esssswjasseffisraeESi StSKirtWVttWIBKWFnOTil i mill i i iniwwwiBwywp X WEDDING FEAST. 'Poisoning of tho Company Through Chicken Sulud or Coka. A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY AT SEA. Two llnittier ami the Cnolt Cousplra to Mui-iIit I'll p In In nnil CrcTT Htruurjo Milclilu ur iou. X. . Duiiii, l.ote-.Slrlt u lid In I.litiur. Dhtiioit, Mich., Aujf. 13. It has just become known Hint ninny of the guests who uttuiulctl the wedding Wednesday night of William (J. Winchester and Klvarotui K. rainier are still con lined to their beds us a result of eating chicken wilnd which contained a poin iiiious substance. It was at ilrst feared that sotiiu of tho cnseH would prove fa tal, but thu physicians in attendance now proclaim their patient out of dan ger. About fifty guests were prosout at tho wedding and almost all of them were moro or less nfTeetod. Nothing unusual was noticed until about two hours after supper when several guests complained of feeling ill and left for their homes. The symptoms wore vom iting and cramps and tho suffering of thojo alllictcd wus terrible. The bride and groom were among thoso affected. The couple left to take tho Clovoland boat on their wcddinir tour, but the bride became so ill on tho way I that they stopped at, tho homo of Mrs. Julia Henderson and were attended by Dr. Hastle. .Mr. Winchester was nlso taken ill, but not so seriously as were I Mrs. Henderson nnd members of her family who attended the wedding. Tho condition of tho bride was critical for a time, but she is now out of danger, al though so weak from spasms that sho Is still confined to her bed. Among others who were takon ill were Terry T.ilmcr, brother of tho bride, and Ills wife and son. A portion of the suspected r.alad bus been pre served for analysis. Dr. Dakiu has homo of It and a partial analysis has been made without result. It Is be lieved by some that the sugars ned for frosting the wedding cakes contained the poisonous Ingredients. A TIIIOKDV AT HIIA. Sam I'hancisco, Aug. 13. Tho brig Galileo arrived yesterday from Tahiti and the Marquesas islands, bringing par ticulars of the murder of the crew of old King I'omarcs' former yacht Nluti- loati and the subsequent capturo of the murderers. After King l'omare.s died ins yacht was sold and was loaded for n trading voyage among tho South Sea Islands. Cant. Castella was in command. The mate was a man named Uoedlque. Tho cargo supervisor wsls Willie Gibson and tho vessel's cook und the remaining four of tho crow were Kanakas. At Klngswell Islands Uoi'dlquu'h brother "was taken aboard und the brothers formed a plot to seize the vessel. Tho cook was Induced to put poison in the food of tho crew, thus disposing of them. While Capt. Castella and Gibson wcro sitting in the cabin eating dinner Mate Roedlquo aud his brother entered the room, two shots bounded and the captain and Gibson fell dead. After dinner the six bodies were thrown overboard and tho vessel put for the Marshall group. After trading for some time they returned to Klngswell islands and here the cook had a quarrel with the brothers over money matters and revenged himself by disclosing tho murder to tho Span ish authorities aud all three were taken to Tahiti for trial. At the time they seized the yacht thcro were sixty tons of coral, ouo ton of pearl shell and (.1,000 cash aboard. suicide or oi:x. dunk., Col., Aug. 13. Gen. N. Q. Dunn, who has spent the last few years in this city but who was formerly ono of the best known clubmen in New York city and Washington, committed suicide at 0 o'clock last night, almost blowing off tho top of his head with n revolver. Tho deed occurred at his boarding place, 10M Stout street Ills sulcldo seems to have been brought on becaubo