The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 19, 1892, Image 6

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A. O. MOSMER, ubllaher.
Tun rublwr trust combination
Itito ofTcct November 1.
Nkw coal fluids hnvo been discovered
In Lancawhlre, Knirhind.
Tiikiik Is a famine In Shun nntl mis
Btonnrles uidc for assistance.
' , Tiik medical journals uro betftnnlnp;
Jrto tnko an ItitercHt In the linprovement
of country roadn.
Tin: Mexican loan of 000,000 was nil
Tnntn&eouidy placed, allowing the tfood
credit of tho country.
Tuts constitution of Louisiana per
mits women to hold any ofllco connect
ed with public education.
Thk number of JuvcnlleerlmlnalR con
victed In England lu 1M1 was lesn than
half the. number convicted lu 1871.
The fihlptncnt of fruit from Califor
nia to London was sold there at miction
the other day, liringliifr comparatively
low prices.
Kino Mamktoa has Wen given ?i,?.00
as his sharo of tho proceeds from the
Bale of tho vessels wrecked at tho Sa
tnonn Islands.
Tin: mace of tho house of representa
tives consists of u bundle of thirteen
ebony rods entwined and bound togeth
er with silver bands.
ATf Messina, Siena and thrco other
- Itnllan university towns the number of
students Is so small that there Ir a pro
fessor to every four pupils.
I'iikdiiihck I). Taiten, the genial
president of the Gallatin National bank
of New York, began his career In Wall
treut as u boy In tho bank which he
now directs, and through perseverance
and foresight attained the position he
has for some time lllled.
P. Nicnot. Cnorrii, tho author of
'Kiithlcen Mavournecn," celebrated
f the 84th anniversary of his birth at
Portland, Me., on August 'J. A recep
tion was given In his honor by friends,
who hud thu pleasure of hearing him
ling the charming ballad again.
Ooon looks must 1h supported by
i;ood dressing, or there is a failure in
Iho general makeup. Congressman
ItulUiy, of Texas, Is generally consid
ered the handsomest man In congress,
but ho does nut dress in n manner cat-
jt ciliated to bring out his good points.
" " ' i . . -
. J KiiRDEiiiCK Waud was playing Damon
Mn Utlca, N. Y. ills lirst entrance is
from tho senate chamber. After the
"reception" npplauso had subsided, Da
mon spoko his first lines, beginning:
"And now tbrro is no public virtue left
In Syracuse." Whereupon a volco In
tho gallery broko In upon tho stem old
pntrlot with tho remark: "No, begorra,
nor In Utlca, naythcr."
Tiikiik Is ii movement on foot In
England to penult benrers of tho minor
title of "Honorablo" to prefix this to
their names upon their visiting cards.
Tho honorable movers hold that in
these days, when there nro so many
honorables that tho public can't remem
ber who Is honorablo and who Is not,
their distinction will go unrecognized
unless they nro permitted to label
Tint $10,000 prlro offered for the best
dramatization of "Hlack lleauty" has
not lieeu awarded. Nine plays" wero ex
amined and refused. One pluy not sub
mitted In tho contest has boon consid
ered worthy of a trial and will be
brought out In the fall. "John' Oliver
llobbes," whoso Inst contribution to tho
Unknown Library, "Tho Sinner's Com
edy," has attractcdattcntlon, Is n young
American woman living In Loudon and
her real name Is Mrn. Cralge.
Tiik Scotch housewives know how to
tnko care of tho money when they havo
an opportunity. Homo Scotch working
men hand over all their wages to tholr
Wives, who make them nn nllowaueo
lor pocket money. In tho course of n
nowspnper controversy on this subject
a thrifty matron stated that slio al
lowed her husband ouoshllllng and six
pence weekly out of his wages, with
permission to spend n portion of it In
taking a dram with a friend on Satur
day night
Mu. PiNWitmiE, of tho national bu
reau r of ethnology and arclueology,
has lieen nt Salisbury, Mil., for several
days seeking Information of tho long ex
tinct tribe of Indians known as
tho Nuntleokes. With several local as
ilstanta ho has traversed tho en
tire length of tho Nuntleoko, river, vis
iting tho mounds and graveyards of tho
tribe. At Ulvertou considerable pot
tery wan found, and one human skele
ton was unearthed, which it is claimed
was that of a long departed brave. Tho
skeleton of a large dog was at so discov
ered, Tho Nantlcokes uro supposed to
havo departed from their native hunt
ing grounds about tho year 1700 and
moved westward.
