The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1892, Image 4

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Pishlisfceel Weekly.
Friday, Sept., lt0jt,
afecritte,. . ft PerAiiaasn
iNvariablr I" AiW" 5 J
It not raid In advance, after ihls dale March
Hs, 1MB, the price wilt be ft .vs.
A. C. HOMER, Editor.
Entered at the roe. Offlce In Red Cloud, Neb.,
h nail natterot the aecond class
r BepaMlcaaNstlenftl Ticket.
For Vice-President
For Congnttnan tth District
Stale Ticket.
for Governor,
For Lieutenant Governor,
For Secretary et ntate,
For Auditor,
For Treasurer.
For Attorney General,
For Commissioner ot Public Lands and Dldgs,
For Superintendent ot Piibllo Instruction,
For State Senator,
Caanty Ticket.
For RepreMntatlve 44th district,
For County Attorney,
For Coroner,
McKclghAH at Holdrege.
I Btean no disrespect to the
ay I asa NO DEMOCRAT."
The aheve are the Identical
ward aied hjr Mr. McKelghaa
la ale speech whea aenlaatcd.
The republioan eleotors of tho 46th
representative district are requested
to send delegates to meet in conven
tion in Blue Hill, Nob., Thursday,
Sept. 8, 1802, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for
the purpose of plaoiog in nomina
tes oae oandidate for representative,
46th distnot, and to transact any
other business that may properly
eome btfore the convention. The
eouitiesare entitled to representation
as fellows: Adams oounty. 16 dele
gates; Webster county, 10 delsgates.
Signed: W. H, Stkphsnb, Chtn.
Io. W. Bixtin, 8eoy.
lien with honest intention would
set be' alarmed of the alleged "Force
Bill."' It is only the rogue that fears
The waitings of the Omaha Public
Is the line of oalamity is certainly
disgusting to peoplo who arc intelli
gent and understand that it is moon,
Hon. Tom Major, who has been
added to the republioan tioket the
plaee of Mr. Tato, has hundreds of
friends is the Republioan valley,
asiong the old soldiers.
The demoorotio convention in this
oity Thursday was anything but har
monious and many of the delegates
tow by all that's good that tlipy will
swallow no MoKcighan orow.
Mr. 8iapsoo of Blue Hill claims
to be very bodly misused in tho re
port that be had departed to parts
unknown. He informed this papor
that he should commonoe lib el suits
against the State Journal and the
Hastings Nebraskan.
The metropolitan papors eoem to
think' that it is the proper thing to
ight oae anqther for political supre
macy, If they oould hero the people
ourse them for drawning tho republi
can tioket into their harangues,
they would cease their biokei
ings h, within tho party
lines.. The (iuio has oomo when
politics should prevail and Rosowafor
vs Gere et al should ocaso to be tho
topie of discussion.
A few Independent papers of Ne
braska,' .abused the editor of Liberty
for drawing pay for two days work, as
First Assistant Chiof Clerk of the
House, when he worked from 41 to 18
'hears a lay.1 These same men nro
SOW houtlh' for Van Wykc, who
drew pay as .a Congressman, and Col
onel during the war in the sum if
'elsaost 125,000. What a magnificent
jewel ol consistency theBo men are, 10
.kn sure. Gentlenion swallow jour
eelvM like a snake.-Independent
Ajer'a Saraapanlla is one, ot the few
rMowItaa wfcloh are recommended by ve-
tf Beheot et Hedleiae. Ha strength, pur-
Uj, and etmeaoy are too well eutabllahed
aaalt of doubt as to IU superiority
mnrntm Weed-perlistw whatever.
Ayer'a twearU leads all.
DcHHla Dcalcs It.
Tho statement tkat Mr. MoKeigh-
as Bade at Superior the other day
that ho gate fifty dollars to any body
In my behalf la totally and absolutely
false. I am a DEMOCRAT and
A. 0. SANroRD,
"Or Dennla."
It was fun at the democratic con
gressional convention yesterday.
