The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 19, 1892, Image 5

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I . .
-. ' f
r. c
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Worth $2.50 to close out at
On all goods to make room for Fall Stock.
B. it M. R. R. Tlmo Tabic.
Taking effect Aug 14
Trains earning passengers leave Red Cloud
as follows:
No. 142 ra.venporto ItnMlnRS, C :00p.m.
No, 140 freight lor Hastings 1:30 p.m.
Passenger from Hastings
.. rives 0;40a. m.
No. 10, raMetiKor to St. .losepli, tit,
uouli ami Chicago (tally 10:30 a. m
No 14 I'assenner to Kansas Cltv and
Atchison, dally. - 8:00, p.m.
No, 13 Passenger (or Denver and In
termedlato points, dally, - 7:30 a.m.
No. 15, l'asjcugcr (or Denver, dally, 0 :20 p. m.
No. 143 local freight to Oxford dally
except Sunday 0:00 am
No. 144 local freight (rom Oxford dally
except Sdnday 8:15 ptn
A few choico thoroughbred Poland
China pigs of both sexes, sired by two
noted male?, "Auditon and Ootavis."
Parties wishing satno will do well to
make their selection at onco.
J. Mendelbausi, Bluo Hill, Neb.
"Breeder of registered Swine."
Tho Burt Dramatic Co. will place
upon the boardsdunng fair week a
new and interesting repertoire at
Opera Houso.
tf. R. B. Fulton, Manager.
Owners of threshing machines
should consult Cotting tho druggist
beforo buyiog their oil.
Our boys and girls: Send them to
Beatrice Business College, Normal
and Shorthand school. Fall torm be
gins August 29th. Send for cata
logue. 2-3t
Farm loans at lowest interest.
Strictly first-class loans at lower rates
than has ever been given in this coun
ay bofore. Option to pay part or all
at end of any year. C. F. Gather.
Got Here Quick !
Parasols and umbrella handles
wanted at J. S. Young & Co's.
For Cab to any Part or the City
Leave orders with J. O. Lindloy. 1
will fill your orders promptly, and give
0U good service.
J. II. Cline, Prop.
Horse for Sale.
A good three-year-old horso for sale
cheap, for cash or on time. Inquiro
at this office.
For Sale
First-class Now Mail Safety Bioyclo.
Address, Frank W. Cowden, Bed
Cloud. Nebr,
All orders for oil or gasoline left
at Spokesfield's erocery storo will bo
promptly filled by tho Blue Tank
I Want to Buy Farms
Parties having cheap farm lands for
sale, improved or unimproved can find
buyers by calling on D. B. Spanogle,
Heal instate ana
Cloud, Neb.
Loan Agent, Bed
Bee Keeper's Supplies.
A. Mohart, the hardware man, will
hereafter keep all kinds of Bee Hoop
er's supplies. Mail order filled
promptly. . ' ,
Horses for Salo or Trade
' I have eighteen head of horsoB and
colts for sole. Will trade for city proper-
' ty or real estate, or sell cheap for casli.or
on time for good paper.
C-t W. H. Fuller, Red Cloud, Neb.
. , 'for sale.
'1V10Q stock hogs and eboats on tho
'Wallin farm 5 miles northwest from
Bod Cloud.
Ask.a'our Friends. "
Who have taken Hood's sarBapariiia
what they think of it, and the i replieB
will bo positive In its favor. One haB
been oured of indigtstionand dyspepsia,
another llude It dispensable for sick
headache, others report remarkable cures
of Bcrofuln, Bait rheum and other blood
diseases, still other will tell you that It
overcomes 'that tired feeling," and bo on.
Truly, the beat advertising which Hoods
Bareaparllla receives is the hearty en
dorsement of the army of friends It has
won by lU positivo medicinal merit.
0. (USE,
Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB
rnilontlorm nromutly attended to, and
correspondence solicited, f
Go to Calmes' for ico cream.
