tea SOI . i 'I. THE CHIEF . Published Weekly. 'Friday, An. 19t 1S3. nlMcrtatlon, . 1' Per Annum Invariably In Advance II not'pald In advance, nftcr tliU da'aJUrcb J 18, 18W, tho price will I $Uffi V V A. C. HOSMEK, Editor. i . Retired at the 1'ost Omco In lied Cloud, Neb., u mall matter of tho second class ttt.n.mMmMt...MH1. Reaafcllcan National Ticket. '"rtJ.-IABIlMON, For Vice-President WHITKLAW III5IB, For Congressman ttb District W. K. AHDHKWB, State Ticket. ForCovcrnor, LOllKNZO CKOUNSL'. For Lieutenant flovcrnor, J. (J.TATK. For Secretary ot Hlntc, JOHN 0. AM.HN. For Auditor, UUUKNK MOOKK. For Treasurer. .i. k. nAuri.KY. For Attorney (lencrnl, OKOKUK II. HASTINGS. For Commissioner of 1'ubllc Unds nmt Jltdgs, A. 11. llUMI'ilHKY. ForUupcrlntcndent ot Public Instruction, a. k. aounv. For SUto Bcnator, w. t. AuariN. Ceumy Ticket. For Representative 44th district. JOHN WcOALMJIM For County Attorney, HANDOLFII IIcNITT For Coroner, r J XV 1IOVT If tho pcoplu's party proposo 2 w6rk for frco trado in order to pauper ize tho American workingrnan, tlioy will And thoir ranks somewhat thinned. You may bo alio to hwniboozlo them by demagogcry on Bomo questions, but you must not try to decrease- or reduce their wages to thoso of foroign lands, or they will bo against you and against you hard. This is what tho people's party will do, if tlioy work for frco trado and with the democrats, "Chooso yc, this day whom jo will servo" freo trado and pauper labor, or protection and high wages) that makes tho American laborer tho equal of every other citizen. Highest of til in Leadening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 18S9. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE $m THE DEAR PEOPLE ! Of this county will please bear In mind lliut JH A large number of tho independent papers in tho stato arc refusing to support Millionaire VanWyck for gpvornor. Old Van will bo knocked out by 20,000 majority. It looks as if the democrats did not dare to nominate a caodidato for con gress in this distriot, right in tho faoo of tho insults hcapod upon them by MoKoigban at various times and places. Every day wo hear of men who joined tho indepondent party two years ago coming back homo Thoy have found that calamity howling "M not pay, especially when thcro is othing to howl about. The pcoplo of Hod Cloud should by all means organizo a building associa tion. If thcro is any ono thins that builds up a littlo town, it is a build ing association well managed, ono that would bo worked to the interest of tho fltookholdcr and not for tho bone- lit of a fow. Such an association would build II :d Gould more good substantial dwellings than any thing else, and giyo our carpontors and lab oring mon employment. Wo can nam 3 you sovcral towns where tho lo cal building association has madu the town grow rapidly, and olevatod it in to a prosperous city, from a dull, dead pluco. An ciTort will bo tuado soon to organizo a homo association, by that wo do not mean, local branches of some foreign institution located in some other state, but a good, sound association located in Ilcd Cloud. A building association officered and managed properly would wind up its affairs in about ton years. A borrow or if ho could get money at ten per cent or a little hiirhor rate, could pay for a nico homo in that penud, for about tho saino amount that ho would havo to pay rent. A building associ ation is a poor man's friet.d and a moans of good investmont for a man who does net earo to Lurrow. Tho monoy paid each month is loan ed out to to tho applicants in rotation as thoy apply for it, and therefore no injury could bo worked to tho stock holder. Let our enterprising mon tako bold of tho building association at onco and sot Rod Cloud to going, Atnltoy. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. John Kmick, n son. Usual weight. Wo demand rain, and plenty of it. ThoMissch Mizer, Bell, and Fort, of Red Cloud attendod Sunday-school at Amboy last Sabbath and astonished tho good pcoplo of that quiet old town by thoir superb rendition of a few popular church h joins. As n singor Miss Mizer certainly excels,' possessing as she docs, a voice of such unquestionable merit. Wo pre dict for her a brilliant future Mr. Oscar W. Emmick has departed for Lincoln, Illinois. Wo herewith append the namos of a few of Amboy's bright young men who want to get married. Ilonry llasscr, Frank Frisbic, Jack Barnes, Edward llassor, Billy Barnes, and Sylvester Frisbic. FIRST ANNUAL PICNIC or the Ancient Order or United Workmen. Has Just received a carload or Cook and Heating STOVES, And will Discount Any Price in the Valley ' ITjrou are baHdlng don't rail to call on Iilnt. FOR WHAT YOU are