Several of tho delegates wero about
to John Sulltvanice each other and
the conflict grow exceedingly pugilis
tic at times, and when it ceme to
make it unanimous for McKoigban,
noes wore hoard from all oyer the
house, but tho ohaitman disoreetly
decided that it was unanimously car
ried although it appeared otherwise.
The great f asco of endorsing Mo-
Keighan at the Demooratio convention
in this oity on Thursday, has finally
been enaoted and now comes oalamity
erow for the rooked-ribbed democrats
to swallow. Oh, ye Godst what a
delightful morsel for the political
palate. We are pleased to note that
the endorsement does not meet the
approval of the rank and file of the
demooratio party only the politicians.
W. E. Androws, republican candi
date for congress in the Fifth dis
trict, will debate political issues with
Congressman McKeighan. Mr. An
drows is one of the star speakers of
tho state and backed by a good causo,
he will make McKoigban duty before
he is through with him. Superior
Tho republioan league of Nebraska
held one of the grandest and most
enthusiattio meetings at Grand
Island this week that we have cvor
attonded. It was a real lovo feast
and if tho samo spirit is manifested
over tho state the republicans will
sweop everything this fall. Judge
Thurston was the speaker of the day
and in his eloquent way expounded
republioan doctrine that was cheered
to the eoho. He was followed by
others. Messrs. 0.0. Bell, L.H. Fort,
A. Galusha and The Chief were in
attendanco from Rod Cloud. Over
1,000 delegates were present and the
statistics show over 25,000 young
men in the league
The dates for the meetings of
Andrews and MoKeighan have boen
fixed as follows: First meeting at
Haatiogs at 8 e'olook p. m., Sept 22,
second, Sutton, 2 o'clock p, m,, Sep
tembcr 27; third, MoCook 8 o'olook
p. m., September 29; fourth, Grant, 2
o'olook p.m.,Ootober4; fifth. Minden,
8 o'olook p. m.,.Ootober 26; sixth,
Nelson, 2 o'olook: p. m, October 11;
seventh, Grand Island, 8 o'olook p.
m., October 23; eighth Holdrege, 2
o'olook p. in., Ootobcr 18; ninth, Rod
Cloud, 2 o'clock p. m., October 20:
Hon. W. E. Andrews to open ana
olose the following meetings: Hast
ings, McCook, Minden, Grand Island
and Red Cloud; Hon. W. A, MoKei
ghan to have the opening and elosing
at the other places named, Sutton,
Grant, Nelson and Holdrege.
Tho "iniquitous foroo biU"Jplank of
tho republican platform roads as fol
lows: Wo demand that oyery eitiscn of
tho United States bo allowed to cast
0110 free and unrestriotod ballot in all
publlo elections and that such ballot
be counted and returned as cast; that
suoh laws shall bo enacted And en
forced as will secure to every oil'see,
be lio rich or poor, nativo or foreigner,
white or bUok, this sovereign right
guaranteed by the oonstitution. Tho
free and honest popular ballot, tho
just and equal representation of all
tho people, as welt as their just and
equal protoction under the la, aro
tho foundation of our republican in.
atltutious, and the party wi'.l never
relent in lis effort until the integrity
of tho ballot and tho purity of elec
tions shall be fully guaranteed and
proteoted in evury ainte.
Now what honest citizen erw pa
triotic American can find the slightest
objeotion to that declaration of prisv
oiples? Journal.
Don't read this; it to the ttuth. Yon
don't like to hear it. Constipation of
the bowles is more respoautfeto for nerv
onsnoss, malaria, blood poison, and kid
ney diaeaae than nuy other cause, 'flbsp
nctoure," is a guaranteed onre and pre
veaUtire from all this. For aalo at I. It
When you get ready to buy your
children's eefaeo) suits this fall we
want you to ispeot our stook. We
will oonvinco you easily that wo sell
tho goods at correct priees,
Chioaqo Clotiiino Stork
Take "Hepatlonre" and prevent malaria
oiuMpaUou, siehtuae, severing loes
tiau cad snowy. Fet sate at Dtje's.
Highest of aU k lesTsaieg Power.
GeleJca Wedding.
On Thursday, Aug. 18, Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Campbell, of Jewell county
Kansas, celebrate their fiftieth ana
vcraary of their wedding day.