Tiik gavel used by Vice-President
Morton in closing thu first session of
the senato of the Fifty-second congress
Is ono of historic Interest In 1785 Ocn.
Washington planted six trees at Mount
Vernon, which were named after dis
tinguished herneft of the revolutionary
wnr, Tho wood used In tho head of the
gavel wiih taken from ono of theso his
torio trees (a uiugunlia), and tho handle
was made from a boxwood tree named
In honor of Lafayette, This gavel was
vniua bjr Lieut llrndley, of tho cnpltol
police, nnd Is a fine piece of wnrkmiu
ship. The gavel was presunted by
Lieut. HrtulUy to tho John llrown Fort
company and will bo placed among tho
collections of tl. relict In their cxhibl
, tion building, which has just been com
letcd in Chicago.
Gloanact By Tolograph and MalL
.lon.v (', lll'.viiV, for many years editor
and publisher of tho Itollglo-l'hilosu-phlcal
Journal nml n man of Interna
tional reputation nmong spiritualists
ntul theosophlstrt, died at Chicago. Ho
was fit years old.
A iiKViit.UTioN Is reported In lloltvliu
Kivb Russian soldiers havo liven capt
ured by the Afghans.
Kx-Co.N Vict 1'Ktni Wa nn denies that
ho Is about to 1m married.
Assistant .SKcnr.TAiir or tiik Tiikah
irnv Cum .vsi:, who has been nominated
for governor of Nebraska by the repub
licans, will resign In a few weeks.
A firm. uk Is on foot between the pop
ulists unit democrats of Minnesota to
fuse on the state and electoral ticket
Hi) IIiiooks, ono of tho publishers of
the Herald, was drowned lu tho river
near Charleston, 111., while in bathing.
Ciui.i has decided to grant the request
of the government of the United States
to appoint arbitration commissioners.
Tub sultan of Morocco received thn
heads of thrco rebels who had been
slain in battle. Foreigners arc be
coming alarmed.
Tin: name of Mr. Marshall dishing,
tho private secretary to Postmaster
General Wnnnmakcr, Is prominently
mentioned as a probable successor to
First Assistant I'ostmnster-Oenoral
Whitfield, who is soon to retire.
I,ii:i;t.-(?ov. Hiikkiian has been
chosen chairman of tho New York statu
campaign committee.
Aiivicks from tho Choctaw nation nro
to tho cirect that thu friends of Gov.
Jones concede his defeat by Jacob
Jackson by n vote of 25.
Gkn. .Jamkh W. DKNVKitdlctl nt Wash
ington on the Oth of blood poisoning.
Ho was 7.1 years old. Denver, Col., was
named after him while ho was governor
of Kansas.
A hknhai lox AI. suieldo was that of
Judge James C. Normilo at St. Louis.
Ho had been sevcroly criticised by tho
Post-l)hpatch for his administration of
the criminal court and brought n charge
of libel against tho paper. Hroodlng
over thu matter canted lilm to take his
own life., tho nlllnnco candidate for
governor of Alabama, declares that ho
will contest tho election of Jones, dem
ocrat. .
Tin: results of tho supplementary
elections for members of departmental
councils in Franco leave n net republic
an gain of IDA. The conservatives now
hold only six departments.
Tiik pardon of H. Clay King by Gov.