TRYINO TO b WII. MONEY IS After November 8, our great reform jtMtdidate for congress in this district will be asking the same question that , Coagtessman Cobb, did "where am I at" and he will bo straightway an swered "in the soup." Mr. Andrews will bo tho next congressman for tho big 6th. The Hon. John W, Moou, of Rvor- son, Michigao, and a heavy owner in reality in this city and county, and otherwiso largoly intorestcd in Red Cloud has boon nominated by tho re publicans for congress in tho 0th Aliohiuan distriot, and although it is 1500 democratic, yot ho has flittering prospoots for elootton. The editors of tho calamity papers are like tho fellow who oould distinctly hear a fly wink a hundred miles away, only that tbeir hearing seems to be better, for thoy ean hoar tho imagin ery wailing of the workingmon when thoro is none to bo heard. Thero is bo batter paid, nor any happier peo ple ia the world than tho Amorioan workman. MoKoigban sayB he ean get thero with a mulo team. Now then, with all respect to his abiliy as a racor, we believo that Mr. Andrews tho repub lican candidate will beat him. Mr. Androws will carry Webster county, notwithstanding it is MoKcighan's homo. And what is truo in Webster county will bo truo in Adams, Hall, and a majority of all tho other coun ties in tho distriot. Hon Kuohlor, tho boy whom Con grebsman MeKeighan recently ap pointed to Writ Point, is going back to Iowa in a fow dajs to niuko prep arations to take up his studios in that place. Banker Koahlcr's relatives com to bo in luck. Four or five of them arc in tho army, and now Ben, an Iowa boy, gets tho appointment in this Htnt.o lor tho similar position. Verily thn rich man rides in "shazes" whilo tho puor Inrinor boy keeps right on plowing corn. 'TUB ClHKl' doniioa to extend its appreciation of Senator Paddock's on ForeBt Protection, which is ontitlod a "Bill to proyido for tho protection ot public forest resarvations." Tho pro visions of tho bill are pitch that here aftor tho forosti of thn nation will bo proteotod from iihoIcsi destruction. The bll has been endorsed by tho proper oommitteo and is a wise public doeumeat showing careful research of tho iraportank subject by its author. Senator raddocV;VvJ,c bill should become a law. Tho democrats, through Qov. Boyd, has let tho cat out of tho bag, and have deolared their intention of vol ing for Weaver, and not for Cleve land, in order to down Harrison. Tho republicans who belong to tho popu lists, or independent party, should stop and think twico beforo casting their votes against tho republican tiokct. There is no hopo for Weav er's clcotion, but the domocrats in or der to make a eatspaw of tho inde pendents, propose to voto for Weaver and against Cleveland in order to throw the election of prrsidcut into tho house, and thereby cloot Cleve land. It is a fair political dodgo for tho democrats but it will bo hard on American workingmon to bo made tho instrument to doorcaso wages by froo ttrado with the nations of tho world. It would plaoo our American workingmon along side of the cheap labor of Europo and when you com paro our wages with theirs you will find thorn much lower. For instanco tako the wagos of iron workors in Belgium. Thore they get 65 oents per day and in turn country from $10 to $15 for tho samo work. This, then is what democrats proposo to do by votiog for Woavcr, and thus eleottng Cleveland. Do the workingmon of America want tocouio in contact with the cheap labor of Europo ? It is nico to talk freo trado, it Bounds pretty in theory but when it comes to putting it in prac tice in America, if it ovtr is, it will bo a sorrowful day for our country. It would simply moan tho prostitution of our people to tho tnoro pittanoo 'of wages received in England; which every Amoriqan knows uro twioo as low as thoy are hero. Tlireo Tilings to Remember. flood's saroaparilla has tho most merit. Hood's sarsaparilla has won un equalled success. Hood's sarsaparilla accomplishes tho greatest cures. Is it not the medioine for you ? Constipation is oauso by loss of the peristaltio action of tho bowels Hood's pills rostore this ajtion and invigorato tho liver. Thcro will bo an ieo cream social nt Pleasant Dale, Monday, Aug 22, 1802, for tho benefit of O. W. Hum mel. Evorybody como, By order of committee, . . RcticrvlntT Prnlsc. Wo desire to Ray to our oitlzons, that for years wo have been soiling Dr. Kings Now discovery for Consumption. Dr. King's Now LifoI'lllB, Burklen's Arnica Snlvonud, Kloctrio Ititttrs, unci lmvo never handled remedies that poll im woll, or thnt Iibto given such universal satis faction, We do not heMtato to gunrnn tt j then every time, und wo stand ready to refund the purchase