t. N 2 li o . PI III' K . Educational Department. D. M. liWrilK, IMIfor. Bvorr leaelir-r in thU county should rend Pago's Theory and Prac tice of Teaching nnd Halo's LiglitB of two Centuries this tear. These aro tte book! to be used by tho Stato Taaehers' Reading Circle. The reading eirolo work will form part of the program for every teach era' meeting during tho sehool year. Wherever sovoral tcaohera are so located that they can meet regularly once or (wise during each month it is advisable for thorn to organito a local reading cirole. Let "Tho Teachers' Blackstono" bo o thoroughly ntudiAd this year that il will become a part of oycry Uacher. The summer vacation is nearly past Let ui oemmenco to plan for our fall work in the schoolroom, Some of our teacher who havo been attending a summer school havo returned reoently. No one can bo too well prepared for school work. When one beonmes iotercsted in teaching, it is difficult to give up tho work and engago in somo other occu pation, tieveral of our expailenced tcaoh ers, who thought they would not teaob this year, have changed their Binds, and are preparing for another year of usefulness in the schoolroom, The boys and girls are commenc ing to feel anxious for tho fall term to open. Some parents are plinning to havo their children attend school overy day next term. Let us try to got value received for the money exponded for school pur posed this year by having our chil dren attend school regularly. Every thing connected with the sohool-houso and grounds Bliould be in readiness Tor tho teachor and pu pils. Parents, remomber that tho public school is yours. Why not mako good use of your own property ? 8ohool officers; Are there any panes of glass wanted for the school-house windows? An the corners of tho school-room filled with cobwebs ? Are the desks and walls covered with dust ? Has tho floor been scrubbed this summer ? Does tho stove pipe need cleaning? Would it not bo a good plan to have tho stovo blaokcncd ? Havo tht windows boon washed sinco tho school-house was built ? Does the blackboard nocu repair ing? Is thero any obscono languaeo writton on tho desks, wall", woodwork, anywhdro on tho insido of the houso, on tho outsido of tho houso, or on tho insido or tho outside of the outbuildings ? Have the tall sunflowers boon re moved from near the sides of the house ? Is the school ground covered with sandburrs ? Oan tho door be latohed ? Have tho outhouses bcon scrub bed? Is there a box of crayon on the teaoher'a dosk ? Are the brooms, watcrpail, tinuup, wash basin, coil shovel, and coal scuttle in good condition and prosont? Do you noed any blackboard, eras ers, and pointers ? Havo you sufficient books, slates, etc., so as to give tho teacher and pu pils a chance to commence work on the first day of school ? Remember that tlm schoolroom in the placo whero the teacher and your children are to livo many days and weeks this jeat. This dwelling placo of the children cannot bo nmdo to pleasant loriuom. j.no men, "any thing will do tor ihe schoolroom" might do for a Hottentot. "Nothing is too good for tho sohoolroora" should bo tho sentiment of overy en lightened American oitiron. It should bi the rulo in every tits- triot to have tho schoolroom awept or scruDDCQ auer overy puuno nieoung, It is not tho teacher's business to act as janitor for every public, or lodpe meeting in a sohoolnouse. . "Neither the board nor district hatt any right to nllow tho sohool-houso to be used in suoh a way as to interfere with the school." On tho morning after niaxy a pub lic uiutiiK in a sohool-houso tho schoolroom is too filthy a place in whieh to raiBO pigs, much less to teach ehUdrcn. When tho sohool-roem is found to be in such'.conditiou the teacher and children should return to their homes snd refuse to ocoupy it till it is cleaned by proper persons. KntTOtl fjlllicr: 1'Iorao pivo mo a litfl Kpimi to toll your ninny roadors about W. li. 0. day nt the inturHlntc reunion to held ntSporior, Wednesday tho 21th is assigned to tho Wotnon's Ilolicf Corps. Wc oxpoat to ontortaiti tho people with addresses music reci tations, songs, and short specohes from many members of our order. Tho subjoots will bo various, patri otism taking tho lead, Tho subject of politics is prohibited, but doubt less if tho speeches be closely follow ed, it