1 Ideational Department. ODDS AND ENDS D. M. HUNTER, Editor. This ii one of the most important j)onthi of the sohoot year. As many if the sohools of our oountry com- ence on the first Monday of Sep Imbtr, teefaers for thoso sohools will M eogeged this month, it is ncocs mry that the school board of each district tako into consideration the 1 needs of the school under their caro li ind to employ a teacher suited to do 'i their work for their particular d strict. ome districts ncca icaoucrs who have had csnsiderablo czperionoo in teaching, and who liavo cxcolicnt qualifications in respect to tho scholarship. One who has novor taught and de sires to teach will bo obliged to com h mence somewhere, It is necessary : that those who have not taught will ! find soho61s suited to their ability. If we would hero a sufficient number ' of experienced tnaohers and thoso well qualified to tcaoh to supply tho sohools of oar eounty, some of tho districts will lie obliged to pay bettor salaries, We have aome districts that pay their teaohers well, and wo have semo that begrudge ovon a small salary to one employed to teach their children. If do district in tho county would pay less than thirty dollars a month to any one for teaohing, and if all dis tricts were willing to pay moro than that amount a month to teachers worth more than that, there would bo trip y loft dh III W an inducement to experienced teaohors to come to our county from other counties and help along in tho edu cational work of tho county. Wc havo some experienced toachors, living in our own county, who do excellent work and are willing to improyo pro fessionally. A forty dollar teacher should be paid forty dollars a month, A thirty dollar teacher should be paid thirty dollars a month. A person who is not worth thirty dollars a month in a sebeolroosa should not bo employed at any price. It is much better to have threo oaths school taught in any district by a teacher worth fifty dollars a month than to have nipe months jihool tanght by a teacher worth twenty-five dollars a month, We have set the standing required for persons to obtain certificates in this eounty at a reasonable grade It is our purpose to hold to that standard and to grant no certificates to any ono who will not attain to that standard, unless it becomes necessary to do so in order that schools may bo supplied of inferior qualifications on aooount of low salaries. Every director that inquires for a teacher asks for one who can govern well, one who can teach well, and ono who has a good certificate; but wo are sorry to say that many are not willing to pay. what a teacher of the kind de sired is worth, and are unwilling to employ one of inferior ability or do so reluctantly. It is high time that teachers bo employed in all our sohools who can teaoh the common branohcB thorough- It would put an end to tho neces sity of parents boiog obliged to sond their ohildren to a boarding sohool for the purpose of obtaining suoh in struetions as should bo given thorn in the district Bohool. On account of low salaries, irregular attendance, and other evils tho pcoplo do not get tho benefit from tho public sohools that they ought to get. A few more subscriptions to tho North Western Journal rf Education aro noocssary in order that a few uioro books may bo added to tho onunty teachers' library. Every sohool boarl should subscriber for tho North West era Journal of Education. Wheat Bab ww alck. we gave tor Cutorl. When the wm a Child, she cried (or Castor la. When she became Mia, the clung to Castoria. Wfcta she bad Children, oho gave them Cattorle. Frank Gowdun has taken a Dcnvor. Mr. and Mrs, Frank flrowor Monday for Denver. Miss Outsell a missionary from China will speak in tho Baptist church noxt Sunday morning, Aug. 14, at tho usual hour. Charles Gates of Jewoll