The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1892, Image 8

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What it
CMtorla U Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Iafaatt
and Children. It conialaa neither Oplam, Morphlae mer
other Nnrcotlc snostance. It la a hamlet aubatltate
for Paregoric, Drop, Soothing Syrups, and Caator OH
It in Pleaaant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' tua by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worau and allays
ItoTerlshness. Castorla prerents Tomltlng Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castorla reUeres
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is the Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend
"Ottterta Is an excellent medicine for
ana. XotbenbftTarepMtedltoldBMoCiU
good act upon their children."
Da, 0. 0. Omood,
Lowell, KM.
" Castorla la the Vest remedy for children of
walc I am acquainted. I hop the day If not
far dtetant when mother will conelder the real
fetereet of their children, and tiae Caitorla In
taad of the rariooa quack Boetnnna which are
dish nj 1m their loved ones, by forcing opium,
norflM, loothlag syrup and other hurtful
agarta down their throat, thereby leading
tea to preaature grave."
Oonway, Ark.
Ce-Uwr Ceapay, TT Mmrray Street, Haw Trk OMy.
Perkins & Mitchell's old stand.
Choice Flour & Feed,
And sells it cheap.
Get his prices before buying out 'flour.
Ho, There !
Keeps full line of
Sickles. Pitman Boxes,
Knife Heads, Sections,
Guards, Guard Plates, Bivets,
f" for II kinds f Mow ng Machines.
Old iron taken in exchnnav. Machines repaired in
good shape. I have also a few
&. X. COZAl, Proprietor.
ilS2!iSBted to me wil1 be Prmptly attended to.
$15,000 TO LOAN TO
No money required to rerclvo tin educational this college. The only conditions of ndmllot
'. nVST" "J""1 C in,raC,,er "wl nn nrab,,lon ,0 BCCUro n" T..U collew has e7a. K
I5,ooo io to losnod during Ilia present jcar to )oung people who wish to attend our artraoJ "but
have nut the ready fundi. All Iho ilmo needed will bo Klcii l l.lrlV to itl.o ion. 4'nrtoV ' ' "
. u, nu .MKT TO',,AY A xov '"ltf "'! I Impossible jo.ic.nnot afford to Hart
In llfo without nu Hlucnllon nlicn ion ho an opportunity I ko this. Ten sliH rcwon J?ta
tho at CMlnncr end flitjr la year. Hoard I., prhalo famly Uw J "e k
Ve leach tlm Hlurtrlo SliorMlahd ulilcli cur, be learned In Ic.tlmc than othor cms After
oulmvore.ull1e circular, ot all other schools, sci.d for our catalog eaSdw w HI torn tt t
your Jn.lament which school in tho neat ranks Drat In standing. Address,
..... ...............JhJ!!!i.!i!L?,s' pe, rM itinMii, n.
Fort Abstract Co., Bed Cloud,
L. IT. FORT, Manager.
AIsitie. of Title,
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
.sawm ssssar - r m
AN onto -a filed promptly. HMeo dollar bond tiled
I nd amoved. AitowforeaUoa
CattorUKw well adapted to -!
I recommend It aewpertortoany ii irtaslii
known to bm."
lit So. Oxford St, Brooklyn-". T.
Our phyaldaaa la tha c-llditow rfepati
meat hare apokea highly of their experi
ence In their outalda praetlea wUhCaatorla,
nd although w only hata aaoBf our
medical auppllaa what la kaowa aa regular
producta, yel w an free to ooafeaa that tha
roerluof Castorla haa woa m to leak wMh
favor upon It"
Unrrao noarRAL kd vtarnr-un.
Aixm a Surra, Aw ,
kind of rake teeth on hand
. o. iv, now.
CevHfjr aatl Dlrtrtcl fain.
Ticket will bo fold one furo
and a third for fiiml trip from till
point to ilio following fa'r?:
Edgar Au. 20th to Sept 11;
Franklin Sept 27th lo Sept ;:n If
Aurora Popi. l.'ith to Spt. KIili
Mlndeii Sept. 13ih lo Supt IG'li;
NuImmi Sspt. to Sept. :.Uih;
II brcn Srpt 2inh to Sopt Mn.
A. Conovmi, Ay i.l
Tlir I). A M. will aull ri'.md trip
tickets fur one farn to I)ndMOu(l and
(lot Springe, 8. li. from Au. 10 i.,
HI inolu'ive with traneit limit of nm.
day in eaoh direction and final limit
of thirty da) a fr in dato of nalo.
Fiotn Auutt '12 until Sept. 15,
B & M will aril ticket from lied
Cloud to Chlean, fur $10 05 and to
St Louin $11 05, tiukrto limited to
continuous train pasaagr.