Iluchauan provoked great resentment
nt Memphis, Tenn.
llAi.t.AiU) Smith, editor of tho New
York World, has withdrawn from that
paper. '
Hr.Nitv 11. Rviirii, the United States
consul at Copenhagen who lu under ar
rest charged with having misappropri
ated tho sum of 200,000 krouors, has
confessed that ho Is guilty of'cmbczzle
ment. Tin: London Chronicle's Rome corre
spondent says that tho pope's dcslro to
mnko an American cardinal at tho noxt
consistory has been frustrated by tho
divergence of views of Archbishops Cor
rignu nml Ireland.
Sr.x.uoii OAitLiftMs has written to n
friend In Kentucky that ho favors nn
unlimited, but not free, coinage of sil
ver. Junni: I'r.Tr.u Tuiixky has been nom
inated by tho Tennessee democrats for
governor. Tho platform called for tho
abolition of tho penitentiary lease nys
tem. J. V. CocKitr.i.i., n brother of United
States Senator Cockrell of Missouri,
has been nominated by the Thirteenth
district (III.) democrats for congress.
Cait. Hkai.v, commanding tho rovo
nuo steamer Hear, now in Alaskan wnt
ers, has made u long report to tho treas
ury department In regard to tho cruiso
of that vessel In Alaskan watera.
Tin: vote of want of confidence wont
against Lord Salisbury In tho llritish
house of commons by 350 to !515. Glad
stone wns summoned to form n now
Juiiok Hunii McCunnr wns elected
grand master of tho Knights Templnr
nt Denver, Col. Tho noxt triennial con
clave will bo at Itoston.
It is staled that tho republican nn
tlonal committee will Interest Itself In
favor of Kolbe, tho people's party nom
inee for governor of Alabama, whom
Jones, democrat, claims to havo
Iowa populist refused democratic
fusion and put tho following ticket In
the field: Secrulury of state, E. II, Oll
letto of lies Moines, formerly n green
back meinbor of congress nntlOcu. Wea
ver's partner in tho newspaper business;
auditor of state, A. J. lllakoly of New
ton; treasurer, Justin Well of Eldorn;
attorney general, Charles Mackenzie of
Des Moines; commissioner,
James H. llurnettof Indianolu,
Two torpedo boats attached to tho
llritish bluu sipiadron while maneuver
ing near Portsmouth en mo into collision.
Ono of them was so badly damaged that
she sank.
Tiik Itrothorhood of Carpenters and
Joiners In national convention ndopted
a resolution demanding of congress tho
repeal of tho clause of tho act recently
passed closing tho world's fair on Sun
day. Tiik Cramps, of Thlladelphln, secured
tho contract to build the ocean grey
hounds that are to beat tho records of
tho City of Now York nnd tho City of
Twki.vk Chiiinmeu wero landed near
Port Wilson, Wash., tho other day,
four of whom were arrested.
Tiir. Knights Tomplur conclave opened
nt Denver, Col., on I ho Oth, wlthu grand
Knurr persons, all negroes, wero
drowned by tho swamping of n ferry
nlonp between Sullivan's Island and thu
mainland, near Charleston, S. C. They
wero huckster on their way to tho
island. .
Su.vKit Is quoted nt 85 cents an ounce,
thu lowest figure yet reached.
Dkuiikii will shortly commence suit
against tho watch truht
Thk ItciicIi transport Chnrcnte, on
paged in laying cables In tho Mediter
ranean, Is aground near Hycres.
Tint execution of thu ulght hour law
as applied to the construction of public
buildings has proved so embarrassing
to tho officials of the treasury depart
ment, that tho attorney general hns
leen asked for n legal construction of
tho provisions of thu act
No 5 Santa Fk train was wrecked by
spsrndlng rails near Denver, Col. No
ono was killed but many wero severely
A llAi.TiMom: &O1110 engine run into
n beef train near tho Ilellairo (O.)
bridge wrecking both engines nnd two
cars. John Lovcjoy, n brakcinun, was
fatally Injured.
A oi'No lady named Rust was
drowned In tho Sioux nt Sioux City, la.