The day was pleasant and about 10
o'olook the invited guest began to
assemble. A neat arbor had been
built over an Immense table which
was soon loaded with Kansas and Ne
braska produots to whioh one hun
dred and eleven persons did ample
justice, and enough left to feed as
many more. Whilo lemonade passed
free all day, in short the aged couple
did all that could be dono to enter
tain their many friends in grand style
When dinner was teady the bride and
groom took their p'aoos at tho head
of tho table and wero remarried by ex
Justioe of the Peaoe, Ghas. Munger,
of Nebraska, at the proper time eome
queor objections wero given, but the
Squire ruled them all out and went
through with tho ceremony. At the
closo Wm. Gates, who had beon chos
en for the purpose with a few ramarks
presented them with $30 in gold, that
was presented by about twenty per
sons ranging from 50 cents to $3.
Outside of this was $7 Irom other
parties making $37 in cash, besides a
great many useful presents for all of
whioh Mr. and Mrs. Campboll tender
their sinocro thanks, also for tho
kindness of their friends.
S. J. Campbell was born July 16th,
1822, in Ohio and is now 70 years old
Lydia A, Drake was born Juno 4th.
1825, in the state of New York, aud
is now 67.
Thoy were married in Athens
county, Ohio, Auu. 18, 1842, Josiah
True officiating.
Two of their four living ehildron
were present and nine grandchildren,
and two great-grandchildren.
Mr. ana Mrs Campbell oame to
Kansas 18 years ago and settled iu
their present residence and have
gainod the reapeot and esteem of all
who know them.
The Company enjoyod themselves
after dinner visiting, and the chief
among amusements was a foot race
run by Unole Lem Howard and
Thomas Campbell.
When the sun was well down in the
west, after singing, "God be with you
till we meet again," and a eordial in
vitation for all to be present at their
diamond wedding, the guests went
home feeling tho day had been well
A tin pan serenade had been ar
ranged for 10 o'olook p. m. it was
pertioipatcd in by a goodly number of
old and yrung friends and enjoyod by
the newly married oouple, again the
the lemonade, eake and pie wont
around. S. R. B.
Dandruff is dne to an enfeebled state of
the skin. Hall's Hair renewar quickens
the nutritiTf functions of the akin, heal
ing and preventing the formation of
Mrs. Mary Motealf wife of tho late
D. C. Metoalf, died Tuesday morning
last at about one o'olook. She had
been quite feeble for some weeks, but
wan thought to be getting along nice
ly. . Dunug the niht her daughter,
Alice, heard her grooping mound af
ter ino lamp, ana asked Her ir Abo
wanted the light, to whioh sho an
swered yes. Tho young lady arose
quiokly, but during the time it took
to light tho lamp, she had fallen
down by the bedside, and beforo help
arrived she bad passed to tho great
boyona. sne was 47 years of age
and was a member of tho M. K.
church, and very consistent ehristiin
lady. She leaves a family of three
children to mourn her loss.
Remember tho great lecture on
Saturday evening, gent. 10th, by Ma
tilda Fletcher- Bubjet, "fa Man an
Angel." There will be no extra tbergp
for renorved Beats.
Monday evening Matilda Flutcher
furnjshod thn last literary entertain
ment of tio Young People's Lcoture
Course for tfcls season. Her course,
besides being logical and roplete with
originality, was clothed a' bejutjful
rhetoric and unsurpassable eloqucneo.
SI10 held yery olosely the attention of
theaudionoe whioh followed her in her
different views, and wero greatly amus
ed atthogpaikliug witticisms sho ut
tered, limy pne was highly pleased
with her leoture mi felt satisfied thai
the course should end eofaflrablo nnd
so suuoessfnlly. Herald, Sparta, AVij,
For an hour and a half sue held her
audience io the closest attention. Her
manner is one of caso and culture, and
is aided by the rare and valuablo gift of
a voice aiarveloualy flexible und ausi
esl. Cosrier, Ottuawi, la.
U. 8. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 18S.
State Creek Iteais.
Making hay, is the the order of
the day.
