-aaigfg MSSpSi IIJWU i - til -- . i - v- - SBk)& "" --T-si-irr ttt-p 'flXf'.-" J rry a m i.1 K w K t; h r , 4 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. By A. C. Hosmer. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, Aug. 19, 1892. - i Vol. 20. No. 4 GREAT SUMMER - CLEARING - SALE ! Do You Want a Bargain ? If so, Examine Figures Below. OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE LASTS 2 - WEEKS ONLY ! - 2 WE QUOTE A FEW BARGAINS BELOW : Our entire stock of shoes at Cost. Our entire stock of Black Organdes at Cost. Our entire stock of Black Sateens at Cost. Our entire stock Colored Sateens at Cost. Summer Jackets at cost, Ladies White Underwear at cost. Our entire stock of Summer clothing at cost. And many other articles too numerous to mention. We also have a few Bargains in the Grocery Line: 19 lbs. Gr. Sugar for $1; 5 packages of Coffee, 95c. Everything dse in the grocery line in proportion. Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs, corn and Oats. R, M. MARTIN 6c SON. Remember the place and call and see us. Moon Block, Red Cloud. Ho, There! 6. W. DOW Keeps a full line of- Sickles, Pitman Boxes, Knife Heads, Sections, Guards, Guard Plates, Rivets, for all kinds of Mewing Machines, $3T Old iron taken in exchange. Machines repaired in good shape. I have also a few kind of rake teeth on hand o. w, now. FLOUR and FEED. OSCAR PATMOR J Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. - Choice Flour & Feed, And sells it cheap. Get his prices before buying ) out flour. What is WfcWiMfJ Castoria la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil It Is Pleasant. Its guaranteo Is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers Oastorla destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Costorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wlud Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria It an excellent medicine for chll iron. Mothers hare repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children," Da. 0. 0. Osoood, Lowell.liaat. n Castcrla to tho bet remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope tho day U not for distant when mothera will oonalder tho real Interest of their children, and uaa Castoria in Ktcad of the various quack nostrums which aro destroying their lored ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents' down their throats, thereby eroding them to premature rjme." DB.J.F.KtHcncLOi, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children thai I recommend It as superior toaoypreseriptloa known to Be." , IL A. Aboti,bLD.. Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn.. T. M Oar pbysfoteu la the children olepart mest hare spoken highly of their eiperl esoe la their outside practice with Castoria, and Although we only have aajosg our medical supplies what Is known as regular product, yot wear free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look wttfc favor upon It." Uritxo notprxAJ. ixo Disrsruar, Boston, Haas. Alum a Smith, Pi., The Ceatsmr Cosjwaav, Tl Muni tenet, Maw Yek City. The Old goltllcr Racket. Tho following resolutions passed at tho meeting of allianoo editors at Hutchison, Kansas, rcocntly, lias raised a terriblo howl by tho allianoo press of tho state, and beon declared a "forgery," anotl.or "republican lio," etc. "Hksolved, That wo condemn tho organisation known as tho Grand Ar my of tho Ilcpublio, organised for tho purposo of'proying upon tho Uni ted States treasury, and thcroby flinching from tho pcoplo in tho form of pensjons, monoy not their duo. Wo also condem tho mombcrfdiip of said organization for pressing upon and demanding of tho pcoplo the right to hold office and bo rccognizod as an activo factor in tho politic of tho country. Tho right to voto wo do not question; but their right to dic tate or suggest poliliotl action nnd political party, wo ucnounoo, ana wo tho representatives of tho reform (al liance) press, do hereby plcdgo our selves to resist such presumption on tho part gonerally of tho ox-union soldier, but especially of tho Grand Army of tho Republic." But the Salina Sun has taken tho troublo ts investigate tho matter, and has run tho roport down. Wo givo tho result bolow. It wll now bo pro per for tho roform (?) press to givo the report of tho Sun's investigations. Will they do bo or will thoy oither de clare it anothor "republican forgery" or remain silout on tho subjot ? Wo will sec "It was to got at tho bottom faots that a gentleman of this city wont to Hutchison this week and after spend ing two days there returned jestorday bringing documents that proved con clusively tho truth of every assortion made. Tho resolution was heard by a numbor oi gontlcman of hiizh re pute in Hutchison, who wcro in the convention at tho timo of reading. Certificates