.u wmwiiiiimt jij . i j ihmm..ui BKHSWBWBSr Kwl JWvRWyyTwiy i' . . Tia-imBMHBcai Irr- -J i' " J V "! tJ. MUI HWUHi ' ,,, THE HED CLOUD CHIEF. m T7 A. O. H03MEW, Publlshor. UK I) CLOUD, - - NKRRASKA A TWENTY-MILK DASH. 'Thrllllna Advcnturo Ou a Whool in Moxloo. lOrlplnal. U RING the sum. mor of 187- 1 wns employed us u civil en gineer by ii cor porutlon of Montoioy capi talists hi super intending thu siifve y of u tract of Jand ad jacent to wlmt Is now known :is the Rod Rock region. In west ern Mexico. The nlthnntu object of the survey wns the construction of nrnllroud with the termini respectively nt Kl Altar, on the Rio do In Asuncion, nnil nt the. city of Ilermoslllo, on tho IUo Sonoru, of tho present. Sonoru lino (the Idea wns subsequently abandoned ns imprnctlcnble). lly reference, to the mtip it will bo observed that these places nro nomu one hundred and thirty miles apart, and I was thus obliged to employ a largo corps of assistants and devote my personal attention continu ally to the work in order that tho sur vey might bo finished upon tho datu stipulated in the contract. I had established enmps or work sta tions over the entito distance at nbout twenty miles from eiudi other, and it wns my custom to make, a journey of inspection to these stations once every fortnight. As the work progressed I found it necessary to Increaso thesu visltb and I was obliged to spend all of my time in passing back nud forth over the line. This was, of course, tiresome nnd monotonous, but tho work in Itsulf was not difficult, as the licrnt lanpUuUi is un usunlly free from natural obstructions. The only really objectlonnble fenturo was the presence of a large number of native Indians and Mexican half-breeds, who seemed to regard us intuitively as worthy of nothing better Uinn the most hearty contempt ami as tho source of continual apprehension. It wns evident that they considered tisns trespassers, and I was aware that iiiost of our movements were slyly wntched by them, and they became fa miliar with thu cour.se of our work and appeared to avoid us us if in fear. For a time I was inclined to view them nskance, for I know tho aborig inal characteristics of cunning nnd treachery. As time wore ou, however, 1 came to look upon them differently, and considered that they had become reconciled, as it were, to our presence rcc ckl il that wo need fear no outbreaks n them ns long as they were not tested. I was mistaken, us thu In- ent which I am ubout to relate will demonstrate. Along in tho latter part of Septem ber, near tho completion of the survey, in fact it was tho very last trip 1 mado over thu southern division of tho line, 1 had been to Ilermosillo for imple ments and supplies, and had occasion to run down to Maytoreuu, near Hiiro on thu gulf. While nt this latter place I met an old tar who had formerly been In my employ and who wns do ing service ou a merchant-man, then in the docks at Long Rrklge. Like inc.t of his fellows ho wiis, to use tho nailor dialect, "winded" financially. Seeking about for somo article, to offer me ns security, nnd ns nn induce ment to ndvanco cush, ho liuulcM from tho hold of thu vessel and brought to mo an old ilfty-two Inch Columbia- ox pert. I owned n wheel myself, nnd wlille homo was in tho habit of riding continually. The thought occured to mo that I might obtain considerable plonsuro nnd also pliyslcnl excrclso by using this one; nnd so, ndvnncing a few dollars, 1 took the machine. I recollected Unit u largo portion of tho northern part of tho survey lay over nn old mining trail, tho surface of which wim of n clayey composition, well-beaten and resistible; so I re solved to surprise tho men somo fine day by riding gracefully into camp on a bloyclo. Tho Idea wus certainly r-d&IL $L I 1 IT VV -i"" ni: FKM. HI.'ADl-'OIIRMOST in tiik iatii. novel enough, and I would have tho satisfaction of realizing that I was tho llrst wheelman to cross that part of the continent. With this object in view I boarded tho curs of tho Sonorn railroad at Mny toronn with my newly-uequirod trophy, after purchasing n ticket for Carri.al l'osa. It wns my purpose to go by bur ro from tills latter plneu to Llanos und k Ihenoo to Maybelos, immnll pueblo on the, Callne, n tributary of tho Rio do la .Asuncion. 