of a love affair. Ho left several driveling lcttors, showing a disordered mind. All of them refer to home one addressed us Fannie. He also left a partly Illegible note from Jennie Litz, telling him that if lie ever had oc casion to kill himself "with this re volver" to think twico beforo so dojng. It is ascertained that the womau was Mrs. Fannie Harnes. Who she is or what her address is is not known. Ho was evidently infatuated with her. The AuiiroliliU und l'rluk. New Yoiik, Aug. 13. Superintendent llyrnes said this morning that ho know nothing regarding tho subject matter of tho report from Pittsburgh that an anarchist named Anron Stainm had left tho city a couple of days ugowlththo avowed intention of killing II. C. Frlok, the manager of tho Carnegie company. Ho lsid not seen tho Austrian vice consul nor heard from him concern ing any plot to kill Mr. Frlck. Ho added that no information had come to him from nny source regarding tho man Aaron Stainm. He places little faith In the story that such u person has gone to Pittsburgh to kill Mr. Frlck. Helen HoIiIIom llrowneil. IleitMK, Aug. 13, Seven soldiorswero drowned at Nelsse, In Prussian Silesia, while practicing In the military swim ming school. The men were ordered to go into tho water beyond their depth, tho preceptor supposing them to be suf ficiently practiced to bo nblo to swim. This proved not to be tho ease, und they Mink without making any sign that they were drowning. Tho fact that they were drowned was not biispeetcd for some moments, until thoy failed to come to the burface. It wus too late to save them. llltttm lly n Jlml WnlC London', Aug. 18. A dispatch to tho Standard says that twenty adults, three children and numerous animals wuro recently bitten by a mad wolf at Lodes:, Poland, and that all aro now raving mad and beyond recovery. Their bowl ings art; described as terrible iu the extreme. A QUACK IN AFRICA. lie Took Cuttin ns l'ecs nml Noon Acquired n TliiitKiiuit Anhnnla. A German ngent in tho southwest Af rican possessions of tlcrmany writes to headquarters in Ilerliu that confidence men and scamps have invaded oven that sparsely settled and half-savage region, lie (.ays that ayear ago a whlto man went wandering through the coun try carrying on bin back a hag filled with medical nostrums. Little atten tion was paid to him, but it wus found later that he know nothing whatever of medicine, and that his little plasters, wafer and drugs wcro worth no moro than ho much fetish. Ho heralded his coming everywhere, just as tho quack doctors do in this country, and the simple-minded natives Hocked to him from far and near to secure the benefits of his wonderful treatment. He rcmalnod only two or three weeks in a place, and then would seek other fields. lie took payment In iSattlo, and from place to place ho drovo his herd, which cost him nothing for food and kopt rapidly in creasing in tizc. Finally h reappeared on the coast with a herd of about ouo thousand six hundred cattle out of which lie had bunkoed tho natives. As ho had no medical skill and tho contents of the mysterious bag probably wcro not worth ten dollars, ho found the buslncM n paying one. Tho natives, after he had swindled them, niado up their minds as to his true character, and thu Herman agent writes that it probably would not bo safo now for nny itincrato dealer in medicine and cures to travel through the country: however honest and competent he might be. The agent bays, howuvcr, that thcro is a fine opening in southwest Africa for' some young practitioner who is hav ing hard work building up a practice in Germany. He names the town whero tho young man should settle, and snyi. I he is confident that a few years' pra tle among the natives thoro would