State Filr. Lincoln, Neb , Sept. 2
to 9. Tioketa will be on sale Sept 3d
to 9th inclusive Return is limited
to Sept 12tb, for one fare for th.
round trip piss 50 cents for admission
to' fair grounds; also will have tickets
for ono fare for tho round trip plus
60 cents, whioh inoludes transporta
tion between Lincoln and the grounds
and an admission to the fair.
On Thursday, Sept 8th, there will
be speoial train leave here at 4:45 a
m. and arrive in Lincoln at 10:45 a.
m., returning, leave Lincoln 7 p. m.
Biennial Knoampment Uniformed
Rank Knight of Pythias, Kansas
City, Mo., Aug. 23-27. All agents
may sell tickets at a rate of one faro
for round trip. Tickets to be sold
August 20-23 inolusive and limit for
return Sep.. IB
Annual Sessiod Sovereign Grand
Lodge I. O. 0. F. ,orHnd, Ore.
Sept. 19 to 24. All agents may Sell
round trip tiokets to Portland at
one lowest first class fare. Tickets
on sale .Sept 10 to 15 inclusive, and
limit for going passage to Sept 20 and
for Inal return to sixty days froat
dato of sale. Tiokets nay be routed
going and returning different routes.
A special rate of $30.45 for the
round trip haa been Bade from this
point to Washington D. 0., aeoount
annual enoampment Grand Army of
the Repnblie and Baltimore, Md., no
oount Annual Reunion Dupont Naval
Veteran association. Tioketa on sale
Sept 12 to 18 inclusive final return
limit October 12, 1892.
A. Conovib, Ag't
Children Cry for
Pitcher's C?tqfo
Get Here Quick
Parasols and umbrella han
wanted at J. S. Younq & Co's.
Ilorsea for Sale r Tra4e
I have eiahtea- head of horeea and
polta for eaTe, Will trade for city proper
ty or real eaUta. or all nhan tnr mk -
on time for good paper.
u-t w. ix, r-uuEB. nod fjioud. Neb.
100 stock hogs and sboats on tho
Wallin farm 5 miles northwest from
Red Cloud.
Wfc Baby was tofc.wa gave -wOsatork.
yrtm ska waa a C-U4,m ertod for Osatorla.
W aba bteaaw Uim, aba etuac to Oaatorla.
W aaa aa4 C-Mra-, aha gave thaaa CaMoria,
DrHakonacaa. or tho .loHor
Habit Cared at Heme la Tea
Daya by A-aalnlatcriag Dr.
Ilalaca' Gelden BpcclMc.
It can be iven in a alaaa of beer, a
oup of coffee or tea or in food without
tha knowledee of the Datieci. It U ab-
aolutely harmleaa and will effect a ner-
mutant and speedy ouro, whether the
patient is a moderate drinker or an al
ooholio wreck. It haa been given in
thousands of oasee, and in every instance
a perfect cure baa followed. It never
falls. TheByBtera onoe impregnated with
the apeeiflo, it bocoraoa an utter imposel-
bility for the liquor appetite to exist
Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of par-
ttouiara iree. Auureaatbe Uolden bpo-
omo uo., ip-itaoe Htreet, uincinnati, u.
Children Ory for
Nailce t Teachers.
Notiro is hereby given that I will
esamino all persona who may desire
to offer themselves aa candidates for
teachers efthe public sohools of this
county, at ilea uioud on tlio third
Saturday of eaoh month.
Speoial examinations will bi held
on the Friday proceeding the 3d bat
urday of eaoh month.
The standing required for 2d and
3d grade oerjiloatea is tho same no
grsde bolnw 70 per cent, average 80
por cent; for first grado certificate--no
grade below 80 per cent, average
90 per eent in all branches required
by law.
D. M. HuNTin. County Supt
IMS! ! ' !
Children Ory for
For biliousneM.
nausea, and
dizziness, take
Ayer's Pills
the beat
family medicine,
purely vegetable.
Every Dose Effective
Q 0. HAS IS,
Moon Block, . RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to, and
oorreapondrnoe solicited.
Moon Block, RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to.
Iosioalile -yalcl. ?
Red Clead, Nebrasica.
Ofllce apposite Vint National Bank.
U. H.KxamlnlQg; surgeon,
tlhronln dlseasis treated hy mall.
Palater and Paper Hanger.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
a: E. POND,
Coaveyaacer. Real Estate,
Lease, Iasaraace, aad Pea-
alea Af eat.
Red Clead, Nebraska.
I espeeially InTita yon to call on me for
anything in ray line. Loans made on
farm property at 8 per eent Insnranee
in the best companies I also,
Gall and see me if you desire, shrnbbery
flowers or fruit stook . You will find prof
Itable to aee me.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
Notice or Sale.
In Iho matter of the estate ot Jatuea Laird,
Notice Is hereby siren that In nuisuauee of
an order of V. B. Beall, Judge ot the district
court of Webster county, made on tha ISd day
ot April, IW2, tor the sale o( the real estate
hereinafter described, there will be. sold at the
coun iiouso aoor, ilea uioun, rteo,, on inn aa
dayot Hept. I wn. at a o'clock p. m., at ttubllo
vendue to the hlahest bidder tor cash the fol
IuwIiik described mil eHtatet ota 6, blik 7
and Iota S and T In block fl village of ttei Cloud.