can bo conjeoturcd at tho olosc, what party tho tpeaker favors. The department presidents of Kan sas nnd Nebraska are cxpectod to be present. Also the National S. V., president in this stato, and many oth er talonted women, The District Association whioh hnb thiB in chargi, intends to mako W. R. 0., day, tho best ono of this reunion. All are invited, Come and boo what tho' women can do. E. 13. Knioiit, District Pres., W. II. C. Insurance. For Fire Lightning and Tornado Insuranoo in the German of Freeport and other reliable companies, call on or write to Chas. Sohaffnit, oflico over Deyo's drug store, Red Cloud, Nebr. Wanted. A fow good farm loans, six per cent interest. No second mortgage. D. B Spanoolk. For Flour and Feed Go and see L. P. Albright. He keeps tho best brands and sells his flour just as chtap as others. Also sells hard and soft coal. Priocs reasonable. Of fice and scales, corner of Webster street and 4th avenue. Gasoline gloves. Tho best in the world, for salo at, A. Moil ART'S. 40-tf Call on T. E. Penman, Jeweler and optician for fino watch cleaning and repairing, artistic lotter, emblem nnd monogram engraving. A full lino of watches, clocks, jewelry, spcotaolos, oto. always on hand. Can fit any eye with tho very best of spectacles. You will find, in Cotting's drug stor j. We advise nil oar readers to procure "Marshall's Manual of Health.'' This valuable book should be ia every home. It ia a masterpiece of eoience. Bent free on application to Maranaii unemicai wig. Co.. Kansas City, Mo., or Lawrence, Has. For sale by L. H. Deyo. "Good morning!" Why. I am sur prised; the doctors and neighbors have all reported inai your ueam was unuy expected." "Ah I yee; they all said I never could rocover and gave me up to die with ohronio malaria, kidney and liver trouble. I have taken three bottles of "Hepnti oure," gained 40 pounds nnd am sound and well. John r. Harrison, Home, un. For sale by Xj. h. Deyo. If dull, spiritless and stuped: if your blood is thick nnd sluggish; if yonr appe tite isoaprioiouB and uncertain, you need n Saraapanlla. For best rest results use Do Witt's. U. Li. Dotting. G. A. R. Inter-stato Reunion, Su perior, Nob., Aug. 22-27. Agents within -UU miles of Superior may sell tickets to that point at ono fare for the round trip, tickets to bo sold Aug. 21-2G inclusive and limit for return to Aug. 29. Prevent chills, fever, malaria, loss of time by aioknese. Take "Hepntioure." For salo by L. H. Deyo. Dayou want money, happiness, com fort and pleasure? If so, keep your Health perfect by an occasional use or "Hepatfcure" the great Engliek blood, kidney and liver tonic. For sale by L. II. Deyo. Draylng. Tho Red Cloud Dray Lino havo four good and heavy mulo team). All hauling promptly attended to your orders solioited, J no Uarklev, tf ' Proprietor, "Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your home in the skies." But early to bed nnd n "Little Eany Riser," the pill tbnt mnkes life longer nnu oeiter and wiser, u. u Cotting. Take "Hep aticure"and prevent chill and fever rather than nausoouB danger ous drugs to euro them. For salo by L II. Deyo. Hall! Hall! Hall! U.K. Pond, will writo Hail insur ance in ono of tho best companies rep resented in the west as choup as any. Children Cry for .n -ivCastorla. Snerlira Sale. Notice la hereby Riven that under and hy vlr tuo of an order of sale Issued from the oiuroor 0. II. Crone, clork of Hie district court of the tenth Judicial district, within and for Welxter county, Nebraska, utxm a decree I nun action pending therein, wherein r. H. urUuIra l plaintiff, nnd against Aloiuo M Kreelovo, Utlu lauherj Hweet. Orr & Co.i iteulner Hhoon Crockery Co.! Klrkendall, Jones &i'o , defend lints. 1 .hall offer for Kilo at public vendue to the lilRheit bidder for cash In hand at the eiut ttoor of the court houso nt lied Cloud. In said ebtcr comity, Nebraska, (tliut be n lliu iMilldinie wherein tho liwi term or sld oourt us holdon on the act Day or August, A. D. 1899, tit one o'clock p. m. of said day. the followliiR described properly towlti luthrro and four In block one, In Vance a hrst iiddlilou t the tuwiiof (iulde Kock, Webster Co., Nebraska I1IV.M1 llltl1.tr 111V tmnii tkid nil.l.'