Some have threshed and grain
yeilded well. Many others havo
grain in the stook, waiting for cool
weather. Prairie grass is short to
cut, but our millet is s,ood, and a
better prospect for corn I never saw.
The 8abbath School pionic over
east last Tuesday was a grand success
and was represented by several sohools
The Orio band gave us somo good
Our Sabbath school at 3 o'clock is
well attended every Sunday. Rev.
Hummel speaks for us on Sunday
night every two weeks.
Mr. Sutton and Clark Stevens have
got to bo regular horse jockies and
says if a man wants to trade, all they
want is one fare proposition.
The harvesting boys that went
south sometlmo sgo to hunt work
have returned home, and say they
would likb to find a good water melon
patch to reoreate on, as thero is none
to be had in the country where they
Improvements is what what makes
a country, and several of our neigh
bors think of building fino residences
this fall if corn crops aro good, and
they surely will be.
Our neighbor Scribner, bought a
oow for $18 worth $25.
Dyspepsia, distress after eating, soar
stomach, poor appetite, bad taste, coat
ed tongue and heartburn are cured by
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous
little pill. For sale by Dotting. '
Grove Meeting-.
There will be a grove meeting held
in Smith county. Kansas, one mile
west of tho Oriole school house io
William Ralahan's grove, 8ept. 10
and 11, 1892. A general invitation
to all. Please bring your baskets.
G. W, Hummel, Pastor.
The rain Sunday nignt made every
thing look fine.
Several of the Amboy folks attend
ed the rounion last week at Superior.
All report a fino time.
Fred Fraso bad tho misfortune to
cut his kneo with a corn knife last
week which will lay him up for some
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker and
daughter Ida departed for Icwa Mon
day morning whore tboy expect to
visit several weeks.
Mr. Judd who has boen visiting his
Bon of this vioinity went to Kansas
Mr. 0, C. Cox comes out in stylo;
he purchased a new buggy.
Ed Cox and wife of Republican
City woro visiting their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. C. C. Cox last week.
yak$ the
,7eak Strong
r.o tntiked benefit wlilch,reopl9 In run
.1 .r ua!:ciii-cl st.ito ot health dertro
1 ..1 Heed's Sarsai'ruIU.i, conclusively proves
l.o cl-li'i ( ,:r,l 1. picdlclno "pukes the weak
iroiic." It docs. pc art Wo a stlpiulant,
imr.-.rtlntr fictitious strength torn which Iboro
ii,i!t fellow a reaction of ctoator weakncn
tl .vi before, lut In the most natural way
I lood's Uarsarnrltla overcomes that tired feel-
In;, creates un appetite, piirines the. Mood,
niul, In fkort, elves great bodily, nerve,
mental aud dlccstlvo stronith.
Fagged Out
"UH Bfdus; y.13 com,letel7 fagged out.
My strength left ma amllfoliflck and mis
emtio all the time, so that I could' kardly
m tend to my business. I took one bottle ol
Hood's Barsaparilla, and i( cured me. There
Is nothing like It." B. C. Bxaout, Editor
Enterprise, Belleville, Mien-
"I derived very much benefit from flood's
Barsaparllu, which I took for general debility.
It bu( tug rJeJit up, and gave me aa excel-
lentarsetlte," EiVJwtWS,Mt,8vage,lId.
N. B. It von decide to' take Ttbod'r Haraa-
.parllla do not bo induced to buy anyUUag else
Instead. Insist upon having
Bold by aliantsatoto. f1tUforS. TtftnimiT
by C. t. HOOD 00 AptbfleMtee,Lowell Hast.
100 Dmm On Dollar
North of Henry Cook's.
Your Patronage is solicited.
Nothing but the
Of thla coanty will please hear In mind that
Has Just received a carload or
Cook and Heating
And will Discount Any Price in the Valley '
iryou are bulletin don't rail to call on lilm,' FOR MONEY IS
Call in and get a Golden Gem.