price, If satisfac tory results ao not follow, their use. These remedies havo ono their groat popularity purely on thoir moritB. O. L Cotting, druggist. Tito stato ropublican loaguo will hold its annual meeting in tho city of Grand Island, at 8 o'clock p. m., Aug ust 24th, 1802. Each republican club organized in tho stato will bu ontitlod to tho fol lowing representation: Thrco dele gates ior each club, and ono addition al dclcgato for ovcry fifty members, or major fraction thereof, in addition to tho president of each club organized. Every republican editor in the Btato by action of tho executive committee has boon made a member of tho stato loague and is entitled to a voet, and to participate in tho proceedings thorcof. Delegates attending stato Icaguo can procure ono and ono-third faro rates over all lines in Nebraska, by paying full faro whon going and rocoiving from the ticket agent u re ceipt, which receipt must bo properly endorsed at tho convention, roturning for ono-third faro. Send credentials of dolcgatos to tho secretary at Omaha until August 21, after which timo address samo to Grand Island. I. W. Lanbino, Pros. Lincoln, Nob. Brad SLAuailTEK, Sec, Omaha, Nob. Winifred Fulton the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Ful ton was born Oct. 22, 1800, and died suddenly on Aug. 11, 1802. This blow is a peculiarly hard one to tho parents and grandparonts as sho was tho only child and grand child. And not only to theso but to all who know the littlo 0110 for she was dearly lovod by all booauso of her bright, winsome ways. But God loved her too so Ho know ing what was best for her took her In his own beautiful home and there "whero everlasting spring abides, and noyer withering flowers" sho awaits tho coming of thoso who loved her so well. To'inany hearts Heaven soems more real, and moro bright and more to bo dosircd now that sho is there. Twns a loving hand that gave her, Into loving hands she camo, And tho' God hns culled her back to lloavon, We love hor just the same. And we'll think ot hor waiting yondor, Thro' nil tho years to como, As ono by one at the gate sho meets, To givo us n welcome- home. R L. E. Somo few week's ago it was deter mined by Red Cloud lodge No. GO, A. O. U. W., to get up a goneral picnie for the ordsr, with tho hope that it would bo kept up each year, and there by result in much good to the order. Therctoro, sovcral meetings wero called and arrangements made, and August 18 was decided as the day. On that dato, whioh was Thursday of this week, delcgatos from thirteen lodges, along with Grand Master Tato, making altogether, with Red Cloud lodgo No. CO, moro than 20U Work men who had como together for mu tual benefit. Tho Workmen formed in line at 12 o'olock headed by Grand Master Tate, and Master Workman Ely of No. GO, and with the band in tho lead marched to Gov. G arbor's grove, by the way, ono of the finest places for pionio grounds that we have ever seen. Fol lowing tho procession camo a large number of our citizens in buggies and all together made an imposing ar ray of men who are sworn to protect tho families of members of tho order from want. Arriving at tho grounds, the day's program was carried out in full as follows: Music by braBB bands. Call in and get a Golden Gem. LOST McGinty to the bottom of the sea, But the Buckeye Harness Shop is still on top nnd will give a ticket to the Webster County Fair with every $5 worth purchased at his store at one time. J. O. BUTLER, Prop, Singing Opening Ode Workmen. I'rnyor by ueo. V. reiser. Singing Duett Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Ely. H. Evans, Gillespie. Address of Weloome Rev. E. L. To the pampers ! H. C. SCOTT, Invite tho Fanners or Webster and adjacent counties to Ills large and varied stock of AgriculturalGoods Such as Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows, Harrows, Mowing Machines. &c. See him before buying for bargains. Tho following aro tho jurors for the noxt term of tho Distriot Court: D. F. Mizer, Frank lrtairo, A. H. Ivaloy, 0. W. Lindgrcn, Elmer Mousor W. Holsworlh, II. A. Stevens, Frank Dickerson, Thos. Rlankinbakur, August HiiKchaw, James Mattocks, C. V. Evans, 0. R. Pitnoy, B. F. Wood hoad, John Coon, Pctor Conovor, Chas. Putman, Clin?. Drown, R T Payno, I. Frisbic, Ed. Metoalf, James Patterson, John 0. Riloy and J. B. Stansor. The White Hume gfubics, The American pcoplo aro always inter ested lu unything thnt pertains to the Whito Houbo. We nro reliably informed thnt tho stables contain a full assort ment ot different drugs and modioines nnd thoy nU (so tho head groom says) keep a bottle ot nailer's Barb Wire Lin iment. which is the most successful lini ment they over