In the same river near tho satuo place
Pat Collins, n lxy, wns drowned. In
tho Missouri at Sioux City Ed. Larkin,
a small boy, was drowned. All drown
ings occurred tho satuo dny whtlo tho
parties wero bathing.
Tiik works of the Lancaster, Pa,,
Chemical Co. burned. Loss, $70,000; in
surance, "JO.OOO.
Jamkh Faiji.knkii, tho bank wrecker
of Dnnsvllle, N. Y., ha been released
on a pardon by tho presldont
Juiiok Scott, of Cheyenne, Wyo., de
cided to accept ball from the imprisoned
stockmen for tho reason that Sheriff
Kelly absolutely refused to pay tho ux
penso longer of holding them.
Wamiinoto.v hns offered ?4,
500,000 to tho world's fnir directors for
the entire batch of 3,500,000 souvenir
half dollars donated by congress, pro
vided the exposition bo opened Sunday.
Leo T. Alton has made nn offer of W,-
000.000 for tho lot without tho Sunday
closing proviso. I
Tun treasury department has decided
that a foreigner who makes n contract
in this country to work hero nnd then
returns to his own country cannot como
back to thu United States for tho pur
pose of fulfilling his contract without
violating tho provisions of tho contract
labor law.
At the Castle Yacht club regatta In
the Solent, England, the American lont
We Win won first prize In tho half rat
ing match.
Tub annual confederate reunion of
tho survivors of Ross, Ectors nnd (Iran
hury'B brigades was held at Weather
ford, Tex. About 1,000 survivors unil
visitors wero in attendance.
A on thu Georgia Central
railroad neur Whltcaburg, Ga., killed
three negro laborers.
Fivr. men were killed by tho fall of a
heavy stono wall at tho Hartford City
(Ind.) glass works. Tho causa was de
fective masonry.
Foun eases of yellow fever developed
on the schooner Eva Douglass at Key
West, Flu.
Tiikiik was a flro nt the stnta deaf
and dumb asylum, Council llluffs, lu.
Loss, 110,000.
Mihh Lizzik IlotinKN has been arrest
ed at Fall River, Mass., for tho murder
of her father and stepmother, a crlma
which has startled eastern society, nil
parties being prominent
Junnr. Wai.i.aci:, in the United .States
court at Utlca, X. Y., allowed tho har
row tooth trust tho right to sue, not
withstanding tho pica thut it was nn
Illegal combination,
Tiik llrolhcrhood of Locomotive En
gineers will eugngu In no boycott
against Carnegie materials.
Tin: Pittsburgh Post publishes n story
of anarchists again plotting aguinst tho
llfoof H. C. Frlclc.
Tin! differences between tho Amal
gamated and tho iron manufacturers
over wages has bcenesettled by mutual
concessions, nnd all tho western mills
will resume at once.
Dozk.vs of fatal cases of cholera havo
occurred nt St Petersburg.
Ho.w 11. It. Smai.lkv, of Vermont,
has been madu chairman of tho demo
cratic committee, having charge of tho
speakcro in the national campaign.
Gi:.. N. (1. Diw.v, a well known club
man of New York and Washington,
committed suieldo at Denver, Col. His
mind was disordered by drink nnd lovo
for n Mrs. Hames. ro.v Is almost deserted by
Ci.f.aiiino house returns for tho week
ended August VI showed nn nverago In
crease of 7.7. In Now York the Increnso
was 4.0.
iN oiler of 7,500,000 has been mado
for tho $12,500,000 world's fair souvenir
Gov. linoWN, of Kentucky, authorises
tho denial of tho published statement
thut ho requested lluehnunn to com
mute tho sentence of 11. Clay Klug nnd
denounces as u forgery any petition
with such purpose with his name
signed to it
An Indian village was destroyed by
flro on Queen Chavlotto island, It. C. It
was started by Christianized Indians,
who objected to tho heathen burying
of tho dead on poles.
Ediioii Mr.iui.i., of tho
Tribune, Is after tho world's
fulr di
rectors with a sharp stick becauso of
alleged oxtravngance.