Nebraska. Said sale will remain open me
Dated Aug to ISM.
J.mhD Gaob,
Admsalatrator ot the Estate ol James iird,
deceased. !Mt
Sherira Sale.
Notice li hereby Rlren that under and by Ylr
in of mi iirdnr of Halo lisued from thft ofllce of
tuo of an order of salo Issued from the
U. H. Uroue, clork of tlie district court ol the
u. ji. urotie, ciorx or uie uistnct cou
tenth Judicial district, wllliln and (or
i-ounty, Nebraska, upon a decree In an action
pending therein, wherein r. H. McUuIre Is
plaintiff, and nualnst Alonzo U Kreeloye, Ktta
Freelove. Colin tiro, ft tk) l'oxton ft Gal
lagher; Bwcei. Orr & .Co.; Iteulner Bhoop
Crockery Co.; Klrkendall, Jonea ft Co , defend
ants, 1 shall offer for salo at public vendue to
the highest bidder for cash In band at the east
dorol the court bouse nt Hwt Cloud. In said
Webster county, Nebraska, that being tha
building, wherein the last term of said court
was holden on the
ad Day r Aaasi, A. D. 1SS9,
at one o'clock p. tn. of said day, the foltowlug
dewrlbed property towlt i Inta three and four
In block one. In Vance's first addition to the
town of Otilde ltock, Webster Co., Nebraska.
(liven uudermy hand this aeth day ol June,
A. D 1893
' " OKO.K.COOV, Sheriff,
jAMMMcNainr, PltS'aAtty. e4a
The above ale waa eontinnao for M
daya for the want ef bidders. It will be
again offered for sale September 5, 1893.
at 1 o'clock p. m.
Gas. X. Oooa, Sheriff.
Na Neaey Ceataslssleif .
ffi ffl Q S B Q
I can write jou a farm loan at
straight 7 per cent, with the privilege
of paylag of any part of tha princi
pal at any interest payment
j. H. BAi-tr.
i i i i i i
yk7 tnw rV
Ji'vi WSt iv
. vsm aB, i-K'a5Sjssssss.
.i :lR:?--Hti"r:.' ..B-S."
i l: "?r 'lii ;
' $Mik. r !?- --v
SiB-. ki x
bu.' -i'
----------------------------------B------fff': - t'.--P-
VA?iRsN .
0'.ciiv!9n!s. a".
He who Wants Health Wants Everything!
There are millions of peraens in this country "who suffer
from chronic diseases or an
them from business, and frequently makes life a burden.
many oi wnom would place themselves under different treat
ment if they were acquainted with the fact that a new
treatment was in reach of them. Kempdial agents for many
of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we oiler
to tne afflicted one, on a business like bauis, the managment
of which we trust will be tempered by a moral and philaii
tnropic principle.
W practice the -nn-srho- treatment ef all forms of RECTAL PI3DA8I8. .We pr
scaflly owa a debt of gratlt .e to the father an! founaor of this system and not to pW
-ihtctlis world snchlmowledgs. would be to do manMnd an lrjastloe. This Is tha
rsmsfly at ttotuands bleu, and one that I have lecnrsd at great erpents, triedli.
tested before offering It to yen for year coiulderatlon and Investigation. CsVcriptlTe
pamphlets sent frse on application. Office consultation tttt. Names of tlaTw-flt-?;
bssn cured cheirfnlly glyen on application.
L. D. Denney, M. D., Red Cloud, Neb
Lumber, Coal, Lime, Lath, Etc.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Prices Lower than any yard.
Warner & Warren,
Have opened a Real Estate Office,
Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stook or House
hold Goods. Have some Bargains to offer to any
who call at this office,
2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, Up Stairs
Fire, Lightning ."
The Insurance Man, - Red Cloud, Neb.
&wiii Insure your properly against
Fire, Lightning, and Tornado
Also, will insure your crops against hail, He
represents the best company on earth
The old Continental of N Y.
CITY OFFICE-With J. H. Smith 'lst door
south of F & M bank.
Webster Co.
i. aa. UASiiHi, jiHiirarinr ana pmiwuimi
Accurate Ahrtracia Promptly Furalsaed for any Lands In Wcbsler
vttNHijr. n. cwmpiuio hiih Accuraie act or Alistract booka
aad a & bead flled Tlth ceaaty Judge Insures aalla.
For Abstracts, Cheap
good bargains in
affliction whioh incaDaoitates
Tornado Insurance
Abstract Office
Rarm Loans or some
Real Estate, call ou
L- '
" lOtfwWTflwnr juwh
li. H. FORT MAWAOER, Bed Olovd, Neb.