.l.... ... ..V .... .. . ,....a'0 K. CooN.Sheilff. jaiim luriKJiv, run SAiiy, 4K-J00 x The uo?e ale was coutmued for 0 day, tor the want of blddors, It will be airaia offered for aalp September D, 18'JL'. at 1 o'clock p. m. Osa. K, Gowi, Sberlff, DriinkcnncM. or the s.lquor Habit Cured at Home In Ten Days by ArimliilNlermg r. Halite' Colileii Npcclilv. It enn bo glvon In n gins of bear, n out) of coffee or fen or in food without tho knowlodgo of tho patient. It Is nb Rolutoly hnnn'ccD nnd will ftfeel n jior tnniiont nnd speedy sure, whotlior tho patient is n modernto drinker oi an nt cohollo wreck. It liaa boon givnn In thousands of canon, anil In ovory instance n perfect euro has followed, It never falls. ThoByetom onco imtirocnated with tho specific, it Incomes an utter impost)!- unity ior mo liquor nptxHuo to ex int. Cures guaranteed. 48 pug l.ool; of par ticulars free. Address tho Golden Spo clllo Co., 185 Unco Street, Cinciniinti, O. Children Oryfv.r Pitcher's Cattorlc - HONEY SAVED IS MONEY U, Hve 'i'. to ii rrnti' nil every dollar you fum. Wrlio (or nnr mstntnoth tatnloRae, a um-psi-t. book,coolnliilDK Illustration and i(IvIur luneit min Ufsctnrerr' prlctrs, with nimitiic(lei'dlfCoiuiU of every kind of Roods and rumiUe mauufacuired and Imported into the Unltril slates. Urocerlei. llmiseliuld Good-, Furniture, Clothing, Lndle' andlieuts' ClolhliiRtud KnrnishlnR UimhI(, Dren Uoodi, White Goods, Dry Hoods, Hats, Uspi, Hoots and Hhoes, Ulovrs, Notions, MlMiwart, Btstlonery, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, bllvtrware, llURRles, Wblps, Aurlcnltursl Implemvuts, etc. ON1.Y FIHHT CLASH OOOD3. CatalORae sent on receipt ot its cents for eipreiisze We sre the only concern which sells at mamifacturers' prices, allowlnR the bnyer Ihe same discount t'.st the manufactorer rives to the wholesale buyer. We anarantee all Roods as represented: If not found so, money refunded. Goods sent hy express or t.wlUiprlfUWof..ntr2 IHQolncy Street, Chicago, 111. WE WILL PAY A salary of $M to $!H per week to OOOD aRenU to represent ns In evry county, and sell our general line of Merchandise at msimfscliirers' prices. Ojt.T those who wsr araAiiY kiicloymk.it nkrd trrtr. CataloRiia and particulars scutou receipt ft !U cents for exprectage. F h A. KAUI'KN ft CO. 123 Qulncy htreet, Chlcnao. 111. Notice. To Hnolier Rlemer. nbn-rostdent do fondant: You nro hereby notified that on the L'L'd liny of July, lb'J2, Adolpli Hie mor filed hla petition ngninit yon in the dlatnot conrt of Wobater county, Nebras ka, the object nnd prayer of whioh are to obtain a divorce from you on the gronnd that on or about tho 1st day of April, 1801, nnd continuously through the year of 1801, nml in tho year of 181)1, until the month of March of said laat named year, you wero gnilty of oxtrerne cruelty to wards anld plnlntiir, by refumng to cook for said plaintiff and refusing to do tho necessary housework nnd in refusing to in any manner aid said plaintiff in his en doavors to mako a homo for himself and family, nnd in leaving said plaintiff in the month or March, 18J2, and going to tier many where jon have sinco resided with out the consent of this plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the Cth day of September, lOV'J. Anoint Riiurb, By A. II. Bowix, Ills Atty. G2-4t. Road Notice. To whom it may concern: The commissioner appointod to locate a rood commencing nt a point 80 rods east oi the south-west corner of section 34, town two, range ton in said Webster county, thenco running north through section 31 and 27 to n point 80 rods east of the north-west corner of said section 27. Thence west 100 rods to a point 80 rods west of thu south-east corner ot section 21. Thenco north through said section 2f nnd 10 to n point 80 rods west of tho north-east corner of said section 10, except whero said road strikes a Bwump in section 10 nnd 21 then to devi ate nnd follow the high land around the west sldo of snld swamp, has reported in favor ot locating and establishment thereof, nnd all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must bo tiled in the County Clerk's otllco on or before noon ot tho 28th day of Beptembor, 1802, or such road will bo established without roferonco there to II. D IIankev, 1-lt County Clerk. Notice. Tho Treasurer of Dow 1 Acauemy I'lalntlff vs James V. Slronsotnl Defendants) In the district court of Webster county, Ne braska. Jnmrs F. KtronK nnd Mary