good
wo aimed at but failed to reach.
And deepest of all wo see that tho
divine love, which saw tho end from
the beginning, bore with a tender coin-
passlou to look upon our struggles, our
weeping; our disheartened sighs. Ah,
iuflnltoly greater, It is, but like to the
X)vo w bear our own children, which
l.s so deep and truo tliat wo onduro to
treat them harshly, and with seeming I
1 t li iV.i.. i .. I .
cruelty behold tholr tnar:, and knowing
surely that ono uay tnoy wiu eompr
hnd all tho kindness. Harper's llazar.
Dltutrtui IloiuU of Vlndlns a Itotl of
HUIm In th Street.
"I havo n. friend who was driven mad
by a marvellous frmk of good luck,"
said a visitor from Milwaukee recently.
"Ho was a young newspaper roportur
who wan just learning tho business and
who had oked out a precarious exist
ence for a year on twclvo dollars a
week. Walking along a street ono day
ho found thrco thousand soven huudrod
dollars wrapped up in n bundle with a
rublior string around it Frenzied with
delight at his good fortune, ho slruak a
boo line for the newspaper office where
ho was employed, resigned his position
without assigning any causo, und left
Milwaukee on tho ilrst train going to
Chicago. In that city ho lived riotously
for eight months, nnd, though ho read
adrertisotnentH in tho papct.i of tho un
fortunate bank collector who had loat
the money offering one-half of It if tho
finder would return It, ho paid no atten
tion to these tip peals.
"At tho end of that tlmo ho 'blow in
all the money and then camo bade to
Milwaukee. Rut he was n different
man from what ha was when ho loft in
such delirious gleo. His old position nt
an increased salary was offered to him,
but this ho refused, though ho didn't
have a cent Ho did no work, nor did
ho want any. no put in his tlmo walk
iug up and down tho street on which ho
'had found the money. Day in and day
out ho tramped that street, with his
head bent forward like a man looking
for a pin on tho stdowalk. Ho kept this
up for nearly a mouth. Continual aud
dogged disappointment made the strain
too great for him to bear. His mind
broko down under it, and he was car
ried to tho -isylum a raving maulac.
He is in tho asylum now, his lunacy is
pronounced incurable, and ,ho is tho
most pitiable, abject creature I ever
saw." St Louis Globo-Democrat
CATTLE-Hett beuvos 3M a 7i
.Stockera 2 00 tJ 2 81
Nattva cows IM S 5)
HOGS-aood tooholco!ioty.. . f 3 6 2J
WnKAT-No. a reit 01 (ft M
No. 2 nurd 01 ki O.'ii
COIWf-No. 2 mixed 45 & -ttft
OATS No. 2 mixed 27 VV
ltYU-No. S U C4 68
FLOUU-I'atonts, per saolc... SCO CiSSI
raacy 100 CM
HAY Choloe timothy 7 00 iHU
Fuaoy pralrlo C 0J 0W
nHAN 01 CA 03
nUTTER-CUotco creamery... 0 a JS
CUnUSE-Full cream 11 & li
KUQS-Choico 13 & 13M
POTATOKS-Now , 5 tf 60
CATl'LK-Palr naUves... .1 M a 4 ft)
Texuns 1 2 30 3 23
noas-uvwy tw ami
SHEKP-Kdtr to cboioo 4W QltOO
KIX)U It-Choice SV0 j& a 60
WHEAT-No. S rod toy,to MX
COim-Na 2 mixed 45 45U
PATS-No. 2 inUei 3) rift 3 J '4
IIYE-No. 2...,, OJWft 01
BUTTEU-Crcamory.,, 20 25
r k nr Ytrn. ..h. 1 nt n ? tut
poitic-New iroj ran 01
OATTLK-irlme to extra
4 7.1
4 GO
4 (0
fl6 70v
as is
5 w
OA 20
71 ii
a 404
0i 25
' wheat -No. 2 rod !'.'.'..".". 74
4 00
COUKt-No.2 49 .,
gUXTwcl"cr7ftlnVr"j ". .'i:::.'.'.'