1 could stiikotho trail there. I would hiro n Nnvnjco boy with burro nud cart to nccompauy mo with thu 'cycle. Tho preliminary journey wns accom plished without incident, uud I urrlved J in Maybelos about sunset of ono of th loveliest of days Imaginable. Prospects for propitious weather on the morrow were excellent, nnd my heart bent high in anticipation of a renewal of a sport I loved so well. The northern ter minus of the line Kl Altar was some twenty-one miles distant. I had estab lished a station one mllo south, south east of that iolnt, so that, following the old trail, 1 would thus have very nearly u stralght-nway of twenty miles. Next morning I was awake and up bright and early. What a day It wasl Thu air was crystal. The golden sun beams danced and twinkled over tho earth like swift-Hying arrow.?. I was In the best of hpirits. With some ad justing I had succeeded In putting thu wheel, which had apparently been used rather roughly, in tolerably good con dition. After a hasty breakfast 1 was ready for the journey. Instructing the Nnvnjoe lnd to follow mo the next day with tho provisions. I mounted und rode slowly out toward tho long stretcli of country. I executed a few trick maneuvers and soon felt per fectly nt ease. My actions wero viewed by thu young Nuvujoo with open mouthed wonderment. The use of tho strange two-wheeled affair that he had been carrying seemed never to have dawned upon his conception, although during thu Journey to Maybelos. I ,hn caught him more than once ogling the concern, and handling It verv ginger-1.V- Rut to my story: I rode out upon the old path and found the soil as I had ex pected, hard nnd levul. Striking- nn easy ratu of speed I wus away; my ride hud commenced. I had ridden possibly a mile, when I observed to tho oast, and n little way ahead of mo, n tiny wreath of bluu smoke I had to look twice to distinguish It from vaporrising from a clump of pines. I knew what it was. It told me Unit there was a camp there. I guessed the rest; a roving baud of half-breeds nnd red-skin trappers were resting thereabouts. Whether my vvny lay directly to this spot or not I was at a loss then to tell. As I procicdcd,1iow over, this proved to be the fact. 1 was not exactly satisfied what course to pursue, but recollecting that since out stay In tho region none of our party had over received bodily injury from tho "ringers," I resolved to continue my way, attracting us-little attention as possible. Perchance I could pass them unobserved. As I neared the placu I found that my course wns somo twolve or moro rods from where tho camp was. Under cover of somo shrubs which lined the trull for a considerable dlstunco ut this point, I was able to reeonnolter. There wore fifteen "ringers" in all. Four of thesu wero half-breeds, five native In dians, three Apache and the remainder Creoles. 1 must confess thnt 1 would have given a little for tho privilege of altering the situation somewhat. How ever, I saw that I was "In for it," and placing my feet resolutely to the pedals 1 continued at an increased speed. I saw that I would be obliged to lenvc tho friendly cover of tho shrubbery ere long, and pass over n stretch of about tlvo rodsunscreoncd. If 1 could make this distance without being discovered I was safe. I resolved to try. Setting the peduls revolving mer rily I llcw out from tho bushos und across tho intervening space ut a high speed. I was half way across nud be ginning to brcathu much easier, when I saw, coming along thu trail a few foot ahead of me, a big Creole buck carry ing n lingo gourd filled with water ev idently from a spring near by. At that Instant ho- caught sight of me. I will never forget the look thnt came ovur his face. With a yell that would have made a steam-whistle blush In envy, he sprang Into tho air, and, dropping his gourd, fell headforemost in tho patch. This was a beautiful state of affairs for me! Hearing his cry of alarm his companions had jumped ns one man, nnd stood gazing transfixed in statue-like amazement ut thu bt range sceno tltat must htivo greeted their