en able him to return to Germany with a bnug little fortune. The agent will ex ercise great care to prevent any more quacks and humbugs from getting into , the country and giving tho natives an unfavorable impression of all white men. Chicago Times. AN ADEPT AT RESIGNING. Tho Accountant' Nini'I Method of Tah iti r n Vncatliiii. Living In a fashionable town within commuting distance of New York is a gentleman who invariably attracts at tention by his long hair. Strangers nlwavs conclude that he is nothlnt? less than a great lawyer or bank presl dent. Whun the nime curious ask hit fellow-townstnen about him they aro tolditho following story: Ono day the gentleman, who is one of tho best accountants in the metropolis, Btepped up to tho president of the bank by which he is employed nnd fyild ho had decided ,to resign' und' that the resignation must go into effect immedi ately. Tho president wns loth to lose bo valuable a man and urged him to recon sider the mutter. He talked with him for an hour but to no -purpose. The employe, whose skill ns a mathema tician was beyond anything ever- met with by the oillclals of the bank, wns bound to leave tho institution but absolutely refused to give nny reason for his doings. Thu accountant left that day and the bank was obliged to get along as best it could without him. Ten days later tho cashier was astonished on entering tho .bank to find tho accountant hard' lit, wprlc at his old desk. Tho mathematician said good morning, just ns ho had done every day for years before ho resigned, but offered no explanation. The president and enshier decided to let their strnnge-nctlng employe kee; at his work nnd nsk no questions. Three months later the accountant went into tho president's ofiico again nnd tendered his resignation. It wns accepted, and tho man was absent for a week or more. Then ho suddenly re turned. '1 Tho same thing was repeated again and again. Now it is a standing joke In that bank that thei accountant has resigned, it is his way of taking a vacation. Ho never stays away more than two weeks. N. Y. Commercial. Important Typewriter Decision. "Judge Lncombe, sitting in tho United States Circuit Court here, has, on the motion of the Remington Typewriter Company, granted an injunction against tho agents of the Franklin, restraining Iho salo of that machine pq account of Infringement of Remington patents. The decision is an important ono as it proves tho control of tho fundamental patents, and may affect other makers Df typewriters. Tho Remington peoplo havo heretofore been quite passive, but It is stated on good authority that they sre now likely, to proceed against all ather typewriter .manufacturing com panies. "In some cases purchasers of ma jhlncs which infringe Remington pat ents may alio be proceeded against for Infringement Until these cases ore definitely settled this action will deter many people from purchasing type writem which aro colorable imitations of the Remington. To save a fow dol lars a man does not want to buy a tmv ehino with n law suit, attachment, espe cially when tho other mauhlnn is the best." N, Y. Journalist, Juno IS. WU IN CAB AND OAR.. Tins railways of the world are worth quite a lot of money 0,000,000,000. An engine on the Central railroad of New Jersey has run a mile at the rate of 01.7 miles an hour. It Is estimated that 1400,000,000 gold f llrltlf.h capital has been invested in io railways of tho Argentine Republic. The distance between division points for changing engines has fccen increas ing in this country and somo roads are now running engines from 300 to 800 miles, where they used to run 100 miles or less NEW TEMPLAR OFFICERa Jtlilljo MrCiirity, nf MU-lilcnn, Clioion annul Mnatrr The Xoxt C'niu-lnvn to Ho