1'OitlC , ,
7 b2! t, 7 M
1U 07Ht0 10
! fiATTl.lJ-N.iilio Htccn 3 o
HOaS Oooa 10 iliolcq 5 41) Qlli03
ri9UK-Ono4 to cho'co 4 01 Ct i 0)
WHBAT-No. S red 79)i?4 SOJi
C0IIK-Na2 61 M
OATS-Wcstcrnmlxea;, as 40
nUTTCK-Croimer.., it) sty
rOKK-Mwa 11 7J is U SO
the Wclnl Title nt it Woman Who Hail
Dlrtl lit tlm llrtnrt.
To tho north of that most desolate
nnd chojrless region of tho midwest,
tho Nebraska rang" of sand hills, thero
Is a stretch of low land upon which
people strugglo for a living with rather
Indifferent success. Their enemies are
drought and sand. The former is the
leading feature of nearly every summer
and tho latter is blown down from the
hills, line and white ns flour, by every
malicious breeze
j 0u b(!Cnon 0f this dreary waste
t), we llrc Revuri flin,Ules of llohcmlnns
ongnged, year after year, in tho tilling
. lne(r samJy ucres, Tu.v uro very
BIlornnt pMpie qulto unlnnginatlve.
ml w,t m, thorol)(jh understanding of
-ytlilMK- on earth but hard work, and
,.,, ...,.,. ..,,.,. ll-t ...,. ,,,..! they
....,, ...,,,,.,,, . tu,ir r.,R too much to
,,,,., ', mll, lhl, Dl.rti. ffun as
,. ,)f v,sU, th
. K Aml n H
.lt..n A...1 ..... ufmulirn lull. Im Illltl
. . ...' ,,,- .,.. aictl and
..... ,,. , ,,iii, . well.
j,.(ne)l nMrnow '
, .lnVnmri 'lMS. Nebrasl.-a was vis-
. . ,,;', flf MoU vlnu.,.ce that
tho venerable oldest inhabitant could
remember no storms to compare w Illi
It; a givnt mnuy people wero lost in
the whirling snow, to lc found dead
days afterward. In the sand hill coun-
I'.' l,lu lor,u wlls "l n lr" ,D'" "' ' '
nu numoroui dcat lis. .
" "J I'" ''" n '
mMy housed with the family during
the tempest, when his wife expressed in
liellf Uiat tlio Stamo uoor mill ih.-i.-h
left open and that tho horses would
perlslu With moro courage than dis
cretion sho announced her intention of
going forth to remedy tho evil, nnd
bo want! alio was never seen alive
When tiio storm was over search was
made for her, but without avail; no
trneo of tho unfortunate woman could
bo found. The husband roamed the
country In a demented sort of way for
weeks, and tho snow melted and spring
camo and her disappearance was as
much a mystery as ever.
It was in tho spring that strango
stories began to circulate among tho
farmers cononrulng a ghost that roamed
the desolate hills in tho night tho
ghost of a woman In sable garb that
glided uh silently as tho moonlight from
one white hillock to another, looking
neither to the rlirht nor left, and
always pursuing tho name course, and
vanishing as completely nnd Inexplico-
. &.. I. I.nllmu rf iinr1m1
bly when a ccrtnlu hollow wm reached
as ever phantom dtsappeurod.
Several had Been tho specter and fol
lowed It for a time, but tliolr courairo
Rnvo out, nnd not ono had ever explored
that and lrt hollow when) it van
ished, and no wonder, for In the moon
light or In the darkness thero li nothing
In nntur moro weird, moro ghastly
nnd dreary than that great range of
Band 100 miles long and llvo or six wide,
where oven a snake cannot live. And
so the glioet enjoyed its rarablos unmo
lested through tho summer, nnd whon
winter came peoplo said they had scon
It gliding softly und sinuously ovor tho
unbroken snow, nnd thero wero men
who said It was tho wraith of tho poor
Uohemlan woman who had been lost a
year before.
Another spring camo and n couplo of
venturesome yonng men were riding
over the white hills in tho moonlight
looking wltlv dreadful expectancy for
that dark slmpo thnt was not of this
world, and they did not look in vain.
Down over the ghastly glittering sur
face tho thing camo, steadily and
Bllcntly, gliding over tho floury Band
Into which human feet would sink eo
deep, and the ponies tho young men
rode reared and nnortod aud plunged in
terror, and tho riders tremblingly dis
mounted, determined to solvo tho mys
tery, thoutrh with fear in tliolr hearts.