eounty, Kumiss, whs severely wounded on Monday. Tho accident was caused by a span of mules running away with a plow. Miss Dora Henderson Icit Monday morninc for tho eastern part of tho state whore she will visit Iriends and rolativcB for Bomo time. Our best wishes go with her. S. I. Umphenour of Red Cloud re turned Monday from a trip to eastern Missouri and westorn Kansas. Ho says the bost corn he has seen is in ho Republican Valloy, Remember the Adclphian Quar tetto of Doan College will sine in Red Cloud Monday night, Aug., 15. Do not miss this treat. We havo heard them, and known thoy aro fine. Mrs. W. II. Williams who has boon visiting Mrs. Fred Howard for a week or more, returned to her home in Wei lington, Ohio, last Friday. Mrs. Wit Ham's ziusband is epeoial inspector of tho Treasury Department of tho Uni ted States. Mrs. J. W. Smith died at her homo in Wyoming and was buried in Chase Co. Aug, I, 1892. She leaves 2 daughters and a husband. Mrs. Smith formerly resided in Red Cloud and she will be sadly missed by her many frionds. Tho Nebraska G. A. R. reunion will be hold in Grand Island, Aug., 29 to Sopt. 3 inclusive. Half fare ratos on all roads. The posters etate that Prof. W. T. Heddoo of Michi gan, the famous aeronaut, has enter ed into a oontraot to make at least two balloon ascensions and parachute desoonts during the reunion. HHkcHtiCM. or tho Liquor Habit Cared nt Homo In Teat Days by Administering Dr. Halnca' Golden Specific. It enn b iii von In n ilitoa of bcor. n oup of coffoo or ten or in food without the Knowledge or mo pmionu n m nu solutely harmloM nnd will effect u per manent and speedy sure, whether tho patient is a moderate drinker or nn nl eoholio wreck. It hns been (riven in thousands of cases, nnd in ovory Instnnco a correct ouro has followed. It nover falls. The system once impregnated with the apeomo, it becomes an uiur imiioHsi biHty for the liquor nppotito to ixlt Cures guaranteed. 48 pugo book of pur tleulnra free. Addresa tho Golden 8io olflo Co., 185 Rnco Btroot, Cincinnntl, O. Children , Pitcher's Castorlt HONEY SAVED IS MONET MAUL. Save ! to W) cmln on evr dollar you ud Write for onr mammoth Catalogue, C00-pK book.wmtalnlDRllluratlonandKlvliiRlow'it man ufacturers' prlcrs, Willi manufacturer' discounts of every kind of goods anil aiippllea manufactured and Imported Into tue United mate. Urocer ea, Iloueabold Uooda, Furniture, Clothing. Ladlea' andtianta Clothing and Furnfihltn; Uoudi, Ureal Uooda, While Good. Pry Uwida, llau, Cape, Boota 2i 3hoe. Ulovrn, Notion, UlaMware, S)UU!0ry,Watchee,Clocke, Jewelry, bllverware, Bttnrle. .whips, Agricultural Implements, ate. O.flJr FfKOT (?LA1B GOODS. Catalogue sent oa Kielpt of 26 eente for expreieage. We are the oly concern which telle at manufacturer' prices, allowing the buyer the eame discount tUt the fjuaafectarer five to the wholesale buyer. We gaarantM all goods as represented: If not fonnd So, mosey refunded. Goode aent by express or geVai, wiu pnTueg. o, KrEN cd!' Children Cry for Pitcher Caitorla. I. W. TULLEVS, 91 . D. IIuineoointlilc ftiyalclan, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Oniio opposite Vlrst National Ilnnk. U. H.KxamlnlnR burgeon. . lihmnlr diseases treated bv mall. tt. E. POND, Conveyancer, ileal L.sintn, Loiiim, IiiNiirancc, nnd Ten Ion Agent. UIIICi: OVMtSPOKEFIELDB stoiu:. Ilcd Cloud, Nebraska. I especially luylto you to call on me for nnything in my He who Wants Health Wants Everything! mode on Insurance IMQnlncy Street, Chicago, ill. WE WILL PAY salary of M to 150 per week to GOOD agenU to represent ua In every eounty, and sell our general line of Merchandlae at manufacturer' prlcea. Only raoea who wamt btbadv KMrioTMrKT hkd ArrLT. CaUlogue and particular tent on receipt laeceautor.xpre.a.ge. a ft CQ 129 Qulncy Street, Chicago, III mi lino. Lonns farm property nt 8 per cent. in the bcBt compnuies 1 nlso, AGENT FOR THE 8TARK UIIOS. (JELEBIIATED NURSERY STOCK. Call nnd seo me if yon deslro, shrubbery flowers or fruit stock . You will find prof itable to boo mo. II. E. POND. glSBBBBBBBIajpBBBBBBBM,. sHKt SbHt ii;PkHBBWklHHI!l?'