Held at llo.tin. Dknvi.ii, Col., Aiur. 12. Judgo Hugh McCurdy, of Coruuiin, Mich., thirty third degree, right eminent deputy grind muster of tho grand encampment nnd past grand mas ter, past grand high priest, past eminent commander, past CSOr -,mofit Illustrious UT.'imi master oi inu us for $3-Mlehlgnn and A ,S.,,.Mieliignn anil An- & ' ..Itmt nml Ai.t.ftnt iil Rite was elected grand master of tho limn Mct'imv. Knights Templar of the flitted States this morning. In accepting the high honor to which ho was elected Judge McCurdy made an elaborate address of thanks and advico to tho Templars to press ever onward in the cause of good, adding something each year to the structure already com pleted. At the conclusion of Mr. McCurdy'n address a recess wns taken until 'i p. in. At the afternoon session of tho encamp ment other grand officers were appoint ed as follows: Deputy grand master, W. Larue Thomas, of Danville. Ky.; grand generalissimo, Reuben II. Lloyd, of San Francisco; grand captain-general, Hy 11. Stoddard, of Ilrynn, Tex.; grand senior warden, George 11. Moulton, of Chicago; grand junior witntaii, Rev. II. W. Rugg, of Providence, R. I.; grand treasurer, II. Wales Lines, of Merlden, Conn, (re-elected); grand recorder, W. It. Isaacs, of Richmond, Va. (re-elected). Tho remniiilng grand olllcers will bo appointed by the grand master at tho installation. It was decided to hold the twenty sixth triennial conclavo at Iloston. Ninety-six votes were vast for Iloston and seventy-eight for Cincinnati. Grand Commander Modish of Ohio made a grand fight for Cincinnati In op position to tho report of tho committee which favored Iloston. LIZZIE BORDEN ARRESTED. Cliui-f-rd Willi the Murder of Her 1'iillier ii'iil Sti'piiuillier. Fai.i. Rivkii, Mass., Aug. 12. Miss Lizzie Ronton Is under arrest charged with murdering tier fattier and step mother last Thursday week. Accompanied by her sister and Mrs. llrigham hho was brought Into thu Sec ond district court room about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, presumably to give further evidence at tho Inquest As was the caso before, nil the proceedings were behind locked doors. When Miss Lizzie returned from tho third inquiry sho wns a phy sical and mental wreck and was con ducted to tho matron's room. The in vestigation wns adjourned nbout 4 o'clock. District Attorney Kuowlton and other ottlcers went to the marshal's private office, whero they remained closeted for two hours. The reason for first suspecting Llzzio of thu crime Is that she and tier step mother have not been on good terms for several years, in fact, it Is said that btio refused to eat at tho same table with Mrs. Itorden or speak to her. Money matters aro said to havo caused tho trouble. Lizzie and tier fattier had bcvoral heated discussions on these matters. The woman, who Is 32 years old, Is haughty and domineering with tho will of he." fnthcr and bound to contest for her rights. Sho Is of a rcpellant dispo sition, and nfteran unsuccessful passage with tier fattier would become sulky and refuse to speak to lilm for clays at a time. Sho moved in ttio best of society in Fall River and was a member of tho Cougregational church and Isa brilliant conversationalist. She thought sho ought to entertain us others did. Her father's constant refusal to allow her to entertain lavishly angered her. Sineo tho murders alt these tilings havo lieen brought up against her and her final arrest is tho outcomo of tho v.-holo matter. JAILED FOR LIFE. Arrlvul of King at Nuxlivlllr, Tenn.