The Bpectrnl woman passed within, a
fow feet of thero, nnd they could sco
her pole face and tho unnatural glow
of her great eyes.
She paid no heed to them nor to the
terrified horses but moved on whllo
tho men followed; over knolls aud
through littlo valleys she glided, in tho
same direction as others liad soon hor
go, ami after a tlmo she reached tho
hollow where sho was told to vanish,
and her followors, frlghtenod and
weary, wero near her. In the center
of tho hollow sho stopped, stood silent
and motionless for a moment, nnd then
she was not thero nor in sight
The men walked to tho spot where
sho hud stood, and tho object of tho
phantom woman's wandering, if not
tho myfctcry of it, was revealed to
them, for at their feet, partially covered
with sand, were tho bones of a human
being and tho remnauts of a dress,
which wero afterward identified as
having belonged to tho Bohemian
woman. She had roamod in tho storm
fourteen miles from her homo to dio
in tho drifting show and perhaps to fill
tho maw of the hungry, wandering
co vote.
The blenched bonos were buried on
the following day, and "tho ghost of
the sand hills" was seen no more
Omaha Deo.
Jackson "Any sleeping apart
ments in tho club you belong to?"
Bnarloigh "Not ono, except tho read
ing room." Tho Club,
m ND
4BBVIDBltCB That the blood it
wrong, andthet nature is endeav
orfne, to throw off tlie impurities.
Nothing is so bmtfcial in assisting
nature as Swift's Specific (S. S. s)
It ts a simple-vegetable compound. Is
harmless to the most delicate child, ytt
it forces the poison to the surface and
eliminatesfitfrom the blood.
i,!e.?.l?fj'd VY0, enco of Mood polsca
tut unfitted ino for baslnci forfour years. A
low bottles cl Swift's bpeafic (S. H. Slewed
" J.C.JoKIa,CltyMarsla
I'ulton, krkciius,
Trcatboon rijod nnd Skin Diseases mailed
ha. SmrtStKcuiG Co, AtUuu, Ui. ,
Tho rarttciitiir Thing Uy Which to Identi
fy It.
They had a half dozen or nwro kinds
of soup at the hotel and tho guest, an
experienced hotel food sampler, looked
over the menu.
"ltring mo some chicken soup," ho
said to the waiter.
It wa3 brought and he sent it away
after tasting it
"Rrlngmebeef soup," ho commanded.
It was brought, tinted and sent away
and so on with all of them.
"firing me some water soup," ho re
quested llnnlly. , , .
"What ltlnil or soup is tuni, sirrt
nskrd the startled waiter. , '
"It's the kind I wnnt," explained tin
iruest "If It Is nude as tho others are.
There's no chicken in your chicken
soup, no beef In your leef soup, no veg
etables In your veget.iblo soup, no Wans
in your bean soup, nnd, on tho same
principle, I suppose there's no water lu
your water soup. Do you understand?"
A few moments later the landlord
came In and hoard a few Incongruous
remarks on the subject of soups and
their constituent elements. Detroit
Free Press.
(Ictll ik llvrn.
Dressmaker Hut, my dear sir, this is
not a tailor-shop; you have probably
made a mistake.
Double No mistake about It. Don't
you mako Mrs. Hobble's dresses?
Dressmaker Yes.
Dobb'.e Well, I want you to put
pockets lu this suit like those you make
for hor. I bcllovo lu equal rights, I da
t'ruul In tho l'.l renin.
Mrs. 13. Groglous Mr. Lackwlt is go
ing to glvo Miss Longwalt a betrothal
present of' a necklace composed of a
diamond for everyone of her birthdays.
Miss E. N. Vie Where will ho bo
able to get the dlamontls? Jewelers'
Twenty .Tttuilit Tontliurhrg Kntteit Into
One ,
Full far short of Inflammatory rliatiiiiulltui
lute which Its incipient rorm, mieheclted, Is
prone to develop. Itesldes,. ihcirmntlxm If
im relieved Is idwny n liable, In ouo of Its cr.
nitlclo.ipi, to Itirht tin tho Ite.nt ami termi
nate life. Checkmate It at tlm sinrl. with
Hontctter's rHoniacli Hitters, which In tils
an Infallible. lOtaedy for uuiUirlal mid liver
complaint?, Inactivity of the khhicjH, dys
pepsia, ooustlpatloii, uorvouHncss.