Tup. manager of tho Jefferson iron
works nt Steubcnville, ()., bus refuse
to sign tho scale.
Tiikiik aro 1,500 places In tho gift of
tho people, authorized to bo filled by
Indians at the various agencies
throughout tho country, at a total ex
pense to tho government of $J57,010.
Jlisuor kvan, oi Aiion, in., nas ob
tained writs of ejectment against
Father Kuhlman, of Mitchell, recently
deposed. Considerable hard feeling
has been stirred up in Catholic circles
over the matter.
TiiKiti: is a huge Hlump in thu postal
business of Now Orleans, caused by tho
coll.ipso of thu lottery company.
Tin; ofilcial countof the Choctaw voto
gives Jones, tho progrenslvo candidate
lor principal chief, ft largo inn jority and
gives the progressives lu out of -JO rep
resentatives In tho national council.
TWKI.FTH Indiana republicans nomi
nated A. J. You, locomotive engineer, j
for congress.
In thu Chickasaw election Wolf, full
blood, defeated Harris, half breed, by a
small majority.
Two children wero fatally burned by
a fire at New Bedford, Mass,
firlirnnkn'fi Crop.
Tlio Omaha lice lately printed crop
reports from ono hundred points in tho
stntc, covering fifty-flvo counties. In
making their estimates the correspond
ents used last yenr's enormous crop as
a basis for comparison nnd tho state
ment that tho Hcnson will yield two
thirds to three-fourths of a corn crop
means that the 'orn will crib from fifty
to sixty bushels to tho acre. It Is safe
to say that Nebraska's corn crop will bo
quite up to the average. From only one
county does' there como a discouraging
report. Thayer county seems to have
decidedly tho worst of tho bargain.
There is an almost unanimous senti
ment in favor of winter wheat as a
profitable crop. It has been sown by
the majority of tho farmers more ns nn
experiment than us n certainty. The
wonderful yields rcported.evun from the
counties that havo suffcicil sovercly
from dry wcnther.aro encouraging. The
average yield of this indicated
by the counties reporting.wlll bo thirty
bushels to tho nore and tho acreage U
large. O.its have suffered considerably
from tho weather. Thu wet, cold sea
son delayed seeding for this grain and
retarded Its growth, yet tho yluld will
bo fulr.
Tub Columbus creamery makes over
n ton of a butter a day.
Juiiok Clakkkon, of Omaha, was re
cently drowned while bathing at Honey
Creek, In.
A DisTiuor fair association has been
organized at Wilcox, Kearney county,
and a kltc-shnped track will bo built at
John was killed by tho enrs
near Lincoln tho other day. He was a
German and had no relations In this
A i'aiimkii named Damon, near Daw
son, was gored to death by a bull which
ho was about to feed. Mr. Damon wns
78 years old.
An altercation between Drayman
Mooro and Juke Dilllon, a farmer, nt
Oxford the other evening termlnntcd in
thu serious stubbing of tho former by
Dilllon. Moore's condition wns critical
and ho would likely die. Dillon eluded
all efforts for his capture. Ho is only
about 'M years of age.
Tin: residence of Charles K. Emory,
nt Omaha, was considerably damaged
by fire tho other day. Ono of the chil
dren in tho family wns playing with her
dolls upstairs and called her mother to
como and see the pretty bonfire sho had
built for tho dolls. An nlnrm of flro
nnd tho nrrlval of tho hpparatus was
tho next entertainment provided for tho
Mns. Anna Ciiastkk, perhaps the old
est person In Nebraska, died at the
homo of her son In Western, Snllno
county, tho other day. According to a
statement recently published by her
grandson In a llohcmiun paper nt Wil
bur, Mrs. Chastek was born In Ho
hernia, July J0, 1781, and therefore
Inched only two days of being til years
old at the time of her death.