Cotting's sticky fly paper. ,
The best spectacles in the world at
Doyo is tho leader in the paint and
oil trade
Geo. Thornburg is in Oklahoma
this week.
For fino tobacco, cigars,
&c, go to J. U. Lindloy s.
Don't "forget that Calmes keeps
kinds of confections, bread, etc.
Cotting has tho bost machino
and tho cheapest in tho market.
Eight different kinds of machine
oil at Doyo's, Prices tho lowest.
Cloth bound books 20 cents caoh
or thrco for 50 cents at Cotting's.
See Oscar Patmor beforo buying
flour. IIo has made a big reduction.
F. V. Tajlor and W. Thornburg, of
this city po to tho K. P. conclavo at
Kansas City, next week.
F. V. Taylor, allows no ono to sell
moro goods than ho doc?, at prices
that aro low, for good goods,
Will Reynolds, tho B. & M. opera
tor who was called east last month
by tho death of his sister has returned.
Wm. Richardson brought a stock of
corn to this offioo this week which
was 12 feet high. Who says corn
doosn'tgrow in Nebraska.
Cotting his tho finest assortment of
books bound in cloth that wbb ever
shown in tho city and only 20ots per
volume or threo for BO cents.
L. H. Fcrt and family, B. F. Mizer
and family, and 0. C. Bell and family
have broke camp at Amboy, and re
turned to tho city, They report a
ploasant time.
A now aooident mutual benefit sooi
ety known as tho "Mystic Loyal Le
gio n" has beeu organized in Red
Cloud with about GO members. Tho
new order starts out in fino shape.
Your chil jren should wear Little
Giant Soh ool-shocs. Thoy come
nearer enduring hard knocks and ill
usago than any shoes you over bought
For sale by Blaleblee & Kaley.
During this week Receiver Dorsoy
brought suit against Honry Cook, foi
an alleged debt. Tho case was tried
boloro Judge Duffy, and a verdict was
rendered by tbo jury of $163 for Mr.
A new and complete lino of New
York and Chicago styles ol millinery
at Mrs. K. Skeen's. Nothing but the
latest styles kept in attack. Call and
see me. Opposito Wioner's clothing
houso. v
The Adelphian club of Crete under
the auspices of the Congregational
church, held forth on Monday even
ing, in the M. . church, to a largo
crowd. The club is composed of five
Our friond Mizer, is a rank demo
crat, but his horso seems to bo of a
different hue It likes water. For
further particulars eall on or address,
B. F. Mizer, democratic headquarters
lied Uioud.
We aro sorry to learn that our old
friend, Nelson Cono, of Guido Rook,
has determined to move from this
county tO' Lancaster. Mr. 0., was
among our best citizens, ind will bo
missed very much hereabouts.
Tho committee on transportation
wish to thank thoso fbp so kindly
donated fhoir teams oK transport the
visitinu brothers from ifcp trim to
tho grove." -Tho favor wjra greatly ap
preciated by .tho wholo (lodge. '
'Remember that W. W. Wright, the
hardware man, leads in low pricos on
all goods iq tho hardwaro business,
but never follows' his competitors,
Call and seo our lino ot stoves, gaso
line, wood, coal and iu fact all kinds
of cooking and heating stoves.
Tho Amboy flouring mills aro manu
faoturing fine flour theso days. ' We
have had tho pleasure of using their
celobra ted "White Loaf," and it is
pronounced to bo tho best that the
"Great Family Weekly'hos unod for
years, It is certainly fino and as nico
if not tho superior of tho great north
ern flour. Everybody in Red Cloud
should insist on having the Wbito
Loaf flour.
Wanted to trado a stook of young
horses, colls and mules for laud in
Nebraska or Kan has.
J.D. Curtis, Stella, Nebr.
Ice Cream
C. G. Dorsoy, is in Beatrice.
Al Tulloys is visiting in Falrbury.
Geo. Ball was in tho city this week.