This average landsman believes that It
shivers a vessel's tlinhcis when sho gets
coaled. Boston Courier.
llrat of AH .
Tooleanse the system In a gentle and trhty
bcnrnclul miiuucr, when tho Hprlnirtlwo
coaics, use the true uiul perfect iciucdy,
Byrupof Fie. Ono bottle will mitiwcrfur
nil tho faintly and costs only 50 cuts; tho
largo size $1. Try It mid Ik plriiHcil. Mnu
ufucturcduy tho Cullfornlu Fig Syrup 90.
Ir yctt do not want your fcclliics hurt
keep thorn out ot tlio way. Uiilvonton
Out It of your Qroeer.
Brewing Co. tit. Louie "A.
Tho American
li. C. ll'iliumlan
bottled llcer." lias the truo Hop iliivor.
Tub most grororul girl cannot try on n
boo without putting her foot lu lt-MUiif;-Lam
ton Leader.
Antokk would Im instilled In recom
mending lioccbuiii's Pills for till urfcclliuia
of tlio lfvor uud other vital orguus.
It In an easy matter thoo days to warm
up for any emergency. BliiglminUm I'.o-.
J. A. JouKoN, Sledlnn, N. VT, nays;'
"Hall's Catarrh Curo ciired me." Hold by
DruccIsU. 7Sc.
' . 1
"Tnn moro a innn ct;ls tlm 'mora ho
wants," oxcopt when lie's receiving a scn
tcnca lu a court of justice.
- , ,(
KvniiT trace of salt rheum Is obliterated
by Glenn's Sulphur Houp. .
Hill's Uuir aud U'liUUcr Dyo, U) cents.
Tnr. tramp is freo front tho worry and1
vexutlou of labor troubles. l'lcnyune.
It Is a wlso ohlcltcn that ltoops away from
tho catnp-mcetlng. Baltlmoru American. 1
1(t. Fueaeakt, Texas,
BufTcrcd 8 months with
train of bade; could not
iralk ktralght; used two
bottles of
St. Jacobs OH,
was cared. No paint in
IS months.
lltallnc akMi wli rJoat W. L. llttaalaa
USttM IIMttaBi
IirH fraudHlrtit land
auajaot to ronecBtlon fcr law for
nn.cii Mbstllulluua 11
Will a.ya aae
Bla. Wrier. Ya
tatfaa kJodVsixo ai
lualva aalo ta.
iprntilnviift. Iff
orcntaiocuo. Iinouor
----'." "i"-
ad width wuatod.
mX. .Kl HI M0r
av rlafaeprta)ea.aaaaM O CUsBsW
SB n is sr niiiiHW aaia m - .BSk - .aaa bh aaaai .sssah. bbbbsbbbbbbi
BaaaaaVaaaaVSaaaBaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaDiSw a n.nilnii fnn.l alinf ikB'wlll
k Vaataaaan camlcM,ajQootain,rjc,U(iilLTe,moro
SSja .mWT"-. VaVlf naa uurauia tnaa any otuor ttoa ever soia at 1
SB afw m. avai '
W aaaaaaaal BBBaaaaalir liaaaaW tkaaUkaaaf
MisM ftsaHIIIHrj uinE .7Sa WQirwt wxjurtiy Bowot o
PisBalH iIIBBMKnli i. ,,l,jMM JNi wiilch iMv.M douLlo ItiA n
swPrvf'M VJZsaSBaia'snRl Vsaism
C mz l WafFi WTfiW ML TL (wo malum nt tha VV- Ti
Mm Mt-iJ Ai avflflssW I VU
aaaaaaSB) JT saaaaaaaaaaaaaia "m .saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw - aaaaaaaaav innm a.w .. a I J . at m laiaavaa
SAPOLIO SHOULD be used in every KITCHEN.
.rrrcr m&
of Improvcmrnte
Dr. Perce's I'lens
mit Pollotfl. To
IxirIii with, thoy'ro
tho smallest, and
thoon.d03t to toko.
Thoy'ro tiny,
sucar-coatcd anil
bluoas granules,
ncarooly larger
than niURtard
s.Mdfl. Every child
u rcaiiy ior luoni.