eyes. The next minute both wheels of my machine had passed over the neck of tho prostrate Creole and I had dis appeared into thu shrubbory, Tho reader mny surmise thnt I did not dis mount and return to ascertain whether or not I had crushed the breath out of thu unfortunato Creole's body. On tho contrary I put spurs to my steed, as It were, nnd dashed on faster btjll. My apprehensions wero thoroughly urouscd. Tho question forced itself into my mind: "What will tho rcsult'of tho occurrence be will tho 'ringers' give chase?" I felt burn that if I had seri ously injured tho Creole his companions would certainly follow me, for by them tho lovo of revengo is regarded as ono of tho noblest instincts, and tho great est incentive to belligerent effort. I hud not long to wait for nu answer. My alert ears detected the sound of hoof boats; I was being pursued! I observed that there was ono fact at least to my ndvnntnge, my wheel leftno murk upon thu tiuil us tho earth was so unusually hard. If the "ringers' really meant business they would bo obliged to em ploy every tnetlo nvnilublo to their vorsatllo minds in oritur to follow me, Whether thoy would follow mo for any length of time was a matter of con jecture; it wus at present enough for mo to realize that tho clatter of hoofs was becoming much moro audible. 1 was certain, though, that thoy had not caught bight of mo yet. I covered three miios wjthout mate rial change in affairs; In fact, I thought tho rounds w.ero hardly us dibtlnctns formerly. I luid not proceeded a' mllo further before they sank awuy alto gether. Tho "ringers' had olthcr given up thu chuso entirely, or wero off the scent. In cither event I was afford ed tho needed oppoitunlty of red, for the unusual exertion was beginning to affect me, I continued at n unoilcrnto ratu until coming upon a clearing I wii3 ablo tq tnko n look about mo. 1 detected far to tho right, and several yurJs ahead of me, my pursuers. Thoy wero ovldently trying to head mo off, nnd thoy wero iihetul in thu race, tool In another instant I was dnshtng down tho trail fairly cutting tho ulr in my flight. For four miles I rodo ou. My mus cles were struliicd to their utmost ten sion; tho wheels oi my machine seemed to hum ns they revolved. Thu open ings became moro frequent, und 1 saw. that while I had gained considerable ns to relative position, tho "ringers" wore much nearer to mo than before. I at tempted to locate the angle t widish they would Intercept the trail. Then St was I remembered that for seven miles near Its end tho trail lav over u jilntouu absolutely devoid of bushes or trees. I would therefore be afforded no means of concealment My heart sank. What should 1 do, forsake my wheel and, waiting under cover till night, steal out on foot and complete the journey uhder cover of darkneos? No! That would bo too rash, for if tho "ringers" failed to head mo off thoy would bo sure to return nnd scour tho trail from end to, end. They would surely discover me then. There- was but one thing to do stick it out, and trust to providence! With a firm re solve to "door die" I sped on. I flew out from tho Inst clump of shrubs nnd shot away across tho plains. I had gone some distance before tho "ringers" saw me. The shout of mingled joy und ruge.wlilch eamo to my ears us tluly perceived me, sent a chill through my whole body. 1 saw them turn their mustangs quick to the left. This unexpected movement indicated thnt they had not known my where abouts before, but were merely follow ing tho direction I had taken when Inst seen. In turning sharp toward mo It was their Intuntlon to ovcrtaku mo immediately. This maneuver allowed me to gain greatly upon them, und I felt suro Unit I could out-distance them, but soon seeing their mistake they lesumed their former course, evi dently .atlsllcd to intercept my way at the angle. I realized that I had my hands full, uud although I had n good half-mllo lend, I needed every iuch of it. Nearer and nearer came the "Ring ers" as the distance to the angle de creased. Slowly .but surely they were gaining! I could l.enr tho hoof-beats plainly now. As for myself I was be coming exhausted. Tho strain upon my