-Tlit Aiuttuor llullied. Nabhvim.k, Tenn., Aug. 12. Col. If. Clay King, tho Memphis murderer, ar rived hero in charge of Sheriff McLcn don and was at once conveyed to tho state prison, where lie was quickly fitted out in a convict suit He was accompanied by Ills wife und daughter, who wero greatly affected. King as sumed a defiant attitude und to Sheriff McLendon ho said ho would sec Gov. Huchunan in before tio would ask him for a pardon. Soon after spiriting tho prisoner away from Memphis Sheriff McLendon was informed by wire that four men, nrgicd witli Winchesters, would over take him at MuKonzie, Tenn., and hang King. Ho immediately changed his route nnd came to Nashville via Norton vllle, Ky. At MeKcnzIo the avengers ovenooic mo tram on wuieii King was supposed to be, but ho was not there und they returned to Memphis. (Irrelimn to Itoom Wenver. 8. Louis, Aug. 12. Tho national people's party headquarters to-day wore crowded with enthusiastic work ers, all of whom wcro jubilant over a telegram received, and its contents verified by a letter, that Judge Grcsham had concluded to tako the stump in the interest of the third party, and would make his opening speech at Indianap olis tho latter part of this month. Bniith DHkotu'a lllfr Wheat t ro'p. Sioux Fai.t 8. D., Aug. IB. The fig ures on Soutli Dakota's prospective wtieat yiotd given out by competent men ore simply ustonlshlug, ranging from 50,000,000 to 00,000,000 bushels of wheat, besides immense quantities of other grains. Dog Mury. Houston, Tex., Aug. 12. -Somo time ago David Ruxtcr, of Wharton, lost a valuable limiting dog. The dog had on a collar with Ilaxtcr's nnmo on a plate. Tuesday Haxter killed an eighteen-foot alligator and found thu cottar, but not the dog, in tho reptile's stomach. w w H REMARKABLE OPERATIONS. l'enta of Nursery That Amount Allium! to Miracles. Of tho many results of tho rapid strides which science has made Is the remnrkabto skill which medical men have brought to bear upon difficult and dangerous surgical operations. It was not many years ago when It was thought Improper to attempt opera tions upon tho tinman body, but tho steady onward march of human prog ress lias given surgeons such a knowl edge of tho human anatomy that they aro now enabled to perform feats which formerly would havo been credited to witchcraft and tho black art. At the annual meeting of tho Welsh branch of the ltrlttsh Medical associa tion, Dr. Damar Harrison gave an ac count of thu operation ho had per formed upon u boy, which ho claimed to lo unique. Tho boy had tlto misfortune to rut his wrist with ptato glass, which caused him to losu all sense of feeling In tho hand nnd was followed by complete paralysts. Tho lad's wrist was laid open, und It was found that a portion of tho nerve nbout two luetics In length was entirely destroyed. A young cat was obtained aud chloroformed, and Immediately after death tho surgeon cut a nerve out of tho hind leg. The ncrvo was then wrapped in u cloth soaked in warm carbolic lotion and afterwards connected with what re mained of the boy's nerve. Tho result wus most gratifying. Sensation re turned nnd tho boy was cured. An equally Interesting and success ful operation was performed upon a boy who had swallowed a fish hook. Ho tried to release It by pulling upon tho Hue, but It had become firmly attached In tho lower nnd back part of tho throat. A medical man was called In, and tie procured a pistol bullet and bored a hole through it It was then allowed to eltdo down over tho lino to the hook. Tho weight of the butlot dislodged the hook, which, sticking In tho lead and being protected by It, was safely removed. N. Y. Herald. It' (load l'ollili-i. TUniMsoy Gor.s to tin: Mountains. Ro do UiuUHunil of our Western puuple, who find a most dolluhUul vacation atuld their granite peaks, tliolr wild gorge, their prhuovnl forests, their ullvcry iaUoa uinl sparkling cascades. Ci.i'.vei.and (Ions to Tin: RrjAdmr. So