Dr, Dcnncy returned from Iowa this
Tho B, & M. trains .aro again on
Deyo is Mill in tho ring selling wall
Cowden returned from Den
ver Saturday.
Prof. Curran, of Hastings, was in
tho city this ncok.
it. B. Fulton and J. A. Tulloys, are
homo from Denver.
' Will McMillan of tho Argus, is
homo from Donvor.
Don't forgot thoso eolobrated gaso
lino vapor stoves at Wright's.
Mrs. Lcming of MoCook, was visit
ing at Will Parkcs' this week.
It is rumored that there is another
big enterprise on foot for Red Cloud,
C. C. Cowden, F, P. Hadloy, and
Joseph Carr woro in Bladen this
Tho Congregational church folks
aro making a nico addition to thoir
Mr. Andrews of Bladen an enthus
iastic republican was a pleasant caller
this week.
Miss Pearl Skccn, of Omaha, is in
tho city for a throo week's visit with
hor parents.
0. McCall, mado this "Big Injun"
smilo with a dollar, Will others
make us smilo.
Mrs. A. L. Funk, of Lincoln, and
her son, Robert, are visiting friends
and relatives in this city.
Alias Mary Miner loft this week for
too cast whero sho will bo gono a year
to complcto her education.
Bro. David Kcslcr has been honor
ed with a pension from Undo Sam.
Ho is certainly deserving of it.
W. W. Wright tho hardwaro man,
will havo "a car load" of stoves in
ALL BY HIMSELF in a few days. Wait
for them, ,
Characteristics of Hood's sarsapa
rilla: The largest sale, the most mer
it, tho greatest cures. Try it, and
realizo its benefits.
Joo Pavlicck's whorft is ycilding at
tho rato of 64 pounds to tho bushel.
Did anyono over hear of tho liko in
any country excopt Nobraska.
We aro indebted to Mr. Low Sodcr-
burg of Cheyenne, Wyo., for an illus
trated edition of tho Tribune of that
place. Cheycnno is a wido awake
Married, at Red Cloud. August 17,
by. Rev.'' E. L. Ely, Mr. J. 0. Coiad
of Lincoln and Miss Maggio Wood?
of Orleans. Thoy will rcsido in Red
0 Wiener, tho popular clothier goes
east early nozt week to purohaso his
fall and winter stook of olotbing. He
will lay in an elegant line of goods
this year.
Two of our illustrious citizens one
day this week had a squabble ever
somo hay. Both woro brave as Bheop
and it seems that ono was afraid and
the other daro not.
On Monday list, J, A; Boyd of the
firm of Boyd & Oyering. was 48 years
old. In order that ho might not for
get it his mother presented him with
a fino watoh chain.
Good Looks.
Qood looks nre moro than skin deep,
depending upon a healthy condition ot
all tho vital organs. If the liver bo in
uotiye, you havo a Billious look, if your
stomach be disordered you have a Dys
peptic look, and it your kidneys he af
feotod you have a pinched look. Secure
?;ood health and you will have gocd
ooks. Electrio bitters is the great alter-
ntlvo and tonlo acts dlreotly on these
vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches,
boils nnd gives a goodcomplexion. Sold
at Cotting's drugstore, COcts, per bottle
Farm loans at six per cent option
to pay after two years. D. B. SPAN-oqle.
seam Baking
.PrediaipfoaorHcBKi 4oYctttthaStaik1irii
at Calmes.
As Seen by tho Rev. E. L. Ely,
or this Cliy.
(Article C.)
Leaving Salt Lako City at about 4
p. m,, I ran out to Provo City, a city
with about 5,000 population a largo
majority of whioh aro Mormons. It is
situated just at tho foot of tho
Wasatch Mts. and it would seem like
only a nico morning walk to tako a
trip to their top beforo breakfast but
as tho snow appears in tho gulches
near tho top it suggests that it is
farther up than a prairio dweller
would suppose, so it would bo wisor to
tako your breakfast along with you
and unless you aro a pretty good
walker your dinner also.