used. For sale by 0. L. Cotting. Singing Weloome song. Response to welcome L, Wymore. Singing Quartette Mrs. Briggs, Mist Emigh, (Jotting nnd Albright. DINNER. Music By Brass Band. Mnsio Male Quartette. Toast The Qoair W. P. Buok, Super ior, Nebr. Mnsio Trio Qilospie and family. Toast The degree of honor Mrs. 21. Ludi. Mnsio Duet Flow Gently Deva Mrs. Briggs and Albright Toast Our Beneficiaries H.I. Weth eroll. Musio Male Quartette. Address Ron. 3. G. Tate. Mnsio Gilespie and family. Elocton of Annual picnio officers. Bingmg -uoa be wltb you till we meot ugain." Miss Josio Igou Organist. Tho program was one of great in terest and the spoech of Grand Mas ter Tato was listened to with oloso at tention. Ho is a fine talker, has splendid command of languagj and always interests his hearers. The musio by Mrs. Briggs, Miss Emigh, and Messrs Cotting and Albright was splendid. The 'band musio was also highly appreciated. P.ov. E. L. Ely's address of wol come whs delivered in his usual happy way. In fact, tho wholo affair was a grand succoss and will be remembered by all. At tho close of the services the Workmon assembled and elected tho following officers: Presidont W. T. Austin, Franklin. Secretary N. J. Ludi, Ropublican City. Committo to fix date of next Pie nic Uov. E. L. Ely. No CO; W. P. Fulton, No. 241: A. H. Kline, No. 211; D. Wagoner, No. 160; B. 0. Snow, No' 2U; N. J. Ludi No. 120; W. bi. JSwing, JNo. 114; H. E. Bow man, No, 79; Mr. Everhart. No. 74: L. Uumplo, No. 50; J. W, Robinson, 1N0. 41); 11. iM. McUlure, Wo. 204; C. Latham, No, 248. After election, tho committee met and decided to invito other lodges to participate and appointed a meeting at Kcd L'loud tho urst Wednesday in October to dooido upon the dato and place of next pionio. Evcryono was well pleased with the pionio and will look forward with pleasure to tho next ooe. . Disease never successfully attacks a system wun pure uiooa. ue Witt's oar sapnrilla makes pure, new blood and en riches the old. U. L Ootting. The Girl of the Fatare. Now, John, it I say "yes" it's on one condition wen you promise 7 Yon bad better say yes well, it's that you will get mo a bottle ot nailer's Pain Faralyier. Why ? Because it's the beat thing for headache and rheumatism I ever heard of, and thon it's bo nice for babies when they have the colio and diarrhea. For sale by 0. L. Cotting. On receipt of four cents to pay post nge, the Mailer's Proprietary Co., Blair, Nob., will send a aet ot handsome cards and a sample bos of their celebrated Australian salve, free. 60 TO THE (JMty $akepy and Restaurant For tre h Bread Plea All kinds or cakes, candles, Nuts, cigars, and fresh Frulte, etc. Meals and Lunch all hours Boarding and Lodging. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. Med laud, Jos, Herburger, Prop. Nehranfca, Every One Should Know That the place to buy h n m mm mn IJ MAUIUIl Iron, Tinware, &c. --IS AT W. W. Wrii New Gooods and Prices. :ht's. Reasonable RED CLOUD TRANSFER LINE S. J, COZAD, Proprietor. All hauling intrusted to me will be promptly attended to. !5,eOO TO LOAN TO WORTHY STUDENTS. 52 fcVv-y ? No money required to receive an education at this college. The only condltlousof admlnslon are a good moral charactor and au ambition to secure an education. TliU college has lot aside 15,000 to be loaned during the present year to young people who wish to attend our school, but haye not the ready fund. All the time needed will be given In which to 'pay tho loan: and a student can tako a full course to graduation without a dollar to begin with . '.7 ' u"T T ?,AY AS VOV CO but " ,nl8 ,a Impossible you cannot afford to start 'me..WU?0at Aufcatlon ?hen ym havo " 0PPHuntty Hke this. Ten states represented In the attendance and fltty graduates last year. Board In private family 2.oo per week. We teach the Klectrlo Sliort-Halid which can be learned In (outline than other systems After you havo read the circulars of all other schools, sei.d for our catalogue and we will leave It t Tour Judgment which school In the wst ranks first lu standing. Address, mmtm A M. IIAROIS, Pres., Grund Island, Neb. Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. H. FORT, Marker. , A , A&raet$ of Furnished to all Lands in WebBter County, Accurately and VAA X. S JJt Hating had ten year experience In county records and ono of the most comnleta t of a tract book In the stato. we guarantee satisfaction. Yoi" favors solicited All orde filled promptly 10.000 dollar bond tiled "c'wa I nd approved. Address or call on L. II. FORT Manager, Rod Cloud, Nob. ?t if HWWMM -WttMWV. wwmmtmmvtnfw Sfsssssssamim&ssss I 1 ; 1 'l'Ti'rliWsiiilaMal mi im '&' '-' IP JhM,SmBSSSBBipSaBBSBBBSBSBBBM f .,,,. , " .J 4 1 J