TIini, nftor thoT'ro taUm, instead of Us
turblng and shocking ths system, thny act
In v mild, iwy, and natural way. Thore's
.10 chnnfor any rcNietlon nfterwnrd. Tliolr
hehi loU. Constlimtlon, Inillewtlon, Bllloiw
AtMcki. Hlrk or Illlloni HcntTncliM. and all
dtirimgeinontH of tho liver, stomach, nnd
IhiitkIs nm promptly relloved and pcrnian
entlv cttrol.
Thoy'ro put up In glsss vial?, which keeps
thorn nlwins frah and reliable, unllko tlio
ordinary pills In wooden or pasteboard
And thoy'ro tho ehramt pills you can buy,
for they're (;iiririnfiiii to Ivo satisfaction,
,or your money Is returned. You pay only
for tho (wl you gut
Mr. Albert Hartley of Hudson,
N. C, was taken with Pneumonia.
His brother had just died from it.
When he found lus doctor could uot
rally him he took otic bottle of Ger
man Syrup and came out .sound and
well. Mr. vS. B. Gardiner, Clerk
with Druggist J. K. Barr, Aurora,
Texas, prevented a bad attack of
pneumonia by taking German Syrup
in time. He was in the business
aud knew tlio danger. He used the
great remedy Bosehee's German
Syrup for luuc diseases.
OuitfaatAiMl U nur J'lllouj AtUolu, Blair.
Uutdiiuk 'huI Conltyitiluu. 4U lu tucli
boUU. l'rlco iUo. I'ur ! ly drulnU.
J'icturu "7. IT, Til" aud uuuylt ilut lnv.
J. r. SWTH A 0, Pr.pittton, fltW YORK.
Ma tho
Tlia riSll UU VS.'D UUCCCIC It mrrintcd wtlrr-
prwT,ml will kTu4rrlu tlio hrlitli)rm. Thr
mw roUM FJ. HUl'KKJit It rrfct rWlim ttmU and
coTemheoiiUroM.. wtruflailittlo.-u. iMii't
tiuv i cuit If tlm " ruk Brtnd" If tut nu it. Jlluttrt-
ted CtUlrenn fro. A, i. TDW1.H. lunlnij, mi,.
m ruiruiJiiu) and I'LiiruMKu
Tho ttrouwt nna purttt I.yo
rouue. Uulluootlui- .yn,ltbcl:i
11 uur powder mill iiachod luauin
with rriuuviitilo lid. tlio coulimti
are always ready for uie. Will
inal.c Via -lot icrfutnra Hani
Hontiiu 2U mluuus without boil'
ihij. It U Uic Uit fur tlcuuslng
w-isto pi pi 9. tlbtlnfeotltij; nIiiKh,
clujoU, v.aklilnr buttliw. palutH,
trtis. etc. PcMA.Sr.LTMTJ CO.
r .1AUB tUU Tlttm iiwi u.. in vriu.
r Knrall !-uliitMuclilnPiia
I'll v'Vru 1I0 Niiptinril.
Si'iulfol Klicln.uloliHcn
llrt.lllEloCKM'f'il t'U,Mo
v.tiHt nn rirss i u in iu
amVylle Ave., Jan. 20,'87
One of my workmen fell
from a ladder, he sprained
and bruised hi arm very
badly. lie used
St. Jacobs Oil
and was cured in four
nnt vln t llnACillf.
c-uniforlublo, ttrlUll
,u price.
only t):t.00 HUo waavrlta tup eomvleta
iOQ VUIH'V CUn (fM HlunillH uvt,
jLaio eric, for uAhctillr rlD. Lkvlnr only ono sola mw
to a carrow strip of loaibor on tlio !go, and wbea oaos
. noiTnr.ABa.i.anfiuM
when worn ihroucti cau b rcpalml as tnanjr Umas as
wuiuvTcrnuvriooKaxromuia upper,
uera of footwear dllDe tn ai?ono.
mlca,aliQuUlcontlilar tba superior auallUea
of incM tnoea, and pot ba InJuanoed
to buy cheaD welt thoct told staajtu.
f baTlDgvplappcArancn to comineail
alaailera mad aenoral aiarehaiila whera X hava
r - . . " . J . m
hw.ih repx svev auroct id mm
ir to
imwiv Affvwa w jut i
itw, tan ion wun wia 1
Iroo. and turn . I
ioi roiuu la riuiant.Odo. I
tit eentututr pais ior no tin
tlihnui. infarct
Thaltulndua Siai
1M.1, 1)unW,nd Ui centum pais
or glti i.MWg mm tTtry yurcUt.