McGinty. to the bottom of the sea,
But the Buckeye Harness Shop
ticket to the Webster
$5 worth purchased at
J. O.
the '
H. C.
Invitee tfco Farmers or Webster and adjacent counties to his
large and varied stock or
Agricultural Goods
Such as Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows,
Harrows, Mowing Machines. &c.
See him before buying for bargains.
Every One Should Know
That the place to buy
h m hf. mm un
Iron, Tinware, &c.
- W.W.Wrii
New Gooods
Fur Suit?.
Jay Popo, has a fine driving horse
for sale call on or address him at
R . p, ,
ea vioua.
A gentleman ot this county who hoe
excellent judgment remarked to na the
other day that ho knew of no mil ho
good for constipation, dyspepsia nnd liv-
er complaint as DeWiit's Wttle Enrly
fc m jr--
Risers, For sale by Cott'ng.
Repoiycd this week the nicost se
lected stook of men's suits you cyor
saw in this city.
CmoAao Clothing Store.
TheMnjostio, The Dignified Qenoral
fcee was a man of perfect discipline.
He wroto a f rind that H was dne to epa
tioure wbioh he always kept with him
during the war, whioh gave him petfood
health. For sale nt Dc'yo's drng store.
Save SB to SO oeata oa every dollar you iixud
Write tor oar Bununotb Caudogae, a eoo-pa
book.eosUinloc lllutratton and ctvlDg lowest bud-
ufictartn' nrfeM. with muuftct
ncM, wun mantrociorara' aucoauu
nomanooia uoooi, ranuura, vioiniqr. uuimi
saUtoU' Clothing and FurnUhlng Uoodr, Win
Ooods, White Good. Dry Qoodi, 1UU, Cap,
Boots aad 8bom, Uloree, Notion, UlMtware,
eutloasry.y etches. Clocki, Jewelry, Silverware,
Bafgjes, welpa. Agricultural Implement, eto.
ONCr rWSrcLAftS UOOUS. Catalogue seat
ea receipt ot US cent for expretupe- We ire the
oaly concern which eelle at mmurtcturere' prices,
allowing ue ouy
allowing we Buyer ue eape aiecount tuti me
niee 10 me waoieNu uuyer. no
oode as repretf Rted; It not foaod
inded. flood lent bv axon ot
freight, with privilege oteMmtiutlrm before-pay1-
123 Qalncy Street, Chicago, ill.
aalarv ot SSS to SfiO ner week to GOOD asenta
to represent us In every county, and tell our general 1
uaeoe aercaanaueairaaauiaciiirsra- pricee, mult
particulars teuton receipt
mqeJacy ttttiet, Cal&d,1ll.
We Keep
Best Meats.
is still on top nnd will give a
County Fair with every
his store at one time.
1 What shall it profit a nan it he
ffal0 the who,e wor,d ttnd thea ha" th
dyPBtobaJ tht he oanlt enjoy any
of the good things it contains ? He
wont haye dyBpep8ia i ho jjeWitta
ittlo Early RisTaP.alo at Cotting.
For Cab to any Part or tho City
T.ilnlTA AerlAea eatVl T T !hJ1 T
will fill your orders promptly, and ci-e
vou irood sorvioo.
J. H. OblNE, Prop.
Mortgage Loans
Limit or Amounts Lonncdt
KJ0O.OO to t)10,000.00.
Farm loans worth at least double
the amount loaned.
Complete abstract fiom the Unit
ed States down to the borrowor.
Terms or JLottn:
Five (5) to ten (10) years. Exten
sion at maturity without cost to
satisfactory borrowers.
Rate or Interest;
Bight (8) per cent, annually, on
April, July, Ootobor or Decem
ber let. '
Place or Payment:
Interest and principal made paya
ble at your home hank, allowing
borrower to take np hia nolo ut
the time of payment.
Specie.) Prlyllcgot
Partial pojntont in nuy nmount at
nny time with rebuto of intereAtV
evidenced by written agreement;
providing that such paymeuta
elinll not exceed in any one year
one-ilfth of the prinoipnl.
Call on or Address,
D. M, Myers,
Red loml. ct,
-A -
- r
pJw" lmH4vVfltrm
. 'u
'Sixrimklt MM a!V
HJSSrfWwl .