Tin: other morning Delavnn R. Cole,
ono of the oldest settlers of Hastings
and one of her most respected citizens,
wns found dead lu an old deserted one
story house a couplo of hundred yards
south of his home. Mr. Colo wns well
off financially. On the day of his death
ho received nnd handled considerable
money, depositing u good sized amount
in the bank and also sending a largo
sum away. Ho was the owner of Colo
park and about 10 o'clock at night went
out to close tho gates of the park. A
llttlo later his body was found by n
lelghbor. Thu coroner was investigat
ing the matter.
Tiiiikk of tho best kuown counter
feiters in America wero captured about
daylight the other morning while ac
tively engaged in making five-dollar
gold pieces in n tent on 'thu Elkhorn
road about fifty miles from Omaha. A
posso of United States deputies under
Harris, of Omaha, took tho gang in.
They are Charles Duteher, C. 11. Uolden
and Grant ll.iughman. When Harris
made thu arrest ho found a complete
outfit of molds, ladles, babbit metul,
about 20 $5 pieces made of tho worth
less metal used by tho counterfeiters,
somo of which had been glided, nnd a
half dozen counterfeit silver dollars.
John 11. Monr.ititv nnd Mrs. Sarah
Moberly, father and mother of tho two
boys killed by u Missouri Pacific switch
engine at Lincoln on tho 7th of Inst
June, hnvo commenced suit ng.iinst that
company for SJ.000 each. They nllego
that tho boyB wero on tho engine with
the knowledge and consent of tho en
gineer and that for at least a month
previous tho engineer had been in tho
liabit of permitting bays to rldo on tho
engine whenever they wished to; that
the engineer In charge at tho tlmo was
nn Inoxpcrlcnced man, totally unfit to
manage a locomotive ut any time, nud
that ho wns ruuuiug his engine ut a
dangerous rate of speed.
Thk other day Plattsmouth was
visited bv n destructive, flro which de
stroyed Waterman's opera house. Tho
building was ono of the finest amuse
ment houses In tho state and was valued
nt $50,000. It was owned by John Wn
turmun nnd for tho pnst ton yenrs, or
during Its whole period of existence,
was managed by J. P. Young, now of
Lincoln. It wns opened in September,
18b'-1, by I'ny Templeton. Tho insurance
on the building was only tS'J.OOO. Joo
Kline also lost $111,030 on his stock of
clothing, with an Insurance of $12,000,
liesidus several other losses. Tho entire
lor.s on tho building and contents was
170,000, with insurance of $28,000,
It is stated that tho crops In Rod Wil
low county tills year will bo second to
none in tho state. The acreago of
wheat, oats nnd ryo Is double that of
last year, nnd about ouu-third more of
barley. Tho grain Is nearly all safely
cu and in tho stack and shock. Tho
yield will exceed that of last year, as
tho heads of tho grain aro larger nud
the berry better.
Dinu.vo a dunco near Ryno's post of
fice, Custer county, Robert Frazlcr at
tucked Chnrles Stout nnd injured him
so severely thnt ho died. Stout lino cir
culated n slanderous story almut Fraz
lcr, and when thoy mot a fight ensued
with tho result given.
Thn Comminution nf thn hrntnnro or H.
Cliiy Kin ir, thn Munlerpr of l'otin, Kx
rltr the I'mpte lloynnil Moinuro Tho
IliiViTimr Itinitiilljr IlpiinuncpiL
MKMfiils, Tcnn., Aug. 11. Tho most
Intense excitement was caused hero
when the announcement that Governor
lluchannn had commuted the sentence
of II. Clay King, who was to havo been
hanged Friday for the murder of D. II.
Poston. Tho feeling of the people was
further Intensified by tho bitter com
ments of the newspapers on the execu
tive's notion nud a mnss meeting
wus held, at which Gov. lluchannn
was to hnvo been hung In efllgy. This
was not done at this meeting, however,
as many prominent citizens counseled
moderate action. Later nn efllgy of tho
state's executive wns burned by a fw
enraged citizens.