do thoanaudn of our Western people, who revel in tho nalt air and thn briny bath, la the sandy lioiiohfg and rook-buuud coast, In tho fishing and tho s.illlug aud other charms of the robing bob. Thoy first send to O. W. Rubles, O. P. : T. Agt, Chicago, for tho .1.'iiimn CVntniCi bountiful blrd'Hoyo map Summer Tourist Folder nnii then buv their thikets to tho St Lawrence, tho Adlroudaehs, tho Whlto mountains, tho Now England ..const, or whei over their choson resort muy bo, by the Michigan Central, "Tho Xlagaru Fulls ltouta." Tins man who wrote "All things coino to those who wait" never paused at a rulli oad rcstauraut for dinner. To Vob Up Serenely In tbo morning, feeling refrcohed, light hearted, sprightly an if you could sing a stuvo or two, for Instance, your digestion should bo good, your Uvorund bowels nil right, your nerves vigorous. These endow ments of the healthy arocouferrcd by Hob tetter's Stomnuli Hitters, which renews di gestion, establishes regularity of tho liver, bowels and kidneys, and averts malaria and rbcutuutlsm. WmtN a lono traveler comes to nn abyss it doesn't gratify hi in much to "fall in with a friend." Huston Courier. J. R. l'AMtEn, Fredonla, N. Y., snysi "Shall not call on you fur tho 1100 reward, for I believe Hall's Catarrh Cure will cure nny caso of catarrh. Was vory bad." Writo him for purticulura. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Tnr.r nro called racing tips becauso their natrons are eo easily upset by thorn. Washington Post. Good Health! Tho American Urowiug Co of St. Louis mako tho "A. II. U. Uoheraian llottled Ucer." .. m Hint "And why Is n ship called 'shot'" Ho "Ayo, um'uml becuuso tho rigging costs so much." Judge. Vuatszh next tho Bfcln often produces n rash, rcmovablo with Glenn's Sulphur Koaii. Hill's Hair nnd WbiBkor Dyu, Ui conts. Thoughts aro blossoms of tho mind and deeds aro tho fruits of desire, ScuiiVT and scorbutlo affections, pimples, and blotches nn tho skin aro caused by Im puro blood which liccchain's Pills euro. It Is ono thing to bo a dude and quite another thing to bo unothor duda Jury. Tns Ram's Horn Is published at Indian apolis, Indiana, util.&O per year. i. Tub summer girl has nut up with many a rain beau. lloabMter Post MARKET REPORTS. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 12. CATTLK-Hcst becvos 9 3 50 CH'M Stocucrs Nutlvo cowh Iioas-Good to choice heavy. WHKAT-No. 2 red No, Z hard CORN-No. 2 mixed OATS-No. 2 mlxod KVE-No. 2 2 W 1 W W 71 63 II to s w a 2 as 6 to J 7H& CO ft 3 W1 FLUUUPatcatt, per sack,. !U0 J2 20 Cfi2S 41 8 M 7 W it KM Fancy I K HAY Choice timothy 7 00 7 00 Kaucy prairie POULTltY-Bprlns chickens. UUTTEtt-Choloe creamery.. 12 16 uiiKKSK uu cream ii EQOS-Cbolce II FOTATOK3-New ii ST. LOUIS. CATTLE-Fotr natives 8 W Texnnx 80 HOQS-Heavy 5 to BHEEP-Fstr to choice i 00 FLOUR-Cholce 8 20 12 IIH (it 475 a 3 50 (A 5 00 a 625 a 4 to WHEAT-No. 2 red COKN-No.2 mixed OATS-No. 2 mixed HYE No. 8 UUTTEIt- Creamery LAKD Western steam I'OICK-New CHICAOO. CATTLE-Prlme to extra IlOas-Packlnit und shipping.. SIIEEP-Fstr to choice FLOUR-WlnUr wheat WHEAT-No. rtd COIIN-No.2 OATS-No. 2 KYK-No.2. liUTTEK Creamery lAKD initio l'OUK NEW YORK. CATTLE Native stoers HOGS Good to chulco FLOUR Oood to choice rtd CORN-Na 2 OATS Western mixed 73 a 7sx Hi 4i MS 61 ZO oj a is a 7 50 a 7 55 13 6JKQ13 75 475 6S5 600 4 0) 78 a 660 a 5 75 a 660 a 4 ao a 78 63a 53tt at at a 17 TOO 12 83 a Wi a goo 13 00 3 6) 6 40 4 0) a o 35 a 6 so 4 45 ot a tui, at a 41 IIUTTER Croainery. is a is FORK-Old mess ,.,. IU 23 all 75 man living, if you keep nt It, is nt to toll ujwn tho liver. Tho things to prevent thlsnvoDr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Tivtcoonoof tluto HUlo loluli for n eorrrctlvn or gcutlo