from some of thorn assert ing the material statements aro in Salina and will be giyen to the public that they may bo tho judges. The resolution was taken in shorthand on tho margin ot a copy of the Hutchi son News as it carolesely lay on tho lap of a young man as he sat in tho invention and the printed copy was transcribed from it. This was some thing the members of tho convention did not count on, and so havo beon taken unawares. That copy of the Hutchison Nowa is likewiso in Salina and tho shorthand report was trans lated in our prenenoo yesterday by Mr. Smith, two district court steno graph! r, and Hon. T. F. Garter, both separately. Excopting perhaps an unimportant word it is identical with the resolution ai published." Cowlcs. Mrs. Wright was buried on Satur day 13th from tho M. E. church, which was crowded with mourners and sympathizing friends. Elder Putnam conducted tho funeral serv ieo. The sick children among us aro convalescent. It is pleasant to see tho loads of lumber going out from tbo yards of Fawcolt & Hildroth, for buildings in tho country. Thoso gentlemanly dealors have tastefully painted their offico, outside and insido, thoy have a largor stock ot lumber than tho yard has carried for two years past and aro now figuring on bills of lumber for a church nnd also for soyeral good dwellings, Thoy havo just told n largo bill to Mr. S. h, White of Ehu Greok for a nlee furtn house. On Monday, 15th wo wcro shookod by a disgraceful sorimmago between two of our newer citizens, who do not mm lb ft tfWKfd df Alt' law abiding habits of our peaceful poople. From words thoy went to knifing caoh other One did not quito hit tho other is the oyo, nor did tho other quite reaeh hit heart, and so thoy aro both all ye. Dr. Watts' oradlo hymn might be ap propriately quoted tu tho belllgorents. "You should norcr let your angry passions rise; your little hands were never made to tear caoh othori eyes." Tho thrcshcrmon aro gathering their harvest now. The wheat is ex. collont, but tho oats aro lighter tbas was expected. Mr. Ghapin's father, yorerable and gentlemanly, tu spending some weeks with him on tho farm noar town. Mrs. Isom will soon movo from among us to Guido Rook. Tho son-in-law and daughter of Sir Albright, aru to tench our publie school. Willow Creek. Again has our vicinity beon blessed with tomporaffco honor, this tine Miss Ethol Brubakcr won the gold modal at tho eontost hold at Guide Rook Saturday Aug. C. Ereryone who was there join in saying it was the best eontost spoaking they ever heard, socmod as if thoy all deserved s gold medal, Most every farmer is harvesting. S. G. Wildor returned from Ltnooln Saturday. Good corn weathor now, it is rather warm. 31. 0. Jackson threshed last IVodnosday. Miss Nottie Padon of Roynolda thle sla'o ono of Webster county's former tcaohors Is visiting this plaoe and L'owles tho home of her father. Thomas Crawley of Unioaville, Iowa, is stopping a while with A. 0. Bon whilo onroute to Chase eottatv whoro ho owns a half section of land. Will building Bruner, and Henry Brab a new host aksr are fsWASsK. Baa iJSiM&sV" bUsssswafV Ilracstt : ti .u l . '. -trv, . xuur, uiu, nonesc wiSRryv.Wsf thcroover anything moressssslsss ,'' ana puenio than this prolenged insia uating depredation of the silver dol lar, which has so largely formed the "stock in trade," of the free-eoinage obstructionists ? And this, whes all know that any dollar stamped as sack by the government is as "honejt dol lar." Whilo any sueh dollar will pay 100 cents of a debt and buy 100 cents worth of any commodity that is or solo in tho market, no matter whether silver, paper, or gold. The legal tondcr inscription makes the dol laragood dollar. Any dollar that will do this Is not good one, and nobody wants any suoh dollar. Tnere for;, all this loud pretense and hue and cry is tho moreit trash, bosh, and nothing more. When the law creates and puts in circulation legal' tender monoy, bo it silver or any thing else, that is good, honest mosey aud it is entitled to the conideaee and recognition of all honest men. This is a good law and good seir, pood othios, good politics and soRd polloy. National View. The B. & M. will sell round trip tickets for ono fare to Dcadwood and Hot Springs, 8. D. from Aug. 10 to 31 iuolusivo with transit limit of one day in caoh direction and final limit of thirty days from date of sale A special rate of 130.45 for the round trip has bean made from this point to Washington D, C, toeottnt annual encampment Grand Armv of tho Ropublio und Baltimore, Md., ac oount Annual Reunion Dupont Naval Veteran association. Tickets on sale Sept. 12 to 18 inclusive final rtttra limit Ootobor 12, 1892. Ai Ml, At "'"!?J. i-Mli-i 3,-is "" vigjfrnrassTi r mum -. .u ..??. , -rt i. wwm.-.-.itf. ."? V.-.fcJ vl