R. fitronjt, defend ants, will take notice that on ihe 2d day nt .lull, 1MH, rue Treasurer oi jinw Ai'uiemy, piiiiuuii herein, Hied Ills petition In the district court of Webster comity, Nebraska, analnst said de- fondants, the object and prnjer of which Is to foreclose n certain mortgage executed by the defendants to this plalntlll upon the hOMh halt ot north-west quarter nnd the north half of the snuth.wost nuarter of ec2I.Twn 2. It 0. to so- cure the payment of a certain pmml-sory note dated .nine 'M, 1887. for the sum of Slow, duo and payable on tho 1st day of July. 189;', and Ihe years (mm dato thereof; that there U now dun upon said notes and moilRiiKe thu sum of Stoft) and Interest, for which, Willi Interest from this date, plalutlir pM a for u decree that defend ants bo reunited to nay the same or that said premtsea limy he Bold to satisfy the amount found due, You aro rcnulied tonnswor said petition on or hefo o thu 10th day ot Sept., iw TltKAHCKKII DOW AOAUKMY, lMtlf, M. A. HarllRaii,tty for I'll (I. 2-lt Notice. Hcnjamlu E. Illiulo, ) l'UlutilT vs Y Joshua linn Is et ivl ( Defendants J In the district oourt of Webster county, Ne braska. I.. Morgan Smith, Impleaded with others. Defendants will tuku notice Hint ou tho 10th dav of April, lew, llcnjumln K. Illude, plaintiff heieln, tiled tils petition in the district court of Web-tor comity. Nebraska, nKiilnst s.Ud de fendants, tho ohjeat and pr.i)erot whioh Is to rorociose a eenaiii iuoiiiiiiru exeruieu uy i"e ik'foiidauts to this nlitlutlll iiimiii thu nnrth-east quarter of thu north-east quarter, west half iioriu-rui iiimut-r miii iiurui-wesir qu.ineroi Moullieast quarter beo 21, T I, It 10, to secure the payment of a certain promissory noto dated Miireh 21st. IW, for the sum of $870. due and puablo on thu 1st day ot April, tetrj.and live yeuis from date thereof: that there Is now due thu defendants to plal'K'ff upon said notes and uuirlL'iiL'A tlio mull of 87(1 ttith Interest from this date, iorwhlth plalutllT iras for u decree that tlits defendants he required to pay Ihe same or that x.ild prenusos mav ho sold to atls. U the iimount found due. You uro required to iiiitHitr said petition ou or before the 19th day ot fcepminuer. ijkw. .. ' IlKWJAMtN K. HlNDK, rialntlff. M. A. llAUTMl AN, Alt) fur l'ltlf . 2 4t F. P. IIADLEY. Painter and Paper Hunger, Bed Clouds Nebraska. Mere BtawuirTu wrMattwn vuvramtoM, Children Ory for Pitcher' Cattorla. I. VT. TULLEYg, M. D. lloimeopatlitc Physician, Keil Cloud, . NcbntsKa. Offlco ophnlio Vlrst National Dank, u. H.KxumliilnK MirReon. Chronic disease treated bv mall. n. E. POND, Conveyancer, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, and Pen Ion Agent. OFFICE OVERPOHESFIELDg STORE. Red Cloud, Nebraska. I especially Invite yon to call oa me for anything in my line. Loans mad on farm property at 8 per cent. Insurance in the best companies I also, AGENT FOR THE STARK RROS. CELEBRATED NURSERY STOCK. Call and see me if you desire, shrubbery flowers orfruitstock. Yon will find prof itable to see me. II. E. POND. D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Agent Red Cloud. Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for tcaohers oftho publio sohools of this county, at Ked Cloud on tho third Saturday of eaoh month. Special examinations will be held on the Friday proceeding the 3d Sat urday of eaoh month. The standing required for 2d and 3d grade certificates is the same no grado below 70 per cent., average 80 per eent; for first grado certificate no grade below 80 per cent., average 110 per cent, in all branohes required by law. D. M. HrjNTKB, County 'Supt. CHEAPER FARM LOANS. No Money CommtssloH. 55 q 1 gj I can write you a farm loan at a straight 7 per cent with the privilego 01 paying on any part 01 the prinot pal at any interest payment. J. It. 1 BAitxr. i i i i 4 SINGER SEWING GEO. GUILFORD, Sole Agent for Webster County. IVoiile proposlmr. to buy sewing machines should not fall to boo the CELEBRATED SINGER Tbe Finest Machine Made In The World. Hvery purchaser ot a fino drawer Oak or Walnut case receives free, n l'oerless button hole attachment. Don't buy until you see the niiKci uupruveu ocwiur nscniiiu. Geo. Guilford, Agent. Notice. To John Arnold and Rosettn Arnold! V Yd aro hereb notlHed that James L. Brlt tnn did, on the 3d day of November, A. i. ltoo, pnrchase at public tax sale, of the treasurer oi iruuswr county, MeDrasiia, ine following des cribed land-lot situated In Webster county, No "tnwij wiwii. aiid iiuiiii-nrsi iunrier OI BvG (Ion 'J. townshln 3. niin-e Id. west cth n. m.. mnri lazed In the sear 189 in tho name or John Ar nold and was sold for tho taxes of said year l&tt; anduni are further notlQed that the time of redemption will ezulreon thoUitdayof No vrmurr, iB-.r.