nerves wus terrible. Of a sudden a 1 SHOT INTO TUB A1K. thought fliished'lhvough my bruin that well-nigh paralysed mo. About half a mllo south of tho ntntion tho trail crossed a ravine ono hundred apd thirty feet in depth. There hail formerly been a rude bridge there, but tho ac tion of tho elements had long since de molished this structure, and I recol lected that upon my last journey over thu trail- I had been obliged to cross this gulley npou u narrow plank at least twenty feet in length. If 1 could reach this place before tho "ringers" and crossing, draw the plank after me, 1 would be safe but supposing the "rlngurs" reuch theru first; and worst of all, what if thu plank begono entire ly! Tlio thought was sickening! My uttcntlon at this point was nt tractcd to my pursuers. Ono of tho number had been precipitated from his saddle. This ovent caused thu whole party to draw rein for nn instant, but thoy wero shortly to hoof ugnln with renewed strength. I could distinguish their angry voices ns they enmo on. I looked ahead und estimated the dis tance. It was a good two miles nt least to the ravine, for I had covored scarcely five miles of tho plateau. Tho "lingers" had gained upon me, so that I would have only ubout sixty rods lend at tho tingle. It was at least n quarter of n mile from thoro to the ravine. Could I muko It? Indeed it became n question, too, of whethor my strength would last! Strong nnd vig orous ns I wns, I had been subjected to condition thnt would tend to annihilate the most Herculean 'nnutomy. Inch by inch they gained ;tb wo neared the ravine. What if tho plank w cro not thero! My blood turned cold at tho thought. I strained my eyes to discovor It. Yes, thank Heaven! there was a narrow bpun across the dark crevasse. Rut could I dismount und cross before the "Ringers" overtook mo? On, on, I went. Tho inflnltosl mnl part of a second seemed nn ngo! I fancied I folt tho hot breath of tho mustangs, upon my check. My bruin whirled, my heart seemed to censo bcuting, I grnppled tho hundlo bars with a frenzied clasp nnd grew deathly faint. I was within forty rods of the ravine. Tho "nn ;ers" wero iinnroaeh- 'ing like tho wind thirty twenty ten uve, 1 saw I wj'i ll not hnvo time to dismount and Uie pl'ilnk there was but ono tiling .odol "A man bus to die somo day," I muttered between my teeth, and heading down thu slope I dushed out upon tho long, quivering plunk. I folt tho wood snnp nnd settle as my weight came upon it, nnd thpn u wild yoll of rngo rung out nud I felt the handle-bars Jerked Violently from my grasp, vhllo with a hinge I shot Into tho air uud fell head first on the opposite (ledgo. Jumping to, my feet I turned ubout jnt in tiliy to Wo both bicycle and plunk disappear into thu ravine. Ono of.tho "ringoi-b" hod las soud tho littlo wheplftotho machine. The sudden tcniion of the ropo jerked him bodily from his Middle to tho earth. I walked tho remaining mile to tho sta tion, und related my novel adventure to my companions over our pipes around h roiirlni; eamp-flio that oven lug. I had covered ho entire distance of twenty mttea In two hours nnd'twun-ty-ouo minutes. Ji:an La. Hub Ucssurr. 1 STEW.INQ ENGLAND'S CROWN. Ono or tlm Mnt Original nud timing Itoli lierle In Modern HUtory. Perhaps ono of the most daringly con ceived and executed robberies In history Is that which occurred In the year lu"y, when the Isild attempt was made by Col. lllno.l uud his associates to got away with tho crown, orb and scepter of r.ngllsh royalty. Ono Is almost tempted to wish that tho scheme, car ried so fur, had been a success a foul ing engendered, no, doubt, by the In ftlnetlve sympathy that humanity feels with any who attompt a daring deed. IHood was no ordinary thief or bur glar. As his title Indicates, he had served his king und his country In the army, und had been a gallant oillcer. Ills confederates were one Parrot, u silk dyer, who had sjen somo fighting In tho civil war between Roundheads nnd C.ivnllers, and a young man named Hunt, n son-in-law of tho colonel. Mlood fancied ho had n grievance tig.iinst the hint, alleging that he had not bi'en Huuloiontly paid for his serv ice., lie hail