Tho feeling over tho governor's no
tion Is very bitter Indeed nnd last even
ing it was given out that tho jail would
bo nttneked nnd tho notorious prisoner
lynched. So great was tho anxiety that
tho criminal court judge, J. J. Dubose,
Issued nn order for tho immediate re
moval of King to tho penitentiary nnd
the sheriff took him to Nashville by the
first train.
Thry Kujoy u Dujr uf l'lraiurc nt Ilrnrer
A lriiml Hlcyolo 1'uruiln.
Denvkii, Col. Aug. 11. Tho knights
wero viewing Denver and its surburbs
yesterday, that Is, those who wero not
In attendance nt the grand encamp
ment or who wero not engaged in look
ing after the comforts of the guosts in
various clubs and headcpiarter. The
weather was delightful nnd tho visitors
enjoyed tho day luimensoly. Several
eominandcrles left the city early in tho
morning nnd journeyed around tho
loop and to other points of interosb.
The smelters and other mining plants
also received many visitors during tho
Courtesies wero exchanged bctwoen
different clubs in tho shape of visits
and serenades. Hands marched to and
fro nil day and there wns good cheer
everywhere. Fewer waving plumes
were seen for tho knights wero In
fatigue uniform and they wandered
about nt will, accompanied lu ncurly
every case by ladles.
The principal event of tho day, out
side the meeting of the grand encamp
ment, was tho exhibition drill in River
Front Park.
Last night's bicycle parade was n
graud affair. There wero nearly 1,000
wheelmen in lino and they made a
unique spectacle ns they rodo along
with their many colored lanterns and
other decorations.
A DlacouriiKlitK Itrport I rum tho Depart
ment of Agriculture.
Washington, Aug. 11. The crop re
turns of the department of agriculture
bIiow n slight improvement in the con
dition of corn, raising tho monthly av
erage from 81.1 in July to 82.5 In August
In only four years, since tho initiation
of crop reports, lias there been a lower
August condition. In the year of worst
failure, 1831, It was 70, declining to 00 In
October. In 1800 It was 7IJ.5. In August,
lbSO, It was 8(1.7, and In 1887 it wns 80.5,
declining Into only In the latter years.
A slight improvement is indicated In tho
stales north of the Ohio river and a
grantor advance In the states west of
tho Mississippi river, except Kansas
and Missouri. The condition Is high in
nenrly all tho southern states, nearly
the same ns lu July in tho breadth west
of tho Mississippi; higher in the lower
states of tho Atlantic coast and slightly
lower In Alabama and Mississippi. A
small decline is seen in the middle
states, except New York, and also in
tho eastern states, though in both of
these divisions tho nverago is higher
than In tho west
The following averages of principal
states aro given: New York, 80; Penn
sylvania, 80; Virginia, 00; Georgia, 07;
Texas, IH; Tennessee, 02; Ohio, 81; In
diana, 71; Illinois, 7.1: Iowa, 70; Mis
souri, 81); Kansas, 81; Nebraska, 80.
CollUlun of Two strainer
nt IleUlne-
St. I'KTKitKiiuito, Aug. 11. The pleas-,
ure steamer Ajax wns run down out
sidoof llelsingfors Monday and ninety
lives were lost Tho vessel loft llel
singfors Sunday with 100 excursionists.
Her return wns delayed and she arrived
off llelsingfors after midnight When
the narrowest part of the channel was
reached tho steamer lluneburg was mot
going out.
The captain of tho Ajax attempted to
cross the bow of the Kunoberg and the
latter chunged her course, bringing
about the collision. In a minute after
sho was struck tho Ajax sank and tho
Ilunoberg went ngrouml. on board the Kunoberg threw
overboard llfo buoys, boxes, chairs,
tables in fact anything that would
float and help to support tho pcoplo
struggling in the water. At tho same
time her boats wero lowered and pulled
In tho dark, guided by tho cries of tho
drowning, and succeeded In saving a
number of tho passengers and crew of
the Ajax.
llrltUli Nnrtliwmt I num.