-:: ' ...i-v.v.-.-.-' v ,.' There are millions of persons in this country who Buffer from chronic diseases or an affliction which incapacitates them from business, and frequently makes lifo a burden, nnorl marnliurl' Whv. I am sur prised; the doctors and neighbors have nil reported tnat your oeawt w uu ATniltiMl.n "Ah t vm! thT all aald I never could recover ana gave me up to uie wim ehronlo malaria, kidney and liver trouble. I have taken three bottles of uHepati- cure," earned 40 pounos ana am aounu nnu wen. jonsr. abbiboh, xwme, un. For sale by L. H. Deyo. It dull, splritleaa aad atupod: if your hlmvl in think- and altlMiah: if VOUr BDDd- tite isoaprioioua andunoertain, you need a Saraaparilla. For beat rest results use De Witt's. O.L. Dotting. G. A. R. Inter-stato Reunion, Su perior, Neb., Aug. 22-27. Agents within 200 miles of Superior may sell tiokets to that point at one fare for the round trip, tiokets to be sola Aug. 21-26 inclusive and limit for return to Aug. 29. Prevent chills, fever, malaria, loss of, time by sioknees. Take "Hepaticure," For sale by u. H. Deyo. Notice. To Hneber Riomer, non-rosidont de fendant: You nro hereby notified thrtt on the 22d day of July, 181)2, Adolph Rio mer filed his petition against yon in tho distrust court of Webster county, Nebras ka, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that on or about the 1st day of April, 1801, and continuously through the year of 1801, and in the year of 181)2, until the month of Maroh of said last named year, you were guilty of extreme cruelty to wards said tilaintiff. br refusing to cook for said plaintiff and refusing to do the necessary nouseworx anu in reiumng iu In anv manner aid said plaintiff in his en deavors to make a home for himself and family, and in leaving said plaintiff in the month of March, 1802, and going to Ger many where you have since resided with out the consent of this plaintiff. You are required to answer said potltion on or before the Oth day ox Heptemoer, 1802. AcoLrn Rishxb, Bv A. II. Bowatf. His Atty. 52-4t. """' Road Notice. To whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road oommenoing at a point 80 rods east of the south-wost oorner of section 34, town two, range ten in said Webster county, thence running north through section M and 'ii to a point ou rous east of the north-west corner of said section 27. Thence west ICO rods to a point 80 rods west of the south-east corner of section 21. Thence north through said section 21 and 10 to a point 80 rods west of the north-east corner of said section 10, except where said road strikes a swamp in section 10 and 21 then to devi ate and follow tho high land around tho west Side of said swamp, has reported in favor of locating and establishment thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must bo tiled in the County Clerk's oflloe on or before noon of the 28th day of September, lb'J2, or suoh road will be established without, reference there to ii. u. kanmey, D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Agent Red Cloud. Notice to Teachers. Notico is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teaohors oftho publio sohools of this county, at Red Cloud on tho third Saturday of eaoh month. Special examinations will be held on the Friday proceeding the 3d Sat urday of eaoh month. The Btanding required for 2d and 3d grade certificates is tho same no grade below 70 per cent., average 80 per eent; for first grado certificate no grade below 80 per cent., average 90 per rjont. in all branches required bv lftw D. M. Hunter, County 