Indulged In plots ngahist the kin and the Duko of Ormonde, whie.i falling, he bethought himself of tho crown jewels itV offering rich plunder as well as his coveted revenge. Ills plan was Ingenious. Attired In a parson's h.iblt and accompanied by n woman who posed ns his wife, ho visited the Tower of London, and requested to bj shown tho regalia. Tho warder, a Mr. IM wards, reeolved thont courte ously, and conducted them to tho Jewel tower. Willie thoy wero Inspecting the symbols of royalty tho woman pre tended to bo suddenly seized with se vere piin and fell In a faint. Sympa thetic yet cautious Kdwunts sent his vlfo for restoratives, but did not leave tho apartment. Mm, Rlood soon recov ered sulllctc utly to be able to stand, but as shu was still weak, shu was Invited Into thu house to rest awhile. The "parson" and his lady returned in three or four days with a gift of somo gloves ns nn evidence of gratltudo to their kindly hosts, and from this sprang a friendship and Intimacy which ulti mately culminated in the proposition by bloo.l of a match between his nephew (really his son-in-law) and "that pretty gentlewoman," Kdwards' daughter. Kd was immensely pleased with tho Idea, and Invited tho parson and his wlfo to dinner the next day, when the final ar rangements wero to bo made, ostensibly for thu engagement of tho young people, but lu reality for the theft of thu regal Jewels. . At thu hour appointed Col. Rlood, his "nephew" and two friends, of whom Parrot was ono, appeared at tho tower and were mot by Kdwards with a cor dial greeting. KdwarJswns arrayed in purplu and fine linen for tho occasion, or,, as wo should put it nowadays, ho "was gotten up regardlesi." To puss the time until dinner was ready they went Into tho jewel house, leaving tho "nephuw" at the door as a sentinel. Once liuldo work was quickly begun. A cloak was thrown over Edwards and a wooden gn? forced into his mouth, nn Iron hook being used to close tho nos trils and prevent htm from making the slightest noise. He was told that to resist meant death, but, nevertheless, ho kicked, struggled, and tried in every way to glvo tho alarm. He was then knocked on tho head with a mallet, a dagger was plunged Into his breast, and tho conspirators believed him dead. Ono man put the globe into his breeches pocket, Rlood hid the crown under his cloak, uud the third man tried despur ately to file tho scepter in two, it being too long to carry away In Its entirety. While all this was going on Kdwards' son, who had just returned from tho sea, reached the tower. He was met by tho hcutiuel, who asked him his busi ness, to which Kdwards replied that he belonged to tho house. Supposing that the young man wished to see his fathor, the warden, Kdwards went up-stalrs and promised to send.hls father down. Hunt tho "sentinel" immediately gave tho alarm and tho conspira tors took flight. Tho old man Kdwards, who had only been foigning death, immediately pulled the gag from his mouth and yelled "Murder! Treason!" Hlsdaughter heard the out cry and rushed to his side. Seeing her father wounded she immediately ran out upon Tower Hill und cried: "Treason! tlu crown is stolon!" Tho alarm being thus given, Rlood and his companions found themselves in dan ger. Thoy nudged each other's arms and thereby aroused suspicion, where upon thoy quickened their stops. Young Kdwards and an ollicor of the Tower numad CapU Rockman were by this time ou thu trail of the fugitives, who had got bjyond the main guard. The alarm was again given and tho sen try at tho drawbridge challenged tho men. Rlood drew u pistol and dis charged it at tho soldier, who was so terrlllcd that ho Immediately droppod. At thu war J house, for some unac countable reason, no effort wns made to stop tho thieve, and thoy gained tho street. Thoy then led tho mob In an excited chase after the mlsoruants, meanwhile making their way towards their horses, which were tlo I at St. Catherine's gatu. Young Kdwards and Reckman woro ojoso at their hools, however, and Rloo.l fired his pistol at Rockman. Rockman dodgjd thu shot and Immediately grappled with his op ponont, from under whiita cloak ho wrested tho crown', Kdwards