-, uuu mum uix ueeu win ue execu ted to the American Investment com pany, assignee of iuU ocrtlllcato ot pur- ehase. bv tlio trpasurnr nf Whitr rmmtv. Nchiaska, unless redemption from said salo Is iiuuu on or u lore saiu au uay or isovemoer, isiti. You will govern yourselves accordingly, Dated this 10th day of July, 18u amkiiiuan iNViurMKMT Co., Assignee. D y o. 0. J eel, Agent. SUt RANDOLPH McNITT, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ed Oioud,Nb. Moon Blook. Notice or Sale. In Ibe matter of tbe estate of James Laird, deceased. , , Kntlrn li hnrehv elvitn that In DUrsuSnce Of an order of V. U. Tleall, JmJjto ot tho district umirtui ,,cuBcr vuuuij, ,,,.. y .. . mil yuetotne hlpbest bidder for cash efol. and lota o and 7 tn block e village of Bel Cloud. Nebraska. Bald sale will remain open one hour. wtea Aug ,.. .jAM.ttpirty l April, low, l"f mo ! ,-'" v"Tj-'T-Il. herolnatter described, there will be sold at the court house door, Ked Cloud, Neb., on the M He who Wants Health Wants Everything! .sfliifliiiiiB RiRhHIsrIrVsW 'RV RRKLffsf9a:d4 V c' 'SVBSlH ''fSBH VRBRV-Bi s v RVZ t RRRRfiJBaVj. W;w"vW , ;,;rrM' - JHrIrrbbr .RRRRRRiiBwwS'-. VViRHRlRTRTarlRK ' 1. RVRtRRWiRRrsRk ' .S ;;:4rHrrHlP R''liSJB' ;sRRRRRRRRRsRRR4Rjs RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR HVHsrbrrrrrrHHMP' "'SSsIbtJrrrrrrHRI'''' There are millions of pennons in thiB country who Buffer from ohronio diseases or an affliction which incapacitates them from business, and frequently makes life a burden, many of whom would place themselves under different treat ment if they were acquainted with the fact that a new treatment was in reach of them. Kemodial agents for many of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we offer totne afflicted one, on a business like banis. the maiiacment of which we trust will be tempered by a moral and philau thropio principle. ' W prtetlca tji Bnnkerhon- treatment of all forms cf SEPTAL DISEASES. Wa per tonally owe a dsbt of gratitude to the father ana forager of this system and not to pub lish to tin world inch knowledge, would be to do manldna an lnjnitiee. This Is tha remedy ttatthorandi bless, and ono that I havo secured at great onejtrjedanj tested before offering It to yon for yonr consideration and Investigation. Pescriptlw pamphlets sent free on application. Offlco consultation free. Names of parties who hare been cured cheerfully irlven on application. L. D. Denney, M. D., Red Cloud, Neb THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. -WILL POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world Webster Co. Abstract Office, JT. II. BAILEY, Abstracter and Proprietor. Accurate Abstracta Promptly Furnished for any Lands In Webster coanty. A complete and Accurate act or Abstract books and a 10000 bond niedTltk county Judge Insures satis. faction. For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or some good Bargains in Real Estate, call ou J. H. BAILEV. UJED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Warner & Warren, " THE TWO JO'S " Have opened a Eeal Estate Office, AND ABE BEADY TO SELL 70V Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stock or House hold Goods. Have some Bargains to offer to any who call at this office, 2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, irsStaUp Fire, LightningandTornado Insurance RmawRmawRmRmVRmYRwRKsVflMwffiiSKiSsRi flffiWi'ifv A. H. GRAY, lshe Insurance Man, - Red Cloud, Neb. Will lusuro your properly unalnst Fire, Lightning, Also, will insure your represents the best company on earth The old Continental of N Y. CITY OFFICE-With J. H. Smith 1st door south of F & M bant V-fiy'' MAKE jjaa i.IBJ""rtto' and Tornado crops against hail, He r, ai1 " J MwimrtssntHMiWii ii r-r i wfi.iii.rtii IS. "'',.. L'tJV'I'j.'iausj. -,..J.jL.Hiswniimii "T'JVJiMW8ISfJim.imjij.Mu..-- irk' ' "'' - cf t-i zw urs"1. wy w my