Ottawa, Ont, Aug. 11. Tho ofilcial
report of tho condition of tho crops In
Manitoba and tho northwest says;
Crops havo matured rapidly during tho
past thrco weeks. In many places tho
yield will bo small on account of the
drought. About Indian Head and cast,
also in Munltoba, thu yield will bo good
on all well prepared lands. Wheat will
Iks tit to cut in a week or two earlier
than last year.
Shot by u (llrl,
llKi.vinr.iiK, N. J., Aug. 11. Putrlck.
Quiun, a telegraph operator at Dela
ware station, Is lying at hi home, in
Oxford, suffering from two pistol shot
wounds In tho head and ,ueck In
dicted by Miss llnttlo Acres, at
Creseo, Pa. Miss Acres regarded
Qulnu us u lover, and it Is said that tho
shooting is the outcome of his desertion
of the young woman. Thu girl, utter
the shooting, took poison. Miss Acres,
after her urrest, would not make any
statement except to say that Quiun hud
wronged her and that sho wished both
were dead.
Tho Only One nver I'rlntoil Csn To a Vlndi
tho W'onl?
Thorofs a 3 Inch display advertisement
In this paper, this weak, which hns no two
words nlllto except cuio word. The sntno ls
Iruo of each now ono uptic.iring ench week,
from Ttio Dr. Harter Mcdlcliio Co. Till
liouso places a "Oreseont" on ovcrytltlng
they malto ntul publ sli. Look for It, send
them tho uaitio of t'uo word ntul thoy wilt
return you book, beautiful lithographs or
maples free.
Brr.AiUNO of tho small plceo of fee. It's
generally a warm day wliou It's left Phll
odclphlu Times.
Tun tramp prcfois 'loaf" sugar In hi
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it h pleasant
and refreshing to tlio taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver aud Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem cfiectunlly, dispels colds, head
aches and fevera and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tlio
only remedy or its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action aud truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from iho most
healthy and ngrccablo substances, its
mnuy excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo mado it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for ealo in 00c
and $1 bottle3 by nil leading drug
gists. Any rcliablo druggist; vho
may not havo it on hand trill pro
euro it promptly for any ono who
withes to try it Do not accept any
loumvnu. xr. ntvt york. r.r.
: how
won their college
course and edu
cation in music
"Girls Who
Have Push"
A 28-page illustrated
pamphlet will be mailed
to any girl sending ner
address to
Children' Homo Hocj.j y (chartered at tb
A.T?erlg'!Ji, K'lucmlonn I. Ala Auovlnllnnl Imi pro
TWiwI MOT children with bonis. In faiullle. All
children recelTort undxrUia cr of this Atsocliit
Inn ro of MIMMJIAI, l'KlWIJK In "u:
gonco and beullh. unci ure In nun from nnenionth to
iwelyo 70M,n.1 ure ent PliEK til lhoo recelr
Intf Ihciu. on ninety dr' trial, utile i, neclnl
ontraut I otMervrUe muds urovl(llu( for-
llomoure wantod for the folloi-lna chlldtvni
lolriSli? month' old, darkMuo eje.nnd
A (J month old boy, llvht blue eje and olr nkln-.
A3 month, old girl. A blonde. ' And nianr otiief
thlldion f rmn 3 month to 1 our old. u""r
KEY. M. 11. V. TA V AU8IIAI.E.
. . Uenrrul Nuperlntendent.
far-Hrud eluiup fur reuly. -"
r tuw rma.,.7 imvtm.
I had been troubled five months,
with Dyspepsia. I had a fullness,
after eating, and a heavy load iu the
pit of my stomach. Sometimes a.
deathly sickness would overtake
me. I was working for Thorna
McHenry.Dr uggist, Allegheny City,
Pa., in whose employ I had been for
seven yeare. I used August Flower
for two weeks. I was relieved of alL
trouble. I can now eat things I
aareti not touch before. I have
gained twenty pounds since my re
covery. J. D. Cox,AUegheny, Pa.
8?m fit t-VSJ J ff
k$4t ,i
"" 'i