Tho city is built on a plan similar
to Salt Lako City, and abounds in
handsome buildings and a wealth of
trees and flowers.
Hero tho Mormons aro in thoir
glory,and yet thoro aro other denomina
tions with churches and schools. Tho
Now Wost Education Commission of
tho Congregational churches havo a
flourishing acadomy here.
I had tho plcasuro of taking supper
horo with Mr. Giddings and family
rccontly of Red Cloud. Mr. G. is em
ployed as book-kooner in a lumber
At 10:45 p. m. I was again "on the
rail" and as I could not seo much by
starlight, I endeavored to get a littlo
slcop until morning,
Somo of tho finest scenery along
tho lino however is to bo found hero
including Castlo Gato whero tho R.
R. passes botweon two giant mountains
that havo boon piotured thoughout tho
Wo breakfasted at Green River,
thon pass through 19 miles of barren
desert then como to a red sandstono
formation that prcsonts somo strange
figures. In ono plaoo is a resom
bianco to a giant elephant 500 feet
long lying down. Again in tho dis
tance ono sees a resemblance to a
great city with its towers and domes.
From bero tho road runs through
scenery of varied description, some
times presenting a dismal uninterest
ing appearance and again thrilling
one with its vast canyons and per
pendicular rooks.
At Grand Junotion wo havo our
choico of three routes. Thn standard
gaugo via Lcadvillo. The Colorado
Midland via Glenwond 8prings
through Hagcrman Tunnel 11,528
cct abovo tho, sea, also through Lead
vi Is. Or tho narrow gange through
the Black Canyon which ws tho ono
I chose.
At Grand Junotion a man who had
what the newpapers now call a "jag"
moaning I suppose a large supply of
whisky tried an interesting experi
ment That of getting off the train
whilo it was under full hoadway, He
succeeded finely, that is ho got off
suro enough. Tho only mistake was
in lightingon tbo wrong end of him
self, his hoad instead of his feet
After getting on his feet and round
ing himself up he found he was "all
there" and some more. Ho was'nt
quite so drunk, but he had more holes
in his head than ho had beforo. How
ever, tho doctors got at him and darn
ed up the holes and mado quito a
head of it after all. Moro to be ad
mired however as a work of art than
depired as a possession.
Wo were at Montrono for dinner
and from that time until evening we
iiassed through scenery such as no
luman being can describe in language
that will convey to tho roader any
thing like a true idea of its grandour
and majesty.
Through the Black Canyon the
road winds around the groat wall of
rooks rising sometimes 3000 feet in
height in a perpendicular lino, again
tho great wall extends out over the
track startling ono with the thought
of the great mass of rooks falling on
us. Suddenly there springs into
sight n little stream of water gush
ing out of the rocky wall a thousand
or more feet abovo, you" and dashing
in spray on me rocKS doiow.
out or tho widow on the
other side
Dry Goods
Next Week!
We have just received A BIG LOT
Of Children's Shoes suitable for
school wear
At Prices that are very low.
Come and see them.
we see tho Gunnison Rivor as it goes
dashing on its way over the rooks. It
seems as though one's thoughts must
turn toward that great Power who
caused tho mighty convulsions of tho
earth that brought into being these
wondeiful formations. Somo ono in
writing of this runs into poetry thus:
"God was good to make the mountains,
the valleys and the hills;
Put the rose upon the caotus, the ripple
on the rills;
But if I had all the words of all the
world's at my command,
I couldn't paint a picture of tho Canyon
of the Grand."
After passing through Black Can
yon we begin tbo ascent of Marshall
Pass and here again I must acknowl
edge my inability to do tho subject
With two strong engines wo begin
winding around the sides of the
mountains, sometimes we can seo only
a fow yards of tho road ahead or bo
hind us, but all the time going up.
Now we go direotly east, and in a few
moments we aro going west. At
times we may look baok and see what
seem to be several traoka but are real
ly sections of the road over whioh we
have come. At one time 1 saw 5 of
them and the smoke of a freight
whioh was following us on another.