laxnflvo threo for a catluirtio. They're tho wuatl est, cyulivt to UAu, plensanlest and most mil nral in Uio way they act. Thoy do permanent good. Consti pation, Indigestion, IUlkm Attacks, LUcIt or llllloua Headache, mid oil derangements if tho liver, stomach, and hovroLs are prevented, relieved, aud curod. They're guurtmtttd to glvo Mtis In ovory caw, or your uiouoy is faction retui ned. Tlio worat cases of Chronic On tnrrh in tlto I load, yield to Dr. Sato's Cntarrh Remedy. So cer tain is it that its iniikero offer $500 reward for nn iiicurnblo case. if -- v &' iv ca7 imm, M m have been consumed. All the other so-called washing com pounds arc followers and imitations of it. C a-i .4 reddlers and ronio unscrupulous crows will tell y " Uda is as good as OCIIU. or tho wmis as l'carline." IT'S FALSE PiUm U never jicddled, jj, t- 1 and If your nrofr sends you MiDsthlui; iu ijImo of l'cnrllno. Ia BaClg liontiW.7Ai. HO MfaB3 rVHt. New 1'nrfc lTINAllllTVyoiirmrrour. If uinl Iniulllo Bfl thr lirM vnlilt' lor youriiinun). Ixnim ttilv.i In iiui lniilvi.uillr iiur W. chiilnir V. I,. Uuuulnw elinrH, Mlilrk rt'prociit thu liCRl vnluo fur price tiikcd, ltiimauiU will icMIIY. JTTAKK Ml HUIIST1TUTC 3 THE BEST nny oUu-r iluv rlliiK (rnm .nlnni. lorUblo MM b(CkV3K3 " HuiBlk. icv mo u 1 nnnni aci eunco Puch ubutuilois nr rrauduUnt and aubjee toproMcu AO HJH W, L UUUULAa SnllbS. tlou by law for bUlntuc naaajr llDdar nlMpratruora, .. ii... itir piiid in joir mncr acau uirrri. ,u rnm .ihhiu aina, iMnaDlwivia wnntril. I'nainiie frrr. Will irlvt pxrlualvi- aatln in lion Hnalrra Mnd canral mrr ehnni wlirro I Imvo no avrma. Wrltn for Cutaloguc. V. 1.. Doailaa, Hvnckluu, lUaaa. THE POT INSULTED THE KETTLE BECAUSE THE COOK HAD NOT USED SAPOLIO GOOD COOKING DEMANDS CLEANLINESS. SAPOLIO SHOULD be FORGINC A-HEAD. Oar sales for tlio past week of "CnAitTwt Oik" Stoves and Kanqes have been unprecedented. Tho Char ter Oak has been forging ahead ovory day of tho forty years that It baa been on tho market. lloit itoti (laliri kf thtm. If jouri don not, writ dliKt to muuiictviri. EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO. T. LOUIS. MO. CtfMAtt Fricmi A remedvwbloh. If wiMl by Wives about to expo rienos I bo nakilul ordeal attendant upon ChUd-Mrtb, proves au InfalUlilo sped- no lor.aoaouriates Uia torture of con flnameM, loseenlns ikatmttrt Uianeof to both mother and child. Hold by all diugtlsui. Bentby 1 esMass on receipt 1 of iirlM, 1JW ir bottle, charees pra. ZJ Mid. BRAOriCID RKQULATOII CO.. ATUNTA. O. Ten eaa'tflndwbat yon want In your borne store. (ct uu the train and come to our mairunoth lirr lood Eeubllitiment. If yuacen'lcory. Uien eoa !r uinplee (no cliarjrs far ample), Bd order wal yea vaat by mall, w a-Mrantee tatt.uctlou. K KANSAS CITY. rsixt fail raria rwriMinM. NEEDLES, SHUTTLES. fa 'nrallHenlncllechtor, uwi uu (iMiiin ( inl r, be TrudA N uiiiillod. Hand for wholi'li price REPAIR6a lhVLiall.rJt.lUtJri3 earNaHS tun raria rwr r VnilUQ HEM lrn Telegraplir and n.illroad IUIiUM IHbRI Avent'ettulne.efiere,andeure good ltuatlon. Wilt J.I). HHUWN, bedalla, Ma. "ariuiu UUa suit m tw rest OOJQT.BE OtCtlVtO uin i vutri. i.nmnieYj. and Paints which i IfjHvlUMn J Hun tUoval'clUB: U BllUltnt,Odnr-l lYu.liurablft.niiit tlio coniumsr ; tor notla ii..i.hii Inln.M.t. iran. Bill tmr titt. or riom (i.iciao Ttun bjotj yunuKN, GU STARS ""MANDOLINS n.Min tn M0 upwucU. Ttut MAKOurTTf . ifuiltr4M fcjfltmArt, llMMIiutoa III Mspru THS AftlOM. kuiif if, n (Alia. THC LAKMIOR TUf CMlfttHUlTARV. 4tMVWr r.i.L .... u.- r::vT-j -T. t' All St ! a14 lanllf .. w M.t.nlAAl IM fkVI mt M ...xvwotAitiiqiiv, i wfiumf. nnnai,B. InilrtawnM la Trur hl tut nil M frV". Clan. BlaUvaMJkraMaluVl. 