EVERY ""3i-
Ought to Know
A chanct to obtain a com
plete education In loglnj;, In
strumental muaic, painting
and drawing, with all ex
penses of board ana tuition
paid. For full particulars
rhlUdclpUla, Pa.
Your work and your carca, do away
with all disappointments, BRIDGE
OVER tho sea of troubles which Is.
constantly encroaching upon tho
sands of Ufa and aging so many bright
womon boforo their years by secur-
Ins nt onco a "CiiAwtEa Oak" Srovi
, . 2 i ? "
OKRAsau. 5v;' '
Koit itT dulm kMp tlm. II jin
doM Mt, writ UtNt to awwliokrm, "
IT. LOU II, MO, ,. w ,
Latest Sty lis
AU.TUX tmr riuitiiu tin
iuuk nuiis. ,
CTOrJr II f ;ur ytxidulittr
,rui 8 iiilif.r lt-.tuiuUr 19
l.J.Uiilt.i;,l,iil.lj.-r, .
Ul!aLlllliiM..Ni urtu
tsrxuiTiuj U'Ut.j ru.;m
lvr-rilt 1lom
Stkktrt' Eirsr-
iIudi wnttt rua
frutu lie Eiut !
pulull Is Ktsttt,
CulurAde. Uttli.
coplloatUy iirut
ptruutbBt forell
(lri't Buutliwf . u 18 a I
Miw 11 tut Hint
to ctl t hurno Snulbwait Tfrrlurjr. Htv
nitre, Wills tu w" "w" Mtilco, and Tx
O. V. A T. A . A.T. AU013T 3Q uuit, va AU. S
ft 8. V. It. II. To-
pk, KtDMt, lit
J. J. Hyrat, Ant.
eiPT. 27. '
drtt or otu on
O.W. HVthbsok
It. It. At
1'ut.TrtS War.. .
moimanocK nid, aniA Tf
rv "in'?.
Tea caa't Unit wuit yna want la jour bona atoraa.
let 011 lb. train tad com. to our
1 sand
nooos Kiti)iitiinint. u
for eimDlea fno charaa fo
it. if yoo ctn't coma, tt
rga for ttuiplit). tail ori
We gusranlea aaUtftttli
then 1 sand
o want bjr mall. Wegusranlaai
aer waat.
aaraaas sw rsrss r aaiN m
Business College,
Y. If. 0. A. Boildinf, XansM City, Ko. '
A modern progreulv. tralalsg tchooL
Commercial, Shorthand, Tetegraphl
Elegant apartmenu and superior adranUgaa.
Catalogue Vrac lalauhnua aa.
aw-aaas tsis rtwa mj aar
ww a, naniiii
H nut
aj c.iu
aa turiui
afjf lltlri
oa asonroa atreat, cnioaso.
Ball Frta Uuir ntwlr eaUnad
Ci&lfii uf IIjivS juuuw&u( ual
tonus u4 C.aiutali, 400 fium U
la.lrttiotu. dtunblnf avify aitule
ptqnir! by Nnu r prvm Caria, aa
viliUJU laiirvt 1MB ior ,hiw ai
EicicitM aaa vnm aaura tmiici. ar
Uwt aud a HtJMUd Lu f Ua4 law
ma knll
bra. aatnainr ' Noaaia,
M tlm It., ctBiil.aaM,a
pull aw. VKM.
III! WATlt. Itlarr it upnttt. )ISnaaBat auaa,
PiaVI Aftlt MW. Vlif IWM tWWr HOaX M ttAk
lnila i Cutdlui mUj. Kuif twIMIw r trltli7,
tS.?jSTi&.'a,7-?aaTn' ori,aw
Caasuatull a and mobU
whobaroweaL ilinitior Ailh-
inn.tnouiaut I'lto'soaraxor
ContiuuBtloo. It baa aarad
tbouaaada. fthuootln)u
nmne ceaicougnsyniB,
ouiu vTerwncrv. amsq.
fcv! "
A. N. K.-P. 4
tTMr-M wkituko To ATirriaxM ruuati:
tatatlutt yaa saw aha AdTalaaas4 la taa
; '