tackled Parrot and took the gfobs from him. Hunt and tho other conspirator, however, had stood not upon tho order of their going and had reached tho horses, upon which they galloped away. A cart, however, turned abruptly In tho streot ahead of them, and Into tills they ran, Hunt being struck in tho head by n pole und dlsmounto.l. lloth were cap tured. The ending of tho story Is as In terestlng as the beginning. Tho king (Charles II.) heard tho case himself, and affected to be muoh Impressed by the gallantly of Rlood mid his fcllpw-con-splrators. lie was inclined to bo cle ment with them, but when Rlood (who, by tho way. must have had a rare Imowlodge of the king's character) sad in a uonuhalant manner that ho did not care for his own life und ho expected to suffer the extreme penalty of tho law, but that he bjioajd t,o n baud of men sworn to avenge any death ntnong their number, and that, If ho were executed, the lives of tho king and his minister would not bo worth live minutes' pur chase, Charles (javo way completely. Ho Incontinently pardoned tho wholo gang, and In addition settled Rlood on an estate lu Ireland and gavo him n pension of Woo a year. All this for "reasons of state." Poor old Kdwards and hln son, how ever, did not faro so nicely. The old man received tho enormous sum of JC200 and his son JJtuO, "for signal services to tho state!" Verily, It sometimes pays handsomely not to bo honest If It is carried out on a large enough scale. Jeweler's Review. EMBARKATION OF COLUMDUS. Tho (IrciU Murlitor nml 111 t'rir nn tint lllatnrlr live. On August 'J, UU2, everything wns ready, and tho crew weru notified to embark, to await tho uncertain moment when a favorable wind should permit the little licet to set salt Nothing so befitted that solemn hour as a votive procession from the caravels to tho monastery, to which tho eyes of tho mariners turned us to a spiritual beacon, brighter than any that flared along the headlands. This pious duty performed, tho crew returned on board the caravels, where they patiently awaited the order to sail, while Colum bus retired to the monastery eagerly to watch for a favoring wind. Columbus kept nil sail on his caravels during the night of August a. Tho old salts of tho crew looked for a favoring wind at starting, and Columbus's eager watchfulness was not to pahs unre warded. From the height on which La Unblda stood, ho scanned sua and sky with steadfast gare, like ono of those sea-birds, presngersof changes of wind and weather, clinging to thu scarred and storm-beaten cliff. About three in the morning, while tho stars yet twinkled in the skies and nil earth slumbered, tho awaited breoy.o sprang up, bringing new life to the discoverer's veins nnd quickening the throbbing of his heart, Tho pines murmured as though hymning the dawn, and tho waters rippled as though heaving with the breath of lovo and hope. Columbus awakened Padre .luau, and he in turn tho child Diego, and the three repaired to thu chapel In quest of heavenly aid and religious solace for the approaching pangs of separation nnd for tho fateful voy age. As In tho boundless ether shine the stars, so tho lamps flickered in thu littlo church, lighting with their rays alike the courses of thu ocean und the pathways of tho soul. The monk put ou his priestly vestments nnd celebrated the holy sacrament at tho high altar, before tho tupcr-lightcd virgin. Tho hour wus come, and Columbus resolute ly descended to the shore, plucking himself away from embraces that held him to the land like some dec-rootcd oakj for tho sail-wings wore reudy to b;nr him to tho realm of sea and sky. Ilo soon reached tho wharf, and as too dawn broke lu tho east the tlag-shfp majestically ran lu shore to take tho new argonaut on board. The fluttering satis, the hurried maneuvers of thu urew, the boatswain's whistle, uud tho cries of the sailors ns tho ships got under way, announced a speedy depart ure und attracted the early risen vil lagers to thu shore in their natural desire to witness tho scene and to bid farewell to departing friends and loved ones. When Columbus sprang from tlib skiff on board the caravel, and the anchors were