4ruU!iuutll.lU!rr. LYOM A HEALY, 04. Monsos St., CHICAGO. The "Eating" of Clothes the rottingf wid ruining of them won't show ripht away. Your new washing nowdcr may bo dangerous, but you'll have to wait a Ettle for its results. It to doing its work, though. After a while, your clothca go to pieces. all at once. Now isn't it better not to run any risk ? Isn't it better to trust to an article like Pearline, which has Hundreds of millions of packages L DQUGUS SHOE IgfmEMEH, SHOE IN THE WORLD FM THE MONEY. A nruiilnosrwral bor.Mif iritl rjk Ann clf, mnmliMi, noUi Iniktr. nIUU-. imuii iiiiiifruklctriUli nnil durable tbri over told M tbg pda& M4USU euttuu made thua M tots. Ci unilea Miurfl-soucd, flutUthnft, Th most stjlliu. P" iisudUuiulaikoievorsolAMUicMprios. TUoyequrJ line Impound tliutu cufjtig from f tV. CQ HI I'ollru Hhoe, worn hr Mnirrt (4 nil otliersnh ? wont a cuol liAavycuir, Uir ol4j, naston edgo ikue, tnty to walk In, cud vlll JurrJ!:otrTii4 warsa. C4 .10 Flap fllf, (V2.Ua ud II AVsrklstwn'i Dhor Paia will ilm var for tu sstsey tssa -7oijirma)(B. Tbty sro mad forarrvlco. The lacraajiog sals ahgw (bat woxa Inutcwi luire fouiul Uili opt. nfivCI 6a nut Viaha A.1B ! Bheos ar EiVF I O worn lyr W10 U71 eMcjVhut. TketuottserTlce- able iliori knlj at tUo wiot. LADIES' g&iffiifcnsS&fiMS Hit (?&lf. aji drirL and diiiftbln.. ?) si aual eutlom muli IH M ttvlllh. Kinv. sbooii ronton tnm SIMM, Udlo bowua totooaa ' tahc In Uilr footivrar aro ItnAtui Uils eul. CIA IITIUN'. Ilewaraor AaaUrssuhMllwUnKslioeawltlk. outW. U UaiiBlii'nama Add Ike prlcttainlii bottom. used in every KITCHEN. THE ONLY TRUE IRON TONIC TLte lurirr BtVOOn. resratatf diioTUer, build straBRtlT. rcuow IliEfl. remoro I.XVKH apuaiue, restore ueaitii anil Vlcoruf youth. .lvanniti. U4JMtloa. thaftlreif fetU lAaaJiiolnlaly eradicated. Hind brlcliloaed. brl power inoreaied. bonaa. mtrtu. mill. WW foferlnf frost complaints lie eta, reooivanew rorco. hHaWlaU cuuar tuincirsoK, uaujri(,Di ni 11 a safe, speed r cure. Iletur uu 011 cbtelj.baauUfloJ Cusanloalo It, Dad Sold oTerrwIierc. All (euulna roods bear "CreMouw" Bend naiceutaUtau for pampUet, DR. MARTER MCMOINI 00., St Uill, Ma. Tbe year Ufa h. been an ex cepUosatly proc prroo. one fvrall eeiloa of Uie lrtBeuUiwl. New I tlin lews to set a ketne tbere. Write to O. T. KleWon, a.l'.AT.A..A.T. H. F. It. IU To ptlcA, KasMi, or J. J. Byrne, Auu rait. TaR. Wir., Moaadnoak Jlid, Clilcago, for free pampbleu. EXCUKrSHS Low-rate Horas) Seeker' Kieafa sloe will be rat) from the Kett M point la Kansas CoUiradO, UUa, Oklaboma,IsdlB Trrllory, New Mexico, and Ti at. via Santa 7) IUule, on Auf.B aodSeptn.; Ae drew or call oa O.W.Hsgtibsea AKntA.T.aja, It. It. at KtmaeClt.W, Bwit Soulbwitt AUOUT30, and I k BKIT. 27. ' via sa;.ta fe ROUTE. NATIONAL Business College, Y. M. 0. A. BoilUie. Ktaus Olty, lie. A modern procreulre tralnius (Cboot Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphic AMU KNULUUI DrPAHTJiKNTS Elerant aparttneats and superior advantage Catalogue Free. Tobtphoue 03B. ewiuiiaTuii rarta.MtjiiMiMM nUiniftfl ATUCllaCfiU QUI V... ElMraat UniUrlOU HintllHtUITl-tiii KWbuuaiDn HrtimA Kdufa.tleaal wijrl;, demle andl'rpratorr Technlul Initriicl Kuilatu, 0hortband..ea Ubrary n Oyumuluiu, Addreu IU t. UiUII, ton. vine u-auutTUU yaiu .. luattwtite niirft RFniinFn I ha. tMaiuAailhliiiinMluahiii-hal !" nviiui inxt uoiBOOnTVii'i-u ir.Ti:r"tizi.r:rrr.rr"r7rs am - f V ,. utricii j ninqdonilBe) TNaUIITUia rAMAmrt llttttfM. ,. ,..i ... ....I,....- if Irtso's Iterocdy for Catarrh I the U Host, Easiest to Use. and Choupest, H I Bold by drucglstfl or sent by mall. H BOo, E. T. UaMlttae, warren, Va. A. N. K.-D. 140 8 TBJUf WaUTIMS hraXS T ABTKKTHBJU VUCAk) ye saw the) AfTertluasial U a) ? "V rrxz. -5w15tftl '' I ii t P m Y ' ir a a m rtl