The difference in tho atmosphero is
quite notioablo and wben at the top I
experienced quito a severo pain in
breathing. On the way up and wben
quite a long way from the top an in
valid who took the train at Grand
Junction ceased to breathe. It seem
ed sad to dio thus alone as no ono on
he train knew him, but when they saw
his condition all was dono that could
be. There were many vory sober
countenances and I noticed partic
ularly the faeo of tho conductor.
At the top in the region of ico and
snow even in July, we stopped and
the conduotor held the train 15 min
utes for as many as wished to climb
the tower 200 feet high. Tho alti
tude of tho Pass Is nearly 11,000 ft.
Id descending the front engine it
disconnected and runs ahead a short
distanoe into oalida. 1 saw going
down an exhibition of what is usually
considered a impossibility, for two
engines to meet and pass on tho same
track. In ono place in going around
tho head of a canyon tbo turn is so
short that when wo aro going toward
it we mot tho other engine returning
on the other sido to near by that we
could have spoken to tho engineer if
they had been standing still, At Sa
lida, we arrived about dark, and just
in time to be in a terrifio thunder
storm that seemed to shako tho very
As tho mountains wore round about
Jerusalem, thoy are round about this
beautiful little oity like a giaiit wall
of defenoe.
I shall always remember Silida for
the elegant sapper of mountain trout
Sale of
whioh woro secured at a little restair-
ant. We left 8eii4C about midnight
running throflfrffi$4 Canyon whioh
exceeds even the Blaelt daavoa ( lia
dizzy height, in the sight mInv
nomine or it and ran IBM iMMo in
tho early morning tbsa . tanrMfh
Colorado Springs to Denver in tine
to miss my train for 'the eattbj
half hour so I had to ressaia there nil
day. As I put in most of the daj
slocDitiir. and Denver ia familiar tn
many of your readers, I will say noth-
mjj hi it, uuii iu mo language oi lam
stump speaker "I thank you for jour
kind attention" Althoutrh I don't
known how attentive you've been
ana win bring my letter to a close,
Burlinston Boaoh la on n" ttia
great pleasure resorts of Lincoln
The proprietors have a lake one aalle
wido and two miles long, and a pleas
ure yacht, with capacity of 600,
which plibs upon it. When la Liaeola
you should not fail to go to Barling-
ion ijoaon.
A Card r Tkauaks.
We desire to express our heartfelt
gratitude to tho many friends who so
kindly assisted us in our sore afflie
tion, in tho loss of our beloved little
Winifred. Thoir kindness will aevtr
bo forgotten.
Mil. and Mrs. V. B. Fultok.
It a concentrated extract ot Barsaparma,
Yellow Dock, I'lpslsMwa, Juniper terries,
Mandrake, Dandtllon, and other valuable
vcgetablo remedies, every Ingredient tttteg
strictly pure, and the best of its klad It Is
posslblo to buy.
It Is prepared by thoroughly coapettatfefcar
macUts, In the nott careful bmbmt, by
a peculiar Combination, FropertiM sM
rrocess, giving to It curative
To Itself
It Will JI1A h.H In At. a i il
.. ... vm.v, -in. iu hii pvwvr t mmmmmm,
Bcroiuia, salt Wwum, Blood ririrmlrg.
Cancerous and all other BuMrs. Malaria,
Dyipcpila, BUIouMew, BWk Hsadaahe,
Catarrh, Xheumatlsn. and all 4MUUlM
with the Hirer and Kidneys.
it overcomes That Tired reellaf, Creates aa
Appetite, and gives peat mtwtti, aerre,
bodily, and digestive strength.
Hood's BarMparilla Is sold by, aB rtnuim.
it dx for as. mparedoely by C. !
Co., ApothesaelM, Lowell, Ham.
K. B., If you deoUW to take Heed's lens
IOO Doses
One Dollar
I fcl
F.I, .