8upt. many of whom would place themselves under different treat ment if they were acquainted with the fact that a new treatment was in reach of them. Kemedial agents for many of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we oiler to tne afflicted one, on a business like basis, the managment of which we trust will be tempered by a moral and philan thropio principle. Ws practice the Bnnkerhoff treatment of all forms of BECTAL PI3EA3ES. We per- tenally ow a drtt of gratitude to the father an! founder of this system and not to pub- liihtcths world inch knowledge, would be to do mankind an Injustice. Thii Is the rsmsdy that thousands Mess, and one that I have seenwd at great expense, tried and tettsd before offering It to yon for your consideration and Investigation. Descriptive pamphlets tent free en application. Office consultation free. Names of parties who have seen cmrsfl cnesnnuy given on application. L. D. Denney, M. D., Red Cloud, Neb THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. WILL MAKE County Clerk. Do you want money, happiness, com fort and nleaaurat It so. keen youi health perfect by an occasional use oi "Hepaticure" the great Englisk blood, Kidney and liver tonic Jf or sale uy II. Deyo. Draylns;. Tho Red Cloud Dray Line havo fou good and heavy mule teams. Al hauling promptly attended to youi orders sohoited. Jo Barkmcy, tf Proprietor, "Late to bed and early to rise will shorten tho road to your home in thi Alee." Rut early to bed and a "Little Eariy Riser," the pill that makes life longer ana better ana wiser, u. u. Cottlng. Rev. Pulis of Red Cloud exchang ed pulpits with Rev. Palmer of Lin coln last Sunday. Take "Hepatioure"and prevent chill and fever rather than nauseous danger ous drugs to ouro them. For sale by Li H. Deyo. Hall! Hall! Hall! (I. E. Pond, will write Hail insur ance in ono of the best companies rep resented in tho west as cbeap as any. Children Cry for -itchcr'Catorla. S)wmwwwwwMMBB'al Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that under and by vlr loraceo tuo of au order of sale latued from t ho ( 0. H. Crone, cleric of the dlatrlct court of th tenth judicial district, wiuun and for weDate county. Nebraska, upon a decree In an actio Call on T. E. Penman, Jeweler and stioian for lino watch cleaning and Giring, artistic letter, emblem nnd oeratn engraving. A full lino of watches, clocks, iowclry, spootaolos, etc. always nn hand, Can tit any eye with the very best of spectacles. You will tnd, in Cotting's drug stor. We advise all oar readers to procure "Marshall's Manual of Health." This tmimhia. hook should be la every home. it In a meaterrjieoe of science. Sent free on applioatkm to Marshall Chemical Mfg. Co Kansas City, Mo., or Lawrence, Kan. For sale lU a Deyo, tenth Judicial district, within and for pemllrtK therein, wherein 1. H. McQuIra li llalntlff. and urainat Alonzo If. KreelOTfl. Ktti l'reclove. Cohu Iiroa. A Co., Faxton & Gal lacheri Sweet. Orr St Co.; Itealner bhoot Crockery Co.; Ktrkondall. Jones Co., defend ants, 1 snail offer for sale at publio vendue tc the hltfheat bidder for cash In band at the east door of the court nouse at Keq uiouu, in aruy Webtter county. Nebraska, that being the bulldiuK wherein the laat term of said court mis hoirteii on ttie d Day or Aucusi, A. D. 19, at one o'clock p. in. of aald day. the following described property towtti Ita throe audfour In block ono, In Vance's tint addition to the town of (luldo Itock, Webster Co., Nebraska. Ulven under my hand this 88th day of June, A. l. lew. Oao. B. Coon, Sheriff, JAMES MCNKNV, ntfl'S Atty. 4!K0d T The above ale was continued for 80 days for the want of bidders. It will be again offered for sale September 6, 1802, at 1 o'clock p. m. Ob. E. Coon, Sherif . BftVMawkawkM I BBSssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi BJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBJBJBJBH 1888 CHEAPER FARM LOANS. No Money Commission. I can writo jou a farm loan at a straight 7Jpor cent, with tho privilege of paying off any part of tho princi pal at any interest payment. J. H. Bailey. i i i i SINGER SEWING POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. H. FORT, Manager. Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT NOriOE. Having had ton year oxporlonco In county records nnd ono of tho most cnmpleto set of Al atract books In the stato, wo guarantee satisfaction. Yonr favors solicited All ordes filled promptly. 10,000 dollar bond tiled ( ud approved. Address or call on L. II. FORT Manager, Red Cloud, Nob. !..................'....""""."..... fpjpiap GEO. GUILFORD, Solo Agent for Webster County. lVonle uroposlnu to buy sewing machines hould not fall to see the CELEBRATED SINGER lie Finest Machine Made In The World. Every purchaser of a flue drawer Oak or Valuutcase receives free, a roertets button olo attachment. Don't buy until you seo the Inger improved Hewing Mncnme. ueo. uuuiuru, Apjuiia. Notice. llrlt- To John Arnold and Ilosctta Arnold: Vnn urn liAreb notified that James L ton did, on the d day of November. A. I). 1S80. purchase at publio tax aaio, of the treasurer of VebUr county. NebraHka, the following des cribed land-lot situated In Webster county, Ne braska, tewlt: 1 he north-west quarter of sec tion a. township 3. range in, west Cth n, m.. and taxed In tho joar I8ko in tho namo 01 joira Ar nold and was sold for tho taxes of aald yer nud ou aroiurtnor nounea muivne lime of redemption Will expire on 1 moan uayoi no vcmbor, ifficj, and that a tax deed will bo execu ted to tho Amerlcau Investment, com pany, assignee of said eertlllcute of pur chase, by tho treasurer or Wobstor county, Nebraska, unless redemption from said sale Is ruado 011 or b-foro said 3d day or Movember, I8ir-'. You will govern yourselves accordingly. Dated this 16th day of July. 18m3. amkiucan InvkhmkntCo., Assigneo. Dy o. 0. 'i'eel, Agent. SMt Warner & Warren, " THE TWO JO'S " Have opened a Real Estate Office, AND ABE BEADY TO SELL 70V Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stock or House hold Goods. Have some Bargains to offer to any who call at this office, 2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, irsStaUp RANDOLPH McNITT, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ed Cioud,Neb. oon Block. F. P. IIADLEY. Painter and Paper Hunger, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Friers ltessonnblo Satisfaction Qunrnntccd, Notice of Sale. in tho matter of the estate of James Laird, deceased. , Notico Is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of V. If. foeall, judn oftho dUtrlct court of Webstor county, made on tho asd day of Aortl. 1. for tho sale of the real estate herefnafter dcsl-rlbod, there will be sold at the court houso SSor. Ked Cloud, Neb., on tho 3d dsyof Bept. 18J ata o'clock p. m., at vubUe vendue to tno highest bidder for cash the fol towlntr deacrf bed real estausi Uu B. block 7 Md ?ou 6 and 7 lu block e village of Bod Cloud. Nebraska. "Sm ie will remain open one ''Datea Aug 10 1803. AdmlnlBtrai deeeaiea. .iamhD. Oaoi.. tor of tho Estate of Jues iira sBnsnsnMlBnMrf2iSM HsHafaSB HBBBBBBBB'BkSBr CBBSBBalBaHHpnjBbAXBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ SfttfMffMSJSJSUgKV Fire, Lightning and Tornado insurance A. H. GRAY, The Insurance Man, - Red Cloud, Neb. Will Insuro your property ngulnst Fire, Lightning, and Tornado Also, will insure your crops against, hail, He represents the best company on earth The old Continental of N. Y. CITY OFFICE-With J, H. Smith 1st door south of F & M bank. i fc r k V ir- ', . 1 ) -irJ, 'm R$ )awMM, -. to,, '... if. w t i rfc( ?fJBBW!'sssBSsHSEi . ."w,. A UTLTT TSSBBBflBWJBBBrZ - ' "