weighed, a shudder ran alike through the departing sailors uud the leavc-tnkers on the strand. Where they wero going they know, but as tholr westward course after leaving Cadiz and the Canaries was to take them far beyond those lately won islands, none know whither they wero bound or the duration of tho voyage. Tho cross floated above the flag-ship, which bore seaward toward tho un known, seeking mystorios pcrchnnco Impenetrable and inaccessible to tho human mind nnd unconquerable by human will. Kmilla Castclur, in Con tury. ( FUNERALS ON THE CONTINENT. In Paris Kvory Hinr tutor Take 00" 111 llxt an tlio Ciirtoiciv I'Mtno. "Funerals (n Continental Kuropo differ us widely from those In tli is coun try as ono can i magine," said 1). D. Cunoy, of Philadelphia, ut the Southern. "Moro outward ma nifcstatloriH of re spect are paid to tho dead in Paris than In any other city that has come under my observation. When n funeral pro-coti-don passes through the streets of Purls every man takes off his hat and bows his head until the re nr of tho cor tege gets past him. Tho women stop uud express their conventional sorrow by courtosylng. In Germany tho hearses nru peculiar. A common style, such as I have often soon in Hospital htrusso In Lepsic, Is a sort of combina tion hearse und hack. A place in the forward part Is constructed to contain the casket, whllo In tho rear are seats for the near relatives. Another stylo which I have scon thero consists of a low, Jong wagon, with squatty little wheals, und thu fiodyof tho contrivance Is like u fla t car, with no covering. Thero Is no rush or hurry nbout getting to the cemetery, and I have soon lurgo processions blockado all business for hours, so slowly did they move. "Tho biggest corteges I have over seen wero ut St. Petersburg. Thero a funeral is quite a jolly affair, and tho city Is full of professional mourners. Tho richer the man tho bigger tho fu neral, because tho moro mourners his family oan hire. Tho employment of thb.se professionals is a recognized cus tom, nnd many men nnd women at thu czar's gay capital make u good living out of their curious business. Thu sti pend of a St. Petersburg mourner varies according to the length of Unto their services are required und tho character of costumes thoy uro required to weur. Thoy nro nlso expected to muko tho church hideous with their moans und walls, and at the grave thoy engage to scream and yell us If In wild paroxysms of grief. If they discharge their duties with proper unction they uro treated to a banquet after the funeral." St. Louis Olobo-Democrut. FIRESIDE FRAGMENTS. Cluslors of clover, if hung In a room nnd loft to dry and shed tholr perfumo through the room, will drlvo nwny lllos. Soups. A few sliced potatoes nnd any other vegetable convenient, with a little rice and an onion ndded to tho soup stock will mnko a good soup with very littlo tlmo nnd trouble. Season carefully to suit taste. Housekeeper. Pickled Salmon. Soak tho salmon twenty-four hours, changing the water, put In boiling water with a little vine gar. When dono nnd cold, boll your vinegar with spice and pour over tho fish. Homo Magazine. To hasten tho euro of a burn or Bculd, there is nothing moro soothing mid effective than the white of mi egg. It Is contact with the nlr which maken n burn so painful. Tho egg nets as a varnish and excludes tho air complete ly and also prevents Inflammation. To restore stool blued by lient. dip It Into pure muriatic acid. Test by dip ping a piece of refuse polished steel into It; If it destroys tho polish reduce thecaclil with rain water until It will not Then dip the article to be re stored Into tho wenkened acid. Detroit Kreo Press. Cottage Cheese. Set a pan of clal bored sour milk over tho fire, scald un til the whev senanites. nour Into il strainer and squeeze dry, put in a dish, Benson with salt, a tablespoonful of butter nnd sweet cream enough to .moisten, mix well, make Into balls nnd sot In a cool phieo. N. Y. Observer. Cherry Charlotte. Stone and stew some Morella cherries; to each pound of cherries add throe-quarters of a pound of sugar and ( no teaspomful of flour, mixed smoothly with a littlo water. When tho fruit Is dono, butter somo baker's bread, lay Hon a dish, spread some of tho stowed fruit over it, then put another layer of bread and fruit; cover the top with the fruit This il very nleo served with cream. Ronton Rudget. Nickel-Plated Tableware. OnoBiib serllH.r asks mo about nickel-plated tableware. Several years ago I bought a dozen nickel-plated tablespoons to use in my lectures, because they scorned so much stronger than plated wnre. I found that tho nickel melted and peeled off when exposed to n high tempera ture, making tho spoons rough anil un sightly. A dealer told mu a few dayi ago thnt this ware Is not made now b'o causo of this flaw. Ladles' Homo Jour nal. Apricot lee. To n quart of frcBh, ripe nprlootrt allow a quart of clarified sugar or about a pint and one-half of simple simp. (Irate or presi tho apri cots through a sieve, mix them with tho sugor and freeze. Then add tho will tea of two eggs that have been stiffly beaten nnil sweetened with two ounces of sugar, mix thu merlnguo thoroughly into tho lee, und set tho hitter away, carefully packed, for nn hour before using. Good Housekeeping. Rico Crcnin. Hake an ounce pf rp, In half a pint of milk with & little cin namon; when done, remove the skim from the top. Dissolve one-fourth ounce of gelatine, previously soaked in two tnblespoonfuls of cold milk, In half a pint of boiling milk, add the yolk of an ogf(, four tablespoonftils of granulated sugar; stir over tho flro for flvo minutes, mix with tho rice, pour it into a mould and let It remain until 'set. Moro or less Migar may bo used an desired; tho abovo quantity will make Uio cream rather sweet Good Housekeeping, FASHIONABLE FINERY. Hooniiblo rail nnd I'anolrt In Ilia Jew elry l.lnr. Irldosuont single petalod roses aro among tho new brooches. Largo turquolso brooches in shape liko fleur-de-lis aro now, Tho Raby'B Friend" la a littlo silver box to hold baby's safety pins. Frosted silver has taken a fresh im petus, probably becauso It looks cool. Silver brafdots in heavy links and corresponding to popular styles in gold aro produced in numbers. Smoking sets of frosted silver nro or namented with flowers in enamel. Tho fancy is for such delicate blossoms as tho May flower. Rings have scroll work set obliquely in small diamonds, with a lurgo colored pearl In tho center. This is a new anil very pretty fashion. Conch shell heart, doublo and single, mingled with pearls, make the prottlost of new summer pins, und are by no means expensive. Large oval slcevcbuttons of white lus tersless enamel aro powderod with tiny gold disks. This Is ono of the hand somest of the new designs. Oblong brooches containing tho nanio of Jeanne, Ida, Lucie nnd tho like, in u lot of ornamental wreathing, is an Kn gllsh fancy that has come In. Thero Is same pretty now gold jowol ry. It is floral with n flue rough finish, If thu term idiy bo allowed, and rich in color. There is un uttrautivo likencut about it Men's loosely-worn wntch chains in some instances liavo tho different sec tions treated so ns to glvo coppery tints, yellow, steel, blue, and as a novelty aro very pretty. Silver Ih'ikI necklaces are in demand for summer weur. Thoy are in tingle strands, but prettier and moro desira ble aro collarets of three or more strands uud small in size. Tho moonstono Is in abeyance, but noverul pretty now fanclos uro found in this stone. Ono 1b a flower broosh in which moonstones uio shaped into tho petals. The same form appears in red. semi-precious stones. Ono of thu prettiest now silver hair pins has on enameled pansy as Its orna ment Tho petals of tho flower uro raised nnd charmingly suggest tho natural flowpr, but only ' In form. Othcrwlso tho petals are of palo, blua enamel with ornamental silver traoory. HrooohoH consisting of sprays of thin enainol flowers variously tinted and with a jeweled canter are sjoii. That Is to say tho different flo.vev on ona stem, shaped llkou forgJt-mj-not, shn, hs Into links, blues and pu.qiW Tluy urn prettier than fiolU spcay of o.io color,Klblo Rec, in Jeweicr'a Clroulur, I T HI s I A ' o tt-i A fJ a i tf- ' yvt 17 T A t !xi' 'jiip VJ-udfl mjkm EpyjtWMifSikM PpWff, ZXX2Aiwm